Sagittarius zodiac sign. General characteristics: Sagittarius. Tendencies of those born under the constellation Sagittarius

Sagittarius zodiac sign (November 23 - December 21) - the uniqueness of this sign lies in the fact that in the people of this sign the fiery element seems to be intertwined with amazing calmness and prudence. It is worth taking a closer look at the archer, as you will notice that these people are fraught with many amazing traits and have not hefty optimism! Make sure of this by reading the horoscope, which tells about all areas of life! The characteristic of Sagittarius shows that various ideas quickly come to his mind, and their success is often based on their intuitive premonition. As their symbol is the Centaur Shooter, Sagittarians are direct in manner and speech, which, like a flying arrow, hits the target target. They express their personal opinion, regardless of anything. They are astute observers of life, and they can rarely refrain from remarking on the personalities of their loved ones, but these remarks are helpful, not just critical.

However, Sagittarius must realize that not everyone is as objective as they are and their good intentions are often misunderstood. Sagittarians are very romantic and passionate, honest and direct in their feelings and intentions. However, this is often taken for emptiness and superficiality or for feigned flattery. The sign of the zodiac Sagittarius should not be offended by the slightest manifestation of neglect or inattention, whether it is real or apparent. They should not be offended or hold a grudge against people - their only source of joy. They must learn to believe in their bright tomorrow. Why not? After all - their powerful ally. Despite their sociability, Sagittarians are often very lonely, as they are extremely idealistic. They continue to believe in and for many years after they have known the bitter experience. They trust people over and over again. And this is one of the great secrets of their success - their great faith, which is usually richly rewarded.

As a rule, Sagittarius is happy and cheerful, we are always in high spirits. He advises other people to follow his example, which sometimes helps them out. But the zodiac sign Sagittarius is a sign of fire, and therefore if he feels that someone is trying to offend him with excessive familiarity or show power over him, he can flare up. He is enraged by unfair accusations and all sorts of rumors against him. Due to his inherent independence, Sagittarius can often become the object of criticism or even ridicule. Possessing the ability to buy the finest jewelry and priceless treasures of art, showing an excellent taste for trifles, Sagittarius quite often remains indifferent to his own appearance, wears shabby things - despite the fact that his pockets are stuffed. Sagittarius never avoids a fight or calls for help. He's perfectly capable of defending himself.

Characteristics of Sagittarius clearly shows that people of this sign have a very strong sense of self-esteem. They are attracted by power, fame, titles, honor and awards, prestige and popularity. But the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius seeks power not to please their ambition: they want to influence the outside world and transform it, they want to improve both human mores and the nature of things. However, they become anxious when they see that they have been misunderstood or accused of meddling in other people's business - which is completely out of character for them. It's just hard for Sagittarius to tame their powerful instincts. Obeying a momentary impulse, he forgets everything, becomes very impatient. He is in a hurry to live and wants to be in time everywhere. Sometimes, however, a representative of the Sagittarius sign can quite unconsciously accept himself as a kind of standard. It never occurs to him that he sometimes aims at a goal that many do not dare to reach and hope that other people not only cannot shoot an arrow, but are powerless even to draw a bowstring.

Such a person concentrates all his attention on what he is doing at the moment, and it seems that he does not see anything around. Therefore, it often becomes the cause of annoyance and irritation of friends who want to weigh everything and think it over, compromise, trust, instinct, and the like; all this is alien to the nature of Sagittarius. He is full of vitality and energy, he is active, active, always in motion and searching. The zodiac sign Sagittarius by nature is a passionate and enthusiastic person, who completely devotes himself to the cause to which he devoted his life, whether it is a religion, to which many Sagittarians are clearly attracted, or a buffoon show. They very much and never show their fatigue until they collapse from exhaustion. They love discipline and order, are very conservative and pedantic, they try to maintain generally accepted traditions and customs.

Characteristics of Sagittarius

  • Influence: Jupiter.
  • Symbol: centaur shooter, stars, wands, raised index finger.
  • Colors: blue, cyan, purple, crimson.
  • Stone: topaz, amethyst, chrysolite, turquoise, opal, carbuncle, sapphire, emerald, agate.
  • Metal: zinc, tin.
  • Flowers: carnation, daffodil, cornflower, palm.
  • Mascot: horseshoe, salamander.
  • Happy day: Thursday.
  • Unlucky day: Wednesday.
  • Favorable numbers: 3 (all numbers divisible by 3), 4, 9.
  • Countries: Portugal, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Spain, Latin American countries (except Mexico and Brazil), Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco.

Born from November 23 to December 2 under the influence - a brave and independent nature, sensual with a strong spirit, fond of hunting and sports.

Compatibility horoscope: a complete description of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Sign property: changeable, fickle, mutable

Sagittarius is a full-fledged representative of the fire element, and his explosive temperament becomes a confirmation of this. This sign is an example of a harmonious combination of internal and external energy. Characteristics of Sagittarius shows that he is open to communication and friendly with others, which deservedly gives him the title of a favorite of the public. At the same time, this is a rather freedom-loving type, which painfully perceives any encroachment on one's own freedom.

A good heart and a sincere attitude towards people cannot be taken away from Sagittarius, but excessive impulsiveness often ruins him. In addition, this fire sign often affects other people's interests and, even trying to protect them, often encounters misunderstanding.

According to the characteristics, Astrologers, not without reason, distinguish two types of Sagittarius - noble, idealistic seekers of truth, vaguely reminiscent of Robin Hood, as well as greedy dodgy financiers, ready to erase any obstacle in their path. The latter are unbearable in their desire to achieve power and money.

Sagittarians, like other representatives of the fire element, hate any manifestation of criticism. Even sincere, good advice, these quick-tempered people will be rejected in the most impartial way, offending the person who has shown concern.

Sagittarius man - characteristic

This strong cheerful man is endowed with the ability to remain frank and talkative even in the most awkward situations. Perhaps his tact leaves much to be desired, but such is the nature of a fiery man. The characteristic of the Sagittarius man also indicates that he can truly be friends, showing great patience and understanding for the shortcomings of loved ones.

Sagittarius enjoys the attention of the public, because they always start interesting conversations. At times, he is childishly spontaneous and carries a strong positive charge.

Among other things, this man has a truly rare luck. He is very successful in business. Most likely, this is due to the fact that he easily finds a common language with people.

In relationships with others, the Sagittarius man is looking for a real interest in communication. This sign bypasses closed and gloomy people, but it is always happy to exchange a few words with the same open type. His sense of humor invariably finds its connoisseurs. The fiery man has few enemies, but even those Sagittarius does not take seriously, because endless optimism does not allow him to respond to their malicious attacks. Many consider Sagittarius to be cruel and tactless, but this comes from him unintentionally, in his soul he is a very kind person, and he can offend someone only because of his inattention.

The characteristic of the Sagittarius man suggests that he has some windiness and a superficial attitude to love relationships. It is difficult to see deep sensuality and the ability to experience strong affection in this diversity-loving nature. As a rule, before getting married, Sagittarius manages to be disappointed in many women, but this does not make him lose heart: he, as before, is cheerful and cheerful. And, of course, full of hope to find the one, the one and only.

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius does not have a penchant for long-term relationships. The secret to conquering and keeping this fire sign close to you is to give him the right degree of freedom in everything. Then he will be gentle and attentive with his beloved. It should also be remembered that Sagittarius loves economic women who can create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house.

Sagittarius woman characteristic

Sagittarius woman- the embodiment of friendliness. She is always full of enthusiasm and ready to meet anyone who wants to initiate communication with her. Among the disadvantages identified characteristics of a woman Sagittarius, you can highlight the excessive straightforwardness and lack of tact. This lady is by no means a coquette, she prefers to behave naturally with men and often acts as a fighting friend or daughter of a regiment.

The requirements of a fiery woman for a chosen one are not high. She can fall in love not thanks to, but in spite of, clinging to any one trait of a man - for example, an optimistic view of the world around her. However, it is not so easy to persuade this lady to marry. She is very independent and freedom-loving. As a teenager, she most likely left her parental home to support herself.

The Sagittarius woman does not like manifestations of weakness in the character of a man, and can even openly tell him about it. She likes strong, purposeful, interesting people in communication, and there are quite a few of them around her, because they feel the powerful energy emanating from this lady.

The characteristic of the Sagittarius woman speaks of her boundless kindness. She will never refuse to help if you ask her for something. But it is necessary to ask, not to command, otherwise you can push her away from you.

Lady Sagittarius is not very economic, she is more suitable not for a man who is prone to housebuilding, but for a sensitive, friendly partner who loves freedom, like her.

Sagittarius Sexual Compatibility

Until the age of 30, Sagittarius will find a like-minded person in the person of Aries or Leo. Their energy will merge together and create a powerful stream. In addition, the partners will be quite independent. In later years, Sagittarius may meet Virgo or Gemini. Both signs have a strong intellectual foundation. After forty years, Sagittarius can find his happiness with Taurus or Libra, who can easily endure the presence of a power-hungry partner.

full description of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Full description of the signs of the zodiac - Sagittarius

“It’s easy to blame me for the lack of common sense. And even, God forbid, in premeditated murder. But still, whatever you say (and everyone knows it), I'm an honest fellow, damn it, everything else is a lie!

In any company of Sagittarius it is impossible not to notice right there. Most likely, he will be the first to approach you, slap his hand on the shoulder (quite hard) and say something like: “How do you manage to look so young when you are already over forty?” and smiling cheerfully at the same time. If the smile disappears from your face after that, he will long and tediously try to explain to you that he had no intention of offending you - he was just used to telling the truth to your face. Do not judge him too harshly: behind his tactless manner lies a rather deep mind and high moral character, and his rare combination of wit, resourcefulness and fiery temperament usually makes him the center of attention in any society. Sagittarius does not consider his straightforwardness to be something offensive to the interlocutor - just pretense and lies are completely uncharacteristic of his character, and what is on his mind is on his tongue. And, of course, he never seeks to intentionally offend anyone - he's just used to talking first, and then thinking.

Sagittarius simply does not know how to lie. Lies are contrary to his nature and, naturally, any attempt to lie ends in complete exposure. That is why he strives so hard for the truth.

Outwardly, it is not difficult to distinguish a Sagittarius: usually they are tall people with an athletic build, or short, but stocky and well-knit. Sagittarius has a large head with a wide forehead, pleasant features and humorous eyes of Jupiter, his patron. True, Sagittarius is rather clumsy in his movements, he likes to wave his arms when he speaks, and he can, without even noticing, easily brush the dishes off the table. Many Sagittarians often have a strand of hair fall over their eyes, like a horse's, and they are used to shaking their heads to push it back.

A typical character trait of Sagittarius is restlessness and "wanderlust - they are always running somewhere."

Sagittarians adore animals, especially horses and dogs, although some of them are morbidly afraid of animals. In general, the element of risk in something simply attracts them to itself. They love fast driving and flying. Many of them become test pilots. They love to tempt fate and play with death.

Despite their directness, Sagittarians are good friends and are always ready to give you good advice. Most of them are extroverts, talkative and open. They are almost always friendly, but quick-tempered, and if some boor on the street allows himself to hurt him or starts pestering a woman, then Sagittarius will quickly put him on the sidewalk. They speak and act first, and then they think.

Sagittarians, both men and women, feel a penchant for religion and in childhood love to take part in all kinds of church rites. However, with age, they begin to doubt religious dogmas and faith and look for other spiritual values. In general, there is something childishly naive in the behavior of Sagittarius: they do not want to take life seriously, although with age they will learn to bear the burden of responsibility for their work and family. However, this does not bring them much joy. If, however, they somehow cope with this, and in addition retain their optimism and ability to enjoy life, then they live to a ripe old age with a clear mind and all their abilities, without falling into insanity.

Sagittarius, in general, lead a sports lifestyle and therefore get sick a little. If they end up in the hospital, then most likely as a result of some kind of accident or injury, they recover extremely quickly. The liver, lungs, thighs, arms, shoulders, and intestines are most commonly affected. For the most part, Sagittarians are optimistic and believe that tomorrow will always be better than today. If a Sagittarius has a gloomy mood, it quickly passes.

Sagittarians are gamblers. Few of them can resist the temptation to toss a few dollars on the green cloth or bet rent money on the favorite. And if Sagittarius gets into Las Vegas, then you can be sure that he will lose to the ground.

Sagittarians are just as reckless in love, but when things start to smell like a wedding, they stop and think. However, they are very loving and treat women with great tenderness and warmth. Sagittarians are fickle, but they want to see in a woman not only a sexual partner, but also a good friend with a highly developed intellect.

Among the shortcomings inherent in Sagittarius, one should recognize an increased temper, gluttony, a love of drinking (which can lead to alcoholism), caustic sarcasm and an inability to keep secrets.

Although Sagittarians have an excellent memory and they amaze with their ability to remember historical dates, events, etc., they are extremely absent-minded and always lose something - either gloves, then an umbrella, then keys or even a wallet with money.

Turquoise brings good luck, their favorite holiday is Christmas.


If you suddenly lost "in the smoke" on the races, he will not refuse to give you a monthly advance, only reproaching you for not consulting with him on which horse to bet on. And if you suddenly had a serious quarrel with your girlfriend and go as if lowered into the water, he will let you go after dinner so that you can quickly make peace.

Sagittarius fiercely fights for his business and the prestige of the company and this causes respect for himself. So who is your boss - a sinner or a saint? Rather, both, and more, like all people ruled by Jupiter.

The Sagittarius leader loves travel, change, freedom, devotion, creative employees, big plans, bright lights, animals, good food and drink, does not tolerate selfishness, pessimism, stinginess, hypocrisy, secrecy, cruelty, deceit. Working with such a person, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but today is fun.



Sagittarius men are very amorous, windy. But if you don’t become jealous of him, suspect him of relationships with other women and give him complete freedom, but on the condition that you can consider yourself free and even have fans, one fine evening he will say that you are quite consistent with his ideal woman. Here you can admit that he suits you, if he does not encroach on your freedom. If during this conversation a fan calls and invites you to the theater, you can be sure, you can be sure that you will become his wife. But even after becoming one, stick to the same tactics, i.e. believe him, don't ask where he was, give him freedom. You will not be surrounded by new relatives, as Sagittarians generally do not attach much importance to family ties. You should not impose your relatives on him - it is better to go to visit them yourself.

Sagittarius is prone to squandering money, and if he does not fit into the family budget, he does not mind that his wife earns a little money - at least for her dresses, as he likes her to be well dressed when he introduces her to his friends. Usually, Sagittarius wives have to put in a lot of effort and tact to correct the mistakes caused by the straightforwardness of their husbands, and for this they need to be attractive. But if we talk about “home criticism”, then the wife should be ready to listen to anything in her address.

Sagittarius is almost not interested in small children, but over time he will be more and more busy with them - playing sports, going on long walks. It would be better if there were sons, but with girls he is especially gentle. The only thing he does not recognize in children is lies. And you must know for sure - if he calls you on a hike or somewhere else, leave the children and go with him, then you are guaranteed success in life with Sagittarius.


First of all, like men, they love to tell the truth. It would be better if they sometimes embellished a little: after all, not everyone wants to know the truth.

Sagittarius women are very independent and leave their father's house early to lead an independent lifestyle. When you need such a woman to do something for you, politely ask her, but do not order, as this can cause an unwanted reaction and even an outburst of anger, since they are very quick-tempered. Sagittarius will never and never change their habits, individuality, their freedom.

Such a woman is very smart and logical, she can solve the most difficult task, but her heart is defenseless, which makes her suffer. The main mistake is that very often friendship is mistaken for love, and love for friendship. She can say things that lead to misunderstanding, quarrels, and a breakup is inevitable, and then she will cry into her pillow all night, wondering why everything happened this way. But no one will ever know about this, as she will joke and laugh even more than usual. Like the Sagittarius man, it is difficult to persuade her to marry. It takes a lot of patience to get her for a wife.

But the prospect of remaining an old maid does not scare either, since they have a lot of different interests and they know how to derive pleasure from life under any circumstances. Since they neglect public opinion and are afraid of marriage, it is easy to conclude that these women are completely devoid of romanticism and sentimentality. Believe me, it's not like that at all. Such a girl or woman usually sheds streams of tears while watching a melodrama, she revels in poetry, and she probably keeps every letter she receives from you, a dried bunch of flowers, or tickets to a hockey game where you first met.

Many of the Sagittarius women go to actresses and succeed in show business, but, tired of the bright light of Jupiters, they are not averse to basking in the hearth. They are unimportant housewives, but strictly perform their duties around the house, although they do not like washing, cleaning, cooking, etc. Sometimes they need to be allowed to "ventilate" and let go a little travel.

Sagittarius women are persistent and lucky. They rarely have a bad mood, then she can become caustic, but everything passes quickly.

The Sagittarius wife, better than other signs of the Zodiac, receives and entertains guests, in her house they feel very comfortable thanks to the kindness, friendliness and hospitality of the hostess.

Sagittarians, ruled by the planet Jupiter, are incorrigible idealists. She, of course, admits to you that she fell in love with your image as a child, and then made several mistakes, mistaking someone else for you. When you finally appeared, she immediately recognized you and gave you her hand and heart, and is happy that she found you.

Sagittarians are usually not overly hot parents. Mothers, having overcome the initial sense of increased responsibility, behave like kind older sisters, taking an active part in all the fun of their children and sometimes turning the house into a real circus. Gaiety, laughter, optimism, besides honesty, courage, intelligence bring up excellent children, children adore them. The lack of discipline is the only thing that the Sagittarius mother can be reproached for.


The Sagittarius baby will roar in the crib when you have guests and you left him alone in the nursery. Put him in the crib and roll right into the living room - he will immediately fall asleep very calmly and will smile to the roar of voices. His sleep will be even more restful if he feels that he is growing in a warm, loving environment.

A boy, who is under the auspices of the planet Jupiter, is happy when, armed with a fishing rod and a can of worms, barefoot, in torn jeans, he goes to fish - conventions mean nothing to such a child, and they will never mean anything in his adult life.

The Sagittarius girl is often a real tomboy and all calls to behave like a “little lady” lead to nothing, since these children have their own concepts of nobility: this is, first of all, truthfulness. If you treat them as fairly and honestly as they do, little Sagittarians will recognize your authority.

November - December children are real "why-why". Their questions are endless, as in the old English joke where a mother says to her little son: “Curiosity killed the cat,” and the son immediately asks: “What did the cat want to know?” As these children grow older, their questions are often ethical in nature, such as, “Why do I have to come home at 10 o’clock when you say you trust me?” In general, Sagittarius children strive for freedom early and do not want to be bound by family ties. They mature early and, having broken with the house, they may not call, write, or come for a long, long time. While the girls are harmlessly trying their feminine charms on their peers, the boys need to be seriously inspired by something, otherwise they can “break wood”, and then it will be difficult for them to get out of a predicament.

Sagittarius from childhood often and strongly fall in love, fortunately, not for long. They are extremely wasteful, therefore, as early as possible, they should be accustomed to saving and being careful in handling money. Studying for their mind and great curiosity would be an exciting game, if not restlessness and impatience.

Many November-December children also show an early interest in religion and dream of becoming priests, nuns or missionaries. But with age, this passes, only the eternal desire for the Truth remains. Their eyes are trustingly fixed on the stars, and they can stumble along the way, not noticing the stones scattered there. But they are independent, honest little Sagittarians, and they need to be given space and opportunity to practice with their bow and arrows. They need to run barefoot on the grass, feel the raindrops on their face and dream in the bright sun until they grow up. Here they are, these children opening their hearts to you - respond to their call!

Sagittarius: complete characteristics of the zodiac sign

In order to fully reveal all the astrological aspects of the characteristics of the signs of the Zodiac, it is necessary to take into account and consider the influence of many factors. The main one is the Ruling Planet - it characterizes the inner qualities of a person, determines his spirituality, labor and creative potential. The Leading Element, as the second of the dominant factors, gives an idea of ​​the temperament of a person, and also speaks of his manner of communication, the level of communication. Crosses will tell about the stability of views and beliefs, and hemispheres - about the interaction of a person with society.

The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter

Jupiter is a reflection of everything good and spiritual in our life. With his patronage, he brings good luck to Sagittarius, gives energy, helps people to reveal themselves, to reach maturity.

positive qualities of character

A person born under a favorable Jupiter will be sincere and honest, he will have strongly developed feelings of morality and religiosity. A Jupiterian without damage is the pinnacle of generosity and generosity, prudence and healthy ambition.

In addition, harmonious Jupiter bestows great wealth and all sorts of honors on his wards. In life, such people are lucky, they easily reach a high position in society.

In personal character, Jupiter directs the mind of a person to cares for a better life. Most often, being at a high level in society, benevolent Jupiterians remain merciful and disinterested. Their kind heart lives in harmony with a high intellect, and morality and spirituality do not interfere with enjoying everything, including the material gifts of the universe. They are favorable to the human race, therefore they are far from criticism and all sorts of gossip.

Jupiter is the largest of the planets in our system, it looks like a star. Sagittarians look and behave just as majestic. They are always elegant, their posture is important. With all their appearance, they declare their intention to bask on this earth under the warmest rays of glory and success.

Negative qualities of character

When cataclysms fall on Jupiter or the bad influence of other planets affects, especially with severe damage, the individual born at that moment is also damaged.

Such a person feigns the noble qualities of his patron, but his head is cunning and his heart is hypocritical.

All Jupiterians love to eat delicious food and something to drink. In a damaged ascendant, this will be expressed in the vices of drunkenness and gluttony, and arrogance, pride and arrogance will become spiritual vices.

Amazed Jupiter "rewards" a person with a Napoleonic complex. From childhood, such a person will hear the insistent voice of the inner Ego - "you are the Greatest, you are significant, everyone should worship you." Naturally, in real life, such a person, having not received due admiration in society, demands it by force, behaving immorally, inadequately and absurdly.

Jupiter governs very deep internal programs of a person, therefore it will be very difficult for an individual born in a period of damage and difficulties to work out bad vices in himself, since it will seem to him that this is his deep essence, and not a bad influence, and to admit to himself the opposite it will be very difficult.

Leading Element - Fire

The fire of the archer, at its third final stage, no longer appears as the scorching flame of the fire-breathing Aries, and not as the radiant light of the proud Leo. It becomes the fire at the end of the torch, which lights the way to the goal.

The temperament of fiery signs is choleric, transforming in the sign of Sagittarius, gives birth to a person with quick reactions, impulsive, but not in relation to an explosion of feelings, but in the ability to make decisions quickly. Fire draws Sagittarius to various experiments with his own life, but since Jupiter shines on him, more often everything ends well.

Sagittarius is no longer that choleric, with often changing moods and outbursts of emotions, he knows how to control his inner fire, directing it for the benefit of humanity.

Leading Cross - Mutable

The mutable cross gives Sagittarius a mobile mind. Such people always strive to avoid pressure on them, to get away from a direct showdown. At the same time, they will not break the road with their foreheads, but will play a double psychological game, achieving their own. In the eyes of other people they seem changeable, with unstable views. In fact, the mobility of mutable signs reflects the flexibility of the mind and the ability to change one's mind as a result of the expansion of consciousness.

Mutable signs can find non-standard solutions in familiar situations. Innovators and experimenters, who do not like beaten paths, are looking for their own special way.

Leading hemispheres - western / northern

The people of the western hemisphere are collectivists, they try to live most comfortably in society without violating the life programs of other people.

As if in opposition to Sagittarius, the northern hemisphere appears, since the position of the sign in it suggests that a person, understanding all the imperfections of the world, does not lose hope and even looks for effective ways to change it. Dreams of destroying everything old and building a better new one.

Sagittarius. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius Planet

The patron saint of Sagittarius is Jupiter - the father and king of the gods. Those born under this sign are generous and fair. They constantly strive for knowledge and are sincere in their beliefs. Perhaps their unwavering optimism is to blame.

Sagittarians are infinitely self-indulgent, and thanks to their charm and outgoing nature, everything comes easily to them.

Element of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a sign of fire. But the fire of Sagittarius is not like the ardor of Leo and Aries. This is a fire smoldering under the ashes, coals of inner passions. On the other hand, like a fire that moves fast and is uncontrollable, archers flitting from one object to another, never looking back. For Sagittarians, action and adventure are the most important thing. They have a lot of vitality. They are enthusiastic and tend to push themselves beyond their limits.

Fire is also the element of inspiration. Sagittarians always look ahead. They are curious and inspired. There is nothing surprising in the fact that they easily attract the sympathy of people, especially with their ability to have fun and have a good time.

They are very sociable and friendly people., characterized by directness in relations with others. Sagittarius is straightforward, but behind his tactless manner lies a rather deep mind and high moral character. With a rare combination of wit, resourcefulness and fiery temperament, Sagittarius usually becomes the center of attention in any society. He does everything sincerely, falsehood and deceit are alien to him. Sagittarius simply does not know how to lie. Lying is contrary to his nature, and, naturally, any attempt to lie ends in complete exposure. Therefore, he strives for the truth and absolutely cannot stand it when he is accused of dishonesty.

Despite their straightforwardness, Sagittarians are good friends and are always ready to give you good advice.

Sagittarians are sincerely convinced that they are the most diplomatic people, but there is something childish about them: they do not want to see seriousness in life. As a rule, these people are always happy and cheerful. Sagittarians do not like to take responsibility for themselves and try their best to avoid this. They can easily get out of any difficult situation.

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, so people of this sign are talkative and extravagant, friendly, but quick-tempered. Sagittarians know how to defend themselves perfectly.

They are avid travelers.. They are distinguished by restlessness and a desire to change places. They are always running somewhere, in a hurry, striving. They love fast driving. Sagittarians are drawn to danger, physical and emotional risk.

However, Sagittarius must beware of the innate desire for speed and adventure, which in our age can lead to dangerous driving and extreme sports. His impulsiveness only increases the risk, and by nature he is prone to accidents.

Routine and mediocrity are not for them. Sagittarians love to play an important, essential role, their character is best manifested in leadership positions. They do not like too hard work, although they usually hold on to what they have chosen, they devote themselves to work with enthusiasm. They work best in a team than alone.

If Sagittarius does not spoil his health with exceptional frivolity, he has every chance to live to a ripe old age in his right mind and solid memory. As a rule, the lungs, liver, arms and legs are susceptible to diseases.

Sagittarians don't like being in the hospital. They hardly give up the disease and recover quickly. In general, life rarely wins these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday.

They fall in love quickly, but instantly cool down as soon as they hear the word "marriage". They think for a very long time whether to unite their fate with someone, but they just can’t decide.

Many Sagittarius men can lend money without even asking why you need it. Every Sagittarius is a gambler and spender at heart. Among the shortcomings inherent in Sagittarius, one should recognize increased irascibility, gluttony, love of drinking, which can lead to alcoholism, caustic sarcasm and inability to keep secrets.

Sagittarians have a fantastic memory. They remember dates, events, various trifles of life well, but at the same time they are extremely absent-minded and always lose something - either gloves, or an umbrella, or keys, or a wallet.

Sagittarians are incorrigible optimists, as fate often gives them gifts. These people are cheerful and happy, exceptionally lucky. Whatever the Sagittarius is, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist. And he will never and never change his habits, his personality, his freedom.

Sagittarius man

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are frank and talkative. True, these conversations are not always pleasant, but Sagittarius is not distinguished by tact. On the other hand, if he gives his word, you can rely on him. He is a light, tolerant, understanding friend.

Such a person is almost always surrounded by a crowd. This is a wonderful storyteller and a charming guest. Sagittarians love only those who have a quick reaction. They have a great sense of humor, so they shy away from people who are closed, unable to maintain an interesting conversation, and always look for true value in a person.

Sagittarius is so optimistic that he may not be offended by the insults of enemies. At the same time, it cannot be said that he had no enemies at all, but still there are much fewer of them than other signs.

His imagination can give him a lot of trouble, but fate always lends a helping hand to him in time. Sagittarius is so lucky that sometimes it seems unfair. And naturally, with such luck, he quickly recovers after the blows of fate, if they still overtake him.

The sin of Sagittarius is tactlessness and inattention, but not deliberate cruelty. You can't really blame him for cruelty. His speech is as direct as an arrow. He can say whatever he thinks, but if he sees that you are in love with him, he can pretend that he does not understand anything.

Sagittarius men are very amorous and windy, love to flirt and strive for variety. No matter how many times Sagittarius is disappointed in women, his optimism does not decrease. He believes that every day gives him new opportunities.

Sagittarius love life is very superficial, but he is very honest. He is sentimental, he has a sensitive heart. He likes to be in love, but he is very cautious about entering into a relationship. None of his hobbies last long, as he is naturally inclined to create problems from scratch. He wants an easy relationship. Sagittarius always wants to be your friend, and it's up to you to decide if you want your relationship to go further.

Sagittarius are reckless in love, but when it comes to marriage, they are ready to turn back. Marriage ties scare them. Nevertheless, Sagittarians are very loving and treat women with great tenderness and warmth.

Women often misinterpret the relationship of the Sagittarius man. They view relationships as more serious than they really are. Sagittarius resists getting too close and doesn't like jealous women. He prefers relationships with those who tend to take love as easily as he does. For the most part, Sagittarians look at every pretty woman. They are in love with some ideal, a beautiful dream and look for him everywhere, and his luck usually helps him out of difficult situations.

The Sagittarius man is not ready for a long relationship. He takes love too lightly. Falling in love, does not assume obligations and always saves for himself the opportunity to retreat. He should always have an emergency exit, because he never clearly knows what he wants after all.

Give him freedom if you want to keep him around you. Be generous, kind, do not make scandals to him, but at the same time make it clear that he cannot completely dispose of you, that you are also a free spirit. Don't let him put his ideas into practice. Do something else while he fires his arrows into the unseen.

You will not be burdened by new relatives, because basically Sagittarius do not attach much importance to family ties. But you shouldn’t impose your relatives on him either - it’s better to go to visit them without him.

In alliance with Sagittarius, you will have to travel a lot. The endless change of landscapes, new faces, contacts, impressions perfectly suit the inclinations of Sagittarius. Sagittarians love risk and some extravagance.

Find something to do and give him the opportunity to feel free. A woman who marries a Sagittarius must remember that this man, whether he is married or not, always remains a bachelor in his soul. If you keep him, he will run away, despite any locks.

Usually, Sagittarius wives have to put in a lot of effort and tact to correct the mistakes caused by the straightforwardness of their husbands, and for this they need to be attractive.

When he does wrong, he will always tell you about it. Practice listening to his frankness and persuade yourself that he loves you after all, instead of listening to rumors and gossip.

Subject to moods and easily discouraged, he can become irritable. Fortunately, this doesn't last long. Sagittarius hates scandals like no one else and avoids them in every possible way.

Be, like him, economical in expressing feelings, and you will be surprised how strong love can be, growing on such soil.

Sagittarius is very practical in financial matters. He comes across as a generous person. He loves luxury and makes expensive gifts.

Sagittarians love comfort, a certain atmosphere of lightness and choose a woman who not only raises their opinion of themselves, but also does a good housework.

Sagittarius is almost not interested in small children, but over time will be more and more messing around with them. He loves children more when they are older. He goes on trips with them, goes in for sports. For children, he is more of a friend than a father.

Sagittarius woman

A friendly and outspoken Sagittarius woman usually so entangles your heart with her inherent charm that you simply have nowhere to go. Her enthusiasm, willingness to meet halfway and a sense of humor will please any man.

She is always somewhat straightforward because she sees the world as it is.

First of all, like men, the Sagittarius woman loves to tell the truth. She will never lie to you.

She behaves quite frankly with men and is not prone to coquetry, she speaks and acts as she feels.

Few people like her can use logic in any situation and still maintain a happy ability to believe in the best. She is unpretentious in choosing a lover. A man can attract her with any one trait - enthusiasm, a sense of humor, and she will not pay attention to his less desirable qualities. Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A person with a well-suspended tongue can easily win her heart.

Like the Sagittarius man, it is difficult to persuade her to marry. It takes a lot of patience to get her for a wife.

She is in constant motion. The Sagittarius woman loves to entertain and participate in entertainment.

As a rule, such a woman is independent and leaves her father's house early to lead an independent lifestyle. Both sexes of this sign have alienation from family ties.

If you want something from her, you should ask, but not demand. She likes to be protected, but she hates being ordered to. At the same time, she absolutely cannot stand weak men.

The Sagittarius woman is incapable of a deep emotional feeling and is not going to lose her individuality for the sake of any man, even the most beloved one. But she is pleased to know that you treat her with love.

It refers to those people who first act and then think and never listen to advice or warnings from outside.

Although it seems that she is able to solve her problems on her own, this is only an appearance.

Having truly fallen in love with a man, she experiences a severe spiritual crisis. But she is a very strong woman. Often she is considered cold and heartless, but this is not true. Like any Sagittarius, she becomes indignant when her honesty is doubted.

She openly flirts with no intention of turning it into a romance. Usually she is surrounded by many men. She considers herself equal to a man, can copy men's manners, wear men's sweaters, just like men, she loves sports. Although by nature she is very feminine.

The Sagittarius woman is smart and can stand up for herself in a critical situation, but her heart is defenseless. By nature, she is a trusting child and an incredible idealist.

Sagittarius loves good food, wine, clothes, first class travel and easily spends his money on this.

She can't hide her feelings. Direct and outspoken, she is also kind and generous. She loves her freedom and nothing should stop her from traveling. She needs variety. For her, it is a source of inspiration. But she cannot be happy alone, her happiness must be shared by those around her.

She never sits still. Her apartment usually looks like she just moved in or is about to leave. She is tired of the need to endlessly dust, put things in order, get out. She hates the routine of household chores. Although in her house she, perhaps, will be engaged in landscaping. Pride makes Sagittarius do a lot of housework. She must be surrounded by beauty and purity, and besides, she understands that if she does not do this, no one will do it for her.

Most Sagittarius women don't feel like cooking.

She is a good listener, a good companion for the adventurous man, and a great host who can spice up any party.

She is surrounded by interesting people. Her friendliness gives people the feeling that they are greeted with pleasure, besides, she easily extinguishes any conflicts.

True, she is unlikely to be able to get along with a melancholic. She physically cannot stand gloominess and pessimism. When she's in a bad mood, it can be terrible, but fortunately, this rarely happens.

The Sagittarius wife, better than other signs of the zodiac, receives and entertains guests, in her house they feel very comfortable thanks to the kindness, friendliness and hospitality of the hostess.

Sagittarians are usually not overly hot parents. Mothers, having overcome the initial sense of increased responsibility, behave like good older sisters, taking an active part in all the fun of their children. Children adore such mothers.

Mutual Compatibility

They are well compatible, they like to be together. They have a lot of friends. Both like outdoor activities and sports. Marriage is promising.

A practical homebody Taurus will not fit a restless Sagittarius looking for adventure. Even short-term relationships require self-discipline, let alone marriage.

Both love fun, and for a while they are satisfied with each other's company. However, Gemini will certainly begin to criticize their partner, and Sagittarius will not stand it. For a marriage to be strong, you will have to make an effort.

Cancer needs security and stability. Sagittarius seeks freedom and seeks adventure. Cancer is overly sensitive to come to terms with an open Sagittarius. They may be good friends, but the marriage is hopeless.

Both are distinguished by great directness and love of freedom, they have a common love of adventure, they easily overcome difficulties. A great relationship that might turn into one of those marriages made in heaven.

The pedantic Virgo, prone to a simple life, has little in common with the reckless, impulsive, expanse-loving Sagittarius. In turn, Virgo will seem too much of a bore to Sagittarius.

Libra's indulgence is just what Sagittarius needs. Libra will follow the extravagant tricks of Sagittarius with enthusiastic amazement and will be able to find his best side in a partner. Good hopes for both short and long-term relationships.

Scorpio needs a faithful partner to rely on. Sagittarius is quickly irritated and soon cools down. Scorpio builds up irritation and is ready to explode. Physically, they can keep in touch for a while, but their marriage will not be happy.

Their tireless, freedom-loving natures will sooner or later demand freedom from each other. The marriage is unlikely to be successful.

The prudent Capricorn fears the impulsive Sagittarius. Capricorn is tight-fisted. Sagittarius goes on expenses without hesitation and wants to have everything that can be bought. In addition to mutual discontent, it is difficult to expect anything from this marriage.

Sagittarius Planet

The patron saint of Sagittarius is Jupiter - the father and king of the gods. Those born under this sign are generous and fair. They constantly strive for knowledge and are sincere in their beliefs. Perhaps their unwavering optimism is to blame.

Sagittarians are infinitely self-indulgent, and thanks to their charm and outgoing nature, everything comes easily to them.

Element of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a sign of fire. But the fire of Sagittarius is not like the ardor of Leo and Aries. This is a fire smoldering under the ashes, coals of inner passions. On the other hand, like a fire that moves fast and is uncontrollable, archers flitting from one object to another, never looking back. For Sagittarians, action and adventure are everything. They have a lot of vitality. They are enthusiastic and tend to push themselves beyond their limits.

Fire is also the element of inspiration. Sagittarians always look ahead. They are curious and inspired. There is nothing surprising in the fact that they easily attract the sympathy of people, especially with their ability to have fun and have a good time.

They are very sociable and friendly people., characterized by directness in relations with others. Sagittarius is straightforward, but behind his tactless manner lies a rather deep mind and high moral character. With a rare combination of wit, resourcefulness and fiery temperament, Sagittarius usually becomes the center of attention in any society. He does everything sincerely, falsehood and deceit are alien to him. Sagittarius simply does not know how to lie. Lying is contrary to his nature, and, naturally, any attempt to lie ends in complete exposure. Therefore, he strives for the truth and absolutely cannot stand it when he is accused of dishonesty.

Despite their directness, Sagittarians are good friends and are always ready to give you good advice.

Sagittarians are sincerely convinced that they are the most diplomatic people, but there is something childish about them: they do not want to see seriousness in life. As a rule, these people are always happy and cheerful. Sagittarians do not like to take responsibility for themselves and try their best to avoid this. They can easily get out of any difficult situation.

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, so people of this sign are talkative and extravagant, friendly, but quick-tempered. Sagittarians know how to defend themselves perfectly.

They are avid travelers.. They are distinguished by restlessness and a desire to change places. They are always running somewhere, in a hurry, striving. They love fast driving. Sagittarians are drawn to danger, physical and emotional risk.

However, Sagittarius must beware of the innate desire for speed and adventure, which in our age can lead to dangerous driving and extreme sports. His impulsiveness only increases the risk, and by nature he is prone to accidents.

Routine and mediocrity are not for them. Sagittarians love to play an important, essential role, their character is best manifested in leadership positions. They do not like too hard work, although they usually hold on to what they have chosen, they devote themselves to work with enthusiasm. They work best in a team than alone.

If Sagittarius does not spoil his health with exceptional frivolity, he has every chance to live to a ripe old age in his right mind and solid memory. As a rule, the lungs, liver, arms and legs are susceptible to diseases.

Sagittarians don't like being in the hospital. They hardly give up the disease and recover quickly. In general, life rarely wins these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday.

They fall in love quickly, but instantly cool down as soon as they hear the word "marriage". They think for a very long time whether to unite their fate with someone, but they just can’t decide.

Many Sagittarius men can lend money without even asking why you need it. Every Sagittarius is a gambler and spender at heart. Among the shortcomings inherent in Sagittarius, one should recognize increased irascibility, gluttony, love of drinking, which can lead to alcoholism, caustic sarcasm and inability to keep secrets.

Sagittarians have a fantastic memory. They remember dates, events, various trifles of life well, but at the same time they are extremely absent-minded and always lose something - either gloves, or an umbrella, or keys, or a wallet.

Sagittarians are incorrigible optimists, as fate often gives them gifts. These people are cheerful and happy, exceptionally lucky. Whatever the Sagittarius is, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist. And he will never and never change his habits, his personality, his freedom.

Sagittarius man

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are frank and talkative. True, these conversations are not always pleasant, but Sagittarius is not distinguished by tact. On the other hand, if he gives his word, you can rely on him. He is a light, tolerant, understanding friend.

Such a person is almost always surrounded by a crowd. This is a wonderful storyteller and a charming guest. Sagittarians love only those who have a quick reaction. They have a great sense of humor, so they shy away from people who are closed, unable to maintain an interesting conversation, and always look for true value in a person.

Sagittarius is so optimistic that he may not be offended by the insults of enemies. At the same time, it cannot be said that he had no enemies at all, but still there are much fewer of them than other signs.

His imagination can give him a lot of trouble, but fate always lends a helping hand to him in time. Sagittarius is so lucky that sometimes it seems unfair. And naturally, with such luck, he quickly recovers after the blows of fate, if they still overtake him.

The sin of Sagittarius is tactlessness and inattention, but not deliberate cruelty. You can't really blame him for cruelty. His speech is as direct as an arrow. He can say whatever he thinks, but if he sees that you are in love with him, he can pretend that he does not understand anything.

Sagittarius men are very amorous and windy, love to flirt and strive for variety. No matter how many times Sagittarius is disappointed in women, his optimism does not decrease. He believes that every day gives him new opportunities.

Sagittarius love life is very superficial, but he is very honest. He is sentimental, he has a sensitive heart. He likes to be in love, but he is very cautious about entering into a relationship. None of his hobbies last long, as he is naturally inclined to create problems from scratch. He wants an easy relationship. Sagittarius always wants to be your friend, and it's up to you to decide if you want your relationship to go further.

Sagittarius are reckless in love, but when it comes to marriage, they are ready to turn back. Marriage ties scare them. Nevertheless, Sagittarians are very loving and treat women with great tenderness and warmth.

Women often misinterpret the attitude of a man - Sagittarius. They view relationships as more serious than they really are. Sagittarius resists getting too close and doesn't like jealous women. He prefers relationships with those who tend to take love as easily as he does. For the most part, Sagittarians look at every pretty woman. They are in love with some ideal, a beautiful dream and look for him everywhere, and his luck usually helps him out of difficult situations.

The Sagittarius man is not ready for a long relationship. He takes love too lightly. Falling in love, does not assume obligations and always saves for himself the opportunity to retreat. He should always have an emergency exit, because he never clearly knows what he wants after all.

Give him freedom if you want to keep him around you. Be generous, kind, do not make scandals to him, but at the same time make it clear that he cannot completely dispose of you, that you are also a free spirit. Don't let him put his ideas into practice. Do something else while he fires his arrows into the unseen.

You will not be burdened by new relatives, because basically Sagittarius do not attach much importance to family ties. But you shouldn’t impose your relatives on him either - it’s better to go to visit them without him.

In alliance with Sagittarius, you will have to travel a lot. The endless change of landscapes, new faces, contacts, impressions perfectly suit the inclinations of Sagittarius. Sagittarians love risk and some extravagance.

Find something to do and give him the opportunity to feel free. A woman who marries a Sagittarius must remember that this man, whether he is married or not, always remains a bachelor in his soul. If you keep him, he will run away, despite any locks.

Usually, Sagittarius wives have to put in a lot of effort and tact to correct the mistakes caused by the straightforwardness of their husbands, and for this they need to be attractive.

When he does wrong, he will always tell you about it. Practice listening to his frankness and persuade yourself that he loves you after all, instead of listening to rumors and gossip.

Subject to moods and easily discouraged, he can become irritable. Fortunately, this doesn't last long. Sagittarius hates scandals like no one else and avoids them in every possible way.

Be, like him, economical in expressing feelings, and you will be surprised how strong love can be, growing on such soil.

Sagittarius is very practical in financial matters. He comes across as a generous person. He loves luxury and makes expensive gifts.

Sagittarians love comfort, a certain atmosphere of lightness and choose a woman who not only raises their opinion of themselves, but also does a good housework.

Sagittarius is almost not interested in small children, but over time will be more and more messing around with them. He loves children more when they are older. He goes on trips with them, goes in for sports. For children, he is more of a friend than a father.

Sagittarius woman

A friendly and outspoken Sagittarius woman usually so entangles your heart with her inherent charm that you simply have nowhere to go. Her enthusiasm, willingness to meet halfway and a sense of humor will please any man.

She is always somewhat straightforward because she sees the world as it is.

First of all, like men, the Sagittarius woman loves to tell the truth. She will never lie to you.

She behaves quite frankly with men and is not prone to coquetry, she speaks and acts as she feels.

Few people like her can use logic in any situation and still maintain a happy ability to believe in the best. She is unpretentious in choosing a lover. A man can attract her with any one trait - enthusiasm, a sense of humor, and she will not pay attention to his less desirable qualities. Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A man with a well-suspended tongue can easily win her heart.

Like the Sagittarius man, it is difficult to persuade her to marry. It takes a lot of patience to get her for a wife.

She is in constant motion. The Sagittarius woman loves to entertain and participate in entertainment.

As a rule, such a woman is independent and leaves her father's house early to lead an independent lifestyle. Both sexes of this sign have alienation from family ties.

If you want something from her, you should ask, but not demand. She likes to be protected, but she hates being ordered to. At the same time, she absolutely cannot stand weak men.

The Sagittarius woman is incapable of a deep emotional feeling and is not going to lose her individuality for the sake of any man, even the most beloved one. But she is pleased to know that you treat her with love.

It refers to those people who act first and think later and never heed advice or warnings from outside.

Although it seems that she is able to solve her problems on her own, this is only an appearance.

Having truly fallen in love with a man, she experiences a severe spiritual crisis. But she is a very strong woman. Often she is considered cold and heartless, but this is not true. Like any Sagittarius, she becomes indignant when her honesty is doubted.

She openly flirts with no intention of turning it into a romance. Usually she is surrounded by many men. She considers herself equal to a man, can copy men's manners, wear men's sweaters, just like men, she loves sports. Although by nature she is very feminine.

The Sagittarius woman is smart and can stand up for herself in a critical situation, but her heart is defenseless. By nature, she is a trusting child and an incredible idealist.

Sagittarius loves good food, wine, clothes, first class travel and easily spends his money on this.

She can't hide her feelings. Direct and outspoken, she is also kind and generous. She loves her freedom and nothing should stop her from traveling. She needs variety. For her, it is a source of inspiration. But she cannot be happy alone, her happiness must be shared by those around her.

She never sits still. Her apartment usually looks like she just moved in or is about to leave. She is tired of the need to endlessly dust, put things in order, get out. She hates the routine of household chores. Although in her house she, perhaps, will be engaged in landscaping. Pride makes Sagittarius do a lot of housework. She must be surrounded by beauty and purity, and besides, she understands that if she does not do this, no one will do it for her.

Most Sagittarius women don't feel like cooking.

She is a good listener, a good companion for the adventurous man, and a great host who can spice up any party.

She is surrounded by interesting people. Her friendliness gives people the feeling that they are greeted with pleasure, besides, she easily extinguishes any conflicts.

True, she is unlikely to be able to get along with a melancholic. She physically cannot stand gloominess and pessimism. When she's in a bad mood, it can be terrible, but fortunately, this rarely happens.

The Sagittarius wife, better than other signs of the zodiac, receives and entertains guests, in her house they feel very comfortable thanks to the kindness, friendliness and hospitality of the hostess.

Sagittarians are usually not overly hot parents. Mothers, having overcome the initial sense of increased responsibility, behave like good older sisters, taking an active part in all the fun of their children. Children adore such mothers.

Mutual Compatibility


They are well compatible, they like to be together. They have a lot of friends. Both like outdoor activities and sports. Marriage is promising.


A practical homebody Taurus will not fit a restless Sagittarius looking for adventure. Even short-term relationships require self-discipline, let alone marriage.


Both love fun, and for a while they are satisfied with each other's company. However, Gemini will certainly begin to criticize their partner, and Sagittarius will not stand it. For a marriage to be strong, you will have to make an effort.


Cancer needs security and stability. Sagittarius seeks freedom and seeks adventure. Cancer is overly sensitive to come to terms with an open Sagittarius. They may be good friends, but the marriage is hopeless.


Both are distinguished by great directness and love of freedom, they have a common love of adventure, they easily overcome difficulties. A great relationship that might turn into one of those marriages made in heaven.


The pedantic Virgo, prone to a simple life, has little in common with the reckless, impulsive, expanse-loving Sagittarius. In turn, Virgo will seem too much of a bore to Sagittarius.


Libra's indulgence is just what Sagittarius needs. Libra will follow the extravagant tricks of Sagittarius with enthusiastic amazement and will be able to find his best side in a partner. Good hopes for both short and long-term relationships.


Scorpio needs a faithful partner to rely on. Sagittarius is quickly irritated and soon cools down. Scorpio builds up irritation and is ready to explode. Physically, they can keep in touch for a while, but their marriage will not be happy.


Their tireless, freedom-loving natures will sooner or later demand freedom from each other. The marriage is unlikely to be successful.


The prudent Capricorn fears the impulsive Sagittarius. Capricorn is tight-fisted. Sagittarius goes on expenses without hesitation and wants to have everything that can be bought. In addition to mutual discontent, it is difficult to expect anything from this marriage.


Aquarius can keep this connection in balance. Both love adventure. Both are not jealous and do not try to dominate their partner. There may be a happy marriage.


None of them can give a partner a sense of security. It seems to Sagittarius that he is connected by the shyness of Pisces, and his energy and love of life are slowly drowning in a swamp of despondency. An extremely difficult relationship and an almost impossible marriage.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius

Ludwig van Beethoven, Walt Disney, Pope John XXIII, Maria Callas, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Dale Carnegie, John Milton, Frank Sinatra, Nikolai Karamzin, Nikolai Nekrasov, Anatoly Lunacharsky.

In general, life rarely wins these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday

These are very sociable and friendly people, characterized by directness in relations with others. There is no point in getting angry or offended at them, because. they have no anger, their shocking remarks come out with complete innocence, and the fact that they can offend a person does not reach them. Don't judge them harshly, they don't have bad intentions. Their tactless manners hide a very smart head and high principles. Their unique combination of witty intelligence and purposefulness puts them in the circle of winners.

Sagittarians are sincerely convinced that they are the most diplomatic people. They keep saying, "I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings." They do everything sincerely, falsehood and deceit are alien to them. They are as sincere and serious as 6 year olds. They are very mobile, love animals, speed, sports. The typical Sagittarius is drawn to danger and loves physical and emotional risk. Few people can resist Sagittarius for a long time, because. there is no maliciousness in his behavior.

This is a sign of fire, so they are talkative and extravagant. At heart, they are spendthrifts. As a rule, these people are always happy and cheerful. But their mood can change if they are surrounded by people who abuse their friendliness or become too familiar with them. They may also resent the exercise of power over themselves. They do not avoid the fight and do not call for help. All Sagittarius can defend themselves perfectly. They absolutely cannot stand being accused of dishonesty. After the skirmish, they feel remorse and try to mend their relationship. Sagittarians are avid travelers. There is always something childish about them, they do not want to see seriousness in life, although many of them can show a great sense of responsibility. But Sagittarius do not like to be responsible, they try to avoid it.

The most sensitive places for diseases are the lungs, liver, arms and legs. Their great love for sports can lead to injury, but as a rule, Sagittarians do not stay in the hospital for long. They hardly give up the disease and recover quickly.

In general, life rarely wins these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday. Every Sagittarius is a gambler. They fall in love quickly, but instantly cool down, mainly when a woman uses the word marriage. They think about the decision to marry for a very long time and cannot decide, it is difficult to "catch" them.

Among the most unpleasant traits of a Sagittarius is the tendency to drink and eat a lot, which can lead to alcoholism. Their mental brilliance can turn into sarcasm or eccentricity, as well as an inability to keep secrets. But Sagittarius can easily get out of any situation. Many Sagittarius men can lend you money without even asking why you need it. And a Sagittarius woman can adopt an orphan or cherish a lost animal.

Sagittarius have a fantastic memory, they can remember dates well, various little things, but they may well forget where they left their coat. They keep losing their stuff.

Whatever the Sagittarius may be, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.

If a Sagittarius aims at something, then he shoots higher than other people can see, past the stars, to where all dreams are born.

Characteristics of the sign "Sagittarius"

All Zodiac Signs have special character traits that many people know about. Each of us has something that can amaze even ourselves. That is why it can be said about each Sign that it is unusual.

Does it make us all equal? To some extent this is true, but in matters of psychological analysis, trifles are important. WE have already analyzed the features and facts about such Signs as Virgo, Scorpio, Libra and many others. 10 unusual facts about Sagittarius will help you better understand the way these unusual people think, as well as their life priorities and even little secrets.

Sagittarius character

Let's say right away that these people annoy someone, and someone is forced to fall in love with them. The fact is that Sagittarius all life seems like a game. He is very dynamic and very smart, but not everyone can appreciate it. In principle, Sagittarius does not care about the opinions of others about his personality. They are concerned about much simpler things.

Representatives of this Zodiac Sign always have something to say, because they are well-read and very erudite. Their strength lies in the fact that they accept any outcome of their affairs as positive. They learn quickly and are very good at teaching others. The only thing that separates them from incredible success is multitasking. They often take on too much. This does not interfere with them and never unbalances them, but the efficiency of performing tasks suffers.

The fiery element makes these people real rebels. They are ready to go against any person in a dispute and fight for justice. Often these individuals also choose the dark side, trying to achieve their own. Yes, they are selfish, but which of us is not selfish, tell me? Sagittarians do not hide this, because they do everything on the forehead, and not on the sly.

10 facts about Sagittarius

Fact one: Sagittarians behave strangely in a state of love - two people are fighting in them. One says: "Yes, this is your happiness, dive headlong into love." The second one says, “Yeah, well. Again disappointment. Yes, look at you, you will have to part soon. Sagittarians very often think that relationships are destroyed even at the stage of the candy period. Because of this, many people get the impression that Sagittarians are frivolous and cold. They just want to seduce and run away. This is not true. Now you know it.

Fact two: Sagittarians are easy to move to action. It is only necessary to bring a share of competition in any business, then they will not be able to resist the temptation to be the first. Their favorite sin is vanity. If everyone will say that a person born under the Sign of Sagittarius has become the best in something, then this will give the latter an incredible charge of vivacity, self-confidence and a lot of strength. When you praise Sagittarius, you become his best friend, because he is greedy for flattery. It will be even better if these words are true.

Fact three: despite the dynamics of life and the fire in their eyes, Sagittarians are one of the most accurate drivers. If they know that they are stronger, faster or better than others in something, then they themselves will not shout about it. In general, they treat their things very carefully. They know how to maintain mood and energy at the same level even in extreme situations.

Fact four: for their relatives they are ready to do anything. This applies to all areas of life. They are willing to sacrifice love, money and time. If one of their close friends or relatives is in danger or needs help, then Sagittarius will help them, do not even hesitate.

Fifth fact: they are impossible to override. They will not beat their heads against the wall like Aries, but will bombard you with arguments. These people, in general, know how to speak and defend themselves verbally. They are incredibly successful lawyers. They are also good teachers. They will not nervously kick you in the face like Virgos - they will diplomatically and intelligibly tell the theory, back it up with practice and answer all questions. These are the best teachers.

Fact six: Sagittarians rarely change hobbies. They can add something to their list of favorite things to do, but never throw it away. Their passion does not go away. From school they can play volleyball, football, go in for running sports. At 40, they will still go to the stadium with friends and play their favorite game. They are true to themselves and try to achieve maximum results in sports.

Fact seven: representatives of this Sign are obsessed with success. If you play Tetris, then Sagittarius will come up to you and say that he somehow scored more points than you. This will most likely be true. If you want, he will provide you with evidence, but even in small things he will try to keep the lead.

Fact eight: Sagittarians more often than other people have a universal musical taste. They can listen to any music, from rap to classical.

Fact nine: Do you want to cheer yourself up? Contact Sagittarius. They always know. When and how to joke. Their phrases and facial expressions can be incredibly funny. They can also support you in difficult times with a speech full of understanding and sympathy. Do not think that their life is only in search of profit. They are deep, like an ocean, and full of love and positivity.

Fact ten: Sagittarians are great parents. Their upbringing methods can be very different from the standard and generally accepted ones, but children will always love them. These are the parents who are their children first of all best friends, and only then mentors in life.

Sagittarians need a lot of energy. They do not need affirmations for every daybecause they motivate themselves. They just need to be able to rest. If Sagittarius remembers more often that life is not only work, but also relaxation, then everything in his life will be fine. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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