All types of dinosaurs with names, their description. Types of dinosaurs, animals that do not exist Dinosaurs and their names

How many types of dinosaurs do you know? Check out our list of the most famous dinosaur species.

Here you will be provided with material about all aspects of life and the appearance of dinosaurs. The Mesozoic era will be described in great detail. Our information is collected very carefully and does not miss even a single small detail. The sources of our articles are modern domestic research and foreign paleontological developments. Our information will be interesting for both children and adults. It will be useful not only to an ordinary amateur, but also to a scientist.

The majestic era in the life of our planet is that multimillion-dollar segment of history when mysterious dinosaurs lived on Earth. So let's try to unravel their secrets!

Dinosaurs, who are they? Let's start with the definition of the type.

If we translate from the ancient Greek the Latin word "Dinosauria", then we get the phrase "terrible lizard". In 1842, the Englishman Richard Owen (a famous zoologist and paleontologist) introduced this term into science.

So, according to the scientific classification, dinosaurs are a superorder (in rank definition) or a broad group of land reptiles that lived on Earth in the Mesozoic era, namely 231.4 - 66.2 million years ago. These animals had a number of similar features. Chief among these was the constitution of the body, especially the bones of the pelvis. Further on the site you will see a comparative diagram of the hip region of different types of land dinosaurs. Consider the left model - it demonstrates the constitution of the pelvic bones of amphibians and a large detachment of reptiles. In this model, the paws are clearly spaced on the sides and quite curved. The model in the center refers to dinosaurs and mammals. The model on the right refers to the Ravizukha, which became extinct in the Triassic period.

In turn, representatives of dinosaurs are divided into 8 groups:

ornithopods (Ornithopoda), pachycephalosaurs (Pachycephalosauria), ceratopsians (Ceratopsia), ankylosaurs (Ankylosauria), stegosaurus (Stegosauria), sauropods (Sauropoda), theropods (Theropoda) and therizinosaurs (Therizinosauria).

The illustration shows a skeletal reconstruction model of each order created by paleontologist Scot Hartman.

We want to draw your attention to this fact: winged and sea pangolins do not belong to dinosaurs, they are classified as separate orders of reptiles.

From ferocious theropods like Tyrannosaurus Rex and Spinosaurus to huge sauropods like Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus.

In 1888, a man named Harry Seeley proposed to classify dinosaurs into two groups based on their hip joint structure, these groups are called Saurischia (hipped lizard) and Ornithischia (hipped bird). These two groups can be divided into subgroups such as families, subfamilies, etc. Let's take a look at some of the interesting subgroups and examples of dinosaurs that are part of them.


Theropods - The name Theropod means "beast foot" which literally translates to "best foot". This group includes all carnivorous (meat-eating) dinosaurs. An interesting fact is that birds did indeed evolve from theropods, and not from Ornitic (avian) dinosaurs. Theropods walked on two legs and included several fearsome-looking but popular dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex and Velociraptor.


Sauropods have evolved and learned to walk on all fours. They usually grew to enormous sizes. They were herbivores (they ate plants). This species included classic dinosaurs such as Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus.

Ornithischian dinosaurs

Ornithischia - The name Thyreophora means "shield bearers". This group includes armored dinosaurs such as Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus. They were herbivores that lived throughout the Jurassic until the Late Cretaceous.


Cerapods included many interesting groups such as Ceratopsian (horned) dinosaurs, Triceratops, and Ornithopods (bird) dinosaurs such as Iguanodon.

One of the main summer and definitely the largest June premiere - "Jurassic World" starts in theaters on June 11th. If you believe the trailers and information on the official website, then in the film we will see at least 18 dinosaurs. "Disgusting men" conduct an educational program and talk about these prehistoric creatures.



Height: 2.5 meters
Weight: 2-4 tons
Length: 11 meters
Diet: herbivore
Period: Late Cretaceous

In the third part of Jurassic Park, the main characters see a small group of ankylosaurs grazing near a pond.

The remains of a tank-like lizard were first discovered in Canada at the beginning of the last century, but archaeologists still have not found a single whole skeleton. The squat and powerful body of the ankylosaurus was covered with bone plates and shields on the back and legs. The weak point was the soft, uncovered belly. Because of this, predators tried to turn over the heavy pangolin and gnaw through an unprotected area.

At the end of the long tail of the ankylosaurus there was a kind of mace - two ossifications attached to the spine. There are two theories of the purpose of such a tool: according to the first, the lizard brushed aside the growth from the oncoming predators, knocking them down and even breaking their bones. The second - the dinosaur used the mace as a snag so that the attacker from afar took it for the head. Both assumptions have been consistently challenged and confirmed as more remains are discovered.



Height: 20-23 meters
Weight: 24-32 tons
Length: 22-27 meters
Diet: herbivore
Period: Late Jurassic

Appearances in previous films in the series: in the first part of Jurassic Park, the main characters call the pangolin by the obsolete name Brontosaurus when they see him grazing in the field. And in the second part, the Apatosaurus can be seen during the attack of poachers.

A lizard with a small brain (only 400 grams), but impressive in size: apatosaurs moved on four legs, weighed like several elephants, and reached the height of a five-story building. The name "apatosaurus" is understood not as a single species of lizards, but as a whole genus. "Thunder Lizards" were not much different from each other: each species had a long tail and neck. There are discrepancies in the structure of the head and the shape of the spine.

Scientists have not yet decided whether to combine the found skeletons of brontosaurs into one. Five species of such dinosaurs lived in North America, all of them preferred to unite in herds to successfully repel the attacks of carnivorous dinosaurs. Apatosaurus defended themselves in the same way and had a similar body structure: with the help of a tail and claws on their front paws. Small species, like diplodocus, were able to stand on their hind limbs.



Height: 3 meters
Weight: 2 tons
Length: 12 meters
Diet: carnivorous
Period: Early Cretaceous

Appearances in previous films in the series: although this lizard was not mentioned in the trilogy, according to the original script, they wanted to make him the main dinosaur in the continuation of the original.

A small dinosaur with a crocodile face and long front legs that lived in what is now England. The lizard ate mainly fish: as a bear stood in a pond and caught the victim with its upper limbs. If the slippery prey did not yield, Baryonyx would dip its head into the river and try to capture it with a bite. For this, his nostrils are prudently located higher than those of other relatives.

In danger, the "long claw" used sharp processes on the lower legs, especially if the aggressor was large. According to later finds, it became clear that the dinosaur did not disdain to eat the bodies of dead opponents or carrion. Again, the long muzzle with comfortable breathing holes helped: you can dive deep into the carcass and not suffocate.



Wingspan: 1.5-2 meters
Body length: meter
Diet: carnivorous
Period of residence: early Jurassic

One of the smallest dinosaurs with wings - some individuals reached only 120 centimeters in length. This pangolin is considered to be primitive due to its meager structure: a small brain, short limbs and a large head. Dimorphodon did not fly long distances and only sometimes planned from one place to another. It was also difficult for him to eat: the structure of large jaws did not allow him to quickly grab or hold large fish in a vise.

There is still debate about whether Dimorphodon should be classified as a pterosaur. It has been suggested that the dinosaur moved more readily on the ground: the fifth finger on the forelimb supported the wings, so it could run nimbly on all fours. In this position, it was easy for the lizard to hunt insects or small lizards. In case of danger, Dimorphodon quickly climbed a tree, mountain or other hill.



Height: 4 meters
Length: 13 meters
Weight: 4.5 tons
Diet: herbivore
Period of residence: Cretaceous period

One of the largest representatives of the genus of hadrosaurs - duck-billed dinosaurs. The first in the list of those whose skeleton was found several times in complete safety. Edmontosaurus was most likely a favorite delicacy of tyrannosaurs, because it lived with them at the same time and ran relatively slowly. But even these ferocious predators sometimes received a rebuff: the dinosaur's limbs ended with hooves, with which he could give the attacker in the face.

The lizard lived in present-day North America, moved both on four and two legs, and with the help of a long duck jaw, it could independently chew cones and hard leaves. This was a significant advantage: many herbivorous dinosaurs were forced to swallow stones in order to grind plants with them.



Height: 3 meters
Weight: 450 kg
Length: 8 meters
Diet: omnivorous
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Appearances in previous films in the series: in the first film, the main characters hide from a herd of Gallimimus when a Tyrannosaurus Rex is hunting them. In a continuation of 1997, scientists rescue several pangolins from poachers' cages.

The fastest of the ornithomimids, ostrich-like dinosaurs running on their hind legs. The impressive length of the legs and relatively low weight allowed him to accelerate to 70 kilometers per hour. Curious film blunder: gallimims did not unite in groups and preferred to run away from large predators on their own. In Jurassic Park, they are shown grazing in a herd.

A curved neck, a toothless beak, thin legs and neck - these tools allowed the dinosaur to hunt lizards, shrews and eat everything that can not be chewed: relatives' eggs and sometimes vegetation. With its lower jaw resembling a scoop, the lizard rummaged through the ground in search of worms and root crops.

Indominus Rex

Indominus Rex

Height: 5.5 meters
Weight: 10 tons
Length: 12 meters
Diet: carnivorous

The only fictional animal in the compilation and the main character of the upcoming Jurassic World is the Indominus Rex, a genetically engineered dinosaur, called by the creators the most ferocious of all. The hybrid was made by combining the genetic codes of a tyrannosaurus rex, velociraptor, spinosaurus and other representatives of theropods - bipedal predatory lizards.

The body of the "indomitable king" is covered with osteoderms - ossified plates that protect it from bites and claws. The elongated mouth is filled with a dozen sharp teeth, which regenerate, like the rest of the representatives of this genus. Indominus is also faster than similar lizards: it can reach speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour and grab victims with developed forelimbs.



Weight: ton
Length: 8 meters
Diet: carnivorous
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Appearances in previous films in the series: a Metriacanthosaurus embryo was stolen along with other embryos from a research facility in the first Jurassic Park.

The skeleton of the pangolin has also not been fully restored, because the remains were found only a couple of times in what is now Great Britain. Metriacanthosaurus was originally classified as a terrestrial megalosaur due to its similar body structure. Then there was an opinion that the dinosaur is more likely to belong to the spinosaurs. The underwater lizards, like him, had multiple spike-like growths on the spine, forming a hump.



Weight: 5-6 kilograms
Length: 50-80 centimeters
Diet: herbivore
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

A small pangolin with a bird-like muzzle and a small bone collar covering the neck. The elongated jaw, which resembles a parrot's beak, helped the dinosaur tear off leaves and pluck grass. Due to its meager size and stand on two legs, Microceratops quickly ran and climbed trees.



Length: large individuals - 17-25 meters, small ones - 3-5 meters
Height: up to 3.5 meters
Weight: 2 to 25 tons
Diet: carnivorous
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Relatives of modern monitor lizards - Mesosaurs - lived in coastal waters and hunted everyone they got to: small fish, birds, large turtles and even white sharks. The species featured in the film was the largest of the genus. Some representatives got out on land on four limbs for prey.

There is little evidence for this: only once a skeleton was found suspiciously close to the coast. In the water, they competed only with pliosaurs - more bloodthirsty sea monsters that even hunted their brethren. Unlike them, mesosaurs had a long tail, which allowed them to swim faster and not fall into the mouths of large predators.

In the Jurassic World trailer, a mesosaurus jumps out of the water to grab a shark or eat a flying dinosaur. Scientists cannot confirm or refute such an ability: on the one hand, the lizards were too heavy for such maneuvers, and on the other hand, they had a long and elongated body that easily stretched into a string.

Pachycephalosaurus (Pachycephalosaurus)

Length: 4.5 meters
Height: up to 2 meters
Weight: 450 kg
Diet: herbivore
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Appearances in previous films in the series: in the second sequel, Pachycephalosaurus is rescued along with other dinosaurs from poachers' cages.

Large dimensions and a straight stand helped the lizard to pluck high-growing fruits and eat fresh leaves. Also, a beak with back teeth helped in plucking vegetation.

The mysterious pachycephalosaurus has been studied for 150 years, but the origin is still debated. All because of the spherical cranial vault on the head of the lizard, which protected the brain and served as a weapon against predators. According to another theory, dinosaurs used the "helmet" to fight for a female in order to avoid a concussion. Moreover, the children of the pachycephalosaurus were born with a soft skull, and only by puberty did their heads grow stronger. There is a theory that the lizards did not use the seal: the vault was needed only to recognize a related species and attract a female.



Length: 9-10 meters
Height: 12 meters
Weight: 2-3 tons
Diet: herbivore
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Appearances in previous films in the series: parasaurolophus becomes the first prey of poachers in the second part. In the third, the characters meet living lizards in a pasture, and earlier in one of the scenes they see a tyrannosaurus rex eating a dead dinosaur.

Another duck-billed dinosaur in the collection: the skull of Parasaurolophus was elongated, with a long rear crest. The latter, in fact, were long nostrils, with the help of which the lizard could emit a lingering rumble. In the movies, this sound was imitated by the cry of a horse.

Also, according to an outdated theory, such a growth allowed the dinosaur to pass air through its head and cool the brain in hot weather. The front part of the lizard's mouth looks like a beak; it served as a useful tool for pinching grass and leaves. Due to the heavy skeleton and large body, he moved on four legs, but in moments of danger he stood up on his hind limbs.



Wingspan: different individuals were found, some had a wingspan of about 6 meters, others - up to 10-15 meters
Length: 3 meters
Height: 12 meters
Weight: 20-30 kg
Diet: carnivorous
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Appearances in previous films in the series: The Lost World ends with a Pteranodon flying at sunset. In the third part, several pterosaurs sit in suspended cages.

Pteranodon is a reptile capable of independent flight. Of course, the creatures preferred to soar and dive, but it is the presence of full-fledged wings that distinguishes them as a separate genus.

Pteranodons lived on cliffs or coastal heights to rush down after fish and fly back quickly. In this they were helped by a toothless elongated beak and a crest on the back of the head. The first allowed to capture and immediately swallow the fish, and the second - to maintain balance in the air. Also, in theory, the rear part served as an attraction for females: the longer the length, the more attractive the male. By the way, the lizards of different sexes differed in size. As a rule, the male male was twice the size of the female.



Length: 9 meters
Height: 6 meters
Weight: 5 tons
Diet: herbivore
Dwelling period: Jurassic

Appearances in previous films in the series: in The Lost World, the main characters encounter an adult Stegosaurus and its baby. Because of the flash of the camera, a large dinosaur is frightened and attacks the research team. In the third part, scientists first see the lizards grazing near the river, and then in the same situation in the final scene.

The lizard is known for its large dorsal plates, sharp bone tool on the tail, and relatively small head. It is still not clear exactly how the growths on the body were located, because several types of skeletons were found. In some, the spikes are parallel, in others they are paired or scattered in a zigzag shape. Only the last assumption has a clear explanation: studies confirm that the plates were used for thermoregulation of the body. This means that such a zigzag arrangement allows better ventilation of the lizard's body.

The Stegosaurus felt comparatively safe: the vital organs were protected, and if the predator dared to attack, it received a blow with a tail with four large spikes. The lizard moved on four legs, plucked low-growing grass, digesting it with the help of pre-swallowed stones. In addition, he is the record holder for the difference between the size of the body and the brain. The skull could reach the size of the head of an average modern dog, and there was no more gray matter in it than in a walnut.



Length: 12 meters
Height: 3.5 meters
Weight: 5 tons
Diet: carnivorous
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Another crocodile-like dinosaur: Suchomime had an elongated muzzle and a long claw on the forelimbs to catch fish even in deep waters. On the back of the lizard was a low sail. One theory says that the lizard needed a hollow skeleton, high-set eyes and nostrils to lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Allegedly, suchomimus could set off in pursuit of large prey, using a sail to maneuver in the water.



Length: 11 meters
Height: 3 meters
Weight: 12 tons
Diet: herbivore
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Appearances in previous films in the series: in the first part of Jurassic Park, the heroes help local doctors find out what is wrong with the captive triceratops. In The Lost World, the dinosaur escapes from the cages along with other lizards and demolishes one of the tents along the way.

With its rhinoceros-like structure, as well as its bony collar and three horns, Triceratops is also considered a highly recognizable dinosaur. Although there are still discussions about the place of the lizard in the classification of species, it is customary to separate it from the rest. In the pictures they are depicted fighting predators with nasal and frontal horns, but there are many doubts about this. Perhaps the lizards were more friendly and used formidable weapons only to communicate and attract females. And from the attack they defended themselves with a large collar around the neck, consisting of a single bone.

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Tyrannosaurus rex

Length: 15 meters
Height: 5-6 meters
Weight: 6-7 tons
Diet: carnivorous
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Appearances in previous films in the series: T-Rex is the protagonist of the first two parts of Jurassic Park. There he helps the main characters, and is a great threat to them. In the third part, the dominant spinosaurus kills the predator.

Surprisingly, it is Rex that the public knows by the species name, and not the generic name. There are many tyrannosaurs, and almost everyone has heard about it. But there are big doubts about the ferocity of the lizard. According to some theories, the tyrannosaurus ate only carrion, preferring not to hunt or attack others.

Rex is the largest in his family; the lizard had powerful hind limbs and a tail. The muzzle is equipped with a powerful jaw attached to a massive neck - such a duo could break even a considerable opponent due to the strongest bite. Escape will not work either: the Ti-rex ran at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, maneuvering between the trees with the help of an outstretched tail. The reason for all the jokes on the dinosaur is its funny front paws. Short shoots were suitable only for balancing during the chase, since the lizard could not even butcher the victim with them.



Length: up to 2 meters
Height: 60-70 centimeters
Weight: 20-30 kg
Diet: carnivorous
Dwelling period: Cretaceous

Appearances in previous films in the series: in the original, the velociraptors have almost more screen time than the main characters. For example, in the opening scene, scientists dig up the skeleton of this particular lizard. And an hour later, the kids are running away from a pair of dinosaurs in the kitchen. In The Lost World, the heroes are attacked by several reptiles when they enter their nesting territory. Approximately the same situation develops in the third continuation, when scientists steal the eggs of velociraptors.

In the filmography of Steven Spielberg, real velociraptors are not shown: it depicts a larger lizard - deinonychus, only devoid of plumage. Then it was customary to combine these two types into one. Hence misconceptions such as increased size and the wrong excavation site - the raptor never lived in the northwestern United States.

In fact, Velociraptor is a fairly small theropod with an elongated snout and a long tail to maintain balance while running. An enlarged vertical claw was located on the hind limbs, which helped the lizard to rip open the body of the victim. According to another assumption, with the help of it, the dinosaur could only make a hole in the body of the victim, but not cut it. Out of urgent need, he ate carrion and eggs.

"Jurassic World" in the Russian box office from June 11. Expect a review of disgusting Men in the near future.

Dinosaur species of this group lived in the late Jurassic period on the territory of modern North America about 150 million years ago. Paleontologists consider diplodocus to be one of the most easily identifiable dinosaurs. Moreover, this species is the largest of all dinosaurs known from complete skeletons found. Diplodocus were herbivores, and their huge size was a deterrent to the predatory lizards of those times - ceratosaurs and allosaurs.

Allosaurus - a thunderstorm of diplodocus!

Within the framework of this article, we will not be able to consider all types of dinosaurs with names, so we will only turn to the most prominent and famous representatives of these legendary giants. One of them is the Allosaurus. This is a representative of the genus of carnivorous dinosaurs from the group of theropods. Like diplodocus, allosaurs existed in the Jurassic period about 155 million years ago.

These creatures walked on their hind legs and had very small forelimbs. On average, these lizards reached a length of 9 meters and a height of 4 meters. Allosaurs were considered large bipedal predators of the time. The remains of these insidious creatures were found on the territory of modern Southern Europe, East Africa and North America.

Ichthyosaurs - legendary fish lizards

They represent an extinct detachment of large marine reptiles, reaching a length of 20 meters. Outwardly, these lizards resembled modern fish and dolphins. Their distinguishing feature was large eyes, protected by a bone ring. In general, at a short distance, ichthyosaurs could well be mistaken for fish or dolphins.

The origin of these creatures is still in question. Some paleontologists believe that they come from diapsids. This version is supported only by conjecture: apparently, the shoot of ichthyosaurs somehow branched off from the main diapsid stem even before this subclass split into archosaurs and lepidosaurs. However, the ancestors of these fish lizards are still not known. Ichthyosaurs died out about 90 million years ago.

Dinosaurs take to the sky

At the end of the Triassic period, the first flying species of dinosaurs appeared on the planet, which appeared unexpectedly in the fossil record. Curiously, they were already fully formed. Their direct ancestors, from which they developed all this time, are unknown.

All Triassic pterosaurs belong to the rhamphorhynchus group: these creatures had huge heads, toothed mouths, long and narrow wings, and a long and thin tail. The size of these "leather birds" varied. Pterosaurs, as they were called, were mostly the size of both gulls and hawks. Of course, among them were 5-meter giants. Pterosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.

Tyrannosaurs are the most famous dinosaur species.

The list of ancient lizards would be incomplete if we did not mention the most majestic dinosaur of all times and eras - the tyrannosaurus rex. This insidious and dangerous creature fully justifies its name. This creature is a genus from the coelurosaur group and theropod suborder. It includes a single species - a tyrannosaurus rex (from the Latin language "rex" is a king). Tyrannosaurs, like allosaurs, were bipedal predators with massive skulls and sharp teeth. The limbs of Tyrannosaurus Rex were a complete physiological contradiction: massive hind legs and tiny hook-shaped forepaws.

Tyrannosaurus is the largest species within its own family, as well as one of the largest terrestrial predatory lizards in the entire history of our planet. The remains of this animal were found in the west of modern North America. According to scientists, they lived about 65 million years ago, that is, it was in their century that the death of the entire dynasty of ancient lizards occurred. It was the tyrannosaurs that crowned the entire great era of dinosaurs, which ended during the Cretaceous period.

Feathered heritage

It is no secret to many people that birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs. Paleontologists saw much in common in the external and internal structure of birds and dinosaurs. It should be remembered that birds are descendants of land lizards - dinosaurs, and not flying lizards - pterosaurs! Currently, two subclasses of ancient reptiles are "hanging in the air" because their ancestors and exact origins have not been established by paleontologists. The first subclass is the ichthyosaurs and the second is the turtles. If we have already dealt with ichthyosaurs above, then nothing is clear at all with turtles!

Are turtles amphibians?

And therefore it is clear that, considering such a topic as "Types of dinosaurs", one cannot fail to mention these animals. The origin of the turtle subclass is still shrouded in mystery. True, some zoologists still believe that they originated from anapsids. However, they are opposed by other pundits who are sure that turtles are the descendants of some ancient amphibians. And they do not depend on other reptiles at all. If this theory is confirmed, then a big breakthrough will occur in the science of zoology: it may happen that turtles will not have the slightest relation to reptiles at all, because then they will become ... amphibians!

As you already know, dinosaurs are divided into two groups depending on the structure of the skeleton: lizards and ornithischians. These orders, in turn, are divided into infraorders, in each of which dinosaurs are similar to each other in appearance.

The first lizard dinosaurs were predators. They ran on strong hind legs, and used their front legs to grab prey. They are called theropods, which in Latin means "beasts". Theropods are divided into many families and infraorders, which include similar dinosaurs. There are a lot of them, therefore, in our articles, for simplicity, we call all predators only theropods.

Giant herbivorous dinosaurs with long necks evolved from carnivorous theropods. They began to use all four legs for movement. These dinosaurs are called sauropodomorphs. This group of lizards is divided into two infraorders: sauropods, which in Latin means "lizards", and prosauropods, the ancestors of sauropods.

Suborders of ornithischian dinosaurs

Scientists conditionally divide all ornithischian dinosaurs into two suborders: cerapods and thyreophores. Cerapods include three infraorders: bird-footed ornithopods, horned ceratopsians, and fat-headed pachycephalosaurs. Thyreophores include lizards with plates and bone outgrowths, which are lined up in longitudinal rows along the body. This suborder includes two infraorders: stegosaurs and ankylosaurs.

The first ornithischian dinosaurs were herbivores. They moved mainly on two legs, which in structure were very reminiscent of birds. Therefore, they were called so - bird-footed, or ornithopods. Over time, they developed and became larger. As a result, all other groups of ornithischian dinosaurs appeared.

Stegosaurus are easily recognizable by the spines on their tails and plates on their backs. Scientists put forward various assumptions about why dinosaurs needed them, but they have not yet been able to unequivocally answer this question. The entire infraorder is named after the most famous representative, the stegosaurus.

The infraorder Ceratopsians are easily recognizable by their massive heads, short neck, horns, and curved, beak-like muzzle. Translated from Latin, their name means "horned face". Ceratopsians were of different sizes, but most were as tall as a bull or even an elephant. They could weigh several tons, so not every predator risked fighting such a formidable opponent. The brightest representative of this infraorder is Triceratops.

A characteristic feature of pachycephalosaurs is a strong skull with bone outgrowths in the region of the crown. In the largest dinosaurs, it was 20-25 cm thick. The entire infraorder is named after the most well-studied representative, the pachycephalosaurus.

Ankylosaurs can be called the armored tanks of their time. Their bodies were covered with hard plates, bony growths and spikes. These dinosaurs moved on four strong but short legs. The most famous representative of the infraorder is called Ankylosaurus.

Various types of dinosaurs once ruled the earth. Until now, scientists are finding fossils of previously unknown pangolins, which once again proves how little we know about the past of our planet. There are opinions that some dinosaurs live in our time.

Do you like dinosaurs? The lower classifications include two main species - lizards and ornithischians. Dinosaurs included carnivores, herbivores, flying and aquatic lizards.

Let's remember the most frightening and gigantic lizards. Here is a list of dinosaurs:

tyrannosaurus rex

The most popular and hyped dinosaur. Although paleontology does not stand still, and the tyrannosaurus rex has not been the largest land predator for a long time, it is still actively reproduced in films and described in books. These are the paintings "King Kong", "Jurassic Park", the cartoon "Toy Story".

Tyrannosaurus Rex lived on the planet approximately 65-68 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period. The giant could reach a height of up to 5.5 m, and a length of up to 13 m. The hind legs made it possible to quickly move the body weighing 6–7 tons. Powerful jaws and teeth bent inward were designed to tear off meat.

In addition to publicly available information, new research by scientists has become known, which can change the opinion about the dinosaur. Here are some amazing facts:

  • Tyrannosaurus was not toothy, as is commonly shown in films. It is believed that sharp fangs were hidden behind the folds of the lips. So, thanks to the moist environment, the enamel was well preserved.
  • Lizards moved in packs. Tyrannosaurus rex is usually shown as a solitary predator. But in Canada, they found the skeletons of three tyrannosaurs that moved together.
  • Tyrannosaurs were cannibals. To survive, a huge pangolin needed a lot of meat. The remains of feces prove that the lizards had a fast metabolism, and therefore they quickly became hungry. Even brethren were used, because the remains of a tyrannosaurus rex with traces of teeth of the same species were found.

Soon, dinosaurs, whose photos are amazing, can significantly change their appearance and habits in the cinema.


It is in second place in popularity, sometimes replacing the Tyrannosaurus Rex in films. Allosaurus appeared in such films: "The Lost World", "Jurassic World 2", "Thunder Came".

Allosaurus is the most studied species due to the large burial. The predator could reach a length of 12 m and a height of 5 m. The weight of an individual was 2.5 tons. He lived at the end of the Jurassic period, about 148 million years ago.

And here are interesting facts about Allosaurus:

  • Lizards hunted in a pack and were known as very bloodthirsty predators that attacked both herbivores and other predators.
  • Allosaurus was able to accelerate to 35 km / h, jumping on the back of the victim.
  • The dinosaur was able to change the color of the skin in case of danger or during mating games.

Allosaurus also has three fingers on its front paws with curved claws of 25 cm each.


Many films have also been made about the mind and ingenuity of small lizards. Individuals moved and attacked in packs, and they had developed means of communication. Together they could even cope with a large herbivorous dinosaur. Velociraptor can be seen in the movie "Jurassic World" as well as "Jurassic Park".

Velociraptors lived on Earth about 70 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period. The height of the individual was 70 cm, length 1.8 m, and weight reached from 15 to 20 kg. Velociraptors were known for their agility and intelligence. Elongated jaws and teeth concave backwards made it possible to firmly hold the victim.

The dinosaur, whose species are diverse, inspires fear. Here are some interesting Velociraptor facts:

  • The raptor's hind limbs were equipped with a huge sickle-shaped claw that aimed at the victim's weak spot. When running, the lizard raised his fingers so as not to dull the weapon.
  • It is believed that Velociraptor had plumage. This belies the appearance imposed by the films. It was probably not a cold-blooded killer, but a feathered birdsaur.

We can conclude that the films greatly exaggerated the terrifying appearance of the Velociraptor, otherwise it would not be so interesting.


The name of dinosaurs sometimes speaks for itself. Today, Spinosaurus is the largest terrestrial predator, which could also live in the water. It is possible that the lizard ate fish, but if you believe the identikit, then a long mouth with fangs and a sail on the back betrays a predator.

The length of the Spinosaurus reached 15 m, the height was 5 m, and the weight was about 7 tons. Lizards lived in the Cretaceous period 100 million years ago. For the first time the remains were found in Egypt, perhaps the Spinosaurus was the ancestor of the crocodile.

A huge lizard can be seen in modern films and the cartoon "Ice Age 3: Age of the Dinosaurs." Here are some interesting Spinosaurus facts:

  • On the dorsal spine of the Spinosaurus there were huge spikes, up to 2 m high. They were covered with skin and were used for thermoregulation and attracting females.
  • Lizards hunted alone and attacked both land and waterfowl mammals. Presumably, the Spinosaurus attacked the neck and gnawed it.

So far, most of the facts about Spinosaurus are the speculation of scientists. Perhaps in the future we will learn more about the amazing lizards.


These "horned demons" were common in North America. Triceratops is one of the most popular dinosaurs thanks to cinema, books, toys. It is believed that he is the last flightless lizard.

The herbivore reached 9 m in length and 3 m in height. Its weight was 9 tons, which is no match for our buffaloes. Triceratops lived about 68 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. Dinosaurs had reliable armor, which consisted of a bone plate and three horns on their heads. Lizards lived in a herd, and instead of a mouth they had a beak.

Interesting Triceratops Facts:

  • With age, the direction of the horns changed. In young, they were twisted back, while in adults they looked forward.
  • Modern studies have shown that the collar on the neck carried not only a protective, but also a thermoregulatory function. The same goes for the horns, which had a network of blood vessels.

Triceratops appeared in the movie Jurassic Park, as well as in the cartoon The Land Before Time.


One of the largest and longest pangolins that lived in the late Jurassic period. Diplodocus is a popular herbivore. He became the hero of the projects "The Land Before Time", "Walking with Dinosaurs", "Jurassic World".

It is known that Diplodocus lived in a marshy area and at the same time knew how to swim perfectly. The length of a large individual reached 36 m, and a height of 14 m. Powerful legs held a body weighing up to 38 tons. Huge dinosaurs lived about 150 million years ago. Thanks to a long neck, consisting of 15 vertebrae, Diplodocus ate greens from the tops of trees, and a powerful body served as protection from predators.

Interesting Diplodocus Facts:

  • Short teeth were not designed for chewing food, so Diplodocus swallowed small stones that helped grind the leaves.
  • A huge tail, consisting of 70 vertebrae, was mobile and drove away predators.
  • Powerful dorsal muscles allowed the lizards to stand on their hind limbs in order to reach the tops of the trees.

Also, Diplodocus could eat aquatic inhabitants: mollusks, squids, algae.


The name came from the similarity of the teeth of the lizard and the iguana. These dinosaurs also became the heroes of films and cartoons more than once: "Dinosaur", "Planet of the Dinosaurs", "The Land Before Time". Iguanodon became one of the three prototypes of Godzilla.

The dinosaur ate vegetation and lived in the first half of the Cretaceous period, about 125 million years ago. The length of an adult lizard was 10 m, and the height was 5 m. The body weighed 3 tons. The skull ended in a bone beak with strong teeth, which were convenient for picking plants. Iguanodons lived in herds.

Amazing Herbivore Lizard Facts:

  • The structure of the forelimbs is similar to the human. The paws have five fingers, the fifth of which allowed them to grab food and was equipped with a huge claw 20 cm long.
  • It is the only dinosaur that could walk entirely on two or four legs.
  • Iguanodon is one of the most common species that lived almost all over the globe.

Herbivorous dinosaurs, whose name makes clear the similarity with modern animals, were depicted in the book "The Lost World" by Arthur Conan Doyle.


Flying pangolins are pterosaurs, not dinosaurs. However, both flying and land lizards share a common ancestor. Pteranodons are also popularized as flying dinosaurs. This is facilitated by the paintings "Jurassic Park", "Walking with Sea Monsters", "The Lost World", "Journey to the Center of the Earth".

The wingspan of an adult Pteranodon reaches 7 m. There were lizards about 70 million years ago. The diet of the animal consisted of fish and crustaceans, which he caught with a long beak.

Here are some interesting Pteranodon facts:

  • The toothless jaws of the bird lizard are very similar to those of the modern pelican.
  • The cranial crest protruding upward served as a rudder during flight.
  • It is believed that Pteranodon did not catch fish on the fly, but dived after it, like modern seabirds.


An aquatic dinosaur with a long neck appeared not only in cinema, but also in fiction. These are the book and film "Journey to the Center of the Earth", the novel "The Lost World" by Arthur Conan Doyle, the painting "The Legend of the Dinosaur". The last Plesiosaur is still believed to live in Loch Ness in Scotland.

The length of the Plesiosaurus could reach 18 m, height 3–4 m, and weight up to 700 kg. Dinosaurs lived in the seas and oceans in the Cretaceous period, about 65 million years ago. His body was like a barrel, his neck was long with 80 vertebrae, and his tail was flat. The limbs looked like oars.

Amazing Plesiosaurus Facts:

  • The remains of a flying lizard were found in the body cavity of one dinosaur.
  • It is believed that Plesiosaurs could crawl onto land and lay eggs like turtles. But reliable confirmation of this has not been found.

That's what dinosaurs are. Perhaps they still live in the depths of the lakes.


One of the largest inhabitants of the deep sea during the existence of the planet. Mosasaurus appeared in the movie "Jurassic World 2", and is also the hero of computer games. It is believed that Mosasaurus is the ancestor of the current monitor lizards.

The length of an adult individual reached 17 m, and a height of 3 m. On average, Mosasaurs weighed about 12 tons. They lived throughout the Cretaceous period. The remains of this pangolin have been found on many continents, including Antarctica. They ate fish, shellfish and turtles.

Here are some interesting Mosasaurus facts:

  • The lizard moved in the water like a snake, which resembles a conger eel.
  • Thanks to its huge mouth, the Mosasaurus could completely absorb its prey.
  • Massive sharp teeth under the pressure of the jaw easily crushed any bones.

All types of dinosaurs have their own characteristics and adapted to living conditions in different ways.

These are the most popular dinosaurs that have become the heroes of cinema, animation, as well as the works of science fiction writers. Until now, there are new facts about the formidable pangolins, so lovers of paleontology will have something to do.

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