How to heat an electronic thermometer to 37. How can you raise your body temperature quickly, ways. Other subtle ways

Surely every student at least once, but the question arose: how to raise the temperature on a thermometer? The children are engaged in similar experiments in order to skip classes for a good reason. In this way, they deceive their parents and "sick" at home. In this article we will talk about how, on the thermometer to the desired mark. You will be presented with only proven and effective methods of such manipulations.


Before you raise the temperature on the thermometer, you should choose the right one. It will cope better with the task. Of course, the electronic device can also be deceived. However, it is much more difficult to control the level of temperature increase on it.

So, if a thermometer is selected, and you have to independently conduct experiments on heating the measuring device, you should familiarize yourself with the methods below.

How to raise the temperature on the thermometer to the desired level?

There are several ways to carry out this manipulation. The effectiveness of many of them has been proven by scientists. Some are effective, but they come from the people. Let us consider in detail several effective methods on how to raise the temperature on a thermometer.

get sick

The easiest way to raise your mercury level is to catch a cold. During illness, the human body fights viruses and produces interferon. Thanks to this substance, an increase in the value on the measuring device occurs. Before you increase the temperature on the thermometer in this way, you do not have to make any specific preparation. It is enough just to take a measurement in the armpit.

Using an unusual way of measuring

There is another proven way to raise the temperature on a thermometer. In this case, you just need to change the usual place of measurement. It should be noted that not all devices are suitable for such manipulation. A mercury thermometer will do the job just fine.

Insert the thermometer into the rectum and wait for about five minutes. In this area, the body temperature is always slightly higher. The difference with the measurement in the armpit is approximately one degree. Thus, if your body temperature is 36.6 degrees, then you will get a value that will be more than 37 degrees.

Application of friction force

Consider another option, how to catch up with the temperature on the thermometer. To do this, you need a thick fabric. Any wool or cotton is ideal. Take a thermometer in your hand and quickly rub the end of it on a cloth. It should be noted that this method is only suitable for mercury devices.

Keep a close eye on the mercury column. He can rise very quickly. When the mercury reaches the desired level, stop rubbing the thermometer.


If you need to learn how to fill the temperature on a thermometer imperceptibly, then this method is for you. It is suitable only for mercury measuring instruments.

Place the thermometer in a warm place. You can use your own body. The heating of mercury is excellent in the armpit area. When the thermometer becomes warm, turn it over with the mercury end up. After that, tap the blunt base several times on any bone in your body. Mercury will slowly slide down. In this way, you can bring the mark to the desired level.

Use of heating appliances

A battery or an ordinary burning light bulb will help you increase the level of the value on the thermometer. Before you heat the thermometer in this way, you should familiarize yourself with it in more detail. If you use mercury devices, then you can safely proceed to manipulation. Electronic thermometers, on the other hand, may have silicone tips that melt easily when exposed to high temperatures.

Place the sharp end of the thermometer against the hot instrument. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the level of the obtained values. Mercury thermometers heat up very quickly and can burst. When the desired mark is obtained, cool the tip of the device. This can be done easily, just blow on it a few times.

Hot water

This method is suitable for mercury thermometers and electronic devices that have a waterproof effect. Take a container with and lower the sharp end of the thermometer into it. Do not use boiling water for this. Otherwise, the mercury thermometer may burst, and the electronic one may fail. As soon as the mark you need appears on the device, remove it from the container and cool.

Red pepper

This method is used by many teenagers who want to skip school. For manipulation, you will need a pod of red hot pepper. Cut the vegetable across and rub it on the inside of the armpit. A thermometer placed in such an environment will increase its reading by an average of two degrees.

Be aware that this method has unpleasant consequences. The skin starts to burn and itch. In some cases, severe burns or an uncontrolled allergic reaction may occur.

The use of potassium permanganate

There is another way to influence the body to increase its temperature. An alternative to the previous method would be to use manganese. If you do not have pepper at home, or you are afraid of allergies, then you should give preference to this particular method.

Take potassium permanganate powder and rub it on the armpit. After a few minutes, you can proceed to which will increase by 1-3 degrees.

pencil lead

Many teenagers believe that if you eat the inside of a pencil, you can increase your body temperature. It is worth saying that this opinion is very erroneous. In some cases, the level of the mark on the thermometer really rises. However, this is a symptom of ordinary poisoning. If you do not know how the stylus will affect your well-being, then it is better not to use this method. Otherwise, you can not only increase your body temperature, but also get nausea,


Now you know how to fill the temperature on a thermometer and get the desired mark. From the foregoing, we can conclude that it is better to use mercury devices. They are easier to manipulate and are simply controlled.

Electronic measuring instruments are very hard to deceive. What can we say about special patches that are glued to the forehead and accurately show the temperature of the human body.

    rub it on the fabric - with a metal tip

    I have when you turn on the letter L there and on top C, well, measure how it lights up. Maybe you put it wrong

    I think the same as usual - under hot water. just don't overdo it))

    body temperature?
    Rub your armpits with hot pepper. The little one will burn, but the temperature of 39` is guaranteed for a couple of hours :)

    Mercury. Electrical appliances are generally not to be trusted.

    I have an electronic one, but I like the mercury one more. And you put on an electronic one and when it signals that it's time to pull it out, hold it for another 5 minutes, and then you will find out the exact body temperature ...
    At a low temperature (loss of strength), you will feel bad, variations to improve the condition may be different, because. and there are many reasons for low temperature, for example, a cold, the onset of an inflammatory process, a general failure in the body, pressure, etc.

    rectal, che.

    feel free to add 2 degrees and there will be a real temperature ... Electronic thermometers are crap

    Each measuring device has its own accuracy class. An electronic thermometer has an accuracy class sufficient to measure body temperature. Only you need to take it out not when it beeps, but after as much time as it is written in the instructions. Then its readings do not differ from those of a mercury thermometer. Checked. Sorry for such a long and boring answer.

An increase in temperature may be required for diseases, after which there is a strong decline in strength and low temperature.

Manipulation is often done when people want to avoid going to work, school, college and other undesirable places.

In these cases, you have to come up with ways to help artificially increase the temperature.

But before you do it yourself, you should study the principles and recommendations. This will help prevent unpleasant consequences for the body and health.

Artificial temperature increase is an undesirable procedure that can cause severe stress.

How to raise body temperature to 38 degrees in 5 minutes

An increase in temperature for many may be the only reason to avoid unwanted events.

But you should not abuse this, you need to remember that this can adversely affect the condition.

If there are no other ways to not go to work or to school, the institute can use this measure.

There are many options that can raise the body temperature to 38 degrees in 5 minutes. They are done quickly and easily.

When they are carried out, the indicators on the thermometer rise by several marks. Strong fever does not last long, several hours, then it gradually decreases and the condition returns to normal.

It is worth noting! An artificial increase in temperature does not always help with weakness and loss of strength.

Many methods have a temporary effect and after it, the performance decreases. If the patient has a temperature below 36.6 degrees, then he should visit a doctor.

At home, the methods in the table will help to artificially and quickly raise the temperature:

The name of the ingredient used Description
Stationery glue This remedy is used intranasally. The tool helps to catch up on the mercury and electronic thermometers by several marks.

When it is used, signs of a cold can appear - a runny nose, a mild headache

Coffee To bring the temperature up to 38-39 degrees, it is recommended to eat coffee, a few teaspoons. It is worth using freeze-dried versions of a coffee drink
The drug Pyrogenal When using, it is important to correctly calculate the dose of the drug, it is taken in accordance with the weight of the person.

It must be taken correctly, otherwise signs of an overdose may appear.

The active components of the drug affect the areas of the brain that are responsible for regulating body temperature.

geranium leaves To increase the temperature, you can put a few leaves of geranium in the nostrils. In addition, a runny nose will appear

Methods using iodine and a pencil lead

Raising the temperature with iodine or a pencil lead will allow you to do this quickly, but these methods should be used in extreme cases when there is an urgent need.

It is not worth the risk, you need to use them if you urgently need to avoid unwanted events.

Consider how the temperature is raised using iodine and a pencil lead:

  • The use of iodine. The tool can be used to quickly raise the temperature to 38-39 degrees. It needs to be properly prepared.

    It is dripped on a slice of bread or sugar, it can be added to a glass of water and drunk. In about half an hour, the temperature will rise to 38-39 degrees.

    It is important to know how much iodine is needed (a few drops are enough), otherwise stomach problems may appear. The effect will last 2-3 hours until the stomach processes the iodine.

  • Raising the temperature with a pencil lead. Use a simple pencil.

    It is enough to eat a small piece of lead and after a while the temperature will rise to 38-39 degrees. This method is often used by children to skip school.

How to cause a high temperature on a mercury and electronic thermometer

It is not always possible to increase body temperature, there are ways to help increase the temperature on a mercury and electronic thermometer.

They are simple, safe for health and you can easily do them yourself at home.

Below are several options for raising the temperature on a mercury and electronic thermometer:

  • The impact of heated objects. To increase the temperature readings on a mercury thermometer, it can be brought closer to the battery, heated liquid, heaters, boiler, gas stove and other hot appliances.
  • To raise the temperature on an electronic thermometer, you can attach it to the body of a dog or cat for a while.

    It is known that in animals the body temperature is several degrees higher than the human body.

  • If desired, you can make a small heating pad from mustard plaster, which is wetted in hot water. It is placed in a plastic bag, and after that the thermometer leans against it.

    Do not hold too long, otherwise the thermometer will overheat. And the temperature readings of 40-42 degrees will be unnatural for others.

Important! Do not overexpose the mercury thermometer near a hot object or liquid.

If it is heated too much, it may burst, which will cause all the mercury to come out and cause poisoning.

Other subtle ways

There are various ways to help you quietly increase the temperature in your home.

They do not have a negative impact on a person, do not cause health problems, but they should be used only in emergency situations.

The safest methods include:

  • In order for the indicators to rise by several marks, you can lightly tap on the thermometer on both sides. This is a reliable method, but you should do it carefully so as not to break the thermometer.
  • You can rub the body with a solution of vinegar. 4 tablespoons of vinegar are added to 1 liter of water.

    After rubbing, you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket. After a while, the temperature will rise by several degrees.

  • You can dissolve a little dry mustard in water. In the finished solution, you need to hold your feet for a while. After 20-30 minutes, the temperature will rise.

Raising the temperature of a child or an adult is recommended only when absolutely necessary.

Do not abuse these methods, otherwise many of them can cause health problems.

Many products (glue, iodine, vinegar, mustard) can cause poisoning, which can be accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms.

It is important to observe the dosages of these funds, and also not to abuse them.

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Surely every student at least once, but the question arose: how to raise the temperature on a thermometer? The children are engaged in similar experiments in order to skip classes for a good reason. In this way, they deceive their parents and "sick" at home. This article will discuss how to raise the temperature on the thermometer to the desired mark. You will be presented with only proven and effective methods of such manipulations.


Before you raise the temperature on the thermometer, you should choose the right measuring device. A mercury thermometer will do the job better. Of course, the electronic apparatus can also be deceived. However, it is much more difficult to control the level of temperature increase on it.

So, if a thermometer is selected, and you have to measure the temperature, before you independently conduct experiments on heating the measuring device, you should familiarize yourself with the methods below.

How to raise the temperature on the thermometer to the desired level?

There are several ways to carry out this manipulation. The effectiveness of many of them has been proven by scientists. Some are effective, but they come from the people. Let us consider in detail several effective methods on how to raise the temperature on a thermometer.

get sick

The easiest way to raise your mercury level is to catch a cold. During illness, the human body fights viruses and produces interferon. Thanks to this substance, an increase in the value on the measuring device occurs. Before you increase the temperature on the thermometer in this way, you do not have to make any specific preparation. It is enough just to take a measurement in the armpit.

Using an unusual way of measuring

There is another proven way to raise the temperature on a thermometer. In this case, you just need to change the usual place of measurement. It should be noted that not all devices are suitable for such manipulation. A mercury thermometer will do the job just fine.

Insert the thermometer into the rectum and wait for about five minutes. In this area, the body temperature is always slightly higher. The difference with the measurement in the armpit is approximately one degree. Thus, if your body temperature is 36.6 degrees, then you will get a value that will be more than 37 degrees.

Application of friction force

Consider another option, how to catch up with the temperature on the thermometer. To do this, you need a thick fabric. Any wool or cotton is ideal. Take a thermometer in your hand and quickly rub the end of it on a cloth. It should be noted that this method is only suitable for mercury devices.

Keep a close eye on the mercury column. He can rise very quickly. When the mercury reaches the desired level, stop rubbing the thermometer.


If you need to learn how to fill the temperature on a thermometer imperceptibly, then this method is for you. It is suitable only for mercury measuring instruments.

Place the thermometer in a warm place. You can use your own body. The heating of mercury is excellent in the armpit area. When the thermometer becomes warm, turn it over with the mercury end up. After that, tap the blunt base several times on any bone in your body. Mercury will slowly slide down. In this way, you can bring the mark to the desired level.

Use of heating appliances

A battery or an ordinary burning light bulb will help you increase the level of the value on the thermometer. Before you heat the thermometer in this way, you should familiarize yourself with it in more detail. If you use mercury devices, then you can safely proceed to manipulation. Electronic thermometers, on the other hand, may have silicone tips that melt easily when exposed to high temperatures.

Place the sharp end of the thermometer against the hot instrument. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the level of the obtained values. Mercury thermometers heat up very quickly and can burst. When the desired mark is obtained, cool the tip of the device. This can be done easily, just blow on it a few times.

Hot water

This method is suitable for mercury thermometers and electronic devices that have a waterproof effect. Take a container of hot water and dip the sharp end of the thermometer into it. Do not use boiling water for this. Otherwise, the mercury thermometer may burst, and the electronic one may fail. As soon as the mark you need appears on the device, remove it from the container and cool.

Red pepper

This method is used by many teenagers who want to skip school. For manipulation, you will need a pod of red hot pepper. Cut the vegetable across and rub it on the inside of the armpit. A thermometer placed in such an environment will increase its reading by an average of two degrees.

Be aware that this method has unpleasant consequences. The skin starts to burn and itch. In some cases, severe burns or an uncontrolled allergic reaction may occur.

The use of potassium permanganate

There is another way to influence the body to increase its temperature. An alternative to the previous method would be to use manganese. If you do not have pepper at home, or you are afraid of allergies, then you should give preference to this particular method.

Take the powder and rub it on the armpit. After a few minutes, you can start measuring the temperature, which will rise by 1-3 degrees.

pencil lead

Many teenagers believe that if you eat the inside of a pencil, you can increase your body temperature. It is worth saying that this opinion is very erroneous. In some cases, the level of the mark on the thermometer really rises. However, this is a symptom of ordinary poisoning. If you do not know how the stylus will affect your well-being, then it is better not to use this method. Otherwise, you can not only increase your body temperature, but also get nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.


Now you know how to fill the temperature on a thermometer and get the desired mark. From the foregoing, we can conclude that it is better to use mercury devices. They are easier to manipulate and are simply controlled.

Electronic measuring instruments are very hard to deceive. What can we say about special patches that are glued to the forehead and accurately show the temperature of the human body.

How to "fill" the temperature

The easiest way: heat the thermometer. Suitable for schoolchildren when no one is standing nearby and does not control the measurement process.

You need to lean the thermometer against a hot object - and it will begin to show the temperature of this object.

The main mistake is to overheat the thermometer. If the object is too hot, the thermometer will simply burst. You need to act carefully - for example, if you use a battery - you need to lean a thermometer against it for a short time - first for a split second, and check what temperature the thermometer now shows. And repeat your manipulations again, you can gradually increase the time if the result is not visible.

If the temperature is too high, you can bring it down a little.

How to change the temperature on an electronic thermometer.

With electronic thermometers, the “rubbing” method is suitable: you need to rub the measuring element with clothes or skin. You can either turn the thermometer several times by holding it under your armpit, or rub it on your clothes. From friction, the temperature rises and the thermometer shows what you need.

This method is also suitable for conventional mercury thermometers.

The safest way is to "fill" the temperature

For mercury thermometers, a method of “filling” the temperature is suitable. The fact is that the temperature on the thermometer can not only be “shaken off”, but also stuffed in the opposite direction. To do this, you need to hold down the thermometer in your fist, and knock it by hitting it with the opposite end. Of course, you need to beat not with the thermometer itself, but with the fist in which the thermometer is clamped.

Disadvantages of the method: sometimes mercury is "knocked out" incorrectly - i.e. gaps are formed on the scale from the air. In this case, you need to shake off the thermometer again and start stuffing again.

Advantages: the thermometer cannot be "overheated" - i.e. he won't burst.

Replacement of thermometers

The method is suitable for measuring temperature at home. With preliminary preparation, it can also be used in first-aid posts.

For home - you need to buy 2 in advance, and preferably 3 identical mercury thermometers. We give one to parents, and leave the other two “in reserve”. On the two left, we fill the temperature in advance (see above), and put them in a secluded place where we can quietly pull them out.

After you have been given a thermometer, you simply replace it with a pre-prepared one. For such a substitution, it does not take much time - you just need to choose a convenient moment.

The method is good in that it can be used when the parents are constantly near you during the measurement process.

The third thermometer is needed if the parents come in to measure the temperature again.

With this method, the main thing is reliability. You should not stuff 38 when you have a healthy look. You can limit yourself to 37.2-37.4.

For use in first-aid posts, where there are a lot of thermometers, you need to take one of them in advance and set the temperature on it in advance. Then, similarly to the above: take a thermometer from the doctor, and change it to your own.

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