Can you spread infection with dirty hands? Carefully! You can get an STD without sex. Reasons for a scheduled examination

Every person at least once in his life had to feel for himself what an infected wound is and how long and painstaking the process of its treatment is. According to the classification of injuries, this type of wound is the most dangerous, which, if improperly and belatedly treated, can cause enormous harm to health, up to amputation of limbs or death.

This form of infection in wounds is caused by an imbalance between the microbes that have entered the wound and the protective properties of the body. Especially often an infection develops in people suffering from diabetes mellitus and circulatory disorders due to weakened immunity, which cannot fully resist the disease process. Abrasions and bruised knees in children are also a cause for concern.

There are cases when it is not possible to provide first aid or treat the site of injury, and then suppuration begins in the wound. Pyogenic bacteria infect the wound, and as a result, a general infection of the blood occurs, which can have disastrous consequences for the victim.

A pronounced sign of an infected state of the wound, that is, the presence of an infection in it, is the accumulation of separated pus. There are some features of purulent wounds that help to recognize them among other types of damage.

The main signs of infection in the wound are:

  1. Pain in the area of ​​the wound, which has a pulsating and aching character.
  2. There is swelling around the wound.
  3. Redness around the wound at a distance of 1-2 cm.
  4. An increase in body temperature above 37 ° C indicates that the infection has begun to spread throughout the body.

These symptoms can be supplemented by general disorders throughout the body: dizziness, nausea and weakness.

Particularly dangerous for humans and favorable for infection is the period of the first 6-8 hours, when the pathogenic properties of microbial contamination are more pronounced. For the development of infection, the presence of dead tissue is favorable.

In severe purulent infection, the body responds with a general reaction according to the nature and extent of the local process. As soon as symptoms appear in the form of edema and phlegmon, this reaction intensifies. Its prominent representative is fever, which manifests itself in a deterioration in the patient's well-being, increasing pain in the wound, changes in the blood (an increase in leukocytes, the appearance of protein and hyaline cylinders).

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Complications when infected with a purulent infection

A serious complication of infection with a purulent infection is sepsis - a general infection of the body with microbes that have entered the bloodstream.

This disease occurs against the background of a violation of protective immunological reactions or in the process of a long-term neglected course of a purulent wound process. With sepsis, there is a different incubation period, which can last from two days to several months.

This condition is divided into acute, subacute and chronic sepsis. In severe cases, acute sepsis can result in the death of the patient within 2 days to 2 weeks, subacute - from 16 days to 2 months, chronic - from 2 to 4 months.

Acute sepsis is characterized by high fever accompanied by fever. The patient's condition is classified as serious. The skin becomes earthy. In patients, the pulse is weakly felt, tachycardia begins, a decrease in blood pressure, anemia increases, signs of leukocytosis appear. The condition of the wound is dry, with pale granulations, it bleeds easily, a white coating appears. At the slightest suspicion of sepsis, doctors perform immediate surgical intervention. This is the most effective way to save a patient's life.

Treatment of infected wounds

If purulent discharge began to appear in the wound, this indicates that an infection has entered it. For rapid wound healing, the infection must be suppressed by providing the victim with the necessary assistance. First you need to ensure the outflow of pus. If it has accumulated under the crust formed on the wound, it is soaked in hydrogen peroxide and removed with a bandage dipped in peroxide or another antiseptic applied for half an hour. If pus is secreted under the skin, it is squeezed out of the hole, which is made along the edge where the skin flap has dried.

Mandatory procedures are daily wound treatments with hydrogen peroxide. If necessary, pus must be squeezed out. Levomekol ointment is a good tool that promotes the healing of an already cleaned wound. It is recommended to apply a bandage with this ointment to the wound daily.

In acute suppuration (phlegmon, abscess), they resort to surgical intervention. The wound is opened with a scalpel, excision of non-viable tissues is performed and wound discharge is taken for laboratory studies of microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The wound is washed and dried for several times, then swabs soaked in saline are applied to the site of wound suppuration. For some patients with severe pain, saline is replaced with a solution of novocaine. Sutures are applied, which, with a good result of healing, are removed on the ninth day.

Physicians very successfully use napkins with immobilized trypsin to heal purulent wounds, thanks to which local manifestations of inflammation disappear after several times the solution is applied. On the first day, pain disappears and the wound contents exfoliate, the blood count improves. The terms of cleansing wounds and their further treatment after the use of this medicine are halved. High economy, efficiency and ease of use are the main indicators of immobilized trypsin preparations.

For certain indications, patients are prescribed analgesics, antihistamines and detoxification agents. Throughout therapy, it is recommended to use immune stimulants. With the threat of the spread of infection, according to bacteriological tests, doctors prescribe antibiotics. Control over the course of the healing process, treatment and adaptation in the postoperative period is carried out by physicians during dressing procedures.

Much attention is paid to the expressiveness of inflammatory processes on the sides of the wound, the study of wound material and the patient's blood, as well as studies of the microbial spectrum. Doctors pay special attention to patients with diabetes and people with problems in the circulatory system. Their treatment is based on a different scheme and has a number of features due to the complexity of wound healing.

First aid

In the field, the treatment of infected wounds consists of several stages. If the victims are on a hike, on vacation in the forest or mountains, where there are no medical facilities, then the entire treatment process lies with the team. To do this, it is worth remembering a few recommendations aimed at providing first aid in case of a serious wound:

  • it is necessary to stop the bleeding (apply a bandage or tourniquet);
  • treat the skin around the wound with a clean swab with an antiseptic (alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide);
  • treat the wound itself with chlorhexidine, a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide;
  • apply a sterile dressing.

If the wound is serious, then it will become inflamed in a few days. For her treatment, you need to urgently consult a doctor in a nearby village.

Leaving the places of civilization for a long time, you need to have a supply of first aid medicines with you: antiseptics, Vishnevsky ointment, Streptocide, Syntomethacin. And, of course, it must be remembered that active, timely treatment with complex and differentiated therapy, the inclusion of modern methods of rehabilitation measures will help speed up the healing process of wounds complicated by infection. Careless attitude to health problems can lead to irreparable trouble.


How to understand whether there is a risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections?

One of the main problems of sexual relations in the modern world is the risk of contracting various sexually transmitted infections. Currently, there are many known infections that can be contracted during vaginal, oral or anal sex. Some of these infections pose a serious threat to human health, cannot be treated and can lead to death.

Many sexually transmitted infections do not have any external manifestations, that is, they can be in people who look completely normal and healthy. Moreover, many people infected with sexually transmitted infections do not even suspect that they are infected and do not know that they infect other people during sex.

Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world. In women, gonorrhea can cause chronic inflammation of the fallopian tubes, which in turn greatly increases the risk of infertility or ectopic pregnancy. In men, gonorrhea can cause severe narrowing of the urethra and inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). In rare cases, against the background of gonorrhea, meningitis, joint damage (arthritis), inflammation of the eyes are possible. Gonorrhea responds well to antibiotic treatment.

Trichomoniasis is an extremely common sexually transmitted infection. More than 100 million new cases of this disease are registered annually in the world. In women and men, trichomoniasis can cause long-term inflammation of the genital organs and infertility. Trichomoniasis responds well to antibiotic treatment.

Syphilis- a very dangerous sexual infection that develops for a long time and can lead to serious damage to internal organs several years after infection. In pregnant women, syphilis can cause serious fetal abnormalities. Syphilis responds well to antibiotic treatment. .

Viral hepatitis B and C- a highly contagious and extremely dangerous infection that leads to long-term inflammation of the liver tissue and increases the risk of developing liver cancer. Hepatitis B and C is not always treatable.

Chlamydia, Ureaplasmosis, Mycoplasmosis- a group of extremely common sexually transmitted infections that can provoke long-term inflammation of the genital organs in men and women and lead to infertility or complications during pregnancy. These infections respond well to antibiotic treatment. More about .

human papillomavirus(HPV, human papillomavirus infection) is an extremely common infection that can be found in the bodies of many young people who are sexually active. Some types of HPV can cause cervical or throat cancer.

How big is the risk of infection

It is almost impossible to accurately calculate the risk of contracting a particular infection. This is due to the fact that in the process of infection, an important role is played not only by the presence of infection in the body of a sick person, but also by the susceptibility to infection of his partner, as well as many other factors that will be discussed below.

For some infections, the risk of infection is calculated statistically.

For example, the chance of contracting HPV during unprotected sex with a carrier is about 75%.

The probability of infection of a man from a woman with gonorrhea is about 20% in the case of 1 sexual intercourse and more than 80% in the case of 4 or more sexual acts. At the same time, the probability of infection of a woman from a man with gonorrhea is about 70% per 1 sexual contact.

Factors that increase the risk of infection during sex

During unprotected vaginal or anal sex, the risk of transmission is significantly increased if:

  • One or both sex partners suffer from another infection of the genital tract, which provokes inflammation of the genital organs and makes the body less resistant to a new infection. For example, in patients with trichomoniasis, the risk of contracting HIV is much higher than in healthy people.
  • During hard sexual contact, the mucous membrane of the vagina, cervix or rectum, the penis were injured (usually this is evidenced by spotting after sex).

During unprotected oral sex, the risk of transmission of the infection is significantly increased if:

  • The oral sex partner has bites, cuts, or sores in the mouth;
  • Ejaculation occurs in the mouth.

Is it possible to get sexually transmitted infections without sex?

Yes, infection with many of the above sexual infections is possible without sexual contact, so the identification of a sexual infection in your partner cannot be considered as an undeniable sign of infidelity.

  • Syphilis and gonorrhea in the vast majority of cases are transmitted sexually. Infection with these infections through household contact is extremely unlikely.
  • Trichomoniasis can be contracted while visiting a public pool.
  • Chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis can pass into the human body at birth, from the body of a sick mother.
  • Herpes and HPV can enter the human body during normal household contact.
  • The hepatitis B virus and HIV can be introduced into the human body during blood transfusion, as well as through various surgical procedures (injections, extraction of teeth, operations on internal organs).

How to protect yourself from sexual infections?

There are several methods of protection against infection with sexually transmitted infections:

Use of precautions

One of the most affordable and effective methods of protection against contracting sexually transmitted infections during vaginal, oral and anal sex is the use of condoms.

  • If you allow the possibility of sexual intercourse with a stranger, be sure to always carry a condom with you.
  • The use of condoms should be a constant practice and should not be seen as an unnecessary or foolish precaution.
  • If you have the opportunity to have sexual intercourse, but there is no condom, it is better to refuse sex. All people who become infected during unprotected sex and find out about it later - strongly regret that they agreed to unprotected sex.

A detailed description of how to use condoms correctly and how to solve problems associated with their use is presented in the article. Condom use .

Spermicides have only a limited effect on pathogens of sexual infections and therefore cannot be used as a reliable means of protection.

The use of birth control pills reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy, but does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, for reliable protection, use contraceptive pills and condoms at the same time.

What to do if the condom slipped or broke during sex?

The chance of a condom breaking is approximately 3-14% for vaginal sex and slightly higher for anal sex.

If during sex the condom slipped or broke, it should be considered that protection against unwanted pregnancy and infections is equal to zero.

As soon as you notice that the condom has torn or slipped, do the following:

For a man:

  • Wash your penis thoroughly with warm water and soap
  • Keep track of your well-being and the condition of the penis over the next few weeks. In case of discharge from the penis, itching or burning when urinating, ulcers or redness on the penis, you should consult a doctor.
  • If you suspect that your partner could be a carrier of a sexually transmitted infection, consult a doctor.
  • In order to find out if you have contracted an infection, the doctor will prescribe special tests for you. Early detection of an infection can be very important for its successful treatment and prevention of subsequent spread.

For woman:

  • Wash the external genitalia thoroughly with warm soapy water.
  • If you have spermicide, you can insert it into the vagina, but this does not guarantee protection from pregnancy or infections.
  • Monitor your well-being and the condition of the genitals over the next few weeks. In case of vaginal discharge, itching or burning when urinating, ulcers or redness in the labia and vaginal opening, you should consult a doctor (see also).
  • If you suspect that your partner could be a carrier of a sexually transmitted infection, consult a doctor. In order to find out if you have contracted an infection, the doctor will prescribe special tests for you. Early detection of an infection can be very important for its successful treatment and prevention of subsequent spread.


Reliable protection against some sexually transmitted infections helps to create vaccinations.

Hepatitis B and human papillomavirus vaccines are currently available.

If you don't know if you have received these shots, be sure to ask your doctor about it and get shots if you don't have them.

Limiting the circle of sexual partners and exclusion of casual sex

Limiting the circle of sexual partners and a responsible attitude to sex is the most important measure for the prevention of sexual infections. If you have many sexual partners and you often have casual sex - you should be aware that you are at high risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections with all the ensuing consequences.

Hello, Natalia! The chance of getting pregnant or contracting an infection for the first time is no less than with any sexual intercourse. The first time you have sex, your body will encounter foreign microbes for the first time and inflammation of the vagina or bladder may develop. Naturally, this applies to both defloration in the usual way with the help of a man's penis, and defloration with the help of fingers. Try both with your partner to observe both intimate hygiene and the simplest one, which is taught to everyone from early childhood. That is - wash everything and always. And also try all the same, despite the craze for early sex in the modern world, do not stain yourself with frivolous connections and communicate closely only with those men that you like at least, and at most, with those you can rely on, and be sure of their reliability and cleanliness, both physical and mental.

As for the medical examination at school, I do not know that in our Russian state there would be any legal acts that would stipulate that the situation with the gynecological health of a girl should be reported to her parents. Therefore, it seems to me that one can be calm in this respect and not worry in vain. On examination, the gynecologist may find that you have some kind of illness or infection, but, even in this case, I think he should not tell your parents about it. After all, you are already an adult citizen and can do as you please.

In order not to constantly tremble from the fear of a possible pregnancy or sexual infection, at the beginning of sexual activity and at the first time, it is better to protect yourself with a condom, even if you are confident in a man. A condom is a fairly reliable means of protection from unwanted pregnancy. An important requirement is to put on a condom before starting and remove it from the penis after the end of intercourse, avoiding direct contact with the vaginal mucosa. For the first time, you can also use local chemical contraceptives - Pharmatex or Patentex Oval. These are vaginal remedies that give an effect comparable to that of a condom - both in relation to pregnancy and in relation to infection. At the same time, they form a foam that replaces their own lubrication.

It is even possible that you were mistaken about the fact that your young man took your virginity with his finger. Deprivation of virginity during the first sex does not have to be done at once - with severe pain, defloration can be "divided" into stages - with an easily stretchable hymen, each attempt usually leads to an increase in the hole, and at the same time the girl's fear of pain disappears. The rough perseverance of the partner is unacceptable at the first time, because. serious consequences for further intimate life, aversion to coitus, vaginismus are possible.

The first sex and defloration is usually accompanied by a slight bleeding, although in about 10% of cases it is not observed. The blood flowing out during the first sex, according to a widespread tradition, is proof of virginity. During this period, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of hygiene of the genital organs. After the rupture of the hymen, it is recommended to interrupt coitus and not to resume sexual contacts until healing. Normally, 3-5 days after deprivation of virginity at the first time, the edges of the hymen and the remaining hymenal papillae heal and repeated sexual intercourse is painless.

You will not surprise anyone with contact lenses now. Disposable, reusable, soft and hard, long-term wear, for vision correction and decorative - these tiny plastic hemispheres have long and firmly taken their place on pharmacy shelves and bathroom shelves. However, contact lenses should not be taken lightly. If used incorrectly, they can lead to the development of keratitis. This is an inflammation of the cornea - the transparent outer shell of the eye, which is in contact with the inner surface of the lens.

Alarming symptoms that should alert the wearer of contact lenses:

  • Vision is reduced, the picture looks blurry
  • The mucous membrane of the eye turned red, and the conjunctiva acquired a pink tint
  • Eye hurts even after lens removal
  • Pain in bright light
  • Feeling of a foreign object in the eye
Keratitis is caused by a variety of reasons:

Bacterial keratitis

This type of keratitis is caused by the activity of Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacteria enter the cornea from the skin or from water if the lens is not sufficiently cleaned or taken with dirty hands.

Other risk factors for bacterial keratitis:

  • wearing lenses at night while sleeping
  • improper selection and use of hard lenses
  • insufficiently washed lenses
  • storing lenses in tap water
  • using someone else's lenses

This type of keratitis requires a thorough diagnosis of treatment with drops containing antibiotics and special gels that protect the cornea.

The amoeba gets into the eye if the lenses are stored in containers with the addition of tap water, as well as when swimming in dirty ponds and pools, especially heated ones.

Amebic keratitis is a very serious eye disease that can lead to blindness if left untreated.

Viral keratitis

In most cases, viral keratitis is caused by the herpes simplex virus. As a rule, infection of the eye occurs when the contents of herpetic vesicles from the mucous lips or mouth get on the contact lens. This usually happens if the lenses are taken with unwashed hands.

Herpetic keratitis is very difficult and can recur: deep ulcers form on the mucous membrane, penetrating into the deep layers of the cornea, sometimes a deep thorn develops.

Fungal keratitis

The use of contact lenses increases the likelihood of developing fungal keratitis. This can happen when the eye is injured, when small particles of plants or soil get under the lens. People with reduced immunity are even more at risk. Most often, this kind of keratitis is caused by fungi of the Aspergillus and Candida families.

Fungal keratitis can affect deep layers of the cornea and lead to the formation of a thorn. Its diagnosis and treatment are quite difficult and often lead to treatment errors.

How to avoid risk when using contact lenses?

  • remove lenses immediately if you feel pain, irritated or reddened eyes
  • always wash your hands with soap and water before removing or putting on lenses
  • rinse your lenses thoroughly in a solution specially designed for this purpose
  • store lenses in a special container
  • never use running water to wash your lenses
  • never dilute the cleaning solution with plain water
  • avoid showering, bathing, or swimming in the pool while wearing contact lenses
  • do not leave lenses overnight unless they are reassigned for this
  • never wear someone else's contact lenses
  • be sure to consult a doctor if you have any unpleasant symptoms after wearing lenses

AIDS in Magadan: how many people get sick, who infects, how can you get an infection?

HIV test. Photo "VM"

HIV / AIDS for the townsfolk is always a terrible combination of letters, although humanity has been living with this virus for 30 years. But even today there are many myths around the disease that have no connection with reality.

Do you know that with the help of therapy, a person with HIV lives a full and long life, can start a family, raise children without the everyday fear of infecting them?

"Very" publishes excerpts from an interview with the newspaper "Vecherniy Magadan" with Olga Zhuravkova, a freelance infectious disease specialist from the Ministry of Health and Demographic Policy of the Magadan Region.

You can see the full version.

Olga Zhuravkova, photo "VM"– How many people living with HIV in Magadan?

- In general, Kolyma is a safe territory, but cases are being recorded. Last year, 57 new cases were registered among Russian citizens, and in the first nine months of this year, 39 patients were identified, and mostly these are permanent residents of Kolyma.

There are few foreigners registered, this year, for example, 6 people. During the year, 435 patients with HIV infection were registered at the dispensary, including contingents of the Federal Penitentiary Service (on average, 30-40 PLWHA are kept in the institutions of the penitentiary system annually).

In the region, HIV infection is registered in all districts. In total, as of June 30, 2018, 1,272,403 people were registered in Russia.

In Russia last year, the incidence rate was 60.5 per 100 thousand, in the Far Eastern Federal District - 35.4, and in our country, in the Magadan Region, - 39.2, which is higher than in the district as a whole, but we also have survey coverage higher than in other Far Eastern subjects - 33% of the population.

– Who is most often infected with this disease in Magadan?

Until 2010, sexual transmission of the virus prevailed on our territory, then synthetic drugs appeared and those who used them began to become infected. Let me remind you that the peak of the epidemic in the Magadan region passed in 2013-2014, and then it was possible to prevent the virus from breaking through from marginalized groups. Over the past three years, we have noted predominantly cases of infection through unprotected sexual contact.

An analysis of completed cases of epidemiological investigation of cases of HIV infection in patients diagnosed in 2018 showed that 80.6% of them were infected through sexual contact. For comparison, in 2017, the share of the sexual route was 56.1%.

Look what a significant increase! At the same time, women become infected through unprotected sexual contact twice as often as men. Women generally have a higher risk due to anatomy and physiology.

HIV infection is a cross section of society. Registered in our Center are people from completely different social strata. These are homeless people, the unemployed, and people with excellent social adaptation, having a family and a stable job. There are children and there are pensioners.

About children, by the way: in 2012, we had the only case of perinatal infection of a child in a woman who used PAS, she did not want this child, she was not observed anywhere and was not examined. At one time we told this story.

In addition, we continue to monitor and treat two children who arrived in our region from other territories of the Russian Federation. Since 2005, 51 women living with HIV in the Magadan Region have completed their pregnancies with childbirth, 11 of them in 2017, and 7 in the nine months of this year, 3 more women prolong their pregnancy. Children born in the last year and a half continue to be monitored, and the rest are taken off the register as HEALTHY. And it's great!!!

How does HIV treatment work?

- Treatment allows not only to take control of the disease in each individual patient. The goal of treatment is to achieve suppression of virus replication (multiplication) in the blood so as to make the load undetectable.

For the patient, this means not only the restoration of immunity to the level of a healthy person, but also a significant reduction in the risk of further transmission of the virus. Thus, we indirectly influence the incidence, we use the “Test and Treat” approach proposed by WHO to reduce the number of new cases.

The technologies of the twenty-first century make it possible to study the virus for drug resistance and select therapy with those drugs to which sensitivity is preserved.

How do people who first learn about their diagnosis react to it?

- The first reaction in 99% of cases is expressed by the phrase "this is some kind of mistake." Although I will never state the diagnosis as an established fact, without absolute certainty about it.

Do not forget that in order to clarify the diagnosis and exclude erroneous results, including those associated with the notorious human factor, sanitary legislation just provides for an algorithm of steps that must be strictly followed in order to avoid errors.

Because the diagnosis of "HIV-infection" is a trauma. Sometimes I hear from my patients: life before HIV and life with HIV. These are two different lives. It happens that the diagnosis radically changes the fate of a person, both for the worse and for the better.

One remarkable priest, Father Methodius, said that HIV is a call, not a curse. And if for society this is a call to pay attention to the problem on a global level, then for an individual it can be a reason to think and reconsider something in their life, to reevaluate values...

– How do people around you feel about HIV/AIDS?

– For more than 30 years we have been living in an epidemic, and I think it’s time for everyone to understand that, firstly, HIV infection is a chronic infectious disease controlled by treatment, which allows you to live a full life, work, have a family and healthy children .

And secondly, there are still three ways of transmitting the virus: parenteral, sexual and vertical (from mother to child). There is no other way for the virus to enter the human body and cause disease. Neither hugs, nor kisses, nor the use of common dishes and bedding, nor a joint trip on public transport will lead to infection. Just like visiting, for example, a swimming pool.

The task of society and each of its individual members is not to stigmatize and discriminate against people living with HIV, but to assess risks, including, and above all, their own.

And the main task, which can be solved only together, but must be solved, is to finally raise a generation free from HIV. Tell your kids about the real risks, how to protect yourself, the dangers of drugs, casual relationships, and family values...

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