Dreams on the 27th lunar day. Twenty-seventh lunar day. Registration of relationships and sex

Energy of the day: active day

Lucky number 27 lunar day: 9; element of the day: Fire.

Lucky color of the 27th lunar day: blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphire.

Stones: purple transparent amethyst, emerald, adularia, pink and crimson quartz, selenite.

Happy day of the week of the 27th lunar day: Saturday.

Lucky direction of 27 lunar days: South.

The predominant form of 27 lunar days: triangle, zigzag, broken line.

Symbol of the 27th lunar day: Ship; Neptune's Trident; Scepter; Rod.

Key words: awareness of the goal, sense of internal rhythm, following the natural flow of energies.

Guardian Angel of the 27th lunar day: Gasar - Triumphant. Dreamer. Victorious angel. Gasar knows how to give you victory in the most difficult and challenging situations. It is his responsibility to fulfill your cherished dreams and ambitions. Anyone who approaches his glory will never let it go. This Guardian Angel is responsible for dramatic changes in the lives of women at various stages of their life journey. It gets rid of bad habits and negative influences.

Basic properties of the day

Neptune's day is associated with water and sea travel.

At its core, this is a time of mystical transformation, turning to one’s spiritual origins, a day of acquiring divine wisdom and knowledge.

A good period for starting a journey, but only aimed at finding new knowledge, and in addition, it is an ideal time for scientific research and expeditions, psychological experiments, surveys, tests and psychological correction classes.

On the twenty-seventh lunar day it is useful to engage in self-education. This period represents a harmonious combination of reason and intuition.

The fact is that during this period, reason and intuition are perfectly combined. Listen to your inner voice. Today there is no place for rationalism, skepticism, prudence and pragmatism.
Be sure to think about the difficulties that torment you. Your instinct can tell you an elegant way out of a difficult situation. If you are overcome by a difficult problem, then try to call on your intuition: your sixth sense will not refuse you.

On the 27th lunar day, try not to get hung up on specific life, especially everyday, problems. If you do not pay attention to everyday trifles and rise above the vanity, then the hidden motives in the actions of your friends and colleagues may become clear.

On this lunar day you need to accept any weather. “Whether it’s raining, snowing, any time of the year...” is a good sign. The “highest aerobatics” of immersing yourself in the elements of the day would be swimming or, in extreme cases, a walk in the rain. Today, any water procedures are very useful, but you should not swim in open cold springs or go on sea trips. Baths, saunas, regular showers are very beneficial for health.

The Tibetan astrological school believes that during this period it is possible to perform funeral rites and remember the dead.

Mystical influence

Day of developing secret knowledge and skills. Don't look in the mirror to avoid feelings of inferiority.

Household influence

On the twenty-seventh day you should look in the mirror as little as possible; It’s better to do without it altogether.

People born on this day live in a state of constant change and fluctuation. These are travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, vagabonds, mystics, dreamers, healers (Neptune is in charge of medicines). At the highest spiritual level, these are people capable of ideal love; at the lowest level, they are drunkards and drug addicts. Those born on the 27th lunar day are faced with the task of mastering meditation and cosmic consciousness, but they must show a lot of willpower in order to “weed out” the lower world. Prayers, verbal magic, and white magic will help on this path.

Effect on conception

If you are kind and gentle people, then the child conceived on this day will look like you. True, he can suffer from strange diseases and be prone to infections. But some force will still protect him. In the future, your child’s life will be filled with worries about others. He will grow into a kind person. But do not abuse his patience, because... from submissive and fair, he can become a punishing and insane creature.

Business sphere: 27 lunar day

In terms of Business, this period is favorable only for charity; all other transactions with banknotes are doomed to failure. Therefore, it is advisable to devote the 27th lunar day exclusively to sponsorship. It is believed that funds allocated for charity create good karma for the giver and subsequently bring wealth - both spiritual and material.

Marriage and wedding: 27 lunar day

A good time for marriages, but a wedding on the twenty-seventh lunar day should be quiet and calm. It is better to avoid noisy companies at the table. The calmer the celebration, the stronger the family will be. To a greater extent, this time is ideal for mature, sophisticated couples to start a family.

Health: 27 lunar day

Astrologers warn: the use of chemicals on the twenty-seventh lunar day can cause an unexpected reaction of the body and various complications. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from using medications during this period (of course, if we are not talking about life and death).

The lymphatic system is especially vulnerable now. On the 27th lunar day, you need to be less exposed to drafts, and most importantly, avoid dampness.

Standing near water also during this lunar period can easily lead to respiratory diseases. Stay away from ponds and swimming pools. Today, any water procedures are very useful, but you should not swim in open cold springs

Cold water on the twenty-seventh lunar day is very dangerous. Try not to swim today, especially for large bodies of water - seas, oceans, lakes.

Sex and erotica: 27 lunar day

The most important thing on the twenty-seventh lunar day is that sex is based on highly spiritual relationships, and not just physiology.

This is the ideal time to conceive a child or have first sexual intercourse. It is very dangerous today to have sex in or near water. This can lead to health problems and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Dreams: 27 lunar day

Dreams of the twenty-seventh lunar day indicate how much a person is able to exist in harmonious relationships with the surrounding space, how much he is able to maintain a balance between the spiritual world and the material world.

Dreams of this period should be interpreted only by those who are well acquainted with the basics of deep psychology, otherwise all interpretations will turn out to be inaccurate, since on this day it is very easy to succumb either to extreme mysticism (consider everything as a manifestation of some kind of fate), or to extreme practicality and utilitarianism (consider a dream as a set of chaotic elements of the subconscious).

Some schools believe that today people receive revelations in their dreams.

Esoterics: 27 lunar day

The 27th lunar day is one of the most favorable periods for making pilgrimages.
European esoteric schools dedicated this day to magical rituals and ceremonies, especially those in which powerful spirits of the Light Forces were invoked.

Lunar ritual on the 27th lunar day

Practice of the day: "Tangle of problems"

Let's get rid of problems on this day.

  • Take the problem that is currently bothering you into your hands like a ball.
  • Let the ball not be tight, but loose.
  • Start unwinding this “tangle”, releasing the thread into a bottomless well, while remembering what led to the current situation, but in reverse order.
  • What is it now, what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, a month ago, a year...
  • Unwind the ball to its base until the thread runs out.
  • As often happens, the ball of thread is first wound onto a piece of paper or a finger. If you find a leaf at the end of the thread, burn it mentally, and give the end of the thread to the Almighty, to his will. It is possible that, having unwound the splint, you will understand the reason and purpose of the chain of events that you had to go through.
  • Now, with the passage of time, everything becomes clear and understandable.
  • Well, if, after unwinding the ball, you did not find anything, then all the same, you have already “unwound” your situation and now it will develop differently and you will soon see it for yourself.

The twenty-seventh lunar day can be called the day of charity and selfless help. The best day to create a relief fund. This will bring you a lot of additional and valuable information that you will not find even in textbooks, and will also help you enrich yourself spiritually.

27 lunar day characteristics

On the twenty-seventh lunar day, it is well suited for self-education and spiritual search. Today, the mind and soul are in resonance and this will help you find the right answers to important questions for yourself.

Intuition on this day will be at its maximum, so be sure to listen to it on the 27th lunar day.

This day is associated with the water element, so working with this element will be very effective. You can plan water trips for this day and enjoy the rain and snow, because the power of this element is very powerful.

Business on the 27th lunar day

On the 27th lunar day you should not plan important things. The only business matter will be the creation of a charitable foundation. Starting a project aimed at helping others. You can plan sponsorship or socially useful work for the benefit of society for this day.
The remaining areas will unfortunately fail.

Health on the 27th lunar day

On the twenty-seventh lunar day, refrain from taking chemical medications. On this day they can cause a completely unexpected reaction.

Today the lymphatic system is the most vulnerable.

Protect yourself from drafts and hypothermia.
Water procedures are shown, but with the exception of large open water spaces, such as the sea and ocean.

Love 27 lunar day

The twenty-seventh lunar day is aimed at spiritual enrichment. Therefore, today sex must first of all involve more than just physiology. The practice of tantra will come in handy.

An ideal day for conception or the first act of love. This will enrich you spiritually and the child will have high spiritual values.

Weddings on this day are contraindicated. The relationship will end before it even begins.

But you can start a holiday romance; it will be bright and unforgettable.

Esoterics 27 lunar day

On the twenty-seventh lunar day, practices related to charity and connection with the world are effective. The pilgrimage will give you many new discoveries and deep understandings on this day.

Magic rituals associated with invoking the spirits of the Elements and Light forces will be productive and will charge you with energy for a long time.

Signs of the 27th lunar day

Mirror - on this day it is better to avoid reflective and smooth surfaces. Be it a mirror or the surface of water.
This may cause some trouble.

Dreams on the 27th lunar day

Dreams on the twenty-seventh lunar day will be aimed at your relationship with the outside world.

On this day, intuition is so strong that you will be able to see the truth and destroy your illusions.

In dreams, you can see reality as it is, see exactly what you are mistaken about. And most importantly, you need to use this information correctly.

On the 27th lunar day, you can receive an important revelation in a dream.

Stones of the 27th lunar day: purple transparent amethyst, emerald, adularia, pink and crimson quartz, selenite.

Rituals of the twenty-seventh lunar day

Practice “Listening to space and yourself”

The twenty-seventh lunar day is good for this practice, because today the connection with the cosmos is deep, and our intuition is at its maximum.

I suggest you do this practice.

Go away for a while so that no one disturbs you. Sit comfortably so that nothing strains or disturbs you.

Bring your attention to the area of ​​your heart and listen to what is inside you. Feel yourself, that same True Self. Don’t invent anything for yourself and don’t visualize, just watch the information that comes to you.
On this day we are waiting for you many insights about yourself and the world.
Then listen to the space around you, feel everything at the energy level. Lose yourself in it. Become everything and nothing at the same time.

See how your worldview changes into a more colorful picture.

With love to you, Marina Danilova.

Twenty-seventh lunar day- a very calm, beneficial day, if you use its energy correctly.

Characteristics of the twenty-seventh lunar day

Symbols of the twenty-seventh lunar day- trident, wand.
Stones of the twenty-seventh lunar day- selenite, emerald, charoite, malachite, lapis lazuli, purple transparent amethyst, crimson and rose quartz, adularia.
Body parts- lower legs, lymphatic system.

The twenty-seventh day in itself is a very good day, but it is characterized by a lack of energy, so it is so important today to focus your attention only on the most important matters and sweep away everything superfluous and unnecessary. An ideal option would be all kinds of spiritual practices that will help achieve internal balance and harmony. It’s better to relax: any tension today will not bring you any benefit.

Intuitive abilities may be heightened today, so be prepared for an encrypted flow of information. Know how to see the signs and interpret them correctly. The revelations of the twenty-seventh lunar day can be very useful to you in the future. In addition to external sources of information, use your internal resources: listen to your own inner voice, which today will tell you the right decisions. This will help you find a way out of many situations that previously seemed dead-end.

The twenty-seventh lunar day is also good for gaining new knowledge and enriching ourselves with the experience of other generations. Studying, reading, communicating with experienced and older people who can teach you something will be very useful today. Rid yourself of the everyday hustle and bustle and unnecessary contacts, on which you will only waste energy and never see results. The correct policy in relation to obtaining the necessary knowledge will lead to the fact that today you will be able to expand your horizons, learn a lot of useful information, comprehend many connections and consequences of the world around you that were incomprehensible to you before.

It is recommended to spend the twenty-seventh day surrounded by your loved ones, visit relatives, show them attention, care and love - this will enrich you internally. Avoid all vanity, black thoughts, blues, laziness, boredom. Engage in your own self-improvement and work on yourself.

It is considered a bad omen on the twenty-seventh lunar day to look in the mirror.

Interpretation of dreams on the twenty-seventh lunar day

Dreams on the twenty-seventh lunar day are influenced by the fact that your intuitive abilities are sharpened to the limit today. Therefore, today you are open to information from above, and it will come down to you in dreams. Moreover, these are often shocking revelations that you don’t even expect. As a rule, they open your eyes to reality, tear off your rose-colored glasses and help you comprehend what is happening in your life.

Many illusions can be broken precisely by the interpretation of dreams of these lunar days, but they will not be given to you just like that: they are too symbolic, too encrypted and coded, so do not expect direct answers to your questions. You will have to seriously rack your brains about what they mean, how to interpret them correctly, and in which direction they are directing you. Sometimes it will seem that the dream is completely positive, but with a professional interpretation it turns out that it is a direct indication of your mistakes and warns you against a possible disaster.

These are the features of the twenty-seventh lunar day that must be taken into account so that this day runs smoothly, calmly and evenly with benefit for the soul and body.

The symbol of the 27th lunar day today is a trident (Neptune). A deeply intuitive day meditative. Intuition comes first - it is your guru, your best advisor. Try, if possible, to have less contact with the outside world and more with the inner world. TV, telephone radio, and even Internet (!) Today it is better to put it aside and use it minimally. Of course, it's perfectly acceptable to hang out with good friends. However, if you feel that such communication disturbs your inner silence, it is better to postpone the meeting until more appropriate times. It is not recommended to sleep for a long time, it will dull your perception. You shouldn’t eat a lot, all your energy will go towards digesting food and you will lose concentration on your inner world. In other words, you will be “grounded” to the material. The moon today opens the curtain for those who are not afraid to discover a source within themselves that contains something that cannot be found in the outside world.

Dreams on the 27th lunar day

Dreams that occur on the 27th lunar day are often prophetic. They carry your inner knowledge, view of the world and people. The meaning that lies in dreams on the 27th lunar day can reveal to you the true essence of what is happening. For example, if you suspect your lover of treason, and he (she) carries you out of the fire in his arms in a dream, your suspicions are unfounded and such a person can be trusted. When interpreting dreams on the 27th lunar day, be careful - it’s easy to make a mistake, the meaning may be hidden from view.

Information about the 27th lunar day

Today, intuitively, you can get out of any problem that has occupied you for a long time. In general, the day promises you all sorts of discoveries and receiving long-awaited information. True, basically, this information comes as a feeling of the correctness (or incorrectness) of what your thoughts are occupied with. However, it is worth remembering that all this is possible only if you maintain your inner silence and calm. In other words, try not to worry about even the most pressing problems, then the solution will come in silence.

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