Porridge for allergies what adults can do. Diet recommendations for different types of allergies. Principles of adherence to a non-specific hypoallergenic diet

Our urinary system is designed to cleanse the body of metabolic products. The correct activity of all organs of this system is a guarantee of normal well-being and the absence of various pathological conditions. However, with impaired kidney function, various problems can arise with cleaning the body of toxins and other metabolic particles. This immediately affects the state of the blood, it begins to accumulate uric acid. Let's talk about this indicator in a little more detail.

Uric acid - the norm of the indicator

This substance is designed to cleanse the tissues of our body from excess nitrogen and bring it out of the body. Uric acid is produced in the liver and is found in the blood plasma as sodium salts.

As we have already said, the kidneys are involved in the excretion of this substance. If these organs do not work properly, sodium salts accumulate in the blood, which leads to an increase in uric acid levels, and it begins to damage cells, tissues and organs.

The optimal amount of uric acid for children up to fourteen years of age ranges from one hundred and twenty to three hundred and twenty micromoles per liter. For adult women, this amount ranges from one hundred and fifty to three hundred and fifty micromoles per liter. As for adult men, the level of uric acid can be two hundred and ten - four hundred and twenty micromoles per liter.

Why is uric acid elevated? The reasons

Such a phenomenon as an increase in the amount of uric acid is called hyperuricemia. This condition is the main symptom of gout of the primary or secondary type.

In the diagnosis of this disease, the determination of the amount of uric acid plays a particularly important role. As you know, primary gout is often asymptomatic, making itself felt only by an increase in this indicator.

The secondary form of the disease can develop due to kidney damage, malignant tumors, as well as against the background of tissue destruction or starvation.

The primary type of gout is formed due to the slow removal of uric acid from our body or as a result of excessive production of this substance. In this case, the crystals of this component are deposited inside the joints, subcutaneous tissue or kidneys. This is fraught with the development of gout or chronic arthritis.

Uric acid is also elevated in leukemia and lymphoma. The same phenomenon occurs with anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12, some acute infections, such as pneumonia, scarlet fever and tuberculosis. Sometimes a similar situation can be observed with lesions of the liver or biliary tract, diabetes mellitus, chronic eczema, psoriasis, urticaria. Also, uric acid can accumulate with kidney damage, toxicosis during pregnancy, acidosis and secondary "alcoholic gout", which is also called acute alcohol poisoning.

The amount of this substance in the body can increase after physical activity, alcohol consumption and with prolonged fasting. An increase in the amount of uric acid can be observed in people who eat foods high in fat and carbohydrates. In addition, this situation sometimes occurs with the consumption of certain medications.

What reduces uric acid (treatment)?

To reduce the level of uric acid, medications such as Allopurinol, Benzobromarone, Sulfinpyrazone, Colchicine can be used. All drugs can be prescribed exclusively by a doctor who takes into account all the features of the course of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Quite often, the accumulation of uric acid in the body occurs when the digestion of foods that have a high protein content is disturbed. From such food, constantly present in our daily diet, we can distinguish various fish and seafood, meat, and eggs. Experts in proper and balanced nutrition strongly recommend consuming these products exclusively in combination with vegetables, preferably not thermally processed, keeping a ratio of 1:3. So the body can maintain the balance of acid and alkali, which affects the level of uric acid in the body.

If you are faced with an increased content of this component in the blood, you will have to completely abandon the consumption of foods with a high content of purines. These include red meat, liver, as well as kidneys, brains and tongue, various smoked and salty foods, home-made marinades, lard, alcoholic beverages, legumes, various sweets, including chocolate.

Only a radical decrease in the amount of this product in the diet (or better, its complete exclusion) helps to reduce and optimize the amount of uric acid. It is also worth considering that black tea, cocoa and different types of coffee have a toxic effect on the body.

Try to replace all these products with more useful ones. Eat poultry instead of red meat and honey instead of sugar. It is advisable to change tea and coffee for freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juices.

If the amount of uric acid in the body is high enough, and the diet does not bring the desired effect, the doctor may prescribe the use of various medications.

In order to notice an increase in uric acid in time, it is worth regularly undergoing a preventive examination, which includes the delivery of a general blood test.

Uric acid (UA) in the blood is an essential part of biological processes and chemical reactions in protein metabolism in the body.

This acid is synthesized in the liver cells from the proteins present, which came from the intestines, and were formed from the incoming food.

Uric acid in the blood, what is it?

Uric acid (UA) is found in blood plasma and is formed from purine molecules in small amounts.

Purine base molecules, which play a significant role in the body, enter its composition through food and take active steps in the synthesis of nucleic acids.

Hyperuricemia (this is an overestimated UA in the blood) causes deposits in the body in the form of salts on the joints and in muscle tissues, which provokes severe illness and severe pain.

Importance of uric acid in the body

In humans, uric acid atoms are located in the blood plasma, its formation comes from the decomposition of purine bases. The appearance of uric acid is a normal process in the body, therefore, its high concentration should not be avoided.

At normal levels in plasma, acid helps neutralize free radicals, which reduces the risk of cancer in the body.

Uric acid corrects the level of nitrogen, and when it is high, it removes its excess.

If the concentration of uric acid is higher than normal, then the body signals that it is in danger, and it is necessary to change the diet and lifestyle.

Functionality of uric acid

Sodium salt, which is contained in uric acid, is necessary to perform two vital functions of the body:

  • Stimulation of the functioning of brain cells by the method of activating adrenaline and enhancing the effects of norepinephrine;
  • Uric acid is a biological antioxidant, therefore it actively fights against malignant neoplasms (suspends the process of regeneration of cancer cells).

The concentration of uric acid and its level is a property that is transmitted at the genetic level.

People who are born with an increased presence of uric acid in the plasma have creative abilities, they are more active and have great enthusiasm.

The formula for uric acid is chemically very similar to that for caffeine.

Reasons for lowering MK

Plasma uric acid is reduced from the use of anti-gout medications.

Also affect the reduction of such pathologies in the body:

  • Wilson-Konovalov disease - with damage to liver cells;
  • Fanconi pathology - a disease in the kidneys, when the cells of the organ cannot prevent the release of a large amount of uric acid from the body;
  • Gigantism disease or acromegaly - all the acid is spent on growing cells;
  • celiac disease;
  • Xanthinuria pathology - the absence of an enzyme that promotes the production of uric acid;
  • Bronchogenic carcinoma;
  • myeloma pathology;
  • Diseases of the renal tubules;
  • Not eating animal protein is vegetarianism.

The possibility of increasing the level of uric acid in the blood plasma means the need to normalize a proper and healthy diet, and introduce animal products into the diet.

Clinical signs of congenital increased concentration

Symptoms that indicate an increased level of acid are manifested by various pathologies.

In young children, congenital high plasma levels (a type of congenital hyperuricemia) is a manifestation on the skin in the form of diathesis, and if the concentration is greatly increased, it can provoke psoriasis.

Signs of manifestation in a child:

  • Eruptions on the forehead and also on the cheeks;
  • Pink spots of large diameter on the chest;
  • Rashes irritate the skin and itch;
  • Further, the spots release liquid and burst;
  • Infection can join these parts of the body.

Doctors are looking for the cause of the allergic reaction and how to fix it, because in the future there may be nutritional problems and a long course of treatment.

Increased urea index in the male body

In men who are more than 50 calendar years old, joint pains begin to worsen. Most often, several joints are affected, and the main lesion goes to the thumbs of the lower extremities, as well as the fingers on the hands.

Quite rarely, an excess of urea is manifested in lesions:

  • Knee injury;
  • Damage to the elbow joints;
  • carpal joints;
  • Shoulder joints;
  • And hip joints.

The pain worsens at night. Painful sensations not only from movement of the affected joint, but also from a simple touch to the affected area.

Signs of joint damage:

  • Swelling and swelling of the joints;
  • Deformation;
  • Skin redness on the joints;
  • Feeling of heat in the affected area;
  • The joint loses its functionality.

With the loss of the functionality of the joints, a man who is not yet old loses the ability to live a quality life and loses his ability to work.

The main reason for the increase in the uric acid index (UA) in men is an unbalanced and unhealthy diet, the predominance of protein foods in the male diet, as well as frequent overloads of the body.

Standard uric acid index

A healthy body independently corrects the content of uric acid in the composition of serum and blood plasma. Its excess part is removed with the help of urine and feces. The norm in children and in adult women and men is different.

Exceeding the concentration index is called hyperuricemia. This disease is more often manifested in the male body than urea, increased in women.

Causes and manifestations of hyperuricemia

Hyperuricemia has the ability to manifest itself for a short period of time, and if you get rid of the provocateurs of the pathology, then the normative acid will come to the normative indicators.

What increases urea in the body:

  • Heavy sports loads;
  • The consequence of a starvation diet (the fair sex loves to get involved in such diets);
  • From the immense consumption of protein foods (meat products, eggs).

If the elevated content of uric acid levels is a long time period, this indicates a pathology in the body, and such an increase requires therapeutic treatment.

An excess of urate salts settles on the joints, as well as on the renal tubules, and in the form of stones in the bladder, and in the urethral canal.

Immunity cells try to fight them, but then the very structure of the joint is disturbed, and this is how the pathology of the joints is formed - the disease gout.

The manifestation of acid salts in the renal tissues of the tubules provokes nephrolithiasis.

Also, uric acid salt crystals can be debugged:

  • In the muscle of the heart organ (cause myocardial infarction);
  • In eye tissues (provoke cataracts);
  • In the tissues of the bladder (to provoke urolithiasis and cystitis);
  • In the cells of the stomach;
  • In the cells of the intestine.

The main factors for increasing uric acid in the blood are:

Improper diet that causes hyperuricemia

This is the main factor that provokes a high index of uric acid (UA) in the blood plasma. Uncontrolled consumption of foods that accumulate purine molecules.

Purine bases are completely taken up by the body, and their end product of decomposition accumulates in the blood in the form of uric acid.

Products that are of animal origin also have the ability to increase the cholesterol index in the body, because they have an increased concentration of cholesterol in the composition of animal fats.

Being carried away by products containing animal fat, there is a double blow to the heart organ and blood vessels (in the form of cholesterol and sodium salts).

A diet that has a minimum content of cholesterol and purine in foods is the first therapy to reduce the uric acid index in the body.

Diseases that provoke hyperuricemia

Excess uric acid is carried by the blood throughout the body, where it is expressed in various manifestations and has a great effect on the body:

  • Urates form microtophi in the tissues of the joints and cartilage. The process of accumulation in the connective articular tissues and cartilage provokes inflammation in these organs and leads to gout. This pathology develops rapidly, and begins with arthritis of the joints;
  • Urates that have entered the renal tubules are deposited in the interstitial tissue. They provoke nephropathy of gouty etiology. The first signs appear in the form of arterial hypertension, as well as in the appearance of protein in the urine. This pathology spreads throughout the urinary system and provokes: pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), urolithiasis and nephrolithiasis, and cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). When urolithiasis often occurs inflammation in the urethral canal (urethritis). At the final stage of kidney damage, renal insufficiency is manifested;
  • Salt of uric acid is deposited in the oral cavity in the form of stones on the teeth. These stones lead to inflammation of the gums (periodontal disease) and impaired nutrition of the dental membranes;
  • Deposition of urate in the myocardium leads to weakening of the heart muscle, and when combined with cholesterol, it provokes coronary insufficiency, which can cause a disease - myocardial infarction;
  • When urates are found in the adrenal glands, their activity will be disrupted, and this leads to arterial hypertension;
  • In the nervous system, urates appear: severe irritability, constant fatigue, anxiety and insomnia.

All manifestations of derivatives of uric acid salts can be isolated (in one organ), or manifest throughout the body.


To make an accurate diagnosis of hyperuricemia, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic study of the indicator in the blood of uric acid:

  • General blood test - shows the index of leukocytes, which is very important for confirming inflammation in the body;
  • Biochemical analysis of blood composition - determines the existence of uric acid in the blood, its concentration in blood plasma;
  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the liver;
  • Ultrasound of the cardiac organ;
  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the kidneys and urinary system.

Changes in the normative indicator in the biological delivered material are influenced by several significant factors:

  • The number and volume of amino acids that take part in the body's metabolism, as well as in its protein metabolism;
  • The work of the liver, stomach and proper functioning of the intestines;
  • Normal functionality of the kidneys and urinary canals (UA is excreted in urine in a larger volume).

Preparation for the delivery of the analysis

In order for the results of a biochemical analysis for uric acid to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to listen to the following recommendations, and prepare the body for a blood test:

Therapy for hyperuricemia

It is quite difficult to treat pathology, and drugs have many side effects for the body.

Therapy includes directions for the treatment of pathologies, and is also aimed at relieving painful symptoms:

  • To relieve the symptoms of an acute attack of gouty pain - the drug colchicine. This drug has side effects - inhibition of the hematopoietic system;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - help relieve the inflammatory process in gouty lesions. They have a negative effect on the digestive organs and intestines;
  • The drug Diakarb blocks the formation of stones. Side effect - affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The anti-gout preparations Probenecid and the drug Sulfinpyrazone help the release of UA with urine. The use of these drugs will be used cautiously in violation of the urinary system. It is necessary to take a large volume of liquid, as well as Diakarb preparations and means for alkalizing the body;
  • Taking Allopurinol. This drug is responsible for lowering the production of MK. This drug is a leader in drug treatment to reduce uric acid and relieve the symptoms of gout.

The effectiveness of therapy will be higher if the patient begins to adhere to a specialized diet that can not accumulate purines in the body.

Diet in the pathology of hyperuricemia

The diet for hyperuricemia is table number 5. This diet is low in calories. Fish is consumed in a minimum amount - no more than 300.0 grams per week.

If a patient with hyperuricemia has an increased body weight, then he is recommended diet table number 8. And do fasting days 1 time per week, only complete fasting in this pathology is prohibited.

Hunger aggravates the disease, as uric acid rises. It is also recommended to use vitamin C and B vitamins in the diet.

Approved ProductsProhibited Products
low purine indexhigh purine index
· milk;veal liver;
· dairy products;veal kidneys and tongue;
Eggs, but only domestic chicken;veal meat, pork, as well as young chicken meat;
caviar red or black;All fatty meats
· potato;smoked products;
· leaf salad;Canned fish with oil;
· cucumbers;green peas;
· carrot;Mushrooms of various cooking methods;
· beet;greens: sorrel and spinach;
· pumpkin;Brussels sprouts;
Bread and bakery products;· coffee;
all cereals;cocoa and chocolate.
· nuts;
· citrus fruits;
· plum, prunes;
apricot, dried apricots;
· apples;
fresh and canned pears.

Prohibited foods with an increased uric acid index are prohibited, but if the index is lowered, it is recommended.

Allowed products must be used daily - this will help reduce MC and maintain it within the normal range.

Preventive methods for a normal index in the body of MK

Proper nutrition is necessary to prevent protein metabolism in the human body and keep uric acid normal.

In addition to eating healthy foods, you also need to adhere to the specifics of a rational meal:

  • Breakfast is mandatory;
  • Eliminate long breaks between meals;
  • Eating up to 6 times a day;
  • Drink up to 3000 milliliters of pure water per day;
  • Do not drink drinks that contain carbon dioxide;
  • Refuse alcoholic beverages;
  • Salt and sugar are prohibited.

Video: Uric acid in the joints.


A high concentration of uric acid is not dangerous for the human body, but it can provoke quite serious pathologies in the body.

The combined use of therapy and diet, as well as adequate exercise on the body and an active lifestyle, will help to establish metabolism in the body and maintain a normal uric acid index in the blood.

Uric acid is one of the components produced by the liver that has the function removing carbon dioxide from the body along with urine. In the blood, this component is present sodium salts, and during normal functioning of the kidneys, its exchange occurs safely, excesses in the blood do not accumulate. But due to various pathologies and diseases, this process is disrupted, and the level of uric acid begins to exceed the permissible values.

At the same time, it happens damage to cells, tissues and internal organs, because a high concentration of sodium salts in the blood has a toxic effect and provokes inflammation of the joints.

Normal indicators uric acid levels are 200-440 µmol/L in men and 160-320 µmol/L in women. In children, the norm is somewhat lower - 130-300 µmol / l.

A significant excess of uric acid means that you should most likely tune in to a long and serious treatment, especially if repeated tests confirmed everything.

Elevated uric acid in the blood is called hyperuricemia, if you use the official terminology. But such a violation in the analyzes does not always indicate a disease, although it indicates high risk of developing various pathologies. So, hyperuremia can be provoked by the abuse of food saturated with purines (mainly meat and meat products), an acute shortage of B12, as well as a congenital absence of an enzyme involved in the metabolic process of uric acid.

Among the diseases in which sodium salts accumulate in the blood, there are:

  • kidney disease with impaired excretory function;
  • heart failure;
  • obesity from 2 degrees and above;
  • increased acidity of the whole organism;
  • parathyroid disease;
  • leukemia;
  • skin diseases - urticaria and psoriasis;
  • chronic eczema;
  • diabetes.

Analysis can show uric acid levels are higher than normal also in the event that a person has been subjected to intense physical exertion for a long time, abused alcohol, starved or followed a very low-calorie diet. If there is any doubt about the presence of the disease, then retake the test in a couple of weeks by starting to eat normally or reducing the load.

Symptoms of an increase in uric acid in the blood

Long-term hyperuricemia very dangerous, as it can lead to gout, chronically high blood pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia, angina pectoris and even myocardial infarction. Therefore, it is so important to recognize the presence of elevated uric acid in time in order to take tests, undergo an examination and begin treatment. To main symptoms hyperuremia include:

  • acute pain in the joints of the extremities due to the crystallization of salts in them;
  • the appearance on the skin of suspicious spots, small ulcers;
  • decrease in the volume of urine output;
  • redness of the elbows and knees;
  • sudden pressure surges, heart rhythm disturbances.

How to treat an increase in uric acid in the blood?

Treatment for high uric acid is prescribed only if a disease with such a symptom is detected.

Other causes are eliminated by dietary and lifestyle modifications. In any case, a special diet will be needed.

So, patients with hyperuricemia, regardless of its causes, need to avoid foods high in purines- meat offal, fatty meat, lard, rich broths. You also need to refuse or reduce to a minimum vegetables that have a lot of acid in their composition - sorrel, radish, turnips, eggplant, tomatoes, lettuce and rhubarb. Highly undesirable for high uric acid to drink coffee, eat chocolate, grapes, eggs, spicy dishes, marinades, high-fat sweets. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Recommended products that help removal of sodium salts from the body. Such foods include low-fat dairy products, potatoes, apricots, pears, apples, plums, and potatoes. In season, eat as much as possible watermelons. Fluid intake should be high up to 2.5 liters per day, and consist mainly of mineral water without gas, tea, fruit drinks, natural juices, compotes.

In case doctors have diagnosed gout, it is recommended to regularly conduct fasting days, in which only kefir, apples and raw vegetables (except for prohibited ones) should be consumed.

Traditional medicine suggests drinking to reduce uric acid in the blood decoctions and herbal tinctures- birch leaves, wheatgrass root, nettle, black currant leaves, as well as birch sap. All these funds actively contribute to the dissolution of salt deposits and their speedy removal from the body. Will also have a positive effect foot baths with sage, chamomile or calendula.

Medical therapy hyperuremia includes means of various actions. So, a variety of diuretic drugs (furosemide, lasix, etc.) are used to remove excess fluid. To reduce the production of uric acid by the liver, a special drug is prescribed allopurinol. To prevent recurrence of the disease and further prevention, a reception is indicated koltsikhina.

For the treatment of the underlying disease, in which there was an increase in uric acid in the blood, are prescribed special preparations on an individual basis and in a strict dosage.

To prevent the negative consequences associated with hyperuremia, all people over 45 years of age should at least take a blood test once a year to the level of uric acid.

But why does uric acid cease to be excreted by the kidneys, because of which its salts begin to accumulate, and how to help the body remove urates? Let's find out the main reason for the accumulation of urate and consider methods for its removal from the body, including folk ones.

What is uric acid

Uric acid is the end substance formed during the metabolism of purines and protein. Its level is determined by the balance in the body of the excretion (removal) and formation mechanisms. Uric acid is synthesized in the liver tissues and excreted from the body through the kidneys. In a healthy body, the substance in the plasma is in the form of sodium salt (urate).

However, with weakened kidney function or excessive human consumption of purine bases with food, the level of the substance begins to rise. This causes the accumulation of a large amount of sodium salt in the blood serum, which damages organs and systems, causing the development of various pathologies.

Foods that contain significant amounts of purines include:

  • red meat (especially offal);
  • some varieties of fish;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • beans;
  • alcohol (especially beer).

Normally, in an adult, uric acid varies from 150 to 350, in children under 14 years of age - from 120 to 320 Akmola / l.

What is dangerous excess uric acid

As a rule, the level of uric acid in the blood is above the permissible norm - hyperuricemia, is one of the main signs of gout. Gout is a disease characterized by the deposition of urate salt crystals in organs and tissues, as well as joints. This is due to excessive production of the substance or its slow excretion.

Why is an excess of this substance dangerous for the body? Quite often, it is urates that are the cause of the development of a painful clinic in various pathologies:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • spasms and pain in the muscles;
  • arthritis and arthrosis.

This substance, accumulating in the brain tissues, leads to a decrease in intellectual activity, frequent and intense headaches, and increases the risk of strokes. It is also possible the formation of varicose veins of superficial veins and arterial hypertension.

Often this phenomenon is called uric acid diathesis. This pathology is the excess content of urate in the blood serum. Patients with this diagnosis are prone to frequent nervous breakdowns, brain disorders, insomnia, neuroses, and decreased perseverance.

Uric acid is excreted mostly by the kidneys, however, which is why urolithiasis can develop or sand can appear in the pelvis. Part of the uric acid can be excreted with saliva, which is accompanied by the formation of tartar.

It must be understood that uric acid is normally a participant in metabolic processes in the body. However, exceeding the permissible norms of this substance is dangerous for the development of severe pathologies.

How to remove uric acid from the body at home is of interest to many patients. However, it is worth remembering that only consultation with a specialist allows you to quickly and effectively deal with the problem, avoiding unpleasant complications.

Diet for high uric acid

Patients need to know which foods to exclude, and what, on the contrary, to add to their diet to correct the level of urates. You should definitely avoid foods rich in purines. It is also worth minimizing the use of:

  • smoked meats;
  • salt;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • Sahara;
  • hot spices.

Those who have an increased level of urates in the blood are also undesirable to use:

  • grapes;
  • lettuce;
  • rhubarb;
  • sorrel;
  • turnips;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant.

A healthy diet for people with a high content of urates should consist of cereals, vegetable, fruit and berry snacks. Foods that remove uric acid from the body include:

  • plums;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • potato;
  • apricot.

Frequent drinking of non-sweetened drinks and alkaline mineral water is also helpful. It is important for the patient to know which foods contribute to the removal of uric acid from the body, since in some cases dietary adjustment significantly improves the patient's condition.

However, even with the most restrictive low-purine diet, urate reduction often fails. It is necessary for the doctor to prescribe special medications that remove uric acid from the body.

How to remove uric acid from the body folk remedies

To reduce the level of urates, you can use folk recipes. A good effect is given by decoctions of herbs. These include:

  • birch leaves;
  • angelica roots;
  • lingonberry leaves.

Herbs activate the process of removing and dissolving urate stones.

  1. Cowberry infusion. For 200 ml of boiling water, 20 g of lingonberry leaves are needed. You need to insist about 30 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  2. Nettle helps a lot. It should be taken 1 teaspoon three times a day.
  3. Birch decoction. For 400 g of boiling water, you need 2 tablespoons of birch leaves. Boil the mixture for about 10-15 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes. Strained broth take 50 g during a meal.

Also, with gout, foot baths made from chamomile, calendula or sage help. For 200 g of grass, you need about 1.5 liters of boiling water, insist for several hours. The resulting broth is added to a warm bath. Repeat for 20 days, then after a twenty-day break, you can repeat the course of treatment.

Sometimes it is not possible to remove urates with folk remedies. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist and supplement the treatment with drug therapy. A competent doctor can recommend how to remove uric acid salts from the joints, using medicinal plants in complex treatment in conjunction with drug therapy.

Medicines for gout and high uric acid

The need to use drugs to remove uric acid salts (urates) is usually due to one of two reasons:

  • due to the low level of excretion of urate from the body;
  • in connection with the excess of the normal level of uric acids.

Do not self-treat elevated urate levels with medication!

The treatment process begins during attacks of gout or if there are urate stones in the body. Treatment focuses on lowering the amount of urate in the blood serum to a level less than the saturation of extracellular fluids (6.40 mg/dL).

There are two types of means to reduce the level of urate.

  1. Drugs to increase the output of urate - "Probenecid" and similar drugs. In the right dosage, it increases the excretion of uric acid from the body.
  2. Drugs to reduce the production of urate - "Allopurinol" and similar drugs. They inhibit the production of uric acid, which reduces its level in the serum and prevents the deposition of urate in the kidneys.

Before deciding on the choice of medicine, the doctor needs to obtain a study of a daily urine sample. This gives an idea of ​​how to remove urates from the body, affecting the cause of the pathology.

The main condition for prescribing drugs to increase the output of uric acid is the examination of a urine sample.

Therapeutic exercises to reduce uric acid

The benefits of therapeutic exercises in the fight against urates is that physical exercises contribute to the activation and improvement of metabolic processes in the body.

Thus, regular uncomplicated physical exercises, an active lifestyle help to accelerate the removal of urate from the body.

Summing up, the following conclusions can be drawn. To remove uric acid from the body, folk remedies help only for preventive purposes or in combination with basic drug treatment, diet and gymnastics. Therefore, only a doctor can explain how and how to remove uric acid from the body without harming yourself!

Any person has heard about gout - a serious disease that provokes the suffering of the patient. This disease is caused by insufficient excretion of uric acid by the kidneys, followed by the accumulation of its salts in the joints.

In order to protect yourself from a possible disease as much as possible, you need to clearly know the reasons why the kidneys slow down the excretion of uric acid and ways to stimulate the excretion of urates.

Uric acid - what is it?

Uric acid is a consequence of the breakdown of purines and proteins. It is a toxin excreted by the kidneys.

With a decrease in enzymatic activity, the accumulation of uric acid in the circulatory system follows. Its concentration depends on the general state of the body, its ability to excrete and form.

To a large extent, the amount of uric acid is affected by the consumption of foods rich in purines: chocolate and cocoa, red meat and fish, legumes and alcohol-containing drinks. In a stable working organism, it is present in the form of urates - sodium salts.

A natural concentration that does not cause the development of pathologies is an amount of 150-350 microns / l for an adult and 120-320 microns / l for a child.

Factors affecting the accumulation of uric acid

According to medical statistics, an excess of acceptable concentration of uric acid is observed in 1/3 of the population.

The reasons affecting the excess of acid and its salts:

  • abuse of diuretic pharmaceuticals that stimulate urination;
  • persistent excessive consumption of foods rich in purines;
  • pathological disorders of the kidneys;
  • excessive intake of alcoholic products;
  • the use of narcotic drugs;
  • toxicological disorders of pregnant women;
  • pathology of the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus;
  • AIDS;
  • malignant neoplasms.

The effect of excess uric acid on the body

The main function of urea is to ensure the safety of blood vessels. However, an excessive amount of it provokes the production of sediment in systems and organs. The formation of stones in the urinary system can provoke unbearable, severe pain, and the appearance of joint salts is the primary source of arthritis and gout.

In addition, uric acid in abundance induces the development of the following diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • muscle pain;
  • arthrosis.

The excretion of uric acid by the kidneys and saliva, when it is overabundant, contributes to the formation of plaque. Accumulating in the brain tissues, urates lead to strokes, decreased brain activity and memory. Patients are prone to nervous breakdowns, neuroses and sleep disturbances.

It is possible to determine the excess of uric acid only with specific diagnosis in the laboratory.

The principle of effective excretion

The results of studies indicating an excess of urea levels require immediate measures to be taken to correct and normalize the indicators.

The most important aspect is dietary regulation. It is necessary to analyze the usual menu and avoid eating foods high in purine.

Diet to regulate urea levels

In addition to the rejection of "harmful" foods containing high concentrations of purines, cereals, fruits and vegetables should be introduced into the diet. Pure mineral alkaline water should be consumed regularly. It is recommended to eat plums, apples, apricots, pears and potatoes.

If following a low-purine diet does not give the desired results, you should think about taking targeted pharmaceuticals prescribed by your doctor and correcting urate levels with alternative means.

Folk tricks for the withdrawal of urates

Reducing the scale of urates is greatly facilitated by the use of alternative medicine.

High performance can be achieved by using herbal decoctions from birch leaves, angelica roots, lingonberry leaves, which provoke the removal procedure and contribute to the erosion of stones.

  • nettle infusion is taken three times a day for a teaspoon;
  • lingonberry, prepared by mixing 20 g of a lingonberry leaf and 200 ml of hot water and infused for half an hour, use a tablespoon three times a day;
  • birch broth, prepared by boiling for 15 minutes 2 tablespoons of birch leaves in 400 ml of water and infused for half an hour, is used with food filtered, 50 ml each.

Foot baths made from sage, calendula or chamomile have proven effective in relieving the symptoms of gout. 200 grams of herbs are infused in 1.5 liters of boiling water for up to three hours, after which the decoction is added to warm baths for up to three weeks.


In cases where the folk recipe does not have the desired result, it is recommended to get a specialist's advice, followed by a recommendation of pharmaceuticals.

Medications that lower uric acid levels

The use of medicines requires a mandatory consultation with a specialist in order to avoid improper treatment and aggravation of the severity of the disease!

Often the need for medication is due to one of the reasons:

  1. Insufficient degree of excretion of urates.
  2. Excess natural levels of uric acids.

Suspecting the formation of stones or gout, a complex targeted treatment is selected, the purpose of which is to minimize the concentration of urates. Preparations are selected based on specific goals - increasing the output of urea or reducing the amount of its formation.

The choice of the type of drug depends on the results of laboratory studies of daily urine samples. This analysis makes it possible to choose a therapy that affects the source of the disease. With gout, the treatment process must begin immediately during an exacerbation of the disease.

To reduce the level of urates, the main types of pharmaceuticals are used:

  • means that increase the output of urea - "Probenecid";
  • drugs that reduce the production of urates - "Allopurinol".

Therapeutic exercises as a way to reduce urea

In the complex therapy of diseases caused by an increase in the concentration of urea in the blood, an important role is played by therapeutic exercises, which stimulate and improve the metabolic processes in the body.

Proper treatment of pathological indicators of uric acid and safe excretion of urea requires a cumulative approach that includes medications, traditional medicine methods - herbs and infusions, adherence to a specific diet and an active lifestyle - physical activity and gymnastics.

Gout is a metabolic disease of the human body. The kidneys lower the rate of excretion of uric acid, it accumulates, which is deposited in the form of salt in the joints. When the disease is observed severe pain. With untimely treatment, deformation of the limbs may occur. In the article, we will consider a way to remove uric acid from the body with gout.

Uric acid - what is it?

Uric acid is a product that is obtained after the metabolism of proteins and purines. It ensures the release of excess nitrogen from the human body. The level of acid in the body depends on the balance of excretion and formation. The substance is formed in the liver, and in the form of sodium salt is in the blood plasma, and is excreted through the kidneys.

In violation of the function of the kidneys, there is a failure in the exchange of uric acid. Consequently, salts accumulate, the concentration of uric acid rises, which leads to various damage to the body.

The standard limits for uric acid are:

  • In children under 14 years old - the norm is not lower than 120 and not higher than 320 mcol / l.
  • In women, the indicators are 150-350 µmol / l.
  • In men, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare 210-420 µmol / l.

Uric acid is absorbed in the body with food that is high in purine. List of overrated products:

  • red meat;
  • offal;
  • some types of fish;
  • crabs and shellfish;
  • fried chicken skin;
  • nuts;
  • cocoa;
  • legumes;
  • chocolate;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;

Purines are not found in alcohol, but there is a delay in the excretion of urates from the body.

Advice! The main diet, with an increased value of uric acid, during the day, you should eat fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Excretion from the body

With an overestimated value of salts, the doctor prescribes treatment. Medicines are prescribed to reduce pain, to relieve inflammation and diuretic.

Advice! Medications must be combined with diet and other treatments that help reduce acid in the body.

For effective treatment, several rules should be observed:

  • diet should be followed
  • drink plenty of fluids. The fluid contributes to the release of additional urine, therefore, the acid concentration decreases;
  • need to shed those extra pounds. Excess weight provokes the development of gout;
  • it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors, take the necessary medications;
  • control the level of uric acid and visit a doctor periodically;
  • reduce salt intake.

Do not self-medicate. Medications must be selected and prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional means

With an increased value of uric acid (urates), medication is prescribed. Medicines are prescribed by doctors. Based on the results, they will decide how to remove the salts. Medicines can work in two ways:

  • increase the release of urates from the joints;
  • inhibit the development of uric acid.

Treatment begins at the time of exacerbation of gout. Medications and diet are prescribed to reduce inflammation and increase acid output. For the correct prescription of treatment, the doctor will need a urine sample, which was collected throughout the day. Such an analysis will provide an idea of ​​the cause of the pathology.

Medicines that a doctor can prescribe:

  • Probenecid. The medicine promotes the release of urates from the body during gout disease. The agent stimulates the release of salts, and deposits are minimized.
  • Allobenecid. The tool allows you to reduce the formation of urates in the blood and reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease. Medications are supposed to be long-term and are designed for joint treatment with diet and gymnastics. After two weeks of taking the drug, the acid level returns to normal, but the medication continues, only the dose is reduced. After six months, the dosage of the drug is reduced to a minimum, and is taken only to maintain the effect obtained. Some people will have to take the remedy for life. This approach gives positive dynamics.
  • Blemarin. One of the effective medicines in the fight against gout. The tool normalizes the function of uric acid metabolism and promotes the dissolution of urates. Lowering the value of salts has a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of patients. The drug does not cause side effects on the kidneys and liver. The maximum course of medication is six months.

Curing gout is a long and laborious process. It is impossible to completely recover from the disease, you can only alleviate the condition and relieve the attack.


Treatment of the disease with folk remedies is divided into several categories:

  • folk remedies. These include recipes for decoctions, lotions, etc.;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet.

Let's take a look at each item in more detail.


How to get rid of gout folk remedies? Grandmother's methods are used as a prophylaxis of the disease or in addition to treatment. The patient must inform the doctor about the use of alternative methods of treatment. Based on the prescriptions, a prescription for treatment will be issued.

Folk remedies:

  1. A decoction of lingonberry leaves. Leaves 20g. brewed with a glass of hot boiled water, infused for 35 minutes and taken before meals 1 tbsp.
  2. Nettle juice. Only the juice of freshly harvested nettles is used. 1 tsp is squeezed out. and taken before meals. Ready juice is stored in a cold place for no more than one day.
  3. Birch leaves. Chopped leaves 1st.l. poured 1 tbsp. boiling water and put the burner. The broth is boiled for 20 minutes, infused for 40. Take 1/4 cup during a meal.
  4. Baths. Chamomile, sage and calendula flowers are mixed in equal proportions. Collection of herbs 200g. poured 1.5 liters. boiling water and infused in a closed container for 2 hours. A decoction is poured into a basin with water at a temperature of 34 ° C, and the limbs are lowered, which are up to 26 ° C to the water. The procedure is carried out 20 times every day, for 20 days. After that, take a break for 20 days and repeat the course.
  5. Chamomile baths help. You need to mix 100g of flowers with 20g of salt and pour 10 liters of water. Insist and you can use the bath.
  6. Unopened spruce cones effectively help to clean the vessels. They are filled with 2 tbsp. boiling water and insist overnight. Take a decoction 3 times a day before meals. The procedure is carried out until complete recovery.

Rice has a beneficial effect on the joints.

  1. Rice 2 tbsp. thoroughly washed in several waters, filled with 0.5 liters of water and stopped for the night.
  2. In the morning it is washed and put on fire until it boils, then it is removed and washed, boiled again. The procedure is repeated 4 times.
  3. At the last stage, the rice is washed again and eaten without salt and oil. After consumption, it is not allowed to drink and eat food for 4 hours.
  4. The duration of the procedure is 45 days.


Daily therapeutic exercises are useful for every organism, not only for gout. With regular sports, the concentration of uric acid decreases. Physical stress on the joints allows them to develop and reduces the likelihood of deformity.

In the period of exacerbation or in the acute form of the course of the disease, exercises are compiled by a specialist individually.

Classes should begin with small loads and gradually increase. At the initial stage, suitable:

  • preparatory warm-up or breathing exercises;
  • swimming;
  • outdoor games;
  • skates or skis.

During exercise, you must constantly monitor the correctness of breathing. Movements should be performed with maximum tension.

A set of exercises can stretch and strengthen the muscles around the joint. For a separate group of joints and muscles, a set of exercises has been compiled.

A set of exercises for the lower extremities. With gout, complications, to a greater extent, affect the lower extremities. A set of exercises will help support the joint.

For the hip joint:

  • All exercises are performed sitting or lying down.
  • The thigh is pulled to the stomach to the maximum distance.
  • Legs rise one by one.
  • Hip rotation.

For the ankle.

  1. The patient sits on a low chair. Legs are crossed, the right knee is on top of the left. Grab your right ankle with your right hand, and grab your foot with your left. With the left hand, make circular movements with the foot, pull the foot in different directions.
  2. Sitting on a chair, raise your legs, and with your foot in the air, draw a semicircle, bend in different directions.
  3. Bend and unbend the toes on the feet.
  4. Exercises can be carried out in a different rhythm and with different approaches. It all depends on how the patient feels.

Knee joints.

  1. The patient, lying on his back, bends and straightens the leg at the knee. In the first lessons, the exercise is performed without load, and in subsequent lessons - with resistance.
  2. The patient sits on the floor and alternately bends the legs at the knee joint.


The purpose of the diet is to reduce the concentration of salts in the body, as well as to minimize their formation.

The diet consists of reducing the intake of foods with high levels of purines and oxalic acid, as well as limiting salt, increasing dairy products of vegetables, fruits and liquids. Any food processing is allowed, food temperature is usual, and meals 4 times a day.

Products allowed and prohibited for consumption:

  • It is allowed to eat bakery products from flour of 1 and 2 grades.
  • Avoid sweet dough.
  • Allowed - vegetarian, dairy and cold soups.
  • Prohibited - broths based on meat, fish, mushrooms. It is not allowed to use sorrel, legumes and spinach.
  • Allowed - lean meats, fish and poultry, which are pre-boiled before cooking.
  • Forbidden - offal, sausages, smoked meats, canned food and caviar.
  • Acceptable - all dairy products.
  • Unacceptable - cheeses of salty varieties.
  • One egg per day is allowed.
  • You can - cereals in limited quantities.
  • It is impossible - legumes.
  • Allowed - vegetables in unlimited quantities in any form of processing.
  • Forbidden - mushrooms, legumes, spinach, purslane, cauliflower inflorescences.
  • Allowed - vegetable and fruit snacks and salads, vegetable and squash caviar.
  • Forbidden - salted canning, canned food, smoked products.
  • Permissible - berries and fruits, sweets.
  • Unacceptable - chocolate, raspberries and cranberries.
  • Permissible - sauces on vegetable broth and vegetable spices.
  • Unacceptable - sauces on meat and fish broth, horseradish, pepper, mustard.
  • Allowed - various drinks.
  • Forbidden - strong tea, natural or instant coffee, cocoa.

To cleanse the body of salts, folk remedies alone will not help. They can be used only for prevention or in combination with other means. To prescribe the correct and effective complex of treatment, you must consult a doctor, and not self-medicate.

Video "We remove uric acids"

From this video you will learn how to remove uric acids from the joints with gout.

» Treatment with folk methods

Gout - treatment with folk remedies

Gout refers to a disease that occurs due to metabolic disorders, most often protein. Because of this, a large amount of salt begins to debug not in the renal system, but in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints. First, arthritis develops, then it develops into gout, with which a person experiences severe pain, his movements are disturbed. The disease affects the whole way of life. There are a large number of methods for treating gout, folk methods play an important role.

Features of the course of gout

After uric acid has accumulated in the area of ​​​​the joints, formations in the form of bumps begin to appear, they can be seen. Immunity begins to fight the disease, the level of leukocytes in the blood jumps sharply. They can affect the joint that is affected, while disturbing hyperemia and severe pain. In the event that the disease is running, the joint can be completely destroyed, in this situation only surgery will help.

Nutrition is one of the methods of folk treatment

Traditional healers say that in order for their methods to help, the first thing you need to pay attention to is your diet. Most often, gout is provoked by the fact that a person consumes a large amount of animal fats. This also includes people who are fond of cognac, champagne, wines.

To successfully cure the disease, you need to forget about such foods: fatty fish, meat, smoked meats, canned food, rich broths from meat, fish, mushrooms, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, tea, cauliflower, spicy types of cheeses, offal, spinach. The entire list contains purines, so you can not eat products with gout. Also, the food should be as little salt as possible.

It is recommended for gout to include in your diet: lean boiled meat, raw vegetables and fruits, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, potatoes, pasta from durum wheat, white, rye, whole grain bread. You can include some eggs in your diet. Be sure to have such vegetables on the menu: beets, eggplant, soups with vegetables, in milk. With gout, it is recommended to use citrus fruits.

You need to drink up to three liters of water per day. In no case should the body be allowed to starve with gout, because of this, uric acid may increase in the blood, the disease will only worsen. It is imperative to monitor your diet, it must be balanced and healthy.

An old folk recipe for gout

It is necessary to take unsalted butter, it is best to cook it yourself at home, the effect will be much better.

Melt the butter until foam begins to form, add alcohol. Set it on fire a little, everything should burn until it burns out completely. After the mixture is placed in a glass jar and put in a cold place. When the disease worsens, you need to apply the prepared oil ointment to the sore spot, while at this time you yourself are near the stove, fireplace, battery or heater. Hold until the pain is completely gone.

Folk decoctions and solutions for the treatment of gout

1. For the recipe, you will need an onion - 3 pieces, one liter of water, boil everything until you see that the onion is boiled. Strain everything and use a decoction of 150 ml before meals, the course is not less than two weeks. When gout pain reappears, therapy should be repeated.

2. Solution based on iodine and aspirin. To prepare this effective medicine, you need to take aspirin at least 6 tablets, dissolve it in iodine. You should get a liquid without color, then wipe all the joints with a solution at night, be sure to put on warm mittens on your hands, and woolen socks on your feet.

Folk herbal treatment for gout

It is recommended at home to prepare special decoctions, infusions, which include medicinal herbs. It is especially useful to take baths with the addition of chamomile flowers. To prepare it, you need 10 liters of water, 100 grams of a plant, add 150 grams of salt.

If you regularly use the series, as an external and internal remedy, you will notice how the disease will begin to pass. It is best to collect a series when the buds are formed.

Healers recommend using lilac tincture with alcohol for gout, to prepare it, you need to take a 500 ml jar, pour 150 ml of alcohol. Infuse everything for one week, mix occasionally. When the tincture is ready, you need to drink it inside. up to 25 drops three times a day.

An effective remedy for the treatment of gout is lingonberries, you must use the leaves. Prepare an infusion and drink it. Useful weeds include gout, infusions are prepared from it.

Healers recommend treating gout with pine needles, it is especially useful to apply a compress. To prepare a decoction, you need to take half a kilogram of a fresh plant, pour boiled water. Insist one hour, boil over low heat. The compress should be applied before going to bed.

An effective folk method for the treatment of gout with garlic

To do this, you need to prepare a tincture of garlic. Take a pound of garlic, chop it, pour one liter of vodka, insist on the sun for 10 days. After adding it to milk or fruit juice, drink on an empty stomach.

To get rid of the pain of gout, you need to use compresses based on vinegar and garlic. In order to cook them, you need to finely chop the garlic, pour it with vinegar. Insist 20 days, then you can be treated with this remedy.

Recipe for gout based on activated charcoal

Take 10 tablets of coal, grind them into powder, add flaxseeds. Pour everything with water, you should get the consistency of a paste. Then you need to apply the mixture to the affected joints before going to bed. The patient feels better in the morning.

Thus, the treatment of gout folk remedies is economical, safe and effective.

Uric acid is a product of the metabolic processes of purines and protein compounds in the blood, organs and body systems.

If too much salt is produced, its level exceeds all permissible norms, and they are not excreted in the urine - what does this mean?

The patient is diagnosed with hyperuricemia (high levels of uric acid in the blood).

Uric acid - norm and deviation

In an adult and a child, sodium uric acid salts are necessary for important and vital functions that occur in the body:

  1. It stimulates the full functioning of the brain in every adult and child, activating and at times enhancing the action of such a hormone as adrenaline. This is necessary for the full functioning of the whole organism, an adequate response to external stimuli.
  2. Acts as a powerful antioxidant, acting as an antioxidant, and fights cancer cells. It is in the fight against cancerous neoplasms that uric acid acts from the inside, helping to overcome tumors.

The rate of uric acid in the blood depends on the age and gender of the person:

  • in adolescents under 16 years of age, the rates vary from 120 to 300 μm / l .;
  • in the female body, level indicators can vary from 160 to 320 μm / l .;
  • in the body of a man, they are as follows - 200-420 μm / l ..

Excess of these indicators is hyperuricemia and is most often diagnosed by doctors in men than in women. If it is slightly increased, the reasons for such a one-time jump can be purely physiological:

  • with heavy physical exertion in girls, in male athletes, as well as in everyone who is involved in hard physical labor due to work.
  • everyone who is on a starvation diet has a strict restriction in certain foods in order to lose weight.
  • when overeating meals with a high percentage of animal protein.

When uric acid in the blood is elevated for these reasons, after the termination of its action, the level returns to normal.

In addition to these factors, such causes, the symptoms and treatment of which are interconnected, can provoke a longer increase.

The reasons that can provoke a prolonged increase in the level of uric acid, doctors call the following:

  1. A long course of taking certain medications - these can be diuretic compounds, drugs used in the course, chemotherapy, and so on.
  2. Elevated uric acid is a consequence of a disruption in the endocrine system, for example, when diagnosing diabetes.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases, problems in the work of the kidneys can also provoke its increase.
  4. Inadequate diet, especially with a lack of vitamin B12, with the development of pathological changes occurring in the organs and systems of the body.
  5. Problems with the composition of the blood - so the level rises with the development of leukemia.

Clinical manifestations

When uric acid in the blood is elevated, it will manifest itself as a certain symptomatology. So in babies, hyperuricemia will manifest itself as rashes and pink spots on the child's body, which over time can fill with blood and fluid, provoking the development of an infection.

In patients after 30 - 50 years, the joints that are most often affected are pain at night - most often the knee joints, toes are affected, less often the joints of the shoulders and elbows are affected.

The affected joint will swell, deform, the skin over the affected area turns red, performance decreases, up to the loss of the ability to move.

If salts are reflected in the genitourinary system, the patient will be disturbed by bouts of pain in the lumbar region, shooting-type pain in the groin area, giving in the peritoneum and on the sides.

In addition, the patient develops pathogenic microflora in the body, which provokes damage to the bladder, cystitis, damage to the ureter.

The formation of sand and stones, squeezing, problems with urine outflow are not the best consequences and manifestations of the disease.

Dentists also face the problem of elevated levels of uric acids in their practice - tartar, as well as malnutrition of teeth and their loss. With a negative effect on the nervous system, it leads to excessive and rapid fatigue even with minimal exertion, insomnia.

With elevated levels of uric acid in the body, you should not immediately panic, because it can be normalized - the main thing is to follow a number of specific recommendations.

First of all, it is worth reviewing your own diet and following a certain diet.

In your own menu, you should reduce in your diet a number of foods that provoke an increase in uric acid:

  • fatty meats and animal by-products;
  • lard and smoked products from fatty meats and fish;
  • rich, too fatty meat or fish broths;
  • canned food and sausages, as well as hot seasonings and spices, sauces;
  • vegetables, pre-salted or served on the table in a pickled form;
  • any confectionery and sweets, any kind of chocolate, cakes and homemade cakes with rich cream;
  • strong coffee and black tea, soda and sweet drinks, juices from packages;
  • it is worth excluding alcoholic drinks and energy drinks from your own diet, as well as mushrooms, rhubarb and sorrel;
  • you should not introduce grapes and raisins, beans and nuts, cauliflower and turnips, radishes into the diet;
  • whole milk - it is optimal to replace it with kefir or cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of dairy products.

In addition, your own diet should be enriched:

  • lean meats and poultry,
  • baking or boiling them, sea and river fish,
  • as well as fermented milk products - cottage cheese and kefir, fermented baked milk and hard cheeses.

Important! In addition, you should not eat more than 1 egg a day, add vegetable oil, weak coffee or green tea to the diet.

It is shown to introduce compote and a decoction of rose hips, potatoes, green varieties of apples and pumpkin, beets and carrots, watermelon, black bread into the diet.

When following a diet, it is worth observing the principle of fractional nutrition - eat in small portions, but often.

The main thing is to drink as much water, juices, fruit and vegetable, herbal decoctions and infusions as possible, which in turn will remove excess uric acid from the body.

In addition, it is worth controlling your own weight - it is obesity that provokes many ailments and diseases and the accumulation of uric acid, including the development of gout.

Medications that control blood urea

If it is impossible to correct the level of uric acid in the body by correcting the diet, doctors prescribe medications.

So most often prescribed such medications: Allopurinol, Colchicine.

They are taken for a sufficiently long period of time, and only the doctor prescribes the dosage and the course of treatment itself.

You should not practice self-medication - this is fraught with many negative consequences for the body and worsening of the general condition of the patient and the course of the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to traditional medicine, treatment with folk remedies helps a lot - the course of treatment involves a long-term intake of decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs and fruits.

They can replace the usual black tea, coffee - currant and strawberry leaves, cranberries and blueberries, highlander grass.

There are a lot of recipes in the arsenal of traditional medicine - it is best to pre-coordinate the composition of the collection with the herbalist and the attending physician.

Most often, with an increased level of uric acid in the body, the following recipes and herbal preparations are used.

  1. An infusion of lingonberry leaves and fruits - take 1 tsp for a glass of boiling water. dry raw materials and, having steamed, let it brew for about half an hour in a tightly closed container, best of all a thermos. After, having filtered - they drink one small sip, once an hour.
  2. Nettle juice - allows you to gently but effectively remove urates from the body with urine. It is enough just to finely chop the fresh plant and squeeze out - take 1 tsp. three times a day, some time before the main meal.
  3. Infusion of birch leaves - helps to remove sodium salts and normalize the level of acid-base balance in the body. Enough 2 tbsp. l. steam birch leaves in 2 tbsp. boiling water, boil them over low heat, not bringing to a boil for no more than 10 minutes. Insist 30-40 minutes, strain, take a third of a glass before meals 3 times a day.
  4. A decoction from the rhizome of red madder is a stronger remedy that allows you to remove sodium salts and therefore it should be taken with extreme caution. For its preparation 1 tsp. dry rhizomes are steamed in a glass of boiling water and boiled for a maximum of 10 minutes over low heat. Infuse for an hour and drink in the morning and evening, dividing the volume itself into 2 doses.
  5. Onion decoction is an ancient and effective recipe that allows you to normalize uric acid levels in the body, but also improve the general condition of the patient. To prepare a medicinal decoction, take 2 unpeeled onions and pour them with a liter of plain water, boil over low heat until softened. Next, the broth should be cooled and filtered, taking a medicinal drink of 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before the main meal. The duration of the treatment course is 14 days, after that they take a break for the same period of time and repeat as necessary.
  6. Medicinal infusion of mountaineer, blackcurrant and strawberry - prepare a collection in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. highlander herbs, 2 tbsp. l. black currant leaves and strawberry leaves. The resulting collection volume is steamed in 3 tbsp. steep boiling water, insist 3 hours - drink a fragrant infusion of 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before the main meal.
  7. Foot baths also help perfectly - it is enough to prepare a collection of plants such as chamomile and calendula, sage. Just steam 200 gr. collection in one and a half liters of boiling water, let it brew for 3 hours and then add it to the foot bath. The course of treatment sessions is 20 days. Then they take a break for the same period of time and repeat the course as needed.

What is the danger of hyperuricemia?

An elevated level of uric acid in the patient's body over a long period of time most often indicates the occurrence and development, in which there is an intensive deposition in the tissues, joints of sodium urate (uric acid salts).

Among other things, this can be an indirect symptom of development and arthritis,.

The accumulation of salts in the tissues and cells of the gray matter of the brain can lead to a decrease in intellectual activity and frequent migraine attacks, varicose veins and hypertension.

Among other things, there is a failure in the oxygen supply of the brain, insufficient supply of nutrients to it, all kinds of deviations in its work, gradual degradation and destruction can develop.

If a patient is diagnosed with a large accumulation of urate crystalline compounds in the body, organs and tissues, their excessive content in the blood serum, this will manifest itself as frequent nervous stress and breakdowns, sleep disturbances and insomnia, increasing the likelihood of stone formation, development.

Hyperuricemia carries the risk of serious illnesses and serious complications - it is its timely diagnosis and treatment that allows you to lead an active and healthy life for many years.


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