Pedagogical universities with budget places. Russian pedagogical universities: overview, rating, features of admission and reviews

Teaching is truly a calling. Someone calls it art, someone calls it philosophy, and someone calls it the most difficult profession, but the truth is that everyone is right - this is creativity, and hard work, and joy from the results of students and from the learning process. If you understand that such a profession is close to you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with those universities where you can get it.

are places that have earned universal respect by working for decades on ideal curricula, developing their own teaching systems, encouraging students and holding a variety of activities aimed at connecting creativity with rationality.

1. Moscow State Pedagogical University - - this university has existed relatively recently (since 1995), but has already managed to become quite authoritative. The university has its own concept, according to which both the development of the university and the interaction of the teaching staff within it take place. Combining science, education and culture is the goal and meaning of the work of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. If we add to this all the technical innovations, information capabilities, the most powerful educational and material base, it turns out that the university not only successfully implements its concept, but also sets a worthy example for other universities.

As many as 60 higher education programs and 65 postgraduate programs, 10 institutes and 7 faculties - this is a real forge of masters of their craft.

Alexandra Intsova, 2013 graduate:

“I really enjoyed studying there. I think that I was lucky with the teachers, this is largely their merit. They explained everything very intelligibly, there was a practice with children, including those with mental disorders and difficult ones. It helped a lot to understand the specifics of the profession and find an individual approach to each child, to understand in which direction to direct him and how to help.

Numerous diplomas and awards, as well as the kind words of students and graduates are the best confirmation of the high level of the university.

How many traditions have merged into one with this association, how many different teachers began to interact according to new principles, but the result exceeded all expectations - the most powerful scientific and pedagogical base and the implementation of educational programs at the highest level in all areas prove the correctness of the decision to combine the three faculties into one . Galina Kuznetsova, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Public Relations, Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov:

“The educational process at Sholokhov Moscow State University of Humanities is structured in such a way that, in addition to professional training (which certainly receives worthy attention), graduates Sholokhov, universal social competencies are formed.

The success of professional activity in all areas is ensured by their development. We pay great attention to cultural competence, communication skills, the development of a leadership model of behavior, the ability to set goals and plan their achievement, the ability to create and implement projects, etc.

We see the educational process as a combination of scientific knowledge and an environment in which students can realize their skills and develop the universal competencies of students, which is a solid foundation for any activity aimed at success - be it politics, business, public service or pedagogy.

In the learning process, regardless of the direction of training, such courses as the history of Russian literature, life navigation, project management, etc. others give an effective result.

Currently, school graduates can choose one of three profiles -

1. Pedagogy and methodology of primary education

2. Psychology and social pedagogy

3. Psychology and pedagogy of preschool education.

Teachers of all subjects are people who are not only dedicated to their work, but also have awards, academic degrees, and titles.

Students are offered to plunge into the world of pedagogy from the very beginning and feel what it is - already in the first year you can try yourself as a counselor or volunteer, become members of the student selection committee team or an activist in the student council. Many students go to international children's camps, where they get the necessary experience and, of course, relax themselves.

To understand what kind of teachers the pedagogical faculty graduates, you can simply look at the titles that these graduates are awarded - among them are “Teachers of the Year” and “Educators of the Year”, and the institutions where they work become the best children's groups and the best educational institutions .

3. MSUPU - - this university has been leading its history since 1996. And he also has his own idea, concept - to combine university education with academic science. Whether it worked out or not, one can judge by the current position of the university - it is in almost all ratings when it comes to pedagogy. This university can be called one of the most modern, it is very close to real life, and the knowledge acquired by students is in demand in advance - the management of its developments and curricula responds to social demand - the needs of the urban social sphere are taken into account in the first place. With the help of practice, students learn to solve urgent problems, which is very important, because this is how they learn to navigate in the modern information space.

The high qualification of specialists collaborating with is confirmed by their academic titles and regalia - among them are academicians, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education, doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences, as well as personnel from the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education.

The methods by which students become modern educators must also be modern, so advanced equipment, computers and multimedia technology have become an integral part of the educational process.

Since the university is psychological and pedagogical, psychology will be inextricably linked with pedagogy at all stages of its study. This is understandable and logical - a good teacher, in addition to an excellent knowledge of his subject, should also know well those to whom he teaches it.

Whatever university you choose, do not forget that the teacher is the one who lays many foundations in the immature children's minds, the kind of society we will see in the future largely depends on him, so take your studies as seriously as possible!

Good luck with your admission!

The best pedagogical universities in Russia

In recent years, there has been an increase in the popularity of teacher education in Russia. Answering the question why this happens, two main motivating factors can be distinguished:

The effectiveness of state policy to increase the prestige of teaching professions;

Demand: teachers will always be needed, the developed robots-teachers will never be able to completely replace a living teacher.

The applicants themselves, who wish to receive a higher pedagogical education, explain their choice with the following positions:

1. Personal desire for self-realization: after all, the majority of those entering pedagogical universities sincerely want to teach / educate children, adolescents, help them realize themselves, etc.

2. "A teacher will not be left without a piece of bread, but an excellent teacher will easily earn a caviar." Teachers are needed everywhere: both in schools and as tutors. Therefore, really good teachers are in great demand. The main thing is to be able to become a highly qualified specialist.

3. Some go to Pedagogical Universities because they think that it is easy to enter and study there. Typically, such applicants choose small, little-known universities. Boys can be included in this group. Until now, many are sure that men in pedagogical universities have a special attitude.

No robot can replace a good teacher.

It is logical that the better the university, the stronger and better the training, and therefore the professional future is more promising. Of course, you can learn everything yourself directly on the spot - at school. However, now there are so many new technologies and techniques that it is simply impossible to keep track of everything on your own. Therefore, those who consciously choose the professional path of a teacher strive to get into the best pedagogical universities in Russia.

Among the specialized universities, the following educational institutions are in the lead:

The average USE score last year was 74.3. Budget places - 2245. Passing score - 136. Tuition - from 61.7 thousand rubles. in year.

- Moscow City Pedagogical University. The average score is 71.9. Budget places - 2059. Passing score - from 60. Cost - from 107 thousand rubles.

- Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen (St. Petersburg) . The average score is 74, 2266 people can enter the budget. Passing score - from 97. Cost - from 34 thousand rubles.

-Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after K. Minin. The average score is 69.4, the budget for the competition is 468. The cost is 31.9 thousand rubles.

- Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. Average score - 68.1. Budget - 617. Cost - from 62 thousand rubles. The passing score is 141.

The Ural, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Voronezh, Glazov, Krasnoyarsk, Ulyanovsk, Chuvash, Novosibirsk and other state pedagogical universities are in good standing.

The most popular specialties are:

· Foreign languages;

· Legal disciplines;

· Information Technology;

· Social educators;

· Teachers-psychologists.

In all universities, the cheapest way to get a higher pedagogical education is by correspondence. Full-time education costs much more - 100-200 thousand rubles. depending on the specialty and the university itself. In large state universities, they usually teach full-time, part-time or part-time. However, distance higher pedagogical education is often in demand. It is especially relevant for employees of preschool institutions, who are now obliged to have preschool education, and not any pedagogical education, as it was before.

Graduation from a prestigious pedagogical university, in addition to high-quality all-encompassing training, gives a lot of opportunities: a highly paid job in a private school or abroad, prospects for further education in a magistracy, postgraduate studies, demand as an individual teacher. However, a diploma from an excellent university can only give a good start, the result of which depends on the direct efforts of a person.

Showing records 1-20 from 39

Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Academy of GPS EMERCOM of Russia
Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova
ARB them. A. Ya. Vaganova
Academy of Social Management
Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popova

Buzuluk Institute of Humanities and Technology

Voronezh State Pedagogical University

Ishim branch of Tyumen State University
Ishim branch
Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin.
LGU them. A.S. Pushkin
Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture
Moscow State Academy of Choreography
Moscow City Pedagogical University
Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry A.I. Evdokimova
MGMSU them. A.I. Evdokimova
Moscow State Regional University
Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow Humanitarian University, Moscow State University
Moscow State University
Moscow Innovation University
Moscow Innovation University

Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

Pedagogical institutes and universities of Moscow

Teaching is an art, a work no less titanic than that of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible.

The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, like a composer, not with the help of colors, like an artist, but directly.

He educates with his knowledge and love, his attitude to the world.

D. Likhachev

Pedagogical universities are the first in the list, as they are the BASIS of any education. They train teachers and teachers for all levels of the educational system - kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities. Teachers do not just teach children the sciences, but also form a worldview, "sow the reasonable, good, eternal." Pupils and students spend most of the study period next to teachers. Therefore, it is so important that graduates of pedagogical universities be highly educated, intelligent, and worthy. The future fate of the younger generation depends on the quality of teaching. As T. Shash said: “A teacher should have maximum authority and minimum power.” Only those who have authority among students can instill a love of knowledge, teach a lot.

Future teachers can receive fundamental and high-quality education in state pedagogical universities. On the page of each university, its description, addresses and details, open days, forms of education, information on the availability of budget places, hostels, and military departments are presented.

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.

V. Klyuchevsky

In recent years, the popularity of the teaching profession has increased significantly. The flow of applicants to Moscow State Pedagogical University last year amounted to 25 thousand people - 17 people for 1st place! The number of budget places has been increased to 1290. A similar situation is observed in other pedagogical universities. The reason for the increase in the demand for teacher education is the state program for the modernization of the personnel training system, which has led, among other things, to an increase in the salaries of teachers. The world has changed, and there must be other teachers who keep up with the times. Modern teachers are called upon not only to strengthen the shattered authority of the teaching profession, but also to raise it to new heights. So that in the future it will be considered an honorable privilege to receive a pedagogical education.

The government is preparing an additional series of measures to improve the quality of life of teachers.

People enter pedagogical universities not only to become a teacher, but also to get the profession of a competent municipal manager who applies modern methods of management and business informatics.

Recently, the state has begun to actively fight for the quality of higher education in our country: some of the educational institutions that did not meet the necessary requirements were closed, some lost the opportunity to train students in certain specialties, and another part became part of other, larger universities. These changes were especially affected - among them there were only those that proved to be the most effective. However, the work to improve the education of future teachers did not end there: the state plans to produce specialists who will be as ready as possible for teaching and raising children from the first days of work. Many pedagogical universities have taken this baton and are now actively working to improve the curriculum. In which universities now teach pedagogical skills best? We have compiled a rating of 10 pedagogical universities in Russia that know how to train the best teachers in the country.


Tuition fees (full-time): from 67,000 to 133,000 rubles per year


Our rating is opened by a university located in the very center of the Volga Federal District - the Republic of Chuvashia. According to the ratings of the Ministry of Education ChSPU them. I.I. Yakovleva is the best university in the region and bypasses all other educational institutions of the republic. However, it is not among the best pedagogical universities in the country for this reason - since the 30s of the last century, ChSPU named after. I.I. Yakovlev graduated many teachers who received the status of honored teachers of the country. Among the graduates of this university there were many who simply contributed to the development of school education in the Volga region. The traditions of education, laid down in Soviet times, have been preserved at the university to this day, and thanks to this, graduates of the Chechen State Pedagogical University named after. I.I. Yakovleva are so well prepared for teaching activities.


Tuition fee (full-time): from 89,000 to 155,000 rubles per year

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VSPU gave our country many prominent figures of science, culture, politics and sports - this is the poet V.Ya. Yevtushenko, and writer Yu.D. Goncharov, and State Duma deputy R.G. Gostev, and coach of Olympic champions in gymnastics Yu.E. Shtukman and many others. Not every provincial university can boast of such a number of famous people among its graduates - especially those not related to the profile of the university. This VSPU owes much to the comprehensive development of its students - conferences, sections, circles, additional education courses are widely represented at this university. Entering here, you will be able to open yourself from the other side. Well, do not doubt the quality of education itself - more than 70 thousand VSPU graduates working in their specialty have recommended the university as an educational institution that produces worthy personnel for regional schools.


Tuition fee (full-time): from 87,000 to 144,000 rubles per year

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According to recent data, more than 70% of NSPU graduates get a job in their specialty. These figures include not only those who received a pedagogical education - there are other areas in the structure of the university that are not related to pedagogy (, etc.). The high percentage is largely due to the quality of student training - employers in Novosibirsk highly value the education received at NSPU. However, the geography of graduates is not limited to one region - with a diploma from the National State Pedagogical University they are also hired in other regions of the Siberian, Ural and Far Eastern Federal Districts.


Tuition fees (full-time): from 106,000 to 124,000 rubles per year

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The number of students at USPU today reaches almost 20 thousand - in terms of the number of students, this university is one of the largest in Yekaterinburg and one of the most numerous among all pedagogical educational institutions in Russia. USPU is popular with applicants from all over the country - there are dormitories, scientific work is carried out, magazines are published and various studies are carried out. However, the most important advantage of the university is its active participation in the project of modernization of teacher education: the curriculum of the university is being changed and adjusted, and the results of this work have already been noted by graduates.


Tuition fee (full-time): from 78,000 to 105,000 rubles per year

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Minin University offers more than 150 educational programs. Each of them, after graduation, allows graduates to teach at school, college or university, however, many graduates find application for their knowledge in other areas far from pedagogy. Thus, in terms of employment, Minin University bypasses the leading universities of the Nizhny Novgorod region and is among the most popular pedagogical universities in the country among employers. Particular emphasis is placed on learning languages ​​and internships, and distinguished students are encouraged with high scholarships (the admission committee of the university claims that it can reach 20,000 rubles).


Tuition fee (full-time): from 108,000 to 120,000 rubles per year

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KSPU them. V.P. Astafieva has been actively working to improve the teacher education program since the early 2000s. This university has a strong tradition of training the best teachers in the region - over the entire existence of the university, more than 55 thousand specialists have graduated here, many of whom received the title of "Honored Teacher" and "Honored Scientist". Among the graduates of the KSPU there are many historians, philosophers, local historians, physicists and athletes who have become Olympic champions - high erudition and comprehensive development of students has always been characteristic of this university. True, it will not be easy to enter there: the average USE score of applicants is very high, so be prepared for competition.


Tuition fees (full-time): from 70,000 to 109,000 rubles per year

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YaGPU them. K.D. Ushinsky has repeatedly competed with the leading universities of our country: in 2007 he took 5th place among the pedagogical and linguistic universities of Russia, in 2010 - 10th place in terms of the average USE score among all state universities, in 2015 he received the title of the most a sought-after humanitarian university, and in 2016 was included in the list of the best universities in the country according to an independent assessment of the quality of education. He owes his merits to the traditions laid down by the first teachers (then still the Teachers' Institute) - these were teachers who already had experience in the best gymnasiums and academies in Moscow and St. Petersburg and were awarded orders and medals for their merits in teaching. The high level of teacher training has been preserved to this day, thanks to which YaGPU named after. K.D. Ushinsky is among the best pedagogical universities in Russia.


Tuition fee (full-time): from 99,000 to 111,000 rubles per year

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Tomsk is an innovative city of Russia. Historically, a scientific center was formed here, which is of great importance for our country. Numerous research institutes in Tomsk carry out important research in the fields of medicine, physics, chemistry and IT technologies, and the state actively supports them in this. Local universities are also engaged in scientific developments:,. TSPU is no exception: according to the ratings of recent years, this university was among the most innovative pedagogical universities in Russia. In addition, in terms of demand by employers, TSPU was also noted - in 2015 it took 2nd place in the ranking of all Russian universities.


Tuition fee (full-time): from 91,000 to 215,000 rubles per year

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MGPI, one of the leading pedagogical universities in Russia, founded in the 19th century, can boast of a whole galaxy of famous scientists and figures of Russian science among teachers. Throughout the history of the existence of the educational institution, Vasily Klyuchevsky, Ivan Tsvetaev, Alexei Stoletov, Igor Tamm, Lev Vygotsky, Arctic explorer Otto Schmidt and other prominent figures of their era conducted their classes here. This university is one of the few that has the status of not only an educational, but also a scientific institution - within the walls of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, projects are being developed and research is being carried out, which has a huge impact on the development of pedagogy in our country.


Tuition fee (full-time): from 107,000 to 229,000 rubles per year

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RGPU them. A.I. Herzen is considered one of the best universities in Russia: in terms of the demand for graduates, it rightfully competes not only with pedagogical, but also with classical universities in our country. Since the time of Tsarist Russia, this educational institution, in addition to extensive knowledge, has given its students the most important skills and abilities - something that made it possible to consider the Russian State Pedagogical University as a university that gives a "profession" from the very first classes. The university also has a great cultural significance. The only Institute of the Peoples of the North in the country functions here, professional newspapers and magazines are published, and on the territory of the university itself there is the Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul is one of the few places in the country where services are conducted with sign language translation.

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