Walkthrough of the Xenoblade Chronicles quest in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Guide The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: tips and secrets - clothes, weapons, guards, shrines and treasures Secrets in the first location of legend of zelda

A list of features and functionality that will make the last part of Link's adventure even better.

We condense the material.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can be completed in an hour or 150 hours. Or not finish at all and just run after horses through the endless meadows of post-apocalyptic Hyrule.

Still, the game seems to be missing something. DLC is on the way, but some things should be added to the game right now.

Musical instruments

The developers of Breath of the Wild did not cling to the old canons of the series. In this game, all important in-game items appear in the player's inventory in the first hour of play, the Master Sword - the iconic weapon of the Zelda series - is optional, and the dungeons can be played in any order or not at all.

Also missing from Breath of the Wild are many well-known items from the game series - according to the game's game designer Hidemaro Fujibayashi, they could distract players from the gameplay.

However, according to the author of Glixel, it was worth including some kind of musical instrument in the game, as in the Zelda parts of the Nintendo 64 era. In them, Link always had some kind of musical instrument, usually a magical one. Many puzzles in games were tied to it. And the ocarina from Ocarina of Time was the best because you could play anything on it, like Kakariko Village.


In the first hour of playing Breath of the Wild, you can come across a series of optional events, after which Link has to look for fish for one dish in order to get equipment. It may seem that for this you need to find a fishing rod, go through a little training and go fishing. Not really.

To catch a fish in Breath of the Wild, you just need to swim around the cluster of fish, hoping that some will come across. It's easier to throw bait into the water, and then stun the whole flock of fish with a bomb.

Yes, when fishing in Ocarina of Time, the chances of catching something were about one in a million. But if Breath of the Wild had a fishing mini-game, it would certainly be no worse than Sega Bass Fishing on the Dreamcast.

Opportunity to sail

During the first playthrough of Breath of the Wild, many do not immediately guess how to sail boats. The answer here is simple: you need to equip a Korok leaf as a weapon and wave it towards the sail.

However, most of the watercraft in Breath of the Wild can hardly be called boats, they are rather primitive rafts. But in The Wind Waker in 2002 there was a whole ocean and the best sailing opportunities in addition to Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.

Breath of the Wild doesn't need more water, more like normal boats.

Home customization

After completing one optional quest, Link can have his own dwelling in the Hateno village.

After that, a chain of quests appears, during which the player gradually improves the house: weapon mounts appear on the walls, and furniture and lighting appear in the rooms. However, none of these can be chosen - the player can only hang bows, shields and swords on the walls.

But with customization, it would be possible to make the dwelling really become “their own” for the player. For example, add a merchant to the game like in Animal Crossing, who would sell different furniture, or diversify the assortment of a village shop with wall paint.

Ability to repair weapons

When in the middle of some desert a beloved sword breaks into pieces and scatters in the wind, it is disappointing.

But in Breath of the Wild this happens often, and many probably thought about why in the game there is no way to somehow fix the weapon before it finally breaks. There is a lot of new equipment in it, but you become attached to individual copies, and you don’t want them to gather dust around idle.

Breath of the Wild needs some kind of special blacksmith found in the last zones of the game - like the dungeons of Hyrule Castle - that can regenerate weapons at a very high cost. So the game would immediately kill two birds with one stone: it would be impossible to carry every weapon to the blacksmith, but there would be a way to save the most beloved blades.

Horse racing

There is nothing to think about. The jump mission that gives the player an Epona is one of Ocarina of Time's most memorable moments. And in Breath of the Wild, you may not get a horse at all. Link is able to climb any surface, so he doesn't need a horse to get over small walls on his way to secret areas.

However, horses are everywhere in the game, so why not arrange a race?

Armor Enchantment

Armor, unlike weapons, never breaks, so you don't have to worry about changing clothes. "Standard" armor can be bought in shops, and unique armor can be found in chests scattered around Hyrule. It can be dyed and upgraded by grinding thousands of mushrooms.

However, this game system could be combined with another: enchantment. Right now, countless bugs and monster limbs are lying around in the backpacks of many players, because food is easier to prepare than elixirs, because it also restores health.

What if you could take those same ingredients to some hidden shrine to enchant armor for, say, increased damage or cold resistance. To balance out the effects, they could fade over time. But this way it would be possible to combine different parts of the armor.

Book of recipes

The cooking system in Breath of the Wild is both convenient, varied and simple. It allows you to try different combinations of ingredients, hoping to get something edible.

However, many who want to experiment are hindered by the lack of a recipe book where useful combinations of edible loot would be saved.

The developers were not shy about adding menus to their game. Breath of the Wild has an entire page that only shows what runes the player has collected in the first hour of the game - perhaps it could have been done without. Instead, it would be possible to add an additional tab to the inventory with recipes for food that the player has already prepared.

Change weapon button

It is inconvenient to open the menu every time you need to eat an apple during a fight to restore health, or change your sword to a bow.

Perhaps a circular menu with weapons would work better than a linear one. It might be worth adding hotkeys for food and elixirs. However, there is a more fundamental problem: the lack of a weapon switch key.

When a player with a full inventory tries to pick up a weapon, he should be able to change the sword he is holding to the one lying on the ground with a single keystroke. And not scroll through the inventory for the millionth time.

Really big secret

Someone will go through all the dungeons in sequence, defeat the last boss and turn off the game, filled with satisfaction. Others like to look for every little secret in the game.

Such players roam the labyrinths and ruins, collect 900 Korok seeds and explore all the nooks and crannies of Hyrule Castle dungeons. It seems that all the secrets of the game have been revealed. It is a pity that among them there were no really exciting secrets.

But video games have been filled with them since Super Mario Bros. and her teleport rooms. GTA V has aliens, Trials HD has aliens, and Spelunky has .

There may still be a big mystery in Breath of the Wild. There is an item in the game called "classified envelope", the purpose of which is still unknown to the players. It can either be a potential start for a future expansion, or it can turn out to be a dummy. If there's a big secret in Breath of the Wild right now, it's too well hidden.

A massive Japanese role-playing game that will be released very soon on the Nintendo Switch. Before its release, the company decided to release a small themed quest for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, for completing which players will receive a new free set of armor.

After downloading the latest patch for the Wii U and Nintendo Switch versions of Breath of the Wild, a new quest called Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will appear in the quest log. It consists of three parts. Your goal is to find three red stars that can draw a path in the sky to the coveted reward, new armor. The location of the stars can be found by completing three simple riddles-conditions.

  • Look at the sky in the south from the middle of the largest bridge;
  • Look at the sky in the east from the left "eye" of the skull;
  • Gaze at the sky in the southeast from the top of the highest snowy mountain.

In addition to finding the right location, you must also respect the time frame. You can see red stars only at night between 22:00 and 04:00 game time. If you are in the right place, you will hear a characteristic noise, and a red star will appear in the sky. She should fall nearby. In the found crater, a treasured chest will be waiting for you, and in it is a piece of armor from Xenoblade 2. A full set will give you a large bonus to swimming speed, which is extremely useful in some parts of Hyrule.

The first red star: look at the sky in the south from the middle of the largest bridge

The simplest riddle. There is only one really huge bridge in the game that crosses Lake Hilia. It may be known to players by Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros. In Breath of the Wild, the bridge you need is south of the Hyrule field. It's hard not to notice him, given the presence of a teleport tower nearby. Take a look at the location on the map:

Use the teleport to the Lake Tower or Ya Naga Temple, which are shown in the screenshot above. When you get to the middle of the bridge, you will be met by a bunch of enemies. After a short fight, wait for the right time and look to the south. When the star falls, you will only have to pick up the chest with the first piece of armor.

Second red star: look at the sky in the east from the left "eye" of the skull

Solving the next puzzle should lead you to Skull Lake, located far in the northeastern region of Hyrule. Just take a look at the right from the Caldera of Death. The lake you need, as the name suggests, looks like a skull. Take a look at the location on the map:

Getting to this place is quite easy. If you have already opened the Zuna-Kai Shrine, then simply teleport to it. Stand at the entrance to the temple and look to the east. You will again hear the sound of a shooting star. Another piece of armor is yours.

Third star: look at the sky in the southeast from the top of the highest snowy mountain

It's time to finish what we started. The final meeting point with the red star is the hardest to find. When you think of a snow-capped mountain, you most likely think of Mount Girula in the east. But this is the wrong place! You will need Mount Gebra, in the northwest of Hyrule. Look at the screenshot of the map if you want to know the exact location. If you do not want to die from the cold on the highest mountain in the game, then do not forget to bring warm clothes with you.

When playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you will feel that, unlike other games in the series, this part is much more extensive than its predecessors. Because of this, you can get confused and miss some important points that are worth doing at the beginning of the game. That is why we have created this section of the guide for beginners.

Remember that you can play the game however you want, feel free to experiment, explore and have fun!

Get a warm doublet

Exploring the Great Plateau, you will soon find a place with an extremely low temperature than the rest of the location. You will be able to get through this place by cooking food or elixirs to keep you warm in the cold, but warm clothes can also help you.

One such item in the game's wardrobe is the "Warm Doublet", which can be obtained in the Great Plateau in several ways. If you go to the southeast of the location, you will find a hut belonging to an old man. In his diary, he wrote about some recipe, but he does not remember the ingredients he used. If you find Hot Peppers, Raw Meat, and Hyrule Perch, you can make a forgotten recipe. Show the old man and he will give you a doublet. You can also climb to the top of Mount Hylia, where you will meet the same old man and he will give you a doublet for climbing so high without warm clothes.

If you completed the main quests on the plateau but didn't get the doublet, then go to the old man's hut and there you will see that he just left it for you.

Gather Ingredients

Each ingredient obtained in the game world has some purpose, and some can even be used for several purposes. If you see something sparkling on a tree, a rock, or simply in the grass, then go there and be sure to take it. Your inventory of ingredients is unlimited, so you can experiment with cooking and create the perfect meals to help you on your journey.

Get a good weapon

As you wander the Great Plateau, you'll mostly find wooden sticks and clubs that can be used as weapons to fight the Bokoblin hordes. Be careful and look for chests and dangerous enemies to build a good arsenal. In several chests in the temple of time you will find good bows, and in the old man's hut you will find an ax and a sledgehammer in one of the Sanctuaries of the cliff plateau.

Be sure to explore the area as you leave the plateau for useful weapons, which can often be found in chests while going through shrines. You can also always find something useful in the villages and stables.

Look for Korokov

Ever paid attention to strange places in the game world? Rings of stones or lilies in the pond? A small stone lying alone in the middle of a plateau? Look around and you'll likely run into one of the many creatures called Koroks. For finding them, they reward you with a Korok Seed. Believe me, looking for creatures and getting these seeds is worth it. More on that in the next thread...

Help Estu

On your way to Kakariko village, you will meet a large and very conspicuous Korok named Estu on your way. He will need your help and if you help him, he will reward you. The creature will be able to increase the number of slots for weapons, bows and shields, but only in exchange for Korok seeds.

Tame your horse

Hyrule is a vast land to explore and traveling on your own can take a long time. Therefore, you should spend a little time to find a wild horse and tame it. Wild horses can often be found on the vast plains, as, for example, in the northwest of the Great Plateau or in the clearing near the stables of the Twins.

To tame a horse you must be cunning and dexterous. You can crouch to make less noise and slowly sneak up behind the horse. When you get close, jump on it, and then, so that it does not drop you, quickly press the "calm" button until it stops kicking. If the quiet style is not for you, then you can find a high point overlooking the place with horses and fly there carefully on a glider.

After saddling the horse, go to the nearest stable to register it and give it a name. To make friends with an animal, while riding, try to praise it at any opportunity and over time, trust in each other will increase as much as possible.

Climb up and activate towers

As you travel through Hyrule, you will find Resurrection Towers. One for each region of the state. Climbing and activating them reveals the region map in your shiika stone. However, this does not mean that all important points will be immediately displayed on the map. Thanks to the towers, you can look around the area from a height and find nearby shrines, stables and other interesting places, and mark them on the map, and then go down and explore.

Collect items from the ancient wreckage of the guards

Along the Great Plateau and even below, you will find the ancient remains of many rusting and forgotten Guardians. Explore them and you will find ancient pieces. You will need them in the later stages of the game, or in extreme cases you can sell them if you really need rupees.

Be careful, as some of the guards are still functioning and will shoot you to kill if found!

Go through the Sanctuaries - get hearts

When playing Breath of the Wild, you will notice that you will not find heart pieces for pumping health here. It's because they don't exist! The only way to increase the number of hearts is to pray to the statue of the Goddess in the main villages of Hyrule, the Temple of Time and special springs.

In exchange for the 4 Spirit Orbs that are rewarded when completing the Sanctuaries, you can get a heart capsule or an energy capsule to increase health or stamina, respectively. If the enemies seem difficult to you or you do not have enough strength to climb somewhere, then you should go to the nearest shrines in order to improve your characteristics afterwards.

Get a rock climber's scarf

Cold resistance isn't the only beneficial effect clothing can have. If you drive east from the Great Plateau through the Twin Mountains, then look into the sanctuary of Ri-Dakhi. Inside you can find a chest containing a "climbing scarf" that increases climbing speed.

Considering how much you have to climb in the game to different heights, this is one of the most useful wardrobe items in the game.

Find a big fairy

There are several fairy springs in the game and they are worth a visit. In addition to the regular fairies that can be caught around the spring, there are Big Fairies willing to help you on your journey if they are willing to pay for it.

After you appease the Fairy, she will offer to improve her outfit in exchange for certain ingredients. Each Fairy can only upgrade each outfit once, so you should find all the sources that way. You can find the first spring on the hill next to Kakariko village.

Look for chests

Treasure chests are scattered throughout Hyrule and can hide anything from arrows to rare weapons. Try to be as careful as possible while traveling through these lands, as chests can be hidden under water, under rubble, or simply stand in ruins until someone stumbles upon them. To open some of them, you have to use a little ingenuity and runes.


Hyrule in the game is indecently large and hides an incredible amount of secrets that are not marked on the map. Climb the highest peaks, descend into canyons and explore all the ruins to find as much loot as possible.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild has a wide variety of weapons to choose from. In this guide, we will try to understand the best melee weapons, tell you where to look for them and how to use them correctly. After that, you will have no problem with storming the castle and rescuing Princess Zelda.

Best swords

  • Biggoron's Sword is an extremely rare and treasured sword (it's featured throughout the Legend of Zelda series). To get it, you will need to buy amiibo, Ocarina of Time Link. Note that this does not guarantee instant receipt, you will need to check the Amiibo daily for a chance of receiving it. The weapon's attack rating is 50, making it one of the most powerful swords in the game.
  • The Master Sword - This is a historical sword, Princess Zelda herself claims that this is the only weapon that can permanently seal Calamity Ganon. Link must make his way through the Lost Woods, complete the Korok Trials, and obtain enough Heart Containers to pull the legendary sword from the stone.
  • Savage Lynel Sword is one of the biggest loot from Lynels enemy creatures, but can only be obtained from silver or white maned characters. They can be found in the northern region of Hebra and the ruins of Colosseum, respectively. Savage Lynel Sword's attack rating is 58, which is pretty high.
  • Sword of the Six Sages - Can be unlocked for use by purchasing the Ganondorf amiibo. But it's also no guarantee of getting it, and to be honest, this sword is extremely rare. It has an attack rating of 48, but also has an enhanced durability feature, making it a reliable weapon..

The best sabers

  • Edge of Duality is one of the most durable weapons out there. Attack Rating 50. Several copies of this saber exist and can be obtained by purchasing the Sheik amiibo either from Moblin in Hyrule Castle or from the Gerudo Desert labyrinth when the blood moon rises.
  • The Royal Claymore is a two-handed sword that was officially used by the guards of the royal family. And although the castle is now in ruins, a number of these weapons are in the open world. It has an attack rating of 52 and can be found in various treasure chests, or on the necklace of a sleeping Hinox creature.
  • The Royal Guard's Claymore - Has a high attack rating of 72, but doesn't have high durability, so it's good for boss fights. There are two sabers, both of them are in Hyrule Castle. The first can be found in the monastery, near the castle docks, and the second can be found behind the waterfall in the guard's cells.

Best heavy weapon

  • Boulder Breaker - Has an attack rating of 60, most useful in situations where Link is facing Stone Talus or when he needs to smash multiple ore deposits to get a few gems. This unique weapon can be obtained by acquiring Divine Beast Vah Rudania from Calamity Ganon. And although it is equipped with a function of increased durability, it will eventually break. But you can get a new one from the Rohan blacksmith in Goron City.
  • The Mighty Lynel Crusher is one of the most powerful weapons wielded by the blue constellation of Lynel, the most formidable enemies. Attack Rating 54. The blue Lynels you can pick up this weapon from are located in Akkala, not far west of Akkala Ancient Technology Lab.
  • Savage Lynel Crusher - Attack Rating 78. Very rare, can only be obtained from White Maned Lynels, two of which can be found in Hebra or the Eldin Mountain Ranges.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the latest installment in Nintendo's popular adventure game series. Players take on the role of the protagonist of the franchise, Link, who is on yet another thrilling and dangerous adventure as he tries to find out what caused Hyrule's land to collapse. The gameplay is a combination of several genres: adventure, role-playing and survival games. As the story progresses, you explore an open world, solve puzzles, and fight enemies. Combat requires the use of a variety of tactics. You also need to collect resources for cooking and drinking that affect your abilities, just like equipment items.

All-time in the industry (97 out of 100 points in the Nintendo Switch version). Some of the secrets of the outstanding game design of the latest Zelda were revealed by Nintendo developers at the CEDEC (Computer Entertainment Developers Conference) event, held from August 30 to September 1 in Yokohama. For those who don't speak Japanese, Capcom's production manager Matt Walker translated some of the conference materials published on 4Gamer and other sites.

Walker shared the information in his microblog, and later enthusiasts designed it into a PDF file. Among other things, at the conference, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Development Director Hidemaro Fujibayashi (Hidemaro Fujibayashi) and senior artist Makoto Yaonezu (Makoto Yonezu) talked about the "triangle rule". Its essence is as follows: the objects of the game environment, such as mountains and buildings, were made in a shape similar to a triangle. According to the authors, this made them attractive to gamers: they increase interest in exploring the world (the peaks are visible from afar, and you want to know what is behind these “triangles”) and offer a choice (for example, go around the mountain on the left or right or climb it) .

The creators used "triangular" mountains and hills of three sizes to achieve different goals (the larger the "triangle", the more interesting it is). The pictures below show how the player, having run around the mountain, finds a building, which is partially visible from afar.

If triangles are good for hiding a small area of ​​the map from the user's eyes, then rectangles are needed when you want to completely hide one or more objects. Examples of objects that are close to rectangles in shape can be large trees.

Such decisions may seem simple, but in fact, they are the reason why The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild turned out to be so exciting. Making a huge open world and filling it with objects and characters is not enough - it is important to structure it in such a way that it is interesting for players to navigate through it. A clear example of the complexity of such a task can serve as two images below. This is the same map, but the first one shows user routes with one world design option, and the second with another.

In the first case, the developers placed the towers on the map so that game events unfolded in the space between them. The testers did not like this option: they complained that they were “led by the hand”, and the narration became chaotic. The problem was solved by a concept that the authors called "gravity" (gravity). They placed objects of different types, sizes and importance (see the image below) in such a way that gamers can use them as targets for their movement and, if desired, turn to some other one. The new structure made the passage non-linear, made it easier to navigate and find the right places (for example, if the user has chosen an aggressive style of passage, he can move from one enemy camp to another). As you can see, the routes of the players have become much more difficult.

The organization of the development process was also interesting. The team has integrated the task manager directly into the game, allowing you to create messages in it describing what needs to be done in a specific area of ​​​​the map (for example, to fix some kind of problem). Thanks to this, the to-do list was always in front of employees, and situations when several developers were working on the same task could no longer arise.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was released on March 3, 2017 for Wii U and Nintendo Switch. In July, sales of the game for the second console approached 4 million copies, making it the best-selling game of all that was in its catalog.

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