What rivers are included in the Pacific basin. Russian rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean. Need help studying

All rivers flowing into can be described as relatively short, but fast-flowing. Both Amur and Anadyr originate and flow by a third among the mountains.

Amur river

The Amur flows along the border of Russia and China, partly across the territory. Thus, it passes through the territory of three. In each of the countries, the Amur has its own name, for example, the Chinese call it the “Dragon River”, and the “Black River”. The length of the Amur is two thousand eight hundred seventy-four kilometers (2874 km.), And the length of the entire basin is about four and a half thousand kilometers, from the mouth of the Shilka and Argun rivers. In terms of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Amur basin, it is in fourth place among Russian rivers, second only to, and, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Amur River basin is one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five square kilometers.

In the Russian Federation, the Amur flows through the territory of Primorsky Krai, Khabarovsk Krai, Amur Oblast, Chita Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, and Aginsky Autonomous Okrug. Amur is formed as a result of the connection of two rivers: Argun and Shilka. Argun originates in, more precisely on the western slope of the ridge. The length of the Argun from its source to the junction with Shilka is about one thousand six hundred kilometers. The source of the Shilka is located in the Chita region, before joining the Argun, the waters of the river pass over five hundred and fifty kilometers.

The confluence of the Ussuri River with the Amur. satellite view

The Amur has seven main tributaries: Zeya, Ussuri, Bureya, Sungari, Amgun, Anyui, Tunguska. Zeya is a right tributary of the Amur. The source is located high in the mountains belonging to the system. Ussuri- the right tributary of the Amur is less than nine hundred kilometers long. Bureya- the left tributary of the Amur, flows through the territory of the Amur Region and the Khabarovsk Territory, the length is approximately six hundred kilometers. Sungari - the largest right tributary of the Amur. It flows through China. Amgun- a large left tributary of the Amur, originates in the mountains of the Bureya Range. The length of the Amgun is a little over seven hundred kilometers. It flows through the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory, in conditions. Anyui- the right tributary of the Amur, the source is in the mountains of the Khabarovsk Territory. Tunguska- the left tributary of the Amur, eighty-six kilometers long, flows completely through the Khabarovsk Territory.

In the last two years, the ecological situation in the waters of the Amur has deteriorated significantly. In the winter of 2005, an accident occurred at a chemical plant located on the banks of the Songhua River in. The result of the incident was a powerful release of chemicals into the waters of the river, which is the largest tributary of the Amur, naturally, poisonous substances soon got into the water of the Amur. Despite the construction of the dam, water poisoning continues to this day.

About one hundred and twenty species of fish live in the waters of the Amur. Among them are white and black carp, sturgeon, beluga, perch, kaluga and many others. Among the representatives of the sturgeon family, there are individuals of huge sizes, sometimes the weight of the beluga reaches one ton, and the Amur sturgeons are considered the largest. The river is a large object where industrial fishing is developed.

Khabarovsk, Amur

Anadyr River

Anadyr is a relatively small Chukchi river, its length is 1150 kilometers, and the basin area is one hundred ninety-one thousand square kilometers. The source of Anadyr is located in the center of the Anadyr plateau, there is a small lake, from which the Siberian river originates. The channel passes through the territory of the autonomous region, and the river flows into the Gulf of Anadyr in. The banks of the Anadyr are high mountains, overgrown with dense ones, so there are no villages along almost the entire length of the river. Sometimes nomadic tribes come to the cold waters of Anadyr.

Port of the city of Anadyr, located at the mouth of the Anadyr River

Anadyr has six major tributaries: Yablon (right tributary), Yeropol (right tributary), Chineiveem (left tributary), Belaya (left tributary), Main (right tributary) and Tanyurer (left tributary). The width and depth of the river does not allow large cargo ships to navigate it, so it is used as a transport line only by small ships. Only at the mouth of the Anadyr reaches six and a half, seven kilometers, in the middle reaches it is half as narrow, and the upper reaches of the river are represented. Industrial fishing is developed in the lower reaches and the mouth of the Anadyr, only amateurs and athletes catch fish in the upper and middle reaches. The lands belonging to the Anadyr basin are rich in deposits, therefore, small barges go along the river, transporting downstream to the Anadyr Bay, where ports and moorings are built.

The main Anadyr receives as a result of melting, to a lesser extent, the river is fed by rain and water. The upper reaches of the Chukchi River freeze very early - in mid-September, the middle and lower reaches are covered with ice in October. Ice drift begins only at the beginning of summer. Thus, there is no navigation on Anadyr for about eight months.

North America has rich inland waters. By the number of inland water bodies, it ranks third in the world among other continents (after Eurasia and South America).

Rivers of the Pacific Basin

The rivers that belong to the Pacific Ocean in North America are short, but very full-flowing. These rivers surround deep and narrow valleys called canyons.

The largest river in the Pacific Ocean basin is the Colorado River, which has many hydroelectric power plants that generate energy for several states.

In the northern west of North America, the Yukon River flows, the lower course of which resembles the great and full-flowing rivers of Siberia. The Yukon River carries its waters directly to the Pacific Ocean. In summer, it is full of water, in July the river overflows for 160 km.

Rivers of the Atlantic Ocean basin

The rivers of the Atlantic Ocean basin are very long, they have a large number of tributaries. The largest river of the continent, which belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin, is the Mississippi.

The main tributary of the Mississippi is the Missouri River, one of the longest rivers in the world. The Mississippi River basin occupies 1/6 of North America.

In frosty winters, the Mississippi is covered with ice (with the exception of the part that crosses tropical latitudes), in summer the river floods. The Mississippi is called the "fat mud": its waters are colored yellow, as the current washes loose clay rocks.

Lakes of North America

On the territory of North America, the largest accumulation of fresh lakes on earth is located - the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes complex unites five reservoirs, two of which are held together by the Niagara Falls.

The largest lake on the continent is the Upper Lake, it is the largest fresh water body on the planet. The freshwater lakes of North America do not freeze in winter, which makes them suitable for year-round use for industrial purposes.

Salt lakes are located in the north of the continent. The largest of them are the Great Bear, Great Slave, Great Salt Lake.

Niagara Falls

Translated from the language of the ancient Indians, "Niagara" means "thundering water." This name very accurately characterizes the reservoir: the noise of Niagara Falls is heard at a distance of 25 km. Niagara Falls is relatively young: it was formed about 10 thousand years ago.

Niagara Falls is made up of three waterfalls: Horseshoe, Bridal Veil and American Falls. The height of all three waterfalls is 53 meters (of which 21 meters are visible).

Despite the fact that the height is small, the waterfalls are very wide, the volume of falling water reaches 5700 m3/s. Niagara Falls attracts many tourists from all over the world. The most colorful views of the waterfall open from Canada.

The largest of all oceans is the Pacific. It washes five continents and covers an area of ​​179 million km2. It includes many rivers, bays and seas. Almost 10 thousand islands and archipelagos are washed by its waters. What rivers are in the Pacific Ocean? What seas does it belong to?

great ocean

Ferdinand Magellan was one of the first to set out on an open voyage across the unknown ocean. He was very lucky with the weather, which is why he named it Quiet. Fortune smiled on the navigator, because the ocean is far from calm everywhere. For example, volcanoes and mountains located on the border with it can cause tsunamis, and typhoons and hurricanes often occur in tropical latitudes.

It is also called the Great Ocean, because it is the largest in size. It accounts for approximately 33% of the planet's surface and almost 50% of the ocean area. It washes all the continents of the Earth except Africa. Its average depth is 3984 meters, which is higher than other oceans.

The deepest place is the Mariana Trench, which goes down 11 thousand meters. At the bottom of the ocean there are no less impressive trenches, such as the Philippine (10,540 m) or the Kuril-Kamchatsky (9,783 m).

The ocean amazes with the number of islands, among which there are many tourist ones. Important transport routes run through it. Its bottom serves as a source of minerals, and the waters have become home to a huge number of species of commercial fish, mammals, mollusks, rare animals and plants. However, not all of its inhabitants are known to science.

Seas of the Pacific Basin

All the seas, straits and bays of the Pacific Ocean occupy 18% of its area. In the western part of the ocean, the coasts of the mainlands are strongly dissected and surrounded by numerous islands. Because of this, there is the largest number of seas. In total there are about 30 of them.

In the east, the coast is smoother, and there are no seas there. But there are three bays: Panama, California and Alaska. Next to the latter is the northernmost sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean - the Bering Sea. It washes the shores of Eurasia and North America, and from the south it is bordered by the “dotted line” of the Commander and Aleutian Islands.

Together with the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan, the Bering Sea washes the Far East of Russia. To the south of them, the number of reservoirs begins to increase. The most famous are: East China, Yellow, Coral, Philippine, Fiji, Bandu, Tasman and Solomon seas. They wash Australia and the southeastern part of Eurasia.

If you do not take into account the concept of the Southern Ocean, then the Pacific Ocean reaches Antarctica. There it forms the Amundsen, Ross, Bellingshausen and other water bodies named after the discoverers.

Rivers of the Pacific Basin

Approximately 40 rivers belong to the Great Ocean. For most of them (Mekong, Yukon, Amur), the mouth "opens" into the seas and bays. Some (Mamberamo, Yoshino, Balsas) flow into open waters, that is, into the ocean.

Due to the peculiarities of the relief of the continents, many of them are mountainous. As a rule, they are fast and full-flowing. This allows them to cut their way through the rocks, forming the most beautiful gorges and valleys, like the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River.

Interestingly, there are very large rivers in the Pacific Ocean basin only in Eurasia and North America. They are not found in Australia due to the hot and arid climate. In South America, water is blocked by a dense wall of mountains. In Antarctica, the largest river flows not into the ocean, but into the lake of one of its valleys.

We will get acquainted with the largest and longest rivers of the Pacific Ocean basin in more detail in the table.


Place of confluence

Length, km

East China Sea

Yellow Sea

China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos

South China Sea

Canada, USA

Bering Sea

Russia, China

Amur Estuary


USA, Mexico

gulf of california

Pearl (Zhujiang)

South China Sea

Strait of Georgia

Yellow Sea

Chao Phraya

South China Sea


The Yangtze is the deepest river in Eurasia and the longest river in the Pacific Ocean. She begins her journey in the Tibetan Plateau and ends in the East China Sea. The river basin covers ⅕ of the area of ​​all of China. It divides the country into northern and southern regions, which are markedly different in their culture.

In Yunnan province, the river passes through the deep gorges of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park. The height of the rocks here reaches about 3000 kilometers. River waters are used for irrigation of fields, navigation and energy. The world's largest hydroelectric power plant is located on the Yangtze. In the area of ​​the famous Leaping Tiger Gorge, it forms many rapids, attracting the attention of rafting enthusiasts.


The Yukon River begins in Lake Marsh, in northwestern Canada, and then flows into Alaska, emptying into the Bering Sea. Most of the year it is covered with ice, which melts for a maximum of four months.

The river has long been ignored by the white population of America. The first attempts to study it began only in 1830. But in the XX century, it became one of the most famous, thanks to the "gold rush". On the right tributary of the river, the Klondike, gold was discovered. Very quickly, everyone who wanted to earn money began to come here, and the name of the tributary turned into a household name and began to mean a place full of treasures.


The Amur River is the longest in the Far East. It originates from the confluence of Shilka and Argun. It stretches across four regions of Russia, from Transbaikalia to the Khabarovsk Territory, and for almost its entire length is a natural border with China.

The mouth of the Amur is controversial. The river flows into the Amur estuary, and it is periodically referred to either the Sea of ​​Okhotsk or the Sea of ​​Japan. As a rule, the first wins more often. Along its entire length, the river is navigable and serves as a crossing not only for passenger, but also for cargo ships. In addition, it is known for a huge variety of fish (108-140 species), which are twice as many here as in the largest rivers of Russia - the Lena, Ob and Yenisei.


Both the source and the mouth of the Anadyr River are located on the territory of Russia. It begins on the Anadyr Plateau and flows into the bay of the Bering Strait - Onemen. The Anadyr is far from the largest river in the ocean, but the largest in Chukotka. Its length is 1150 kilometers.

About 30 species of fish (whitefish, chum salmon, salmon) are found in the river, and reserves of gold and coal have been found in its lower reaches. Its numerous tributaries and branches are connected to each other through lakes, forming a dense network. Most of them are fickle, and dry up in the middle of a short summer, forming oxbow lakes.

Amur river

The Amur flows along the border of Russia and China, partly through the territory of Mongolia. Thus, the riverbed passes through the territory of three countries. In each of the countries, the Amur has its own name, for example, the Chinese call it the “Black Dragon River”, and the Mongols “Black River”. The length of the Amur is two thousand eight hundred seventy-four kilometers (2874 km.), And the length of the entire basin is about four and a half thousand kilometers, from the mouth of the Shilka and Argun rivers. In terms of basin area, the Amur is in fourth place among Russian rivers, second only to the Yenisei, Ob and Lena, the area of ​​​​the Amur river basin is one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five square kilometers.

In the Russian Federation, the Amur flows through the territory of Primorsky Krai, Khabarovsk Krai, Amur Oblast, Chita Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, and Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug. Amur is formed as a result of the connection of two rivers: Argun and Shilka. Argun originates in Mongolia, more precisely on the western slope of the Greater Khingan Range. The length of the Argun from its source to the junction with Shilka is about one thousand six hundred kilometers. The source of the Shilka is located in the Chita region, before joining the Argun, the waters of the river pass over five hundred and fifty kilometers.

The Amur has seven main tributaries: Zeya, Ussuri, Bureya, Sungari, Amgun, Anyui, Tunguska. The Zeya is a right tributary of the Amur. The source is located high in the mountains belonging to the Stanovoy Range system. The Ussuri is the right tributary of the Amur, less than nine hundred kilometers long. Bureya is the left tributary of the Amur, flows through the territory of the Amur Region and the Khabarovsk Territory, the length is about six hundred kilometers. The Sungari is the largest right tributary of the Amur. It flows through China. The Amgun is a large left tributary of the Amur, originating in the mountains of the Bureya Range. The length of the Amgun is a little over seven hundred kilometers. It flows through the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory, in permafrost conditions. Anyui is the right tributary of the Amur, the source is in the mountains of the Khabarovsk Territory. Tunguska - the left tributary of the Amur, eighty-six kilometers long, flows completely through the plains of the Khabarovsk Territory.

In the last two years, the ecological situation in the waters of the Amur has deteriorated significantly. In the winter of 2005, an accident occurred at a chemical plant located on the banks of the Songhua River in China. The result of the incident was a powerful release of chemicals into the waters of the river, which is the largest tributary of the Amur, naturally, poisonous substances soon got into the water of the Amur. Despite the construction of the dam, water poisoning continues to this day.

Anadyr River

Anadyr is a relatively small Chukchi river, its length is 1150 kilometers, and the basin area is one hundred ninety-one thousand square kilometers. The source of Anadyr is located in the center of the Anadyr plateau, there is a small lake, from which the Siberian river originates. The channel passes through the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, and the river flows into the Gulf of Anadyr in the Bering Sea. The banks of the Anadyr are high mountains covered with dense forests, so there are no villages along almost the entire length of the river. Sometimes nomadic Chukchi tribes come to the cold waters of Anadyr.

River Amur flows through the territory of the Far East, Mongolia and China. Slightly more than half (54%) of the basin is located in Russia. The Amur riverbed separates two neighboring states China and Russia. The area of ​​the basin of the Amur River basin is 1855 thousand square meters. km. according to this indicator, it ranks fourth among Russian rivers and tenth among the world's rivers. The length of the river is 2824 km.

It feeds primarily on monsoon rains, they make up 75% of its annual runoff, snow feeding plays a secondary role. Because of this fluctuation in the water level in the channel is 10-15 meters during the flood. During heavy rains, the river can overflow for 10-20 kilometers. During summer floods, water level fluctuations do not exceed 3-4 meters.

Along the Amur River

Upper Amur, stretches from the confluence of the Shilka and Argun rivers to the city of Blagoveshchensk, has a length of about 900 kilometers.

In the upper course, the river has a mountainous character and a strong current. Between the Nyukzha ridge and the Greater Khingan, the Amur passes between rocky and high banks. Closer to the city of Blagoveshchensk, the mountains gradually move away and the current slows down.

Middle Amur this is a section of the river between Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk with a length of about 1000 km.

In this section, the river flows in a wide valley, the banks are marshy in places, the channel flows in numerous.

Pacific Basin - Rivers and Seas

After crossing the Lesser Khingan, the Amur valley narrows and its waters gather into one powerful stream flowing in a picturesque valley.

Lower Amur, this is a section from Khabarovsk to the sea, with a length of about 950 km. Here the river flows through the vast Lower Amur Lowland, where there are many lakes and oxbow lakes. After the city of Nikolaevsk, there is the Amur Estuary, through which it connects with the Tatar Strait.

After the confluence of a large tributary of the tributary - the Ussuri, the Amur becomes especially full-flowing.


Zeya, Ussuri, Bureya, Sungari, Argun, Anyui. Gorin, Gur, Amgun

Fishery resources

Amur is one of the largest fishing regions in Russia.

The most valuable fish are Chum salmon, Salmon, Pink salmon, Smelt, Lamprey. In addition, such rare species of fish as Kaluga and Sea Sturgeon live in the river.


The main characteristics of the Amur River:

    Length - 2824 km.

    Swimming pool - 2855 sq. km.

    Annual flow - 11330 cubic meters / s

    The greatest width is 5 km (Troitskoye village)

    The greatest depth is 56 m (near the Tyrsky cliff)

    Food - mostly rain

Interesting Facts:

  • The first Russians appeared on the Amur in 1644, then the Cossacks came there under the leadership of V.
  • Every year, the excess of MPC for microbiological indicators, nitrates and phenol is recorded in the river.
  • The Amur River basin is located on the territory of 3 states - Russia (about 54%), China (44%) and Mongolia (2%).

Cupid photo:

Answer left Guest

About forty rivers belong to the Pacific Ocean basin. The largest and most significant rivers are the Amur, which flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and the Anadyr, which flows into the Bering Sea. All rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean can be described as relatively short, but fast-flowing. Both Amur and Anadyr originate and flow by a third among the mountains.
*** The Amur flows along the border of Russia and China, partly through the territory of Mongolia.

What rivers empty into the Pacific Ocean?

Thus, the riverbed passes through the territory of three countries. In each of the countries, the Amur has its own name, for example, the Chinese call it "Black Dragon River", and the Mongols "Black River". The length of the Amur is two thousand eight hundred seventy-four kilometers (2874 km.), And the length of the entire basin is about four and a half thousand kilometers, from the mouth of the Shilka and Argun rivers. In terms of basin area, the Amur is in fourth place among Russian rivers, second only to the Yenisei, Ob and Lena, the area of ​​​​the Amur river basin is one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five square kilometers.

***Anadyr is a relatively small Chukchi river, its length is 1150 kilometers, and the basin area is one hundred ninety-one thousand square kilometers. The source of Anadyr is located in the center of the Anadyr plateau, there is a small lake, from which the Siberian river originates. The channel passes through the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, and the river flows into the Gulf of Anadyr in the Bering Sea. The banks of the Anadyr are high mountains covered with dense forests, so there are no villages along almost the entire length of the river.

Sometimes nomadic Chukchi tribes come to the cold waters of Anadyr.
*** In the west, the rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean: Penzhina, Yalujiang (Amnokkan), Huanghe, Yangtze, Xijiang, Yuanjiang
***Rivers of North America - Yukon, Kuskokwim, Fraser, Columbia, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Colorado, Salado.


Characteristics of the Pacific Ocean. Rivers and seas in the Pacific Ocean. Ecological status of the ocean

The characteristics of the Pacific region show that it is the largest and deepest on the planet.

It will be on such continents as Eurasia, America, Australia and Antarctica. In Marian Diche, the depth of the ocean reaches 11 km.


The first person living in Europe to visit the eastern part of the ocean is Balboa, the Spanish conqueror.

When he crossed the Isthmus of Panama and, unknowingly, entered the ocean, he named it the South Sea. A few years later, Ferdinand Magellan decided to try his fortune.

He traveled for almost four months, crossing the ocean from the Philippines to Tierra del Fuego. After that, he was named Tikh. But the French scientist Buyash, who sailed with his team and the Pacific Ocean, and its entire basin, estimating its enormous size, called it the Great.

However, this hydronym is not caught.

Properties of salt and water in winter

In fact, the highest salt ratio reaches 35.6%. A similar option is found only in the tropics due to the fact that the climate in these areas does not have a lot of precipitation, but strong evaporation occurs here. The characteristics of the Pacific Ocean, found in many reference books, show that in the immediate vicinity of the eastern part of the salinity, the water is significantly reduced due to cold currents.

It should be noted that in temperate and underground regions, this figure approaches the lowest mark due to constant rain and snow.

The appearance of ice, that is, the freezing of water, directly depends on the salt content. They often cover only the Antarctic regions, as well as the waters of the Bering Sea, the Sea of ​​Japan and the oceanic sea. On the shores of Alaska, ice gorges often travel primarily across the Pacific Ocean.

Due to the harmful effects of human activities, the Pacific map allows you to mark several areas of water that are completely polluted and are of great harm to people, as well as to life-threatening types such as seals, whales.

The main pollution is oil and all kinds of waste. Because of this, the ocean is overloaded with metals, radioactive substances that simply cannot be in the water. A complete characterization of the Pacific Ocean showed that all substances belonging to it are present in the entire water area. The most interesting fact is that similar compounds have been found in animals living near Antarctica.

A place that attracts tourists has long been associated with beautiful landscapes.

Most people come to see the landfill, which was created a few years ago by waste generated by the currents. It is scary to almost reach the shores of California, Hawaii and Japan. If in 2001 the area of ​​the city was 1 billion square meters. km and weighing 4 million tons, at the moment this number has increased thousands of times!

Every 10 years, this deposit grows to a decent size.

Because some birds take small plastic food collections, they eat or feed them chicks. As a result, the body does not digest these substances, and the creature dies due to the inability to take them.

Animal and plant life

More than half of the world's population lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

There are many species of fish and plants here. Only phytoplankton has more than 1300 representatives. Vegetation water is 4 thousand water and 29 land plants. Laminaria is common in cold zones, the length of which sometimes reaches 200 m. In the tropics, red and fucose algae.

Holothurians live in the depths, which are stored only on the ground.


Tropical ocean water is a thousand times richer in fish than other waters. Here you can see sea urchins, horseshoes and many other species of animals that are not preserved in other oceans. Most salmon live there.

Rivers in the Pacific

All watercourses that spread into the ocean are not large, but have a fairly high flow rate. There is currently no precise figure on how many streams are combined with these powerful waters.

Some have over 100 streams, while others have over a thousand.

The map of the Pacific Ocean allows you to see 40 rivers that directly belong to its basin. The largest of them is the watercourse, in which the mouth of Okhotsk is larger - Amur.

Mineral resources

You should not lose sight of the fact that there are many minerals on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Here you can find deposits of various minerals. In the fields of many countries, especially Japan, the USA, Australia and other countries, they extract gas and oil. Tin is produced in large quantities in Malaysia, zircon is found in Australia. Ores and manganese deposits are found in the northern part of the water. Thanks to estimates that characterize the characteristics of the Pacific Ocean, we can say that these waters hide about 40% of gas and oil reserves.

There are also hydrates, and in 2013 Japan decided to drill natural gas wells from the capital to the ocean's northeast.

In the Pacific seas, their character as a problematic flow often does not manifest itself. At the same time, it is interesting that Magellan and his team, who traveled by water, came to the storm for all three months of their stay. That is why the ocean got its name.

It is divided into several sides: northern and southern, the border between which runs along the equatorial line.



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There are about forty rivers in the Pacific Ocean.

The largest and most important rivers are the Amur, which flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Anadyr Sea, which flows into the Bering Sea. All rivers flowing in the Pacific Ocean can be described as relatively short, but developing rapidly.

Both Amur and Anadir start, while the third one goes through the mountains.

Amur river

Cupid runs along the borders of Russia and China, partly along the territory of Mongolia. Thus, the flow passes through the territory of three countries. In each of the countries, Cupid has its own name, for example, the Chinese call it the "Black Dragon Dragon" and the Mongols "Black River". Cupid is two thousand eight hundred kilometers long (2874 km.), and the entire length of the basin is about four and a half thousand kilometers from the mouth of the Shilka and Argun rivers.

Of this area, the Amur basin is in fourth place among Russian rivers, only the Yenisei, ON and Lena, in the Amur River basin area, one thousand 855 square kilometers.

In the Russian Federation, Amur Streams in Primorsky Krai Khabarovsk Krai - Amur Oblast, Chita Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast and Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

Cupid was created as a result of the connection between two rivers: Argun and Shilka. Argun comes from Mongolia, more precisely on the western slopes of the Great Khingan Valley. The length of Argun from the source to the connection with Shilko is about one thousand six hundred kilometers. The source of Shilka is located in the Chita region before coming to Argun, the waters of the rivers cross five hundred and fifty kilometers.

The confluence of the Ussuri River with the Amur River.

satellite view

Cupid has seven main tributaries of the Zeya, Ussuri, Bureya, Sungari, Amgun, Anui, Tunguska. The Zya is the right tributary of the Amur. The source is located in the mountains, which belongs to the housing system. The Ussuri is a real tributary of the Cupid, the length of which is less than nine hundred kilometers. Bureya is a left tributary of the Amur River, flows through the territory of the Amur Region and the Khabarovsk Territory, the length is about six hundred kilometers. The Sungari is the largest tributary of the Amur River.

It passes through China. The Amgun is a great left tributary of the Amur, originating from the mountain of the Bureya Range. The length of Amguniya is just over seven hundred kilometers. It passes through the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory in conditions of constant cold. The Anyui is a real tributary of the Amur, its source in the mountains of the Khabarovsk Territory. Tunguska is the left tributary of the Amur, the length of which is eighty-four kilometers, which runs entirely through the plains of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Over the past two years, the ecological situation in the waters of the Amur has deteriorated significantly.

In the winter of 2005, an accident occurred at a chemical plant located on the banks of the Songhua River in China. Accident. The result was a strong release of chemicals into the water of the river, which is the largest tributary of the Amur, of course, poisonous substances that soon enter the water on the Amur. Despite the installation of the dam, water poisoning continues today.

About one hundred and twenty species of fish are found in the waters of the Amur. Among them are white and black cups, sturgeon, white whale, oyster, kaluga and many others.

Among the representatives of the sturgeon family there are large individuals, sometimes the weight of the beluga whale reaches one ton, and the Amur sturgeon is considered the largest. The river is a large object where industrial fishing is developing.

Khabarovsk, Amur

Anadyr River

Anadyr is a relatively small Chukka river, its length is 1150 kilometers, and the surface of the basin is one hundred and nineteen thousand square kilometers.

The Anadyr spring is located in the center of the Anadyr plateau. There is a small lake from which the Siberian river comes. River channels pass through the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, and the river flows into Anadir Bay in the Bering Sea.

The coasts of Anadyr are high mountains covered with dense forests, and villages, almost all along the river, are not found. Sometimes the nomadic tribes of the Chukchi came to the cold waters of Anadyr.

Anadyr harbor, located on the outskirts of the Anadyr River

There are six main tributaries in Anadyr: Apple (right tributary), Eropol (right tributary), Chineyveem (left tributary), White (left tributary), Mayne (right stream) and the Tanyurer River (left tributary).

Island (river in the Pacific Ocean)

The width and depth of the river do not allow large cargo ships to pass through it, so only small ships are used as a transport line. Only at the mouth of the Anadir, six and a half miles, seven kilometers in the middle, and the upper course of the river is shown in the lower reaches of the Anadir, and the development of industrial fishing in the upper and middle reaches of the fish was captured only by fans and athletes.

Land belonging to the basin of the rich deposits of Anadyr coal, so that small cargo ships pass on the river, transporting coal on the river to the Gulf of Anadyr, where ports and wharves are being built.

The bulk of Anadyr's water comes from snowmelt, and to a lesser extent, the river is fed by rain and groundwater. The aforementioned reaches the Chukotka River with very early frosts - in mid-September, the middle and lower streams are covered with ice in October.

Ice begins only at the beginning of summer. There is no navigation in Anadyr for about eight months.

Home >  Wiki-textbook >  Geography >  Grade 7 > Inland waters of North America: rivers of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basin

Rivers of the Pacific Basin

The rivers that belong to the Pacific Ocean in North America are short, but very full-flowing.

These rivers surround deep and narrow valleys called canyons.

The largest river in the Pacific Ocean basin is the Colorado River, which has many hydroelectric power plants that generate energy for several states.

In the northern west of North America, the Yukon River flows, the lower course of which resembles the great and full-flowing rivers of Siberia.

Rivers of the Pacific Basin

The Yukon River carries its waters directly to the Pacific Ocean. In summer, it is full of water, in July the river overflows for 160 km.

Rivers of the Atlantic Ocean basin

The rivers of the Atlantic Ocean basin are very long, they have a large number of tributaries. The largest river of the continent, which belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin, is the Mississippi.

The main tributary of the Mississippi is the Missouri River, one of the longest rivers in the world.

The Mississippi River basin occupies 1/6 of North America.

In frosty winters, the Mississippi is covered with ice (with the exception of the part that crosses tropical latitudes), in summer the river floods. The Mississippi is called the "fat mud": its waters are colored yellow, as the current washes loose clay rocks.

Lakes of North America

On the territory of North America, the largest accumulation of fresh lakes on earth is located - the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes complex unites five reservoirs, two of which are held together by the Niagara Falls.

The largest lake on the continent is the Upper Lake, it is the largest fresh water body on the planet.

The freshwater lakes of North America do not freeze in winter, which makes them suitable for year-round use for industrial purposes.

Salt lakes are located in the north of the continent. The largest of them are the Great Bear, Great Slave, Great Salt Lake.

Niagara Falls

Translated from the language of the ancient Indians, "Niagara" means "thundering water." This name very accurately characterizes the reservoir: the noise of Niagara Falls is heard at a distance of 25 km.

Niagara Falls is relatively young: it was formed about 10 thousand years ago.

Niagara Falls is made up of three waterfalls: Horseshoe, Bridal Veil and American Falls. The height of all three waterfalls is 53 meters (of which 21 meters are visible).

Despite the fact that the height is small, the waterfalls are very wide, the volume of falling water reaches 5700 m3/s. Niagara Falls attracts many tourists from all over the world.

The most colorful views of the waterfall open from Canada.

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