I dreamed that I didn’t pass the exam. The magic of numbers. Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

An exam is always associated with nervous tension and anxiety. Each of us has passed a single exam in our lives, and some are yet to do so. Therefore, when they dream of an exam and especially its results, many begin to frantically search for an interpretation. An exam is a big responsibility and a fear of letting yourself and those who count on you down. We hope our dream book will calm you down and you will achieve your goal. (cm. )

Russian dream book

Passing the exam means reconsidering your position in life. It is likely that they are wrong and you will have to quickly relearn a new way of life.

Noble dream book by Grishina N.

  • Dreams about exams, all sorts of competitions and tests are a good sign. Dream Interpretation: failing an exam means, oddly enough, success in business and determination to overcome any difficulties.
  • Pass the exam perfectly: you will make a dubious compromise and clearly overestimate your capabilities.

Eastern women's dream book

If in the foreseeable future you do not have to take any exams, then there is a test ahead that you must certainly pass with dignity. Why dream of an exam in this case - you will definitely pass it, even if it is not a familiar subject competition. An exam can be any test of your personal qualities in an unusual situation.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Someone close to you needs your help. You understand that this person needs support and feel it instinctively.
  • To dream of an exam that you are taking: you have the opportunity to improve your erotic skills.
  • Taking an exam in a dream and getting a high grade: the time has come for peace in life and you can have plenty of rest. Use a period of silence to burst into a storm of activity.
  • Taking exams in a dream and getting a bad grade. You take other people's opinions about your sexual abilities very seriously. Perhaps your partner has spoken openly and harshly about his intimate life with you. Don't take this seriously: if this partner took such liberties, you can easily find someone else.
  • A dream about a failed exam is a different story. This is an exam for which you did not prepare at all. In reality, this means that you are very superficial, do not approach your life seriously, and in an intimate sense you want to slip in “at random.”

Modern dream book

  • You dream of an exam, but at a crucial moment you forgot all the material: you are not completely confident in your abilities and therefore success often slips through your fingers.
  • Passing an exam with flying colors means that in life you are considered a failure. This is very subjective and people simply don’t know you, although they label you recklessly.
  • Passing the exam and actively using cheat sheets means that in reality everything will turn out to be a success. If the cheat sheet didn’t help, then think: is such a risk justified?

Dream Interpretation of the Magician Yu. Longo

Why do you dream about an exam? You need to look at the circumstances of the dream:

  • Failing an exam in a dream means failure awaits you in reality.
  • Preparing for an exam in a dream means you are gathering strength for the final push towards your goal and soon you will be able to rest.
  • Dreaming about an exam grade is an indicator of success in reality. The better you pass, the better the result for you in reality.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

This is a direct indication of the level of social success. If you dream about school exams, then you most likely owe yourself a lot and it’s time for you to learn to pamper and please yourself. You often dream of an exam in a specific subject, the most difficult one, the least favorite one, or whose teacher did not like you. Why do you dream about a math exam? You are reliving something that was long ago left behind. This event required enormous effort from you, you were afraid of letting a lot of people down, and that experience became so ingrained that you still remember those nervous days in the form of a specific exam.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

You will have to work hard, struggle with circumstances, but as a result you will achieve your goal.

Azar's Dream Book

I had a dream about an “exam”. You are sitting at your desk, taking an important subject, but then you wake up without knowing the results. You are mentally exhausted by the feeling of excessive responsibility and it’s time to relax a little. Just understand whether you have done everything that is required of you and if yes, then let things take care of themselves.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: taking exams in a dream means making an unacceptable mistake.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about exams? Probably to your mistrust towards money and even towards your spouse.

Summer dream book

The dream “passing an exam” says that you may soon need endurance and purely physical qualities.

Dream book of psychologist Carl Jung

All exam dreams are typical in their form. And they are more than consistent, predictable and structured than dreams about falling or persecution.

Your ego understands that it is not ready for the exam, it is in a hurry, it is late, it cannot find an audience, and then all the material is forgotten. Dreams involving exams can be called a kind of assessment of standards, because successfully passing an exam is considered a norm, which is not condemned at all, but only encouraged. Therefore, your anxiety about the fear of letting others down in some way can be projected onto such a dream. So it’s time for you to understand that if no one gets a better life from your actions or no one says goodbye to their current comfort from your inaction, then it’s time to be responsible only to yourself and answer for your words and only your actions. The people you work with and expect results from you are also not ideal, and you have no idea how wrong they can be, although in your opinion, if anyone can ruin it, it’s only you.

Lunar dream book

  • Why do you dream of taking an exam in a dream: success awaits you after much worry.
  • Dreaming of a failed exam? Your fears may be exaggerated.
  • Why do you dream about preparing for an exam: you are working very hard on something and waiting for the result, as well as the end of a period of crazy stress.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Dreams involving exams are a sign of anxiety and uncertainty. You are again being pushed to some kind of test of your qualities (even if it is descriptive geometry in a dream), although you do not have to prove anything to anyone. And if you fail the exam, you will only win in life, and vice versa, if you succeed in the exam, then in reality the lack of effort will have a bad effect in practice.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Any exam in a dream means the obligatory achievement of a goal that you will come to after a difficult journey.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Exams in a dream mean that soon you will have a similar test, say, when applying for a job, when a new object of love appears. You may be haunted by the fear of failure, which is completely natural. But you need to exert your will and let yourself know that this is nothing more than a dream caused by your nervous and mental tension.


Some people have exams ahead of them, some behind them, but absolutely everyone dreams about them. If you passed them successfully or completely failed in a dream, then do not take your turn for what has not yet happened. And such a dream should not be considered as a signal for full combat readiness. Just know that if you overdo it, it won't make you feel any better. Especially if we remember that circumstances and destiny have absolute power in our lives.

Why do you dream that you had to take an exam, like in your youth? The wise dream book insists: the interpretation of a dream is appropriate only if in reality you are not concerned about such a problem. In any variation, you need to reconsider your life priorities and your behavior. An event in a dream suggests that you are making fatal mistakes.

Miller's opinion

Did you dream that you were forced to take an exam again? According to the dream book, the dreamer’s uncertainty and anxiety are manifested in such an original way. Traditionally, the further course of events in reality is determined by the result of the event in a dream.

Not sure?

Why do you dream if you happen to take an exam? The dream book prophesies a certain life test and insists: deep down you feel a lack of strength to overcome it.

Did you dream that you were the only one taking an exam in a dream? It's time to get rid of your own complexes, otherwise you won't be able to move on.

Seeing that this is not the first time you are taking an exam means that your planned business will have to be implemented in several stages.

Get ready!

Did you dream that you had to take an exam at school? Prepare for a rather difficult period of life and the development of new, previously unknown knowledge and skills.

At the same time, the dream book insists: the features of future events directly depend on the significance of the educational institution in the dream, because passing an exam at school is always easier than at a technical school or institute.

What did you hand over?

It is very important to remember in what discipline you had to take the exam.

  • Geometry - everyday problems.
  • Algebra - difficulties in work.
  • Biology is the need to become closer to nature, to take into account its laws.
  • Foreign language – lack of understanding, knowledge.
  • Dear, watch your words, don’t chat unnecessarily.
  • Geography – change of activity, place of residence.
  • Physics - moderate your pride and ambitions.
  • Driving is the need to control the situation.

How to interpret?

Why do you dream about passing exams in a dream? The dream book will tell you how to interpret the plot using a specific example. Did you dream that you came across a very difficult question in mathematics? Immediately put things in order in your head and affairs.

Seeing a completely incomprehensible math task literally means: you are confused and don’t understand what to do next.

If you easily answered all the math questions last night, then you can solve any problems at the current stage without any problems.

How did you feel?

It is extremely important to remember your own feelings in a dream. Why do you dream that you experienced excitement and even fear? You strive to know the unknown, secret and something forbidden. And the dream book is sure that you have all the prerequisites for this.

Seeing that you were lucky enough to get ready for an exam without any special emotions means that you are a fairly confident person and have little interest in anything other than your main activity.

Take action!

Why dream if you managed to fail the dreaming session? To pass a certain test, you will have to mobilize all your inner strength.

Find out from the online dream book what the Exam is about in your dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about an exam?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Exam and what does it mean:

Exam – If a student dreams of an exam card with any number, you must memorize it, as you may come across it in the exam. If in a dream you pass an exam unsuccessfully, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to start an important business. For young people, such a dream means meeting the parents of the bride (groom). Being in an exam in a dream means being tested or controlled.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

We all want to receive parental approval, meet the requirements of society, we want to fulfill our wildest expectations and dreams. We keep track of how well or poorly we do it all by consulting our internal and external judges.

So who is your judge? Think about a recent dream involving an Exam. You were supposed to do a downhill ski run, but you weren't allowed to do it because you didn't have ski poles. Why did you want to do this descent? Who - present or past - was there to see whether you won or lost?

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

The meaning of the dream about Knowledge Slice

Why do you dream about an Exam – Failing a lesson. Awareness, the feeling that you don’t know the material. School teachers, school classes, desks.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about the Exam

Feeling excitement and fear in a dream while taking an exam means catching yourself thinking about striving for the unknown, perhaps forbidden, new impressions and sensations that you have only seen in your fantasies. To get a good mark on an exam - the dream reveals your desire not to lose face in front of the person you are very passionate about. You are afraid of seeming inept, inexperienced and insufficiently experienced in the field of sex, so you are ready to do anything to make the desired impression on the object of your desire. Getting a bad grade in a dream means that you are eager to show off your love exploits to your friends.

Freud's Dream Book

Why the Exam

Taking an exam in a dream means someone close to you really needs your help. In real life, you feel that this person (if you know who exactly you mean) needs support, but for some reason you don’t dare to provide it. – If you dream that you are taking an exam from someone, even if you are very experienced in love affairs, do not take on the role of a critic if something goes wrong. Not everyone is so lucky with opportunities to improve their erotic skills. Receive a high mark in the exam - a calm period begins in your life, you can relax and not worry about anything. Try to take advantage of the calm period so that you can then begin business with renewed vigor. – If in a dream you get a bad mark on an exam, you take other people’s opinions about your sexual capabilities too seriously. Perhaps this is due to the fact that one day your partner allowed himself to speak harshly about how he evaluates sex with you. Never mind: in the end, even if once in your life you had to buy not very fresh bread at a bakery, this does not mean at all that fresh bread does not exist.

Jung's Dream Book

Meaning of sleep about Getting a grade

Exam – Exam dreams have a typical form. The dream ego is aware that it is exam time, usually the last exam at a college or university; for some reason the dreamer is not ready for the exam - either he did not prepare, or did not attend classes - or does not know where the exam itself will be held. The dream ego may also be late for an exam. Such dreams are more structured (and more frequent in my experience) than primitive dreams of falling or being chased. Because exams represent an assessment of collective standards, they indicate person-anxiety—anxiety about how he appears to other people, or a fear of not fitting into a social role norm: “Is he a good musician?”, “Can he perform well?” my job?" etc. This dream helped to reveal the incestuous element in his relationships with women; in addition, it helped to recognize the Madonna-prostitute split in his psyche, based, in particular, on the over-idealization of his mother, whom he considered outside the sexual sphere.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of an Exam

Taking an exam in a dream means that in reality you are preparing for something very important, requiring you to fully mobilize all your mental and physical strength. Therefore, it is not surprising that you dreamed of an exam. Your entire future life and prosperity depend on how successfully it goes.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Exam – As a result of hard struggle, you will achieve your goal.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Exam was dreamed

Why dream about an Exam (taking an exam) - The image can symbolize various levels of social success or coordination with the supr-ego program. In addition, this image denotes a situation of stress on a person who obeys certain instructions, bringing himself to the point of masochism. Sometimes it denotes success, especially for those people who are success-oriented. If we mean the final school exam, then everything is trying to express the onset of anxiety and neurosis in the subject, who seems to be engaged in an activity that is useless to himself, being in a state of difficulty, puzzlement (even if the final exam is successful). If this is a special exam, then the interpretation of the image is associated with the understanding of any specific part of behavior and in this case it must be analyzed in connection with the situation.

Examine - Fail the exam - You will cope with the test, but you will need a lot of effort Pass the exam - You will come out of a difficult situation with honor. Focus on only one direction Examine someone - You may have judged someone unnecessarily. Rethink your decision

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

I dream about an Exam, what does it mean?

Exams – Dreams about exams symbolize the dreamer’s anxiety, his lack of confidence in something. As a rule, failure in an exam in a dream is symmetrically reflected by success in life. Success in an exam is a bad omen. Lack of effort can have a bad effect on your business; you overestimate your capabilities. See also School.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Exams from your dream

The best way to unravel what your dream about the Exam is trying to tell you is to carefully understand how you feel after it and what life situation at the moment could have caused you to have this dream.

Try again and again! How persistent are you? When a completely unthinkable Exam test falls into your hands in a dream, what do you do with it? Do you rack your brains over him for hours or tell him to go to hell and leave the room? The number of times you attempt to answer an Exam or solve a problem may indicate the importance of the internal struggle that is going on within you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Exam - as a result of hard struggle you will achieve your goal.

Semenova's lunar dream book

What is night vision about?

Symbolizes success after much worry.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Exams in a dream?

Exams – Returning to the events of exams is common during new challenges, for example, when applying for a job, the first wedding night, or the emergence of a new partner. Fear of punishment or masochistic expectation of punishment for an incorrect answer.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Exam – To mistrust associated with money, to test the spouse’s honesty.

For those born in May, June, July and August

You will soon need stamina.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Exam - An unforgivable mistake will be made.

Contents [Show]

Exam in a modern dream book

If you take an exam in a dream, it means that someone close to you is in great need of your help. In reality, you feel this, but you do not dare to provide help. If you see yourself taking an exam from someone, this is a warning to you so that you do not take on the role of a critic. If you were given a high rating in a dream, it means that a calm period of your life has come, now you can relax and not worry about anything. This calm is short-lived, make the most of it and then get down to business with renewed vigor. A bad mark received on an exam in a dream tells you that you cannot take other people’s opinions so seriously.

Exam in Miller's dream book

If you take the exam completely alone, then you are tormented by various complexes, because of which you cannot communicate normally and with pleasure with others. If you fail to pass the exam even after the second attempt, then everything you have planned is either completely impossible or requires much more time to complete. If you dream that the examiner is you, it means that you are in the mood for some serious conversation. You came to take an exam in clothes that are inappropriate for the situation - in real life you were tired of various formalities. And if you suddenly dreamed that you were taking an exam to some animal, then unsatisfied passion is boiling inside you, and you cannot find a suitable partner.

Exam in Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about taking an exam, it means that someone close to you needs your help. You guess about it, but you haven’t helped yet. You are taking an exam - do not rush to become a critic, although you can be a guru in matters of sex. Not everyone has such opportunities to hone their skills in the field of erotica. A high score received in the exam indicates the onset of a period of calm in your life; use your free time rationally in order to gain strength for new achievements. If you were given a bad grade on an exam, then in life you listen too much to what people say about your sexual capabilities. Maybe this was caused by a situation where your partner gave you a negative assessment after sex. Such a dream is a warning to you that you should not take such assessments too seriously. Everything can be fixed, just don’t focus too much on it.


Why do you dream about an exam? A dream about an exam makes you understand that someone close to you needs your help.

Dreaming of re-examination means great success and happiness.

A dream in which you are taking exams, according to the dream book, promises a break in relations with your loved one.

In general, such a dream means your low self-esteem, mental anxiety, and uncertainty.

A high score when passing has the only correct interpretation - the worries are over, the time of calm is coming, you can relax and not think about anything.

Do you often dream about exams at school or college? For the most part, such dreams are a consequence of strong unrest experienced in the past, during the defense of a diploma, passing the state tests. Your subconscious cannot part with those impressions that literally shocked you.

However, while some found it difficult to study at school or university, others, on the contrary, did not attach much importance to this period of their lives.

Therefore, having an “examination” dream does not mean anything significant for such a sleeping person; most likely, a little anxiety and anxiety awaits him.

Exam according to Razgadamus's dream book

Why do you dream about an exam test? Dreams in which you undergo one or another certification are a reflection of your internal doubts.

Being late, failing, failing, or retaking exams in a dream in real life promises to get the “highest score” and draw a lucky ticket.

Acting as an examiner in a dream means completing a difficult life situation that you could not solve.

Naturally, the interpretation of a dream about an exam can have different meanings in different situations. Passing a session in a dream may mean that the best time has come for you to reconsider your life positions; they were probably wrong.


An exam is one of the most stressful moments in the life of every schoolchild and student. Long preparation, anxiety when choosing a ticket, anxious anticipation of the results - all this is a strong stress for the body, which, however, passes quite quickly, and in the memories the exam remains as a successfully overcome milestone (even if it was not passed the first time). attempts) and, perhaps, as funny situations associated with it. Why do adults and accomplished people often wake up in alarm when they see an audience and a strict examiner in their dreams? This is due to the fact that certain trials accompany us throughout our lives. We periodically experience a state of pre-exam fever, as well as doubts about successfully overcoming life's problems, which come into our dreams in the form of seemingly long-forgotten images associated with the intense stress and uncertainty of our school and student years.

Dream book of Sigmunt Freud. What does the dream “Exam” portend?

A dream in which you are taking an exam suggests that someone close to you needs support, which for some reason you never thought of providing. If in a dream you yourself act as an examiner, then this is a warning that you should not criticize your partner in your intimate life, even if his erotic skills are much more modest than yours. A good grade received in a dream foreshadows a calm period of life, opportunities for rest and relaxation. A bad exam score suggests that you are too dependent on other people's opinions about your sexual talents, perhaps due to criticism from your partner: you should not attach too much importance to this problem, even if there was a temporary failure.

Dream book of Miss Hasse. Interpretation of a dream about an exam

A dream about an exam speaks of an upcoming difficult struggle, which will be crowned with success and the achievement of the desired goal.

Esoteric dream book. The meaning of the dream “Exam”

An exam seen in a dream suggests that you are subconsciously preparing for some difficult event and trying to mobilize all external and internal resources for this. The course of the exam and the circumstances surrounding it are a scenario for solving upcoming life problems. Successful answers and good grades portend joy and success, bad results portend difficulties and misunderstanding of others.


For students, a dream about an exam is a reflection of their real life, and such a dream very accurately predicts the result of the upcoming test.

The exam that you take in a dream is a harbinger of the exam that your life will soon take and a reflection of doubts and worries about this. A successfully passed exam is a favorable sign, indicating a successful start to a new stage in life.

If in a dream you were late for an exam or forgot your study material, you feel unsure of your abilities and are afraid of the upcoming tests. We must gather our strength and thoughts - life will examine us again and again until, finally, we answer all its questions.

If in a dream you yourself act as an examiner, this suggests that you will have to evaluate the actions of other people. Try not to make mistakes.


An exam is often an omen of some action, and the result in most cases will not be very good. However, sleep is a warning, so negative events can still be prevented.

If a person dreams of an exam in which he received an unsatisfactory grade, then in reality he will have problems in the professional field. That is why he should spend more time at work, since everything can end very badly. Taking exams from students without being a teacher can actually land you a good deal. If a young woman has such a dream, then success awaits her among her fans. Perhaps she will go to a celebration where several respectable men will show her signs of attention.

If you are taking an exam for your mother in any subject, in reality you should visit her, since she misses her child, despite the fact that he has grown up a long time ago. To see a dream in which an exam is taking place on the street - in reality a person will make an unforgivable mistake. He will reproach himself for a long time, but nothing can be done. All that remains is to come to terms with reality. If a person has dreamed of his friend or relative taking an exam, then in reality he needs his support, so you should not postpone this matter, it is better to immediately offer help.

As a result, he will also be able to help the dreamer when he finds himself in an unpleasant situation. Running away from an exam means that in reality you will find yourself head over heels in problems that will never end, but you should not forget about friends to whom you can turn for support.

If the dreamer passes the exam with flying colors, then in reality he is trying to make a good impression on some person. His efforts will be crowned with success, and he will be able to achieve his goal.

Often dreams of an exam test the dreamer’s honesty, so after such a dream you should be very scrupulous in financial matters. In addition, you need to lie less, as some people may simply turn away from the person after this. And this will be like death for him, since he will need their protection. If a person dreams that he is taking an exam in his profession, then he is not confident in his own knowledge. However, he is a pretty good specialist, and he should not delve into himself, it is better to show his diligence in the work that he does very well. If a woman dreams that she is taking an exam for her husband, then soon she will have to sort out her relationship with him.

And all because, in his opinion, she spends a lot. But it’s better to give him a list of necessary products and see how he can manage with less. In this way, scandal and suspicion can be avoided. When a person takes an exam from a fictional character, in reality he cares too much about what people think of him. He should keep it simple as he is not $100 to please everyone. If you dream about an exam on the eve of taking it, then you should take a closer look at this dream, perhaps you will be able to remember which ticket you got and prepare it well. After all, people often have prophetic dreams. It is thanks to them that you can easily find a way out of problems, the main thing is to listen to them.

If a person dreams that he passed the exam with flying colors, but it cost him a lot of effort, then in reality he will achieve what he wants, only he will need to work hard on his projects.

When thinking about what an exam means in a dream, you should turn to the dream books of various authors for an interpretation of this symbol. By acting in this way, you will be able to find the most suitable answer. If you believe Freud's version, then when a person takes an exam from someone, this indicates his sophistication in love. He can teach his partner a lot, but he does not dare to do this, because he is afraid of offending him inadvertently. Hasse promises a person a difficult choice, which will be successful only if the person in the dream received an excellent mark. Nostradamus warns of temporary difficulties, perhaps even losses and disappointment. However, this dark streak will soon pass, and the sun will shine again, as before.

Loff predicts doubts about one's own skills. A person should not become despondent; it is better to devote his energy to work and be proud of his achievements. The modern dream book promises the dreamer a difficult choice that he will have to make in a fairly short time. Simon Canatita says that a person will need to work hard, otherwise he will not be able to achieve his goal. The Ukrainian dream book foretells problems, and if the exam was taken by a woman who is going to get married in the near future, then she will experience discord in her relationship with her chosen one. Miller advises not to make serious decisions in the near future, it is better to wait, then you can get away with “little loss.”

An exam seen in a dream means a decision that can be disastrous for a person. That is why after such a dream you should be vigilant and carefully think through your steps.


You look at the exam papers, beads of sweat appear on your forehead - you are taking the exam again in your sleep. Even the most educated people don't like the idea of ​​remembering what they know under pressure, especially if they haven't prepared for it. Pay attention to the circumstances in your dream. Are you at school, university or some other educational institution? What subject is your knowledge being tested? Does this make you nervous or afraid? Perhaps something in real life is weighing on you. Why do you feel like you need validation? Is this a period where you learn something or do you want to improve? People who are on a spiritual quest and seeking an even deeper understanding of themselves and their lives often see exams in their dreams.

Usually dreams in which you dream about an exam are not very pleasant. Perhaps because we are afraid of exposure? Or are you about to take a trip you're not ready for? Perhaps your fear is due to lack of preparation and not the test itself? What are you preparing for in real life? Do you feel like you haven't devoted enough time to this? No matter how life tests you, the only thing that will get you through is preparation and confidence.

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

You dreamed about the Exam, what is it for. An exam is an inevitable obstacle that must be overcome to enter a new stage. Accordingly, success or failure in an exam may reflect deep thoughts about possible solutions to problems. Often, a dream about an exam is repeated, representing a feeling of success or failure at various stages of life.

Positive value

Dreams that you pass an exam easily can predict future achievements and the implementation of your plans.

Negative implications

Failure in an exam means failure to realize ambitions.

Most often, a dream about an exam can be associated with a fear of one’s own unpreparedness, as if life were testing you. Repeated dreams about exams suggest a feeling of failure.

Success. If you receive a diploma for passing an exam, it shows your ambition and pride. Premature departure. Leaving an exam early indicates arrogance or vanity. Think about it, maybe you have really shown similar qualities lately. Cheating. Cheating on an exam - perhaps you feel that you have achieved something dishonestly.

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

As a result of hard struggle you will reach your goal

Why are we rarely examiners in our dreams? Maybe we should switch roles? Why are we almost always unhappy, tortured examinees? In the end, who is responsible for these dreams? How do you deal with authorities?

When we take exams in our dreams, we always have a presentiment that we will be judged very strictly. Maybe they'll even punish you. And the examiners are always people who are authoritative for us both in our real life and in our memory.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Exam Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

Dreaming about an exam means:

The image may symbolize various levels of social success or coordination with the supr-ego program. In addition, this image denotes a situation of stress on a person who obeys certain instructions, bringing himself to the point of masochism. Sometimes it denotes success, especially for those people who are success-oriented.

If we mean a final school exam, something is trying to express the onset of anxiety and neurosis in a subject who seems to be engaged in an activity that is useless to himself, being in a state of difficulty, puzzlement (even if the final exam is successful).

If this is a special exam, the interpretation of the image is associated with the understanding of any specific part of behavior and in this case it must be analyzed in connection with the situation.

1 Exam Jewish dream book

Meaning of sleep exam:

Taking an exam A dream you had on Monday night means that a difficult test awaits you; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to quarrels and insults; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means evading responsibility and transferring the right to make decisions to someone else.

1 Exam using the Online Dream Book

Taking the exam alone is a sign that you do not communicate much due to insecurity in your family.

If you couldn’t pass it, come down to earth, the results of your labors will not come soon.

If you dreamed of a successful surrender, you will soon succeed in matters of the heart.

A hopeless failure on the test - completely unexpectedly you will have a reason to rejoice.

According to the dream book, if you take an exam, someone from your inner circle simply needs your support, you yourself understand this perfectly well, but for some reason you cannot dare to offer your participation.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Exam Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

It’s as if you are passing an exam - the dream speaks of your complexness, which incredibly interferes with you; Perhaps the advice of a psychologist will help you (you don’t have to go to a psychologist; read the relevant literature). It is as if you cannot pass the exam - this dream calls on you to be slow and thorough - otherwise you will not be able to improve your affairs. In a dream you see yourself in the role of an examiner - you have a very serious conversation ahead of you; You will set the tone in this conversation.

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Exam in a dream means:

Taking an exam in a dream means that you must help a loved one.

If you take the exam, this means that you are very experienced in sex, but at the same time you demand the same from your partner.

If you get a good mark in the exam, this means that you can rest, because now everything is going as well as possible for you.

A bad grade is dreamed of by people who need the support of others - you need encouragement and approval from a loved one more than ever.

1 Exam according to the Dream Book 2012

Reflection of the situation where you have to take an exam.

When excited, it is a reflection of uncertainty.

Accepting is a reflection of the desire to belittle the importance of someone (something).

1 Exam Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Indicates either the level of social success of the subject, or his compliance with the “Super-Ego” program, as well as a stressful situation for a person who, reaching the point of masochism, allows himself to be subjected to humiliating interrogations. If we are talking about final school exams, then in this image In-se shows that, although the subject may have achieved social success, he still owes himself a lot as an individual. Often the image of exams indicates the emergence of vain fears or neurosis. If one sees passing an exam in a certain subject, then this refers to a specific aspect of the subject's behavior.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Exam Dream book of Nina Grishina

Why does a woman dream about an exam:

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Seeing an exam in a dream means:

If you pass successfully, you will succeed in business; if you fail, you will fail. Imagine answering exam questions correctly and getting a perfect score.

1 Exam Danilova's erotic dream book

A dream with an exam in the dream book is interpreted as:

Feeling excitement and fear in a dream while taking an exam means catching yourself thinking about striving for the unknown, perhaps forbidden, new impressions and sensations that you have only seen in your fantasies.

To get a good mark on an exam - the dream reveals your desire not to lose face in front of the person you are very passionate about. You are afraid of seeming inept, inexperienced and insufficiently experienced in the field of sex, so you are ready to do anything to make the desired impression on the object of your desire.

Getting a bad grade in a dream means that you are eager to show off your love exploits to your friends.

1 Exam according to Hasse's dream book

Dreaming about an exam means:

As a result of hard struggle, you will achieve your goal.

1 Exam Dream book alphabetically

Meaning of sleep exam:

A dream in which you pass some serious exams with great success means that you will soon have a lover.

Failing an exam in a dream portends an unexpected find or a pleasant surprise.

If in a dream you take some exams yourself, this means a breakdown in relationships with your loved ones and a loss of trust on the part of friends.

If the examinee cannot answer you anything about the questions on the ticket, it means that in reality you will not have enough patience and endurance to complete the work you have started.

1 Exam according to Jung's Dream Book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of an exam:

Exam dreams have a typical form. The dream ego is aware that it is exam time, usually the last exam at a college or university; for some reason the dreamer is not ready for the exam - either he did not prepare, or did not attend classes - or does not know where the exam itself will be held. The dream ego may also be late for an exam. Such dreams are more structured (and more frequent in my experience) than primitive dreams of falling or being chased.

Because exams represent an assessment of collective standards - they indicate a person's anxiety - worry about how he appears in the eyes of other people, or fear of not meeting the norm of a social role: “Is he a good musician?”, “Can he perform his job well?” work? etc. This dream helped to reveal the incestuous element in his relationships with women; in addition, it helped to recognize the Madonna-prostitute split in his psyche, based, in particular, on the over-idealization of his mother, whom he considered outside the sexual sphere.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Exam Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What the exam might mean:

Exams are anxiety.

1 Exam Modern dream book

Exam in a dream means:

If you dream that you are taking an exam alone, this means that your complexes do not give you peace, and you cannot calmly communicate with others.

If you dream that you cannot pass the exam, although it is not your first time, this dream warns: what you have in mind cannot be done quickly.

If in a dream you are an examiner, it means that you have long been in the mood for a serious conversation.

Coming to an exam in inappropriate clothes means in real life you are tired of complying with various kinds of formalities.

If you pass the exam on an animal, it means that you are overwhelmed with passion, but you cannot find a suitable partner.

1 Exam Russian dream book

If a girl dreams of an exam, it means:

Taking the exam means it’s time to reconsider your positions in life, it seems they are wrong.

1 Exam The correct dream book

Why does a woman dream about an exam:

success after much worry

1 Exam ABC of dream interpretation

Seeing an exam in a dream means:

Fail an exam - you will pass the test, but you will need a lot of effort.

Pass the exam - you will come out of a difficult situation with honor. Focus on one area only.

Examine someone - perhaps you judged someone in vain. Reconsider your decision.

Dreams about exams symbolize the dreamer’s anxiety, his uncertainty about something. As a rule, failure in an exam in a dream is symmetrically reflected by success in life.

Success in an exam is a bad omen. Lack of effort can have a bad effect on your business; you overestimate your capabilities.

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Interpretation of a dream about an exam:

Failing a lesson. Awareness, the feeling that you don’t know the material. School teachers, school classes, desks.

1 Exam Intimate dream book

Interpretation of a dream about an exam:

Taking an exam in a dream means someone close to you really needs your help. In real life, you feel that this person (if you know who exactly you mean) needs support, but for some reason you don’t dare to provide it.

If you dream that you are taking an exam from someone, even if you are very experienced in love affairs, do not take on the role of a critic if something goes wrong. Not everyone is so lucky with opportunities to improve their erotic skills.

Receive a high mark in the exam - a calm period begins in your life, you can relax and not worry about anything. Try to take advantage of the calm period so that you can then begin business with renewed vigor.

If in a dream you get a bad mark on an exam, you take other people's opinions about your sexual capabilities too seriously. Perhaps this is due to the fact that one day your partner allowed himself to speak harshly about how he evaluates sex with you. Never mind: in the end, even if once in your life you had to buy not very fresh bread at a bakery, this does not mean at all that fresh bread does not exist.

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

An exam in a dream predicts:

Passing the exam is a test, a crucial period; wrong actions.

To fail is success; Successful passing is a revaluation of one’s strengths and capabilities.

1 Exam Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about the Exam:

We all want to receive parental approval, meet the requirements of society, we want to fulfill our wildest expectations and dreams. We keep track of how well or poorly we do it all by consulting our internal and external judges.

So who is your judge? Think about a recent dream involving an Exam. Perhaps you were supposed to do a downhill ski run, but you weren't allowed to go because you didn't have ski poles. Why did you want to do this descent? Who - present or past - was there to see whether you win or lose?

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

Taking an exam in a dream means that in reality you are preparing for something very important, requiring you to fully mobilize all your mental and physical strength. Therefore, it is not surprising that you dreamed of an exam. Your entire future life and prosperity depend on how successfully it goes.

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

What do Exams mean in a dream? Test - see also Test 1. A dream in which an exam takes place (especially an academic one) is usually associated with self-criticism and a thirst for high results. We can allow others to set the standards of morality and success for ourselves. If we are being examined by a doctor, it means that we may have concerns about our health. 2. We may have a habit of giving ourselves self-esteem tests, or we are always worried about our achievements. There are many people who claim that they were abducted by aliens, examined and brought back. But opinions differ as to whether it really happened or whether they just dreamed it. 3. There is a need for spiritual verification.

1 Exam To the newest dream book

People close to you no longer trust you; annoyance.

1 Exam Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

You will soon need stamina. If you dreamed that you were taking an exam, a director may soon come to your place of work.

You dreamed that you were taking an exam from someone - soon you will have to check someone’s work.

In a dream, you watched someone take exams - to long useless troubles.

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Exams - a return to the events of exams is typical during new challenges, for example, when applying for a job, the first wedding night, or the emergence of a new partner. Fear of punishment or masochistic expectation of punishment for an incorrect answer.

1 Exam Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of the dream depends on the exam results. If it is successful, you receive credit - in reality your affairs will be successful. If you fail the exam, your plans will not come true in real life. If you see someone taking an exam, this means that you will soon have to worry about a loved one. If you are taking the exam, the dream suggests that you face a difficult choice, on which the fate of another person will depend.

Imagine that the examinee answers the exam questions correctly and receives a perfect score.

1 Exam Dream book of the 20th century

Why do you dream about the Exam:

This is a reflection of your deepest doubts.

The dream foretells you some kind of life test and suggests that deep down you are not sure whether you have enough strength and abilities to implement some plan or overcome future difficulties.

Failing an exam or being late for it: a sign of your internal unpreparedness for possible blows of fate. After such a dream, you should avoid excessive self-confidence - in the near future you will need the ability to concentrate.

Successfully passing the exam means that you will overcome a difficult period of life with honor, although you should not relax either.

Taking the exam yourself or watching the exam from the side: a sign that some of your plans are not fully thought out and may fail. After such a dream, you should carefully weigh the business you are going to take on and soberly assess the capabilities of the people on whose support you are counting.

Passing the exam means moving to a new stage in life.

Try again and again! How persistent are you? When a completely unthinkable Exam test falls into your hands in a dream, what do you do with it? Do you rack your brains over him for hours or tell him to go to hell and leave the room? The number of times you attempt to answer an Exam or solve a problem may indicate the importance of the internal struggle that is going on within you.

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