Tarot of 2 of Wands reversed in future position. The magic of numbers. In the realm of consciousness

To learn how to read Tarot cards, you should know the exact interpretation of each Arcana. In this article, we will talk about the meaning of 2 (Twos) of Wands (Staffs) of the Tarot, the compatibility of the card with other symbols, as well as other, no less interesting information. We wish you happy reading!

2 of Wands: description, plot of the card, meaning in the layout

The Two of Wands card is illustrated as follows - a young man stands between staffs that are stuck in the ground. One of his hands holds a wand, the second is a mini-copy of the celestial sphere (the globe). The young man's gaze is directed into the distance - it is assumed that he expects the results of his own work, but more often unexpected circumstances come instead.

The meaning of the card in the layout is as follows - you should take the initiative in your own hands, realize your existing ambitions, goals, etc. It is recommended to select the desired "target" by shooting to kill. Be ready to overcome your fears, trust your own emotions, intuitions. It is recommended to get out of your usual comfort zone, challenging yourself, your principles - this will help you achieve what you want in the shortest possible time.

Note. Do not expect to immediately get what you want - to achieve the goal you will have to put in a lot of effort

In the book by Sergey Savchenko "Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards" you will learn a lot of interesting information regarding the interpretation of this card. Take advantage of this opportunity!

2 Staves: keywords, ideas

Consider the key words, ideas of the card 2 Staves (Wands). Details below.

  • Powers
  • Prospects for creative growth
  • Situation control
  • Success in achieving your goals
  • Courage, ambition
  • Leading forward-looking negotiations
  • Planning important things
  • Preparing for a responsible event
  • Partnerships
  • gift of foresight
  • Capabilities
  • Self-confidence, self-confidence
  • The owner, the "king" of the situation

The key ideas behind the reversed Two of Wands are:

  • Doubts
  • indecisiveness
  • restlessness
  • Pride and/or stubbornness
  • Excessive temper
  • Violence, implacability

Upright Card Meaning of the 2 of Wands

Consider the meaning of the Two of Tarot Staves in a straight position. A detailed interpretation of the Arcana with other cards will be given below.

The Two of Wands testifies to the fortuneteller's desire to fight for something (an idea, creative projects, other undertakings). This is directly related to risk. Impulsiveness, reckless behavior, courage, a challenge - only a part of what this Minor Arcana can testify to.

Note. In some interpretations, this card indicates the need for a sharp reaction to the current state of affairs, the inadmissibility of a neutral attitude to current problems at work or at home.

If 2 Staffs fell out in a scenario for a situation, it speaks of the following - you want to achieve your goals too much, but disappointments are inevitable on the way to them. Take into account all the circumstances, having calculated the planned moves several steps ahead.

Reversed 2 of Wands Card Meaning

The meaning of the reversed position of the Two of Wands warns of the following. It is recommended to avoid recklessness in actions, imprudence, thoughtlessness of actions. It is necessary to go beyond the usual framework of perception of the surrounding world. The card may also indicate some kind of surprise that will cause surprise on the part of the questioner. If you do not have the necessary level of life experience to solve current problems, this can lead to various losses. Be carefull!

Video: The meaning of the card Two of Staves. Minor Arcana Tarot

2 Staves in layouts for love and relationships

Consider the direct / inverted meaning of the Two (2) Staves (Wands) in love and relationships. Details below.

Direct position. The fortuneteller was overly immersed in his own experiences regarding the conduct of business. He is self-sufficient, but feelings for a partner have cooled a little - personal problems exceed the interests of a loved one. Forced loneliness can help test existing relationships. The lasso indicates the desire of the fortuneteller to subjugate the partner, to influence him as he pleases. Selfishness, neglect - the main components of these relationships.

Reversed position. Loudness is "our everything." Empty promises, unreasonable declarations of love, relationships of convenience or affection are the main characteristics of such a union.

The meaning of the card in health layouts

Below is the detailed meaning of the Two of Wands Tarot on health. Consider the upright and reversed position of the above card.

Direct position. Calm and balanced state. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and choose the right type of treatment.

Reversed position. An unbalanced state of the body, the wrong choice of treatment. There may be sharp mood swings in the fortuneteller.

The value in the layouts for the analysis of the personality, for his psychological state

The psychological state (personality analysis) directly depends on the position of the Two of Wands in the layout. Consider the interpretation of the direct / inverted meaning.

Directly. The card indicates an ideological, ambitious person who is looking for a compromise with other people. Such a person is prone to proper action planning, has good strategic thinking.

Upside down. The mood of a person is very changeable. Differs in indecision, passivity (lack of initiative), acts recklessly, without calculating moves in advance.

The meaning of the card of 2 of Wands in the layouts for finance and work

Consider the meaning of the Two of Tarot Wands in the work (straight / inverted positions).

Directly: the fortuneteller has strong competitors. Professional tasks are difficult for a person, so one has to resort to the manifestation of personal enthusiasm, strengthening previously achieved positions, etc. Internal anxiety about the planned plans is combined with the hope for the implementation of the plan. The card says that things can develop contrary to the planned actions, leading the fortuneteller to an unexpected result.

Reversed: The Two of Staves indicates a temporary stagnation in business, although the beginning was good. It is necessary to work out the line of development of the desired project, exclude ill-conceived actions, as well as actions "at random". Tip - if you do not like this professional area, change it. Your indifference, deviation from the direct performance of official duties can cause irreparable damage to the company, depriving you of the opportunity for professional growth.

Meaning of the 2 of Wands combined with the Major Arcana

Consider the meaning of the Two of Tarot Wands in combination with the Major Arcana. Details below.

  • Jester: Necessity of laying out the route of travel
  • Magician: Intentionally delaying the process
  • : Actions to find out the secret
  • Empress: Spending time in nature, thinking about the current situation
  • Emperor: Neutral position in solving family and work problems
  • : Thinking about your own actions, deeds, decisions
  • Lovers: An unremarkable relationship with a significant other
  • Chariot: Gossip, intrigue "behind the eyes"
  • Strength: Finding an opponent/adversary's weak point
  • : Missing a good, profitable opportunity
  • Wheel of Fortune: Reluctance to Change
  • Fairness: Rejection of objective arguments
  • Hanged Man: Waiting, prolonged inactivity
  • Death: Restructuring Planning
  • Temperance: Having a Guardian
  • Devil: A dangerous design.
  • Tower: Expect an unpleasant surprise from ill-wishers
  • Star: Verification of upcoming plans in accordance with the horoscope
  • Moon: There are many unknowns to choose from
  • Sun: Consent in everything
  • Court: Judgment and procrastination associated with it
  • Peace: Making the Final Decision

The meaning of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Below is an interpretation of the Two of Wands (Staffs) in combination with the suits of the Minor Arcana.

In combination with the suit of Staves

  • : We have to choose the path of creative development. It is recommended to surrender to creativity entirely
  • Troika: From Thinking to Result - A Shortcut
  • Four: You should think over the details of the upcoming celebration. Another interpretation is the choice of home, university, school, etc.
  • Five: To make a decision, you need to put pressure on others
  • Six: Follow the crowd, choose a win-win option
  • Seven: A direction that promises many difficulties
  • Eight: Desire to choose a path without problems
  • Nine: The path of knowledge is not easy
  • Ten: A project that promises nothing
  • Page: Learning something
  • Knight: Inspiration, quick decision
  • : Take the advice of a close relative to rule your own life
  • King: Maker of your own destiny

Combined with the suit of Cups

  • : Lapping with the object of desire
  • : Planning a joint future, studying a business contract
  • Troika: Preparations for the solemn event are coming
  • Four: Suspicions of someone or vice versa
  • Five: Cycling on trouble
  • Six: Life by the events of the past
  • Seven: Making plans
  • Eight: Search for self-realization, travel planning
  • Nine: Dreams of happiness, its search
  • Ten: Planning for the future with your significant other, including traveling together
  • Page: A detailed study of the proposal received
  • : Looking for new opportunities
  • Queen: Plans for a Woman
  • King: Plans for a man

Combined with the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Analysis of current events
  • Two: Doubt, indecision that kills
  • Troika: Severance of relations, current agreements
  • Four: Search for rest in a given direction
  • Five: The collapse of dreams, expectations, plans
  • Six: Search for salvation, plotting a route
  • : Calculation of retreat moves
  • Eight: Narrow outlook, limited opportunities
  • Nine: Unrealizable dreams, plans
  • : Haste, intolerance in the process of planning something
  • Knight: Joyless, reckless plans
  • Queen: Parting with the past, adopting an independent lifestyle
  • King: Planning for the Future

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: Financial plans, the prospect of receiving material rewards
  • Two: Financial Trouble
  • Troika: Opportunity for professional development
  • Four: Nurturing the prospect of financial security
  • : Lack of material prospects, hopelessness of plans
  • Six: Financial assistance is possible
  • Seven: Reassessment of the effectiveness of material investments, possible postponement of plans
  • 8: Looking for a future job
  • Nine: Family plans, budget planning
  • Page: Designing new projects, evaluating their prospects, thinking about how to get an education
  • Knight: Pathway
  • : Plans for a practical girl/woman
  • King: Plans related to a business young man

Consider the meaning of the Two of Wands (card of the day).

The fortuneteller is in indecision, cannot make the right decision, take up the work he has begun. Do not worry about this, it is better to take a neutral, waiting position. If the situation requires drastic decisions, express your opinion on this matter, but do not make a commitment. Postpone everything for another day.

What does the map warn about?

The Two of Wands claims that you are starting to do something other than your own, invading someone else's territory, where you should not be.

What questions can the 2 of Wands answer?

  • Are you bored at this stage in your life?
  • Is your life carefree?
  • What do you want to achieve in your dreams?
  • Do you feel anxious about something?
  • What do you expect in the near future?

To find out other, no less interesting information, continue to follow the updates on our website. All the best and see you soon!

Tarot cards are an amazing tool that will allow each person to get answers to questions that disturb his soul and orient him in a difficult life situation. The Two of Wands (otherwise called the Two of Staves, the Two of Sceptres, or the Two of Spears) will predict success, which will be accompanied by disappointment. A person is lucky, rich and powerful, but all this does not make him happy. Further in the article, we will reveal a more complete meaning of the 2 of Wands.

In an inverted position

Talks about potential opportunities that may not be realized. A person is very restless, dependent on something, does not understand the real state of things, but acts chaotically. Loss of respect and trust of others.

  1. In the field of events: the occurrence of difficulties, delays, downtime.
  2. In business: after a good period, stagnation occurs (no line of conduct, actions are chaotic, few financial resources).
  3. In the field of health, it will indicate an imbalance in different body systems. A person suffers from a pain syndrome, his condition changes rapidly, his mood changes rapidly, therapy gives a temporary result.
  4. In the personal sphere, he speaks of disappointment, lack of mutual understanding, loss of trust. People communicate in different languages, the development of relations is chaotic, they are thrown from one side to another.
  5. The state of melancholy, a person does not correlate his actions with the actions of other people, is characterized by lack of initiative, indecision, acts without hesitation.
  6. Arkan advises to correlate what you want with your capabilities.
  7. Warns that you do not delve into the situation, unable to navigate it correctly. Your intuition is not working well enough.
  8. Your thoughts will not be able to bring the expected effect, you see the situation in the wrong context.

Two of Wands Tarot meaning

The 2 of Wands Tarot combines a concrete fact and a challenge: indicates that we are trying to maintain an independent position, but the situation provokes direct and unambiguous actions. Very often indicates impasses, when there are no objective reasons for failure, but we still encounter them.

This indicates a detachment from life, which must be dealt with through painstaking work on oneself.

In work

Arkan will tell you that a person is not really interested in his work, he does it in order to “get off” quickly. In conflict situations, he acts defiantly, supports the majority, because in fact he does not care who is right in the conflict and who is wrong.

But everything is followed by inevitable retribution, in this situation it is the appearance of spiritual emptiness, which can provoke depressive states. The Two of Wands advises from time to time to check the correctness of your internal installations, in order to ensure complete transparency of your affairs.

In the realm of consciousness

The card indicates a state of a kind of lethargic sleep, from which you can only get out when you start acting instead of empty talk. If you affirm something, then your actions must be consistent with your beliefs so that they do not turn into an empty phrase.

2 of Wands Tarot meaning in relationships

A person who is not interested in a serious relationship, he does not have any feelings. Can speak very beautifully and passionately, but the words are actually empty. In such a pair there is no spiritual warmth, and he is simply doomed to die. It will require you to either finally make the right decision in order to keep it, or immediately break the connection so as not to torment yourself or your partner.

Two of Staves combination with other cards

When you perform a layout, it is important to pay enough attention to the combination of the card you are studying with the rest of the arcana. Therefore, now we will consider what the combination of the Two of Wands with such cards will indicate:

  • With the lasso "Jester" - drawing up a route for a future trip.
  • With the lasso "Magician" - the process is delayed.
  • With the lasso "High Priestess" - you will find out someone's secret.
  • With the lasso "Empress" - think about what is happening, spend time in nature.
  • With the lasso "Emperor" - the combination advises you to maintain neutrality in the family and at work.
  • With the lasso "Hierophant" - thinking about your positions.
  • With the lasso "Lovers" - an indifferent relationship.
  • With the lasso "Chariot" - intrigues are woven behind your back.
  • With the lasso "Strength" - the search for a weak spot among competitors.
  • With the lasso "The Hermit" - missed opportunities.
  • With the lasso "Wheel of Fortune" - a person resists change.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - ignoring the arguments of common sense.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - a period of inactivity, waiting was prolonged.
  • With the lasso "Death" - restoration.
  • With the lasso "Temperance" - you have a guardian angel (a real person can also act as a lasso).
  • With the lasso "Devil" - the combination will tell about a dangerous plan.
  • With the lasso "Tower" - betrayal.
  • With the lasso "Star" - if you are going to do something important, use the horoscope.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - you have to choose from many options.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - full agreement.
  • With the lasso "Court" - waiting for a verdict.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - the final decision.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - you will undergo a creative impulse, you will develop creatively.
  • With the lasso "Three of Wands" - very soon you will begin to put your plans into practice.
  • With the lasso "Four of Wands" - the choice of a home, an educational institution, thinking about plans.
  • With the lasso "Five of Wands" - others prevent you from making the right decision.
  • With the lasso "Six of Wands" - the majority leads you; selection of the winning option.
  • With the lasso "Seven of Wands" - the choice of a new direction is fraught with certain difficulties.
  • With the lasso "Eight of Wands" - you are on the easiest path
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - a difficult road to learning the truth.
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - unpromising projects.
  • With the lasso "Page of Wands" - the process of assimilating new knowledge.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - making hasty decisions, flashes of inspiration.
  • With the lasso "Queen of Wands" - control your life, listen to the recommendations of the mother.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - you are the creator.

The main advice that the Two of Wands gives you is the need to correlate the desired with the actual. You need to spend less time thinking and acting more decisively to achieve success.

Also watch the following video, after which you will have no questions left on the meaning of 2 Tarot Wands

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

✚ "One card" layout

General value

The map of the struggle, it indicates that a person should defend his own opinion, and not agree with what the people around him impose on him. Arkan also speaks of a combination of passivity and active action.


The card portends a fortuneteller to choose between several fans (admirers). The lasso can also tell a person that he should consider continuing the relationship or ending it.


For healthy fortunetellers, the card does not portend a deterioration in well-being. If a person is more, the lasso indicates the need to choose the right method of therapy.


There comes a favorable period for planning, concluding transactions and conducting trading operations. The map also indicates that you can search for partners. Arkan also says that the fortuneteller's income corresponds to the efforts made.

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✚ For the future

It is directly related to a person's career activity. It means that the efforts made will be paid off with excellent results, which, perhaps, were not even expected. It's time to get the fruits of your labor. Try not to enter into conflicts in the near future, take a neutral position in every disputable situation, otherwise a problem will arise, the solution of which will require the expenditure of a large amount of effort and energy. The conflict requires a huge amount of energy and nerves, try not to waste nerve cells that cannot be restored.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

The Two of Wands for the person being dealt with is a sign to think about the strength of the relationship in which he is now. Most likely, one of the partners does not feel close to the other, only the second person in this relationship, most likely, is not aware of the problems that have arisen. However, one must perceive the situation not as a sign of parting, but as a test of strength. For a lonely person, the Two of Wands is a sign that there is currently a lull in romantic relationships, and you should not expect a fateful meeting yet.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

The desire to defend their rights and resist others; some indifference to the work and the business you are doing. Stable and full of harmony state of health. Your relationship with your partner has cooled somewhat, you have a desire for power over your companion; relationships are full of neglect. Compare your desires and ideas with real possibilities, but don't be too slow with your decision!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A card of choice, some important crossroads. The questioner will have to make an important choice, defend his position, but internal resources are depleted, so it is difficult to take a step in the right direction. Unwillingness to do something can cause trouble.

Tomorrow you will have to gather all the few forces to make important decisions. It will be difficult, it will seem that it is beyond your strength, but it is necessary to act.

Perhaps a minor illness, a slight malaise, not dangerous, but unpleasant.

In personal life, the card symbolizes the lack of courage to take a step towards a loved one, avoiding a serious conversation.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

New relationships are born. A period when people look closely at each other, but cannot understand how they can create a harmonious union with a lifelong duration. If you have a serious relationship, then the card suggests that the chosen one has a soft character, does not know how to make serious decisions that affect the life of his family at all. Take the initiative in your own hands to ensure progress in the relationship and further transition to a new stage. The new level opens up new possibilities.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Take boldness, purposefulness and willingness to take risks as the basis of your actions. It is these qualities that can now positively affect the fulfillment of your desire. But do not act thoughtlessly, try to find the right moment. If you don’t have such an instinct, then you should pay attention to the advice of loved ones. Fate gives a great chance for the fulfillment of any, even the most reckless desire. However, it should be borne in mind that the beginning will go like clockwork, but in the future difficulties may arise. So think carefully about your plan of action. If you are ready to work to fulfill your desire, then the result will not keep you waiting long and will truly satisfy you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Apathy and inaction brought you to the current situation. Loss of interest in life and activities. You are overwhelmed by the difficulty of choice. There is a desire to get away from difficulties, since there is no solution that will suit completely.

However, you have a good chance of successfully completing the situation with perseverance. With inaction, a sluggish course of the situation. Do not succumb to laziness - start to act actively through force!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

This card symbolizes the desire to test your partner for strength. Most often this is manifested in the question: Who is in charge in a relationship? It is worth noting that this struggle often becomes the cause of conflicts and separation of partners. If you got this card, then try to smooth out all conflicts. To create the likelihood of marriage, you need to settle this issue with your soulmate, come to a decision on the equality of each other. Only in this way the partner will think about you as a future member of the family.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Insurmountable obstacles stand before man. In agony, he goes on, but nothing is visible ahead. Is it possible to achieve the goals and were they at all?

obstacles as a given. You are at an impasse.

You are making a mistake because you have chosen the wrong direction. But it's just an experience, it's not worth deciding if it's good or bad. Overcoming obstacles, you distort the course of events and the results will be deplorable. The Guardian Angel does not prevent you, but shows that there is still a choice.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Indicates a period of waiting, preparation for action with your partner. The feeling of correctly taken measures and the preparation of a bright future together will fully justify itself a little later. It remains to pass the last obstacles. Tip: support your soul mate and don't rush things. It is very important to tune in to the same wave and invest your strength completely.

A full description of the map is available at

Two of Staves - Minor Arcana

From the position of astrology, the Two of Staves corresponds to the first decade of Aries, which is a symbol of movement towards victory, the readiness to overcome all obstacles along the way.

The ruling planet is Mars with its powerful fiery impulse underlying any undertaking. This is a kind of breakthrough, a push, but it has enough strength, but not enough security, which makes a person vulnerable. We still have to adapt to the new situation, which is involuntarily accompanied by uncertainty. It is necessary to revise the old experience, rely on it, and only in this case the idea will gain strength.

Other names for the Two of Staves: Two of Wands, Two of Sceptres, Two of Spears.

A brief description of the Arcana: Success, accompanied by disappointment, Luck, wealth and power, not bringing happiness.

Description of the Two of Staves

In the classic deck, Arkan is represented by the image of a young man dressed in luxurious bright and rich clothes. Behind him stands a staff, another staff he holds in his hands, looking far ahead. His second hand is occupied with a ball.

Mountains are visible on the horizon - the obstacles that the young man has to overcome, and rivers - the opportunities that he has to see. At the moment, he stands as if at a crossroads, contemplating his next steps.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, a young man holding one staff in his hand and leaving behind the second one looks very determined, but has not yet taken a step. He sees where to move, but has not yet begun the action. A crown is depicted on the head of the young man, which means that he occupies a certain position in society, and has achieved a lot on his way. Now he has to take the right step to keep everything that has been achieved earlier.

The sacred meaning of the Two of Staffs

In its sacred meaning, the card speaks of a powerful force that simultaneously creates and destroys. This happens when the end does not justify the means. If the Ace of Wands preceding the Two indicates overcoming any obstacle with frantic force, and only fatality can stop a person on this path, then the Two of Staves indicates that a person could not withstand the pressure of his own unbridled thirst to move forward. He is exhausted, he needs to find the strength again.

On the one hand, Arkan indicates that at some stage a person achieved what he wanted, but this struggle partially deprived him of his vitality. On the other hand, a person will again have to take the first step, remember the state that he experienced under the Ace of Staves, otherwise he will end up in the prison of his own conquests for a long time. But ahead of him is the Three of Wands with its prospects.

To understand the image of this card, one can resort to a comparison of a person who sees a goal ahead and runs in it. At some point, such a person gets tired of running and takes a step, moving stubbornly towards his goal.

But the Two is also a choice, therefore, a person needs this time of rest in order to more clearly define his goals, the methods of achieving them. This is a kind of fork, which, in fact, made a person slow down on his way. He does not stop, but he does not rush in a single impulse, as it was during the period of the Ace of Wands.

The lesson to be learned under the influence of the Two of Wands is to learn how to interact with people, to find compromises. The person himself is obsessed with ideas, ambitions and desires, but he has to interact with people who also have their own ideas, desires and ambitions, and not always coinciding with his own. Here an agreement becomes important so that people can find a common interest that satisfies both.

A person stands on a hill, this indicates that he has achieved something on his way under the influence of the Ace of Staves, but ahead of him are mountains and rivers, indicating obstacles and opportunities that he will have to reckon with. He overcame the next stage and now he needs to decide what to do next.

Mythological Correspondence of the Two of Staffs

A Russian folk tale, in which a traveler finds himself in front of a stone at a crossroads, gives a very vivid understanding of this Arcana. The stone tells him what he will find by going left, right or straight ahead. The traveler only has to make his choice.

The meaning of the direct Two of Staves in the layout

The Two of Wands is one of the most difficult cards to interpret, as there is some duality and even contradictions in it. On the one hand, it indicates the presence of initiative, and on the other hand, indecision and some confusion.

The positive meaning of this card is that it indicates the achievement of harmony between the experience of the past and new goals. It shows that a person at the moment has enough strength, energy, experience, connections and internal resources to achieve his plan, but it is necessary to make the right choice of methods for achieving it. This Arcana is especially good if the Mage (I Arcana), the Emperor (IV Arcana), the Chariot (VII Arcana) and the Sun (IXX Arcana) fall next to it.

When next to the Moon (XVIII Arcana), the Two of Wands says that unforeseen circumstances appear in a person’s life that will serve as an obstacle, and he did not calculate these circumstances when building his plans. This may be some unexpected action from a person from whom no one expects this, or some hidden moments. What exactly will serve as an obstacle - the nearby Arcana will tell.

With positive cards, the surprise that the Two of Wands warns about can bring some benefit. In addition, the card indicates the presence of some opportunities that a person does not dare to use, being in a state of uncertainty. This Arcana indicates a crossroads, a kind of life crossroads. He needs to make a decision and take a decisive step in the direction he has chosen. This is a state when a person hesitantly declares his intention and at the same time has no desire to do anything, act.

Everything suggests that a person has to make a choice, but it is not easy. He cannot be completely satisfied with any of the options he sees, which is why he delays making a decision. He needs to understand that he will achieve his plan, he has enough strength for this, but he needs to take steps, because the Wands are, first of all, actions.

There are also negative interpretations of the card - this is sadness, sadness, the loss of something due to a person's temper. Such an interpretation will be if in the layout the Two of Wands is surrounded by negative Major Arcana or Minor Arcana of the suit of Swords.

The meaning of the inverted Two of Staves in the layout

The inverted Two of Staves in the layout indicates that a person is lost socially, cannot be realized, does not see motives for further action and does not have sufficient potential and strength.

A person constantly does some reckless and imprudent actions, and his problem is that he cannot go beyond the framework of obsolete ideas. Negative situations arise due to the fact that a person cannot build relationships with others, find compromises. He tries to put pressure on others, but in the end he himself falls under pressure.

Not feeling strength and determination in himself, a person tries in every possible way to turn the tide, intensifying his problems. If the Moon falls out in the layout (XVIII Arcana), then the inverted Two of the Staffs will speak of a period of serious experiences and even depression. Next to the Tower (XVI Arcana), the Two of Wands will enhance the action of the Major Arcana, bringing it to fatality.

The card speaks of various unexpected vicissitudes of fate, obstacles in achieving something and upcoming excessive troubles. If there are Arcana in the layout, which speak of deceit, then the Two of Staffs promise disappointment in partners, as well as in joint affairs.


In the layouts for a career, the Two of Staffs in a straight position indicates strong competition, rather difficult tasks assigned to a person, the need to show personal enthusiasm. In addition, Arkan shows that a person needs to somehow strengthen the previously won positions. Arkan speaks of a focus on success, but at the same time everything is accompanied by doubts and inner anxiety that it will not be as desired. If the Hierophant (V Arcana) or the Empress (III Arcana) fell out in the scenario with the Two of Staves, then the card indicates that the time has come to think carefully about your further actions. The Eight of Wands next to the Two, on the contrary, advises to act without delay, since doubt and indecision will lead to the loss of a chance. In general, Arkan favors career growth.

In business, the card promises the beginning of a new activity or the promotion of an earlier business. This may be the conclusion of serious deals, important agreements, the construction of new plans. With the Two of Wands, the circle of business communication expands, it is possible to find a like-minded partner, but one must not forget that compromises will have to be found.

With such a map, it is very important to link goals and means to achieve them so as not to shoot sparrows from a cannon. The problem may be lack of perseverance, loss of motivation or energy (the initial fuse), but one way or another, you will have to overcome difficulties in order to achieve a result. Everything is aggravated by the fact that under the influence of the Two of Staffs, one wants to sit in inaction. This makes it difficult to set goals and build a plan of action.

The card indicates that a person may be faced with a choice, and quite often none of the proposals completely motivates him. The tasks set do not cause enthusiasm, and the person himself tries to stay away from the ongoing events. Particular attention to this Arcana should be paid to the one who is the leader. He needs to coordinate ambitions with realities, as well as correlate them with his own capabilities and the capabilities of the team. He needs to come to a constructive compromise, otherwise he may find himself in a situation of struggle for power.

The Two of Wands indicates a quite stable and stable financial position.

In an inverted position, the Two of Staves indicates rivalry, which is fraught with the loss of a position or various troubles. This can be aggravated by the fact that a person is currently working “in a slipshod manner”, cannot cope with the tasks assigned to him due to a loss of interest in this work or motivation in general.

In the team, the person on whom the inverted Two of Wands falls is a gray mouse. He tries to adhere to a position of neutrality in everything, so as not to spoil relations with employees, but most often this is due to indifference to the team.

If the Magician (I Arcana) fell out next to the Two of Wands, then we can say that the person is simply inactive at the workplace, “sitting out his pants”. The Devil (XV Arcana) next to the Two of Staves in an inverted position will warn that a person is waiting for some serious intentions from the outside to interfere with his career.

It is almost impossible to develop a business with an inverted Two of Staves: a person does not have enough resources, inner strength and self-confidence. In addition, he lacks proper motivation.

Direction of self-development

In self-development, the Two of Staffs directs a person to turn to his personal strength. It has a fairly powerful potential and serious internal reserves. At the moment, he needs to show courage, firmness, determination and assertiveness.

To pass the lesson of this card, you must demonstrate your business qualities, show eloquence and the ability to convince people. He must learn to compromise, defend his ideas and be able to find rationality in others.

Quite often, with such a card, a person tries to stay away from what is happening from him, but this is only for the reason that he still does not see how he should act at the moment. He becomes indecisive, which is why he cannot fully realize himself. It must be remembered that the choice will still have to be made, it is better not to indulge your indecision, and then the Two of Wands will gradually lead to the Three, which opens up new perspectives and wide opportunities.

In fact, Arkan teaches willpower, makes you demonstrate a desire to fight, requires a person to be willing to take risks, stepping over their internal blocks.

In an inverted form, Arkan indicates that a person does not strive for self-realization, he is haunted by apathy and loss of interest in self-development. With such a map, one can rather come to degradation, therefore it is imperative to step over one’s inertia, discard dissatisfaction with oneself and others and try to exhaust one’s internal reserve as much as possible so as not to slide into the abyss.

Personal relationships

Relations in an alliance characterized by the Two of Staves are similar to the struggle of two partners for leadership. This struggle can be both in a family union (who is the head of the family), and in business (who will lead whom). As a rule, in such a struggle there is also a side effect - the partners test each other for strength.

It cannot be said that the relationship between partners is blissful and calm. There is tension, and sometimes the Two of Wands can also portend unexpected turns in a relationship that can be surprising, and even "tickle your nerves."

Quite often, Arkan portends quarrels, disagreements, relationships that require a compromise. All this can be accompanied by sadness and sadness. Sometimes the card shows the departure of a loved one. In general, the map shows not very good partnerships, and quite often none of the partners seek to change them, taking a position of neutrality. True, in some cases we can talk about an alliance that is not supported by feelings, but at the same time, partners creatively inspire each other. Marriage in this case will be based on mutual respect or calculation.

It is very important to look at the neighboring Arcana in the layout. They will tell you in which direction to look for the source of problems. For example, the Hermit (IX Arcana) will say that one of the partners is trying to move away, and this is not necessarily due to internal alienation. Often, such a bunch of cards indicates a desire to check the partner for the depth of feelings: how he will behave if I push him away.

If the Ace of Cups lies next to the Two of Wands, then we can talk about the partner being in euphoria from the relationship.

If we are talking about a lonely person, then the Two of Wands will talk about new relationships on the threshold, but they do not inspire the person himself. He sees no good reason to agree to them, just as he sees no reason to refuse.

The inverted Two of Staffs indicates that partners in the union are not sincere, they make empty promises, speak loud confessions, but at the same time they are not supported by feelings. Most likely, this is all done out of habit, but it may be due to personal gain or by calculation.

If the card falls on one of the partners, then we can talk about low self-esteem, lack of confidence in their attractiveness and, as a result, about actions aimed at correcting the situation - attempts to seem better.

Neighboring cards will more accurately tell about the motivations of partners. So, the High Priestess (II Arcana) will say that a person builds relationships and flaunts words solely in order to obtain some information, most likely secret.

The Three of Cups will talk about empty promises to formalize the relationship, but these promises are not destined to become a reality.

Personality characteristic

The Two of Wands shows a person who has a lot of inner strength, he is full of desires, but does not actively strive to achieve everything. He is hindered by indecision, the inability to correctly prioritize, plan actions. However, he can be assertive, sometimes even militantly assertive. If necessary, he can reveal the gift of eloquence, helping him to involve other people in his idea.

No matter how effective a person is, under the influence of the Two of Staffs, he is likely to prefer to take a neutral position in situations that happen to him. He tries to distance himself from everything precisely because he does not see how to act. He understands that he needs to make a decision and make some kind of choice, but none of the options he sees, as a rule, impresses him.

At the same time, the card shows a self-sufficient person who has achieved a lot in his life, but at the moment he is a little tired and in a state of inactivity. It can even be a person with some kind of power. Moreover, if earlier he passionately strove to achieve goals, now he is equally indifferent to his conquests. He has lost his enthusiasm and is not trying to regain it.

The Two of Wands also describes a person who faces the choice of a new path, as if at a crossroads in life. He understands that he has to discover new horizons for himself, and prefers to think carefully about where to direct his feet.

An inverted card will speak of a person who has not yet been able to realize himself. On this occasion, he experiences grief and sadness, he is oppressed by mental anguish. He is inactive, and if he has to do some work, then he does it somehow, carelessly.

This is a loser in life, losing what he has previously gained: career, money, relationships. At the same time, any of his actions aimed at preserving all this become imprudent and reckless. He may try to go for broke, but it will not end well for him.

This is a person who can be managed by anyone, even if he himself is in a leadership position. He cannot find constructive compromise solutions with anyone, he tries to manage, but in the end he lets everything take its course.


The Two of Wands in the position of health warns of the loss of vital energy, lack of strength, apathy. For a woman, it can mean postpartum depression.

Both in direct and inverted meaning, the card indicates chronic fatigue syndrome.

Situation breakdown

In the layouts in which a certain situation is considered, the Two of Staves speaks, first of all, of the need to make a choice in order to find the right solution. Moreover, the further course depends on this choice: good prospects may open up, or maybe a person will drive himself into a dead end. Nearby maps will help you understand the options.

The card says that in order for the situation to be correctly resolved, it is necessary to understand the relationship between opportunities and the ultimate goal. She suggests stopping and taking a good look around, weighing all the pros and cons, understanding your place in the situation, calculating the obstacles and trying to see the opportunities that open up behind everything.

You need to understand that any situation requires a person to make a decision, and a wait-and-see attitude will most likely lead to a prolongation of the situation. At the same time, when making a choice, it is necessary to understand that there may not be a second chance.

The inverted Two of Staves suggests that the situation has reached a dead end due to the fact that the person has taken a neutral position and chose not to take any action.

It also indicates a person's doubts about previously made decisions. It seems to him that everything is not going quite the way he planned. Quite often, a person seems naive in assessing the situation, which prevents him from using the opportunities that open up to the end. Naivety can become a shadow of indecision, when a person believes that everything will happen without his participation.

In a word, we can say that a person does not feel the situation, does not orient himself in it and cannot fully calculate it. In addition, the map shows that the surrounding circumstances also have a negative impact on the situation.

Map of the day

In this indecision will become the main companion. It will not allow you to take any action, often even necessary. As a result, good opportunities may be missed. But this is not always bad: sometimes a neutral position can help not to commit rash acts, which also has its positive side.

On this day, you should not take on any obligations, it is better to postpone the decision to another day.

The inverted Arkan warns of possible unpleasant surprises, negative influences on what is happening from outsiders. On this day, plans can be destroyed, and this will happen due to a reassessment of one's own capabilities. The day will be accompanied by apathy and sadness.

Card of the year

During this year, it is necessary to learn the main lesson of the Two of Wands - the ability to find reasonable compromises with other people. Fortunately, the circumstances will definitely push for this. The bonus in such a lesson will be the beginning of a new project, successful plans and opening opportunities.

In an inverted form, Arkan promises anxiety, indecision or rash actions that threaten to lead to losses. This is the year of disappointments and unpleasant surprises, the loss of authority among friends and the time of uncompromising decisions leading nowhere.

Arcana Council

Do not try to assert yourself in any way. It is necessary to build a beneficial interaction with people, then success will not pass by. In striving for something important, one should not forget that enthusiasm is not unlimited, it can dry up at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes you just need to step aside and make decisions only in full confidence that they are right.

The Two of Wands is the Minor Arcana. The map is very difficult to interpret. You need to start from afar in order to feel and understand it. In front of her is the Ace of Staves. This is a kind of chance granted from above, divine intuition, great social opportunities. He is followed by the Two, which shows that the questioner has let another Wand into his life - another desire - and now he has to reckon with it. Here there is a correlation of one's own desires, ambitions with what the surrounding world offers.

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      General interpretation

      The Rider Tarot indicates that the Two of Staves is a power card. It shows the interaction of two directions, structures, energies and making a decision about this cooperation.

      This card is a stop, a time of waiting, planning, thinking, thinking. In the upright position, its meaning is something unpleasant (unpleasant surprise). Inverted - a surprise, but a pleasant one. She advises to coordinate their abilities with a certain situation.

      • Conscious will - that's what this card is. It requires conscious action, the manifestation of power and strength. Two means a person's conflict with himself. It can be either an event or an internal state.

        Tarot Thoth

        The Tarot of Thoth indicates that 2 Staves means courage, willpower and a desire to take risks.

        2 of Wands in the Tarot of Thoth

        The Two of Wands always comes when there is a moment of change in the old sphere of life. It has a very strong meaning in matters of emigration (meaning the choice of where to live).

        The negative meaning of the card is a clear separation, quarrel, incompatibility, destruction. But upside down - this is a relief for the fortuneteller.

        Tarot "78 doors"

        The 2 of Wands in the 78 Doors Tarot shows that the questioner wants to remain neutral in the situation. It's kind of a dead end.

        A person does not understand what unsettled him. You can get out of this situation. It is necessary to act as the heart tells, and decide to take some step.

        In layouts

        The 2 of Wands has the following interpretations:

    1. 1. Places: open areas, portals. Usually far from home, traveling.
    2. 2. Personality: a person who has reached his peak. Very bright individualist. People in high positions, business partners. Proud, influential, intelligent, having power. In combination with other cards, they can be restless, vindictive, doubtful, excessively proud .;
    3. 3. Health: the head is very much affected. These can be meningitis, encephalitis, injury, inflammation and colds. Often the usual breakdown, apathy is likely.

    Tip: you need to be aware of the situation in which the questioner is.

    Map of the day

    The main companion on this day will be indecision, due to which only unnecessary actions will be taken.

    Important opportunities may be missed. 2 of Wands as a card of the day advises to maintain a neutral position, since it is this that will allow you to refrain from rash acts. You don't have to make commitments. All important decisions are recommended to be rescheduled for another time.

    In an inverted position, the lasso warns of negativity coming from strangers. The day will be sad because of the ruined plans.


    For the correct interpretation of the Two of Staves in the layout, it is necessary to look at the combination with other cards. Combinations with the Major Arcana have the following meanings:

    1. 1. Jester - laying out a travel route, the beginning of a new path.
    2. 2. Magician - difficulties in business.
    3. 3. Priestess - the discovery of secrets.
    4. 4. Empress - a manifestation of caution, reflection on what is happening.
    5. 5. Emperor - taking a neutral position.
    6. 6. Hierophant - strategic thinking.
    7. 7. Lovers - betrayal, cooling of feelings, new relationships.
    8. 8. Chariot - intrigues, gossip behind your back.
    9. 9. Strength - the need to get rid of complexes.
    10. 10. Hermit - missed opportunities.
    11. 11. Wheel of Fortune - the likelihood of new changes, good luck.
    12. 12. Justice is the neglect of advice.
    13. 13. Hanged Man - waiting, inaction.
    14. 14. Death - getting rid of the unnecessary.
    15. 15. Moderation - luck, luck.
    16. 16. Devil - dangerous and bad thoughts.
    17. 17. Tower - impracticability of plans, useless deeds.
    18. 18. Star - success in endeavors.
    19. 19. The moon is a choice.
    20. 20. Sun - reaching agreement, harmony.
    21. 21. Judgment is a work in progress.
    22. 22. Peace - decision making.

    Meanings of combinations with Pentacles:

    1. 1. Ace - financial prospects.
    2. 2. Two - money problems.
    3. 3. Three - prospects at work.
    4. 4. Four - thinking about plans.
    5. 5. Five - loss of money.
    6. 6. Six - financial assistance from a stranger.
    7. 7. Seven - magical effect.
    8. 8. Eight - profit estimate.
    9. 9. Nine - job search.
    10. 10. Ten - financial developments.
    11. 11. Page - planning a new project.
    12. 12. Knight - change of route.
    13. 13. Queen - meeting a woman who will help financially.
    14. 14. King - plans for a wealthy man.

    Sword Combinations:

    1. 1. Ace - thoughts about the situation.
    2. 2. Two - gap.
    3. 3. Three - indecision.
    4. 4. Four - the search for salvation.
    5. 5. Five - a premonition of danger.
    6. 6. Six - help from a stranger.
    7. 7. Seven - a narrow outlook.
    8. 8. Eight - unfulfilled dreams.
    9. 9. Nine - the emergence of rationality.
    10. 10. Ten - impatience.
    11. 11. Page - search for yourself.
    12. 12. Knight - recklessness.
    13. 13. Queen - gaining independence.
    14. 14. King - making a quick decision.

    Interpretation of the combination of 2 Staffs with other Wands:

    1. 1. Ace - creative activities.
    2. 2. Three - a solemn event.
    3. 3. Four is a fruitless project.
    4. 4. Five - pressure from relatives.
    5. 5. Six - to win.
    6. 6. Seven - choose the hard way.
    7. 7. Eight - broaden your horizons.
    8. 8. Nine - inspiration.
    9. 9. Ten - gain confidence.
    10. 10. Page - diligence in study.
    11. 11. Knight - temptation.
    12. 12. Queen - follow the advice of mother or wife.
    13. 13. King - hard work.

    Meanings of combinations with Cups:

    1. 1. Ace - find love.
    2. 2. Deuce - plan a celebration.
    3. 3. Three - to suspect a loved one.
    4. 4. Four - live in the past.
    5. 5. Five - finding yourself.
    6. 6. Six - new opportunities.
    7. 7. Seven - the receipt of an offer.
    8. 8. Eight - bad news.
    9. 9. Nine - lack of love.
    10. 10. Ten - go on a trip.
    11. 11. Page - new relationships.
    12. 12. Knight - obsessive courtship.
    13. 13. Queen - plans for a woman.
    14. 14. King - plans for a man.

"Man proposes, God disposes"

Brief description of the map: The ideas that were predicted by the Ace of Wands are beginning to sprout and take root, but it will take a lot of time and effort to reap the benefits. If in Ace initiative and courage were in the first place, then in the deuce such qualities as patience come to the fore. The person depicted on the map is in thought, his gaze is fixed on the distance, he seems to be considering his next step and commensurate it with the prospect of development of events. If in Ace a person rushes into battle without a doubt, then already in a deuce, when the fuse fades away and there is time for reflection, here this card already shows its dual nature in all its glory. The forehead is overshadowed by minds and doubts about their abilities. But by my own strength did I take up the tug? Which leads to internal conflict, dissatisfaction with oneself and insecurity.

In the New Vision Tarot deck, the card is supplemented with seagulls, which is the best fit for the meaning of the classic White version. After all, a seagull is a desire for freedom, flight, regret for lost time. The image of a seagull is close to people who love to change their lives and travel. This is freedom and life in all its full manifestations.

Keywords: Change. Plans. Development of new projects. Expectation. A painful, boring existence in an ivory tower. Plans for a trip, business trip. Bitterness. Melancholy. Sadness. Departure or long absence of someone.

Astrology: Sagittarius.

Inner meaning: Two - this is instability, imbalance, something has disturbed the usual course of things, and you are forced to respond to this.

In magic, wands are associated with the concept of will: The concentration of energy on the chosen target.

Consciousness: Risk is necessary for personal growth and full self-realization.

Personal relationships: While there is no development, only a period of observation of each other, no one dares to take the first step. The card gives a feeling of restlessness and obscurity. Uncertainty about whether to enter into this relationship. If the couple has been together for a long time, then boredom and insipidity, a shake-up is needed in the form of a joint romantic trip, or at least a trip to nature.

Business, finance: The card speaks of the possibilities, but does not guarantee that other cards of the layout will suggest the likely development of the situation.

Studies: The 2 of Wands is good for learning because brings concentration and contemplation.

Advice: Try to take a neutral position. Maintain neutrality. Do not rush to conclusions. Now the most important thing is to define your position, and you can expand and specify it later

Warning: Be prepared for the planned, not only in words, you will have to confirm your intentions with deeds.

Map of the day: Today is a day of uncertainty, as if you are sitting between two chairs, you just can’t speak out, make a decision and get down to business. But all that can be done so far is to maintain a neutral position. Of course, if necessary, you can express your point of view, but do not assume obligations. An unexpected turn will bring intense emotions and experiences.

Characters: A diplomatic person, with ambitions and desires, but in everything he seeks a compromise between his own interests and the interests of other people. Perhaps a person already has a lot, but he always wants more.

In a negative aspect - indecisive, dependent on the opinion of the majority. Or he is eternally dissatisfied with the fact that his dreams and reality diverge greatly, which leads to disappointment and passivity in social life.

Professions and field of activity: Intermediary.

Basic meaning:

Waiting card. It portends a situation of choice, or a proposal that you will have to think about and weigh the pros and cons. The plan will come true, but it will take time and effort. You need to get out of your comfort zone. That is why so often this card promises surprises and surprises.

Now is the moment of making a decision: to meet the new and unknown, or to stay in your comfort zone, where everything is familiar and clear, where you may already have your weight and authority, as well as protection. How easy it is to get stuck in the old, where everything can be argued and succeeded, but the impulse along the Ace of Wands still pushes a person forward. Everything that you knew and did successfully before is worth rejecting and trying yourself in a new business.

It is necessary to face your fears, because every time you get something that you have not done before, your self-confidence and self-confidence grows.

Negative, inverted position: The querent is full of hope, but the plans will not bring results, a waste of time, the idea will remain unrealized. Dependence on other people and circumstances, lack of initiative, indecision, marking time. Deadlock situations. Getting stuck in a swamp.

And if the Ace of Wands is a useless burning of life in the active phase, then the 2 of Wands is boredom and apathy from satiety and gray mediocrity of habitual life, which can be replaced by a new frantic search for entertainment. In life there is no longer a challenge, no novelty, nothing interests or captivates.

In the everyday aspect of this card, the proverb is played that the bird in the hand is better.

Interpretation of the card in layouts:

2 of Wands talks about how much the querent can make decisions himself and be responsible for his actions. The appearance of this card in the layout always speaks of a surprise that has either already happened or will happen in the near future. The nature of the surprise can be judged by the neighboring cards. 2 of Wands also warns that at first making a decision will seem like a trifling matter, but the more you delve into the nuances and all the subtleties of the matter, the more difficult it will be to make a choice, especially if the Sixth Arcana lies nearby. Caution can't hurt here. Take time out to think. But do not forget - in order to move towards the goal, you will inevitably have to risk something and give up something. And if you are still confident in your decision, then you should not even pull the bagpipes. It's just as bad as being hasty.

With 3 of Wands- the implementation of the plan, the first step towards its goal has been taken.

With 5 of Wands- making decisions under the pressure and pressure of others. You may have to defend your opinion.

With 7 of Wands- the choice of a thorny path, many difficulties await when moving forward. Intrigues of enemies, competitive struggle for a place under the sun.

With 10 of Wands- too heavy a burden, the conceived business is beyond the power of the querent, at least in the form in which he now imagines it. When 8 or 3 Pentacles fall out in the layout, you need to find a partner, assistant, or recruit more workers.

With the Knight of Wands- lightning-fast decision making, rapid progress towards the intended goal.

With Cards 4, 8, 9 of Swords; 4 Wands; 4 coins etc. 2 of Wands can talk about health problems and limited mobility, problems can be not only on the physical plane, but also on the psychological one - such as, for example, agoraphobia - the fear of open space.

With Major Arcana:

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