On the application of MDS 12 46.2008. Regulatory and methodological documents

The conformity of the manufactured product with the design documentation is based on the correct choice of the limiting parameters of the product, their permissible deviations and the choice of technical means that provide these parameters. To ensure these factors, general

for design and technological documentation, metrological control is used. Metrological control - verification of compliance with metrological provisions, rules and norms in the documentation, clearly regulated in the current regulatory and technical documentation.

Accounting for metrological provisions in the design documentation requires specific knowledge from the performer. Developers of design documentation are often poorly oriented in matters of metrological support. As a result, new developments do not pay due attention to the issues of unity and the required measurement accuracy. GOST 1.25-76 establishes: “The metrological support of the national economy is understood as the establishment and application of the scientific and organizational foundations of technical means, rules and norms necessary to achieve unity and the required accuracy of measurements.” This goal is served by the standards of the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (GSI). The unity of measurements is such a state of measurements in which the measurement results are expressed in legal units, and the measurement errors are known with a given probability.

In addition to metrological control, which is carried out at enterprises, there is a metrological examination of design documentation. This is a research process with the aim of analyzing and evaluating technical solutions for the selection of parameters to be measured, the establishment of accuracy standards and the provision of methods and measuring instruments. If in form metrological examination can be represented as a control process, then in content it is a set of interrelated organizational, methodological and technical measures. The goals of metrological examination are set out in GOST 8.103-73. Metrological examination of design documentation is usually carried out after metrological control.

Metrological control of technical documentation covers a number of fundamental issues, the solution of which improves the quality of the manufactured product. It ensures product quality in the most economical way, eliminating direct damage due to inaccuracies in design and technological documentation. The cost-effectiveness of quality is achieved by applying

application of optimal indicators of the measured parameters of the product. Metrological control begins with the identification of the measured parameters to be controlled. This is done by analyzing and determining the influence and place of each parameter in the overall design and operation of the product. Metrological control generally solves the following issues.

1. Consideration of the possibility of replacing qualitative requirements (if any) with requirements for physical quantities. It is advisable to replace organoleptic control with the requirements for physical quantities verified by measurements. For example, the requirement “Deep sinks on treated surfaces are not allowed...” is replaced by a requirement for the size of sinks and their number per unit area; the requirement “Mount the bracket vertically...” is replaced by the requirement for angular deviation, etc.

2. Checking the correctness of the expression of requirements, excluding the possibility of their different interpretations. It is recommended to use standard terms to express technical requirements. For example, the requirement “Shaft runout no more than ...” is replaced by the requirement “Total radial runout of surface A relative to ... no more ...”, the requirement “The solution is prepared by mixing component A and component B in a ratio of 1: 2” is incorrect, so how unclear what ratio is meant: masses or volumes.

Specific terms subject to the possibility of different interpretations should be defined or explained at the first mention in each document (in brackets, footnote, reference appendix). Reference to a specific standard allows for unambiguous interpretation of the technical requirements and applicable parameters. Metrological terminology is specified in GOST 16263-70, the correctness of the names of physical quantities - in GOST 8.417-81.

3. Analysis of the sufficiency of the range of controlled parameters that ensure the optimal quality of the product.

The proposals of the person conducting the metrological control on the adequacy of the requirements for the product are in the nature of recommendations (their consideration by the developer is desirable, but not mandatory). The exception is the metrological control of documentation for measuring instruments and test equipment

test equipment. In these cases, taking into account the proposals of the person conducting the metrological control is mandatory. It is expedient to introduce proposals for identifying new parameters to be measured in the design documentation at the early stages of development so that they can be implemented at subsequent stages.

4. Consideration of the possibility of reducing the range of measured parameters that reduce the cost of control. For example, analysis of the measurement of a particular parameter included in a complex parameter may reveal that a particular parameter is also measured in the process of measuring the complex parameter, so its separate measurement may not be performed. An analysis of the test conditions of the product may also reveal that subsequent tests with a lower mode can be canceled, since the first tests were carried out at higher modes, etc.

5. Checking the substantiation of the nomenclature of the measured parameters. The validity of the choice of measured parameters is checked by analyzing the research work preceding the development of the product, the results of experimental work and testing of prototypes. In the absence of justification, the inspector proposes to change the nomenclature or accuracy standards of the measured parameters.

6. Checking for tolerances of the parameters to be measured. The developer establishes the allowable deviations based on functional and economic considerations and taking into account the possibilities of their practical implementation. For example, the requirement "Deviation from flatness is not allowed" is not achievable, since it requires an ideal plane, so the requirement is formulated as follows: "Deviation from flatness is not more than ...".

The correct choice of accuracy standards ensures the quality and performance of the product and the economic performance of manufacturing. Accuracy standards allow you to select measuring instruments by accuracy class and measurement technique.

Metrological control checks designs in which it must be possible to measure the specified parameters of the product. To do this, the possibility of access to all measuring points is checked. If there are built-in measuring instruments, you need to make sure

whether it is possible to verify them during operation. If access to them is difficult, the expert can make suggestions for improving the design of the product. The measurement error is influenced by the properties of the material, the quality of the measured surfaces, etc. The rigidity of the measured element, its linear expansion at different temperatures, as well as surface properties (roughness, deformability, etc.) can significantly affect the measurement of the element.

The solution of metrological issues in new developments is carried out under the methodological guidance of the workers of the metrological service. The direct participation of the metrologist in the development is not necessary and is not practiced. A good result is the metrological control of design documentation, when the original document is developed and the main metrological issues are agreed with specialists in advance.

If metrological control is not carried out as an independent stage, then it is combined with normalization control of design and technological documentation. Normalization control is usually carried out by designers or technologists, and sometimes by metrologists. The executors of metrological control are specialized standard controllers of standardization services or employees of metrological services who have undergone appropriate training.

Metrological control of the terms of reference evaluates the completeness and clarity of the formulation of requirements for the parameters of the product being developed in terms of ensuring the possibility of their measurement with the required accuracy under specified conditions. Evaluates the validity of the requirements for metrological support of development, manufacture, testing and operation.

The metrological control of the explanatory note and the technical (draft) project is aimed at the following: substantiation of the nomenclature of the measured parameters; accuracy standards for measuring parameters, taking into account the specified requirements for the reliability of measurements; justification and assessment of the testability of the design (the ability to access the measurement elements, the sufficiency of control points - sockets, connectors, etc.); substantiation of decisions on the development of a methodology for performing measurements of the main parameters, decisions on the verification of built-in measuring instruments; analysis of the completeness and validity of the planned

works on metrological support at the stage of working documentation development.

Metrological control of technical conditions (TS) is aimed at carrying out the following works: analysis of the sufficiency and rationality of the range of measured parameters (compliance with the technical specifications, standards, etc.); assessment of the correctness of the formulation of the requirements for the parameters and the completeness of the requirements sufficient to ensure the accuracy of measurements; determination of permissible levels of dangerous and harmful factors created by the product; verification of compliance with the requirements of current standards governing the types of tests, acceptance rules, etc.; verification of control methods (tests, measurements, etc.); analysis of established measurement accuracy standards, test methods, etc.

Metrological control of the program and test methods (PM) is aimed at the following: analysis of the rationality of the nomenclature of parameters measured during acceptance, acceptance, periodic tests and during the operation of products; analysis of the content of the requirements for the measured parameters; checking the availability of test procedures for all technical requirements. If there are special measuring instruments used in the test, the fact of their metrological certification is checked.

When carrying out metrological control of drawings, the following operations are carried out: check the correctness of the textual requirements of the drawings; evaluate the sufficiency of the nomenclature of drawing requirements: requirements for all product parameters that affect the performance of their functions (dimensions, shape and location deviations, surface roughness and hardness parameters, coating thickness, etc.); analyze the rationality of the established system of requirements of the drawing regarding the control of the product. The drawings specify not only directly measured parameters, but also parameters that relate to manufacturing technology. These parameters are set, as a rule, by technologists, and they are the result of joint work with designers; evaluate the testability of the product. Product control must be provided by measuring instruments of general use and only in extreme cases by non-standardized measuring instruments.

If non-standardized measuring instruments are used to control the product, then the presence and content of the technical description, operating instructions, passports, instructions for checking these measuring instruments are checked.

When carrying out metrological control of working technological documentation, the following is carried out: check the correctness of the expression of requirements for controlled parameters; evaluate the rationality of the range of measured parameters; check the availability of measurement accuracy standards; establish the availability of control methods for all requirements of technical documentation; check the completeness and correctness of the requirements for measuring instruments; evaluate the compliance of the measurement accuracy indicators with the specified requirements. If it is difficult to ensure the specified measurement accuracy, the possibility of expanding the tolerance for the controlled parameter together with the developer is considered.

8.1 Compulsory metrological control

National legislation may establish controls to ensure that balances used in certain applications comply with the requirements of this standard.

If control over conformity is established, it may consist of a type approval procedure and initial verification (or equivalent conformity assessment procedures), and subsequent verifications, such as periodic verifications or supervision in operation, or other equivalent metrological control procedures.

Instruments that are subject to the requirements of 6.4 to 6.9 of this standard shall not be subject to a type approval procedure, and for special applications of such instruments, national legislation may only allow initial verification without type approval.

8.2 Type approval

8.2.1 Application for type approval

An application for type approval must provide for the presentation to the type approving authority, as a rule, of one sample representing the type of instrument. The modular approach (3.10.2) and testing of a family of instruments or modules (3.10.4) may be considered more appropriate and efficient.

The applicant, to the extent appropriate and consistent with national law, must provide the following information and documentation. Metrological characteristics

Characteristics of the balance according to 7.1;
- characteristics of modules or components of measuring systems according to 3.10.2. Descriptive documents

All of the following clause numbers given in parentheses refer to clauses of this International Standard.

Required documentation

1 General description of the scales, description of the operation of the scales, purpose, type of scales (for example, platform scales, "plus-minus" scales, scales with receipt printing)

2 Basic data (manufacturer, accuracy class, , , , single or multi-interval, multi-range, temperature range, supply voltage, etc.)

3 List of descriptions and characteristics of all weighing devices and modules

4 Drawings of general arrangement and metrologically relevant details, including details of any interlocks, safety measures, restraints, limits, etc.

4.1 Protection elements, adjustment devices, controls, etc. (4.1.2), secure access to setting and adjustment operations (

4.2 Places for installation of control signs, security features, explanatory inscriptions, signs of identification, conformity and / or type approval (7.1, 7.2)

5 Description of weighing devices

5.1 Auxiliary or extended reading device (3.4, 4.4.3, 4.13.7)

5.2 Multipurpose use of indicating devices (4.4.4)

5.3 Printing devices (4.4.5, 4.6.11, 4.7.3, 4.14.4, 4.16)

5.4 Storage devices (4.4.6)

5.5 Zero-setting and zero-tracking devices (4.5, 4.6.9, 4.13.2)

5.6 Tare devices (4.6, 4.10, 4.13.3) and preset tare devices (4.7, 4.13.4)

5.7 Leveling device and level indicator, tilt sensor, upper tilt limit (3.9.1)

5.8 Caging devices (4.8, 4.13.5) and verification aid (4.9)

5.9 Selection of weighing ranges in multi-range instruments (4.10)

5.10 Connecting various load receptors (4.11)

5.11 Interfaces [types, purpose, immunity from external influences (5.3.6)]

5.12 Peripheral devices, e.g. printers, additional displays, to be listed on the type approval certificate and to be connected to the instrument in interference tests (5.4.2)

5.13 Scale functions with cost calculation (e.g., scales used in direct sales to the public) (4.14), self-service scales (4.13.11), receipt printing scales (4.16)

5.14 Other devices or functions, e.g. for purposes other than mass determination (not subject to conformity assessment)

5.15 Detailed description of the state of stable equilibrium of the instrument

6 Information concerning special cases

6.1 Description of the division of the balance into modules, for example, load cells, mechanical system, indicator, display showing the functions of each module and components. For modules that have already passed the approval procedure, there should be a reference to type approval certificates (3.10.2), a reference to MP60 assessment for load cells (Annex F)

6.2 Special operating conditions (3.9.5)

6.3 Response of the instrument to misses (5.1.1, 5.2, 4.13.9)

6.4 Display operation after switching on (5.3.1)

7 Technical description, drawings and diagrams of devices, blocks, etc., in particular 7.1-7.4:

7.1 Load receptor, lever systems, if the lever systems are not made in accordance with (6.3.2-6.3.4), power transmission devices

7.2 Load cells, if not presented as modules

7.3 Electrical connectors, e.g. for connecting load cells to an indicator, including the length of the signal lines [required for microsecond pulse tests according to B.3.3 (Annex B)]

7.4 Indicators: block diagram, circuit diagram, data processing and exchange via interface, assignment of all keyboard keys

7.5 Manufacturer's declarations, e.g. for interfaces (, for protection of access to settings and adjustment (, for other basic programming operations

7.6 Samples of all possible printouts

8 Results of tests carried out by the manufacturer or other laboratory on protocols in the form given in the international recommendation, including proof of competence

9 Type approval certificates or individual tests of modules, or other parts specified in the documentation, together with test reports

10 For software-controlled balances or modules, additional documentation in accordance with

11 Drawing or photograph of the instrument showing the type and location of the verification mark and test mark to be included in the type description or test report

The testing and type approval authority shall maintain confidentiality with respect to all instrument documentation other than a drawing or photograph (clause 11). Exceptions are allowed with the consent of the manufacturer.

8.2.2 Type evaluation

Submitted documents shall be examined in order to verify compliance with the requirements of this standard.

Necessary checks must be carried out to ensure that the functions are performed correctly in accordance with the submitted documents. Missing responses should not be elicited.

An instrument in accordance with 3.10 and weights in accordance with 3.7.1 shall be submitted for the test procedures in accordance with Annexes A and B, if applicable. Peripherals - according to 3.10.3.

It is allowed to conduct tests not only at the enterprise of the authorized body.

The Type Approval Authority may, in special cases, require the applicant to provide test weights, equipment and personnel for testing.

In accordance with the provisions of international documents, it is recommended that Type Approval Authorities, in agreement with the applicant, take into account the test results obtained by other national authorities without re-conducting these tests.

The notified body, at its own discretion and under its own responsibility, may accept the results of tests performed by the applicant for the type presented and reduce the scope of its tests accordingly.

8.3 Initial verification

Initial verification may be carried out by authorized personnel in accordance with national legislation.

Primary verification should not be carried out until the compliance of the instrument with the approved type and / or the requirements of this standard has not been established. A copy of the balance must be verified during installation and preparation for use at the site of the forthcoming operation, except in cases where the balance can be easily transported and installed after the initial verification.

Initial verification may be performed at the manufacturer, at the site of use, or at any other location if:

a) for the transportation of scales to the place of operation, dismantling of the scales is not required;

c) commissioning at the place of use does not require assembly or other technical installation operations that affect the characteristics of the balance;

c) the instrument is set to gravitational acceleration at the place of use of the instrument, or if the instrument is insensitive to changes in gravitational acceleration.

In all other cases, tests are carried out at the place of use of the instrument.

If the balance is sensitive to changes in gravitational acceleration, then verification can be carried out in two stages. The second stage includes all checks and tests, the results of which depend on the gravitational acceleration. At the first stage, the remaining checks and tests are performed. The second stage is carried out at the place of operation of the scales.

Instead of an operating location, a gravity zone or an operating zone where the instrument complies with national or regional gravity requirements may be defined.

8.3.1 Compliance

The declaration of conformity with the approved type and/or the requirements of this standard shall include:

A statement about the correct operation of all devices, such as zero-setting devices, tare devices and computing devices;

Statement on the material and design of the balance in view of their metrological significance;

Confirmation of module compatibility if a modular approach is chosen in accordance with 3.10.2;

List of tests that have been carried out.

8.3.2 Visual inspection

Before testing, the instrument is subjected to a visual inspection in order to:

Acquaintance with metrological characteristics, that is: accuracy class, , , ;

Identification of the software, if any;

Identification of modules, if a modular approach is applied;

Checking the presence of mandatory inscriptions and places for verification and control marks.

If the place and operating conditions of the balance are known, it is recommended to check whether they correspond to the required operating conditions of the balance.

8.3.3 Tests

Tests are carried out to verify compliance with the following requirements:

3.5.1, and error of indication [see A.4.4-A.4.6 (Appendix A), five loading values ​​are usually sufficient, selected loadings should include if only 100 mg];

4.5.2 and 4.6.3: accuracy of the zero-setter and tare device [see A.4.2.3 and A.4.6.2 (Annex A)];

3.6.1: repeatability [see A.4.10 (Appendix A), third paragraph];

3.6.2: non-central load application [see A.4.7 (Appendix A)];

3.8: response [see A.4.8 (Appendix A)]; on instruments with a digital display, the test is not carried out;

4.18: tilt for mobile scales [see A 5.1.3 (Appendix A)];

6.1: sensitivity of non-automatic balances [see A 4.9 (Appendix A)].

In special cases, such as unusual design, questionable results, or if indicated in the relevant type test report, other tests may be carried out.

The Type Approval Authority may, in special cases, require the applicant to provide test loads, test equipment and personnel (see 3.7).

For all tests, as marginal errors, the limits of permissible error established during the initial verification are taken. If the balance after the initial verification must be sent to another place, then the change in the acceleration of gravity must be taken into account. For example, performing the second stage of the primary verification of the scales at the place of operation (after adjustment) or introducing a correction factor for the acceleration of gravity into the balance (at the place of operation), during the initial verification not at the place of operation.

8.3.4 Marking and protection

In accordance with national legislation, the results of the initial verification are confirmed with a stamp of verification. The stamp may indicate the month or year of the primary verification or the date of the next verification. National legislation may establish measures to protect components, the removal or reconfiguration of which leads to a change in the metrological characteristics of the balance, if the fact of intervention may remain unnoticed. Provisions and 7.2 must be observed.

8.4 Subsequent metrological control

Subsequent metrological control may be carried out by authorized personnel in accordance with national regulations.

8.4.1 Subsequent verifications

During subsequent verifications, as a rule, only the control and tests specified in 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 are carried out, while the limits of permissible error are set as for the initial verification. Verification marking and protection may be made in accordance with 8.3.4, indicating the date of the next verification.

8.4.2 Supervision during operation

Surveillance during operation, as a rule, is carried out only in the form of controls and tests in accordance with 8.3.2 and 8.3.3. The limits of permissible error are set, doubled in comparison with the primary verification. The verification and protection marks may remain unchanged or may be updated in accordance with 8.4.1.

MDS 12-46.2008


The methodological document contains provisions, methods and recommendations for the preparation of a construction organization project, a project for the organization of demolition (dismantling) work and a project for the production of works for capital construction facilities for industrial and non-industrial purposes, with the exception of linear facilities.

The document was developed in addition and development of SNiP 12-01-2004 "Organization of construction".

The document was developed by employees of CJSC "TsNIIOMTP" (candidates of technical sciences V.P. Volodin, Yu.A. Korytov).

MDS is intended for design and construction and installation organizations developing projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of works.



The construction organization project and the work execution project are the main organizational and technological documents in the construction of capital construction facilities for industrial and non-industrial purposes.

These documents contain measures for the most efficient organization of construction using modern means of technology and information. These documents include the most advanced construction production technologies using high-performance and mobile mechanization tools that help improve quality, reduce time and cost of work.

The construction organization project and the project for the production of works provide high-quality and safe performance of work within the specified time limits, since they contain measures to comply with the requirements of technical regulations in construction.

The main requirements for the project for the organization of work on the demolition (dismantling) of capital construction projects are ensuring the safety of work, environmental protection and waste disposal.

Projects are developed, as a rule, by design or design and technological organizations. Having qualified engineering personnel, a construction organization can develop projects for the production of works on its own. These Methodological Recommendations are intended to assist design, design and technological and construction organizations in the preparation and execution of construction organization projects, projects for the organization of work during the demolition (dismantling) of facilities and projects for the production of works.

This methodological document contains requirements for projects, the composition and content of their sections, as well as recommendations for presentation and design.

The document contains excerpts from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content", the regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of construction are used. The document takes into account the results of the work and experience of TsNIIOMTP and other design and technology institutes in construction.


This methodological document applies to the development of projects for the organization of construction, projects for the organization of work during demolition (dismantling) and projects for the production of work for capital construction facilities for industrial and non-industrial purposes, with the exception of linear facilities.

The provisions of the document apply to new construction, reconstruction and overhaul of existing buildings and structures, to the demolition (dismantling) of capital construction projects.

The document contains provisions, rules, the procedure for drafting and designing projects.


In this work, references are made to the following documents:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content"

Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law "On Technical Regulation"

Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities"

SNiP 1.04.03-85. Standards for the duration of construction and groundwork in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures

SNiP 12-01-2004 . Organization of construction

MDS 12-29.2006. Guidelines for the development and execution of a technological map

MDS 12-41.2008. Mounting equipment for temporary fixing of prefabricated elements of erected and dismantled buildings

MDS 12-43.2008. Rationing the duration of construction of buildings and structures

TK-25*. Typical flow chart for the dismantling of a large-panel residential building.
* The document mentioned hereinafter is the author's work. See the link for more information. - Database manufacturer's note.


3.1. The construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is carried out in accordance with the project documentation - a project (working draft), a construction organization project and work execution projects.

The construction organization project is an integral part of the project for the construction of the facility. If a construction organization project is not developed as part of a detailed design, then the list and procedure for control procedures for assessing the quality of construction and compliance with safety requirements are established by the terms of the contract between the construction participants.

The construction organization project is developed, as a rule, for the entire volume of construction provided for by the project (working draft).

When building an object in stages, a construction organization project is developed additionally in the first place, taking into account the project for the entire volume of construction.

The project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction objects is developed if it is necessary to demolish (dismantle) the object or part of this object.

The project for the production of works is drawn up according to the working drawings on the basis of the construction organization project for the work of the preparatory period of construction, for the performance of certain types of construction and installation works, as well as for the construction of the facility as a whole and (or) its component parts.

3.2. The construction organization project is developed in order to put the facility into operation within the planned period by ensuring the appropriate organizational and technical level of construction. The construction organization project serves as the basis for the distribution of capital investments and volumes of construction and installation works by stages and terms of construction.

The project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects is developed with the aim of safely and within the specified time limits for the production of work on the destruction or dismantling of a building (structure), performed to release a land plot for construction, or for other purposes.

3.3. The project for the production of works is developed in order to select the most efficient technology for construction and installation work, which helps to reduce construction and improve the quality of work.

3.4. The project for the organization of construction and the project for the production of works are developed taking into account:

application of progressive methods of organization and management of construction in order to ensure the shortest duration of construction;

development of the design capacity of the facility within the specified time;

application of technological processes that provide a given level of construction quality;

complete supply for the construction of structures, products and materials based on a replaceable grip (per section, tier, floor, etc.);

maximum use of the scope of work, combining construction processes with ensuring their continuity and flow, uniform use of resources and production capacities;

application of progressive building structures, products and materials;

mechanization of work with the maximum use of productive machines in two or three shifts;

installation of building structures directly from vehicles;

supply and installation of technological equipment in enlarged blocks;

compliance with safety and environmental protection requirements established in the Technical Regulations.

When developing a project for the organization of construction and a project for the production of works, one should take into account the natural and climatic features of the construction area.

3.5. The project for the organization of demolition (dismantling) works is developed taking into account:

application of progressive methods of organization and technology of work in order to ensure the shortest period of work;

application of technological processes that provide a given level of work;

maximum use of the scope of work, combining work processes with ensuring their continuity and flow;

mechanization of work with the maximum use of machines in two or three shifts;

compliance with the requirements of labor safety and environmental protection established in the relevant Technical Regulations;

maximum disposal of demolition waste or the use of products from the dismantling of a building (structure).

When developing a work organization project, one should take into account the natural and climatic features of the work area.

3.6. When developing a project for the organization of construction and a project for the production of works for the Northern climatic zone, the following should be taken into account:

physical and geographical conditions (long cold period with low air temperatures, strong winds and snow drifts, permafrost soils, polar day and night, etc.);

territorial disunity of construction and the need for a complete supply of building structures and materials;

seasonality in the delivery of building structures, products and materials;

the need to use special modes of transport;

the need to develop special measures for safety and labor protection.

3.7. The project for the organization of construction and the project for the production of works for mountainous and high-mountain regions should be developed taking into account:

low barometric pressure, requiring compliance with special operating modes of builders and machines;

the use of machines adapted to work on steep slopes;

avalanches, mudflows and landslides.

3.8. The development of a project for the organization of construction and a project for the production of works is carried out on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of their options. Options are compared in terms of construction duration, quality of construction products, cost of construction and installation works, and other indicators.

3.9. When developing a project for the organization of construction and a project for the production of work, standard organizational and technological documentation should be used: standards (standard projects) for the organization of construction and production of work, technological maps for the production of certain types of work; methodological aids.

3.10. The development and execution of a construction organization project, a project for the organization of demolition (dismantling) and a project for the production of works are carried out according to the standard forms of documents given in sections 4, 5 and 6. These forms can be specified in accordance with the specifics of the work and local conditions, as well as the requirements to the electronic documentation system.


4.1. The initial materials (data) for drawing up a construction organization project are:

assignment of the customer for the development of a construction organization project;

sections of the project for the construction of a capital construction object: a scheme for the planning organization of a land plot; constructive and space-planning solutions; estimate for the construction of capital construction facilities;

area transport infrastructure plan;

master plan decisions;

volumes of construction and installation works for individual buildings and structures;

nomenclature and scope of work performed during the preparatory period;

information on the conditions for the production of construction and installation works at the reconstructed facilities;

information on the terms of delivery and transportation from enterprises - suppliers of building structures, finished products, materials and equipment;

data on sources and procedure for temporary provision of construction with water, electricity, steam, etc.;

information on the possibility of providing construction with workers, residential and amenity premises;

measures to protect the construction area from adverse natural phenomena and geological processes and the stages of their implementation.

4.2. The assignment for the development of a construction organization project indicates: the basis for the design, the customer, the general and subcontracting design organizations, the source of financing, a list of the attached initial data according to clause 4.1, requirements for the allocation of queues and start-up complexes, deadlines, staging, variance, order development and delivery of the construction organization project.

The assignment contains requirements for detailing individual positions of the construction organization project.

4.3. The construction organization project consists of graphic and text (explanatory note) parts.

The graphic part is carried out in the form of drawings, diagrams, plans and other documents in graphic form.

The text part (explanatory note) contains information about the object, descriptions, explanations and justifications for the decisions made, calculations, links to the regulatory and technical documents attached to the list. The text part includes tables, charts, graphs and figures.

4.4. The content of the graphic and text parts of the project for organizing the construction of capital construction projects, carried out in whole or in part at the expense of the state budget, is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 N 87. This content is given in paragraphs 4.5 and 4.7 of this document.

The need and scope for the development of sections of the graphic and text parts for facilities financed entirely from other funds, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87, are determined by the customer and indicated in the design assignment. The content of the project (according to clauses 4.5 and 4.7) can be adjusted according to the customer's instructions: reduced or expanded.

4.5. The construction organization project in the graphic part should contain:

- construction schedule, including the preparatory period (terms and sequence of construction of the main and auxiliary buildings and structures, allocation of construction stages);

- construction master plan of the preparatory construction period (if necessary) and the main construction period with the determination of the locations of permanent and temporary buildings and structures, the locations of sites and warehouses for temporary storage of structures, products, materials and equipment, the installation sites of stationary cranes and the ways of moving large cranes carrying capacity, engineering networks and sources of supplying the construction site with water, electricity, communications, as well as network routes with indication of their connection points and locations of signs for fixing center axes.

4.6. The calendar plan is drawn up in the following form:

Construction schedule

Name of individual buildings, structures or types of work

Total estimated cost, thousand rubles

The cost of construction and installation works, thousand rubles

Distribution of capital investments and volumes of construction and installation works by construction periods (quarters, years), thousand rubles.


1. The distribution of capital investments and volumes of construction and installation works is given as a fraction: in the numerator - the volume of capital investments, in the denominator - the volume of construction and installation works.

2. If the duration of the construction of an object is less than a year, the distribution of capital investments and volumes of construction and installation works is given by months, quarters.

The calendar plan for the preparatory period with the planning of work by months can be drawn up separately.

4.7. The construction organization project in the text part (explanatory note) must contain:

a) characteristics of the area at the location of the capital construction object and construction conditions;

b) assessment of the development of transport infrastructure;

c) information on the possibility of using local labor in the construction;

d) a list of measures to attract qualified specialists for the construction, including for the performance of work on a rotational basis;

e) characteristics of the land plot provided for construction, justification for the need to use land plots for construction outside the land plot provided for the construction of a capital construction facility;

f) a description of the features of carrying out work in the conditions of an operating enterprise, at the locations of underground utilities, power lines and communications for industrial facilities;

g) a description of the features of the work in the conditions of cramped urban development, in the locations of underground utilities, power lines and communications for non-industrial facilities;

h) substantiation of the adopted organizational and technological scheme that determines the sequence of erection of buildings and structures, engineering and transport communications, ensuring compliance with the deadlines for completion of construction (its stages) established in the construction calendar plan;

i) a list of types of construction and installation works, critical structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks to be surveyed with the preparation of appropriate acceptance certificates before the production of subsequent work and the installation of subsequent structures;

j) the technological sequence of work in the construction of capital construction projects or their individual elements;

k) justification of the need for construction in personnel, basic construction machines, mechanisms, vehicles, fuel and fuels and lubricants, as well as electricity, steam, water, temporary buildings and structures;

l) justification of the size and equipment of sites for storing materials, structures, equipment, enlarged modules and stands for their assembly. Solutions for the movement of heavy oversized equipment, enlarged modules and building structures;

m) proposals to ensure quality control of construction and installation works, as well as equipment, structures and materials supplied to the site and installed;

o) proposals for the organization of the service of geodetic and laboratory control;

o) a list of requirements that must be taken into account in the working documentation developed on the basis of the design documentation in connection with the accepted methods for erecting building structures and installing equipment;

p) justification of the need for housing and social services for the personnel involved in the construction;

c) a list of measures and design solutions to determine the technical means and methods of work that ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements of labor protection;

r) description of design solutions and environmental protection measures during the construction period;

s) substantiation of the accepted duration of the construction of the capital construction object and its individual stages;

t) a list of measures to organize monitoring of the condition of buildings and structures located in close proximity to the facility under construction, earthworks, construction, installation and other work on which may affect the technical condition of such buildings and structures.

The remainder of this document provides guidance on the presentation of a number of points in this section that require clarification.

4.8. Characteristics of the area at the location of the construction (see clause 4.7, a) includes a description of the relief and location of the area, geological structure, hydrological conditions (including groundwater), climate (average annual temperatures, winds, etc.).

4.9. The assessment of the development of the transport infrastructure (see clause 4.7, b) is carried out on the basis of the plan for the transport infrastructure of the construction area. Based on the results of the assessment, a transport scheme is drawn up indicating the distances and directions for the transportation of goods, which is applied to the construction master plan. If necessary, a transport scheme of construction is developed on a separate drawing, which indicates the existing road network, as well as the necessary additional roads, entrances, sites, etc.

4.10. Description of the features of work in the conditions of an existing enterprise (see clause 4.7, f) contains a list of works on reconstruction (reconstruction of workshops, expansion of buildings, structures) or technical re-equipment of the enterprise, requirements for its mode of operation (without stopping production, with partial or complete stopping), assessment of the influence of constraint on the choice of methods for the main construction work, justification of the mechanization tools used to perform these works.

In the case of work carried out at the locations of power lines, their description and characteristics, the definition of security and hazardous zones, and the working conditions are given.

The section indicates the need to develop appropriate projects for the production of construction works.

4.11. The description of the features of work in a cramped urban area (see clause 4.7, g) consists of a description of the cramped conditions, the definition of dangerous zones formed during the operation of cranes, an indication of objects that fall into dangerous zones, from the justification of measures for the safe conduct of work ( restriction of service areas by cranes and reduction of hazardous areas, installation of protective structures (shelters), use of protective screens, etc.).

The section may include:

- conditions for the installation and operation of cranes near the slopes of pits, measures for the safe operation of several cranes;

- measures to temporarily close streets, to restrict traffic, change transport routes.

In the case of work carried out at the locations of power lines, their description is given in the same way as in clause 4.10.

The section indicates the need to develop appropriate projects for the production of works (with cranes, in cramped and other special conditions).

4.12. The list of critical structures subject to survey (see clause 4.7, i) may be accompanied by measures to ensure their strength and stability during construction, as well as methods and means for their control and testing.

4.13. The technological sequence of works or their individual elements (see clause 4.7, j) is determined according to the selected organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the capital construction object and organizational and technological schemes for the construction of the main buildings and structures.

The organizational and technological scheme for the construction of a capital construction facility establishes the sequence of construction of the main facilities, utility and service facilities, external engineering networks and structures.

Organizational and technological schemes for the erection of the main buildings and structures establish the sequence of erection of individual buildings (structures) in their parts (nodes, sections, tiers, floors, etc.).

The technological sequence of work established by the organizational and technological schemes is the source material for the development of the construction schedule (see clause 4.6).

4.14. The need for construction in resources (according to clause 4.7, l):

4.14.1. The need for construction personnel is determined on the basis of output per employee per year, the cost of annual volumes of work and the percentage ratio of the number of employees by their categories:

Capital construction projects



MOS and security

Industrial purpose

Non-industrial purpose

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Methodological documentation in construction


MDS 12-46.2008



The methodological document contains provisions, methods and recommendations for the preparation of a construction organization project, a project for the organization of demolition (dismantling) work and a project for the production of works for capital construction facilities for industrial and non-industrial purposes, with the exception of linear facilities.

The document was developed in addition and development of SNiP 12-01-2004 "Organization of construction".

The document was developed by the employees of CJSC "TsNIIOMTP" (candidates of technical sciences V.P. Volodin, Yu.A. Korytov).

MDS is intended for design and construction and installation organizations developing projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of works.


The construction organization project and the work execution project are the main organizational and technological documents in the construction of capital construction facilities for industrial and non-industrial purposes.

These documents contain measures for the most efficient organization of construction using modern means of technology and information. These documents include the most advanced construction production technologies using high-performance and mobile mechanization tools that help improve quality, reduce time and cost of work.

The construction organization project and the project for the production of works provide high-quality and safe performance of work within the specified time limits, since they contain measures to comply with the requirements of technical regulations in construction.

The main requirements for the project for the organization of work on the demolition (dismantling) of capital construction projects are ensuring the safety of work, environmental protection and waste disposal.

Projects are developed, as a rule, by design or design and technological organizations. Having qualified engineering personnel, a construction organization can develop projects for the production of works on its own. These Methodological Recommendations are intended to assist design, design and technological and construction organizations in the preparation and execution of construction organization projects, projects for the organization of work during the demolition (dismantling) of facilities and projects for the production of works.

This methodological document contains requirements for projects, the composition and content of their sections, as well as recommendations for presentation and design.

The document contains excerpts from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”, regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of construction are used. The document takes into account the results of the work and experience of TsNIIOMTP and other design and technology institutes in construction.



This methodological document applies to the development of projects for the organization of construction, projects for the organization of work during demolition (dismantling) and projects for the production of work for capital construction facilities for industrial and non-industrial purposes, with the exception of linear facilities.

The provisions of the document apply to new construction, reconstruction and overhaul of existing buildings and structures, to the demolition (dismantling) of capital construction projects.

The document contains provisions, rules, the procedure for drafting and designing projects.


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”

4.14. The need for construction in resources (according to paragraph, l):

4.14.1. The need for construction personnel is determined on the basis of output per employee per year, the cost of annual volumes of work and the percentage ratio of the number of employees by their categories:

Capital construction projects




MOS and security

Industrial purpose


Non-industrial purpose


The need for construction personnel is presented in the following form:

The need for construction personnel

Year of construction

Cost of construction and installation works, thousand rubles

Annual output per 1 worker, thousand rubles

Total number of employees, people





MOS and security

4.14.2. The need for basic construction machines, mechanisms and vehicles is determined in general for construction on the basis of the physical volume of work and the operational performance of machines and vehicles, taking into account the accepted organizational and technological construction schemes. The requirement is presented in the following form:

The need for basic construction machines, mechanisms and vehicles

The name and number of the main construction machines, mechanisms and vehicles is specified when developing projects for the production of works.

4.14.3. The need for energy resources can be determined by direct calculation.

Demand for electricity

The need for electricity, kVA, is determined for the period of the maximum volume of construction and installation works according to the formula:

where L x= 1.05 - power loss factor in the network;

R m - the sum of the nominal powers of operating electric motors (concrete breakers, rammers, vibrators, etc.);

R o.v - total power of internal lighting devices, devices for electric heating (premises for workers, warehouse buildings);

R he - the same for outdoor lighting of objects and territory;

R St. - the same for welding transformers;

cos E 1 = 0.7 - power loss coefficient for power consumers of electric motors;

To 1 = 0.5 - coefficient of simultaneous operation of electric motors;

To 3 = 0.8 - the same for indoor lighting;

To 4 = 0.9 - the same for outdoor lighting;

To 5 = 0.6 - the same for welding transformers.

Water requirement

Need Q tp in water is determined by the sum of water consumption for production Q pr and household Q xoz needs:

Q tp = Q pr + Q xoz

Water consumption for production needs, l/s:

where q n \u003d 500 l - water consumption for an industrial consumer (watering concrete, refueling and washing cars, etc.);

P p - the number of production consumers in the busiest shift;

To h \u003d 1.5 - coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption;

t\u003d 8 h - the number of hours in the shift;

To n = 1.2 - coefficient for unaccounted for water consumption.

Water consumption for household needs, l/s:

where q x - 15 l - specific water consumption for household and drinking needs of the worker;

P r - the number of employees in the busiest shift;

To h = 2 - coefficient of hourly irregularity of water consumption;

q d \u003d 30 l - water consumption for taking a shower by one worker;

P d - the number of people using the shower (up to 80% P r);

t 1 \u003d 45 minutes - the duration of the use of the shower installation;

t\u003d 8 hours - the number of hours in the shift.

Water consumption for fire extinguishing during the construction periodQ pl \u003d 5 l / s.

Compressed air requirement

The need for compressed air, m 3 / min, is determined by the formula:

where - the total air requirement of the pneumatic tool;

To o - coefficient for simultaneous connection of pneumatic tools - 0.9.

4.14.4. The need for temporary inventory buildings is determined by direct counting.

For inventory buildings for sanitary purposes:

S tr = NS P ,

where S tr - required area, m 2;

N- the total number of employees (workers) or the number of employees (workers) in the most numerous shift, people;

S P - normative indicator of the area, m 2 / person.


S tr = N 0.7 m 2,

where N- total number of workers (in two shifts).

Shower room:

S tr = N 0,54 m 2 ,

where N- the number of workers in the most numerous shift using the shower (80%).


S tr = N 0.2 m 2,

where N- the number of employees in the most numerous shift.


S tr = N 0.2 m 2,

where N

Room for heating workers:

S tr = N 0.1 m 2,

where N- the number of workers in the most numerous shift.


S tr = (0.7 N 0.1) 0.7 + (1.4 N 0.1) 0.3 \u003d 7.5 m 2,

where N- the number of workers in the most numerous shift;

0.7 and 1.4 are standard area indicators for men and women, respectively;

0.7 and 0.3 are coefficients that take into account the ratio for men and women, respectively.

For inventory administrative buildings:

S tr = NS n

where S tr - required area, m 2;

S n \u003d 4 - standard indicator of the area, m 2 / person;

N- the total number of engineers, employees, MOS and security in the most numerous shift. The need for temporary buildings is presented in the following form:

Need for temporary inventory buildings

4.15. The need for housing (according to paragraph, p), for example, for temporary settlements with a rotational construction method, they are presented in the following form:

4.16. The description of environmental protection measures (under clause , t) includes an assessment of the possible negative impact of construction work on the environment (soil cover, flora and fauna, water, air) and appropriate measures to monitor the state of the environment and prevent this impact.

4.17. The duration of construction (according to p., y) can be set by the customer directively (in this case, the project provides for the conditions and resources under which the directive duration is provided) or determined by calculation using SNiP 1.04.03 or MDS 12-43.

When justifying the duration of construction, a description is given of organizational and technical solutions to reduce the duration of construction: the use of a flow method with parallel flows, the combination of works, an enlarged installation of equipment, etc.

4.18. The list of measures to organize monitoring of the condition of buildings and structures located in the immediate vicinity of the facility under construction (according to paragraph , f), includes the arrangement of a geodetic system for observing settlement and roll, periodic examination of foundations and load-bearing structures of buildings (structures) and other measures in depending on local conditions.

4.19. In the project for organizing the construction (reconstruction) of an industrial facility, the following should be added:

establish the sequence and procedure for the combined performance of construction and installation works, indicating the sites and workshops in which the technological processes of the main production are stopped or changed for the duration of the construction and installation works;

indicate on the construction master plan the existing, dismantled and shifted engineering communications, connection points for temporary communications, passages through the territory, etc.;

determine the procedure for protecting existing equipment during work on replacing wall fencing, ceilings and coatings;

determine the composition of the work of the preparatory period so that the time for performing the main work associated with a complete or partial stop of the production process is the least;

establish a list, volumes and determine methods of work in cramped conditions.

4.20. The project for the organization of construction in difficult natural conditions (on pounds with special properties, with landslide (landslide), with mudflow, karst phenomena) must additionally contain: a forecast of the probability of these hazardous phenomena for the construction period, requirements for the seasonality of work and the mode of work in a dangerous period, measures to ensure security and construction of protective structures.


5.1. The initial materials (data) for drawing up the project are:

task of the customer for the development of a work organization project;

sections of the project for the construction of a capital construction object (archived copy); general plan; constructive and space-planning solutions;

estimate for the demolition (dismantling) of the capital construction object;

a situational plan for the location of a capital construction facility indicating (if any) the location of waste disposal points and landfills for their disposal;

a list of buildings and structures of the capital construction object subject to demolition (dismantling);

a list and layout plan of the process equipment to be dismantled, its overall dimensions and weights, conditions for dismantling and transportation;

area transport infrastructure plan;

data on sources and procedure for temporary provision of demolition (dismantling) works with water, electricity, steam, etc.;

data on the availability and possibility of using the customer's mechanization equipment for demolition (dismantling) work.

5.2. In the assignment for the development of a project organization of work indicate:

the basis for the development of the project, the customer, contractors, the source of financing, a list of the attached initial data is given (according to clause 5.1), the terms, the procedure for developing and submitting the work organization project are established.

5.3. The project for the organization of work on the demolition (dismantling) of capital construction facilities consists of a graphic and text (explanatory note) parts.

The graphic part is carried out in the form of drawings, diagrams, plans and other documents in graphic form.

The text part (explanatory note) contains information about the demolished object, descriptions, explanations and justifications for the decisions made, calculations, links to the normative and technical documents attached to the list. The text part includes tables, diagrams, figures.

5.4. The content of the project for the organization of work (in graphical and textual parts) for the demolition (dismantling) of capital construction projects, carried out in whole or in part at the expense of the state budget, is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87.

5.5. The graphic part should contain:

A plan of the land plot and adjacent territories indicating the location of the demolished object, engineering and technical support networks, collapse zones and dangerous zones during the demolition (dismantling) of the object, indicating the places for storing dismantled materials, structures, products and equipment;

Drawings of protective devices for engineering infrastructure and underground utilities;

Technological maps-schemes of the sequence of demolition (dismantling) of building structures and equipment.

5.6. The text part (explanatory note) should contain:

a) the basis for the development of a project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of buildings, structures and structures of capital construction facilities;

b) a list of buildings, structures and structures of capital construction facilities subject to demolition (dismantling);

c) a list of measures for the decommissioning of buildings, structures and structures of capital construction facilities;

d) a list of measures to ensure the protection of liquidated buildings, structures and structures of the capital construction object from the penetration of people and animals into the danger zone and inside the object, as well as the protection of green spaces;

e) description and justification of the demolition (dismantling) method adopted;

f) calculations and justification of the size of the collapse zones and hazardous zones, depending on the accepted demolition (dismantling) method;

g) assessment of the probability of damage during the demolition (dismantling) of the engineering infrastructure, including the existing underground utility networks;

h) description and justification of protection methods and protective devices for engineering networks, agreed with the owners of these networks;

i) description and justification of decisions on safe methods of carrying out demolition (dismantling) works;

j) a list of measures to ensure the safety of the population, including its notification and evacuation (if necessary);

k) description of solutions for the removal and disposal of waste;

l) a list of measures for the reclamation and improvement of the land plot (if necessary);

m) information about the communications, structures and structures remaining after demolition (dismantling) in the ground and in water bodies; information on the availability of permits from state supervision bodies for the preservation of such communications, structures and structures in the ground and in water bodies in cases where the availability of such a permit is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

o) information on the availability of agreement with the relevant authorities, including state supervision authorities, of technical solutions for the demolition (dismantling) of the facility by explosion, burning or other potentially dangerous method, a list of additional safety measures when using potentially dangerous demolition methods.

5.7. The list of measures for the decommissioning of buildings, structures and structures (according to, c) includes:

Inspection of their general technical condition in order to obtain initial data for the development of a project for the organization of work for demolition (dismantling);

Disconnection and cutting of ground and underground inlets (outlets) of gas, electricity, water supply, sewerage and other communications.

5.8. In measures to protect the building from the penetration of people and animals, etc. (according to, d) provide for the installation of fences for the work site, sewing (sealing) of door and window openings, the use of locking systems, organizing security and other measures.

5.9. The choice and justification of the demolition (dismantling) method (according to , e) depend on what is indicated in the customer's assignment: demolition-destruction or dismantling-dismantling of the object.

When demolishing an object, a mechanical, explosive or combined method can be chosen. During demolition, waste is not recycled, but dumped (to landfills, landfills), polluting the environment.

When dismantling an object, its structural elements are sorted, and they can be disposed of, for example, recycled into secondary building materials and products.

5.10. The collapse zones and dangerous zones during the demolition of the object (according to , e) are determined according to the methods adopted in blasting and in determining the distances of objects flying away when they fall from the building.

Dangerous zones during the dismantling of the object are determined in the same way as during installation using cranes.

5.11. To select and justify decisions on safe working methods (by, and) during the demolition of an object, decisions are considered using a mechanical method, for example, using a “destructive excavator” and replaceable working bodies: hydraulic shears, grippers, tongs, a wedge-hammer, a ball -hammers mounted on an excavator, or by various types of explosive methods, for example, using contact (external charges, shaped charges, etc.) and blasthole tools (blasthole charges, hydraulic blasting, etc.).

When dismantling an object, the use of a jib crane (on an automobile, pneumatic wheel or caterpillar track) or a tower crane is indicated. At the same time, the use of universal and special manual electric and pneumatic machines (hammer drills, with a cutting disc, drilling) and thermal tools (gas cutters, plasma cutting machines, etc.) are envisaged.

To separate and move blocks and panels, the use of hydraulic wedge jacks and other devices is justified. To ensure the safety of work, they select, for example, according to MDS 12-41 and bring special technological equipment: struts with adjustable length complete with clamps and anchors, ties (rods), racks, corner ties, scaffolding.

To prevent workers from falling from a height, universal (used in construction) and special safety equipment - inventory fences - can be justified and applied.

5.12. Decisions on the removal of waste from the demolition of the facility (by , l) are taken in the form of indications of directions and methods of transportation to the dump and places (addresses) of waste disposal at landfills and landfills.

When dismantling an object, a decision is made on the nomenclature and methods of processing the dismantled elements: reinforced concrete blocks, panels, slabs, etc. and their export to processing enterprises, as well as on the disposal of disassembly materials (wood, metal, faience, glass, bitumen, etc.).

Reinforced concrete elements that meet the conditions for recycling are used in rural (vegetable stores, warehouses, etc.), road and other construction. Waste insulation, glass and ceramics are processed into raw materials (filler) for the production of building materials and products (wall plates, blocks, etc.).

The decision on the disposal of dismantled products is presented in the following form:

Disposal of dismantled elements

Dismantled elements, materials, waste

Disposal conditions

Disposal decision

Panels, plates, blocks

The dimensions of external cracks are no more than half of their sizes. Sizes of chips of edges and corners - no more than 12% of their sizes. The volume of exposed reinforcement - no more than 7% of the volume of panels, slabs, blocks

Intended use or processing into crushed stone and sand

Soft roof cuts

Processing for bitumen

Waste insulation, glass, ceramics

The volume of foreign inclusions is not more than 5% by weight

Recycling into aggregates for secondary building materials and products


6.1. The starting materials for the development of a project for the production of works are:

Construction organization project and working drawings for the construction of a capital construction facility;

Project for the organization of work on the demolition (dismantling) of a capital construction facility.

6.2. The project for the production of works is developed for the construction or demolition (dismantling) of the facility as a whole and (or) its component parts, for the work of the preparatory period, as well as for the performance of certain types of construction and installation works or demolition (dismantling) works.

As part of the project for the production of work on the object as a whole and (or) its components, the following is developed: a calendar plan for the production of work on the object (type of work); a construction master plan or a plan for the demolition (dismantling) site and adjacent territories; the schedule for the receipt of building structures, products and materials at the facility or the removal of dismantling waste from the facility; workforce demand schedule; demand schedule for the main machines; technological maps for certain types of work; maps (diagrams) for quality control of work; labor protection and safety measures; explanatory note.

6.3. The calendar plan for the production of work on the object (type of work) establishes the sequence and timing of the construction and installation work. According to the calendar plan, the need for construction machines, workers, delivery dates for building structures, products and materials, and technological equipment are determined.

The calendar plan for the production of construction and installation works is drawn up in the form below:

Schedule for the production of work on the object (type of work)

6.4. The construction general plan is developed in the part necessary for the performance of work at the facility. The plan indicates the location of permanent and temporary transport routes, temporary water supply networks, sewerage, electricity supply, heat supply, cranes, warehouses, temporary inventory buildings, structures and devices used to support construction or demolition (dismantling) work.

6.5. The schedule of arrival at the facility for the production of this type of construction work of building structures, products and materials is compiled according to the attached form:

Schedule of receipt of building structures, products and materials

6.6. The schedule of the need for workers for the production of this type of work at the facility is drawn up according to the attached form:

Workforce demand schedule

6.7. The schedule of the need for basic construction machines or machines for demolition (dismantling) work for the performance of work at the facility is drawn up according to the attached form:

Schedule of demand for construction machines or machines for demolition (dismantling) work

6.8. Technological maps are developed for separate (complex) types of work and for work performed using new technologies.

For other works, standard flow charts are used, for example, TK-25 for disassembly (dismantling), which are adjusted taking into account the characteristics of this facility and local conditions.

Technological maps are developed and drawn up in accordance with the MDS 12-29 mentioned above.

6.9. Maps (schemes) for quality control of construction works are developed to monitor and evaluate the quality of technological processes and operations. The map is drawn up according to the attached form:

Construction quality control

This section of the project for the production of works should contain schemes for the operational control of the work performed; list of required certificates of examination of hidden works; instructions on the timing of quality control of work with laboratory testing of materials, structural elements, temperature and humidity conditions, as well as on the procedure for testing individual units and systems of engineering equipment.

6.10. Measures for labor protection and safety indicate typical (standard, for example, protective fences and canopies) and requiring design study (for example, fixing earthen slopes, temporary strengthening of structures) measures.

6.11. The explanatory note in the general case should contain:

description and justification of the decisions adopted in the project;

calculations of the need for electricity, water, steam, oxygen, compressed air, working drawings of the device for temporary lighting of the construction site and workplaces, supplying networks to the facility from power sources;

a list of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures with the calculation of their needs;

technical and economic indicators of the project for the production of works.

6.12. The project for the production of works for the preparatory period of construction should contain:

work schedule;

the schedule for the receipt for construction of the building structures, products and materials necessary for this period;

construction master plan of the construction site indicating on it the locations of inventory buildings and temporary structures, off-site and on-site communications and networks constructed during the preparatory period;

layouts of signs for performing geodetic constructions and geodetic control of the position of the structures of the object and communications, as well as instructions on the accuracy of geodetic measurements and a list of technical means necessary for this;

short explanatory note.

6.13. In the project for the production of works, as a rule, the following technical and economic indicators are given: labor intensity, duration and cost of construction and installation works or demolition (dismantling) works. For a number of works, specific indicators can be given, for example, per 1 m, 1 m 2, 1 m 3, etc.

6.14. The project for the production of construction works is approved by the chief engineer of the general contracting construction organization, and the sections of the project for installation and special construction works are approved by the chief engineers of the relevant subcontracting organizations.

The approved project is transferred to the construction site before the start of work.

The procedure for approval and transfer to the site of the project for the execution of works for the demolition (dismantling) of the facility is similar.



Below is the content (name of sections) of the construction organization project for capital construction projects financed in full or in part from the state budget.

The need and scope of development of sections of the construction organization project for capital construction projects financed from other sources are determined by the customer and indicated in the design assignment.


Construction schedule

Explanatory note

1. Characteristics of the construction area and construction conditions

2. Development of the transport infrastructure of the construction area

3. Measures to attract local labor and qualified specialists from other cities, including those for performing work on a rotational basis

4. Characteristics of the land plot for construction with justification for the need to use land plots for construction outside the provided land plot

5. Features of carrying out work in the conditions of an operating enterprise and (or) in conditions of cramped urban development

6. Organizational and technological scheme of the sequence of construction of buildings and structures

7. The most important construction and installation works (structures) subject to examination with the preparation of acceptance certificates

8. Technological sequence of work (including the scope and technology of work, including work in the winter)

9. The need for construction in personnel, energy resources, basic construction machines and vehicles, temporary buildings and structures

10. Sites for storing materials, structures, equipment, enlarged modules and stands for their assembly. Solutions for moving heavy oversized equipment, enlarged modules and structures

11. Ensuring the quality of construction and installation works, as well as the supplied equipment, structures and materials

12. Organization of service of geodetic and laboratory control

13. Requirements that must be taken into account in the working documentation in connection with the accepted methods of erecting building structures and installing equipment

14. The need for housing and social services for personnel involved in construction

15. Measures for labor protection

16. Measures for environmental protection

17. Duration of construction

18. Measures to monitor the condition of buildings and structures located near the facility under construction


Assignment for the development of a construction organization project.



Below is the content (name of sections) of the project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects, financed in full or in part from the state budget.

The need and scope of development of sections of the project for the organization of work for capital construction projects financed from other sources are determined by the customer and indicated in the design assignment.


Normative and technical documents

Plan of the work site and adjacent territories

Drawings of protective devices for engineering infrastructure and underground utilities

Technological maps-schemes of demolition (dismantling)

Explanatory note

1. Description of objects to be demolished (dismantled)

2. Measures to decommission facilities

3. Measures to protect liquidated facilities from the penetration of people and animals into the danger zone and inside the facility, as well as to protect green spaces

4. Justification of the adopted method of demolition (dismantling) and calculation of the size of the collapse zones and hazardous zones

5. Assessment of the probability of damage during the demolition (dismantling) of engineering infrastructure

6. Justification of protection methods and protective devices for engineering networks

7. Solutions for safe demolition (dismantling) practices

8. Measures to ensure the safety of the population

9. Solutions for the removal and disposal of waste

10. Measures for reclamation and improvement of the land

11. Information about communications, structures and structures remaining after demolition (dismantling) in the ground and in water bodies; permission to keep them

12. Information on the coordination of technical solutions for demolition (dismantling) by explosion, burning or other potentially dangerous method


Assignment for the development of a project for the organization of demolition (dismantling) work.



The following is a typical content (name of sections) of a construction project or demolition (dismantling) project.

The need and scope of development of sections of the project for the production of works are established by the customer and indicated in the design assignment.


Building master plan

Work Schedule

1. Explanatory note

2. Normative and technical documents

3. Organization and technology of work performance

3.1. Preparatory work

3.2. Main works

4. Quality requirements and acceptance of work

5. The need for mechanization, technological equipment, tools and fixtures

6. Safety, labor and environmental protection


Assignment for the development of a project for the production of works.

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