IMF loans are issued for the following main purposes. International Monetary Fund (IMF, IMF). The creation of the IMF, the goals of the fund

The International Monetary Fund, the IMF is primarily a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN), headquartered in Washington DC, USA. It is worth noting that although the IMF was created with the support of the UN, it is an independent organization.

The International Monetary Fund was created relatively recently - at the Bretton Woods Conference, on monetary and financial issues on July 22, 1944, the basis of the agreement was developed ( IMF charter).

The most significant contribution to the development of the concept of the IMF was made by John Maynard Keynes, who headed the British delegation, and Harry Dexter White, a senior official of the US Treasury. The final version of the agreement was signed by the first 29 states on December 27, 1945 - the official date of the creation of the IMF. The IMF began operations on March 1, 1947 as part of the Bretton Woods system. In the same year, France took the first loan. Currently, the IMF unites 187 states, and 2,500 people from 133 countries work in its structures.

The IMF provides short - and medium-term loans with a deficit in the balance of payments of the state. The provision of loans is usually accompanied by a set of conditions and recommendations aimed at improving the situation.

The policy and recommendations of the IMF in relation to developing countries have been repeatedly criticized, the essence of which is that the implementation of the recommendations and conditions is ultimately aimed not at increasing the independence, stability and development of the national economy of the state, but only tying it to international financial flows.

international monetary fund lending

    1. The Fundamental Purposes and Functions of the IMF and the Structure of Governance

The main objectives of the International Monetary Fund are:

1. "the need to promote international cooperation in the monetary and financial sphere";

2. "promoting the expansion and balanced growth of international trade" in the interests of developing productive resources, achieving a high level of employment and real incomes of member states;

3. "Ensuring the stability of currencies, maintaining orderly monetary relations among member states" and striving to prevent "depreciation of currencies in order to obtain competitive advantages";

4. assistance in the creation of a multilateral system of settlements between member states, as well as in the elimination of currency restrictions;

5. temporary provision of foreign exchange funds to Member States, which would enable them to "correct imbalances in their balance of payments".

The main functions of the IMF are:

1. promoting international cooperation in monetary policy

2. expansion of world trade

3. lending

4. stabilization of monetary exchange rates

5. advising debtor countries

6. development of international financial statistics standards

7. collection and publication of international financial statistics

The supreme governing body of the IMF is the Board of Governors, in which each member country is represented by a governor and his deputy. Usually these are finance ministers or central bankers. The Council is responsible for resolving key issues of the Fund's activities: amending the Articles of the Agreement, admitting and expelling member countries, determining and revising their shares in the capital, and electing executive directors. The Governors meet in session usually once a year, but may hold meetings and vote by mail at any time.

The authorized capital is about 217 billion SDR (special unit for the right to draw) (as of January 2011, 1 SDR was equal to approximately 1.5 US dollars). It is formed from contributions from member countries, each of which usually pays approximately 25% of its quota in SDRs or in the currency of other members, and the remaining 75% in its national currency. Based on the size of quotas, votes are distributed among member countries in the governing bodies of the IMF.

The largest number of votes in the IMF (as of June 16, 2010) are: the United States - 17.8%; Germany - 5.99%; Japan - 6.13%; UK - 4.95%; France - 4.95%; Saudi Arabia - 3.22%; Italy - 4.18%; Russia - 2.74%. The share of 15 EU member countries is 30.3%, 29 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have a total of 60.35% of the votes in the IMF. The share of other countries, which make up over 84% of the number of members of the Fund, accounts for only 39.75%.

The IMF operates the principle of "weighted" number of votes: the ability of member countries to influence the activities of the Fund by voting is determined by their share in its capital. Each state has 250 "basic" votes, regardless of the size of its contribution to the capital, and an additional one vote for every 100 thousand SDRs of the amount of this contribution. In the event that a country bought (sold) SDRs received by it during the initial issue of SDRs, the number of its votes increases (reduces) by 1 for every 400,000 purchased (sold) SDRs. This correction is carried out by no more than 1/4 of the number of votes received for the country's contribution to the Fund's capital. This arrangement ensures a decisive majority of votes for the leading states.

Decisions in the Board of Governors are usually taken by a simple majority (at least half) of the votes, and on important issues of an operational or strategic nature - by a "special majority" (respectively 70 or 85% of the votes of the member countries).

Despite some reduction in the share of US and EU votes, they can still veto key decisions of the Fund, the adoption of which requires a maximum majority (85%). This means that the United States, together with the leading Western states, has the ability to exercise control over the decision-making process in the IMF and direct its activities based on their own interests. With coordinated action, developing countries are also in a position to avoid making decisions that do not suit them. However, reaching agreement is difficult for a large number of heterogeneous countries, so the intention was to "enhance the ability of developing countries and countries with economies in transition to participate more effectively in the decision-making mechanism in the IMF."

The International Monetary and Financial Committee plays a significant role in the organizational structure of the IMF. It consists of 24 IMF governors, including from Russia, and meets in its sessions twice a year. This committee is an advisory body of the Board of Governors and does not have the power to make policy decisions. However, it performs important functions:

ь guides the activities of the Executive Council;

l develops strategic decisions related to the functioning of the world monetary system and the activities of the IMF;

b Submits proposals to the Board of Governors to amend the Articles of Agreement of the IMF.

A similar role is also played by the Development Committee - the Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the WB and the Fund.

The Board of Governors delegates many of its powers to the Executive Board, a directorate that is responsible for the conduct of the affairs of the IMF, which includes a wide range of political, operational, and administrative matters, such as lending to member countries and overseeing their policies. exchange rate.

The IMF Executive Board elects for a five-year term a Managing Director who leads the Fund's staff (as of March 2009 - about 2,478 people from 143 countries). He must be a representative of one of the European countries. Managing Director (since November 2007) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn (France), his first deputy - John Lipsky (USA).

Head of the IMF Resident Mission in Russia - Neven Mates.

Manager. Elected by the Executive Board, the IMF Governor chairs the Executive Board and is the organization's head of staff. Under the direction of the Executive Board, the Governor is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the IMF. The Governor is appointed for five years and may be re-elected for a subsequent term.

Staff. The Articles of Agreement require staff appointed to the IMF to demonstrate the highest standards of professionalism and technical competence, and reflect the international nature of the organization. Approximately 125 nations are represented among the organization's 2,300 employees.

International Monetary Fund, IMF(International Monetary Fund, IMF) is a specialized agency of the United Nations, the decision to establish which was made on monetary and financial issues in 1944. The agreement on the establishment of the IMF was signed by 29 states on December 27, 1945, and the Fund began its work on 1 March 1947 As of March 1, 2016, 188 states are members of the IMF.

The main objectives of the IMF are:

  1. promotion of international cooperation in the monetary and financial sphere;
  2. promoting the expansion and balanced growth of international trade, the achievement of a high level of employment and real incomes of member states;
  3. ensuring the stability of currencies, maintaining orderly monetary relations and preventing the depreciation of national currencies in order to obtain competitive advantages;
  4. assistance in the creation of multilateral settlement systems between member states, as well as in the elimination of currency restrictions;
  5. provision of funds in foreign currency to the member states of the Fund in order to eliminate imbalances in their balance of payments.

The main functions of the IMF are:

  1. promotion of international cooperation in the field of monetary policy and ensuring stability;
  2. lending to member countries of the Fund;
  3. stabilization of exchange rates;
  4. advising governments, monetary authorities and financial market regulators;
  5. development of international financial statistics standards and the like.

The authorized capital of the IMF is formed by contributions from member countries, each of which pays 25% of its quota in or in the currency of other member countries, and the remaining 75% in national currency. Based on the size of quotas, votes are distributed among member countries in the governing bodies of the IMF. As of March 1, 2016, the authorized capital of the IMF was 467.2 billion SDRs. Ukraine's quota is 2011.8 billion SDRs, which is 0.43% of the total IMF quota.

The supreme governing body of the IMF is the Board of Governors, in which each member country is represented by a governor and his deputy. As a rule, these are finance ministers or heads of central banks. The Council resolves key issues of the Fund's activities: amending the Articles of the Agreement on the IMF, admitting and expelling member countries, determining and reviewing their quotas in the Fund's capital, and electing executive directors. The session of the Council takes place, as a rule, once a year. Decisions of the Board of Governors are taken by a simple majority (at least half) of the votes, and on important issues - by a "special majority" (70 or 85%).

The other governing body is the Executive Board, which determines IMF policy and consists of 24 executive directors. Directors are appointed by the eight countries with the largest quotas in the Fund - the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, China, Russia and Saudi Arabia. The rest of the countries are organized into 16 groups, each of which elects one executive director. Together with the Netherlands, Romania and Israel, Ukraine is part of the Dutch group of countries.

The IMF operates the principle of "weighted" number of votes: the ability of member countries to influence the activities of the Fund by voting is determined by their share in its capital. Each state has 250 "basic" votes, regardless of the size of its contribution to capital, and an additional one vote for every 100,000 SDRs of the amount of this contribution.

An essential role in the organizational structure of the IMF is played by the International Monetary and Financial Committee, which is an advisory body of the Council. Its functions are to develop strategic decisions related to the functioning of the world monetary system and the activities of the IMF, develop proposals for amending the Articles of Agreement on the IMF, and the like. A similar role is also played by the Development Committee - the Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and the Fund (Joint IMF - World Bank Development Committee).

Part of its powers are delegated by the Board of Governors to the Executive Board, which is responsible for the day-to-day work of the IMF and resolves a wide range of operational and administrative issues, including granting loans to member countries and overseeing their policies.

The IMF's Executive Board elects a Managing Director for a five-year term, who leads the Fund's staff. As a rule, he represents one of the European countries.

In the event of problems in the country's economy, the IMF can provide loans, which, as a rule, are accompanied by certain recommendations aimed at improving the situation. Such loans, for example, were provided to Mexico, Ukraine, Ireland, Greece and many other countries.

Loans can be provided in four main areas.

  1. On the basis of the reserve share (Reserve Tranche) of the IMF member country within 25% of the quota, the country can receive a loan almost freely on the first request.
  2. On a credit share basis, a country's access to IMF credit resources cannot exceed 200% of its quota.
  3. Based on Stand-by Arrangements, which have been provided since 1952 and provide a guarantee that, within a certain amount and subject to certain conditions, a country can freely receive a loan from the IMF in exchange for the national currency. In practice, this is done by opening the country. granted for periods ranging from several months to several years.
  4. Based on the Extended Fund Facility, since 1974, the IMF has been providing loans for long periods and in amounts exceeding countries' quotas. The basis for a country's application to the IMF for a loan under expanded lending is a serious imbalance caused by unfavorable structural changes. Such loans are usually provided in tranches for several years. Their main purpose is to assist countries in implementing stabilization programs or structural reforms. The Fund requires the country to meet certain conditions. The obligations of the borrowing country, which provide for the implementation of relevant financial and economic measures, are recorded in the Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies and sent to the IMF. The progress of fulfillment of obligations is periodically monitored by evaluating the provided target criteria for the implementation of the Memorandum (Performance Criteria).

Cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF is carried out on the basis of regular missions of the IMF, as well as cooperation with the representative office of the Fund in Ukraine. As of February 1, 2016, Ukraine's total debt on loans to the IMF amounted to 7.7 billion SDRs.

(See Special Drawing Rights; Official website of the IMF:

IMF, or World Monetary Fund- This is a special institution created by the United Nations (UN), contributing to the improvement of international cooperation in the field of economics and finance, as well as regulating the stability of foreign exchange relations.

In addition, the IMF is interested in the development of trade, general employment, and improving the living standards of the population of countries.

This structure is managed by 188 countries that are members of the organization. Despite the fact that the Fund was created by the UN as one of its divisions, it functions separately, has a separate Charter, management and financial systems.

History of foundation and development of the Fund

In 1944, at one of the conferences held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire (USA), a commission of 44 countries decided to create the IMF. The prerequisites for its emergence were the following problematic issues:

  • formation of a favorable "soil" for international cooperation on the world stage;
  • the threat of repeated devaluation;
  • "reanimation" of the world monetary system from the consequences of the Second World War;
  • and others.

However, the Fund was officially established only in 1945. At the time of its creation, it had 29 participating countries. The IMF became one of the international financial institutions established at that conference.

The other was the World Bank, whose field of activity is somewhat different from the working areas of the Fund. But these two systems successfully interact with each other, and also assist each other in solving various issues at the highest level.

Goals and objectives of the IMF

When creating the IMF, the following goals of its activities were defined:

  • development of cooperation between countries in the field of international finance;
  • stimulation of international trade;
  • control over the stability of foreign exchange relations;
  • participation in the creation of a universal settlement system;
  • provision of mutual assistance between IMF member states to those of them who are in a difficult financial situation (with guaranteed fulfillment of the conditions for providing financial assistance).

The most important task of the fund is to regulate the balance of monetary and financial interaction of countries with each other, as well as to prevent the prerequisites for the emergence of crises, control over inflation, the situation in the foreign exchange market.

The study of the financial crises of past years shows that countries, being in such a position, become dependent on each other, and the problems of various industries of one country may affect the state of this sector of another country, or negatively affect the situation as a whole.

In this case, the IMF exercises supervision and control, and also provides timely financial assistance that allows countries to conduct the necessary economic and monetary policies.

IMF Governing Bodies

The IMF developed under the influence of changes in the general economic situation in the world, so the improvement of the management structure took place gradually.

So, the modern management of the IMF is represented by the following bodies:

  • The pinnacle of the system is the Board of Governors, which consists of two representatives from each participating country: the governor and his deputy. This governing body meets once a year at the Annual Meeting of the IMF and the World Bank;
  • The next link in the system is represented by the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), which consists of 24 representatives who meet twice a year;
  • The Executive Board of the IMF, which is represented by one participant from each country, works daily and performs its functions at the Fund's headquarters in Washington.

The management system described above was approved in 1992, when former members of the Soviet Union joined the IMF, significantly increasing the number of participants in the fund.

Structure of the IMF

The five largest countries (Great Britain, France, Japan, USA, Germany) appoint executive directors, and the remaining 19 countries choose the rest.

The first person of the fund is simultaneously the head of staff and the chairman of the executive board of the fund, has 4 deputies, and is appointed by the board for a period of 5 years.

At the same time, managers can nominate candidates for this post, or self-nominate.

Main lending mechanisms

Over the years, the IMF has developed several methods of lending that have been tested in practice.

Each of them is suitable for a certain financial and economic level, and also provides an appropriate influence on him:

  • Non-concessional lending;
  • Stand-By Credit (SBA);
  • Flexible credit line (FCL);
  • Preventive Support and Liquidity Line (PLL);
  • Extended Credit Facility (EFF);
  • Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI);
  • Concessional lending.

Participating countries

In 1945, the IMF consisted of 29 countries, but today their number has reached 188. Of these, 187 countries are recognized as participants in the fund in full, and one - partially (Kosovo). A complete list of IMF member countries in the public domain is published online along with the dates of their entry into the fund.

Conditions for countries to receive a loan from the IMF:

  • The main condition for obtaining a loan is to be a member of the IMF;
  • A formed or possible crisis situation, in which there is no possibility of financing the balance of payments.

The loan provided by the fund makes it possible to implement measures to stabilize the crisis situation, carry out reforms to strengthen the balance sheet and improve the economic situation of the state as a whole. This will become a guaranteed condition for the return of such a loan.

The role of the Fund in the global economy

The International Monetary Fund plays a huge role in the global economy, expanding the spheres of influence of mega-corporations in countries with developing economies and financial crisis, controlling foreign exchange and many other aspects of the macroeconomic policy of states.

Over time, the development of the fund is heading towards turning it into an international body of control over the financial and economic policies of many countries. It is possible that the reforms will lead to a wave of crises, but they will only benefit the fund by increasing the number of loans several times over.

IMF and World Bank - what's the difference?

Despite the fact that the IMF and the World Bank were established at about the same time and have common goals, there are significant differences in their activities that need to be mentioned:

  • The World Bank, unlike the IMF, is engaged in improving living standards by financing hotel sectors on a long-term basis;
  • Financing of any events occurs not only at the expense of the participating countries, but also through the issuance of securities;
  • In addition, the World Bank covers a broader range of disciplines and spectrums of action than the International Monetary Fund.

Despite significant differences, the IMF and the World Bank are actively collaborating in various areas, such as helping countries below the poverty line, while holding joint meetings and jointly analyzing their crisis situation.

International Monetary Fund, IMF(International Monetary Fund, IMF) is a specialized agency of the United Nations headquartered in Washington DC, USA.

On July 22, 1944, the basis of the agreement was developed at the United Nations on monetary and financial issues ( IMF charter). The most significant contribution to the development of the concept of the IMF was made by the head of the British delegation, and Harry Dexter White is a senior official at the US Department of the Treasury. The final version of the agreement was signed by the first 29 states on December 27, 1945 - the official date of the creation of the IMF. The IMF began operations on March 1, 1947 as part of Bretton Woods system. In the same year, France took the first loan. Currently, the IMF unites 188 states, and 2,500 people from 133 countries work in its structures.

The IMF provides short- and medium-term loans with balance of payments deficit but the states. The granting of loans is usually accompanied by a set of conditions and recommendations.

The policy and recommendations of the IMF in relation to developing countries have been repeatedly criticized, the essence of which is that the implementation of the recommendations and conditions is ultimately aimed not at increasing the independence, stability and development of the national economy of the state, but only at linking it to international financial flows.

Objectives of the IMF International Monetary Fund

The International Monetary Fund of the IMF sets itself the following goals:

  1. Promote the development of international cooperation in the monetary and financial field within the framework of a permanent institution that provides a mechanism for consultation and joint work on international monetary and financial problems.
  2. To promote the expansion and balanced growth of international trade and thereby favor the achievement and maintenance of a high level of employment and real incomes, as well as the development of the productive resources of all member states, considering these actions as the priorities of economic policy.
  3. Maintain stability and orderliness currency regime among member states, and avoid currencies in order to gain a competitive advantage.
  4. To assist in the establishment of a multilateral system of settlements for current transactions between member states, as well as in the elimination of foreign exchange restrictions that impede the growth of world trade.
  5. By temporarily providing the general resources of the Fund to Member States, subject to adequate guarantees, to create a state of confidence in them, thereby ensuring that imbalances in their balance of payments without the application of measures that could harm the well-being at the national or international level.
  6. In line with the foregoing, shorten the duration of imbalances in the external balance of payments of member states, as well as reduce the scale of these violations.

Purpose and role of the IMF:

Main Functions of the IMF International Monetary Fund

  • Promoting international cooperation in monetary policy;
  • Expansion of world trade;
  • Lending;
  • Stabilization of monetary exchange rates;
  • Advising debtor countries (debtors);
  • Development of international financial statistics standards;
  • Collection and publication of international financial statistics.

Discussion is closed.

International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Member States of the IMF


188 states

Organization type:
Managing Director
Creation of the IMF charter
Official date of creation of the IMF
Start of activity

International Monetary Fund, IMF(English) International Monetary Fund, IMF listen)) is a specialized agency of the United Nations, headquartered in Washington, United States.

Main lending mechanisms

1. reserve share. The first portion of foreign currency that a member country can purchase from the IMF within 25% of the quota was called "gold" before the Jamaica Agreement, and since 1978 - the reserve share (Reserve Tranche). The reserve share is defined as the excess of the quota of a member country over the amount in the account of the National Currency Fund of that country. If the IMF uses part of the national currency of a member country to provide credit to other countries, then the reserve share of such a country increases accordingly. The outstanding amount of loans made by a member country to the Fund under the NHS and NHA loan agreements constitutes its credit position. The reserve share and lending position together constitute the "reserve position" of an IMF member country.

2. credit shares. Funds in foreign currency that can be purchased by a member country in excess of the reserve share (in case of its full use, the IMF's holdings in the country's currency reach 100% of the quota) are divided into four credit shares, or tranches (Credit Tranches), which make up 25% of the quota . Member countries' access to IMF credit resources within the framework of credit shares is limited: the amount of the country's currency in the IMF's assets cannot exceed 200% of its quota (including 75% of the quota paid by subscription). Thus, the maximum amount of credit that a country can receive from the Fund as a result of using the reserve and loan shares is 125% of its quota. However, the charter gives the IMF the right to suspend this restriction. On this basis, the Fund's resources in many cases are used in amounts exceeding the limit fixed in the statute. Therefore, the concept of "upper credit shares" (Upper Credit Tranches) began to mean not only 75% of the quota, as in the early period of the IMF, but amounts exceeding the first credit share.

3. Stand-By Arrangements Stand-by Arrangements) (since 1952) provide a member country with a guarantee that, within a certain amount and during the term of the agreement, subject to the agreed conditions, the country can freely receive foreign currency from the IMF in exchange for national. This practice of granting loans is the opening of a line of credit. If the use of the first credit share can be made in the form of a direct purchase of foreign currency after the approval of the request by the Fund, then the allocation of funds against the upper credit shares is usually carried out through arrangements with member countries on standby credits. From the 1950s to the mid-1970s, stand-by credit agreements had a term of up to a year, since 1977 - up to 18 months and even up to 3 years due to the increase in balance of payments deficits.

4. Extended Lending Facility(English) Extended Fund Facility) (since 1974) supplemented the reserve and credit shares. It is designed to provide loans for longer periods and in larger amounts in relation to quotas than under normal loan shares. The basis for a country's request to the IMF for a loan under extended lending is a serious imbalance in the balance of payments caused by adverse structural changes in production, trade or prices. Extended loans are usually provided for three years, if necessary - up to four years, in certain portions (tranches) at fixed intervals - once every six months, quarterly or (in some cases) monthly. The main purpose of stand-by and extended loans is to assist IMF member countries in the implementation of macroeconomic stabilization programs or structural reforms. The Fund requires the borrowing country to fulfill certain conditions, and the degree of their rigidity increases as you move from one credit share to another. Certain conditions must be met before obtaining a loan. The obligations of the borrowing country, which provide for the implementation of appropriate financial and economic measures, are recorded in the "Letter of intent" (Letter of intent) or Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies sent to the IMF. The course of fulfillment of obligations by the country - the recipient of the loan is monitored by periodically evaluating the special performance criteria provided for by the agreement. These criteria can be either quantitative, referring to certain macroeconomic indicators, or structural, reflecting institutional changes. If the IMF considers that a country uses a loan in contradiction with the goals of the Fund, does not fulfill its obligations, it can limit its lending, refuse to provide the next tranche. Thus, this mechanism allows the IMF to exert economic pressure on borrowing countries.

The IMF provides loans with a number of requirements - freedom of movement of capital, privatization (including natural monopolies - rail transport and utilities), minimization or even elimination of government spending on social programs - education, health care, cheaper housing, public transport, etc. P.; refusal to protect the environment; reduction of salaries, restriction of the rights of workers; increased tax pressure on the poor, etc.

According to Michel Chosudovsky,

IMF-sponsored programs since then have consistently continued to destroy the industrial sector and have gradually dismantled the Yugoslav welfare state. The restructuring agreements increased the external debt and provided the mandate for the devaluation of the Yugoslav currency, which hit hard on Yugoslav living standards. This initial round of restructuring laid the foundations for it. During the 1980s, the IMF periodically prescribed further doses of its bitter "economic therapy" while the Yugoslav economy slowly slipped into a coma. Industrial production had sunk to a 10 percent drop by 1990, with all the predictable social consequences.

Most of the loans issued by the IMF to Yugoslavia in the 80s went to service this debt and solve problems caused by the implementation of IMF prescriptions. The Foundation forced Yugoslavia to stop the economic alignment of the regions, which led to the growth of separatism and further civil war, which claimed the lives of 600 thousand people.

In the 1980s, the Mexican economy collapsed due to a sharp drop in oil prices. The IMF began to act: loans were issued in exchange for large-scale privatization, cuts in government spending, etc. Up to 57% of government spending was spent on paying off external debt. As a result, about $45 billion left the country. Unemployment reached 40% of the economically active population. The country was forced to join NAFTA and provide huge benefits to American corporations. The incomes of Mexican workers instantly fell.

As a result of the reforms, Mexico - the country where corn was first domesticated - began to import it. The support system for Mexican farms was completely destroyed. After the country joined NAFTA in 1994, liberalization went even faster, protectionist tariffs began to be eliminated. The United States, however, did not deprive its farmers of support and actively supplied corn to Mexico.

The proposal to take and then pay off external debt in foreign currency leads to the orientation of the economy exclusively to export, regardless of any food security measures (as was the case in many African countries, the Philippines, etc.).

see also

  • Member States of the IMF



  • Cornelius Luca Trading in the global currency markets = Trading in the Global Currency Markets. - M .: Alpina Publisher, 2005. - 716 p. - ISBN 5-9614-0206-1


  • IMF Governance Structure and Member Voices (see table on page 15)
  • The Chinese Renmin Ribao should become the President of the IMF 19.05.2011
  • Egorov A. V. "International financial infrastructure", Moscow: Linor, 2009. ISBN 978-5-900889-28-3
  • Alexander Tarasov "Argentina is another victim of the IMF"
  • The IMF can be dissolved? Yuri Sigov. "Business Week", 2007
  • IMF loan: pleasure for the rich and violence for the poor. Andrew Ganzha. "Telegraph", 2008 - link copy of the article does not work
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) "First Moscow Currency Advisors", 2009
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