Holidays in Malaysia in the summer. Overview of the best resorts in Malaysia. Transport within the country

Malaysia is a hot and sunny country, over most of which an equatorial climate is established, and only in the northern part it is somewhat cooler. There is practically no division into high and low season in Malaysia, since for 365 days the weather here is quite warm and cloudless.

If you do not know when it is better to go to Malaysia, then there is no pronounced rainy season in the state. In the eastern part of the country, precipitation falls from November to February, and in the western part of the country twice a year: from October to November and from April to May. The coolest period of the year is December-February.

Climatic conditions in the country are subject to monsoons. If you are interested in when it is better to relax in Malaysia in order to avoid meeting with them, then in the southwest of the country they blow from April to October, in the east from October to February. However, the warmest month of the year is February and the cloudiest month is November.

Features of rest in Malaysia in winter

Winter is considered the coolest time of the year by local standards. However, the weather in Malaysia in winter does not fall below +23°C. Due to the calm and windless weather, cooling is not felt at all.

Holidays in Malaysia in winter can only be overshadowed by high humidity. With the advent of January, when the air temperature rises by several degrees, the humidity also rises to 80%. To protect yourself, it is better for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system to refuse a trip to this exotic country.

If you do not know when to go to Malaysia to get as many colorful and unforgettable emotions as possible, then visit this country in February. With the advent of this month, Chinese New Year is celebrated on a large scale throughout the state.

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Features of rest in Malaysia in the spring

Holidays in Malaysia in the spring may seem more comfortable due to the fact that the short rainy season is coming to an end and the air humidity drops. However, the weather in spring in Malaysia remains hot. The air temperature rises to +33°С, and the water warms up to +30°С.

In April, the rains come to the west coast. In May, the air temperature continues to rise. Arriving in Malaysia in the spring months, you can have a great time in the virgin jungle, as well as enjoy the architectural monuments of Buddhist, Muslim and Chinese peoples.

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Features of rest in Malaysia in the summer

Summer is the best time to fly to Malaysia to the islands. After short-term spring rains, their territory blossoms, filled with new colors and aromas.

If you are interested in the weather in Malaysia in the summer, then its ideal state is reached in July. With the advent of this month, there is neither wind nor rain in the country, and the air warms up to + 31 ° С.

In order for summer holidays in Malaysia to bring as many bright and unforgettable emotions as possible, your arrival here at this time should be combined with a flower parade. In August, tickets can be sold at reduced prices, as the air humidity rises to almost 100%.

For several years now, the white beaches of Malaysia have been attracting millions of tourists to this continental-island country like a magnet. Surrounded by the Strait of Malacca, the Andaman and South China Seas, the state differs from its neighbors in untouched nature, cleanliness and beautiful scenery. Which islands have the best beaches in Malaysia and when to fly in to catch the warmest rays of the sun? Details in this article.

Located in the waters of the Gulf of Thailand, the Perhentiana archipelago is located 19 km from the coast of Malacca. The Perhentian Islands are a protected area, densely covered with jungle and surrounded by rocky plateaus. For beautiful views, tourists and locals have to pay by giving up fishing, collecting shells and corals, since these activities are prohibited.

The season on Perhentians begins in April and lasts until the end of September. The average air temperature at this time reaches +30°C, water - +26°C.

The best beach in the entire archipelago is located on the island of Perhentian Kecil. It has a well-developed infrastructure, clean white sand and a large selection of entertainment. Here you can relax in one of the inexpensive restaurants, rent a boat for a walk on the sea or go diving and snorkeling. The beach has umbrellas and sun loungers (for a fee), there are several grocery stores.

The depth of the bay near the shore is small, the descent into the water is gentle and comfortable, so the beach is well suited for families with children. At 40 meters from the shore you can see the first fish and corals.

Advice! Most people on the beach in the early morning - at 8 o'clock they go snorkeling. If you want to relax in silence - get enough sleep and come to the sea at 9-10 in the morning.

Minuses: many boats near the shore, a popular place among excursion groups.

One of the most unusual beaches in Malaysia is located on the island of Perhentian Besar. It has clear turquoise water, fine white sand and many palm trees, but its main feature is that it is a "maternity hospital" for turtles - every year hundreds of small and cute reptiles are born here. It is almost impossible to see these animals on the shore (during egg laying, one part of the beach is closed, usually in January and July), but they, like hundreds of small fish, will not mind getting to know you at depth.

Turtle Beach Malaysia is a great place for a photo, as there are few people resting here. The period from 12 to 16 in the afternoon, when the sun makes the sea unusually azure, is the best time for those who want to supplement the family album with a picture like from a Bounty advertisement.

Important! You can only get to the beach by boat for 10 ringgit per person, so: 1) do not forget to agree with the owner of the boat about the time of departure home; 2) Please note that after 19:00 the fare doubles.

Flaws: the isolation of the beach, the lack of cafes, shops and other benefits of civilization.

Taaras, oh. Redang

Fans of beautiful sunsets, deep-sea diving and mysterious reefs come to rest on Redang. It is better to come in the period from early May to mid-September to avoid meeting with rain clouds and winds.

The best beach of Redang adorns the largest island of the same name in the archipelago, 7 km long and 6 km wide. Soft bottom, pleasant white sand, convenient entry into the water, developed infrastructure are not all the advantages of Taaras. Only residents of The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort have access to the beach, as there are no other hotels or houses for tourists in the area.

The Taaras Beach&Spa Resort

The water level varies during the day: before lunch you can dive directly from the shore, and after 15-16 hours you have to walk about 50 meters before the sea wets your knees (great for those who come to relax with children). The beach is equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas, the hotel has a bar with good drinks and several restaurants. Nearby there is a market with cheap fruits and cafes, but according to travelers, the quality of food there corresponds to the price level.

Minuses: inconvenient location.

Simpan, oh Redang

Another unusual Malaysian beach with white sand. It is conditionally divided into two parts: one is for turtles, the other is for travelers. Simpan is a wild beach, untouched by human hand. There are no cafes, shops, sunbeds and other things, but there are beautiful coral reefs at the bottom, crystal clear calm sea water and the enticing coolness of the dense jungle. The best place for snorkeling in all of Malaysia.

Tip: when relaxing on the beach, do not leave food unattended. Let there be no city thieves or a bunch of tourists, but cute monkeys and other inhabitants of the jungle will always be willing to eat something new.

Flaws: isolated beach without infrastructure.

Panuba Beach, about. Tioman

Tioman is an ideal place for a beach holiday, one of the ten most beautiful places in the world and the best island in Malaysia with snow-white beaches Tioman is located 56 km from the coast of the country. Only a few hundred indigenous people live here, serving thousands of tourists every month. Tioman is quite large (length 20 km and width 12 km), its entire territory is considered a protected area.

You can have a good rest on Tioman during the dry season - from May to September. During the rest of the year, it rains almost continuously and strong winds blow.

Life hack! If you want to buy alcohol or cigarettes at the lowest price in Malaysia, Tioman is the best place to do it. Here, in contrast to the continental part of the country, these goods are not subject to duties.

The small beach of Panuba, only 150 meters long, with crystal clear water and white fine sand, belongs to the Panuba Inn Resort of the same name. Due to its slightly remote location, Panuba is not considered very popular, so here you can enjoy a paradise holiday with the cry of birds, and not tourists and annoying sellers.

Panuba Inn Resort

On the ground floor of the hotel complex there is a good restaurant where hungry travelers are always welcome. The beach, although in a small amount, is equipped with sun loungers, there are no shops or souvenir shops. There are a lot of fish in the water at any depth - Panuba is great for snorkeling.

Important! Compared to other beaches in Malaysia, here the coldest water is +24°C, while the average temperature of the South China Sea is +27°C.

Minuses: can only be reached by boat at an additional cost, small beach.

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Juara, oh Tioman

The best place for travelers who dream of relaxing all day in peace and quiet. Juara is the second largest settlement on the island, but not very famous among vacationers. The beach is surrounded by dense jungle and mountains, immersed in greenery. There are many palms, stones and exotic animals here, at the beginning of winter and summer you can see small turtles. The beach is covered with white sand, but not very clean. There are several dozen sun loungers, ferries sail regularly.

Flaws: lack of infrastructure, pollution.

Remote at 200 km from the capital of Malaysia, the island of Pangkor with an area of ​​​​8 km2 often becomes an unattainable dream. Perhaps that is why here are the cleanest white beaches in the country, where you can relax away from the daily hustle and bustle. Much of Pangkor is covered in impenetrable jungle, and the only people are the few hundred locals who inhabit the fishing villages.

The weather on the island is calm throughout the year. Traditionally, Pangkor has two seasons - dry and wet, but in practice, even during the rainy season, the sky is rarely divided by precipitation. The average temperature during the day is +30°C, at night - from +20°C.

Coral Beach is one of the best places to relax in Malaysia on the beach. Clear turquoise water, perfectly white sand, clean coastline, free sun loungers, palm trees, a gentle entrance… have you already marked it on the map or continue describing its advantages? On the beach there is a cafe with chic freshly squeezed juices, an interesting monastery with Disney cartoon characters, hammocks, swings and other entertainment for travelers of all ages. The best place to meet hornbills.

Advice! If you want to relax on Coral Beach, come here on weekdays. On weekends, local residents with children gather here and excursion groups come.

Minuses: in some places the bottom is covered with shells and corals.

Tanjung Ru, about. Langkawi

Langkawi Island, one of the most popular resorts in Malaysia.

The local climate is divided into three parts:

  • The high season is the best time for a beach holiday. Lasts from November to March;
  • Medium - April-August. Recession in prices, short-term infrequent rains;
  • Low - September and October. During this period, the gray sky becomes especially generous with all kinds of precipitation.

Two kilometers of the purest white sand on Tanjung Ru, a cool shade under tall palm trees, clear water and gorgeous views around - what else does an unpretentious tourist need. Tanjung Ru is considered a quiet place where you can take a break from the city noise, as many travelers do not find the strength to get to this beach.

Tanjung Ru is divided into two parts: on the one hand, the guests of the local hotels rest, on the other, the rest of the tourists. Unfortunately, due to this separation, half of the beach remains uncleaned and does not have a developed infrastructure. Cafes, shops, restaurants and spas are located in the closed part of Tanjung Ru next to sunbeds and umbrellas. Not the best place to stay with kids.

Flaws: several times a month, the undercurrent intensifies so much that swimming is prohibited; only the paid part of the beach is well looked after.


The first largest beach in Langkawi is very popular among tourists. It is never crowded here, but it is thanks to this that so many cafes, restaurants and shops have been built on Chenang. The water is very clean and transparent, but the beach itself, covered with fine white sand, is often polluted during the high season. The entry into the sea is gentle, there are practically no waves, the depth increases gradually - you can safely relax with children. There are many entertainments: diving, parachuting, boat trips.

Minuses: a large number of people, often cars drive right along the beach.

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A sparsely populated beautiful beach with coarse white sand and one of the few places in Malaysia where you can jump on the waves. In the middle of Tengakh there is a small rock with free-roaming crabs and turtles. In the mornings and evenings there are strong tides that bring jellyfish and algae, so the best time to relax is from 11 to sunset.

Flaws: no infrastructure.

Now you know which Malaysian beaches are considered the best and where you can relax with small children. Take beautiful swimwear, masks and do not forget sunscreen. Have a good trip!

Malaysia is the brightest place on earth, which is appreciated by tourists from all over the world. Here, the most modern skyscrapers are adjacent to the beaches near Kuala Lumpur. This country is unusually rich in attractions and a huge amount of entertainment. And we, the inhabitants of the northern state, are attracted, of course, by luxurious beaches on warm sand. We will talk about them.

Pantai Kok

It is a beautiful bay, which is surrounded by dense jungle and picturesque limestone cliffs. In addition, this is a magnificent beach, which will be appreciated by lovers of a quiet and relaxing holiday. Near the coast there are small islands, which can be easily reached by pleasure boats. After enjoying a beach holiday, you can go for a walk, looking deep into the local jungle.

Here is the station of the famous cable car. Ride along it, you can find yourself on the highest point of Mount Mat Chinsang. It offers a gorgeous panoramic view that covers almost the entire Malaysia.

Blue Lagoon

Delightful natural beauty can be enjoyed at the Blue Lagoon Beach in Malaysia. This place is rightfully considered the most picturesque. The beach is located near Port Dickson.

Here you can find a full range of entertainment for tourists and just vacationers:

  • water skiing,
  • rowing,
  • windsurfing,
  • diving.

There are also hotels, service in them at the international level. It should be noted that the beautiful dense forests around the Laguna are especially impressive.


On the western side of the island is one of the most famous beaches, which stretches for as much as two kilometers. This is Chenang. There are a huge number of options for accommodation - from comfortable hotels to budget options.

The beach here is quiet and calm. Not far from it is a small island, which is connected to the beach by a sandy spit, perfect for snorkelling. At low tide it is very easy to reach on foot. And besides, on this beach is one of the most famous aquariums Underwater World.

Chenang is located relatively close to the airport and a quarter of a hundred kilometers from the capital of this island - Kuah.


On the south side of the aforementioned Chenang, it is easy to come across Tenga Beach. This is the best place for a quiet family vacation. Often the choice of newlyweds falls on this beach. Where, if not here, to spend the most wonderful time of family life - a honeymoon. There are many five-star hotels and cozy restaurants here.

And to enjoy the noisy entertainment program, it is better to go to Cenang, where bars and discos are open until late at night.

Tanjung Ru

One of Langkawi's favorite beaches for tourists. Its location is close to the "black sand" Pasir Hitam on the northernmost part of the island. This is an excellent place to stay with children. After all, besides the fact that this is a broadband beach, there is also good soil in the water. Near the beach, a number of small islands peep out of the sea.

It is easy to get to them on foot, but only at low tide. Of the local beach entertainment programs on Tanjung Rhu, renting kayaks is especially popular, on which tourists like to ride on the islands closest to the place of departure, dense thickets and to the famous attraction - the "Cave of Legends", which is hidden from the eyes of beachgoers behind the cape. On the beach itself you will find two luxury hotels with five stars.

On the territory of Kota Kinabalu there is the only beach on the mainland - Tanjung Aru, which offers its visitors very good conditions for entertainment and recreation. The purest water, pleasant white sand, saving the shade of coconut trees.

And what is most interesting is that all this is located in a 15-minute drive from the urban civilization. In addition, for those who wish to retire to the delightful islands, comfortable boats are offered to the world-famous Marine Park Abdul Rahman.

In addition, the beautiful resort of Shangri La is located on the beach, as well as a popular presentable yacht club.


It is the largest state in Malaysia by area. This is an island. The population here is small - only a couple of hundred people. In this state, the number of visitors prevails over the local population. This island is known all over the world. And it is rightfully considered one of the best beach islands on the planet. The ideal cleanliness of the beaches that civilization has not reached, the cleanliness of water areas with waterfalls became the determining reason that Tioman was included in the list of reserves. And in order to visit it, you need to pay a fee of 5 ringgit to its fund.

This is a wonderful place where time seems to stop, no noise and parties, like on some other beaches.

Tunku Abdul-Rahman and Lankayan

The smallest island in the Tunku Abdul-Rahman archipelago. However, in beauty this place is not inferior to other islands of Malaysia. Divers and just lovers of swimming underwater will appreciate the local coral reefs.

In addition, there are beaches that surprise with their cleanliness and sparsely populated. On this island you will not find housing, but here you can always find a lot of cafes and restaurants.

The small island of Lankayan in Malaysia can be called the most quiet and peaceful place. The clean sand is surrounded by dense, inviting jungle. At first glance, you can’t even tell that this is one of the most popular diving sites. But here a huge number of all kinds of marine life cannot but delight. Corals preserved from ancient times have become a haven for the active life of various fry.

In addition, here you can easily see with your own eyes the rarest amazing species of mollusks and octopuses. The island surprises with its seclusion and some remoteness, but those who rest here needed it.

Pasir Hitam

It is very popular in travel magazines, but opinions about it (about the fact that "this beach is the blackest beach in Malaysia") are largely exaggerated. This one stands out from other white sandy beaches of Langkawi in that the sand here is endowed with a dark silver tint. This happens due to the fault of the tides, leaving black particles of minerals on land, which naturally mix with sand. But this beach cannot be called truly black. Pasir Hitam has a small width - a maximum of two meters. Perfect for a solitary pastime.

penang island

It has the largest resort point in Malaysia. The small town of Batu Ferringhi is located on it, which in turn has one of the most famous beaches. The fabulously bewitching place attracts many. Everything is here for vacationers from water activities and nightlife to the most luxurious hotels and restaurants.

The beach is over two kilometers long. A sharp changeable slope allows you to comfortably swim in plenty, as the waves from the sea will not immediately be near the shore. Near the beach there is a Penanga park, which will allow every tourist to get acquainted with the local culture.

The beaches on the territory of Santubong occupy a leading position among all Sarawak beaches. The most popular of them can be called Damai. There are a number of respectable resorts here, for example, the Holiday Inn Damai Beach Resor. Rest on Damai will never make any guest bored. There are many types of water sports here. This includes surfing, canoeing, and even fishing in the real sea.

Malaysian Island Langkawi

It has long been known as one of the most popular holiday destinations. And even included in the top best beaches in Malaysia. On any of the beaches of this island, you can almost always meet our fellow countrymen. There is even a Russian bazaar here. Literally the entire circumference of this island is covered with a beach area. Each of them differs in the degree of habitation, service and various types of entertainment.

Many go on vacation, wanting to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of solitude. For such people, Sulu Island will definitely be an impressive find. It is located quite far from Kota Kinabalu, as a result, family picnics rarely get to these places.

And on weekdays, the beautiful beaches of Sulu, along with the dense jungle, will literally remain at your disposal.


It can be called one of the best places in the Marine Park for those who are actively interested in diving and snorkeling.

Picturesque coral reefs have become a haven for a huge number of sea creatures over the years. It is worth noting the beautiful beach with special barbecue areas, comfortable toilets and comfortable cabins where you can change clothes. There are no hotels and catering establishments in Sapi, so you should take this into account by taking drinks and the necessary food with you.


Terengganu Beach in Malaysia is famous for its sandy expanses, virgin corals and fishermen's villages. Tourists here, in addition to comfortable swimming in the clearest water, are especially impressed by a special type of turtle, which has acquired the name "leathery". Some representatives of these rare creatures reach 2.5 m in length. One can watch endlessly how turtles lay offspring on the shore.

The beaches of Malaysia are the place where you can retire with nature, enjoy the sun and the purest water.

As you can see, the choice of beaches in Malaysia is great. And everyone can find something attractive for themselves in this country.

Southeast Asia is one of the most popular destinations for Russian tourists. One of the countries that deserve the attention of fans to discover new continents is Malaysia. Unique natural beauties, the opportunity to touch the animal and plant world, a wide range of active pastime options, historical and cultural attractions and cozy beaches - all this is a vacation in Malaysia.

Located in Southeast Asia, Malaysia consists of two parts, delimited by the South China Sea. The western part is mainland, located on the Malay Peninsula, bordering Thailand and Singapore. East Malaysia is an island, occupies the northwestern part of the island of Borneo, where it directly neighbors Brunei and Indonesia.

Malaysia on the map

When choosing when to go to Malaysia, it is worth considering the climatic conditions of the region.

The climate in the country has features of monsoon and equatorial on the island of Kalimantan (Borneo) and in the south of the Malay Peninsula, in the rest of the country it is subequatorial.

For the flat territories of the country, the average temperature level is 26.5 degrees. At the same time, in the hottest months, the thermometer can rise to +32, while the coolest night temperature is 21 degrees.

Temperatures are lower in mountainous areas and become cooler as you climb.

As for precipitation, in Malaysia they are distributed throughout the year. It is worth considering that on the island of Kalimantan, the annual rainfall significantly exceeds the same indicator in the Western part.

The best time for a holiday in Malaysia is the spring-summer period, from early March to mid-September.

Late autumn (November) and winter months are characterized by high temperatures and high humidity, which significantly reduces the feeling of comfort.

How to get there

From Russia, the most convenient way to get to the place of rest is by plane.

The country has several airports with international status. Among them are the air harbors of Penang, Langkawi, Kalimantan, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching. The country's largest airport is located 50 km from the Malaysian capital, in the town of Sepang. From Kuala Lumpur Airport to the center of the capital can be reached by regular aeroexpress train (KLIA).

Kuala Lumpur International Airport

There are no direct flights to Malaysia from Russia.

The most relatively "economical" way to get from Kuala Lumpur are connecting flights, via Qatar or Bangkok, the price for 1 adult is from 306 euros.

In addition to air travel, Malaysia can be reached by sea or by land from neighboring countries. Thus, the country is connected by a network of highways with Singapore and Thailand. More than 4 dozen ports are equipped to receive water transport in the state.

Visa regime

Russian citizens traveling to Malaysia on vacation have the opportunity not to apply for a visa if the period of stay does not exceed 3 days. Otherwise, a visa must be issued in advance by contacting the Malaysian Embassy in.

Important rules for entering the country:

  1. The foreign passport must be valid for at least six months after the date of departure from Malaysia;
  2. The passenger must have an air ticket or itinerary receipt confirming the date of leaving the country;
  3. As a financial guarantee, Malaysian customs officers may require proof of sufficient funds, at least $500 in cash or on a bank card.

Major resorts and cities

The choice of a vacation spot directly depends on what the traveler wants to see and how to have fun in the country.

Kuala Lumpur

The best time for diving, spearfishing and fishing is the period from the 10th of February to the second decade of December.

Dive programs are designed for divers of different skill levels, including beginners.

Important! Prior permission is required to travel to the island. No more than 120 visitors can be on the island at the same time.


The island resort bears the title of the most romantic in the state. It is located in the Andaman Sea off the northwestern coast of the country.

The island is surrounded by a scattering of small areas of land, which guarantees picturesque views from the coastline. The beaches are covered with pure white sand. It is believed that it has healing properties for rheumatic manifestations and osteochondrosis.

The most interesting excursions:

  • Visiting the observation deck on Mount Penang, which can be reached by funicular;
  • Botanical garden of the island with a large species diversity and a beautiful waterfall;
  • Orchid garden;
  • Diamond factory;
  • Local water park;
  • Tropical Spice Garden;
  • Butterfly farm;
  • Tropical fruit farm on an area of ​​10 hectares.

Most of the island's hotels are concentrated in its northern part in the resort of Batu Ferringhi.

There are all conditions for an active pastime: dive centers, tennis and golf clubs, complexes for horseback riding and squash lovers work. You can try yourself in various water sports or take a ride on a rented yacht.

What you need to know about holidays in Malaysia

Transport within the country

  1. Air communication. In addition to international ones, the country has 16 local air ports. More than 20 domestic flights are made daily.
  2. Water transport. Most of the islands are connected by ferry. One of the leading carriers is Langkawi Ferry, you can see prices and tariffs.
  3. Railway transport. By train, you can ride all over the mainland of the country, the leading carrier is KTM. The fare depends on the direction, the class of the car, the choice of the upper or lower shelf. In addition to domestic destinations, trains run to neighboring countries, so a ticket from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore in a class 1 seated car will cost 65 ringgits.
  4. Bus service. It is the most popular form of public transport in the country. It is worth noting that comfortable air-conditioned buses operate on intercity routes, which cannot be said about cars plying inside settlements and in the suburbs. Tickets can be bought at bus stations or directly from the driver. For a tourist, such transport is inconvenient because they do not adhere to the schedule and stops occur spontaneously without an announcement, often the doors simply open on the go.
  5. Taxi. Such services are inexpensive in the country. All cars operating in cities are equipped with a meter, but it is the responsibility of the tourist to make sure that it is turned on. The fare is paid in cash. The cost of a 20-minute trip will be no more than 8 ringgits. At night, the price increases by 1.5-2 times. Intercity taxis often do not have a meter, which means you need to clearly stipulate the price before the departure of the car.

Taxi at Kota Kinabalu Airport

Car rent

Before deciding to rent a car, you should know:

  • The country has left-hand traffic, unusual for Russians;
  • In large cities, roads are overloaded, traffic jams are not uncommon;
  • Drivers do not often follow the rules of the road;
  • The quality of the roadway is decent only on the main roads, secondary roads are in a broken state.

In order to rent a car, you must:

  1. Be between the ages of 23-60;
  2. Have an international driver's license.

In addition to the cost of rental, a number of insurance payments and local taxes are paid.

It is preferable to rent a car from international car rental companies that have offices in major cities of the country.

Communication and Internet

A popular method of communication in Malaysia is public telephones installed everywhere. Payment is made by special cards, which are sold at gas stations, newsstands or in the Telecom network.

All the same Telecom is a monopolist in the supply of Internet traffic. Internet cafes are almost everywhere.


Malaysia's major cities and duty-free zones provide excellent conditions for shopping enthusiasts. A wide selection and reasonable prices (in duty-free territories) are an additional attraction factor.

As souvenirs you can bring:

  • Products made of silver, bronze or tin;
  • Wickerwork;
  • Silk, cotton fabrics, batik.

In the markets and stalls of local merchants, bargaining is appropriate, but in stores, as a rule, prices are fixed.


The local cuisine was formed under the influence of Malay, Chinese and Indian culinary traditions. The abundance of spices and herbs is a distinctive feature of local dishes.

Unleavened rice is the basis of Malay cuisine. It is boiled in broth, fried in combination with meat, vegetables or seafood, mixed with fruits, used to make chips and confectionery.

Popular dishes:

  • Nasi lemak - rice boiled in coconut milk, where nuts, vegetables, eggs and greens are added, the dish is decorated in a banana leaf;
  • Ketupat - rice cakes;
  • Cha kwai tyu - rice noodles with seafood;
  • Ekor is a spicy thick soup cooked on buffalo tails with the addition of a large amount of spices.

In the local cuisine, there is a significant prevalence of seafood and fish over meat.

Salted fish drying on the shore in a fishing village


Malaysia is a safe country for the most part. The only ones to watch out for are petty thieves and pickpockets. You need to be especially vigilant in crowded places. Do not carry documents and all the money with you.

It should be noted that recently there have been cases of fraud with bank cards. The main advice is not to pay with a card in small shops and shops. It is better to use "plastic" in large chains and hotels.


For those who do not plan to visit the Malaysian jungle, the vaccinations that Russians receive as part of the national vaccination calendar are enough.

Otherwise, if there is a desire to explore the impenetrable jungle, it is worth getting vaccinated against hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis B, meningitis and tuberculosis. Preventive therapy for malaria would be useful.

While in the country, it is important not to forget about general hygiene standards, keep your hands clean, do not use running water and unwashed fruits and vegetables, as well as fish without heat treatment.

Knowing the basic safety rules and choosing a place of rest in accordance with your interests is the key to an informative and eventful trip. Holidays in Malaysia are diverse and will be equally memorable for tourists with different expectations, budgets and travel goals.

And finally: 20 curious facts about Malaysia:

The state of Malaysia is located in that part of Southeast Asia, where large and small islands are just “a dime a dozen”, and a traveler who finds himself in these parts always has a huge choice of where to go this time. Some islands are famous for their stunning beaches, others are places of pilgrimage, others are ethno-cultural centers. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the rating of the 10 most-most.

Pulau Pangkor

This extraordinarily picturesque island in the east of the country is the goal of many lovers of deluxe holidays in Asia. Sandy beaches with fine and light sand are bordered by dense jungle, in which life boils day and night. Local hotels are ready to fulfill any whim of a guest, and when you come here, you might think that you are in some unusual paradise. Among the island's attractions, the most popular are Niphah Bay, Fu Lin Kong Chinese Temple and the Dutch Fort.

Pulau Capas

The name of the island can be translated as "cotton". Perhaps this name Pulau Capas received because of the color of the local sand - it is snow white! Mostly lovers of scuba diving and a measured beach holiday come here.


This island was once uninhabited, but inhabited by people at the request of the East India Trading Company, which wants to open its "representation" in the Asian region. Today, the island is considered the pearl of Malaysia. Here the nightlife is perhaps even richer and more varied than the daytime one. One “but”: you can swim only on neighboring islands, where all kinds of ferries and ships are carried. In the coastal zone Penang too exuberant underwater life.

Pulau Tenggol

More recently Tenggol was uninhabited, but the colorful marine life around its shores became a powerful incentive for the development of the island. Today you can relax in one of several small hotels and dive in one of 20 places convenient for starting an underwater journey.


A small island that looks like a footprint is located near the popular resort island of Borneo. For a long time, Malaysia argued for the right to possess it with Indonesia and the Philippines. Today Sipadan is a protected area where it is forbidden to live, but many diving fans come here, stopping at the neighboring island of Mabul.

Pulau Mabul

This small island is located near the southeast coast of Sabah and is recommended to vacationers as a place "with the largest concentration of underwater life" Mabul. Don't want to swim underwater in a wetsuit? Choose Mabul anyway - here you can lie down under a coconut palm, comfortably sipping Pina Colada through an ornate tube.


The island is one of the largest in the east of the country. And, like many of its neighbors on this list, it is an ideal place for diving and little suitable for living. Only a couple of decent hotels, but ... what attracts vacationers here? Perhaps the opportunity to go on a jungle raid and combine it with diving into the ocean. In general, an island for those who want to be a little in the shoes of Robinson Crusoe.

Pulau Tioman

This island has been included in the rankings of the most beautiful islands in the world more than once! In fact, it is one of the most developed tourist destinations in the entire country. There is any kind of entertainment here: from natural attractions to religious places, from nightclubs to fashionable resorts. Tioman surrounded by a ring of coral reefs, so no matter which resort you choose, you will find a place to go snorkeling anyway.


Imagine white, like flour, sand and bright blue, like spilled ink, water. This is the islands Perhentians. There are two main islands - Big and Small. What can you do here? All the same - relaxing on the beach, swimming and watching underwater life. The hotel base here is small, but there is always a cozy place for 10 days. A big plus of rest on this island is the comparative cheapness.


This archipelago of 99 islands in the Andaman Sea is the most popular holiday destination for Malaysians and visitors to the country. The islands are on the border with and represent a crossroads of many cultures. For example, restaurants Langkawi offer a real assortment of dishes of Indian, Thai, Malaysian, Chinese cuisine. The island is famous for its stunning beaches and a good aquarium.

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