How many people are in the battery of the Russian army. How many people are in a platoon of soldiers? The structure of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

December 2nd, 2012

If the Soviet and German rifle squads and platoons were approximately similar in composition and structure, then there were very significant differences between the Soviet rifle and German infantry companies.
The main difference was that the Soviet rifle company, unlike the German one, did not have material supply and support units in its structure.

It was a 100% combat unit.
The rear support of the company was a rifle battalion and a regiment. There were corresponding rear structures, rear convoys, etc.

At the level of a rifle company, the only person who was directly involved in providing the company was the company commander himself and the company foreman. It was on them that all the care for a simple company economy hung.

The rifle company did not even have its own field kitchen. Therefore, hot meals were provided at the battalion or regiment level.

The situation was quite different in the German infantry company.

A German infantry company can be conditionally divided into two parts: combat and logistics (convoy, two quartermaster detachments, a mobile workshop).
These are the rear divisions of the company, which were engaged in supplying the company with everything necessary.

They did not participate directly in the fighting at the forefront and during the offensive of the company they were directly subordinate to the battalion and regimental rear structures.

From the front line, these units were at a distance of 3-5 km.

And what was the combat unit of the German infantry company?

German infantry company (Schuetzenkompanie).

The total strength of the German infantry company - 191 people (in the Soviet rifle company 179 people).
This is what it looks like schematically:

Four messengers up to and including Gefreiter.
One of them is simultaneously a bugler, the other a light signaller.
Armed with carbines.

Two cyclists in the rank from to gefreiter (Gefreiter) inclusive.
Armed with carbines. They ride bicycles.

Two coachmen in the rank up to Gefreiter inclusive. They drive a heavy horse-drawn carriage drawn by four horses.
Armed with carbines.

Groom for an officer's horse up to and including Gefreiter. Armed with a carbine. For movement is equipped with a bicycle.

Thus, the total number of combat units of the control department was not 12, but 9 people. With the company commander - 10 people.

The basis of the combat unit of an infantry company was infantry platoons.
There were 3 of them, just like in the Soviet rifle company.

The total number of soldiers in infantry platoons was 49x3 = 147 people.
Taking into account the number of combat units of the control section, including the company commander (10 people), we get 157 people.

Infantry platoons at the company level received reinforcements in the form of an anti-tank squad (Panzerabwehrbuchsentrupp).

There are 7 people in the department. Of these, 1 non-commissioned officer and 6 soldiers.
The group weapons of the squad are three Pz.B.39 anti-tank rifles.
Squad leader in rank from Obergeifreiter to Unterfeldwebel. Armed with a carbine.

Three calculations of anti-tank guns.
Each calculation consisted of a PR shooter in ranks up to Gefreiter inclusive (personal weapons - a pistol) and his assistant in ranks up to Gefreiter inclusive. Armed with a carbine.

The total number of calculation is 4 people.
Squad strength - 7 people (3x2 +1 squad leader)
The anti-tank squad was armed with:
Anti-tank gun Pz.B.39 - 3 pcs.
Mauser 98k magazine rifle - 4 pcs.
Pistol 8-shot - 3 pcs.

In total, in a German infantry company of combat strength 157 + 7 \u003d 164 people out of 191 people in the company.

27 people are rear guards.

1. Riding horse - 1 pc.
2. Bicycle - 3 pcs.

Only 4 horses per company.

A few words about the Pz.B.39 anti-tank rifle.

German anti-tank gun Pz.B.39

The German army in World War II had two main types of anti-tank guns - the PzB-38 and its later modification PzB-39.

The abbreviation PzB stands for Panzerbüchse (anti-tank rifle).
Both the PzB-38 and the PzB-39 used the "Patrone 318" 7.92x94 mm cartridge.
Several types of such cartridges were produced:
Patrone 318 SmK-Rs-L"spur- a cartridge with a pointed bullet in a shell, with a poisonous reagent, tracer.

Patrone 318 SmKH-Rs-L"spur.- a cartridge with a pointed bullet in a shell (solid) with a poisonous reagent, tracer.
This is actually an armor-piercing cartridge.

Number 318 was the reciprocal of the old designation (813 - 8 mm bullet in a 13 mm sleeve).
smk meant Spitzgeschoss mit Kern (pointed bullet in a sheath)
SmKH- Spitzgeschoss mit Kern (Hart) (pointed bullet in a jacket (Hard)
Rs- Reizstoff (Poison agent), because the bullet had a small amount of tear gas to affect the crew of armored vehicles, chlor-acetophenone was placed in the recess at the bottom of the core - a tear-action poison, but due to the small amount of tear gas in the capsule, the crew most often simply did not notice. By the way, until the German samples of anti-tank rifles were captured, no one suspected that there was gas in their bullets.
L "spur- Leuchtspur (tracer), the bullet had a small tracer in the back.

His bullet weighing 14.5 g accelerated in the barrel to 1180 m / s. A rather high armor-piercing effect of a bullet penetrating 20 mm armor set at an angle of 20 ° to the normal at a distance of 400 m was provided by a tungsten core.

According to other data, the PTR pierced 20 mm armor from a distance of 300 m and 30 mm armor from a distance of 100 m at an angle of 90 °.
In practice, fire was fired from a distance of 100 to 200 m, mainly on the tracks and fuel tanks of the tank in order to stop it.
However, at the same time, the PTRovets very quickly found its position and became an excellent target for shooters.
Therefore, if the PTRs were a strengthening of the German infantry company in the confrontation with tanks, then not too significant.

The bulk of the tanks were still destroyed by anti-tank guns, which were not at the disposal of the German infantry company.

Now let's compare a German infantry company with a Soviet infantry company not from the point of view of the total number of staff, but from the point of view of the combat strength of those who were directly at the forefront.

Soviet rifle company
The rifle company was the next largest tactical unit after the platoon and was part of the rifle battalion.

He commanded a rifle company company commander (company commander) with the rank of captain.
The company commander relied on a riding horse.
Because on the march of the company, he had to control the movement of the company, which was stretched during the march, and if necessary, the horse could be used to communicate with other companies or the battalion command.
Armed with a TT pistol.

The assistant commander of the company was a company political instructor.
He conducted political educational work in the divisions of the company and kept in touch with the political department of the battalion and regiment.
Armed with a TT pistol.

But the actual assistant to the company commander was the company foreman.
He was in charge of a poor, it must be said frankly, company economy, dealt with issues of providing the company units with everything necessary, getting everything they needed in the battalion, which included a rifle company.
For these purposes, the company had one horse with a cart, which was driven by a rider in the rank of private, armed like a foreman with a rifle.

The company had its own clerk. He was also armed with a rifle.

There was one messenger in the company with the rank of private. But despite the ordinary rank, he was, perhaps, the left hand of the company commander. He was entrusted with responsible tasks, he was always close to the battalion commander, he knew all the platoon and squad commanders well, etc. And he was known not only in the divisions of the company, but also in the battalion.
He was also armed with a rifle.

The basis of a rifle company was rifle platoons.
There were 3 such platoons in a rifle company.
At the company level, rifle platoons received reinforcements, primarily in the form of a machine-gun platoon.

Machine gun platoon.
The machine gun platoon was led by a machine gun platoon commander with the rank of lieutenant.
Armament - TT pistol.

The machine-gun platoon consisted of two crews of the Maxim machine gun.
Each crew was commanded by a sergeant.
Armament - TT pistol.

The calculation consisted of a calculation commander and four privates (gunner, assistant gunner, cartridge carrier and rider), armed with rifles.
According to the state, each calculation relied on a horse and a cart for transporting a machine gun (tachanka). The calculation was armed with rifles.

The number of machine-gun crew was 6 fighters.
The number of machine gun platoon was (6x2 + platoon leader) = 13 fighters.
In service with a machine gun platoon:
Machine gun "Maxima" - 2 pcs.
Self-loading rifle SVT 38/40 - (4x2) = 8 pcs.
TT pistol - 3 pcs.

The main purpose of the Maxim machine gun was to suppress enemy firing points and support infantry.
The high rate of fire (combat 600 rounds per minute) and the high accuracy of the machine gun fire made it possible to carry out this task from a distance of 100 to 1000 m to friendly troops.
All fighters of the machine gun crew had the same skills in shooting from a machine gun and, if necessary, could change the crew commander, gunner, etc.
Each machine gun carried a combat set of cartridges, 12 boxes of machine-gun belts (tape - 250 rounds), two spare barrels, one box of spare parts, one box of accessories, three cans for water and lubricants, an optical machine gun sight.
The machine gun had an armored shield that protected against shrapnel, light bullets, etc.
Shield thickness - 6 mm.

German machine gunners have no protection other than a helmet.

True, this shield did not always save the machine gunner.

Bullet hits are visible.

And here in general a sieve. Apparently fired from armor-piercing cartridges.
And the trunk got it.

Thus, the main armament of the platoons at the company level was the 7.62 mm machine gun of the Maxim system of the 1910/30 model.

In addition, as a company reinforcement of platoons during the battle, there were 2 snipers in the company.
Sufficiently powerful strengthening of company units for the purpose of destroying enemy firing points from a long distance and incapacitating enemy unit commanders.
The snipers were armed with a Mosin rifle (three-line) with a PU optical sight (short sight).
What is a sniper? A good sniper from a distance of 300 m per minute of shooting can easily lay down an infantry squad. And in pairs - half a platoon. Not to mention machine-gun points, gun crews, etc.

But they could work from 800 m.

The company also included a sanitary department.
The department was commanded by the commander of the department, a sergeant-medical instructor.
He had 4 nurses under him.
The squad is armed with 1 pistol.
Well, this is practically one orderly per platoon.
In rifle platoons, unlike the German infantry, the orderly was not supposed to be in the state.
But as we can see, the platoon still did not remain without a nurse.
Total: 5 people. Armed with one pistol.

Total company strength:
Company commander - 1 person.
Political instructor of the company - 1 person.
Company foreman - 1 person.
Messenger - 1 person.
Scribe - 1 person
Riding - 1 person.
Rifle platoons - 51x3 = 153 people
Machine gun platoon - 13 people
Sniper - 2 people
Sanitary department - 5 people.
Total: 179 people.

In service with the company:
Machine gun "Maxima" - 2 pcs.
Machine gun PD Degtyarev - 12 pcs. (4 pieces each in each rifle platoon)
Light 50 mm mortar - 3 pcs. (1 piece each in each rifle platoon)
Submachine gun PPD - 27 pcs. (9 pieces in each platoon)
Rifle SVT-38, SVT-40 - 152 pcs. (36 pieces in each platoon + 8x4 = 32 + 8 pieces in a machine gun platoon + 4 for the rest)
Mosin sniper rifle with PU sight - 2 pcs.
TT pistols - 22 pcs. (6 pieces in each platoon + 1 in the machine gun platoon + 1 in the sanitary department + 2 in the commander of the company and political officer)

Riding horse - 1 pc.
Horse with a cart - 3 pcs.
Total 4 horses

In service with a German infantry company / in comparison with a Soviet rifle company:

1. Light machine gun - 12/12
2. Machine gun - 0/2
3. Submachine gun - 16/27
4. Magazine rifle - 132/0
5. Self-loading rifle - 0/152
6. Sniper rifle - 0/2
7. Mortar 50 mm - 3/3
8. Anti-tank rifle - 3/0
9. Pistol - 47/22

From this we can conclude that the Soviet rifle company at the company level significantly outnumbered the German infantry company in terms of firepower and armament.

Conclusions on the number.
The total strength of a German infantry company is 191 people. (Soviet rifle company - 179 people)
However, the combat unit of an infantry company was only 164 people. The rest belonged to the rear services of the company.

Thus, the Soviet rifle company also outnumbered the German infantry company by 15 people (179-164) in terms of the number of combat personnel.
At the battalion level, this excess was 15x3 = 45 people.
At the regimental level 45x3 = 135 people
At the divisional 135x3 = 405 people.
405 people is almost 2.5 companies, that is, almost an infantry battalion.

The advantage in vehicles, wagons and draft power at the company level in a German infantry company was associated with the work of the rear services of a German company.
The combat unit of the company moved on foot in the same way as the Soviet rifle company.

Vehicles of the combat unit of the Soviet rifle company:
1. Riding horse - 1 pc.
2. Horse and cart - 3 pcs.
Only 4 horses per rifle company

Vehicles of the combat unit of the German infantry company:
1. Riding horse - 1 pc.
2. Bicycle - 3 pcs.
3. 4-horse heavy wagon - 1 pc.
Only 4 horses per infantry company.

On the march, the German infantry company moved exclusively on foot, as did the fighters of the Soviet rifle company.

Therefore, the German infantry company had no advantage in vehicles over the Soviet rifle company.

Making a general conclusion, we can conclude that both in terms of the number of combat personnel and in terms of armament and firepower, the Soviet rifle company was superior to the German infantry company, yielding to it only in the supply organization system.

The backbone of any country's defense is its people. The course and outcome of most wars and armed conflicts depended on their patriotism, dedication and dedication.

Of course, in terms of preventing aggression, Russia will give preference to political, diplomatic, economic and other non-military means. However, the national interests of Russia require the presence of sufficient military power for its defense. We are constantly reminded of this by the history of Russia — the history of its wars and armed conflicts. At all times, Russia has fought for its independence, defended its national interests with arms in hand, and defended the peoples of other countries.

And today Russia cannot do without the Armed Forces. They are needed to defend national interests in the international arena, to contain and neutralize military threats and dangers, which, based on the trend in the development of the current military-political situation, are more than real.

The composition and organizational structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the system of recruitment and management of them, military duty and will be discussed in this section.

Composition and organizational structure of the Russian armed forces

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation formed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 1992. They are a state military organization that constitutes the defense of the country.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Defense", the Armed Forces are designed to repel aggression and defeat the aggressor, as well as to perform tasks in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation.

The Armed Forces can also be involved in solving problems not related to their main purpose, but affecting the national interests of Russia. These tasks can be:

  • participation, together with internal troops and law enforcement agencies, in the fight against organized crime, in protecting the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens;
  • ensuring the collective security of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States;
  • implementation of peacekeeping missions, both in the near and far abroad, etc.

These and other complex tasks are carried out by Russian troops in a certain composition and organizational structure (Fig. 2).

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of central bodies of military control, formations, formations, units, subunits and organizations that are part of the branches and types of troops of the Armed Forces, the rear of the Armed Forces and troops that are not included in the types and types of troops.

To central authorities include the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, as well as a number of departments that are in charge of certain functions and are subordinate to certain deputy defense ministers or directly to the minister of defense. In addition, the High Commands of the branches of the Armed Forces are part of the central control bodies.

Type of Armed Forces- this is their component, distinguished by special weapons and designed to perform the assigned tasks, as a rule, in any environment (on land, in water, in the air). This is the Ground Forces. Air Force, Navy.

Each branch of the Armed Forces consists of branches of service (forces), special troops and rear services.

Types of troops

Under kind of troops is understood as a part of the type of the Armed Forces, which is distinguished by the main armament, technical equipment, organizational structure, the nature of training and the ability to perform specific combat missions. In addition, there are independent types of troops. In the Armed Forces of Russia, these are the Strategic Missile Forces, the Space Forces and the Airborne Forces.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Associations- these are military formations, including several smaller formations or associations, as well as units and institutions. The formations include the army, flotilla, as well as the military district - a territorial combined arms association and the fleet - a naval association.

Military district- is a territorial combined-arms association of military units, formations, educational institutions, military institutions of various types and branches of the Armed Forces. The military district covers the territory of several subjects of the Russian Federation.

Fleet is the highest operational association. Commanders of districts and fleets direct their troops (forces) through headquarters subordinate to them.

connections are military formations consisting of several units or formations of a smaller composition, usually various types of troops (forces), special troops (services), as well as units (subdivisions) of support and maintenance. Formations include corps, divisions, brigades and other equivalent military formations. The word "connection" means to connect parts. The division headquarters has the status of a unit. Other units (regiments) are subordinate to this unit (headquarters). Together, this is the division. However, in some cases, the brigade can also have the status of a connection. This happens if the brigade includes separate battalions and companies, each of which in itself has the status of a unit. The brigade headquarters in this case, like the division headquarters, has the status of a unit, and battalions and companies, as independent units, are subordinate to the brigade headquarters.

Part- is an organizationally independent combat and administrative-economic unit in all types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The concept of "part" most often means a regiment and a brigade. In addition to the regiment and brigade, division headquarters, corps headquarters, army headquarters, district headquarters, as well as other military organizations (military department, army hospital, garrison clinic, district food depot, district song and dance ensemble, garrison house of officers, garrison household complex service, central school of junior specialists, military institute, military school, etc.). Parts can be ships of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks, separate battalions (divisions, squadrons), as well as separate companies that are not part of battalions and regiments. Regiments, separate battalions, divisions and squadrons are awarded the Battle Banner, and the ships of the Navy - the Naval Flag.

Subdivision- all military formations that are part of the unit. Squad, platoon, company, battalion - they are all united by one word "unit". The word comes from the concept of "division", "divide" - the part is divided into subdivisions.

To organizations include such structures for ensuring the vital activity of the Armed Forces, such as military medical institutions, officers' houses, military museums, editorial offices of military publications, sanatoriums, rest houses, camp sites, etc.

Rear of the Armed Forces designed to provide the Armed Forces with all types of materiel and maintenance of their stocks, prepare and operate communications, ensure military transportation, repair weapons and military equipment, provide medical care to the wounded and sick, carry out sanitary and hygienic and veterinary measures and perform a number of other tasks of the logistics security. The rear of the Armed Forces includes arsenals, bases, warehouses with stocks of materiel. It has special troops (automobile, railway, road, pipeline, engineering and airfield and others), as well as repair, medical, rear guards and other units and subunits.

Quartering and arrangement of troops- the activities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the creation and engineering support of military infrastructure facilities, quartering troops, creating conditions for the strategic deployment of the Armed Forces and the conduct of hostilities.

The troops that are not included in the types and types of troops of the Armed Forces include the Border Troops, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the Civil Defense Troops.

Border troops designed to protect the state border, the territorial sea, the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as to solve the problems of protecting the biological resources of the territorial sea, the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation and exercising state control in this area. Organizationally, the Border Troops are part of the FSB of Russia.

Their tasks follow from the purpose of the Border Troops. This is the protection of the state border, the territorial sea, the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation; protection of marine biological resources; protection of the state borders of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the basis of bilateral treaties (agreements); organizing the passage of persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals across the state border of the Russian Federation; intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-search activities in the interests of protecting the state border, territorial sea, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation and protecting marine biological resources, as well as the state borders of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Internal troops MIA Russia designed to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state, to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens from criminal and other unlawful encroachments.

The main tasks of the Internal Troops are: prevention and suppression of armed conflicts, actions directed against the integrity of the state; disarmament of illegal formations; compliance with the state of emergency; strengthening the protection of public order, where necessary; ensuring the normal functioning of all state structures, legally elected authorities; protection of important government facilities, special cargo, etc.

One of the most important tasks of the Internal Troops is to participate, together with the Armed Forces, in accordance with a single concept and plan, in the country's territorial defense system.

Civil Defense Troops- these are military formations that own special equipment, weapons and property, designed to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions. Organizationally, the Civil Defense Troops are part of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

In peacetime, the main tasks of the Civil Defense Troops are: participation in activities aimed at preventing emergency situations (ES); training the population in ways to protect themselves from the dangers that arise during emergencies and as a result of military operations; carrying out work to localize and eliminate the threats of emergencies that have already arisen; evacuation of the population, material and cultural values ​​from dangerous zones to safe areas; delivery and ensuring the safety of goods transported to the emergency zone as humanitarian aid, including to foreign countries; providing medical assistance to the affected population, providing it with food, water and basic necessities; fighting fires resulting from emergencies.

In wartime, the Civil Defense troops solve tasks related to the implementation of measures for the protection and survival of the civilian population: the construction of shelters; carrying out activities for light and other types of camouflage; ensuring the entry of civil defense forces into the centers of destruction, zones of infection and pollution, catastrophic flooding; fighting fires arising during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions; detection and designation of areas subjected to radiation, chemical, biological and other contamination; maintenance of order in areas affected by the conduct of military operations or as a result of these operations; participation in the urgent restoration of the functioning of the necessary communal facilities and other elements of the system for providing the population, rear infrastructure - airfields, roads, crossings, etc.

Command and control system of the armed forces

The general leadership of the Armed Forces (and other military formations and bodies) of the Russian Federation is carried out Supreme Commander. According to the Constitution and the Law "On Defense" it is President of Russia.

exercising their powers. The President determines the main directions of the military policy of the Russian Federation, among which the problems of creating, strengthening and improving the military organization, technical equipment of the Armed Forces, determining the prospects for the development of military equipment, and the mobilization capabilities of the state occupy the most important place. It approves the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, the concepts and plans for the construction and development of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, the plan for the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the mobilization plan for the Armed Forces, which determines the procedure for the work of state authorities of Russia, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government and economy of the country in wartime. In the conditions of peace, the Federal State Program for the Operational Equipment of the Territory of the Russian Federation is being prepared and approved by the President, it is planned to create stocks of material assets of state and mobilization reserves. In addition, the President approves the Regulations on Territorial Defense and the Civil Defense Plan.

The President of the Russian Federation approves federal state programs for armaments and the development of the defense industrial complex. The President of the country also approves plans for the deployment on the territory of the Russian Federation of facilities with nuclear charges, as well as facilities for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear waste. It also approves all programs of nuclear and other special tests.

Exercising direct control over the Armed Forces, he approves the structure and composition of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations up to and including unification, as well as the staffing of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

The most important documents, such as general military charters, provisions on the Battle Banner of a military unit, the Naval flag, the procedure for military service, military councils, military commissariats, are approved by the President of the Russian Federation and are the laws of army and navy life.

Twice a year, the President issues decrees on, as well as on the dismissal from military service of military conscripts.

As the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the President of the country, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on martial law, enacts and terminates normative legal acts of wartime, forms and abolishes executive authorities for the period of wartime in accordance with the federal constitutional law on martial law. In the event of aggression against Russia or an immediate threat of aggression, the President of the Russian Federation issues a Decree on the introduction of martial law. It can be introduced throughout the entire country or in certain areas that have been attacked, threatened by attack, or which are of particular importance for the defense of the country. By imposing martial law, the President gives special powers to public authorities, local governments and organizations. When martial law is introduced, special bodies of military administration may be created, the power of which extends to civilians. All bodies and officials are ordered to assist the military command in the use of the forces and means of the given territory for defense, security and order. Certain constitutional rights of citizens (for example, freedom of assembly, demonstration, freedom of the press) may be restricted.

When martial law is introduced, the President of the Russian Federation immediately informs the Federation Council and the State Duma about this. The presidential decree on the introduction of martial law must be approved by the Federation Council.

The President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with federal laws, has the right to decide on the involvement of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations in the performance of tasks using weapons not for their intended purpose.

The President of Russia forms and heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Its main functions are the development of proposals to ensure the protection of the constitutional order, state sovereignty, the territorial integrity of the country, participation, together with other bodies, in the development of the military policy of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in fulfilling his constitutional duties and tasks assigned to him by the Federal Law "On Defense", the President of the Russian Federation - Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces ensures the preparation of the country to repel possible aggression, manages all aspects of the process of maintaining the army and navy of Russia in a combat-ready state corresponding to country level.

Powers of the Federation Council and the State Duma in the field of defense

In the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the representative and legislative body is the Federal Assembly, which consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State Duma. The Constitution and the Law "On Defense" clearly define the powers of the Federal Assembly in the field of defense.

Council of the Federation is the upper house of the Federal Assembly and acts as a representative body of the subjects of the Federation. Its jurisdiction includes the approval of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law and a state of emergency, as well as on the involvement of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies using weapons to perform tasks not for their intended purpose, resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside territory of the Russian Federation. The Federation Council considers defense spending established by federal laws on the federal budget adopted by the State Duma, as well as federal laws in the field of defense adopted by the State Duma.

The State Duma is a representative body of the entire population of the Russian Federation and consists of deputies elected by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

The State Duma considers defense spending established by federal laws on the federal budget; adopts federal laws in the field of defense, thereby regulating various aspects of the organization of defense and military development.

In addition to these powers, the Federation Council and the State Duma exercise parliamentary control in this area through their security and defense committees.

Government of the Russian Federation- one of the main bodies of state power in the Russian Federation. It heads the system of federal executive bodies.

In accordance with Article 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation takes measures to ensure the defense of the country and its security. The content of the government's activities in this area is formulated in more detail in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Defense". According to this law, the government: develops and submits to the State Duma proposals on defense spending in the federal budget; organizes the supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with materiel, energy and other resources and services on their orders; organizes the development and implementation of state programs for armaments and the development of the defense industrial complex;

determines the conditions for the financial and economic activities of organizations of the Armed Forces; organizes the development of the Federal State Program for the operational equipment of the country's territory for defense purposes and takes measures to implement this program; determines the organization, tasks and carries out general planning of civil and territorial defense; organizes control over the export of weapons and military equipment, strategic materials, technologies and dual-use products, etc.

Direct leadership of the Russian Armed Forces is exercised by the Minister of Defense through the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Defense is the direct chief of all personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the ministry. On the most important issues of life and activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he issues orders and directives, and also puts into effect regulations, instructions, and other legal acts regulating various issues of life, life and activities of the troops. The Minister of Defense manages the Armed Forces through the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Russian Federation.

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation participates in the preparation of proposals on issues of military policy and on the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, develops a concept for the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is preparing the Federal State Program for Armaments and the Development of Military Equipment, as well as proposals for the state defense order, for defense spending in the draft federal budget. Of great importance are the coordination and financing of works carried out for defense purposes; organizing scientific research, ordering and financing the production and purchase of weapons and military equipment, food, clothing and other property, material and other resources for the Armed Forces. The Ministry cooperates with the military departments of foreign states, and also exercises a number of other powers.

The main body of operational command and control of the troops and forces of the fleet of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is General base. It develops proposals on the military doctrine of Russia, the plan for the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and coordinates the development of proposals on the size of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

The General Staff is also preparing a plan for the employment and mobilization plan of the Armed Forces and a federal state program for the operational equipment of the country's territory for defense purposes. It establishes quantitative standards for conscription for military service, military training, analyzes and coordinates the conduct of military registration in the country, prepares citizens for military service and their conscription for military service and military training. For the purposes of defense and security, the General Staff organizes intelligence activities, measures to maintain the combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, etc.

The structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation includes a number of main and central departments that are in charge of certain functions and are subordinate to certain deputies of the minister of defense or directly to the minister of defense. In addition, the structure of the central bodies of the Ministry of Defense (MO) of the Russian Federation includes the High Commands of the Armed Forces (AF) of the Russian Federation. Structurally, the High Command of the branch of the RF Armed Forces consists of the General Staff, directorates, departments and services. The Commander-in-Chief is at the head of the branch of the Armed Forces. He is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation and reports directly to the Minister of Defense.

The military district administration includes: the headquarters of the military district, directorates, departments, services and other structural subdivisions. The military district is headed by the commander of the troops of the military district.

The management structure of a separate military unit and the main duties of its officials are determined by the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Is a regiment. The number of its composition depends on the type of troops, and its full complement of personnel is one of the factors in ensuring the combat capability of the army. The regiment consists of smaller structural units. Let's find out what a company, regiment, battalion is, the number of these units according to the main branches of the military. We will pay special attention to the configuration of the artillery regiment.

What is a regiment?

First of all, let's find out. We will find out the number of personnel in various branches of the military in this unit later.

A regiment is a combat unit often commanded by an officer with the rank of colonel, although there are exceptions. The regiment of the Russian Federation is the main tactical unit on the basis of which

The regiment includes smaller structural units - battalions. The regiment itself can either be part of a formation or be a separate combat force. It is the command of the regiments that in most cases makes decisions of a tactical nature during a large-scale battle. Although quite often the shelves are used as completely separate and independent units.

Number of members

Now let's find out the number of military personnel in the regiment, taking as a basis the composition of the rifle regiment as the most typical. This military unit, as a rule, contains from 2000 to 3000 soldiers. Moreover, approximately this number is observed in almost all (except perhaps excluding artillery and some other types of troops) and even in law enforcement agencies. A similar number of servicemen, for example, has an infantry regiment, the number of soldiers in which also ranges from two to three thousand people. Although there are exceptions, the minimum number of military personnel in a regiment in any case cannot be less than 500 people.

A typical rifle regiment consists of a headquarters where major decisions are made, three motorized rifle battalions, a communications company, and a tank battalion. Also, this unit should include an anti-aircraft division, a reconnaissance company, an anti-tank battery, a communications company, an engineer company, a repair company, a company of chemical, biological and radiation protection. Recently, more and more important functions are performed by the company. Although in Soviet times this unit was also very significant. The composition of the regiment is supplemented by auxiliary units: a commandant's platoon, a medical company and an orchestra. But they are additional only conditionally, since, for example, the medical company performs functions that are much more important, if I may say so, than other units. After all, the lives of other soldiers depend on the soldiers of this structural unit.

Approximately such a structure has a typical regiment. You can see photos of the fighters of this formation above.

Composition of the battalion

Typically, two to four battalions form a regiment. We will now consider the number of military personnel in the battalion.

The battalion is considered the main tactical unit of the ground forces. The range of personnel strength of this unit generally ranges from 400 to 800 people. It includes several platoons, as well as individual companies.

If we consider artillery, then the combat unit that corresponds to a battalion is called a division.

As a rule, a battalion is commanded by a soldier with the rank of major. Although, of course, there are exceptions. Especially often they can be found during hostilities, when an acute shortage of officer personnel may arise in the armed forces of a country or a separate unit.

Consider the structure of a battalion using an example. As a rule, the backbone of this structural unit is three motorized rifle companies. In addition, the battalion includes a mortar battery, a grenade launcher platoon, an anti-tank platoon, and a control platoon. Additional, but no less important units are platoons of material and technical support, as well as a medical center.

Company size

A company is a smaller structural unit that is part of a battalion. As a rule, it is commanded by a captain, and in some cases by a major.

The size of a battalion company varies greatly depending on the specific type of troops. Most soldiers are in companies of construction battalions. There their number reaches 250 people. In motorized rifle units, it varies from 60 to 101 servicemen. Slightly fewer personnel in the landing troops. Here the number of army men does not exceed 80 people. But the least soldiers are in tank companies. There are only 31 to 41 military personnel there. In general, depending on the type of troops and on a particular state, the number of military personnel in a company can vary from 18 to 280 people.

In addition, in some military branches there is no such unit as a company, but at the same time there are analogues. For cavalry, this is a squadron, which includes about a hundred people, for artillery - a battery, for border troops - an outpost, for aviation - a link.

The company consists of command personnel and several platoons. Also, a company may include special squads that are not part of platoons.

Smaller divisions

The platoon consists of several squads, and the number of its personnel varies from 9 to 50 people. As a rule, the platoon commander is a soldier with the rank of lieutenant.

The smallest permanent unit in the army is the branch. The number of military personnel in it ranges from three to sixteen people. In most cases, a soldier with the rank of sergeant or senior sergeant is appointed as the squad leader.

The number of artillery regiment

The time has come to consider in more detail what an artillery regiment is, the number of personnel of this unit and some other parameters.

Artillery regiment is a structural unit of such kind of troops as artillery. As a rule, it is included as an integral part of an artillery division, consisting of three or four divisions.

The strength of an artillery regiment is smaller than the corresponding unit in other branches of the military. This indicator depends on how many divisions are included in the regiment. In the presence of three divisions, its strength is from 1000 to 1200 people. If there are four divisions, then the number of servicemen reaches 1,500 soldiers.

Artillery regiment structure

Like any other military unit, an artillery regiment has its own structure. Let's study it.

The structural elements of an artillery regiment are divided into three main groups: command and control, logistic and combat support units, as well as directly the main strike force - linear units.

It is these elements that make up the artillery regiment. A photo of the regiment's structure is located above.

Composition of the regiment

In turn, the management of the regiment is divided into the following elements: command, headquarters, technical unit and rear.

The command includes the regiment commander (most often with the rank of colonel or lieutenant colonel), his deputy, the head of physical training and the assistant commander for educational work. The last post in Soviet times corresponded to the post of political officer.

The headquarters unit includes the chief of staff, his deputy, as well as the heads of intelligence, the topographic service, communications, the secret part, the computer department and the assistant for the combat unit.

In the rear part of the regiment's administration are the deputy commander for logistics, the heads of the food, clothing, fuel and lubricants and clothing services.

The technical part of the regiment's administration includes the deputy for armaments, the heads of the armored, automobile, and missile and artillery services.

In addition, the chiefs of financial, chemical and medical services report directly to the regiment commander.

The composition of the logistic and combat support unit

The logistic and combat support unit is divided into the following structural elements: a medical center, a club, a repair company, a material support company, a battery and a control battery.

This unit is commanded by the deputy commander of the regiment for rear, who himself is part of the administrative part of the regiment, as mentioned above.

Composition of line divisions

It is on the line subunits that the main function of the existence of an artillery regiment is entrusted, since they conduct direct fire at the enemy from guns.

The regiment consists of four linear divisions: self-propelled, mixed, howitzer and jet. Sometimes a mixed division may be missing. In this case, the backbone of the regiment remains three units.

Each division is subdivided, as a rule, into three batteries, which, in turn, consist of three to four platoons.

The number and structure of the division

As mentioned above, three or four regiments form an artillery division. The number of personnel in such a unit reaches six thousand people. As a rule, the command of a division is entrusted to a soldier with the rank of major general, but there have been cases when these units were commanded by colonels and even lieutenant colonels.

Two divisions form the largest link in artillery - the corps. The number of military personnel in artillery corps can reach 12,000 people. The commander of such a unit is often a lieutenant general.

General principles for the formation of the number of units

We studied the strength of a division, regiment, company, battalion, division and smaller structural units of various branches of the armed forces, with an emphasis on artillery. As you can see, the number of servicemen in similar units in different troops can vary significantly. This is due to the direct purpose of the various branches of the armed forces. The most optimal number of servicemen to perform specific tasks is taken as a basis. Each indicator is not only the product of rigorous scientific calculation, but also the experience of combat operations in practice. That is, each figure is based on the spilled blood of the fighters.

Thus, we see that in the army there are both very small units, in which the number of servicemen can be equal to even three people, and the largest units, where the total number is in the tens of thousands of servicemen. At the same time, it must also be taken into account that in foreign countries the number of similar units may differ significantly from domestic options.

Like everything in this world, the science of warfare is progressing, new technologies and even new types of troops are emerging. For example, in Russia, the Aerospace Forces appeared not so long ago, which are a product of the evolution and development of the Air Force. With the advent of new types of troops and changes in the forms of warfare, it is certainly possible to adjust the number of personnel of subunits, taking into account the new conditions.

The number of individual structural units of the army is a variable value. The number of people serving in a particular battalion or division depends on the effectiveness of the draft campaign and on the type of troops. Let's figure out how many people each of the army units contains.

The personnel of the division and its units: average values

Thanks to a large number of military-patriotic films, practically everyone knows that the largest structural unit in the Russian army is a division. However, there is a much larger unit - the body. It is headed by a lieutenant general, and from two to four divisions can be assembled as part of this unit. The average number of people in the corps is from 30 to 50 thousand.

According to the charter, a division may be headed by a person whose rank is not lower than Major General. Under his command there are from 12 to 24 thousand people. Each division includes:

  • from two to four brigades;
  • from four regiments;
  • from eight battalions.

How many people serve in these units of the army? The exact figure can only be said if you find out about a specific division. The fact is that the number is not a constant value. In one year, a division may consist of only eight battalions, and in others it may reach twelve.

Usually the brigade consists of three to five thousand people. It contains two or three regiments, commanded by a colonel or lieutenant colonel. By the way, the colonel has the right to command a brigade, but most often a major general is placed at the head of this unit.

Up to three battalions can be assembled in one regiment. This structural unit is often called a division, which causes confusion among civilians. How many people can fit in a regiment? The answer to this question depends on the type of troops and the features of the hierarchy in them.

What is a battalion

For several years now, the most significant units of the army have been named, depending on the number of employees in them. In modern Russia, most often one unit includes a regiment, while in Soviet Russia this association was larger and consisted of a brigade.

It is easy enough to get confused in the military hierarchy, since names can have different meanings depending on the type of troops or country. Let's say the word "squadron" is used in the navy to denote the association of several ships, while in aviation this name is given to a unit. In the US Army, the concept of "squadron" is used to refer to a battalion of cavalry, and in England it hides a company in tank troops.

The concept of "battalion" came from a literal decoding - a quarter of the battle (the so-called special type of infantry formation used to reduce damage during artillery shelling). How many people were in that formation? The battle included a thousand people who lined up in a large square, internally divided into four smaller ones. In the Middle Ages, there were exactly 250 people in the battalion. With the advent of small arms, this type of army building has ceased to be relevant, but the name has taken root around the world.

In Russia, a battalion is a structural unit that can:

  • be part of the regiment;
  • be a temporary assembly of military personnel;
  • be a separate military unit as part of an association, corps, fleet or army.

If the regiment has several battalions of the same type, then they are given serial numbers. The name of this structural unit may contain the word "consolidated", which means the collection of military personnel from different units and units in it. How many people will serve in this association depends on the tactical task assigned to it.

What are the battalions

It is impossible to answer exactly how many people should serve in a particular unit of the army because of the different numbers of units and types of troops. Almost 85% of Russia's military units are staffed with a reduced staff, and the rest are primarily replenished with conscripts and officers, since they are in constant combat readiness.

Interestingly, the number of soldiers in a battalion may vary, depending on the equipment that it uses. A motorized rifle unit armed with the BTR-80 usually includes 530 people, but if they use the BMP-2, then the personnel becomes smaller and amounts to only 498 military personnel.

As for the landing troops, the number here depends on the characteristics of the unit's professional training:

  • the parachute battalion includes from 360 to 400 people;
  • air assault consists of 450-530;
  • separate units of the marines and air assault units are distinguished by the highest number - from 650 to 700 military personnel.

Tank battalions are distinguished by low numbers, if they are armed with T-72, then they will consist of 174 persons. Some types of army troops are formed out of necessity and do not have a clear staffing table. These include:

  • chemical troops;
  • repair units;
  • commandant's office;
  • building structures;
  • airfield maintenance battalions.

At the same time, tank troops, in addition to military personnel, include 31 pieces of equipment, but if they are attached to motorized rifle troops, then the number of vehicles increases to forty vehicles.

The smallest divisions

In modern Russia, work is underway to transfer the structure of the army to a trinity. This is very clearly seen in the infantry. There, the battalion consists of three companies and several small structural units, for example, a communications platoon. In connection with the change in the hierarchy, personnel changes and reduction of officers are taking place in the army. It is precisely with this that fluctuations in the number of battalions and other units of the army are connected.

Companies appeared back in the time of Peter I. Then it became the main tactical infantry unit. The number of military personnel in a company has changed over time, as troops are constantly evolving. At the end of the imperial period, some companies were called machine gun crews, they consisted of 99 people. At this time, the number of soldiers was fixed.

How many companies and small units can be included in a battalion? It is permissible for this unit to include up to six companies, headed by a senior lieutenant or captain. One company can include up to eight platoons, which in turn are divided into squads and links.

The word platoon comes from the Russian word "to cock", used in the command "to cock a weapon" and replaced the foreign word plutong (derived from the French peloton,) used as a designation for a small detachment of soldiers, introduced by Peter the Great.

Initially, the word platoon meant only a small infantry rifle detachment, indicating the type of unit and how many people it contained, and not an army organizational unit as it is now.

How many people are in a platoon of soldiers?

A platoon is a military unit, most often consists of 2-4 squads, is part of a company or battalion (in some cases it exists independently). Usually in a platoon from 9-12 to 45-50 people, depending on the type of troops, country or purpose of the platoon. Platoon commanders are sergeants, warrant officers, junior lieutenants, lieutenants or senior lieutenants, that is, they can be in both officer and non-commissioned officer ranks.

How many people were in a platoon in Tsarist Russia

At the beginning of the 20th century, assault platoons began to appear in all infantry and grenadier regiments of the army of the Russian Empire. The platoon consisted of 48 privates, divided into four squads, and the command was carried out by four sergeants and one officer, who was the platoon leader. The assault platoons were armed with carbines (revolvers for officers), bebut daggers and grenades. The equipment also included steel shields and "Hadrian's helmets". Two bombers were allocated per platoon.

motorized rifles

Motorized rifle units were divided according to the type of equipment used. For example, in platoons on the BTR-50 there were three squads of 12 people each, the total number was 37 (together with the commander). There were 28 people in the platoon on the BMP-2. In addition to the shooters, each squad usually had one machine gunner and a grenade launcher. One orderly and 1-2 snipers were attached to the entire platoon. Armament consisted of AKM assault rifles, PM pistols (for an officer), RPK machine guns, RPG-7 grenade launchers, SVD rifles and hand grenades.

Paratroopers and Marines

In a platoon of paratroopers on the BMD-1 and a platoon of marines on the BTR-70, there were 28 people in the state, but when performing reconnaissance missions, the number was reduced to 15-18 people. They were armed with AKMS, RPG-7D, PM pistols, RPKS machine guns, SVD-S sniper rifles and hand grenades.

Tank forces

A tank platoon could be either as part of a tank battalion that was part of a tank regiment and then it had three tanks, or as part of a tank battalion that was part of a motorized rifle regiment and then it had 4 tanks. Since the squad in the tank platoon is the crew of the tank, depending on the type of tank, it could have 3 people (T-72) or 4 people (T-54). The total number of personnel ranged from 9 to 16 people, depending on the type of troops and the type of tanks.

Special forces units

In parts of the Special Forces, a military unit equivalent to a platoon was called a group, which also included 3 squads, with a total number of 9 to 18 people. Due to the specifics of reconnaissance and sabotage tasks that require increased mobility and secrecy, squads of 3-4 people could operate completely independently. It is not uncommon for special forces groups to be staffed exclusively with officers and ensigns, which once again emphasizes the elitism of these units. In service, a wide range of infantry weapons of various types was used, from AKS-U assault rifles and Stechkin pistols with a silencer, to ATGMs, MANPADS or long-range sniper rifles, depending on the nature of the mission.

Artillery units

The number of squads (crews) in an artillery platoon and its total strength varied depending on the type of guns. Most often, in mortar (2S4) platoons there were 2 fire crews of 5 people each, and in a howitzer platoon (2A36) - 3 crews of 8 people each. The total number ranged from 10-12 to 25-27 people. The exception was the anti-tank platoon, the total number of which reached 42 people. Regularly armed were 6 9K11 ATGMs, 3 SPG-9M grenade launchers, 5 armored personnel carriers.

How many people are in a platoon in the army of modern Russia?

The organizational and staffing structure of platoons in the army of the Russian Federation has practically not undergone significant changes in relation to the Soviet period after the 60s. The weapons used have changed somewhat, generally corresponding to the late Soviet period. In modern platoons, a branch of the administration began to stand out in terms of size and composition.

In the motorized rifle platoon on the BTR-80 there were 32 fighters, and on the BMP-2 - 30 fighters. More attention has been paid to sniper fire, often a sniper is present in every squad. Now the soldiers are equipped with individual means of communication, the range of automatic grenade launchers has been expanded.

The organization of platoons (groups) of the Special Forces has not undergone practically any changes. In tank platoons, the number is 9-12 people (depending on the type of troops), all tank crews are now 3 people each.

The equipment of the soldiers of the Russian army began to include the promising equipment Ratnik. It includes special frost-resistant and heat-resistant clothing, body armor covering up to 80-90% of the surface of the body of a fighter (including body armor 6V47, which provides protection against bullets from modern assault and sniper rifles with a caliber of 5.56 and 7.62 mm), communications and positioning sensors, physical condition sensors, sighting systems with optical and thermal imaging channels, night vision devices, eye monitors (allowing firing from behind cover, when transmitting a television image from a sight), friend-foe sensors, wearable field computers (field tablets) to exchange tactical information and orders.

According to its characteristics, the Ratnik equipment meets the most modern requirements and is similar to the uniform of soldiers in the most advanced armies of NATO countries.

How many people are in a Marine Platoon in the US Army?

A platoon of US Marines consists of three rifle squads and headquarters. The headquarters consists of 3 people, a platoon leader (usually a first lieutenant or second lieutenant), a platoon sergeant and a medic. Each rifle squad includes 3 firing groups of 4 people (group commander with the rank of corporal, armed with M4 / M16, one machine gunner with M249 and 2 submachine gunners with M4 / M16). Squads are commanded by sergeants or staff sergeants. The total strength of the platoon is 39-48 fighters (if the platoon headquarters is additionally equipped with snipers, machine gunners and submachine gunners).

The main weapon is the M4 \ M16 assault rifle, the main used machine gun is the M249, various sniper rifles (including foreign ones), M72 LAW grenade launchers, TOW anti-tank systems are used. HMMWV, MRAP armored vehicles and LAV-25 armored personnel carriers are used as means of transportation and support.

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