Igor Stankevich, hero of Russia, head of the Samara regional public organization Heroes of the Fatherland: “The main thing in war, oddly enough, is not to kill. Stankevich, Igor Valentinovich Stankevich Igor Valentinovich Deputy of the State Duma contacts


In the Armed Forces since 1975. In 1979 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School.

Professional activity

He began his officer service as deputy commander of a special-purpose company for political affairs. In 1985-1987, as commander of an agitation and propaganda detachment, he took part in hostilities in Afghanistan as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops.

In the early 1990s, he was deputy commander for educational work of the 81st Guards Petrokovsky twice Red Banner, orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky motorized rifle regiment as part of the 90th Guards Tank Division of the Volga Military District. In 1993, the regiment was withdrawn from Germany near Samara and placed in an open field. However, it was this regiment that had to take part in the first Chechen war from the first day. In December 1994, the regiment was urgently sent to the North Caucasus. The regiment as part of the military group "North" with battles passed from the administrative border of the Chechen Republic to Grozny, suppressing the resistance of individual Dudayev formations. At 12:30 on December 31, 1994, following the order of the command, the regiment's subunits (two motorized rifle battalions) entered the center of Grozny. A few hours later they were subjected to a massive enemy attack in the area of ​​the railway station.

The actions of the troops in Grozny in those days were completely unprepared. There were no maps of the city, there was no interaction between the attacking units. In fact, instead of a combat operation plan, there was a plan for the redeployment of military equipment and personnel to Grozny, in which the enemy was not taken into account.

The commander of the regiment, Colonel Yaroslavtsev, and the chief of staff of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Burlakov, were among the first to be injured and shell-shocked. Assistant to the regiment commander for educational work, Lieutenant Colonel Stankevich took command. Under his leadership, the units of the regiment defended for about two days in complete isolation in the center of Grozny. Then he independently organized a breakthrough from the encirclement. Parts of the regiment suffered significant losses (out of 1,300 servicemen, 98 were killed, 59 were missing and captured, more than half of the armored vehicles were lost). However, the regiment escaped defeat and continued to take part in hostilities until March 1995, successfully fighting near Shali and Gudermes.

For courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special assignment, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 19, 1995, Lieutenant Colonel Stankevich Igor Valentinovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

He continued to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The last position was the head of the educational work department of the Volga Military District. Since 1999, Colonel I.V. Stankevich has been in reserve.

In 1999-2005 he worked as the head of the administration of the Leninsky district of the city of Samara. Since 2007 - Chairman of the Samara regional organization "Heroes of the Fatherland".

Awards and titles

He was awarded the Soviet Orders of the Red Star, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree, the Russian Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", and medals.

His name is engraved on a memorial stele of Heroes, installed near the House of Officers of the Volga-Ural Military District in Samara.

The eve of the new, 1995, year was the last for almost a hundred soldiers and officers of the regiment, whose deputy commander was Igor Stankevich. Combat units of the 81st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment entered Grozny on December 31 in the morning.

"I'm taking command!"

On that day, I was at the location of the rear units. The wounded commander of the regiment, Alexander Yaroslavtsev, was brought to our first-aid post, - says Igor Stankevich. “Everything is bad there, you should go to the city. There is no one to command,” the colonel told me.

Lieutenant Colonel Stankevich built the remnants of the regiment and gave the order: "I take command!". On January 1, 1995, his column of armored vehicles entered Grozny.

There was very strong resistance, and it turned out that none of our convoy met, - continues Igor Stankevich. - On the radio received an order to make a decision independently. Under direct shelling, he began to withdraw the column from the city in order to save people. At one of the intersections of five armored vehicles, he landed fighters and decided to return to pick up the lost and wounded.

At this time, an order came to set up a checkpoint on Mayakovsky Street and guard the intersection. Only later did the fighters learn that they were covering the command post of General Rokhlin. Under his command, they fought for another two weeks.

"You have to do your job well"

The wife of the Hero of Russia Larisa Stankevich then served as a senior lieutenant of the medical service. In January 1995 she was sent to Grozny. There the couple met.

An amazing thing happened, - Igor Stankevich recalls, - my wife said that during the whole month, while I was gone, she constantly listened to one song. And I had one single cassette. And then it turns out that we were listening to the same song - “My Betrothed Mummers” by Irina Allegrova. In general, during the fighting, I did not think about the family.

Igor Stankevich is often asked the question: "Were you very scared?" As the Hero of Russia admitted, it was scary only once.

I went through Afgan, special forces service, - says Igor Stankevich. – But when I found myself in Grozny and realized that I would have to make all the decisions myself, I felt a terrible relief. In fact, do not be afraid to think about what will happen tomorrow. You just need to do your job.

Igor Stankevich was able to organize the fighting. This helped to avoid the complete defeat of the regiment. For courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special assignment, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 19, 1995, Lieutenant Colonel Stankevich Igor Valentinovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. In addition to the Hero's star, he was awarded the Soviet Orders of the Red Star, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree, and medals. Now Igor Stankevich heads the Samara regional organization "Heroes of the Fatherland".

Sverdlovsk region in the family of a military man. Son, grandson and great-grandson of Russian officers.

Military service

  • From 1975-1979 he studied at the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School. He began his military service in special forces, where he served for six years.
  • In the period from 1985-1987, he served as part of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces in Afghanistan, a participant in the Afghan war (1979-1989) as commander of the "agitation and propaganda detachment" of the 201st Gatchina motorized rifle division in the city of Kunduz.

For exemplary military service, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Order for Service to the Motherland, third degree.

  • From 1992-1996, he was deputy commander of the 81st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment of the 90th Guards Tank Division for political affairs. Eberswalde ZGV , Samara PriVO , Grozny SKVO .

Political activity

During the Soviet years he was a member of the CPSU. In stock since 1999. He worked as the head of the Leninsky district of the city of Samara. He carried out work of a patriotic orientation, worked in the administration of the Samara region. Head of the Samara regional public organization "Heroes of the Fatherland", chairman of the Samara branch

In the elections, the inhabitants of the city,as well as villagesUst-Kinelsky and Alekseevka showed a high turnout.

The elected deputy, member of the United Russia party Hero of the Russian Federation Igor Valentinovich Stankevich made a statement even before the elections: the deputy will visit the municipality that showed the best results in the elections first. Igor Valentinovich kept his promise: a little more than a month after his election, on October 28, the parliamentarian arrived in Kinel on a working visit. Igor Stankevich's travel schedule was tight. There were meetings with the political activists of the municipality, with representatives of the Duma of the city district, and a reception of citizens was also planned.

Links of a single chain

At a meeting with politically active residents of Kinel, representatives of the Public Chamber, education and healthcare, utilities and other structures, Igor Valentinovich first of all thanked the townspeople for their high confidence. He assured that he would make such working visits on a regular basis. To resolve issues coming from residents, assistants to a State Duma deputy will start working in each territory of his constituency. Stankevich emphasized that he was a member of the Duma committee on agrarian policy, but he would not leave the questions of his voters without attention. " The elections were not easy, but even more difficult is the work ahead,- said Igor Stankevich. - All levels of power should be strong links in a single chain, and I have no doubt that in a constructive dialogue and interaction we will be able to solve the problems of our territory. And to solve the problems of the agricultural sector, it is effective to involve representatives of science, because our academy is one of the best agricultural universities in the country.”

The conversation with the deputies of the Duma of the city district was detailed and thorough. Igor V. explained to his colleagues how the work in the state parliament is built, noted the innovations used there and called for active interaction. “You work in the field and see what is happening in Kinel, what problems need to be addressed first of all. We are doing one common thing, and I hope that our cooperation will be constructive and successful.”.

In continuation of the meeting, the State Duma deputy handed over to the head of the city district Vladimir Alexandrovich Chikhirev A letter of thanks for assistance in organizing and holding the Single Voting Day. " Igor Valentinovich is a caring and sympathetic person, he knows our problems well, — noted the head of the municipality . “I’m sure that our city district will continue to receive its attention.”

Personal questions

and general

An obligatory part of the parliamentarian's working visit is the reception of voters on personal matters. Having learned that a newly elected deputy of the State Duma was coming to the city, the residents hurried to identify the most important problems. The first questions from the townspeople sounded at the meeting of Igor Stankevich with political activists. The current topic is roads and landscaping. The parliamentarian was asked about the repair of roads on the north side of the city, about the possibility of putting in order the lake located on the south side of the city, next to the railway crossing. Highlighting a block of issues on improvement, Igor Valentinovich noted: “ In fact, a lot here depends on us. Often visiting abroad, I saw that it is shameful for a European not to clean up the area near his home. Therefore, let's actively involve residents. I am personally ready to come and, for example, plant flowers in the city flowerbeds together with the Kinel people.”

Another issue that worries the townspeople is the long wait at the railway crossing between the northern and southern sides of the city. To drive a few hundred meters to another part of the city, motorists have to wait for half an hour or more. Igor Valentinovich intends to involve a member of the same party, a deputy of the Samara Provincial Duma, a representative of the Kuibyshev railway, to solve this problem. Sergei Grigorievich Blokhin.

An interesting question was asked by a veteran of the war in Afghanistan to a deputy of the State Duma: a proposal was made to establish a single day of memory for the residents of the Samara region who died in the line of duty.

The next question was raised by representatives of the cultural sector. There is a desire to open their own cinema in the district. The townspeople asked the deputy for assistance in obtaining a state grant for these purposes. Igor Valentinovich promised to study the information and the possibility of obtaining a grant. However, it is good to think over the business plan and calculate whether the multi-million dollar costs for equipment and other purposes will pay off.

Residents of the private sector came to the deputy with a problem that affected an entire street on the south side of Kinel. In Volzhsky Lane, a private trader installed a radio tower on his land plot. Neighbors are extremely worried - the object of non-capital construction is dangerously close to the gas pipeline. The administration of the municipality is already dealing with the application of the residents, but, according to experts, the issue cannot be resolved in a matter of days. Having considered the appeal, Igor Valentinovich noted: “ The problem is serious, and it has several possible solutions. On legal grounds, you can punish the owner of the site for the misuse of land for individual housing construction. In general, higher taxes should be determined for such antenna structures. The State Duma deputy promised to keep the problem under control.

At the end of the meeting, Igor Valentinovich Stankevich talked to journalists. “Residents of Kinel are always willing to engage in dialogue, share their problems. We have to live up to the expectations of our voters. There is a huge and difficult job ahead. I am sure that we are on the way to success and development.”

FROM tankevich Igor Valentinovich - assistant commander of the 81st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment for educational work of the Volga Military District, guard lieutenant colonel.

In the Armed Forces since 1975. In 1979 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School. He began his officer service as deputy commander of a special-purpose company for political affairs. In 1985-1987, as commander of an agitation and propaganda detachment, he took part in hostilities in Afghanistan as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops.

In the early 1990s, he was deputy commander for educational work of the 81st Guards Petrokovsky twice Red Banner, orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky motorized rifle regiment as part of the 90th Guards Tank Division of the Volga Military District. In 1993, the regiment was withdrawn from Germany near Samara and placed in an open field. However, it was this regiment that had to take part in the first Chechen war from the first day. In December 1994, the regiment was urgently sent to the North Caucasus. The regiment as part of the military group "North" with battles passed from the administrative border of the Chechen Republic to Grozny, suppressing the resistance of individual Dudayev formations. At 12:30 on December 31, 1994, following the order of the command, the regiment's subunits (two motorized rifle battalions) entered the center of Grozny. A few hours later they were subjected to a massive enemy attack in the area of ​​the railway station.

The actions of the troops in Grozny in those days were completely unprepared. There were no maps of the city at all, there was no interaction between the attacking units. In fact, instead of a combat operation plan, there was a plan for the redeployment of military equipment and personnel to the city of Grozny, in which the enemy was not taken into account at all.

The commander of the regiment, Colonel Yaroslavtsev, and the chief of staff of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Burlakov, were among the first to be injured and shell-shocked. Assistant to the regiment commander for educational work, Lieutenant Colonel Stankevich took command. Under his leadership, the units of the regiment defended for about two days in complete isolation in the center of Grozny. Then he independently organized a breakthrough from the encirclement. Parts of the regiment suffered significant losses (out of 1,300 servicemen, 98 were killed, 59 were missing and captured, more than half of the armored vehicles were lost). However, the regiment escaped defeat and continued to take part in hostilities until March 1995, successfully fighting near Shali and Gudermes.

Z and the courage and heroism shown in the performance of a special task, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 19, 1995, lieutenant colonel Stankevich Igor Valentinovich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

He continued to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The last position was the head of the educational work department of the Volga Military District. Since 1999, Colonel I.V. Stankevich has been in reserve.

In 1999-2005 he worked as the head of the administration of the Leninsky district of the city of Samara. Since 2007 - Chairman of the Samara regional organization "Heroes of the Fatherland".

Lives in Samara. He was awarded the Soviet Orders of the Red Star, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree, the Russian Order "For Services to the Fatherland", and medals.

His name is engraved on a memorial stele of Heroes, installed near the House of Officers of the Volga-Ural Military District in Samara.

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