Nikita Mikhalkov about his illness: "Two operations in a month. This is a serious shock." Mikhalkov for the first time told how he miraculously survived: his whole body was stuffed with worms Correspondent: "What do you mean by that?"

The famous actress Anna Mikhalkova, after the birth of her daughter, lost a lot of weight, which surprised the audience very much. Usually, after giving birth, women, on the contrary, gain weight, but the star of Russian cinema is not one of them.

Before losing weight, Anna weighed 80 kg with a height of 175 cm. This did not interfere with her either in her personal life or in her work. Mikhalkov was invited to act in films and broadcast television. At home, everything is also in order: after work, her beloved husband and daughter are waiting for her.

At first, Anna did not want to reveal the secret of her miraculous transformation. However, a campaign began on social networks that said that Nikita Mikhalkov's daughter used pills and other medicines.

Allegedly, she could not get rid of extra pounds in a different way. Anna gave a frank interview in which she shared with her fans a recipe for a slim figure. It is known that she was able to lose 16 kg.

How the actress Mikhalkova lost weight: photo after

The main role in losing weight was played by a properly selected menu and meal times. There were also additional sports activities.

Diet Mikhalkova

The most high-calorie foods should be consumed in the morning. For breakfast, Mikhalkova ate oatmeal on water without sugar with prunes and dried apricots, 50 g of chicken fillet with herbs and tomatoes, and a glass of natural yogurt.

For lunch, soup with low-fat broth, baked meat or fish, boiled eggs, fresh vegetable salads are allowed.

But after 15.00 food should be as light as possible. Mikhalkova preferred a salad of cucumbers and herbs, grilled tomatoes with sweet peppers, fat-free kefir. The serving size should not exceed 150 g. You can drink a little more than 200 ml of kefir.

The actress arranged a fruit fasting day once a week. Her favorites are pineapple and grapefruit. During the day you need to eat 300 g of fresh pineapple pulp, drink green tea without sugar, freshly squeezed vegetable juice (up to 300 ml) and unlimited water.

Grapefruit Day could be next week. It is based on the use of this citrus fruit (3-4 pieces) and pure, non-mineral water.

You need to leave the diet carefully, gradually adding new foods to the diet (cottage cheese, omelettes, vegetable casseroles).

Physical exercise

Diet Mikhalkova combined with running. Jogging (1 km) in the fresh air perfectly strengthens the muscles, the body becomes toned, slender.

Journalist Yuri Dud took a long interview with director Nikita Mikhalkov. The conversation, which lasted more than an hour and a half, was posted on the YouTube channel "vdud" without cuts - at the request of the director.

The main theme was cinema. Mikhalkov spoke about censorship in cinema during the Soviet era and his work.

So, he does not exclude that there are people who may consider some of his films unsuccessful, but he himself does not think so.

As for the works of this year, Mikhalkov singled out the series "House Arrest" by Pyotr Buslov for the script by Semyon Slepakov.

Mikhalkov also spoke about criticism from the Russian video blogger and film reviewer Yevgeny BadComedian.

"He is a smart and self-sufficient person, he commands respect and sympathy", Mikhalkov said.

Vdud with Mikhalkov: the negative reaction of the audience

On the evening of Tuesday, November 27, a new episode was released on the Vdud channel, the hero of which came as a surprise to many users. This time the director Nikita Mikhalkov became the hero of the program. The video of the conversation was posted without editing. With Yuri Dud, Mikhalkov discussed censorship in cinema during the Soviet era, his films, friendship with Vladimir Putin and freedom.

An interview with director Nikita Mikhalkov, who became the new hero of the “vdud” program, caused many people to have a negative reaction, aimed mainly at exactly how he behaved and what Mikhalkov said. The director spoke about his friendship with Putin, about how he treats homosexuality, why people don't like him, and what he thinks about the BadComedian blogger. Many viewers of the issue not only disagreed with his words, but were also dissatisfied with how dodgy Mikhalkov answered most of the questions.

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When asked by Dudya about whether Mikhalkov had ever filmed "shit", the director replied that he "probably filmed", but he himself does not consider them to be such. “But there are people who think it’s shit, and I don’t argue with them,” he said. Mikhalkov also noted that he considers the film "Burnt by the Sun" to be a "brilliant picture", and those who "do not know anything about the history of the war" cannot understand it.

In addition, the director spoke about censorship during the Soviet era. According to him, he never "fell into despair" because of her, but he "had a lot of tricks." In particular, he shared a story about how he secretly brought a voice recorder to a party meeting after the release of the film Kin. “Then, in the car, I listened to my colleagues discussing me,” Mikhalkov added.

Vdud with Mikhalkov: denies rumors of homosexuality

Russian director, actor, screenwriter and producer Nikita Mikhalkov commented on the rumors about his unconventional orientation in an interview with video blogger Yuri Dudyu, published on YouTube.

Answering a question, the director noted that the rumors about his unconventional orientation are “very beneficial”, as they can be used to your advantage in different situations. “Benefit in everything (…) I absolutely do not resist it. I won’t even give anyone a forehead [for this],” he said, noting that he was “not gay.”

Nikita Mikhalkov was unable to attend the opening ceremony of the International Moscow Film Festival due to illness. But he literally escaped from the hospital to be at the closing. However, journalists noticed with the naked eye that the disease affected the appearance of the famous director.

The solemn closing ceremony of the International Moscow Film Festival took place the day before. The guests were welcomed by the president of the event, Nikita Mikhalkov. For the celebration, the famous director chose a simple dark gray suit and complemented it with a white shirt without a tie.


Despite the fact that Mikhalkov actively communicated with the press, posing for them on the red carpet, communicated with colleagues and artists, periodically waving his hands, the fact that the director did not look good did not escape the attention of journalists. Mikhalkov lost a lot of weight and seemed somewhat haggard. The malaise literally eats up the filmmaker.

Nevertheless, Mikhalkov tries not to lose heart. "The festival is the world of cinema that either attracts to itself or not. I am grateful to the Muscovites for attending the shows, no matter what," Nikita Sergeevich shared in communication with the press. One of the first to greet him was actress Ekaterina Vilkova.

The director admitted that after the closing ceremony he would have to return to the hospital. Apparently, he never fully recovered.

Most recently, Nikita Mikhalkov ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. The fact that the director was unwell was revealed at the solemn opening ceremony of the International Moscow Film Festival. At first, journalists and other guests were literally at a loss as to why Tatyana, Nikita Mikhalkov's wife, was meeting them in splendid isolation, and then it turned out that the famous director was in the hospital.

As Dni.Ru wrote, the MIFF is one of the most representative and prestigious film forums in the world. His story actually began in 1935. Then it took place for the first time, but then there was a break of almost a quarter of a century. Therefore, the official birth year of the festival is considered to be 1959, when it was renewed.

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