The coolest combat helicopter in the world. Helicopters of Russia and the World. Combat and civilian helicopters. Attack helicopter - Eurocopter Tiger

In this article, we will discuss the best combat helicopters in the world, make the TOP-10 of the most combat-ready, maneuverable and high-speed vehicles that have proven their superiority on the battlefield more than once.

A combat helicopter is an air combat unit with high firepower, the main tasks of which are to destroy ground targets, provide cover for ground forces and disable enemy armored vehicles.

Let's go back to our list.

Tenth place

Opening our "Best Helicopters in the World" list is China's first attack helicopter, the Z-10, which was adopted by the Chinese military in 2009.

The armament of this helicopter is a 30-mm machine gun mount, guided anti-tank missiles of the HJ-9 brand or the recently upgraded HJ-10. In addition to this, the helicopter is equipped with a block of aviation unguided missiles and a TU-90 rocket launcher, which is designed to destroy air targets.

The cabin of the machine is represented by two steps, in the first there is a shooter, in the second - a pilot.

ninth place

Continues our TOP-10 of the best helicopters in the world Mi-24, which is equipped with a cargo compartment, where eight Air Force fighters can easily fit.

The machine has high mobility, the flight is 335 km / h, which is achieved due to the unusual design of the wings.

The machine itself is universal, various military weapons can be installed on a helicopter, it all depends on the task.

The standard set of weapons is a machine-gun mobile installation of the GUV-1 brand with an A-12.7 machine gun (the number of rounds is 900 pieces), a NURS S-5 block with a set of NAR UB-32A and 4 ATGM 9M17, borrowed from the anti-tank installation "Falanga- M.

Eighth place

AH-2 Rooivalk confidently takes eighth place in the list of "The Best Helicopters in the World", translated from English the name means "red kestrel".

The maximum speed of the car is 278 km/h.

Weapons mounted on a combat vehicle:

  • F-2 gun, 700 rounds of ammunition, caliber 20 x 139 mm.
  • Mokopa ZT-6 air-to-ground missiles (8-16 pieces).
  • Air-to-air missiles: Mistral (4 pieces).
  • Unguided missiles FAr.

Seventh place

The American AH-1W, the so-called "Super Cobra", continues our top list of the best helicopters in the world.

Unlike classmates, the car has two engines, the power of which is 1285 kW. each, maximum - 282 km / h.

The gun mounted on the vehicle does not stand out in any way, a 20 mm cannon with a capacity of 750 rounds, air-to-ground and air-to-air. In addition to this, a complex of unguided missiles has been installed.

Sixth place

The T129 / A129 helicopter, jointly created by Italy and Turkey, occupied the sixth place in the list of "The best military helicopters in the world". It was the first combat vehicle completely created in Western Europe.

The maximum developed speed of the machine is 250 km / h, the installed Royal-Royce engine, the take-off power of which is 881 hp. with., developed by the Italian company "Agusta".

The machine guns that the helicopter is equipped with have a caliber of 2 x 7.62 or 12.7 mm.

Like all brothers, the machine is equipped with a complex of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles.

Fifth place

The next place is occupied by the American attack aircraft AH-1Z.

The machine has good controllability and occupies one of the first places in terms of accuracy of firing. The triple-barreled 20mm cannon is great for destroying ground targets.

Cannon containers have been added to the combat arsenal in addition to conventional guided and unguided rocket launchers. It is also possible to install 4 TOW ATGMs.

Number of engines - two, brand - AH-1S (-P) (Production). The power of one is 1285 kW.

The helicopter is in service with countries such as the United States, Iran, Thailand, Turkey, China.

Fourth place

Before the leaders of the list is an attack aircraft created by German-French engineers - Eurocopter Tiger.

It is in service with countries such as Germany, Spain, France and Australia.

In comparison with classmates, the car has better camouflage, and the noise emitted in motion is reduced to a minimum.

The engines installed on the attack aircraft have a power of 1303 liters. With. each, and the maximum flight speed is 278 km / h.

The gun is a cannon with a caliber of 30 mm, there are also 4 points for hanging rocket launchers of various types. In addition, the helicopter can be equipped with 12.7 mm machine guns, each magazine holds 250 rounds.

Third place

Opening the list of leaders "The best helicopters in the world" is the Russian development of the Mi-28-N, which was nicknamed "the devastator".

This model is an in-depth revision of the Mi-28 helicopter. The maneuverability and complexity of the air figures performed in flight makes the attack aircraft difficult to reach. For example, the so-called or Immelmann coup can be performed at a speed of 100 km / h.

All the most necessary and vital components are duplicated and located in different parts of the helicopter, which helps to ensure maximum survivability of the vehicle during combat operations.

The engine of the machine VK2500 has a capacity of 2200 liters. with., maximum speed 300 km / h.

The gun that the helicopter is equipped with has a caliber of 30 mm, and the helicopter is also equipped with a complex of guided missiles and air-to-air missiles.

Second place

Before you get to know the best helicopter in the world, let's discuss the car that is in second place.

AH-64 Apache - an American attack helicopter, during the conduct proved itself only from the best side. Its combat power is one of the best among helicopters of all time, this model is universal in its class.

In combat conditions, being in various weather conditions, the vehicle performed the most difficult combat missions.

The helicopter is equipped with 16 rocket launchers of various calibers and purposes. The machine gun has a caliber of 70 mm, which makes it easy to hit many lightly armored targets.

Engines have a capacity of 1890 liters. With. each, engine brand - AH-64A+/D .

First place

Ka-50/52 is the best Russian-made helicopter in the world. Received the nickname "Black Shark" because of its extraordinary speed of movement, menacing form, and the trump card of the car is its firepower, which is incomparable to any other helicopter in the world.

This model is a single-seat attack attack helicopter, in the creation of which a lot of effort has been invested. The main task of the designers was to develop the best speed and maneuverability, the size of the helicopter is the smallest in its class, thanks to which it has the highest level of camouflage and is able to quickly change its location.

The Ka-50/52 has a top speed of 310 km/h, which is an average of 20-30 km more than the rest of the machines on our list. Engine power is 2400 hp. s., its brand is TV3-117VMA.

The maximum mass of weapons that a helicopter can carry in one battle is two tons.

The gun is a cannon with a caliber of 30 mm, the pilot has the ability to quickly switch between high-explosive fragmentation and armor-piercing types of projectiles. You can also adjust the rate of fire from 350 to 550 rounds per minute. The helicopter is equipped with six pieces on each side.

Possible suspension missiles X-25 ("air-to-air") and R-73 ("air-to-air", homing).

To date, the Ka-50/52 remains the 100% leader among combat attack helicopters.


So the list of "The Best Helicopters in the World" has ended, but we can say with confidence that our rating includes the best helicopters that have been tested by time and have been used more than once in hostilities.

The military industry does not stand still, perhaps new, more modernized helicopters are in a hurry to replace the "veterans", but all the attack aircraft that were mentioned today have already left their mark on history.

Since July 1961, more than 17 thousand Mi-8 helicopters and its modifications have been produced. Due to its reliability, the machine is a welcome guest in more than 50 countries of the world, because it is able to cope with tasks in almost any conditions - from Africa to the Far North. The popularity of the Mi-8 is really justified: unpretentious, simple, versatile the helicopter is able to cope with the full range of tasks. Your place in top-10 the best helicopters peace Mi-8 deserved another personal unbeaten record - climbing to a height of 8100 meters in 13 minutes.

MI-26 - the largest

Created in 1977, the helicopter received the unkind nickname "Cow", although an "ant" would be more suitable for it, because with its take-off weight of 49,650 kg it is designed to be able to carry loads greater than their own weight. According to calculations, the helicopter was supposed to carry up to 80 fully equipped paratroopers. But the brave Soviet leadership did not give a damn about the calculations and loaded up to 150 people into the car. And the most paradoxical: "Cow" took off with such a full "belly". It was this record-breaking car in 1999 that was entrusted with transporting a 25-ton block of ice with a 23,000 year old mammoth from Siberia. During the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, these giants, overloaded with additional lead protection, on elongated external hangers (so as not to raise radiation dust) were engaged in installation work of unimaginable complexity in the fourth block. At the end of the operation, the helicopter pilots, with tears in their eyes, escorted all their “combat friends” to a burial place in the Exclusion Zone.

LOCKHEED AN-56 CHEYENNE - the fastest

Released in 1967 in the USA, this helicopter developed speed up to 393 km/h and was created to provide fire cover for the powerful fellow Chinook helicopter. Formally, the Cheyenne is not even a helicopter, since it has a push propeller in stock. And the super speed (according to some sources, more than 400 km / h) was due to the use of small wings, which allowed the rotorcraft not to lean forward and avoid excessive drag. It is a pity that the fate of this record holder of the top 10 helicopters in the world was short-lived: the incident with a detached blade that pierced the lantern and killed the pilot forced the military to withdraw the high-speed helicopter from the series. The hingeless propeller design was to blame for everything, but the warriors did not have time for debriefing - realities were running out of time.

BELL UH-1 - the most legendary

"Iroquois" - the iconic symbol of the Vietnam War UH-1, nicknamed "Huey", became a favorite not only of the US military, but of all movie lovers, because without this proud profile with a figure of a soldier, carelessly dangling his legs overboard, not a single decent Hollywood picture about the war can do. tenacious beautiful the helicopter was so successful that its series includes more than 16 thousand cars. Veterans fondly remember how the Huey became their home, a flying "warehouse" with provisions and a long-awaited transport for the evacuation of the wounded. During the hostilities, 3000 vehicles did not return to the base, but this helicopter was still recognized as successful, because the "hard worker" made so many sorties behind enemy lines that one loss accounted for 18 thousand sorties! And this despite the fact that the Huey was not even protected by armor.

KA-50 - the most maneuverable

"Black Shark" - the Soviet "Chamberlain's answer" to the latest developments of the American aviation industry, this 1982 helicopter did not have time to become legendary (now it has been replaced by an updated modification of the Ka-52), but managed to light up in the record holders. The coaxial propeller scheme allows the Black Shark to perform aerobatics, including "Dead Loop" and unique "Funnel": while maintaining aiming at the target, at 180 km / h the helicopter moves around it in side slip with a constant negative pitch angle up to 35 degrees, dodging enemy air defenses.

MI-24 - the most versatile

This heavily armed Rostov comrade, nicknamed "Crocodile", became a real nightmare for the opponents of the Soviets in the East: the Mujahideen fled in horror from the sound of "Shaitan-Arba". "Flying BMP" could land troops and independently provide him with fire cover. From a technical point of view, the Mi-24 is a hybrid of a helicopter and an airplane, because it has wings that provide it with at least a quarter of the lift. Armored Cold War Predator fought on three continents.

RAH-66 "COMANCHE" - the most secretive

In 1996, the Boeing / Sikorsky concern released this stealth into the sky. Flat outer surfaces of the fuselage, made using stealth technology, are partially made made of composite materials with special radio-absorbing coatings. All weapons of this reconnaissance and attack helicopter are also hidden inside. You should look at this miracle of technology at least once and ... forget it, because the military of the 21st century decided that drones would be better able to handle most of the Comanche functions, and after admiring as many as two prototypes of the car, they closed the project.

AN-54 "Apache" - the most sensational

The 1975 American Apache is the main attack helicopter of the US Army. This "important bird" began its triumphal procession with resonant operation "Desert Storm", and then continued it during the war in Iraq in the 2000s. The key to the success of the AN-64 is its camouflage capabilities (including sound), extreme accuracy (a modern radar of 120 selected targets identifies the 16 most dangerous and delivers an aimed strike) and the ability to conduct night combat due to excellent night vision equipment.

CH-47 CHINOOK - the most spectacular

In 1961 American Boeing released into the sky from industrial rails this "flying wagon", as the CH-47 was nicknamed behind the eyes. Huge 18-meter counter-rotating rotors eliminate the need for a tail rotor. The ferry range of the helicopter is such that it is quite capable of overcomingAtlantic Oceanfrom Brazil to Liberia. The heavyweight can carry a 105mm field gun, allowing the US Army to be more mobile in mountainous terrain and sudden weather changes. The Chinook's transport record is 147 people. The "Vagon" itself tried to stay away from the battle, because the clumsy helicopter needed fire cover. However, he coped with his transport mission with a bang: during the Vietnam War, the Chinooks evacuated equipment worth $ 3 billion.

BOEING A160 "HUMMINGBIRD" - the most "smart"

Modern drone The year 2002 made it possible, finally, to remove the weakest link from flights - the pilot. From now on, helicopters can fly faster, farther, climb higher (this "bird" flies 9000 meters). The Hummingbird controls independently, in accordance with the combat missions on the route. True, this helicopter is still only a prototype, but, according to experts, it is the future. Therefore, the Hummingbird gets its rightful place in the top 10 helicopters in the world.

Both well-known Western developments and rather unexpected Eastern and African combat helicopters were included in the list. There are also three Russian "iron birds" in the rating.

MIR 24 collected information about the main bladed "death machines", which to this day can be seen in reports from "hot spots" and at exhibitions of the best examples of military equipment.

10th place. Agusta A129 Mangusta

This Italian attack helicopter was the first fully developed and assembled in Western Europe. Its carrying capacity is 4.6 thousand kilograms, while it can reach speeds of up to 278 km / h. It is typically equipped with three 20mm Lockheed Martin cannons, as well as eight air-to-ground, air-to-air, and several dozen rockets. It is in service with the Italian and Turkish Air Forces.

9th place. Mi-24 "Crocodile"

8th place. CAIC WZ-10

Chinese helicopter developed on the basis of a Russian project. The crew in it is placed in tandem, which is not in any other combat vehicle. Used primarily as an anti-tank helicopter. Due to the relatively small carrying capacity, it can accelerate to 300 km / h, while the body of the "iron bird" is made using stealth technology. Armed with a 23 mm cannon, as well as air-to-ground, air-to-air missiles and unguided projectiles. It is in service with the Chinese Air Force.

Photo: 3GO*CHN-405/mjordan_6

7th place. AH-2

Attack helicopter developed in South Africa. Designed to destroy enemy manpower and equipment. It develops a speed of up to 300 km / h, while there are no seats for passengers, only a pilot and an operator of weapons systems get on board. Equipped with a 20 mm cannon, guided and unguided rockets. It is in service with the South African Air Force.

Photo: Danie van der Merwe

6th place. HAL LCH

5th place. Eurocopter Tiger

It was developed by a Franco-German consortium on the basis of three principles: "It should not be visible to enemies", "If it was seen, it should not be hit", "If it was hit, it must remain in the air." The combat vehicle is equipped with modern systems for reducing visibility, detecting and countering air defense and "survivability". The latter provides for massive armor. Equipped with a 30mm cannon, versatile rockets and 12.7mm machine guns as secondary weapons. It is in service with the armies of Australia, Spain, Germany and France.

Photo: DVIDSHUB - Flickr: French, US forces continue working side by side

4th place. Bell AH-1Z "Viper"

The US-designed attack helicopter has state-of-the-art main and tail rotors and avionics. It also works flawlessly in bad weather conditions and at night. Mainly used by the US Navy. In sea battles, speed is important, so the Viper is one of the fastest combat vehicles, reaching speeds of up to 410 km / h. Armed with a 20 mm triple-barreled cannon, a large number of air-to-ground missiles and other projectiles. It is also possible to install two additional guns.

Photo: Lance Cpl. Christopher O'Quin, USMC-U.S. marine corps photo

3rd place. Mi-28N Night Hunter

Another helicopter developed at the Mil plant. This is a maneuverable combat vehicle capable of performing many aerobatic maneuvers. Forward, it can fly at speeds up to 325 km/h, and its lateral speed is 100 km/h. The helicopter perfectly copes with tasks in any weather. Armed with a 30 mm cannon, several types of missiles, and can also carry small loads for setting minefields. It is in service with the Air Force of Algeria, Iraq and.

Photo: Yevgeny Volkov

2nd place. Ka-52 "Alligator"

"Alligator" - a heavily armed reconnaissance helicopter of a new generation. It develops a good speed of 330 km / h, but this combat vehicle does not need to fly fast. It has a target detection range of up to 300 km, and can also hit armored vehicles at a distance of 100 km. One of the most modern Russian aircraft is equipped with a 30 mm cannon and several diverse missiles. It is interesting that both the commander of the crew and the operator of weapons systems can control the helicopter.

Thousands of helicopters - from small ones, weighing several tens of kilograms, to multi-ton giants - regularly surf the expanses of the air ocean. A helicopter, unlike an airplane, does not need airfields, as it is able to take off, land vertically, move horizontally at different speeds and hang in the air in one place. Such properties of the helicopter make it a valuable, and in some cases, completely irreplaceable machine.

Helicopters carry passengers and cargo to remote villages that are located among forests or mountains, find shoals of fish in the sea, and help fight forest fires and floods. With their help, they successfully control field pests, carry out gravimetric and geophysical surveys of the terrain, check high-voltage power lines for serviceability, etc. In recent years, they have been systematically used as cranes at construction sites, when laying pipelines, and so on. Helicopters are an important part of the air force in many countries around the world. Scientists all over the world own the creation of the scientific theory of helicopters, without which it would be impossible to achieve such success in modern helicopter engineering.

Traditionally, the entire helicopter market is divided into two parts: civil and military. The civilian one, in turn, contains helicopters of government agencies and commercial companies that provide emergency assistance and public safety. Rapidly developing areas of the civil sector are transport helicopters with luxury cabins for flights of VIPs and helicopters for servicing offshore oil platforms.

The civilian spectrum of the market far exceeds the military one. However, in real monetary terms, according to experts, military helicopters account for more than 70 percent of the contract value of deliveries. The main reason for this is the widespread aging of past generations of military helicopters. Many countries of the world have approached the cyclical need for a global renewal of their helicopter fleets.

Russian helicopters

Despite all the crises, our helicopter industry is still developing, albeit not as fast as we would like, but, most importantly, there is a progressive trend. Helicopter sales volumes in well-known corporations of our country are constantly increasing. The introduction and implementation of many programs for the sale of new and modernization of existing aircraft continues successfully. For the effective development of the industry in the future, a constant increase in orders with state support is required.

Many holdings have a huge potential for development, since the domestic helicopter industry is one of the world's leaders. Many scientific and constructive solutions of Russian and Soviet designers are still used abroad. Our Mi-8, Mi-12 can be found in any camp. They have been incredibly popular for more than a dozen years.

Of course, far from everything has been achieved. We are facing serious challenges to reform the industry, which should entail financial and production performance. It is important that the Russian aircraft operator has the opportunity to buy the helicopter he needs. We need to expand our presence in the global helicopter market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to overcome the technical gap from the world's leading aviation corporations, primarily in terms of equipping the industry with modern equipment.

The reconstruction of the Russian helicopter industry is a problem that has been boiling over for a long time and needs to be solved. Follow-up activities in a modern market economy, while maintaining the structure of the planned system, are much more complicated, but still clear improvements are noticeable.

Helicopters of the world

Helicopter technology is operated in more than 190 countries. As already mentioned, it is used for both military and civilian purposes.

The current situation in the helicopter industry is based on production and demand, which is provided by customers-operators. The global helicopter market has formed three main classes of aircraft:

  • 1) heavy - more than 15 tons;
  • 2) medium - 5−15 tons;
  • 3) light - up to 5 tons.

But often a more detailed breakdown is used to classify the world park, and transitional models are also taken into account.

In recent years, there has been a rapid growth in the production and sale of helicopters. Over the past five years, more than 8,000 helicopters worth about $40 billion have been sold on the world market.

At the stage of creation and formation, the helicopter industry can be characterized by the following features: phasing and regional in its development. As you know, helicopters were widely used only in the 20th century. It should be noted 3 stages in development: formation, constant Soviet-American competition and the modern Euro-American stage.

As a result, today there are 4 regions for the creation and production of helicopters: European, American, Russia and the countries of the former USSR, India-China.

From its first appearance to the present day, the helicopter has been an integral part of the arsenal of both civilian and military services. This technique performs the transportation of goods, the rapid transportation of passengers, and also allows you to effectively destroy enemy ground targets. Today, combat helicopters occupy a strong position in almost all the armies of the world - as a reliable multi-functional weapon. In this article, we have described best combat helicopters in the world- Top 10.

1. AH-64D Apache Longbow

Specially designed for the needs of the United States Army, the AH-64D Apache Long Bow has become not only one of the best combat helicopters in the world, but also one of the most popular among them. Its combat power is amazing, and the range of capabilities is simply colossal. The AH-64D Apache Long Bow is equipped with advanced electronics and is capable of combat both day and night - with equal efficiency. In addition, this machine is able to perform tasks even in severe weather. An impressive missile ammunition (among which 16 guided missiles can be placed) and a powerful machine gun allow the helicopter to destroy ground targets and enemy manpower in an unprecedented way.

2. Ka-52 "Alligator"

The Ka-52 Alligator is considered the leader among all combat helicopters in the world. Even the legendary American AH-64D Apache Long Bow cannot boast of such maneuverability and combat strength. The first is achieved thanks to two screws located on the same axis, the second is due to advanced combat equipment and the ability to conduct combat at any time of the day and in any weather. The Ka-52 is capable of flying even in gale-force winds, and firing in thick fog or smoke. The Alligator's arsenal contains many first-class advanced technologies, some of which are unparalleled. The combination of all of the above allowed the Ka-52 Alligator helicopter to take a leading position in the world among other combat helicopters.

3.AH-1Z Viper

Another great American combat helicopter is the AH-1Z Viper. It was created on the basis of the Bell AH-1 Super Cobra: the development was carried out purposefully for the forces of the US Marines. This combat vehicle is equipped with advanced technologies and weapons, two turbocharged engines and is designed to conduct dense machine-gun and rocket fire on enemy targets and manpower. The pride of the AH-1Z Viper is its modernized sighting system, which allows for high accuracy of fire both with machine gun and rocket fire. In addition, part of the missiles of this helicopter are guided. It was accepted into service in the armed forces of the United States at the beginning of the 11th year.

4. Eurocopter Tiger

At the dawn of today's millennium, a European company (France, Germany) began developing a new powerful combat helicopter that could meet modern requirements for technology in this area. The result was more than successful - Eurocopter Tiger. This combat vehicle is in service with the manufacturing countries, as well as in Australia and Spain. Eurocopter Tiger was originally designed as a combat helicopter with high endurance and maximum stealth. The machine is equipped with a system for recognizing missiles launched into a helicopter. As weapons, there is a 30-millimeter machine gun, as well as 2 mounts for additional already loaded machine guns and 4 suspension points for missile systems (with guided and conventional missiles).

In the list of the Top 10 best combat helicopters in the world, the MI-28N, which is a modernized version of the MI-28, flaunts with dignity. Its development was carried out for a long 33 years (since 1980), after which this helicopter entered service with the army. According to the classification of NATO helicopters, the MI-28N received a second name, which translates as "devastator". This air vehicle boasts advanced weapons, excellent survivability, high speed performance and the ability to perform aerobatics. The helicopter is also capable of firing at any time of the day, in any weather, and also at incredibly low altitudes.

6. Agusta A129 Mangusta

The championship among combat helicopters, entirely developed in Western European countries, belongs to Agusta A129 Mangusta. It was invented by an Italian company. Today, this helicopter has another similar modification, which is produced by the Turkish side. With its weapons and technologies, however, as well as power, the Agusta A129 Mangusta is inferior to the helicopters listed above in this list. However, this did not prevent him from becoming one of the best both in Europe and around the world. This machine is also equipped with various types of rockets, but it has a slightly smaller caliber guns and machine guns.

7. Bell AH-1 Super Cobra

The Bell AH-1 Super Cobra is the same helicopter that became the progenitor of the AH-1Z Viper, which is no less in demand in the world. In turn, the first one was created on the basis of the Cobra with one engine. After being developed in the early 80s of the last century, the Bell AH-1 Super Cobra (now with two powerful engines) was adopted by the United States Marine Corps, where it is listed to this day. Among the weapons of this combat helicopter are guided and conventional missiles and bombs, a 20-millimeter cannon. This combat vehicle is capable of firing at both ground and air targets (including guided missiles).

8 Denel AH-2 Rooivalk

A real achievement for the armed forces of the Republic of South Africa was the high efficiency of their Denel AH-2 Rooivalk helicopter, which was recognized as one of the best in the world. But it is in service only in South Africa, and that is just 12 helicopters that have been modified from those that were used in this country earlier. They were not launched into mass production and were created in such quantities only to meet the corresponding combat needs of the state. Denel AH-2 Rooivalk, however, is capable of speeds of 309 km / h, which is the second indicator among all combat helicopters in the world (the first is the Mi-24). The armament is also not much inferior to its competitors - points of attachment for missile systems (with the possibility of equipping with guided missiles) and a 20-mm machine gun with a reserve of 700 rounds.

One of the best combat helicopters of all times and peoples is the Mi-24. He entered service with the Soviet army in the 71st year and is still used in many countries (especially in Russia). Its armament and equipment depends on the modification, each of which is designed for specific conditions. At the time of the appearance of the Mi-24, the United States designed a similar AH-24 Apache helicopter, but the Soviet one had an advantage - it could also carry 8 passengers on board. The Mi-24 can fire at ground and air targets at any time of the day and even in severe weather conditions, and also has a record speed among combat helicopters - 335 km/h.

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