Hundreds of giant UFOs are flying towards the earth. Hundreds of giant UFOs threaten the Earth: Aliens purposefully fly to our planet. And they fly for a long time

6-09-2017, 10:31

In some non-commercial media distributed on the Web, information began to appear that aliens were attacking the Earth. Unknown experts claimed that many strange objects are gradually approaching our planet, therefore it is necessary to start sounding the alarm right now, as there is a prospect of becoming almost slaves of a more developed race, as in some science fiction description.

At the same time, there are a huge number of alien spacecraft, a whole fleet that purposefully seeks to attack the Earth. In addition, this will happen very soon, it remains to wait a bit - and all the conspiracy theorists of the planet will certainly turn out to be right, arguing that the world scientific elite is hiding a terrible truth from humanity.

In particular, in the United States, they probably already know about everything, but they ordered the NASA aerospace agency not to tell anything to anyone. The reason is to avoid panic. Also, such messages indicate that experts found evidence using an Internet map of space, where it is enough to enter some coordinates. In particular, experts suggest typing the following data: 19 25 12 -89 46 03. In their opinion, with an increase in the scale of this area, it will become clear that we have only a kind of UFO in front of us. However, experts are skeptical about this theory.

Checking the coordinates experimentally did not show any difference between the area highlighted in the white rectangle and the rest of the starry sky. Three stars located there, similar to those nearby, in connection with which the theory is in some way not entirely consistent. It is obvious that either there is an error with the coordinates, or the specialists are not entirely competent in relation to astronomical realities. Another extremely curious fact was discovered: according to some sources, information about hundreds of UFOs is not entirely accurate, since these data were taken from the press archive six or seven years ago. An experimental check by entering the above coordinates in the search browser did indeed reflect the 2011 material, which also included the name of one of the specialists: a certain Craig Krasnov, who was listed as an employee of the SETI organization.

The latter really exists and is engaged in the fact that it is looking for alien intelligent life in the Universe. However, as some experts stated, for some reason, Craig Krasnov was not found on the list of employees of this organization, and the only Craig who was listed there had the surname Kovo. Accordingly, another confusion - either the specialist was not correctly indicated, or the information was not displayed correctly. In addition, another interesting fact: according to the source, "hundreds of UFOs" were supposed to fly to Earth in December 2012. Surprisingly, this date coincides with one of the predicted Apocalypses. Separately, it is worth noting that in the article six years ago there was no information that aliens would certainly attack our planet. Referring to the very ephemeral specialist Craig Krasnov, the source noted that there may be other goals. For example, aliens will want to help people cope with some global problems. Krasnov allegedly stated that soon enough the arrival of the ships could be observed through telescopes. Another detail - there should have been three spacecraft, but not a whole hundred.

Thus, according to some experts, there is a global breakthrough in the imagination of representatives of the non-commercial Internet press. Apparently, it was about groups in social networks, where quite old information is often published, passing it off as modern events, or there was a mistake when studying this material from modern journalists. One way or another, however, it is clear that no fleet of aliens attacks humanity, this information is extremely unreliable. In the same 2012, no one attacked, and this trend continues.

From time to time, UFOs are observed by ordinary people either in the sky or when studying images taken in outer space, but only within the solar system. The veracity of such claims can be disputed, as there are various factors that indicate that it is not possible to prove the appearance of real alien ships. In particular, experts advise, before counting the bright point of a UFO you see, to think about whether this object could be of terrestrial origin. If this appears only in a photograph, then it is worth considering whether the equipment used for shooting has any defects - temporary or permanent. Here you can also include a mote that is currently stuck to the lens. World-class experts do not say that aliens do not exist at all.

Scientists admit the existence of at least one habitable world somewhere in the cosmic details, but they emphasize that it is not yet possible to even say whether it was such in the past. The Universe is more than thirteen billion years old, and during this period various events took place. A certain race could undergo formation on its planet, but it was destroyed by cosmic bombardment, a supernova explosion, the planet was sucked into the nearest black hole, and so on.

In a word, it is not known what cataclysms could happen to hypothetical intelligent neighbors in the Universe. Moreover, some experts are inclined to think that humanity, as a race, could appear later than the others. Consequently, while we are developing and studying the cosmos, on some other planet, a complete sunset has already happened. There is no evidence for such theories, and it is not possible to give them due to the obvious difficulty in studying the Universe exclusively through telescopes. In this case, only time will prove on whose side the truth is - it is possible that conspiracy theorists will be partially right.

Lika Kharkovskaya - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

This news came out for the reason that the SETI project (SETI Project (eng. SETI, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a project to search for extraterrestrial civilizations) is not a government project in any of the countries, but is a scientific non-profit project. It seems like something is starting to happen. According to SETI management sources, they activated some of the antennas intended for signal processing and the exclusive use of the United States Navy. The SETI leadership seems to be very concerned that several very large objects are rapidly approaching the Earth.

Go to the space map at and check out these images. Go to the site, enter the coordinates (listed below) and increase the cursor by -/+ on the left ...

coordinates of giant UFOs heading for Earth:

19 25 12 -89 46 03 - the first large object

16 19 35 -88 43 10 – cylindrical object

02 26 39 -89 43 13 - in the form of a circle

Here are some comments from the SETI researchers: “These objects have been known for some time, and they are real. NASA does not want to release them to the public eye. These alien ships are moving towards Earth and the Government knows about it!”

“I was in touch with my former colleagues at SETI. They informed me that these are definitely alien ships, they are in contact with them using HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) - an American research project for the study of auroras. The project was launched in the spring of 1997, in Hakone, Alaska.The project is featured in numerous conspiracy theories, including claims that HAARP is a geophysical or ionospheric weapon) The objects are now in the constellation BS2-47 +.06 - Obama is going to use this as his justification for the establishment of dictatorial power and the creation of a One World Government. When they are as close as Mars, everyone will know they are there - this will be a regular topic in the media and will be used to whip up public hysteria."

All we can do now is wait. If the ship is a fact, it should be visible with a good telescope. Mass hysteria will be inevitable. Remember the 1938 radio dramatization of H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds and how it triggered mass panic, resulting in several deaths? Although, it was more than 70 years ago and times have changed, especially since the space age began in the late 50s, and there was a “mutual understanding” between people and the Cosmos. More and more people today recognize that the possibility of other intelligent life exists in the universe. Therefore, it should not be surprising if representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations visit the Earth. There will be a lot of hysteria, they will refer to the creation of a world government in order to unite against the "common enemy". Will it be the War of the Worlds, Star Wars, for which science fiction writers and television directors have so perfectly prepared us, or are they flying towards us with friendly intentions? ... Let's wait and see ...

A lot of alien ships are sent to our planet.

Western ufologists warn humanity of a possible alien invasion. And all because, while studying a map of space, they found several unidentified flying objects that are heading straight for Earth. Different sources have different data on the number of UFOs - most often they mention three gigantic objects, or hundreds of "flying saucers" approaching the Earth. It was possible to fix more than ten objects using the HAARP program.

Moreover, according to some experts, the purpose of the aliens is precisely the attack of the Earth, which will be carried out by them in the near future, and not at all the building of friendly relations. Predicting such a future for their planet, conspiracy theorists claim that the scientific elite of the world keeps the terrible truth about upcoming events secret from all mankind.

Some experts are already starting to panic, declaring that after the mass landing of aliens on our planet, all of humanity will become slaves of another, more developed race. So far, it's more like a script for a science fiction movie. Professional "alien hunters" claim that the US government has long been notified of the coming approach of aliens, but it has colluded with NASA so as not to sow panic among the population of the Earth, monitors the movements of the alien space fleet, at the same time preparing a certain plan, with the help of which it will be possible to actively resist the emerging situation directly in the course of events. Ufologists say that almost all important information on this issue is hidden by special authorities, and only a few fragments of it reach the public.

For example, with respect to the three large UFOs described above, it is known that they are slowly but surely approaching our orbit, and now they can be seen on a star map by entering the coordinates 19 25 12 - 89 46 03. They can also be viewed in a fairly powerful telescope. Scientists have already calculated the trajectory of the movement of aircraft, but it is still impossible to predict the exact date of the arrival of aliens. Opponents of the theory that the objects found in this square are UFOs believe that there is nothing supernatural in this area. And even if you check the coordinates experimentally, it is impossible to find differences from the rest of the starry sky: there are three stars on the site, of a completely standard plan, not different from those that are nearby.

Such contradictions in information can be explained in different ways: perhaps, on purpose or not, incorrect coordinates were given, or specialists who made loud statements about the presence of several UFOs near the earth's orbit do not have sufficient competence. And about hundreds of "flying saucers" information, in general, does not inspire confidence, since, according to some sources, they are taken from the archives and were relevant 6-7 years ago. In any case, an independent check through a search browser gave information for 2011. The material featured a certain citizen named Craig Krasnov, who was an employee of the SETI organization. This company is quite real and its main activity is the search for alien intelligent life. It is noteworthy that no one with the last name Krasnov was found among the company's employees. And the only worker named Craig turned out to have the last name Kovo. It is not possible to establish the truth - either there was an error with the specialist's data, or the information was distorted. In addition, based on the information indicated in these materials, the mentioned “hundreds of alien ships” should have landed on our territory back in 2012. It is worth mentioning that one of the Apocalypses was predicted on this date. But there are no indications of when the attack of our planet by aliens will happen in the materials. The same mysterious specialist Craig Krasnov, according to the source, noted that aliens may have other goals than an attack on earthlings, for example, they can be aimed at helping the inhabitants of the Earth in the fight against global problems. By the way, according to the same Krasnov, there should be no more, no less spacecraft, but only three.

Many experts are inclined to believe that the so-called representatives of the non-commercial Internet press are “guilty” of the appearance of such information, it is possible that this was one of the numerous groups from social networks. They often present outdated information as if it were fresh information. Of course, modern journalists could also make a mistake when studying the material. After all, in 2012, the promised alien attack never happened.

UFOs are periodically observed by ordinary citizens who are not specialists in ufology or space. But statements of this kind are always questioned, since no one has reliable evidence that the object is related to an alien civilization. Experts recommend that before claiming that you have seen or photographed a UFO, think carefully about whether it could be an object of terrestrial origin or whether the event has another explanation, such as a defect in filming equipment. World-class experts, however, do not deny the existence of aliens.


It is not known for certain whether the recent outbreaks on the Sun were the cause of such news or were just a favorable background for the next "news from space". One way or another, alien researchers claimed that the alien armada would arrive on Earth in a month. Now, according to the researchers' forecasts, the objects allegedly deviated from the course and should be expected no earlier than December 2017.

Ufologists say that caravans with alien ships are approaching our planet - we are talking about more than a hundred UFOs, reports URA.RU with reference to Nation news.

It is noted that earlier ufologists said that representatives of alien civilizations will reach the Earth within a month. However, now UFO researchers are clarifying that due to a change in flight path, guests from space will arrive later.

NASA specialists have already given answers to such statements, reacting to the theses of ufologists with humor.

However, those who are convinced of the existence of an alien mind do not intend to joke and point to a possible conspiracy of the US government with aliens.

Researchers warn that a large number of UFOs are flying towards our planet.

In September, astronomers during their observations noticed more than a hundred huge unidentified objects in space heading towards the Earth. If the objects had not gone astray, they would have reached our planet in mid-October.

Fortunately, the original course of the UFO has changed - the objects have shifted a few degrees, and generally moved a couple of light years away from the previous line of motion.

Ufologists are not happy with such guests. Scientists warn that the approach of UFOs of similar dimensions (the area of ​​some of them reaches over 4,000 square meters) can affect the nature of the Earth.

If earlier it was said that they would reach the Earth by the middle of next year, now most of them have changed the trajectory. Their appearance is possible at the end of 2017.

According to the publication, experts staged a panic and suggested that a fleet of aliens was moving towards Earth. NASA scientists have not yet commented on this situation.

Arguing about the purpose of the arrival of such a large number of UFOs to Earth, ufologists cannot come to a common opinion, assuring that this will become known only when the "ships" reach our planet. At the same time, experts do not deny hostile attitudes on the part of these flying objects.

Amateur ufologists said that with the help of NASA space agency devices, they managed to calculate the coordinates of the UFO - 19 25 12 - 89 46 03. According to preliminary estimates, several alien ships should have reached the Earth by mid-December of this year.

Of course, after such a loud statement, many ufologists from all over the world, as well as amateur astronomers, began to search in space for hundreds of UFOs approaching earthlings. As it became known, now the situation has changed - approximately half of space objects have changed their trajectory. It has changed by two light years and now the coordinates of the UFO are as follows - 19 27 12-89 46 03.

If the direction does not change, then many ships will never reach the Earth. However, this does not apply to all UFOs that were heading towards the orbit of our "blue planet", since out of a hundred ships, a little more than half of the objects changed their flight path. But the rest can reach Earth in December 2017.

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