Articles of scientific publication on physical culture. Basic research. Why you should do yoga

Big cities and fast pace inevitably lead to stress. These are the modern realities in which most of the days of a modern person pass. After going beyond the limits of their body, people begin to look for salvation: potions, soothing pills, psychologists, massages .... All this, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, can provide relief, but not for long.

Tablets are definitely needed. But do not discount physical exercises, which, at times, are no less useful, and sometimes more effective than pills. Unfortunately, doctors, when prescribing a course of treatment for their patients, prescribe only taking pills, ointments and other medications, completely forgetting about health-improving physical education. But physical exercise is a very important prophylactic against many ailments.

If you're an athlete looking for sports nutrition tips, there are a few things to keep in mind.

In the modern world, successful people cannot be imagined without fitness. In many countries, literally in a decade, a person has been able to link success, health, beauty and fitness into a single whole. Considering all this from the standpoint of long-term investment in your own life, investing in your health is the most important norm for everyone. Today, a person who has noticeable and pleasant external data, excellent health, and only after that comes his education and the prestige of his work has more self-confidence.

Badminton is one of the most popular games in the world today. Due to its simplicity, which does not require particularly sophisticated equipment, this sport is accessible to all ages.

In today's world, sports are very popular. It can be said that sports have even become “fashionable” and every second person does yoga, goes to the gym or runs in the morning. Are you also starting to think about how to start playing sports, but do not know how? This article can help you in this matter.

The 21st century puts forward a lot of requirements for a person - work, family, impeccable appearance. And all this at a fast pace. But bad ecology, lack of sleep, stress and endless time pressure in the pursuit of success lead to wear and tear of the body. The realization of this inevitable fact leads people to resort to various methods and practices that would help keep the body in good shape.

Everyone knows that running is good for you. This allows us to maintain the desired shape, lose weight and strengthen the cardiovascular system. The only problem is that few people want to run in the morning. It's not that difficult, it's just that for many this activity is boring. And if you belong to this category, then these simple tips will help you, which will make your morning runs not so boring.

The popularization of a healthy lifestyle leads to the emergence of more and more new sports and activities. Recently, many have begun to discover yoga, and this trend has become very popular. Next, we will consider in more detail what yoga is, what benefits it has for physical and mental health.

The idea of ​​going in for sports and putting your bodies in order is wonderful and well done to those who not only dream, but also reach the gym and start exercising. However, many at this stage make mistakes that completely kill the further desire to play sports and themselves. In this article, we'll take a look at eight top mistakes beginners make on the machines.

Why is yoga worth doing?

If you want to always stay in trend, then you should definitely do yoga. This direction of sports load is gaining momentum year after year and is becoming a popular hobby among individuals of different sex and age. What is Yoga? And why is it such a resounding success?

You have probably heard that exercise improves brain function. In addition, they have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve the general condition of the body and increase immunity, not to mention, of course, such a side effect as a beautiful figure. It is important to choose a set of exercises or a sport that you will enjoy. Set realistic goals for yourself and do not "go too far", then the result will not keep you waiting.

Getting up early in the morning is always associated with weakness and a depressed mood. It seems impossible to wake up early and still feel refreshed. However, it is not. As studies in this area show, with the help of charging you can not only brighten up an early rise, but also energize your body for the whole next day.

Hiking, especially a long-term one, is a matter that can bring great pleasure, fill you with new strength and put your thoughts in order, or can be remembered forever as an incredibly difficult and unpleasant incident. What influences whether you want to repeat such an experience?

The composition of the pre-workout complex includes a mixture of various vitamins, minerals, regenerating and psychostimulating substances, adaptagens...

First, single skating appeared and developed, and the first competitions were held only among male single skaters ...

Gainers are one of the most popular sports nutritional supplements and are used primarily by athletes who play strength sports...

Movement is life. This phrase is familiar to each of us literally from childhood. However, alas, not everyone follows this instruction. Physical inactivity is a disease of modern society ...

In order to avoid problems with the health of the athlete, and the effectiveness of muscle building was maximum, the bodybuilder needs to eat right ...

Charging most people associate with physical exercises that are performed in the morning. However, if you remember that the purpose of charging is to increase attention and performance ...

It has long been known that the organs of every person, including children, can be influenced by certain physical exercises ...

Today it has become fashionable to monitor one's well-being and observe a healthy lifestyle, even in schools the tradition of propaganda teams is being revived...

For the prevention of sports injuries, the coach (teacher) must be well aware of the features, main causes and conditions that contribute to the occurrence of various injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system...

The adaptive capabilities of the body are not unlimited, athletes are not always and not fully able to adapt to certain environmental conditions, physical activity, resulting in diseases ...

The main principle in physical education is do no harm! In this regard, we recommend that you pay attention to the following...

Medical supervision of women, students, middle-aged and elderly people...

Biochemical methods occupy one of the leading places in the general complex of examinations and control over the fitness of athletes...

The main function of the nervous system is to transmit information quickly and accurately...

The basis of tissue respiration is complex redox reactions, accompanied by the release of energy, which is necessary for the life of the body ...

Blood circulation is one of the most important physiological processes that maintain homeostasis, ensure continuous delivery of nutrients and oxygen necessary for their life to all organs and cells of the body...

Abstract by discipline:

"Athletic facilities"

On this topic:

« Physical culture and sports facilities»


Sports facilities, along with theaters, are the oldest public buildings. The ancient Greek sports facilities that have survived to this day are attributed by experts to the 8th century BC. BC.

Sports buildings and facilities are divided intomain, auxiliary and premises and facilities for spectators. The main ones are the main part of sports facilities and can be:

- educational training (for education and training);
demonstration(for holding competitions in the presence of spectators);
for general physical training and active recreation.

The main buildings and structures are also divided into:
- covered (sports halls, indoor swimming pools, arenas, indoor tennis courts, indoor stadiums, Sports Palaces, etc.), in which classes are held indoors;

- open or planar (all kinds of flat grounds, fields, athletics and skating tracks for training sessions and competitions), in which the main classes are held outdoors.

Thus, we can conclude that auxiliary facilities and facilities are intended to serve those involved and ensure the operation of sports facilities..

In a modern urbanized society, the role of physical culture and sports is unique as a compensator for a decrease in physical activity, as an activity that offers a system of values ​​that are really useful for each person, making it possible to change the depressingly monotonous lifestyle of a modern person.

In developed countries, as the most important role of physical culture is now highly appreciated by both governments and society itself. Large-scale programs have been developed to stimulate the development of physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle. Programs are also being implemented to create physical culture and sports facilities for these activities.

Also, the network of physical culture and sports facilities is considered the most complex, extensive and diverse among all other public service systems. It is an integral part of all the structural elements of populated areas, from the very initial stages (the simplest adjoining areas, premises for recreational activities built into the first floors of residential buildings) to the largest citywide and suburban facilities, Olympic complexes.

The network includes facilities for more than 160 sports and leisure activities that vary widely, such as a stadium with tens of thousands of spectators and a chess pavilion, hockey rinks in the courtyard and a cycle track, a school gym and a ski jump. Physical culture and sports facilities are used by all age and social groups of the population, from toddlers to retirement age, from absolutely healthy athletes to the disabled, from residents of rural areas to the population of the largest cities.

Physical culture and sports facilities have different forms of ownership: they can be state-owned, including unitary enterprises, joint-stock companies, private, etc.

The network of physical culture and sports facilities is the most capacious in terms of territory: the largest sports complexes have areas exceeding 100 hectares. In addition, it is closely connected with resettlement and transport services.

Thus, physical culture and sports facilities are a constantly changing system, inextricably linked with the development of society (as a whole). The social changes taking place in society have brought to life new types and forms of sports, recreation and leisure activities. There has been a clear integration of cultural and sports activities with an increase in the share of active leisure. Various groups of the population are involved in classes, various forms of family leisure are developing, the importance of information classes and communication, mass events is increasing. In parallel with this, the sport of the highest achievements is also developing, putting forward new levels of requirements for physical culture and sports facilities.

In accordance with these changes, new typological features of physical culture and sports facilities also arise:

    sports and technological parameters of the places where classes are held are changing;

    the share of universal, multifunctional premises and structures that provide the possibility of transformation is increasing

    the composition of facilities is expanding at the expense of premises for sports and recreation, entertainment and club activities;

    interconnections between indoor and outdoor structures are being strengthened with
    their wide use for new non-traditional types of active leisure;

    the accessibility of physical culture and sports facilities for the disabled is ensured, the facilities include specialized halls and rooms for their classes;

    specialized sports centers are being developed: skiing, sailing, equestrian sports, etc.;

    the comfort of buildings, their interiors and external
    environment; more and more attention is paid to the attractiveness of the architectural appearance of physical culture and sports facilities, which contributes to

    improving the quality of the environment in general;

    there is a widespread growth in the construction of indoor structures
    instead of open pools, stadiums, skating tracks.

Along with the emergence of many different forms and types of physical culture and sports activities that are in demand among the population (aerobics, bowling, squash, rock climbing, etc.), as well as a number of successes in Russian elite sports, the real coverage of sports and recreational activities of the population (the volume of physical culture and sports services) in the last decade not only did not increase, but even decreased. The growth rate of the provision of physical culture and sports facilities is much lower than necessary. The total number of structures does not even reach 30% of the normative; they are placed without taking into account the requirements of equal provision of the population with occupations, regardless of the place of residence and work, they are used irrationally, their composition, typology and quality do not meet modern requirements.

A variety of sports and physical culture activities correspond to objects and structures of various types, which form a highly developed network of sports facilities.

The prototypes of modern physical culture and sports facilities were: in ancient times, cromlechs (which we present in Appendix 1) - sites surrounded by stone pillars; in ancient Europe - palestras and gymnasiums, stadiums, stadiums, hippodromes, circuses. In the majestic ancient Roman amphitheaters (the Colosseum in Rome, etc.), the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcombining the stadium and the circus was embodied; heated water baths, which already existed in ancient Greek palestras, were developed in ancient Roman baths.

In the palaces of the ancient rulers of Asia, monumental horse yards were built, and during excavations in Central and North America, playgrounds for playing ball were found (for example, in the settlements of the Aztecs and Mayans). In the Middle Ages, mainly grounds for military sports were built.

Training, the zone consists of sports grounds and facilities for everyday activities with the allocation of territory for activities with children. The demonstration zone, in addition to the arenas and stands, includes a part of the territory for the recreation of visitors, buffets, kiosks, etc. The size of the demonstration area is directly dependent on the capacity of the stands. The service area unites the economic and operational services of the stadium, workshops, warehouses, greenhouses, etc.

ATXIXcentury began, intensive, construction, sports, structures, especially since 1896, when modern Olympiads began to be held. In Russia, the beginning of the physical culture (gymnastics)-sports movement can be attributed to 1861, when the first tennis club "Neva" and the skating club opened in St. Petersburg, which built the first tennis court and skating rink.

In April 1918, the Supreme Council of Physical Culture under the Main Directorate of Vsevobuch began refurbishment, old, buildings, for military sports clubs and construction, sports grounds, and already from 1923-1925. construction of physical culture and sports facilities throughout the country has begun. At present, Russia has 2,120 stadiums, 53,500 sports halls, 2,595 swimming pools, including 2,332 indoor ones, about 90,000 flat sports grounds, 3,269 ski resorts, etc.

Thus, physical culture and sports, structures, subdivided, to the main intended, directly for sports and physical culture and recreation activities, auxiliary, intended for those involved, storing equipment, etc., and for spectators - including stands and related facilities.

Main, structures, different, a wide variety of shapes and sizes, which is primarily associated with specific types of physical culture and sports activities. Structural and space-planning decisions of structures are significantly influenced by economic and natural factors. All structures are divided into two groups: open (in the air) and indoor structures (premises). Open structures - seasonal: summer and winter.

Summer sports cores include athletics and football; fields and grounds for outdoor and sports games (basketball, volleyball, tennis, football, etc. (which is presented to you in Appendix 2), special and general physical training (GP), certain types of athletics (jumping, throwing, shot put), equestrian sports, roller skating, skateboarding; paths and tracks for running, walking, equestrian, cycling, athletics and cyclo-cross; equipped routes for hiking, equestrian, cycling and water tourism; artificial tracks for skiing, alpine skiing: jumping hills skiing with artificial turf; cycling tracks:

Shooting ranges and shooting ranges for bullet shooting and shooting and hunting stands;

Equipped sections of existing reservoirs for sports and recreational swimming and swimming, various types of rowing, sailing, water slalom, water skiing, etc.;

Outdoor baths with or without heating water for sports and recreational swimming and bathing, water polo, diving, etc.; artificial channels for rowing and water slalom, etc.

Winter outdoor facilities include fields and grounds with natural or artificial ice for mass and figure skating, bandy, curling, etc.; tracks with natural or artificial ice for speed skating; tracks for skiing, alpine skiing, luge, biathlon, etc.; ski jumps; artificial tracks for luge and bobsleigh, which is presented by us in Appendix 3; equipped sections of water areas for boating; equipped routes for ski tourism, etc.

A significant part of the open structures alternately It is used for various types of activities depending on the season, which requires changing the coating of structures and their equipment. Sports cores for athletics and football in the winter season are converted into tracks with natural ice for high-speed running and fields for ice hockey; fields and grounds for outdoor and sports games - in fields and grounds: natural ice for mass and figure skating, ice hockey, curling, etc.; paths and tracks for running, walking, cycling, athletics and cyclo-cross, as well as artificial tracks for skiing - into tracks for skiing and biathlon; equipped routes for hiking, horse riding, cycling and water tourism - to equipped routes for ski tourism;

Indoor facilities: halls for sports games, which is presented in Appendix 4, acrobatics, sports, rhythmic and rhythmic gymnastics, choreography, physical training, athletics and weightlifting, boxing, wrestling, various types of simulators; heated water baths for sports and recreational swimming and bathing, water polo, diving, and rowing baths; playgrounds, fields and paths with artificial ice for mass skating, hockey, bandy, speed skating (Fig. 1.1.6.), Curling; cycle tracks; shooting ranges; arenas for equestrian sports, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that along with two traditional groups of structures, one of which operates mainly in summer (open), and the other - mainly in winter (indoors), year-round structures with transformable structures of fences (coverings, walls) are promising. These are basically the most technically complex and expensive structures. However, with the improvement and reduction in the cost of transformable structures, this group will expand.

On the basis of volumetric-spatial organization, the main structures can be divided into planar and volumetric. In addition to all, the volumetric group also includes some open structures: open baths with or without heating water; artificial channels for rowing and water slalom (Fig. 1.1.7.); artificial tracks for skiing; shooting ranges, shooting ranges and shooting and hunting stands; ski jumps; artificial luge tracks

On the basis of prevalence, the main structures are divided into two groups: those that do not depend on local conditions, are ubiquitous (gyms, swimming pool baths, fields and playgrounds) and structures, the presence of which depends on local conditions - natural, economic, sports traditions (structures for water, mountain, winter sports, equestrian sports, cycle tracks, etc., as well as large demonstration facilities, which you can see in Appendix 5.

According to the nature of use, the main structures are divided into specialized ones, i.e. designed exclusively for one or more related sports (Fig. 1.1.8.), and universal - alternately used in the daily and weekly cycle by transforming equipment for practicing several sports. The terms "specialized" and "universal" are conditional and each time need to be deciphered. The higher the sports qualification of those involved, the higher the degree of specialization and quality of the facility.

By type of use, the main facilities can be divided into training and demonstration - sports, intended mainly for competitions (which is shown in Appendix 5)

The composition of the main structures is diverse and highly mobile. There are new sports or modifications of existing ones, and with them new facilities. The birth of new types of physical culture and sports facilities also occurs under the influence of technological progress, which brought to life, for example, bowling, baths with a lifting bottom, artificial waves, waterfalls, currents, so, in connection with the adaptation of closed industrial and agricultural buildings and facilities, for example, for environmental reasons (which is presented in Appendix 6, under the letters: a, b). Under the influence of growing requirements, the dimensions and equipment of structures are changing, an increasing number of sports are going “under the roof”, and therefore new types of indoor main structures are emerging.

Auxiliary facilities and premises are a functionally necessary part of physical culture and sports facilities, accompanying each or a group of main facilities. An exception is the simplest open structures at residential buildings, child care facilities and recreation facilities. Auxiliary structures often form large volumes, for example, the building of the Olympic Sailing Center in Tallinn (Fig. 1.1.10.), or highly developed complexes of buildings of ski centers are formed mainly by non-sports facilities.

According to their functional purpose, auxiliary facilities are divided into two groups: a service group for students and spectators, specialistszirovannogo service involved, storage and repair of physical educationtour and sports equipment and inventory; administrative and economicpurpose, living quarters.

The service group for both students and spectators includes a lobby block with a wardrobe for outerwear and bathrooms; recreation facilities (foyers, corridors, winter gardens), catering facilities (buffets, cafes, restaurants), retail outlets (automatic machines, stalls, shops), cultural and entertainment facilities (rooms for slot machines, other games, cinema, video halls, billiards, bowling alley), consumer services (hairdressers, beauty parlors), club rooms and for children who came with their parents. At training facilities, the service group or part of it is made common for students and spectators, but at demonstration facilities, they are, as a rule, separate.

A group of specialized services only for those involved, includes a block of dressing rooms with showers and bathrooms, a medical block, a block of restorative procedures (massage, solariums, electro- and light therapy, water procedures, saunas, steam baths), coaching rooms, advisory centers, method rooms, conference rooms , rental points of physical culture and sports equipment. Structures for the movement of students to the main structures include pedestrian, automobile, cable cars, elevators.

Housing, depending on the purpose of the main physical culture and sports facility, may be present among the auxiliary facilities and be represented by various types of premises: from tents to individual apartments, hotel rooms and individual buildings.

The group of storage and repair of physical culture and sports equipment and inventory includes places for storing small equipment (pantries), places for storing large-sized equipment and inventory (inventory, warehouses, ski and bike storage, stables, boathouses, open storage areas, harbors and ports), places repair of equipment and inventory (workshops, veterinary units), capital structures for moving large-sized equipment and inventory (roads, slipways, telphers, moorings, rafts). The composition of this group is determined by the purpose and rank of the main structure.

The administrative and economic group includes administration premises; office and amenity premises of the personnel; pantries and warehouses of household equipment and inventory; motor vehicle garages; workshops for the repair of household equipment and inventory. The composition of such a facility is determined by the purpose and rank of the physical culture and sports facility.

Facilities for spectators (fig. 1.1.11.) are very essential, since competitions are an integral element of sport. The main group of structures in this category are places for spectators, transformable and permanent. Transformable (retractable, collapsible, reclining, retractable), as a rule, for a small number of spectators at the main training facilities. However, they are also satisfied with demonstration facilities. Here, the goal of the transformation is to create optimal capacity for various demonstration activities in the arena. In this case, thousands of buildings for spectators are formed. Stationary seats for spectators are created mainly in demonstration facilities, where stands can reach gigantic sizes.

The load-bearing structures of structures for spectators are made of various materials (wood, metal, reinforced concrete). In some cases, places for construction are built on the slopes of earthen embankments or excavations (the so-called earthen stands).

Demonstration main facilities correspond to a certain number of seats: more than 5 thousand - at sports halls for athletics and football, more than 800 - at open fields and grounds, more than 600 - at other open and covered facilities. The combination of demonstration main structures with stands for spectators is called stadiums - open, covered, and recently transformable ones have also been spreading. Such are open stadiums for athletics, football, baseball, accommodating up to 100 thousand spectators and for hand games, hockey, as well as rowing, water skiing, ski stadiums, stadiums for equestrian sports (hippodromes), cycling velodromes), etc.

Indoor stadiums, as a rule, are intended for competitions in several sports (with a universal sports arena) and can have up to several tens of thousands of seats for spectators. They can also host social and entertainment events (rallies, conferences, concerts, cinema, revues), festivities, etc. Equipped for different types of use, such facilities are called universal sports and entertainment halls (USZZ) or Sports Palaces with small, medium and large sports arenas.

The name of a physical culture and sports facility is taken, as a rule, by the name of its main facility. But sometimes special terms are used: for the athletics hall - "athletics arena"; for tennis - "tennis court"; football - "football arena"; outdoor or indoor baths - "outdoor or indoor pool"; ice rinks - "skating rink"; auxiliary facilities for sailing and boating sports - "yacht club", etc.

Physical culture and sports facilities form a developed system, growing and branching out as new and modification of existing types of main, auxiliary facilities, structures for spectators, their structures, engineering and sports and technological equipment appear.


1 . Gagina Yu.A. Sports facilities - M., 1999

2.Verkhalo, Yu.N. Table of equipping sports facilities for mass use with sports equipment and inventory: textbook. allowance / Yu.N. Top. - M.: Soviet sport, 2004

3.Butin I.M. "Skiing", Moscow "ACADEMA", 2000

Attachment 1

Appendix 2

Annex 3

Appendix 4

Annex 5

Appendix 6

1. Educational organizations, taking into account local conditions and interests of students, independently determine the forms of physical education classes, means of physical education, sports and physical activity, methods and duration of physical education classes on the basis of federal state educational standards and physical fitness standards.

2. The organization of physical education and education in educational organizations includes:

(see text in previous edition)

1) conducting compulsory physical culture and sports classes within the framework of basic educational programs, as well as additional (optional) physical culture and sports classes within additional general educational programs;

(see text in previous edition)

2) creation of conditions, including the provision of sports equipment and equipment, for the implementation of complex events for the physical culture and sports training of students;

3) formation of physical culture skills in students, taking into account individual abilities and health status, creation of conditions for involving students in physical culture and sports;

4) implementation of physical culture activities during training sessions;

5) medical control over the organization of physical education;

6) formation of a responsible attitude of parents (persons replacing them) to the health of children and their physical education;

7) conducting annual monitoring of physical fitness and physical development of students;

8) assistance in organizing and holding sports events with the participation of students;

9) promoting the development and popularization of school sports and student sports;

10) participation of students in international sports events, including the World Universiade and official sports competitions.

3. In order to involve students in physical culture and sports, development and popularization of school sports, student sports by educational organizations that implement educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, secondary vocational and higher education, and (or) students of such organizations , school sports clubs and student sports clubs (including in the form of public associations) that are not legal entities can be created. The activities of such sports clubs are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, and provided for by the charters of the relevant educational organizations.

(see text in previous edition)

4. Educational organizations of higher education that carry out activities in the field of physical culture and sports, scientific organizations that carry out research in the field of physical culture and sports, the founder of which is the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports, have the right to provide scientific and methodological support for sports national teams of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed in accordance with

Physical culture in the life of a student

Smirnova Veronika Yurievna

Student of the Elabuga Institute

Kazan Federal University

Yelabuga city

To date, those social values ​​have remained in society, the significance of which is not questioned: and one of these values ​​is physical culture. The significance of this value in the process of personality formation is very large - and it is not for nothing that there is a proverb - "A healthy mind in a healthy body." However, at present, there are such barriers to the spread of physical culture, such as lack of funding, a sedentary lifestyle, poor coverage in the media. All this hinders the formation of youth interest in terms of physical perfection.

This problem is especially relevant for students of all colleges, institutes and universities, since it is at this time and at this age that the very foundations of a healthy lifestyle are formed and laid, and physical education is not always a priority and is not always laid down initially. At the same time, the study load on students is enormous, which significantly harms their general physical and mental state of the student, and this can especially negatively affect the process of personality formation, which coincides in time with the period of study in a college or other higher educational institution. It is necessary to consider the concept of physical culture during this period of time as a combination of the student's physical development, the state of his health and psyche, and the actual "physical culture". The relevance of this topic stems from the new course of social and, in particular, youth policy, where the main place is assigned to all areas of "improvement of society" and a healthy lifestyle. The current situation is such that young people often do not have a real opportunity to improve the level of physical culture.

Nevertheless, there is such a point of view, according to which, the lack of an adequate level of development of sports and promotion of physical culture gives rise to an increasing spread of such “diseases of society” as nicotine addiction, alcoholism, including the so-called. "Beer alcoholism", drug addiction - mainly among the youth. Opinions are also expressed about the direct dependence of the demographic, and hence the economic situation in the country on the level of physical culture of the population.

In order to study the influence of physical culture on the process of personality formation in the process of studying in higher educational institutions and the choice of professional activity, it is necessary to take into account both permanent and temporary conditions that set a person the task of improving their physical condition and health. The latter include consideration of the meaning and role of physical culture.

The importance of physical culture and sports for the health, development and general condition of a person can hardly be overestimated. From an early age, parents, teachers, the media - radio and television - inspire and repeat to the child the unique usefulness of physical activity and encourage children to actively engage in sports. It is at this age that sports are, as a rule, supervised by experienced coaches and specialists who monitor the correct and harmonious development of a growing organism. At school age, this role is mainly performed by physical education teachers at school. By the age of 16, a person's self-consciousness is sufficiently formed. It is from this moment that the playful nature of playing sports turns into a serious and complete awareness of the individual of all the usefulness and joy that physical culture and sports bring him. A positive aspect is the fact that sport contributes to the development of sociability, relieves complexes and liberates; physical activity, active movement have a very beneficial effect on success in mental work, which is by no means superfluous for students. Along with this comes the need for an independent assessment of their physical capabilities and, in accordance with this, realistically calculate their strength. The subject of physical culture, which is taught in colleges, forms another layer in the general physical condition of a person, his health, physical fitness and physical perfection. Physical education is, first of all, the prevention of various diseases and, first of all, hypertension and coronary heart disease. These diseases, often seen in technical specialists, require long-term treatment. But, alas, it does not always lead to recovery. Their prevention has a significant effect. In the process of doing physical exercises, working capacity increases. This is evidenced by the increasing ability of a person to do a lot of work in a certain period of time. With an increase in working capacity in a state of muscle rest, the heart rate decreases. A person begins to work more, but at the same time gets less tired. Rest and, above all, sleep is used by the body completely. The professional activity of our students involves physical work, which means that such a person must have a good physical shape and excellent health. And you can achieve all this by regularly doing sports and physical education.

The importance of a person's physical fitness, due at this stage of the development of society by the need for an efficient workforce, is becoming increasingly important. In addition, engaging in physical culture and sports gives a person not only a sense of physical perfection, but also gives him strength and forms his spirit. Raises the level of moral qualities of a person, which is so necessary for today's society. Physical culture takes on tremendous importance in the process of personality formation, when it affects him from different sides, it forms moral qualities, spirit, and affects the physical condition, stimulating a new approach to life and work, new achievements in life and work - this is the effect physical culture.

In order to consciously come to the conclusion and the significance of physical culture and sports, a person must understand its role in his life. And it is very good if he understands this not quite late, in order to

to start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Sport and physical culture is not only a healthy lifestyle - it is generally a normal and healthy life, which opens up more and more new opportunities for the realization of strengths and talents. This is the path that a sane person enters, so that the life he lives would be fruitful, bring joy to himself and those around him. The progressive rhythm of life requires more and more physical activity and preparedness. All the increasing loads that fall on our shoulders throughout life require a higher physical perfection, which should be achieved through physical education.


Every sane person wants to live their life happily ever after. But you can’t buy health and you won’t receive it as a gift. And no online gift shop will help with this. Therefore, everything must be done to save it before it is too late. Usually, as a result of an improper lifestyle, a person develops nervous disorders, various diseases, problems at work and at home. But you just need to think: are we doing everything possible to maintain our health? After all, often trips to the doctor can be avoided if you build your lifestyle correctly.

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