Vitaly Gogunsky passed away? Vitaly Gogunsky tragic death Vitaly Gogunsky passed away - it's true

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On April 22, information appeared on the Internet that the star of the series "Univer", actor Vitaly Gogunsky, better known as Kuzya, had a serious car accident at night, which ultimately led to very tragic consequences

True, according to official data, nothing like this happened to the film actor, he is alive and well.

Everything is in order with Vitaly, he did not die, he did not crash in a car, etc. He just stopped acting in the popular youth series.

According to the plot, this is apparently how it should be, because he should not “stick around” in this hostel until retirement. All the "oldies" from previous seasons have already left the project, so its time has come. Kuzya constantly visits his official page, so he is alive and well. Where did such a duck come from this time? An unknown source reported that everyone's favorite actor got into a terrible accident that occurred in the south-west of the capital at about 00:05 Moscow time. At the intersection, 4 cars collided at once, two in the Lexus were killed. It turned out that Gogunsky was simply confused with ... TV presenter Marina Golub. "Joker" simply decided to use the text from the news portal, which spoke about the death of actress and TV presenter Marina Golub.

Vitaly Gogunsky passed away? The bright spark of Russian cinema, the star of the television series Univer, the unsurpassed Freddy Miercuri and the performer of the song about the horse died only on the pages of the yellow press. In reality, Gogunsky's funeral will take place under favorable circumstances, at least in 60 years. Where did the latest news about the artist's death come from? Everything is very simple - as soon as Vitaly Gogunsky leaves the next TV project or series, gossip begins to spread about him. Rather, people themselves create the basis for this gossip, wondering where their favorite artist has gone. And the media only satisfy the needs of the audience.

By the way, for Vitaly Gogunsky himself, rumors of his passing away can hardly be called unpleasant. Firstly, although it is black, it is still PR. The more the name of the artist is mentioned by people, the better for his future career. Secondly, according to the old belief, a person who was accidentally "buried" expects a long and prosperous life. How many times, for example, Alla Pugacheva died in an accident or from a serious illness - but she only blossoms more every year.

short biography

Vitaly Gogunsky was born in Ukraine in 1978. From childhood he was fond of music, loved to earn extra money, led an active lifestyle. In his youth, he worked as a presenter, first on a local TV channel, and after some time - on the Rossiya channel. By profession, Vitaly Gogunsky is an engineer, he does not have a specialized acting education.

He started acting in films in 2004. The first films "Farewell, Dr. Freud!" and "The Irrevocable Man" became a good start for Vitaly, soon he was invited to star in the series "Univer", which brought the main fame to the artist.

The personal life of the artist is uncommon for representatives of show business. Gogunsky is married a second time and has a 7-year-old daughter.

The first main role that Gogunsky got was in the film "Bartender" in 2015. The motion picture collected more than $ 1 million, Okhlobystin and Olga Buzova took part in it. The producer was Fyodor Bondarchuk. It is not surprising that it was after a successful debut in the title role that Vitaly's business went uphill.

Perhaps that also played a role. Rumors that Vitaly Gogunsky passed away or died suddenly began to spread intensively - envious people, who abound in show business, may well be behind them.

The star of the series "Univer" on the TNT channel is spending this summer at a dacha near Moscow with his wife Irina and 7-year-old daughter Milana. “I’m looking here, as Ostap Bender said, 400 honest ways to do nothing,” Vitaly shared with StarHit. - I try to rest as much as possible. I start the day by going outside and just standing on the porch for a few minutes and breathing. The fresh air instantly lifts your spirits. Then I take an ottoman and lie down to sunbathe next to my wife - she gets up earlier and is already sunbathing by the time I wake up. For the second winter I have been wiping myself with snow every morning in the country - during this time I have never even had a runny nose.

From "duvet covers" to henpecked

Are you not working at all? Lucky!

No, well, of course, I not only relax, I try to do business. I bought a piano for the dacha so that Milana would study music, and I would work. My wife and I are getting ready for the presentation of our production center La Familia, it will feature two songs performed by our daughter, one - ours and my wife, plus a patriotic composition for the Day of the Russian Flag. I also want to start producing cartoons, but it's too early to talk about that. How it all works out - I'll tell you.

You recently turned 39. How did you celebrate?

It was the best birthday ever. I wanted to celebrate it with my wife and friends at our favorite restaurant "On Mosfilmovskaya", but, what a misfortune, to whom I did not call, everyone said that they could not come ... I was not very surprised by this, it is understandable: summer ... Already used to not to celebrate a holiday. While I was at school, it was unrealistic to gather friends, everyone went to camps. Eat a cake with your grandmother - that's all the notes. And when I grew up, I realized that now you can’t celebrate: in July, all friends are on vacation abroad. So Ira and I decided to sit quietly and peacefully together. And imagine my surprise when, as soon as I entered the restaurant, I saw all my friends! It turns out that Ira agreed with them a month before the holiday that they would come, but they would tell me that they could not. Of course, I was very happy, because I had not seen some of my relatives for a year. True, closer to 10 pm, Ira and I began to miss Milan. I'm already so used to the fact that my two girls are always there, that without them I feel uncomfortable.

What do you like to do with your daughter?

Yes to everyone. Yesterday, for example, Milanka fed me a pie with strawberry jam - she baked it herself, can you imagine? And grandmother Tatyana Sergeevna, my mother's mother, cooked a fish pie, I also ate it - and ate it. In general, we like to eat delicious food, we often make pilaf on a fire. Soon we will finish building the stove and completely return to Russian traditions.

How are household responsibilities distributed in your family? Who goes for bread, who takes out the trash?

I used to be a “duvet cover” - I loved to sleep, but now I have become a professional henpecked, or, as it is fashionable to say today, “Louboutin”. What my wife asks, I do. True, she turns to me only when she can’t cope on her own: when she needs to move a closet or carry heavy packages from the store. I am free from the rest.

Does it happen to swear?

Very rarely, mostly due to work. For example, we are recording a song, Ira says, they say, I don’t like it. I try to explain to her that this is not the final product, it has yet to be mixed and finalized. But she does not understand ... And at the beginning of the relationship they constantly cursed, mainly because of pseudo-friends who told us all sorts of fables about each other. And when they parted (Vitaly and Irina were not together for seven years after the birth of Milan, and on April 25 of this year they got married), the guard began at all. People were not too lazy to spoil our lives, call me, lie about Ira, then dial her and talk nonsense about me. Correctly they say: while the truth is putting on its pants, the lie has already gone around half the world. It's good that we realized in time that they are trying to quarrel us because of elementary human envy, and we are made for each other. Moreover, we have such a wonderful daughter - next to my girls I am the happiest.

The star of the series Univer, popular for many years, Vitaly Gogunsky has already managed to become a real sex symbol of Russian cinema. During his still ongoing career, he appeared in 12 films. The genres were different, but not so long ago, after participating in the One to One show, the whole country heard the beautiful voice of the star. And many were surprised why a man with such a strong voice did not build a musical career. What can I say, a talented person does everything well.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vitaly Gogunsky

A handsome and slender guy who was born in Ukraine has a height of 177 cm and a weight of 82 kg. Since childhood, Vitaly was fond of sports, such as football, various types of martial arts, but his sports career did not work out, or rather, there was no desire to leave for big-time sports. This was reflected in the formation of the male figure of Gogunsky, so he grew up as a very strong guy with a good physique. And now Vitaly does not abandon sports, so he is always in good shape.

After the release of the series "Univer", where Vitaly played a stupid athlete, his person became interested in the entire fair sex, who, learning about him, went into all the details, even such as height, weight, age. How old is Vitaly Gogunsky is also an important question for fans, at the moment he is 39 years old, the actor was born on July 14, 1978. Not so long ago, the actor had a problem, due to which headlines could appear in the newspapers: “Vitaly Gogunsky passed away”, it happened after an unsuccessful visit to the dentist, but you will learn the details of the tragedy later.

Biography and personal life of Vitaly Gogunsky

Despite the fact that Vitaly was born in the city of Odessa, many believe that Kremenchug is his hometown. The fact is that his father was there very often at work, and of course taking his family with him, so Kremenchug is the second hometown of the guy.

From childhood, he had the ability to music, so his parents sent him to study at a music school, where the guy mastered playing the piano. In parallel, Vitaly went in for sports, but still music was a more serious occupation for him. While studying at a music school, Gogunsky even won regional competitions. From childhood, he grew up as a very hardworking and purposeful guy. Vitaliy spent hours studying music and gave 100% at every lesson. But still, he did not connect his life with music.

In order to have at least some money of his own, at the age of 12, the boy got a job as a loader in a store. And a little later, having discovered new abilities in himself, Gogunsky got a job at local television and was the host of one program. The guy understood his calling, but he only wanted to be not a TV presenter, but an actor.

After leaving school, he already intended to enter a theater university, but his father intervened and said that for a start his son needed to get a more serious education. In order not to upset his father, the guy entered a technical university, successfully graduated from it and, with a sense of accomplishment, was looking for theater options.

Without thinking for a second, Vitaly packed all his things and started to Moscow, where he entered the Institute of Cinematography on the first attempt.

The actor began acting in films while still studying at VGIK, namely in 2004, being in his first year. His first work was the film Goodbye Doctor Freud. By the end of the institute, he already had several not bad works on his account.

But the real popularity went to the guy after working in the series "Univer", where the actor played a stupid, but very kind and cheerful athlete Kuzya. Many viewers stated that he was the only bright and very kind character there, and it was because of him that this series was so interesting.

At the moment, Vitaly practically does not act in films, but he actively works on the theater stage and periodically takes part in various shows.

The biography and personal life of Vitaly Gogunsky is filled with interesting stories and twists of fate. The personal life of our hero was filled with many things, both pleasant and not very, he wandered for a long time in search of great love, but in the end he realized that he had always loved only one woman, the mother of his child.

Family and children of Vitaly Gogunsky

Now, when the man began to devote less and less time to filming, the family and children of Vitaly Gogunsky began to see the head of the family more often. In fact, even though now Vitaly is doing well and at ceremonies he often appears with his wife Irina, showing what a good couple they are, but it wasn’t always like that. Irina and Vitaly were together for a long time, the couple had a daughter, but later they broke up and for this time the actor even managed to marry another, but later he nevertheless realized that he did not appreciate the mother of his child, that in fact he loves her and returned to the family.

Daughter of Vitaly Gogunsky - Milan Mairko

Little Milana, like her father, is growing up as a very talented and capable girl. Not so long ago, she also revealed her talented voice to the world. Gogunsky, as a caring father who wishes his daughter a speedy recognition, brought her to the last edition of the One to One show, where the girl acted as the famous Marilyn Monroe, her performance overshadowed many participants, and the whole country learned about her talent. And later, the father and daughter performed together and then the whole country saw how Vitaly Gogunsky and his daughter Milana sang the Leps song empty mirrors, such a spectacle delighted the public. The daughter of Vitaly Gogunsky - Milan Mairko has already become famous and beloved by the public, and yet the baby is only 7 years old.

The ex-wife of Vitaly Gogunsky - Anna

The ex-wife of Vitaly Gogunsky - Anna became his first official wife and so far he has not given this status to anyone. The couple met a long time ago, back in 2008, but started dating much later, and got married in 2013. At that time, the man had a family, a civil wife and a daughter, but this did not stop him, he decided that he had met the love of his life and left the family. As it turned out later, it was not love, but only passion, and in 2015 the couple broke up. Anna remained unknown to the public, but it is only known that she works as a financier. According to the couple, they broke up due to the fact that Vitaly had a busy schedule, and he was often not at home, which Anna did not tolerate.

Civil wife of Vitaly Gogunsky - Irina Mairko

The very girl who gave birth to Vitaly's beautiful daughter, later stayed with her alone, and now forgave Vitaly and returned to the family, was the famous model Irina Mairko. After a divorce from his wife Anna, Vitaly even participated in the show "Let's Get Married" in the hope of meeting his love, but choosing one girl there, he did not build a relationship with her. Such behavior can only indicate that Vitaly is not defined in life and does not know what he needs. Why did he eventually decide to return to the family, and why didn't he do it sooner? This question will always be relevant, but Vitaly does not give comments. The civil wife of Vitaly Gogunsky, Irina Mairko, is a well-known model and has even won beauty contests more than once. Not so long ago it became known that a couple of Vitaly and Irina decided to get married and even took the application to the registry office.

Vitaly Gogunsky passed away - is it true?

Vitaly Gogunsky passed away - is it true? This is the question that became popular among fans in 2015. And the truth in the life of Gogunsky was a terrible period when the actor almost said goodbye to life. He turned to the Moscow Dental Clinic in order to install an implant. But caring doctors also advised to remove the wisdom tooth. After removal, they were told how to rinse and process, but Vitaly began an inflammatory process, which began to bring terrible discomfort. Having again turned to this clinic with the problem of inflammation, Vitaly received some help, he was opened for purulent inflammation, treated, but as it turned out, this did not help. And a few days later, Vitaly was taken away in an ambulance. Fortunately, his life was saved, but now he is suing dentistry, which almost killed him.

Wikipedia and Instagram Vitaly Gogunsky

Wikipedia and Instagram of Vitaly Gogunsky are filled with a lot of information about his life, including what is happening in it now. There is just nothing on Gogunsky’s Instagram: photos of the family, daughter, wife, just jokes, or pictures from rehearsals. Gogunsky simply shares with fans everything that he loves so ardently. But still, if you want to see more pictures of his family and life, then the Instagram of his wife Irina will be more useful for you. The actor also has a personal website where you can find out the schedule of his future performances and, of course, information about his professional activities.

Fans who write that his character named Kuzya in the series "Univer" was the brightest in this picture are probably right, because in this series he was the brightest and most colorful character. This is the whole Vitaly, he always gives his best, showing his limitless possibilities and any business he undertakes is delightful. We wish him creative success, and that in the future he will again delight us with bright and interesting roles in films and TV shows.

Vitaly Evgenievich Gogunsky is a young talented actor who fell in love with many viewers after he played the role of student Kuzi in the TV series Univer. Few people know that in addition to acting talent, he also composes songs, two of which were featured in the series, quite successfully tries himself as a composer and producer.

According to the eastern horoscope, Vitaly is a horse. Maybe that's why since childhood all the teachers, and then the directors and stage colleagues talk about his pathological diligence. Fans are sure that Gogunsky will play many more roles that will bring him worldwide fame and recognition.

Vitaly Evgenievich is a very sociable person, so find out his height, weight, age. How old is Vitaly Gogunsky - it will not be difficult. The growth of the artist stopped at around one meter seventy-seven centimeters, but the weight is slightly higher than the norm - eighty-three kilograms. This did not particularly affect Vitaly's figure: as a child, he attended the karate section, was seriously fond of football. Now, when free time appears, it is not averse to remembering your youth and working out in a sports club.

Three years ago, the singer, due to illness, lost as much as seventeen kilograms. When he posted his photo right after the hospital, wild rumors immediately began to spread: "Vitaly Gogunsky passed away." Nevertheless, after a couple of months, "Kuzya" returned to its previous physical form, thereby delighting its fans.

Looking at Vitaly Gogunsky's photo in his youth and now, one conclusion suggests itself: the artist is a kind, open person who knows how to bring joy to people.

Biography and personal life of Vitaly Gogunsky

The biography and personal life of Vitaly Gogunsky are unusually confusing. It all started from the birthplace of Vitaly. He was born in the largest port city of Ukraine - Odessa, in the summer, in 1978. Father - Yevgeny Gogunsky - held a high position in the city council of the Poltava region, so the child's childhood passed in the city of Kremenchug, which many indicate as Vitaly's birthplace. Mother - Gogunskaya - was engaged in the education of the future artist and his brother - Evgeny Gogunsky.

In addition to the lyceum, the young man himself wanted to graduate from a music school, where he was taught to play the piano and other musical instruments.

From an early age, Vitaly tried to be independent. When he was not even twelve years old, he decided that he was already quite capable of earning himself for some petty expenses. He begins to earn extra money, and at two jobs at once - he unloads cars in the store and cleans up at the post office. He later admits that this helped him realize the value of labor and money in general.

After graduating from the Polytechnic University, Vitaly Gogunsky goes to Moscow and enters VGIK, the acting department, in 2007 he successfully graduated from it.

Later, Vitaly Gogunsky was invited not only to shoot new films and TV shows, but also to various shows, where he also surprised more than once with his excellent acting and ability to transform.

Family and children of Vitaly Gogunsky

The family and children of Vitaly Gogunsky are his beloved wife Irina and daughter Milan. Their family has experienced a lot of disappointments, resentment and Vitaly's departure. However, they managed to understand that they were made for each other, forgave and forgot all the misunderstandings, and together they are raising their common child.

The actor was brought up very strictly, he did not dare to argue with his father. When Vitaly wanted to go to study as an actor, he was told to get a more "decent" job first. In order not to upset his relatives, the young man graduated from an educational institution of mechanical engineering, the faculty is an engineer-technologist.

Therefore, Gogunsky, in his interviews, always tries to emphasize that he will not exert any pressure on Milan in choosing a profession, but will support any of her undertakings.

The son of Vitaly Gogunsky - Pavel

The son of Vitaly Gogunsky - Pavel - was born when Vitaly was married to Anna. Unfortunately, the mother of the child carefully hides any information about him. Gogunsky also does not cover this topic. There are no photographs of Pavel anywhere, so sometimes viewers have suspicions about the veracity of this event.

However, if this is true, then the former family has nothing to worry about. Vitaly's relatives know how he took care of his daughter Milana when he temporarily left the family. From this we can conclude that Gogunsky will not leave his son without his support.

Pavel's mother has a financial education, at the moment she has her own business: she is recruiting lawyers for law firms in Moscow.

Daughter of Vitaly Gogunsky - Milan

The daughter of Vitaly Gogunsky - Milan - was born in 2010. Dad loves his daughter, tries to devote every free minute to her. On his page on the social network, Vitaly's wife often puts photos where they are happy with the whole family and have fun.

Milana, despite her young age, is already appearing on the big stage as a singer. For the first time, Vitaly Gogunsky and his daughter Milana sing the Leps song empty mirrors in the One to One entertainment TV show. And for the second time on the same show, the girl performed in the image of Marilyn Monroe and, according to the jury, beat her father by several points.

The Gogunsky child attends the kindergarten of the singer Pugacheva, where Vitaly works as an acting teacher.

Vitaly Gogunsky dreams of creating his own theater for young spectators, where children can not only watch the performance, but also participate in the game if they wish.

The ex-wife of Vitaly Gogunsky - Anna

The ex-wife of Vitaly Gogunsky, Anna, has nothing to do with the world of cinema. Their acquaintance took place in a cafe, when a seventeen-year-old student began to defend her friend: her friend, seeing Vitaly, decided to take his autograph, and the young man rudely refused. After that, Anya and Vitaly, after talking, exchanged phone numbers. A couple of times they called up, but there was no talk of any serious relationship - at that time Vitaly lived in a civil marriage, and Anya devoted all her time to studying.

Four years later, after spending three days off together, young people understand that this is love and decide to legalize their relationship. The wedding took place in Italy, and this event was a surprise not only for the fans of the artist, but also for the parents of the bride and groom. The marriage lasted two years, and in 2015 the couple divorced. The reason turned out to be quite commonplace for star couples: Vitaly constantly disappeared on the set, and his wife wanted him to pay more attention to her, and not to his work and career.

Vitaly Gogunsky's wife - Irina Mairko

The wife of Vitaly Gogunsky, Irina Mairko, is a fairly well-known model who managed to win several titles in various beauty contests. Irina and Vitaly lived in a civil marriage for a long time, the chosen one of the actor rejected his numerous proposals to marry him. After nine years of marriage, they have a girl. Soon, young people disperse, what prompted them to take this step is not clear.

But it’s not for nothing that people say that you can’t escape fate. Gogunsky never stopped communicating and helping his little daughter, at least twice a week he tried to visit the girl. Accordingly, I saw her mother Irina. At some point, Vitaly realized what a mistake he had made, talked with his ex-wife, and they decided to live together again. This time, Mairko agrees to his lover's proposal, and in the spring of 2017, the Gogunsky couple appears in the Moscow registry office. Of those invited, only their joint daughter was present at the celebration. Vitaly was in a classic suit, and Irina chose for such an occasion not a white fluffy floor-length dress, but a strict jacket and the same trousers. Now the family lives happily in the capital.

Vitaly Gogunsky passed away - is it true?

“Vitaly Gogunsky passed away - is that true?” - Fans of the series "Univer" began to throw such questions at the editorial offices of magazines when they stopped seeing the actor in the role of Eduard Kuzmin on the screens. Vitaly Gogunsky is not dead, he is alive, everything is fine with him. The actor decided to leave the series after five years of participation in the filming. He argued his decision by the fact that, although the role of Kuzi brought him popularity, he wants to try his hand at more serious roles. Vitaly is a little offended that in real life they call him Kuzey and try to compare the character of the hero with his outlook on life.

After the actor left the series, he starred in five more films and is not going to stop there, he also continues to perform intensively in theatrical productions.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vitaly Gogunsky

Instagram and Wikipedia Vitaly Gogunsky are full of photos from various events. VKontakte, on his page, the actor is happy to share with his subscribers new clips of his little princess. Milana likes to sing, she happily poses for the camera and has already recorded several clips.

Vitaly not only writes songs, sings and acts in films, but also takes part in various show programs. In addition to the show where he sang with his daughter, he was also invited to the programs "Taxi", "Dancing with the Stars", and many others.

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