Oceanarium - Marine Aquarium at Chistye Prudy. Biology lesson "aquarium" Lesson tour of biology in the aquarium

Any ocean is an element of the Earth's water shell, part of the hydrosphere. The ocean has a number of features:

1. The water in the ocean is not fresh, but salty.

2. All living organisms that live in its depths have adapted to life in salt water, and die in fresh water.

3. Some animals breathe with gills, and some with lungs, like those living on land.

4. The depths of most of the oceans have not been studied, and we do not know what secrets they hold.

Water is a substance that heats up very quickly and transmits sunlight well, only slightly changing the direction of its movement.

This is how the Sun looks from the water column. So the inhabitants of the seas and oceans see the world around them a little differently (studying the Mariana Trench aquarium).

It is not easy for us to study the rich flora and fauna. Why?

Yes, indeed, under water we will not be able to breathe.

But maybe it will be enough for us to periodically hold our breath?

That's right, we have to breathe all the time, but we don't know how to do this underwater. This is possible only with the help of special equipment. Therefore, we need scuba gear (studying the "Scuba History" aquarium).

Both on land and in water, animals need protection from predators. There are enough ways not to become someone's "lunch" among underwater inhabitants. Some of them are very dangerous for humans. I suggest that you record information about the relevant animals.

Exercise 1.

Fill the table

Animal name


Protection method

Human danger

Attention, there is a fish in front of you puffer, which manages to expand its body and, bristling with needles, scare away the enemy. It can undoubtedly be one of the most charming defense mechanisms in the entire animal kingdom. However, you shouldn't fall under the spell of the pufferfish, lest you discover its true nature when it's too late. This fish is simply stuffed with poisonous neurotoxins that can even kill a person. Paralysis and suffocation are the main symptoms of poisoning.

The ancestors of octopuses, squids and cuttlefish competed with fish for dominance of the sea for many millions of years. However, the long rivalry did not reveal the winner. Agility, speed, sharp eyesight are the undeniable advantages of these mollusks. But cuttlefish have one more “weapon” in their arsenal: at the slightest danger, they throw dark ink into the water, which shelter them from enemies and mask their flight.

- Many brightly colored animals in the world are highly poisonous. Fire Cuttlefish Pfeffer is no exception. However, what is unique about this cuttlefish is that it is the only species of poisonous cuttlefish in the world. The poison, which is contained in the flesh of this cuttlefish, enters the blood of the victim and quickly spreads throughout the body.

- blue ring octopus is small, about the size of a golf ball, but extremely venomous. It is usually light in color, with dark brown bands on its eight legs and body, with blue circles added on top of these dark brown bands. When an octopus is disturbed or taken out of the water, it darkens and the rings become shiny and electric blue, and it is this color change that gives the animal its name.

Its venom is strong enough to kill a large animal.

At the very bottom you can meet squid. They move backwards. Where the tentacles are the head.

maybe stone fish will never win a beauty pageant, but she will definitely win the "Most Poisonous Fish" award. It is believed that the bite of a stone fish provokes the most severe pain, which is accompanied by shock, paralysis, and tissue death. If you do not get emergency medical care, the outcome can be fatal.

The rockfish store their toxins in their hideous backbones, which are designed to protect them from predators.

About cubs seahorse father takes care. The male carries the eggs of the embryos in his abdominal pouch until they are born. A large number of embryos that mature in the paternal pouch survive, which contributes to the preservation of the species.

- Holothurians(sea cucumbers) are sedentary and appear to be miserable, helpless creatures that cannot run from danger. But they don’t have to, left alone with the enemy, the sea cucumber turns its insides inside out and releases a stream of poisonous digestive juice on the offender. Some species of these creatures can even throw out pieces of the intestine, which then quickly recovers.

- Mixins- unattractive sea creatures have an interesting way of self-defense, for which they received the nickname "spitting witch". Having learned about the approach of a predator, the hagfish secretes a huge amount of sticky mucus, and those fish that accidentally swallow polluted water will not be lucky. Her insides instantly stick together.

Many marine life do not have a solid skeleton and move in a way that is strange to us.

For example, cyanide jellyfish push out the water. Their movement is similar to jerks. And some of them have huge tentacles like nets that catch prey - fish and crustaceans. Some of them can be dangerous to humans. Tentacles of poisonous jellyfish leave deadly burns on our body.

- box jellyfish got its name because of its cubic shape. Over the past 60 years, this handsome man has claimed about 6 thousand lives. Its poison is considered the most deadly in the world, toxins affect the heart, nervous system and skin cells. And, worse, all this is accompanied by such hellish pain that the victims go into a state of shock and either drown or die from cardiac arrest.

If you immediately treat the wound with vinegar or a solution of acetic acid, the victim has a chance, but, as a rule, vinegar cannot be found in the water.

Of course, there are no trees familiar to us on earth in the underwater world. They are being replaced corals. By the way, they are animals. Moreover, they are very small, no more than a grain of rice. And what we see is their home. Each "twig" is built by one small animal.

Corals vary in color. They come in red, pink, white and black. Corals grow even at very great depths.

Underwater rocks are inhabited by a huge number of algae and animals resembling flowers.

For example, sea anemones. These are underwater "flowers". They spend their entire lives in one place. They move only on the shell of crustaceans. Their seemingly harmless petals - tentacles grab a passing fish, paralyze a shrimp or crustacean with their poison, and then eat it. The smallest crustaceans can also serve as food for them. Some species filter food particles from the water.

The poison of anemones does not harm only coral fish. They boldly scurry between the tentacles and hide there from enemies. For example, clown fish("Finding Nemo").

On the coral reef itself and in its caves. Inhabits a great variety of fish. Some of them are brightly colored, while others, on the contrary, try to disguise themselves.

The type of coloration most often depends on the method of hunting. To attack a victim from a hiding place, it is better to become invisible against the surrounding background.

For example, moray eel. It has razor-sharp teeth and always attacks suddenly from caves in the reef.

And if the fish feeds on coral, then there is no need to hide. Corals are immobile.

And this harmless-looking fish, Lionfish-zebra black-striped, known for her pugnacious temperament. Defending its territory, it can bite off the fin of an intruder.

Flocks of bright fish scurry across the surface of the reef: yellow tokelau, turquoise tangs, striped butterfly fish, parrot fish, royal gram and others. Because of this, the reef resembles a busy city.

Closer to the bottom, you can meet larger predatory fish moving alone: ​​Napoleon fish, flounder, electric stingray, sea angler and others. The masters of bottom camouflage include flounder and electric stingray. If they lie motionless, then swimming above them from above, the animals may not even be noticed. Their mode of hunting is camouflage and attack.

In the water column, large shoals of fish, such as sardines and capelin, are constantly moving. With their brilliance and sharp movements, they confuse the enemy, the predator simply cannot select a specific prey.

The most dangerous predator in the ocean is the shark. These ancient animals have an ideal body shape for hunting. Sharks have a heightened sense of smell. She smells 1 drop of blood for several kilometers. And, teeth arranged in several rows are razor-sharp and grow throughout life. Even the scales have spikes that can cut through skin with just a touch.

The real beauties of the bottom world are starfish. These predators actively move along the bottom in search of food. Their mouth is located on the inner surface of the body.

Mollusks with shells on their backs and without them slowly move along the seabed: rapana, harpa, murex, giant strombus.

In appearance, the marble cone snail looks beautiful. A drop of her poison can kill 20 people. Signs of a bite: severe pain, swelling, numbness, in severe cases, paralysis and respiratory failure occurs. There is no antidote.

At the bottom you can find many crustaceans and crabs: hermit crab, king crab, samurai head crab, etc.

In the deep depths of the ocean, you can encounter its oldest inhabitant - this is the nautilus. A living dinosaur that has survived to this day.

From October 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020, the Primorsky Aquarium invites schoolchildren to take part in the Lesson at the Aquarium program as part of the Educational Environment project.

Attention! On the New Year's weekend, the project "Educational Environment" does not work! Please register to visit the project from January 15, 2020.


Classes within the framework of the "Lesson at the Oceanarium" program are held in expositions. The duration of the lesson is from 45 to 90 minutes.

Class start schedule: 10:00(for elementary grades), 11:00 (after attending a performance in the dolphinarium), 14:00, 15:00 (after attending a performance at the dolphinarium)

Classes are held free of charge for schoolchildren and adults accompanying them (one adult per 10 students including teachers). A group of schoolchildren - up to 30 people. As part of the lesson, schoolchildren will be able to attend the performance of marine mammals in the dolphinarium at 11:00 and 15:00. Rules for participation in the "Lesson at the Aquarium" program

IMPORTANT:The lesson program does not include a tour of all the expositions of the oceanarium! Thematic tours are offered for a fee


The lesson is held for one class up to 30 children of the same age.

- The Aquarium Lesson has a limited number of exhibits and DOES NOT INCLUDE a sightseeing tour.

A trip to the aquarium can be organized by a parent, but the presence of a teacher with a class is MANDATORY!

Accompanying persons, according to the rules of the program, monitor the discipline of the group and help distribute and collect lesson materials.

Children must bring writing utensils with them on the day of class.

You must arrive 20 minutes before class starts.

How to become a member of the Lesson at the Aquarium program:

Registration for classes is done through registration form. The organizer of the visit fills out an application and sends it to e-mail. The application can be considered accepted only after receiving confirmation by e-mail!

In response to the application, the organizer receives a description of the lesson to prepare the class for it, a memo for the teacher responsible for the visit, and a memo for accompanying persons (1 adult for 10 children, including the teacher).

- Lesson description is intended for the teacher who repeats the desired topic with the class. The memos are handed over to the teacher responsible for the visit and accompanying persons, who must familiarize themselves with them and sign them.

6 days before visiting the “Lesson at the Oceanarium” (Thursday the day before), the organizer of the visit sends an e-mail [email protected] website scanned copy of the order school director indicating the number and age of children (class), full name of the teacher accompanying the class, as well as a scan of the memo signed by the teacher.

2 days before visiting the "Lesson at the Oceanarium" to the email address oceaneducat [email protected] the site must send the full name of the accompanying persons, a scan of the memo signed by the accompanying persons and the bus number (if at the time of filing the application and order there was no information on these positions).

Replacement of an adult accompanying children is possible no later than 2 days before the visit, and the contact person from the Primorsky Aquarium must be notified about this.

When visiting the teacher responsible for the visit, you must have with you:

  • original order of the principal of the school,
  • signed original memo to the teacher,
  • signed original of the memo to the accompanying persons,
  • the passport.

Accompanying persons should carry their passports.

Romela Arushanyan
Summary of the lesson "Excursion to the aquarium"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution child development center Kindergarten No. 69 "Golden Key".

Abstract of the integrated lesson in the second junior group on the topic

« Excursion to the aquarium»

Compiled and conducted:


MBDOU d / s No. 69

"Golden Key".

Arushanyan R. R. -

Integrated occupation« Excursion to the aquarium» in the second junior group

Integration of educational regions:



Artistic and aesthetic

Topic: « Excursion to the aquarium» (summary of the integrated lesson)

Target: to expand the initial knowledge of children about the seas and oceans and inhabitants of the seabed.


develop imagination,

Creative skills,

Fine motor skills of the hands

Independence and initiative of pupils;

Cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Methods and techniques: conversation, excursion to the aquarium in the kindergarten(1st floor) questions, answers, game, storytelling, looking at illustrations,

preliminary work: conversations on topic: "Water", « Oceans and seas» , "Inhabitants of the Seabed", reading encyclopedias.

vocabulary work: oceanarium, storm, wash over, guide, inhabitant.

Equipment and attributes: exhibition of shells, models of the seabed - in oceanarium(d / garden 1st floor), an exhibition of the inhabitants of the deep sea, illustrations of marine animals, drawing paper, gouache for drawing fish with the palm of your hand, napkins, musical accompaniment.

Lesson progress

1. Introduction. Organizing time.

caregiver: What a beautiful day today. Let's smile at each other. It's good that we are together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate.

caregiver: Guys, every person has a dream. Tell me what are you dreaming about? (children's answers) .

caregiver A: I also have a dream. I dream that at least once I will go down to the bottom of the sea and admire the beauty of the underwater world, so I suggest you make excursion in one unusual and amazing place - in oceanarium(d / garden 1st floor). Want to?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: BUT I will be the tour guide.

caregiver A: But first I invite you to listen to the underwater world. (A dull noise sounds - this is the roar of the sea during a storm) .

caregiver (twirls the globe):

There are four on earth ocean

wash continents, countries,

to land spill into the seas.

It has roads laid by ships.

Sometimes the seas storm, sometimes they sleep peacefully.

The wind is free to walk along the sea.

There is less land in this world than water.

Magical gardens grow under the water,

They are full of wondrous inhabitants

Different shape color size.

caregiver: Guys, now we leave the group and follow me together. We are with you in oceanarium(1st floor). Oceanarium- it's a big house for the inhabitants oceans and seas. And what oceans and seas you know?: Quiet ocean, Atlantic, Arctic Indian, Black Sea, Red, Yellow (Children repeated after the teacher's explanation). Oceanarium- this is a small model of a large ocean. It was created by our former employee Muravyov Viktor Vilenovich, with his own hands using a brush and paint.

Guys, oceanarium is a very difficult word to pronounce. Let's try to repeat it, helping ourselves with clapping. Get your hands ready. O-ke-a-na-ri-mind. (clapping for each syllable) Now let's clap again and count how many syllables this word has. (Children repeat clapping). How many syllables are in this word? (Children's answers.) .

There are six syllables in this word.

Children and who can live in oceanarium? (Dolphins, fish, crabs, octopuses)

And how can you call these inhabitants affectionately? (Fish - fish, fish, crab-crab, octopus-octopus)

2. The main part.

caregiver: Well, well, it's time for us to start excursion. Look, the first inhabitants are waiting for us here. Who is it? (crabs)

Sideways, sideways, a crab walks, meets a fish-tsap-scratch!

Tell me, what is the body of the crab covered with? (shell)

What does a crab use to move? (Crab moves with tentacles)

What else does a crab have? (A crab has claws and eyes)

Guys, one crab - a lot of crabs

Guys, look at the crab it's very boring to swim alone. Let's have fun with him and play the game "The sea worries once."


The sea is worried! (We walk in place)

The sea is worried two! (Tilts left, right)

The sea is worried three!

Marine figure freeze! (Sit down)

caregiver: We continue our excursion. Guys, guess riddle:

“Who has legs growing out of his head? ” (Octopus)

How many legs does an octopus have? (An octopus has eight legs)

Guys, tell me, what do octopuses do under water? (swim)

What do they do when they hide from predators? (hide, swim away)

Who else can tell about the octopus?

Children: An octopus changes color when angry. Can turn white or release an ink blot to scare enemies away.

What do octopuses do with each other? (play)

caregiver: We continue our excursion.

Guys, who can tell what parts the fish consists of?

Children: A fish has a head, body, gills, tail and fins. With the help of the tail and fins, the fish swims in the water, with the help of gills it breathes.

caregiver: Well done! Everything is correct. What else do we see in oceanarium. Children's answers (algae, shells, starfish, sea horse)

caregiver: On this our excursion ends and we return to the group.

caregiver: And now we take our places at the tables. Each one has a sheet in front of you. gouache in a plate. We have to draw the fishes in ocean. But instead of brushes, we use our fingers and palms. (Sample display).

caregiver: - Well done guys, they did a good job. Let's show each other our work.

3. Bottom line lessons.


Guys, where have we been today? (AT oceanarium) .

What did we see there?

What inhabitants did you meet?

What do you remember interesting? (children's answers)

You are now familiar with marine life.

Thanks to all!

Added photo from excursions.

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Target : to form knowledge about aquatic biogeocenosis.

Tasks :

    To develop the ability to determine the relationship of organisms in an aquarium and the reasons for the instability of the balance of this artificial system.

    Familiarize yourself with the rules of aquarium care.

Equipment : aquariums, "Food chains in the aquarium."

At the beginning of the lesson, in a short conversation, students' knowledge of what is "biogeocenosis", "food relations", "food chains", "ecological groups of organisms" is mobilized. In a conversation, students also recall that various aquatic and terrestrial biogeocenoses differ in the species composition of the organisms inhabiting them, in habitat conditions and in the size of the territories occupied. The teacher informs that students will get acquainted with the features of aquatic biogeocenoses in the next classes, and suggests that in this lesson they consider the simplest artificial ecological system - an aquarium. The teacher explains that the aquarium can be considered as a model of biogeocenosis, since it, like in any biogeocenosis, has organic components - plants, animals and microorganisms, inorganic - water and soil, there is a complex of relationships between organisms and factors of inanimate nature.

The teacher then challenges the students to identify the main ecological groups of organisms in the aquarium. Students establish that in the aquarium there are all the main groups of organisms characteristic of biogeocenosis: the creators of organic matter - unicellular and multicellular algae and other aquatic plants; consumers are aquatic invertebrates and fish that feed on plants, unicellular microorganisms, and other invertebrates; decomposers - various microorganisms that decompose organic substances into simple inorganic compounds. The teacher explains that herbivorous animals are called first-order consumers, and carnivores are called second-order consumers. Various relationships are established between all ecological groups of organisms, primarily nutritional relationships. Plants in the process of photosynthesis absorb salts and carbon dioxide from the water, which are released by the organisms living in the aquarium. Animals absorb the oxygen given off by plants, eat plants or other animal inhabitants of the aquarium.

The teacher invites one of the students to draw on the board (and the rest in notebooks) a diagram of the relationships between the main groups of organisms in the aquarium.

Then the teacher invites students to look at the table "Food chains in the aquarium" and note the features of these food chains. Students note that the food chains in the aquarium are very short - only 2-3 links. The teacher explains that the length of food chains depends on the species composition of the organisms inhabiting the biogeocenosis. In the aquarium, the species composition is very poor. In such a small area, only a limited number of organisms can exist. In nature, such a biogeocenosis, with a poor species composition and short food chains, could not exist. Life in the aquarium is maintained artificially: the desired water temperature, illumination, water saturation with oxygen are created, the missing links of the food chains are brought in from the outside.

On specific examples, possible causes of imbalance in aquariums with different species composition of organisms and ways to eliminate these disorders are considered. So, in an aquarium where there are aquatic plants, snails, daphnia, carnivorous fish, the balance is disturbed due to a lack of food for fish: fish eat daphnia faster than they multiply. In the food chain, one link drops out - daphnia. To maintain life in the aquarium, it is necessary to periodically introduce daphnia and other fish food from the outside.

If there are no snails in the aquarium, the water and walls become cloudy, unicellular green algae grow rapidly (the water in the aquarium "blooms"), the living conditions in the aquarium worsen. You can eliminate these violations by populating the aquarium with snails that eat algae, various organic residues and clean the aquarium.

In the subsequent generalizing conversation, the rules for caring for the aquarium are discussed, they find out what water and soil should be filled in the aquarium, what aquatic plants, invertebrates and fish to populate it, what temperature and air conditions should be observed, what and how to feed the fish, etc.

At the end of the class, the teacher gives assignments to the students. One group of students is instructed to draw up the “Aquarium” column on the interchangeable stand (provide practical recommendations for creating an aquarium and caring for it). Another group is given the task to prepare reports for the next lesson on the topics “The importance of aquatic vegetation in the life of a reservoir”, “Fish of our reservoirs”, “Valuable and commercial fish”. The teacher offers the third group of students to observe life in the aquarium: cleaning the walls of the aquarium with snails, the birth and development of juvenile fish; habituation of fish to the place and time of feeding, etc.

Individual students, at their request, can be given tasks to conduct special observations. The content of the tasks is given below.

Exercise 1. Make observations of gourami fish (cockerels or angelfish) during the spawning period and after it. Answer the questions:

    How do fish behave before spawning? During it?

    Do fish of this species show concern for offspring?

    Are there external differences between the female and male during the spawning season?

    Do external sex differences persist after spawning?

    Do external conditions (amount of food, temperature, lighting, etc.) affect the reproduction of fish in an aquarium.

    How long does it take from the moment of spawning to the hatching of juveniles from eggs?

Task2. Make observations of aquarium fish and find out the biological characteristics of the reproduction of fish of various species (guppies, swordtails, bettas, gourami, goldfish).

Answer the questions:

    What fish spawn? What fish are live births?

    What species of fish take care of their offspring?

    What are the characteristics of the behavior of fish of each species before spawning (before the birth of fry)?

    In what fish species do external differences between individuals of different sexes appear during the breeding season? In what way do they appear?

    What species of fish always have external differences between males and females, regardless of their physiological state?

Task 3. Some fish tend to take on a color similar to the background color of the environment (patronizing). To observe the change in color of fish, conduct the following experiments.

    Plant a few river perches in an aquarium with light soil, mark in a notebook what color they are. After a day, establish whether the color of the fish has changed. Enter the data in a notebook.

    Transfer the perches to an aquarium with dark substrate (dark pebbles or well-washed charcoal). Note what changes have occurred in the color of the fish and over what period of time. See if this happens to common aquarium fish species. Record the results of the experiments in a notebook.

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