Intended forum. Brown forum: zone of silence. – How is the preparation for the forum going?

The event was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation jointly with the Russia-South Korea Business Council and the Korean International Trade Association as part of the official visit to Russia of the President of the Republic of Korea Lee Myung-bak.

The business forum was opened by the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Evgeny Primakov.
"Our joint efforts are already bearing fruit," Yevgeny Primakov said. Mutual trade turnover this year may be a record; it is estimated to reach $20 billion.

Russian and South Korean businessmen have been cooperating effectively and for a long time in a number of key industries. This is undoubtedly cooperation in the energy sector. There are joint projects in Siberia and the Far East, which is very important, since it is the development of these regions that Russia attaches great importance to today. Serious joint work is underway in the transport sector. Here, first of all, we should name a promising project for connecting the railways of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for through traffic with access to the Trans-Siberian Railway. A very important issue is mutual investments, although their volume, Yevgeny Primakov noted, has so far been relatively small. But the situation is changing. We welcome the active entry into our market of such well-known companies as Hyundai, Samsung, Kia and other South Korean firms.

Addressing the participants of the business forum, the President of the Republic of Korea Lee Myung-bak declared that he intended, as the head of state, to pursue a bold investment policy.
The President presented the program of three new "silk roads" by analogy with the Great Silk Road, which connected the East and Europe in ancient times.

First, the railway "Silk Road". This is the organization of through railway traffic through the territories of South and North Korea with access to the Trans-Siberian Railway and, thus, the connection of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A huge transport corridor can halve the travel time (now by sea, goods from Europe, for example, to Japan or Korea are transported for about 40 days).
Secondly, the energy "silk road": Russia has resources that it wants to use more actively, Korea has the resources to extract and process these resources as efficiently as possible. We are talking, first of all, about the regions of Siberia and the Far East, where Russia needs strategic partners in order to raise these promising, but difficult to develop regions.
The third "silk road" is a "green revolution": joint work on nature protection, afforestation, protection of water resources with their simultaneous sparing use for the needs of the economy, development of highly efficient agriculture.
Of course, all these issues can be solved alone. But, the South Korean president noted, there is a Russian proverb: "One head is good, but two is better." Its Korean counterpart sounds like this: "Even a piece of paper is better to lift with two hands." In other words, the president is sure, cooperation is the most reliable way to success.

Two documents were signed at the forum: a Protocol of Intentions on the establishment of a Russian-Korean business dialogue between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Korean International Trade Association and the Federation of Korean Industrialists and a Declaration on the development of cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the field of assistance internationalization of Russian and Korean small and medium enterprises.

DUBAI, 13 Oct - PRIME Saudi Arabia's flagship business event of the year, the Future Investment Initiative Forum, will take place in Riyadh as scheduled on October 23-25, despite the refusal of a number of guests to attend, the Forum's spokesman said in a statement received on Saturday. RIA News.

A second Future Investment Initiative forum chaired by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud of Saudi Arabia has come into question following the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. A journalist critical of the Crown Prince's policies went missing after visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October.

"Future Investment Initiative is an event that brings together business leaders, innovators and investors to discuss the future of global investment. While we are disappointed by the lack of participation of some speakers and partners, we look forward to meeting thousands of speakers, moderators and guests from around the world in Riyadh from September 23 to 25," a representative of the forum organizers said.

Trump: US Delegation to decide 'very soon' on participation in FII in Saudi Arabia

A number of major companies, American TV companies and British media have already pulled out of a major forum amid reports of the possible murder of opposition Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul.

Khasukci, who works as a Washington Post columnist and has been living in the United States since 2017, disappeared in Turkey on October 2. According to the fiancée of the Saudi journalist, the consular staff invited Hashukji the day before to draw up documents, but she herself was not allowed into the building. After five hours of waiting, one of the consular officers told the girl that Khashoggi had already left and there was no need to wait for him anymore.

Saudi authorities say Khashoggi went missing after leaving the consulate, and the diplomatic mission is working with Turkish authorities to investigate the circumstances of his disappearance. However, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said that Saudi Arabia must prove its innocence in the disappearance of the journalist. According to Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy, Turkey has received permission from Saudi Arabia to inspect its consulate general in Istanbul in connection with Khashoggi's disappearance.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that Turkey told the United States that it had audio and video footage confirming the torture and death of a journalist. According to a newspaper source, the records confirm that after Khashoggi entered the consulate on October 2, he was killed and dismembered.

According to Izvestia, the youth camp "Seliger" is waiting for a serious rebranding. Starting this year, a transition is planned from the general format of the youth congress to specific topics in various areas. At the end of August, the forum "Seliger - the Territory of Meanings" is scheduled, where shifts will be led by young graduate students - historians, philosophers, political scientists, etc. They will conduct discussions with the participants of the event and answer the most important political questions. Rebranding is necessary so that Seliger and other youth camps do not turn into ordinary holiday camps, but carry a certain semantic load. If this innovation shows a positive result, then other youth camps that take place in the federal districts will also be transferred to the new format.

At the end of Seliger's work, after a 12-day break, the Seliger - Territory of Meanings forum will open, which will be held from August 22 to 29. 1.5 thousand young teachers will take part in the work of the forum shifts - graduate students and assistants of the departments of social sciences: historians, political scientists, philosophers, sociologists. One of the shifts is called the Knowledge Generation. As conceived by the organizers, the discussion will discuss the connection between the generations of the XX-XXI centuries, which are divided into four groups.

Generation X - people born in different countries from 1965 to 1982. Generation X children are traditionally referred to as Generation Z and less often as Generation Y.

Generation Y (millennium) - those born after 1981, who met the new millennium at a young age, characterized primarily by a deep involvement in digital technologies. In Russia, it includes the generation born in the new socio-political conditions, with the beginning of Gorbachev's perestroika, the collapse of the USSR. Generation Y is also related to the so-called "boomerang generation", or "Peter Pan generation", due to the fact that its representatives tend to delay the transition to adulthood for a longer period than their peers in previous generations, and also stay longer to live in the parental home.

Generation Z - Generation M, Net Generation, and Internet Generation - a term used in the West for a generation of people born between the early 1990s and the mid-2000s. What previous generations called "new technologies" or "technologies of the future" is already present for Generation Z. This is what, first of all, distinguishes them from generation Y, since the childhood of the second passed before the technological boom.

Generation Alpha demographer Mark McCrindle suggested in 2009 that Generation Z children, i.e. those born after 2000, would form the so-called Generation Alpha, which would be the first generation truly born in the 21st century.

Seliger's curators, the internal political bloc of the presidential administration, Rosmolodezh and others, came to the conclusion that the political course that Russia is following now needs to be explained to the new generation, especially since there is a demand for this among the youth, and in many universities there is a shortage of socio-political information and knowledge.

The presidential administration confirmed to Izvestia that youth camps, including Seliger, would acquire a specific socio-political focus. In fact, the given direction on Seliger can become a general correction vector for many summer camps, where shifts will be distributed by subject. Without a content component, such camps are in fact no different from summer holiday camps and boarding houses.

Professor Oksana Gaman-Golutvina, head of the Department of Comparative Political Science at MGIMO, President of the Russian Association of Political Science (RAPS), told Izvestiya that the association was one of the initiators of the rebranding of Seliger.

- In this regard, we are partners with the ISEPI Foundation, ONF and Rosmolodezh, with whom we work together. Rebranding implies a greater emphasis on the content component. Seliger's new format does not cancel active movement, sports, communication, but it seems to us that today's new generation of young people are more receptive than before to meaningful innovations, it is today that this is in demand, more than ever before, she says.

According to the President of the Russian Association of Political Science, in the current extremely difficult situation in world politics, it is necessary and desirable to discuss not only individual topics related to the positioning and development of youth, but in the youth environment there is a very high demand for competent information about complex, multi-aspect and non-linear political - economic processes at the global, national and regional levels, about new directions of Russian policy, about new opportunities for Russian leadership in the world.

Today it is obvious that the situation on the world stage is changing. There is a restructuring of the political and institutional framework at the global level, the political scientist continues. As an example, we can mention the emergence of new political institutions, primarily the G20, BRICS and EurAsEC - associations of countries that are characterized by effective rates and a significant quality of economic growth and influence. And in one, and in another association, Russia plays a very significant role.

A highlight was the last BRICS summit in Fortaleza, where the Development Bank and the pool of reserve currencies were created. This is a revolutionary event in the world. Russia is acquiring a new role and a fundamentally new scale of influence. Today's course of Russia marks a qualitative transformation of world politics, she emphasizes.

— There is great interest in these processes among the youth. Therefore, in our opinion, it is more expedient than before to invite students of social science specialties and, of course, bright, interesting, talented researchers, teachers of political science, philosophy, sociology, and international relations for the dialogue at the Seliger site. It is in the reboot of the content component that the most effective direction for rebranding Seliger is seen. This new format will be a milestone in initiating meaningful discussions among young people,” the head of the MGIMO Department of Comparative Political Science believes, adding that many experts in the socio-political field will undoubtedly take part in other youth camps. - Such a dialogue is mutually beneficial, because it is dialogue, including the dialogue of generations, that is the most effective way to mutual understanding, especially since dialogue with the new generation contributes to the understanding of complex political and economic processes. The Russian Association of Political Science is actively involved in the development of a meaningful program for Seliger.

Scheduled for today in St. Petersburg to gather representatives of parties that are considered neo-Nazi in Europe - a zone of silence.

TV channels - both federal and city are silent. Although, it would seem that holding such a gathering in the city, where the memory of the victims of the Nazi blockade is kept, should become “topic number one” and cause a storm of indignation.

The Governor Georgy Poltavchenko, whom I addressed with a colleague in the city parliament, Irina Komolova, is silent.

He cannot ban the forum, but he can at least say out loud that he is outraged. Until we hear. However, I keep hope.

The vast majority of politicians are silent (the protesting voices of Yabloko and a number of left-wing organizations remain the voices of one crying out in the desert).

The party in power did not utter a word. As well as its satellites - Zhirinovites, "SRs", communists (the latter, it would seem, they should be the first to sound the alarm - but they got water in their mouths).

On Saturday evening, anti-fascists and anarchists marched along the Nevsky with a banner “Nazis, get out of everywhere!”, Democratic and left-wing activists are going to picket the brown forum - but there is almost no sound or word about this in the media anywhere. Perhaps something will be said on Sunday.

Yes, the forum is held at the Holiday Inn hotel, which has private owners who decide for themselves who to provide the premises.

But practice shows that private traders feel the political situation very well. What the authorities will not like - and what is being done with their knowledge, or even under their auspices.

And because of the fact that a harmless meeting with Stanislav Belkovsky in St. Petersburg could not be held (none of the venues, even the one where they rented a hall and paid money, did not venture to agree), and the brown forum without the slightest problem takes place in one of the best hotels in St. Petersburg, it is hard not to draw definite conclusions.

The so-called "volunteers" from Russia are being escorted to the Donbass now quite openly - admonishing them with the wish to "beat the fascists". Which, judging by the general line, should be only in Ukraine.

There can't be them in St. Petersburg - just like their gatherings. And therefore, for the official media to show a brown forum (and give it the only possible assessment) means to destroy the propaganda concept about exclusively “Ukrainian fascism”. Isn't this the reason for the "zone of silence" that the highest order is not to notice the gathering of Euro-Nazis?

It is noteworthy what explanations are given to the specific list of invitees to the forum by its organizers from Motherland: they say that these parties are Russia's allies in Europe, support its course and advocate the lifting of sanctions.

But if Russia, with its current policy in Europe, has no other allies besides neo-Nazis, then maybe we need to urgently change our policy?

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