X-ray styling. Method and technique for obtaining an x-ray

Name: Atlas of X-ray anatomy and styling. Guide for doctors.
Rostovtsev M.V.
The year of publishing: 2017
The size: 9.08 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian

The second edition of the book "Atlas of X-ray anatomy and laying. A guide for doctors" considers the main issues of human X-ray anatomy, provides the basic principles and X-ray laying for the study of a particular area of ​​the human body, organ system. The manual "Atlas of X-ray anatomy and laying" consists of 2 parts - in the first part, X-ray anatomy of the osteoarticular system is characterized, X-ray placements are given in the study of the osteoarticular system, and contrast agents in X-ray diagnostics are presented separately. The second part of the book deals with X-ray examination of internal organs and organ systems. Separate chapters are devoted to such issues as the features of X-ray examination of children, radiation protection during X-ray examination. The book "Atlas of X-ray anatomy and styling. A guide for physicians" is aimed at radiologists, clinical residents and students.

Name: Radiation diagnostics in traumatology and orthopedics
McKinnis Lynn N.
The year of publishing: 2015
The size: 114.04 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Lynn N. McKinnis, Ed., Lynn N. McKinnis, Clinical Manual, Imaging in Traumatology and Orthopedics, reviews the general principles of musculoskeletal imaging in clinical practice. And... Download the book for free

Name: Radiography in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest. Part 1.
Melnikov V.V.
The year of publishing: 2017
The size: 67.91 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook "X-ray in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest" in the first part examines the radiographic picture of the most common diseases of the chest, characterizing the syndrome ... Download the book for free

Name: Radiography in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest. Part 2. Additions.
Melnikov V.V.
The year of publishing: 2018
The size: 32.96 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The second part of the textbook "X-ray in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest" considers the radiographic characteristics of diseases such as fungal infections of the lungs, echinosis ... Download the book for free

Name: Radiography in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest
Melnikov V.V.
The year of publishing: 2017
The size: 67.66 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: A practical guide "X-ray in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest" under the editorship of V. V. Melnikov, considers the principles of diagnosing pathological diseases of the chest ... Download the book for free

Name: Neuroimaging of structural and hemodynamic disorders in brain injury
Zakharova N.E., Kornienko V.N., Potapov A.A., Pronin I.N.
The year of publishing: 2013
The size: 117.3 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: Practical guide "Neuroimaging of structural and hemodynamic disorders in brain injury" ed., Zakharova N.E., et al., considers the clinical diagnostic features of neuroimaging ... Download the book for free

Name: Emergency radiology. Part 1. Traumatic emergencies
Dondelinger R., Marinchek B.
The year of publishing: 2008
The size: 52.33 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: In the practical guide "Emergency Radiology. Part 1. Traumatic Emergencies" ed., Dondelinger R., et al., consider most types of traumatic injuries ... Download the book for free

Name: Atlas of Normal Anatomy of Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography of the Brain
Vlasov E.A., Baibakov S.E.
The year of publishing: 2015
The size: 127.72 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description:"Atlas of normal anatomy of magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the brain" is devoted to the actual problem of neuromorphology and craniology - intravital macroscopic characteristics of the head ... Download the book for free

Name: Radiation diagnostics in dentistry
Trofimova T.N., Garapach I.A., Belchikova N.S.
The year of publishing: 2010
The size: 106.39 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Radial diagnostics in dentistry" edited by Trofimova T.N.

Genre: Diagnostics


Quality: Scanned pages

Description: The X-ray image is the main source of information for substantiating the X-ray conclusion. In fact, this is a complex combination of many shadows that differ from each other in shape, size, optical density, structure, outline of contours, etc. an unevenly attenuated X-ray beam passed through the object under study.
X-ray radiation, as is known, refers to electromagnetic radiation, it arises as a result of deceleration of fast moving electrons at the moment of their collision with the anode of an X-ray tube. The latter is an electrovacuum device that converts electrical energy into X-ray energy. Any X-ray tube (X-ray emitter) consists of a glass container with a high degree of rarefaction and two electrodes: a cathode and an anode. The cathode of the x-ray emitter has the form of a linear spiral and is connected to the negative pole of a high voltage source. The anode is made in the form of a massive copper rod. Its surface facing the cathode (the so-called mirror)7 is beveled at an angle of 15-20° and covered with a refractory metal - tungsten or molybdenum. The anode is connected to the positive pole of a high voltage source.
The tube works as follows: before turning on the high voltage, the cathode filament is heated by a low voltage current (6-14V, 2.5-8A). In this case, the cathode begins to emit free electrons (electron emission), which form an electron cloud around it. When a high voltage is turned on, the electrons rush to the positively charged anode, and upon collision with it, a sharp deceleration occurs and their kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy and X-ray energy.
The amount of current through the tube depends on the number of free electrons, the source of which is the cathode. Therefore, by changing the voltage in the filament circuit of the tube, one can easily control the intensity of X-ray radiation. The radiation energy depends on the potential difference at the electrodes of the tube. It increases with increasing voltage. This reduces the wavelength and increases the penetrating power of the resulting radiation.
The use of X-rays for the clinical diagnosis of diseases is based on its ability to penetrate various organs and tissues that do not transmit visible light rays, and cause the luminescence of certain chemical compounds (activated zinc and cadmium sulfides, calcium tungstate crystals, barium platinum-cyanogen), and also provide photochemical effect on the radiographic film or change the initial potential of the selenium layer of the electro-radiographic plate.
It should be noted right away that the x-ray image differs significantly from the photographic image, as well as the conventional optical image created by visible light. It is known that electromagnetic waves of visible light emitted by bodies or reflected from them, falling into the eye, cause visual sensations that create an image of the object. In the same way, a photographic image displays only the appearance of a photographic object. The X-ray image, unlike the photographic image, reproduces the internal structure of the body under study and is always enlarged.
X-ray image in clinical practice is formed in the system: X-ray emitter (tube - object of study - examined person) - image receiver (X-ray film, fluorescent screen, semiconductor plate). It is based on the uneven absorption of X-ray radiation by various anatomical structures, organs and tissues of the subject.
As is known, the intensity of X-ray absorption depends on the atomic composition, density and thickness of the object under study, as well as on the radiation energy. Ceteris paribus, the heavier the chemical elements entering the tissue and the greater the density and thickness of the layer, the more intensely the X-ray radiation is absorbed. Conversely, tissues composed of elements with a low atomic number usually have a low density and absorb X-rays to a lesser extent.

"Atlas of laying in X-ray studies"


  • X-ray image and its properties
  • X-ray technique


  • Head
  • Spine
  • limbs
  • Breast
  • Stomach


film or change the initial potential of the selenium layer of electro-rent

genographic plate.

It should be immediately noted that the X-ray image is significantly

differs from photographic, as well as conventional optical, created

exposed to visible light. It is known that electromagnetic waves in the visible

light emitted by bodies or reflected from them, falling into the eye, cause

visual sensations that create an image of an object. Exactly

likewise, a photographic image reflects only the appearance of the photographic

cal object. The X-ray image, in contrast to the photographic

logically reproduces the internal structure of the body under study and always

is enlarged.

X-ray image in clinical practice is formed

in the system: X-ray emitter (tube - object of study -

examined person) - image receiver (radiographic

film, fluorescent screen, semiconductor wafer). At the core

its production lies in the uneven absorption of X-rays

various anatomical structures, organs and tissues of the examination

As is known, the intensity of X-ray absorption

depends on the atomic composition, density and thickness of the object under study,

as well as from the radiation energy. Other things being equal, the heavier

chemical elements included in the tissue and more density and thickness

layer, the more intense the absorption of x-rays. And vice versa,

tissues composed of low atomic number elements usually have

low density and absorb X-rays in a smaller

It has been established that if the relative coefficient of absorption of rent-

of gene radiation of medium hardness by water is taken as 1, then for air

it will be 0.01; for adipose tissue - 0.5; calcium carbonate - 15,

calcium phosphate - 22. In other words, the most x-ray

radiation is absorbed by the bones, to a much lesser extent -

soft tissues (especially fatty) and least of all - tissues containing

puffing air.

Uneven absorption of X-rays in tissues

of the anatomical region under study determines the formation in

space behind the object of a modified or inhomogeneous x-ray beam

new beams (exit dose or dose behind the object). In fact, this bundle

contains images invisible to the eye (images in a beam).

By acting on a fluorescent screen or radiographic film,

it creates a familiar x-ray image.

From the foregoing, it follows that for the formation of X-ray

image requires unequal absorption of X-ray radiation

cheniya in the studied organs and tissues. This is the first absorption law

the so-called x-ray differentiation. Its essence is

in that any object (any anatomical structure) can cause

to show the appearance on the radiograph (electroroentgenogram) or on the transillumination

distinguishing screen of a separate shadow only if it differs

from the surrounding objects (anatomical structures) according to the atomic

composition, density and thickness (Fig. 1).

However, this law is not comprehensive. Various anatomy

mic structures can absorb x-rays in different ways,

but not give a differentiated image. This happens, in particular,

Rice. 1. Scheme of differential


images of anatomical

structures with different

density and thickness

(cross section of the thigh).

1 - x-ray emitter;

2 - soft tissues; 3 - short-

the thoracic substance of the femur;

4 - bone marrow cavity;

5 - x-ray receiver

fermentation; 6 - x-ray

image of the cortex

stva; 8 - x-ray image

bone marrow damage

Rice. 2. Lack of differential

cited is depicted and I raz-

fabrics of personal density

at a perpendicular to-

the board of a beam of roentgens -

radiation to their surface

Rice. 3. Distinct differential

rendered image

shadows with different

density at tangential

nom direction of the beam

gene radiation to their


when the X-ray beam is directed perpendicular to

surfaces of each of the media with different transparency (Fig. 2).

However, if you change the spatial relationship between the

surfaces of the structures under study and an X-ray beam

rays, so that the path of the rays corresponds to the direction of these surfaces,

then each object will give a differentiated image (Fig. 3). Such

conditions, various anatomical structures are most clearly displayed

shrink when the central X-ray beam is directed

tangent to their surface. This is the essence of the tangential law.



As already noted, the x-ray image is formed when

the passage of the X-ray beam through the object under study,

having an uneven structure. In this case, the radiation beam on its

the path crosses many points, each of which, to one degree or another

(according to atomic mass, density and thickness) absorbs it

energy. However, the total attenuation of the radiation intensity is not

depends on the spatial arrangement of the individual absorbing it

points. This regularity is schematically presented in fig. four.

Obviously, all points that cause the same attenuation in total

beam of X-ray radiation, despite the different spatial

location in the object under study, in the picture taken in one

projections are displayed on the same plane as shadows of the same


This pattern indicates that the X-ray image

the reduction is planar and summative,

Summation and planar nature of the x-ray image

can cause not only summation, but also subtraction (subtraction)

shadows of the studied structures. So, if in the way of X-ray radiation

there are areas of both compaction and rarefaction, then their increased

absorption in the first case is compensated by a reduced in the second

(Fig. 5). Therefore, when studying in one projection, it is not always possible

to distinguish true compaction or rarefaction in the image of one or

another organ from summation or, conversely, subtraction of shadows, located

along the path of the X-ray beam.

This implies a very important rule of X-ray examination.

research: to obtain a differentiated image of all anatomy

ical structures of the area under study, one should strive to take pictures as

at least two (preferably three) mutually perpendicular projections:

direct, lateral and axial (axial) or resort to aiming

shooting, turning the patient behind the screen of the translucent device

It is known that X-rays propagate from a place

its formation (focus of the emitter anode) in the form of a divergent

beam. As a result, the x-ray image is always magnified.

The degree of projection increase depends on the spatial relationship

relations between the x-ray tube, the object under study and the receiver

nick image. This dependence is expressed as follows. At

constant distance from the object to the image receiver than

the smaller the distance from the focus of the tube to the object under study, the more

projection increase is more pronounced. As the increase

focal length, the size of the x-ray image is reduced

and approach the true ones (Fig. 7). The opposite pattern

observed with an increase in the distance "object - image receiver"

niya” (Fig. 8).

With a significant distance of the object under study from the radiographic

film or other image sensor image size

of its details significantly exceeds their true dimensions.


Rice. 4. Identical total

new image of several

points on the image at different

nom spatial dis-

their position in the study

my object (according to V. I. Feok-


Rice. 5. Summation effect (a)

and subtraction (b) shadows.

Projection magnification of the x-ray image in each

tube - image receiver "to the distance" focus of the tube - research-

thought object." If these distances are equal, then the projection magnification

is practically non-existent. However, in practice, between the studied

there is always some distance between the object and the radiographic film

which causes a projection increase in the X-ray image

zheniya. It should be borne in mind that when shooting the same

anatomical region, its various structures will be located at different

distance from the focus of the tube and the image receiver. For example, on

direct anterior chest x-ray image of the anterior sections

ribs will be enlarged to a lesser extent than the rear.

Quantitative dependence of the projection magnification of the image

structures of the object under study (in %) from the distance "tube focus -

film” (RFTP) and the distances from these structures to the film are shown in Table. one

[Sokolov V. M., 1979].


Rice. 6. X-ray
research carried out in

two mutually perpendicular
lar projections.

a - summation; 6 times-

good image of shadows

dense structures.

Rice. 7. Dependence between

tube focus distance -

object and projection



With an increase in the focal length

standing projection magnification

x-ray imaging

niya decreases.

Rice. 8. Dependence between

distance object - at-

image receiver and projector

rational increase in rent-

gene image.

With increasing distance

ect - image receiver

projective increase in rent-

gene image


Projection dependency

increase in research structures

inflated object (in %) from

RFTP and distances from these

structures before the film

Distance from

object structures up to

films, ate

Rice. 9. Changing the edge

aching areas of the skull with

increasing the focal length

ab - edge-forming points

at minimum focal length

distance (fi); aib] - edge-

splitting points at significant

nominal focal length (b).

From the foregoing, it is clear that in those cases

when it is necessary that the dimensions of the x-ray

th images were close to true, it follows

bring the object under study as close as possible to

cassette or translucent screen and remove

handset as far as possible.

When the last condition is met,

take into account the power of X-ray diagnostic

apparatus, since the radiation intensity changes inversely

rationally to the square of the distance. Usually in practical work the focal

the distance is increased to a maximum of 2-2.5 m (teleroentgenography).

Under these conditions, the projection magnification of the x-ray image

happens to be minimal. For example, an increase in the transverse size of the heart

when shooting in direct frontal projection will be only 1-2 mm (depending on

dependence on removal from the film). In practical work, it is also necessary

take into account the following circumstance: when changing RFTP in education

contours of the shadow of the object under study, various

plots. So, for example, in the pictures of the skull in direct anterior projection


Rice. 10, Projection reduction

x-ray imaging


forms depending on

location in relation

to the central bundle of rent-

gene radiation.

Rice. 11. The image is flat

bone formation at

direction of the central

X-ray beam

niya perpendicular to it

and to the image receiver

(a) and with the direction of the cent-

ral beam along the plane

bone formation (b).

at the minimum focal length, the edge-formers are

areas located closer to the tube, and with a significant RFTP -

located closer to the image receiver (Fig. 9).

Although the x-ray image is in principle always

is increased, under certain conditions, a project is observed

rational reduction of the object under study. Typically, this reduction

concerns the image of planar formations or structures that have

linear, oblong shape (bronchi, vessels), if their main axis is not

parallel to the image receptor plane and not perpendicular

the central X-ray beam (Fig. 10).

It is obvious that the shadows of the bronchi, as well as vessels or any other

objects of an oblong shape have a maximum size in those cases

teas, when their main axis (in parallel projection) is perpendicular

to the direction of the central beam. As you decrease or increase

the angle formed by the central beam and the length of the object under study,


Rice. 12. Image distortion

ball compression during X-ray

a logical study of co-

sym beam (a) or with an oblique

location (relative to

to the central beam) reception-

image nick (b).

Rice. 13. "Normal" image

spherical objects

(a) and oblong (b)

we are in oblique research


Tube and cassette position

changed in such a way that

central beam of x-rays

radiation passed through

cut the center of the object perpendicular-

cassette. Longitudinal axis

oblong object

runs parallel to the plane

cassette bones.

the size of the shadow of the latter gradually decreases. In orthograde projection

tion (along the central beam) a blood-filled vessel, like any

linear formation, displayed as a dotted homogeneous shadow,

the bronchus has the form of a ring. The combination of such shadows is usually determined

on the pictures or on the screen of the X-ray machine when translucent

Unlike the shadows of other anatomical structures (compacted

lymph nodes, dense focal shadows) when turning, they

become linear.

Similarly, the formation of X-ray

images of planar formations (in particular, with interlobar

pleurisy). The maximum dimensions of the shadow of a planar formation are


in cases where the central radiation beam is directed perpendicular to

cularly to the plane under study and the film. If it passes along

planar formation (orthograde projection), then this formation

displayed on the picture or on the screen as an intense linear shadow

It must be borne in mind that in the options considered, we proceeded

from the fact that the central beam of x-rays passes through

center of the object under study and directed to the center of the film (screen) under

right angle to its surface. This is usually sought in x-ray

diagnostics. However, in practical work, the object under study is often

is located at some distance from the central beam or a cassette with film

which or the screen are not at right angles to it (oblique projection).

In such cases, due to an uneven increase in individual segments

object, its image is deformed. So, the bodies are spherical

shape are stretched mainly in one direction and

take the form of an oval (Fig. 12). With such distortions, most often

encountered when examining some joints (heads

femur and humerus), as well as when performing intraoral

dental pictures.

To reduce projection distortion in each specific

case, it is necessary to achieve optimal spatial relationships

relations between the object under study, the image receiver

and central beam. To do this, the object is placed parallel to the film.

(screen) and through its central section and perpendicular to the film

direct the central beam of x-rays. If for those or

other reasons (forced position of the patient, structural features

anatomical region) it is not possible to give the object

desired position, normal shooting conditions are achieved

by appropriately changing the position of the focus of the tube and receiving

image nickname - cassette (without changing the position of the patient), as it is

shown in fig. 13.




The intensity of the shadow of a particular anatomical structure depends

from its "radio transparency", that is, the ability to absorb x-ray

radiation. This ability, as already mentioned, is determined by the atomic

composition, density and thickness of the object under study. The harder

chemical elements included in the anatomical structures, the more

they absorb x-rays. A similar dependence exists

varies between the density of the objects under study and their X-ray transmission

value: the greater the density of the object under study, the more intense

his shadow. That is why X-ray examination usually

metal foreign bodies are easily identified and the search is very difficult

foreign bodies having a low density (wood, various types

plastics, aluminum, glass, etc.).

Depending on the density, it is customary to distinguish 4 degrees of transparency

media: air, soft tissue, bone and metal. Thus


Therefore, it is obvious that when analyzing an X-ray image, it is

which is a combination of shadows of different intensities, it is necessary to take into account

to determine the chemical composition and density of the studied anatomical structures.

In modern X-ray diagnostic complexes that allow the use of

call computer technology (computed tomography), there is a possibility

the ability to confidently determine the nature of the

tissues (fat, muscle, cartilage, etc.) in normal and pathological

conditions (soft tissue neoplasm; cyst containing

liquid, etc.).

However, under normal circumstances, it should be borne in mind that most

tissues of the human body in terms of their atomic composition and density

slightly different from each other. So, muscles, parenchymal

organs, brain, blood, lymph, nerves, various soft tissue pathological

formations (tumors, inflammatory granulomas), as well as pathological

cal fluids (exudate, transudate) have almost the same

"radio transparency". Therefore, often a decisive influence on the intensity

the intensity of the shadow of a particular anatomical structure has a change

its thickness.

It is known, in particular, that with an increase in the thickness of the body in arithmetic

x-ray beam behind the object (exit dose)

decreases exponentially, and even slight fluctuations

changes in the thickness of the structures under study can significantly change the intensity

the intensity of their shadows.

As seen in fig. 14, when shooting an object having the shape of a triangular

prism (for example, the pyramid of the temporal bone), the highest intensity

Shade areas corresponding to the maximum thickness of the object have the highest density.

So, if the central beam is directed perpendicular to one of the sides

the base of the prism, then the intensity of the shadow will be maximum in the central

nom department. In the direction of the periphery, its intensity gradually

decreases, which fully reflects the change in tissue thickness,

located on the path of the X-ray beam (Fig. 14, a). If

rotate the prism (Fig. 14, b) so that the central beam is directed

tangential to any side of the prism, then the maximum intensity

ness will have an edge portion of the shadow corresponding to the maximum

(in this projection) the thickness of the object. Similarly, increases

the intensity of shadows that have a linear or oblong shape in those

cases where the direction of their main axis coincides with the direction

central beam (orthograde projection).

When examining homogeneous objects with a rounded or

cylindrical shape (heart, large vessels, tumor), thickness

tissues along the x-ray beam changes very slightly

seriously. Therefore, the shadow of the object under study is almost homogeneous (Fig. 14, c).

If a spherical or cylindrical anatomical formation

has a dense wall and is hollow, then the X-ray beam

in the peripheral parts passes a larger volume of tissues, which

causes the appearance of more intense blackout areas in the peripheral

sections of the image of the object under study (Fig. 14, d). It's so called-

my "marginal borders". Such shadows, in particular, are observed in the study

tubular bones, vessels with partially or completely calcified

ny walls, cavities with dense walls, etc.

It should be borne in mind that in practical work for differentiating

bathroom perception of each particular shadow is often decisive


Rice. 14. Schematic representation

shadow intensity display

various objects depending on

bridges from their shape, position

niya and structures.

a, b - trihedral prism; in -
solid cylinder; g - hollow

has not absolute intensity, but contrast, i.e., the difference in intensity

the intensity of this and surrounding shadows. At the same time, the importance of

acquire physical and technical factors that affect the contact

image density: radiation energy, exposure, presence of sifting

gratings, raster efficiency, the presence of intensifying screens, etc.

Incorrectly selected technical conditions (excessive voltage on

tube, too much or, conversely, insufficient exposure, low

raster efficiency), as well as errors in photochemical processing

films reduce the contrast of the image and thereby have a negative

significant influence on the differentiated detection of individual shadows

and an objective assessment of their intensity.




The informativeness of the x-ray image is estimated by the volume

useful diagnostic information that the doctor receives when studying

picture. Ultimately, it is distinguished by

photographs or a translucent screen of the details of the object under study.

From a technical point of view, the quality of an image is determined by its

optical density, contrast and sharpness.

Optical density. It is well known that X-ray exposure

radiation on the photosensitive layer of the radiographic film

causes changes in it, which, after appropriate processing

appear as blackening. The intensity of blackening depends on the dose

X-ray radiation absorbed by the photosensitive layer

films. Usually the maximum blackening is observed in those areas

films that are exposed to a direct beam of radiation,

passing by the investigated object. Blackening intensity

other sections of the film depends on the nature of the tissues (their density and thickness

tires) located in the path of the X-ray beam. For

an objective assessment of the degree of blackening of the manifested radiographic

film and introduced the concept of "optical density".


The optical density of the blackening of the film is characterized by a weakening

light passing through the negative. For quantitative expression

optical density, it is customary to use decimal logarithms.

If the intensity of the light incident on the film is denoted by /

And intensive

the intensity of the light passing through it - 1

then the optical density is blackened

Photographic blackening is taken as a unit of optical density.

ion, when passing through which the luminous flux is attenuated by 10 times

(Ig 10 = 1). Obviously, if the film transmits 0.01 part of the incident

light, then the blackening density is equal to 2 (Ig 100 = 2).

It has been established that the visibility of the details of the x-ray image

can be optimal only for well-defined, average values

optical densities. Excessive optical density, as well as

insufficient blackening of the film, accompanied by a decrease in the difference

the purity of image details and the loss of diagnostic information.

A good quality chest image shows an almost transparent shadow

heart has an optical density of 0.1-0.2, and a black background - 2.5. For

normal eye, the optimal optical density fluctuates within

lah from 0.5 to 1.3. This means that for a given range of optical density,

eyelids well captures even slight differences in the degree

blackening. The finest details of the image vary within

blackening 0.7-0.9 [Katsman A. Ya., 1957].

As already noted, the optical density of blackening of radiographic

film depends on the absorbed dose of X-ray

radiation. This dependence for each photosensitive material

can be expressed using the so-called characteristic

curve (Fig. 15). Usually such a curve is drawn in logarithmic

scale: logarithms of doses are plotted along the horizontal axis; vertically

calic - the values ​​of optical densities (logarithms of blackening).

The characteristic curve has a typical shape that allows

allocate 5 areas. Initial section (up to point A), almost parallel

horizontal axis corresponds to the veil zone. This slight blackening

which inevitably occurs on the film when exposed to very small

low doses of radiation or even without radiation as a result of the interaction

parts of halogen silver crystals with developer. Point A represents

is the blackening threshold and corresponds to the dose required in order to

cause a visually perceptible blackening. Segment AB corresponds to

underexposure zone. Blackening densities here increase first

slowly, then quickly. In other words, the nature of the curve (gradual

steepness increase) of this section indicates an increasing

increase in optical density. The BV section has a rectilinear shape.

Here there is an almost proportional dependence of the density of handwriting

from the logarithm of the dose. This is the so-called normal exposure zone.

positions. Finally, the upper portion of the SH curve corresponds to the overexposure zone.

Here, as well as in section AB, there is no proportional dependence

the relationship between optical density and absorbed photosensitive

layer of radiation dose. As a result, in the transmission of X-ray

images are distorted.

From what has been said, it is obvious that in practical work it is necessary to use

be subject to such technical conditions of the film that would provide


blackening of the film corresponding to the proportional band

characteristic curve.

"Contrast. Under X-Ray Image Contrast

understand the visual perception of the difference in optical densities (degrees

blackening) adjacent areas of the image of the object under study or

the entire object and background. The higher the contrast, the greater the difference.

optical densities of the background and object. So, in high-contrast pictures

limbs, a light, almost white image of the bones is sharply outlined

is painted on a completely black background, corresponding to soft tissues.

It must be emphasized that such an external "beauty" of the picture is not

testifies to its high quality, since excessive contrast

image is inevitably accompanied by the loss of smaller and less

dense details. On the other hand, a sluggish, low-contrast image

also characterized by low information content.

the smallest and most distinct detection in a photograph or translucent

screen of details of the x-ray image of the object under study.

Under ideal conditions, the eye is able to notice the difference in optical density

ness, if it is only 2%, and when studying the radiograph on

negatoscope - about 5%. Small contrasts are better revealed in the pictures,

having a relatively low main optical density.

Therefore, as already mentioned, one should strive to avoid significant

blackening of the x-ray.

The contrast of the x-ray image, perceived by us at

analysis of radiographs, is primarily determined by the so-called

beam contrast. Radiation contrast is the ratio of doses

radiation behind and in front of the object under study (background). This attitude

expressed by the formula:

Beam contrast; D^- background dose; D

Dose by detail

thought object.

Beam contrast depends on the intensity of X-ray absorption

radiation by various structures of the object under study, as well as from energy

gy radiation. The clearer the difference in density and thickness of the studied

structures, the greater the radiation contrast, and consequently, the X-ray contrast

new image.

Significant negative effect on X-ray contrast

images, especially with x-rays (fluoroscopy)

increased rigidity, renders scattered radiation. For decreasing

amount of scattered x-rays use screening

gratings with high raster efficiency (at voltage on the tube

above 80 kV - with a ratio of at least 1:10), and also resort to careful

effective diaphragming of the primary radiation beam and compression

object under study. Under these conditions, radiographs

performed at a relatively high voltage on the tube (80-

110 kV), it is possible to obtain an image with a lot of details,

including anatomical structures that differ significantly in density

or thickness (flattening effect). For this purpose, it is recommended

use special nozzles on the tube with wedge-shaped filters

for spot shots, in particular, those proposed in recent years

L. N. Sysuev.


Rice. 15. Characteristic

radiographic curve

Explanations in the text.

Rice. 16. Schematic representation

absolutely sharp

(a) and unsharp (b) transition

from one optical plot-

ness to another.

Rice. 17. Dependence sharply

X-ray imaging


x-ray tube (geo-

metric blur).
a - spot focus - image-

the motion is absolutely sharp;

b, c - focus in the form of a platform

different sizes - image

motion is not sharp. With the increase

focus blur increases.

Significant effect on image contrast is

properties of the radiographic film, which are characterized by the coefficient

contrast ratio. Contrast Ratio at shows in

how many times a given x-ray film enhances the natural

contrast of the object under study. Most often in practice

use films that increase natural contrast by 3-3.5 times

(y = 3-3.5). For fluorographic film at = 1,2-1,7.

# Sharpness. The sharpness of an X-ray image is characterized by

features of the transition from one blackening to another. If such

the transition is jump-like, then the shadow elements of X-rays

images are sharp. Their image is a res-

kim. If one blackening passes into another smoothly, there is

"blurring" of the contours and details of the image of the object under study

Unsharpness (“blurring”) of contours always has a certain

width, which is expressed in millimeters. visual perception

blur depends on its magnitude. Thus, when examining radiographs

on a negatoscope, blurring up to 0.2 mm, as a rule, is not visually perceived

is removed and the image appears sharp. Usually our eye notices unsharp-

bone if it is 0.25 mm or more. It is customary to distinguish between geometric

chesky, dynamic, screen and total unsharpness.

Geometrical blurring depends, first of all, on the magni- tude

ranks of the focal spot of the X-ray tube, as well as on the distance

"tube focus - object" and "object - image receiver".


An absolutely sharp image can only be obtained if

if the X-ray beam comes from a point source

radiation (Fig. 17, a). In all other cases, inevitably formed

penumbra, which smear the contours of image details. How

the greater the width of the focus of the tube, the greater the geometric unsharpness and,

on the contrary, the "sharper" the focus, the less blur (Fig. 17.6, c).

Modern x-ray diagnostic tubes have the following

focal spot dimensions: 0.3 X 0.3 mm (micro focus); from 0.6 X 0.6 mm

up to 1.2 X 1.2 mm (small focus); 1.3 X 1.3; 1.8 X 1.8 and 2 X 2 and up

(big focus). It is obvious that in order to reduce the geometric uncut

bones should use tubes with micro or small sharp focus.

This is especially important for X-rays with direct magnification of X-rays.

image. However, keep in mind that when using

sharp focus, it becomes necessary to increase shutter speed, which

may result in increased dynamic blur. Therefore, micro

focus should be used only when examining stationary objects,

mostly skeletal.

A significant effect on the geometric unsharpness is exerted by

distance "tube focus - film" and distance "object - film".

As the focal length increases, the sharpness of the image increases and,

on the contrary, with increasing distance "object - film" - decreases.

The total geometric unsharpness can be calculated from

where H - geometric unsharpness, mm; f- optical focus width

tubes, mm; h is the distance from the object to the film, cm; F - distance

"tube-film focus", cf.

confusion in each particular case. So, when shooting with a tube with a focus

spot 2 X 2 mm of an object located 5 cm from the radiographic

film, from a focal length of 100 cm geometric unsharpness

will be about 0.1 mm. However, when deleting the object of study on

20 cm from the film, the blur will increase to 0.5 mm, which is already well distinguished

chimo eye. This example shows that we should strive

bring the investigated anatomical area as close as possible to the film.

D ynamic blur is due to motion

object under study during X-ray examination. More often

all it is due to the pulsation of the heart and large vessels,

breathing, peristalsis of the stomach, the movement of patients during shooting

due to an uncomfortable position or motor excitation. When researching

thoracic organs and gastrointestinal tract dynamic

unsharpness in most cases is of the most significant importance.

To reduce dynamic blur, you need (if possible)

take pictures with short exposures. It is known that the linear speed

contraction of the heart and fluctuations of adjacent areas of the lung

approaches 20 mm/s. Amount of dynamic blur when shooting

organs of the chest cavity with a shutter speed of 0.4 s reaches 4 mm. Practically

only a shutter speed of 0.02 s allows you to completely eliminate the distinguishable

eye blurring of the image of the lungs. When examining the gastrointestinal

intestinal tract exposure without compromising image quality can

be increased to 0.2 s.

Rice. 488. Laying for radiography of the ribs during breathing with fixation of the chest with an elastic belt.

a significant increase in the pulmonary pattern (for example, stagnation in the pulmonary circulation).

To overcome the negative influence of the superposition of the lung pattern on the image of the ribs, it is recommended to take pictures of the ribs during the act of breathing.

At the same time, it is necessary to fix the chest. Under such conditions, it is possible to obtain a clear image of the ribs against the background of a blurred lung pattern.

Most often, a prefix proposed by S. I. Finkelstein (1967) is used to fix the chest. It is shown schematically in Fig. 484. Laying is carried out as follows. The patient lies on his stomach. Attachments placed under the chest and hips cause the abdomen to sag and the chest to be fixed by the weight of the body (Fig. 485). Shooting is performed with a shutter speed of 2.5-3 s (normal exposure), without holding the breath. As a rule, during this time the patient manages to take a shallow breath and exhale, without a pause between them. On images taken under such conditions, against the background of a fuzzy ("blurred") image of the lung pattern, the structure of the ribs is more clearly displayed (Fig. 486, 487).

However, in the presence of damage to the ribs, it is usually not possible to put the patient on the stand with the breast; in such cases, the methodological technique proposed by A. Ya. Sheimanidze (1974) can be used. The patient lies on his back. The chest is fixed with an elastic compression belt. Shooting is carried out in the same way as in the previous case (Fig. 488).

The accumulated experience has shown that in case of severe chest injuries with multiple fractures of the ribs, the patient switches to the abdominal type of breathing due to severe pain syndrome,

AT in such cases, when examining the ribs, there is no need to resort to

to special techniques for fixing the breast. Enough


A picture of the sternum is usually performed in two projections: anterior oblique and lateral. Shooting in a direct projection, as a rule, is not effective, since the image of the sternum against the background of intense shadows of the mediastinal and spinal organs is not differentiated.


Anterior oblique shot of the sternum

In order to exclude the combination of the image of the sternum with the image of the organs of the mediastinum and spine, the right half of the chest is raised above the table so that the frontal plane of the body makes an angle of 25-30 ° with the plane of the cassette (it is not advisable to raise the left half of the chest with emphasis on the right side , since under these conditions it is impossible to avoid the combination

they blow under the sternum, along the table, so that its middle line coincides with the median plane of the patient's torso, and the upper edge is 3-4 cm above the upper edge of the sternum. The central radiation beam is directed vertically, to the center of the cassette, between the inner edge of the scapula and the spine at the level of the body of the fifth thoracic vertebra (Fig. 489, a, b).

Similar ratios are maintained with radiography of the sternum in the patient's standing position.

Rice. 489. Laying for radiography of the sternum in the anterior oblique projection with the patient turned to the left side,

a - the position of the patient; b - schematic representation of the relationship between the central X-ray beam, the region under study and the cassette.

Rice. 490. Laying for radiography of the sternum in the anterior oblique projection without turning the patient.

a - the position of the patient; 6 is a schematic representation of the relationship between the central x-ray beam, the region of interest and the cassette.

Rice. 491. A picture of the sternum in the anterior oblique projection.

Fracture of the sternum with lateral displacement of the body of the sternum to the left.

Anterior oblique sternum imaging can be performed without turning the patient. The patient lies on his stomach. The anterior surface of the chest and the heads of both humerus fit snugly against the cassette. The neck is somewhat elongated, the head is straight, without any turns. The chin rests on the deck of the table. The arms are extended along the body. The central X-ray beam is directed to the sternum region, obliquely from right to left, at an angle of 30 ° to the plane of the cassette, which is placed along the table so that the axis of the sternum passes

dila 5-7 cm to the right of the median longitudinal line of the cassette. This is necessary so that the image of the sternum is in the center of the radiograph (Fig. 490, a, b).

Informative picture. On the anterior oblique images of the sternum,

all its departments, upper, right and left contours are clearly displayed. In this projection, as a rule, lateral displacements of various parts of the sternum are clearly visible, which are usually caused by trauma (Fig. 491).

The criterion for the correctness of the technical conditions of shooting and the correctness laying is a clear isolated image of all parts of the sternum, without imposing images of the organs of the mediastinum and spine on it.

The most common mistakes when taking a picture are inaccurate centering of the X-ray beam, incorrect tilt of the patient's torso or X-ray tube, and incorrect position of the cassette.


The purpose of the image is to study the state of the anterior, central and posterior sections of the sternum.

Laying the patient to take a picture. X-ray of the sternum is carried out in the position of the patient on his side. The sagittal plane of the body should be parallel, and the frontal plane should be perpendicular to the plane of the table. Hands are laid back as much as possible. Cassette size 24X30 cm is located along the table, its upper edge is 3-4 cm above the jugular notch of the sternum. The radiation beam is directed vertically tangentially to the body of the sternum to the center of the cassette (Fig. 492).

The picture can be taken in the vertical position of the patient. In this case, the relationship between the sternum, the central beam of x-ray radiation and the cassette does not change (Fig. 493).

Rice. 492. Laying for radiography of the sternum in the lateral projection in a horizontal position on the side.

a - the position of the patient; 6 is a schematic representation of the relationship between the central x-ray beam, the region of interest and the cassette.

Rice. 495. Tomogram of the body of the sternum in direct projection.

Informative picture. The lateral view of the sternum clearly shows the anterior and posterior surfaces of the sternum. The sternum has the appearance of a convex anterior plate 1.5-2 cm wide. Front and back, it is delimited by a clear strip of the cortical layer. Usually, the junction of the sternum handle with its body (handle-sternal synchondrosis) is clearly visible, which has the form of a narrow transverse band of enlightenment with even contours, located on the border of the upper and middle thirds of the bone. With fractures of the sternum in such pictures, the displacement of bone fragments anteriorly or posteriorly is clearly defined (Fig. 494).


In the presence of clinical indications (mainly in order to identify small foci of destruction and damage), they resort to a layered study (tomo-, sonography of the sternum) in direct and lateral projections.

On layered images, as a rule, the structure of the studied sternum is clearly displayed (Fig. 495). The anatomical landmarks used in this case are given in Table. eighteen.


Landmarks used

with tomography of the sternum (according to

V. A. Sizov)

Field of study



The handle of the sternum and sternum

Jugular notch of the sternum: 0.5-

straight front

physical joints

2 cm posterior

Body of sternum

Anterior sternum:

xiphoid process

0.5-1 cm posteriorly

Anterior surface of the xiphoid

Handle, body and xiphoid

process: 0.5-1 cm posteriorly

Median plane: 2-2.5 cm in

eostok sternum


X-ray examination of the lungs is the most common type of X-ray examination. It is widely used for the purpose of diagnosing various diseases and injuries of the lungs, objective monitoring of the dynamics of the pathological process, as well as for the timely diagnosis of latent diseases (essentially, in the preclinical phase).

The main methods of X-ray examination of the lungs are radiography, fluoroscopy, verification and diagnostic fluorography (in the USSR, every adult person once every 2 years, and in some organized groups, verification fluorograms of the lungs are performed annually). In addition, if necessary, they resort to a number of special research methods (tomography, sonography, bronchography, angiography, etc.).

The effectiveness of X-ray examination in each case is largely determined by the information content of the images, which, in turn, largely depends on the observance of certain general principles of radiography methods and techniques.

Special preparation for radiography or other methods of obtaining a picture (fluorography, electroroentgenography, tomography, etc.), as a rule, is not required. It is only necessary to expose the chest. Sometimes shooting is carried out in underwear. In such cases, it is necessary to check whether there are buttons, pins, and other objects on it that can cause shadows to appear in the picture. In women, the transparency of the upper lung fields may be reduced by a thick tuft of hair. Therefore, they must be collected and strengthened so that their image does not overlap on the lungs.

Distinguish survey and aiming pictures of the lungs. The study, as a rule, begins with a survey radiography, which is usually performed in standard projections (front and side). Targeted shots are more often taken in atypical positions that are optimal for detecting

15 A. N. Kishkovsky and others.

As is known, the total blurring in radiography of the organs of the chest cavity depends mainly on the dynamic blurring. It is possible to completely eliminate the dynamic blur due to the pulsatory movements of the heart and large vessels only at shutter speeds of 0.02-0.03 s. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to take images of the lungs at minimum shutter speeds (no more than 0.1-0.15 s), using sufficiently powerful X-ray installations for this.

To eliminate pronounced projection distortions, it is advisable to shoot at a focal length of 1.5-2 m (teleroentgenography). This requirement is due to the fact that the chest of an adult is of considerable size: on average, the anteroposterior size is 21 cm, the frontal (width) is about 30 cm. Under such conditions, various anatomical structures (including pathological ones) can be at a considerable distance from the film, which causes a less clear image of their contours in the image compared to similar structures adjacent to the film. When shooting from a relatively short focal length (100 cm or less), the difference in image clarity of structures located at different distances from the image sensor will be especially noticeable, which can create a prerequisite for a diagnostic error.

However, an increase in the focal length is permissible only in cases where it does not lead to a significant increase in shutter speed (above 0.1-0.15 s).

Pictures of the lungs are usually performed on an average breath, with a held breath. However, in the presence of special indications (detection of small accumulations of gas or liquid in the pleural cavity, the performance of functional tests), they resort to shooting after forced expiration.

In addition to conventional radiographs, in clinical practice, it is often sought to obtain deliberately "hard", "superexposed" lung images. On such radiographs, the image of the elements of the pulmonary pattern is often lost, however, the structure of pathological shadows, the trachea, large bronchi, as well as the bronchi located in the infiltrate, are displayed more clearly. To obtain "hard" images, increase the voltage on the tube by 10-15 kV or the exposure by 1.5-2 times.




The purpose of the image is to study the condition of the lungs if any of their disease or damage is suspected.

Laying for taking a picture (Fig. 496, a, b). Usually the picture is taken

nyat in the position of the patient standing (or sitting, depending on the condition) at a special vertical rack. The patient presses his chest tightly against the cassette, slightly bending forward. It is very important that both halves of the chest fit evenly (symmetrically) against the cassette. With the aim of

Rice. 496. Laying for radiography of the lungs in a direct anterior projection in the position of the patient standing.

a - view from the side of the tube; b - side view.

the removal of the shoulder blades for the pulmonary fields, the hands are pressed to the hips, and the elbows are directed forward. In this case, the shoulders of the subject should be lowered. The head is straight. The chin is slightly raised, stretched forward and is in contact with the upper edge of the cassette or is at its level (if the cassette is inserted into the screening grill housing). The optimal size of the radiographic film is 35X35 cm. A film of 30X40 cm in size can be used. Depending on the technical parameters of the study, shooting is carried out with or without a screening grid. So, when the voltage on the tube is 60-65 kV, the grating is not used, and when X-raying with hard beams (115-120 kV), the use of a grating is necessary.

The cassette is installed in such a way that its upper edge is at the level of the body of the VII cervical vertebra. The central X-ray beam is directed to the center of the cassette along the midline of the patient's body to the region of the VI thoracic vertebra (the level of the lower angle of the scapula). Exposure is made after a shallow breath with a delayed breath. During the shooting, the patient should not strain.

Rice. 497. A snapshot of the lungs in a direct anterior projection

(a) and the diagram for this picture

5 - root of the right lung (arteries are shaded, the contours of the aenas are shown by dots); 6 - congur of the right mammary gland; 7- rib body; 8- joint of the tubercle of the rib; 9 - front contour of the rib; 10 - contour of the left mammary gland; 11-diaphragm circuit.

Informative picture. On the radiograph of the lungs in the anterior direct projection, in addition to the lung tissue that forms the so-called lung fields, the soft tissues of the chest, chest and mediastinal organs are displayed (Fig. 497, a, b). The lung fields are conventionally divided into upper, middle and lower sections. The first is located between the upper edge of the lung and the line passing along the lower edge of the anterior end of the II rib, the second - between this line and the line drawn along the lower edge of the anterior end of the IV rib, the third - occupies the rest of the lung to the diaphragm.

In addition to these departments, three zones are distinguished in the lungs: internal (radical), middle and external. The conditional boundaries between them pass along vertically directed, parallel lines, crossing the clavicle, respectively, the boundaries between its third


1 A. N. Kishkovsky, L. A. Tyutin

2 UDC BBK A11 A11 A. N. Kishkovsky Atlas of laying in X-ray studies / A. N. Kishkovsky, L. A. Tyutin M .: Book on Demand, p. ISBN ISBN Edition in Russian, designed by YOYO Media, 2012 Edition in Russian, digitized, Book on Demand, 2012

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5 X-RAY IMAGE AND ITS PROPERTIES MAIN PROPERTIES OF X-RAY IMAGE As already noted, an X-ray image is formed when an X-ray beam passes through the object under study, which has an uneven structure. In this case, the radiation beam on its way crosses many points, each of which, to one degree or another (according to the atomic mass, density and thickness), absorbs its energy. However, the total attenuation of the radiation intensity does not depend on the spatial arrangement of individual points absorbing it. This regularity is schematically presented in fig. 4. It is obvious that all points that cause in total the same attenuation of the X-ray beam, despite the different spatial arrangement in the object under study, are displayed on the same plane in the image taken in one projection in the form of shadows of the same intensity. This pattern indicates that the X-ray image is planar and summative. The summation and planar nature of the X-ray image can cause not only summation, but also subtraction (subtraction) of the shadows of the studied structures. So, if there are areas of both compaction and rarefaction in the path of X-ray radiation, then their increased absorption in the first case is compensated by the reduced absorption in the second (Fig. 5). Therefore, when examining in one projection, it is not always possible to distinguish true compaction or rarefaction in the image of one or another organ from summation or, conversely, subtraction of shadows located along the X-ray beam. This implies a very important rule of X-ray examination: in order to obtain a differentiated image of all the anatomical structures of the study area, one should strive to take pictures in at least two (preferably three) mutually perpendicular projections: direct, lateral and axial (axial) or resort to targeted shooting by turning the patient behind the screen of the translucent device (Fig. 6). It is known that X-ray radiation propagates from the place of its formation (the focus of the emitter anode) in the form of a divergent beam. As a result, the x-ray image is always magnified. The degree of projection magnification depends on the spatial relationship between the X-ray tube, the object under study and the image receptor. This dependence is expressed as follows. At a constant distance from the object to the image receiver, the smaller the distance from the focus of the tube to the object under study, the more pronounced the projection magnification. As the focal length increases, the size of the X-ray image decreases and approaches the true size (Fig. 7). The opposite pattern is observed with an increase in the “image-receiving object” distance (Fig. 8). With a significant distance of the object under study from the radiographic film or other image receptor, the image size of its details significantly exceeds their true dimensions.

6 10 METHOD AND TECHNIQUE OF OBTAINING X-RAY IMAGE Fig. 4. Identical summary image of several points on the image with different spatial arrangement of them in the object under study (according to V.I. Feoktistov). Rice. 5. The effect of summation (a) and subtraction (b) of shadows. The projection magnification of the x-ray image in each particular case can be easily calculated by dividing the distance "the focus of the image receiver" by the distance "the focus of the tube the object under study". If these distances are equal, then the projection increase is practically absent. However, in practice, there is always some distance between the object under study and the X-ray film, which causes the projection magnification of the X-ray image. In this case, it should be borne in mind that when shooting the same anatomical region, its various structures will be at different distances from the focus of the tube and the image receiver. For example, in a direct anterior chest x-ray, the anterior ribs will be less magnified than the posterior ones. The quantitative dependence of the projection magnification of the image of the structures of the object under study (in %) on the “film tube focus” distance (RFTP) and the distance from these structures to the film is shown in Table. 1 [Sokolov V. M., 1979].

7 X-RAY IMAGE AND ITS PROPERTIES 11 Pic. 6. X-ray examination performed in two mutually perpendicular projections. and the summation; 6 separate image of shadows of dense structures. Rice. Fig. 7. Dependence between the focus distance of the object tube and the projection magnification of the x-ray image. As the focal length increases, the projection magnification of the x-ray image decreases. Rice. 8. Dependence between the distance of the image receiver object and the projection magnification of the x-ray image. With increasing distance from the object to the image receiver, the projection magnification of the X-ray image increases.

8 12 METHODOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE OF OBTAINING X-RAY IMAGE TABLE 1 Dependence of the projection magnification of the structures of the object under study (in %) on RFTP and the distance from these structures to the RFTP film, cm .7 2.6 2.2 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 8.7 6.6 6.0 5.6 5.2 4.6 4.2 3.3 2.7 2.3 2.0 13.6 10.2 9.4 8.7 8.1 7.1 6.4 5.0 4.2 3.6 3.9 11.9 11.1 9.8 8, 7 6.8 5.6 4.8 4.2 16.6 15.4 14.3 12.5 11.1 8.7 7.1 6.0 5.2 42.8 30.0 27.2 25 .0 23.0 20.0 17.6 12.6 11.1 9.3 8.1 66.6 44.4 40.0 36.4 33.3 28.5 25.0 19.0 15.4 12.9 11.5 56.6 50.0 45.4 38.4 33.3 25.0 20.0 16.6 14.7 60.0 50.0 42.8 31.6 25.0 20, 0 17.6 233.3 116.5 77.7 63.6 53.8 38.8 30.0 25.0 21.2 400.0 160.0 133.3 114.2 100.0 80.0 66 .6 47.0 36.4 29.6 25.0 9. Change in the edge-forming areas of the skull with increasing focal length. ab edge-forming points at the minimum focal length (fi); aib] edge-forming points at a significant focal length (b). From the foregoing, it is obvious that in those cases where it is necessary that the size of the x-ray image be close to the true, it is necessary to bring the object under study as close as possible to the cassette or translucent screen and remove the tube to the maximum possible distance. When the latter condition is met, it is necessary to take into account the power of the X-ray diagnostic apparatus, since the radiation intensity varies inversely with the square of the distance. Usually, in practical work, the focal length is increased to a maximum of 2 2.5 m (teleroentgenography). Under these conditions, the projection magnification of the x-ray image is minimal. For example, an increase in the transverse size of the heart when shooting in a direct anterior projection will be only 1 2 mm (depending on the distance from the film). In practical work, it is also necessary to take into account the following circumstance: when the RFTP changes, various parts of it take part in the formation of the contours of the shadow of the object under study. So, for example, in the pictures of the skull in direct anterior projection

9 X-RAY IMAGE AND ITS PROPERTIES 13 Pic. 10, Projection reduction of the x-ray image of linear structures depending on their location in relation to the central x-ray beam. Rice. 11. Image of a planar formation with the direction of the central X-ray beam perpendicular to it and to the image detector (a) and with the direction of the central beam along the planar formation (b). at a minimum focal length, the edge-forming areas are those located closer to the tube, and at a significant RFTP, those located closer to the image receiver (Fig. 9). Despite the fact that the X-ray image is in principle always enlarged, under certain conditions, a projection reduction of the object under study is observed. Typically, such a reduction concerns the image of planar formations or structures that have a linear, oblong shape (bronchi, vessels), if their main axis is not parallel to the plane of the image receiver and not perpendicular to the central X-ray beam (Fig. 10). It is obvious that the shadows of the bronchi, as well as blood vessels or any other objects of an oblong shape, have a maximum size in cases where their main axis (in a parallel projection) is perpendicular to the direction of the central beam. As the angle formed by the central beam and the length of the object under study decreases or increases,

10 14 METHOD AND TECHNIQUE OF OBTAINING X-RAY IMAGE Fig. 12. Distortion of the image of the ball during X-ray examination with an oblique beam (a) or with an oblique location (in relation to the central beam) of the image receiver (b). Rice. 13. "Normal" image of spherical (a) and oblong (b) objects in the study in an oblique projection. The position of the tube and cassette is changed so that the central X-ray beam passes through the center of the object perpendicular to the cassette. The longitudinal axis of the oblong object runs parallel to the plane of the cassette. the size of the shadow of the latter gradually decreases. In the orthograde projection (along the central beam), a blood-filled vessel, like any linear formation, is displayed as a dotted homogeneous shadow, while the bronchus looks like a ring. The combination of such shadows is usually determined on the pictures or on the screen of the X-ray machine when transilluminating the lungs. In contrast to the shadows of other anatomical structures (compacted lymph nodes, dense focal shadows), when turning, they become linear. Similarly, the formation of an x-ray image of planar formations occurs (in particular, with interlobar pleurisy). The maximum dimensions of the shadow of a planar formation are

11 X-RAY IMAGE AND ITS PROPERTIES in those cases when the central radiation beam is directed perpendicular to the plane and film under study. If it passes along a planar formation (orthograde projection), then this formation is displayed on the image or on the screen as an intense linear shadow (Fig. 11). It should be borne in mind that in the variants considered, we proceeded from the fact that the central X-ray beam passes through the center of the object under study and is directed to the center of the film (screen) at a right angle to its surface. This is usually sought in radiodiagnosis. However, in practical work, the object under study is often located at some distance from the central beam, or the film cassette or screen is not located at a right angle to it (oblique projection). In such cases, due to the uneven increase in individual segments of the object, its image is deformed. So, bodies of spherical shape are stretched mainly in one direction and acquire the shape of an oval (Fig. 12). Such distortions are most often encountered when examining certain joints (head of the femur and humerus), as well as when performing intraoral dental imaging. To reduce projection distortions in each particular case, it is necessary to achieve optimal spatial relationships between the object under study, the image receiver, and the central beam. To do this, the object is installed parallel to the film (screen) and through its central section and perpendicular to the film, the central X-ray beam is directed. If for one reason or another (forced position of the patient, peculiarity of the structure of the anatomical region) it is not possible to give the object the necessary position, then normal shooting conditions are achieved by correspondingly changing the position of the focus of the tube and the image receiver of the cassette (without changing the position of the patient), as shown in rice. 13. INTENSITY OF THE SHADOWS OF THE X-RAY IMAGE The intensity of the shadow of a particular anatomical structure depends on its "radio transparency", i.e. the ability to absorb x-rays. This ability, as already mentioned, is determined by the atomic composition, density and thickness of the object under study. The heavier the chemical elements that make up the anatomical structures, the more they absorb X-rays. A similar relationship exists between the density of the objects under study and their X-ray transmission: the greater the density of the object under study, the more intense its shadow. That is why an x-ray examination usually easily identifies metal foreign bodies and it is very difficult to search for foreign bodies that have a low density (wood, various types of plastic, aluminum, glass, etc.). Depending on the density, it is customary to distinguish 4 degrees of transparency of media: air, soft tissue, bone and metal. Thus

12 16 METHOD AND TECHNIQUE OF OBTAINING X-RAY IMAGE It is obvious that when analyzing an X-ray image, which is a combination of shadows of different intensity, it is necessary to take into account the chemical composition and density of the studied anatomical structures. In modern X-ray diagnostic complexes that allow the use of computer technology (computed tomography), it is possible to confidently determine the nature of tissues (fat, muscle, cartilage, etc.) by the absorption coefficient in normal and pathological conditions (soft tissue neoplasm; cyst containing fluid, etc.). ). However, under normal conditions, it should be borne in mind that most tissues of the human body differ slightly from each other in their atomic composition and density. So, muscles, parenchymal organs, brain, blood, lymph, nerves, various soft tissue pathological formations (tumors, inflammatory granulomas), as well as pathological fluids (exudate, transudate) have almost the same “radio transparency”. Therefore, a change in its thickness often has a decisive influence on the intensity of the shadow of a particular anatomical structure. It is known, in particular, that with an increase in body thickness in arithmetic progression, the X-ray beam behind the object (output dose) decreases exponentially, and even slight fluctuations in the thickness of the structures under study can significantly change the intensity of their shadows. As seen in fig. 14, when shooting an object that has the shape of a trihedral prism (for example, the pyramid of the temporal bone), the shadow areas corresponding to the maximum thickness of the object have the highest intensity. So, if the central beam is directed perpendicular to one of the sides of the base of the prism, then the intensity of the shadow will be maximum in the central section. In the direction towards the periphery, its intensity gradually decreases, which fully reflects the change in the thickness of the tissues located in the path of the X-ray beam (Fig. 14, a). If, however, the prism is rotated (Fig. 14, b) so that the central beam is directed tangentially to any side of the prism, then the maximum intensity will have the edge section of the shadow corresponding to the maximum (in this projection) thickness of the object. Similarly, the intensity of shadows that have a linear or oblong shape increases in cases where the direction of their main axis coincides with the direction of the central beam (orthograde projection). When examining homogeneous objects that have a round or cylindrical shape (heart, large vessels, tumor), the thickness of the tissues along the X-ray beam changes very slightly. Therefore, the shadow of the object under study is almost homogeneous (Fig. 14, c). If a spherical or cylindrical anatomical formation has a dense wall and is hollow, then the X-ray beam in the peripheral sections passes through a larger volume of tissues, which causes the appearance of more intense blackout areas in the peripheral sections of the image of the object under study (Fig. 14, d). These are the so-called "edge borders". Such shadows, in particular, are observed in the study of tubular bones, vessels with partially or completely calcified walls, cavities with dense walls, etc. It should be borne in mind that in practical work for the differentiated perception of each specific shadow,

13 X-RAY IMAGE AND ITS PROPERTIES 17 Pic. 14. Schematic representation of the intensity of the shadows of various objects, depending on their shape, position and structure. a, b trihedral prism; into a solid cylinder; g hollow cylinder, has not absolute intensity, but contrast, i.e., the difference in the intensity of the given and surrounding shadows. At the same time, physical and technical factors that affect the contrast of the image become important: radiation energy, exposure, the presence of a screening grating, raster efficiency, the presence of intensifying screens, etc. Incorrectly selected technical conditions (excessive voltage on the tube, too high or, conversely, insufficient exposure, low raster efficiency), as well as errors in the photochemical processing of films, reduce the image contrast and thus have a negative effect on the differentiated detection of individual shadows and an objective assessment of their intensity. FACTORS DETERMINING THE INFORMATIVITY OF THE X-RAY IMAGE The informativeness of the X-ray image is estimated by the amount of useful diagnostic information that the doctor receives when examining the image. Ultimately, it is characterized by the visibility of the details of the object under study on the photographs or on a translucent screen. From a technical point of view, the quality of an image is determined by its optical density, contrast and sharpness. Optical density. As is known, the action of X-ray radiation on the photosensitive layer of an X-ray film causes changes in it, which, after appropriate processing, appear in the form of blackening. The intensity of blackening depends on the dose of X-ray radiation absorbed by the photosensitive layer of the film. Usually, the maximum blackening is observed in those areas of the film that are exposed to a direct beam of radiation passing by the object under study. The intensity of blackening of other sections of the film depends on the nature of the tissues (their density and thickness) located in the path of the X-ray beam. For an objective assessment of the degree of blackening of the developed X-ray film, the concept of "optical density" was introduced.

14 18 METHODOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE OF OBTAINING X-RAY IMAGE The optical density of film blackening is characterized by the attenuation of the light passing through the negative. To quantify the optical density, it is customary to use decimal logarithms. If the intensity of the light incident on the film is denoted as / 0, and the intensity of the light transmitted through it is 1, then the optical blackening density (S) can be calculated by the formula: Photographic blackening is taken as the unit of optical density, when passing through which the luminous flux is attenuated by 10 times (Ig 10 = 1). Obviously, if the film transmits 0.01 part of the incident light, then the blackening density is 2 (Ig 100 = 2). It has been established that the visibility of X-ray image details can be optimal only at well-defined, average values ​​of optical densities. Excessive optical density, as well as insufficient blackening of the film, is accompanied by a decrease in the visibility of image details and the loss of diagnostic information. In a good quality chest x-ray, the nearly transparent shadow of the heart has an optical density of 0.1 0.2 and a black background of 2.5. For a normal eye, the optimal optical density ranges from 0.5 to 1.3. This means that in this range of optical densities, the eye can well detect even slight differences in the degree of blackening. The finest details of the image differ within blackening 0.7 0.9 [Katsman A. Ya., 1957]. As already noted, the optical density of the blackening of the x-ray film depends on the magnitude of the absorbed dose of x-ray radiation. This dependence for each photosensitive material can be expressed using the so-called characteristic curve (Fig. 15). Typically, such a curve is drawn on a logarithmic scale: logarithms of doses are plotted along the horizontal axis; along the vertical values ​​of optical densities (blackening logarithms). The characteristic curve has a typical shape, which allows you to select 5 sections. The initial section (up to point A), almost parallel to the horizontal axis, corresponds to the veil zone. This is a slight blackening that inevitably occurs on the film when exposed to very low doses of radiation or even without radiation as a result of the interaction of a part of the silver halide crystals with the developer. Point A represents the blackening threshold and corresponds to the dose required to induce visually distinct blackening. Segment AB corresponds to the underexposure zone. Densities of blackening here increase slowly at first, then rapidly. In other words, the nature of the curve (gradual increase in steepness) of this section indicates an increasing increase in optical densities. The BV section has a rectilinear shape. Here, an almost proportional dependence of the density of blackening on the logarithm of the dose is observed. This is the so-called zone of normal exposures. Finally, the upper portion of the SH curve corresponds to the overexposure zone. Here, as well as in the AB section, there is no proportional relationship between the optical density and the radiation dose absorbed by the photosensitive layer. As a result, distortions occur in the transmission of the x-ray image. From what has been said, it is obvious that in practical work it is necessary to use such technical conditions of the film that would provide

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