What to cook with mozzarella in brine. Salads with mozzarella: simple recipes. How to make a delicious mozzarella salad

Mozzarella recipes with photos on the website are posted in the Italian cuisine section. Mozzarella cheese has a very distinctive taste due to the way it is prepared. This is taken into account in recipes for preparing dishes with mozzarella cheese. Mozzarella is a fresh cheese, soft, not boiled, made from whole buffalo milk (“mozzarella di bufala”) or cow’s milk. Often the balls are filled with brine with herbs. The homeland of cheese is the region of Campania, where buffalo have been bred for centuries in the vicinity of Milan.

To stuff potatoes according to this recipe, the tubers are first baked until tender, then cut in half and filled with baked vegetables. The resulting stuffed potato boats are covered with mozzarella cheese and put back in the oven so that the cheese

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chapter: Italian Cuisine

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Stromboli is a pizza roll, the recipe for which was invented by the Americans. In this version of a closed pizza, we prepare the filling from chicken breast with sweet bell pepper and two types of cheese - mozzarella and parmesan. After proofing, the yeast dough is noticeably

chapter: Italian Cuisine

Probably few people have cooked pizza with potatoes. It turned out to be delicious! The recipe is an interesting combination of a thin pizza crust with a generous layer of potato filling with sautéed onions, herbs, thin slices of ham and mozzarella. Of those listed in p

chapter: Italian Cuisine

A convenient option for closed pizza that you can eat right away or take with you on the road, to work or to school. The combination of filling products can be changed to suit your taste. This recipe has a simple pizza topping - mozzarella, tomatoes and herbs.

chapter: Pizza

Stromboli pizza is actually not an Italian cuisine, but an American one. The recipe for rolled pizza was invented in Philadelphia and named after the 50s film Stromboli, which takes place on the volcano island of the same name.

chapter: Pizza

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chapter: Italian Cuisine

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chapter: Italian Cuisine

Crazy pizza is not a very ordinary recipe for making regular pizza with filling (topping). The filling is mixed directly into the dough. Therefore, after baking, you get something between a pizza and a pie, and you can make the thickness of the pizza according to your own preferences.

chapter: Italian Cuisine

Fruit and vegetable salad with soft cheese will appeal to experimental cooks who do not like monotony. The recipe can be changed according to your taste and availability of products. For example, if there are no plums, you can take grapes and replace peaches with melon. Do not want

chapter: Cheese salads

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chapter: Potato casseroles

Mushroom filling is one of the most popular fillings when preparing rolls from ready-made phyllo dough. This recipe for strudel with chanterelles and mozzarella cheese describes in detail the sequence of preparing the delicious pastry of their thin crispy dough with soy sauce.

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Potatoes stuffed with cheese and crab sticks “Snow Crab” VIČI can be served as an appetizer or as a separate dish for lunch or dinner. In addition to the stuffed potatoes, you can prepare a vegetable salad.

chapter: From various seafood

A simple and harmonious salad that will be an excellent light dinner. It is prepared in a matter of minutes, looks impressive and bright. To prepare this salad, take only fresh vegetables and soft pickled cheese.

chapter: Eggplant salad

VIČI crab sticks in dough are eaten immediately, hot, or allowed to cool. It’s delicious this way and that. You can take the snack with you on picnics or put it in your lunch box for a snack afterwards, garnished with, for example, a vegetable salad.

chapter: Crab stick appetizers

Recipes with mozzarella are so delicious that you should try the most popular ones. Moreover, such cheese is good both as an independent dish and as an ingredient in various culinary recipes. Salads, casseroles, pizza, lasagna and other dishes become real masterpieces when this type of cheese is present in them. Mozzarella is a cheese originally from Italy and was previously made from fresh buffalo milk. Nowadays, many chefs prefer to use less exotic, but still of the same quality, milk from cows familiar to us as its base. And despite the fact that this type of cheese is, first of all, one of the main products of Italian cuisine, many of our compatriots enjoy tender and tasty pieces of the famous mozzarella

But before you run to the nearest supermarket for a package of the treasured cheese, you should find out that you can make mozzarella yourself.

How to make mozzarella cheese at home - detailed recipe

The most important rules to consider when trying to make homemade mozzarella are:

The milk must be homemade. The one sold in bags is not suitable. It is unlikely that you can make mozzarella from “store-bought” milk.

It is better to store finished mozzarella in whey, otherwise it will lose its taste and spoil very quickly.

Mozzarella has a shelf life of about 4 days in the refrigerator.

Real mozzarella needs to be kneaded like dough to produce good quality cheese.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to dosages and temperatures during the preparation process in order to obtain a quality product.

We will need:
- fresh milk – 3 l. It should be rich, ideally if there is about 0.5 liters of cream in the jar. To check the amount of cream, you need to put the milk in the refrigerator for a while before preparing it.
- citric acid – 7 g;
- 2 teaspoons of diluted pepsin (rennet). The quantity here may vary; see the recommended dose on the package.
- 200 ml of boiled or filtered cold water. Plain water is undesirable because it contains chlorine, which destroys the properties of pepsin;
- ordinary water;
- salt – 4 tablespoons for preparing brine;
- sieve;
- 3.5 and 2 liter pans;
- gloves to avoid getting burned;
- ultra-precise thermometer


First you need to dilute citric acid in 100 ml of water.

Then the resulting solution must be combined with cold (up to 10 degrees) milk. All this, with constant stirring, heats up to 32 degrees.

Important! The milk must be cold, otherwise it will simply curdle under the influence of acid.

Stir the resulting starter quickly and very intensively for about 10 seconds, and then cover with a lid. Now you need to wait for a clot to form. Typically, this process lasts from 15 to 40 minutes. To understand if it is ready, you need to press on it with your finger. If your finger is clean, the curd is ready.

Now it is important to cut the resulting clot into squares measuring approximately 2x2 cm. These pieces should just stand for about five minutes to settle a little.

After this, put the pan back on the fire and begin to heat the mass, stirring constantly so that the squares do not stick together. It is best to use a wooden spatula for stirring. Heating continues until the mass reaches a temperature of 35 degrees.

By the way, don’t rush to throw away the whey; it will be useful for storing and further preparing mozzarella.

The next step is water preparation. To do this, you need to pour it into a saucepan, boil and cool well.

We heat the drained whey to 80 degrees, add salt to it and proceed to the final stage of preparing mozzarella. To do this, use a slotted spoon to take a certain part of the squeezed cheese-rennet mass and lower it into hot water for a period of 5 to 15 seconds. Here the cheese should reach such a consistency that it can be easily kneaded with your hands. Wearing gloves (to avoid burns), knead the heated part of the cheese and stretch it. Place in hot liquid and knead again.

This must be continued until the mass becomes smooth and elastic. Now you can mold it into the desired shape (a ball, for example) and place it in cold boiled water.

We repeat these steps with another amount of cheese and rennet mass. And then, the cooled mozzarella needs to be transferred to the cooled whey and sent to the refrigerator.

Dishes with mozzarella

Since mozzarella is an Italian cheese, then, of course, the most famous dishes in which this cheese is present are Italian dishes. Caprese salad is also especially popular. And they are quite easy to prepare, the main thing is to use detailed recipes.

Salad with mozzarella "Caprese"

- ripe tomatoes – 2 pcs. medium size;
- olive oil -2 tablespoons;
- balsamic vinegar – 1 teaspoon;
- 12 green basil leaves;
- 150 g mozzarella cheese;
- freshly ground pepper - to taste;
- beautiful serving plate


To prepare a classic Caprese, washed tomatoes and cheese removed from brine must be cut into rings about 4 mm thick.

Sprinkle vinegar and oil on top, sprinkle with pepper and serve immediately.

Baked Caprese

- 2 cups of cooked quinoa (the grain is quite exotic, but very healthy);
- 1 glass of spaghetti sauce;
- 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
- a third of a glass of heavy cream;
- a third of a glass of grated Parmesan;
- 1 cup chopped mozzarella;
- 1 cup small tomatoes, cut in half;
- 1 large bunch of green basil;
- 0.5 teaspoon ground red pepper;
- a quarter teaspoon of salt;
- a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper.


To prepare baked caprese in the oven, you need to heat the sauce, pasta, cream, Parmesan, salt and both types of pepper over the fire.

Remove from heat and stir in quinoa.

Tomatoes with mozzarella (half the specified amount), as well as 6 basil leaves are also added here.

Prepare a baking tray 21x23 cm (approximately) and grease it with vegetable oil. Place the prepared mixture here.

Scatter the remaining mozzarella slices and tomatoes on top.

Bake Caprese in the oven for about 15 minutes (temperature 180 degrees). The cheese should become golden.

After this, remove the dish from the oven, garnish with basil sprigs, wait 5 minutes and serve.

Crispbread with mozzarella

These round breads filled with cheese not only look appetizing, but also cook very quickly.

Required ingredients:

For 8 loaves of bread you will need:
- 450 g ready-made;
- 120 g mozzarella, cut into 2.5 cm cubes;
- 4 tablespoons of butter, melted;
- 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning;
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder. It can be prepared by drying chopped pieces of garlic in the oven. After the garlic has dried, it is crushed in a coffee grinder;
- 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
- 2 tablespoons chopped parsley


First you need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and prepare a baking sheet by greasing it with vegetable oil.

Roll out the dough and cut into squares larger than the mozzarella cubes. You need to put cheese in each square and pinch the edges well, forming a kind of ball.

In this form, future breads should be placed on a baking sheet, with the edges pinched down.

Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes. The bread should be slightly browned, but should not be too dry.

While baking the dough, you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, add seasonings, garlic powder and salt to the melted butter.

As soon as you take the bread out of the oven, you should immediately brush it with sauce using a silicone brush.

It is best to serve the cheese balls hot, sprinkled with parsley.

Mini croissants with sausage and mozzarella

This option is perfect as a quick breakfast for school or work.

To prepare them you will need:
- 230 grams;
- 4 mozzarella cheese sticks;
- 100 g salami sausage;
- garlic sauce, the preparation process of which is described in the recipe for mozzarella bread.


First you need to preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Roll out the dough and cut into long triangles, on the edge of which you need to place about 6 pieces of thinly sliced ​​sausage.

Place a mozzarella stick on top of the sausage and wrap the dough triangle into a croissant shape.

In this form, mini-croissants should be placed on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, seam side down.

Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes.

After the croissants have browned, they need to be removed from the oven and brushed with garlic sauce.

Cutlets with mozzarella

Required ingredients:

For minced meat:
450 g beef;
450 g salami;
0.5 teaspoon garlic powder;
2 teaspoons salt;
1 teaspoon black pepper;
a quarter cup of grated Parmesan;
2 eggs;
0.5 cups of fat milk;
0.5 cups chopped parsley

For filling:
mozzarella cheese

For breading:
1 cup breadcrumbs


Grind the sausage and beef into a meat grinder and mix with all the necessary ingredients for minced meat. This mass needs to be beaten well with your hands.

After this, you need to roll the minced meat into balls, flatten them, put chopped mozzarella on each piece and form a cutlet so that the cheese is only inside.

Make sure that the cheese is well hidden in the minced meat, otherwise it will leak out during frying.

After the cutlets are formed, they need to be generously rolled in breadcrumbs and fried under the lid.

Quick mini pizza with mozzarella

- 450 g minced beef;
- 3 chopped garlic cloves;
- 2 cups chopped parsley;
- pepper and salt to taste;
- 1 glass of refined oil (preferably olive);
- 1 can of sauce, preferably “Marinara”;
- 50 g butter;
- 4 slices of white bread;
- 4 slices of mozzarella;
- 200 g salami, cut into thin slices


Make a cutlet mass from minced meat, garlic, parsley, pepper and salt. Divide it into 4 parts and form cutlets. Fry them in a frying pan for 6 minutes on each side. Place on a paper towel.

Separately, in a frying pan, you need to heat the sauce.

In another frying pan, melt the butter and add garlic, fry for 1 minute, and then, here, fry the pieces of bread.

Then you need to heat the oven, and place semi-finished products on a greased baking sheet in the following order: bread, minced meat, mozzarella, salami.

Bake until sausage is crispy (about 3 minutes).

Sprinkle the finished mini-pizza with parsley and serve.

Many housewives use cheese products, which have excellent taste, when preparing various delicacies. Today we will talk about what similar dishes can be made.

What it is?

Mozzarella is a special type of Italian cheese. Initially, it was prepared from buffalo milk, but later cow milk was used for it. As a rule, the product is sold in the form of balls, which can be of various sizes.

When preparing Mozzarella cheese, it is placed in a special brine. The cheese dish does not last long. Many housewives note that it has a delicate and piquant taste and an unusual consistency. From this dairy product you can create many different delicacies.

Hot dishes

Currently, there are many different recipes for hot dishes that can be prepared with Italian cheese.

Potato casserole with Mozzarella

Vegetables are completely peeled and cut into small cubes. They are placed in a container anointed with oil (2-3 tablespoons). At the same time, finely chop the basil leaves and chop a few garlic heads. This can be done using a blender.

Potato cubes are mixed with basil, garlic and salt (add to taste). Then they are left to brew for a while. Then the vegetables in the container are placed in the oven for 30 minutes. It should be heated to a temperature of 180°C.

At the same time, cut the tomatoes into rings and grate the Mozzarella cheese. These prepared ingredients are sprinkled over the potatoes in a bowl. After this, the dish is left in the oven to bake for another 10-15 minutes.

Chicken fillet meatballs with Mozzarella cheese

First you need to make a mass of minced meat. To do this, chicken meat is passed through a meat grinder. You also need to take bread (you can take either white bread or a loaf). It is placed in a container and soaked briefly in cream to soften it.

After this, the softened bread is mixed in a container with minced meat and one broken egg. From the resulting mass you need to make several cakes. A small ball of Mozzarella is placed in the center of each of them.

Then make one large ball using all these ingredients. Then they should be completely rolled in breadcrumbs. The dish is placed in an oiled frying pan and fried until a golden brown crust forms on it.

Omelet with tomatoes and mozzarella

To prepare this dish, you need to break several eggs (2-3 pieces) and mix them in a frying pan with ground black pepper and salt. Before doing this, do not forget to lightly grease the dishes with butter.

Place tomatoes cut into rings into the frying pan along with the eggs. After 15-20 seconds, add Mozzarella and chopped basil leaves to the bowl. Later, remove everything from the heat and wait for the dish to cool a little. Then it is poured with olive oil and served.


Cheese from Italy is often used to prepare various baked goods.

Pies with salami and mozzarella

To make this dish, you need to place tomatoes cut into rings on a baking sheet. They are additionally sprayed with olive oil again.

Vegetables are placed in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Before this, it should be heated to 160°C. In this case, the tomatoes should turn out soft, but not falling apart. At the same time, cut the salami into thin strips.

At the same time, finely chop the garlic heads. They can even be passed through a special press. The pre-prepared dough is cut into several rectangular pieces.

Salami and tomatoes cut into strips are placed in the center of each piece of dough. At the end, grated cheese and a garlic mixture with herbs are placed there. The edges of the dough are connected to form a small envelope.

You should also break one egg and beat it. The resulting mixture is greased with each of the pies. Place parchment on a baking sheet. Before this, it is lubricated with olive oil.

The baking tray with pies is sent to the oven to cook. Before this, it is heated to a temperature of 170°C. You need to leave the dish there for at least half an hour.

Croissants with Mozzarella and sausage

Such pastries can be made even for a holiday table. To begin, the oven chamber is heated to a temperature of 180°C. The dough prepared in advance is rolled out and cut into triangular pieces.

For each piece of dough, place several thinly sliced ​​sausage slices (5-6 pieces). Then they put a little Mozzarella there. The triangles are wrapped to form croissants.

Place the prepared croissants on a baking sheet greased with vegetable or olive oil. It is placed in a preheated oven and baked for 12-15 minutes.

Wait for the dish to brown a little. After that, take it out and pour garlic sauce over it.

Mini pizza with Mozzarella cheese

To prepare such a pizza, you need to make a homogeneous mass from ready-made minced chicken, chopped garlic heads and herbs. The resulting mixture is divided into four equal parts.

These parts are fried in a frying pan on both sides. This should be done within a few minutes. After this, the dish is laid out on thick paper or a napkin.

Refined vegetable oil (1 cup) is poured into a separate frying pan. Chopped garlic is added to it. It's all fried. Then add a few slices of bread (4 slices of white bread) to these ingredients.

Bread slices are laid out on a baking sheet, and masses made from minced meat, salami and Mozzarella are placed on them. Bake all this until the sausage is slightly crispy. This will take a few minutes. Sprinkle chopped parsley onto the resulting mini-pizza and serve.

Salads and snacks

Today there are a huge number of different delicious salads prepared with Italian Mozzarella cheese.

Salad with sun-dried tomatoes and cheese

You need to cut one large tomato into half rings. Each tomato piece is greased with vegetable oil. After this, the vegetables are placed in a baking dish.

Place cherry tomatoes (11-13 pieces) in a bowl next to regular tomatoes. Vegetables are poured with sauce. To prepare it, you need to place in one container a little olive oil (1/4 tablespoon), balsamic vinegar (1 tablespoon), garlic juice, granulated sugar (2 tablespoons), salt.

The oven chamber is heated to a temperature of 170°C. A baking sheet with vegetables and sauce is placed in it. At the same time, chop Mozzarella (200 grams), basil and parsley.

The tomatoes are taken out of the oven. They are mixed in one bowl with cheese and herbs. It is recommended to do this in layers.

Salad with Mozzarella cheese and arugula

To make this salad, you need to cut four large tomatoes into rings. You should also chop the cheese mass (500 grams). At the same time, the sauce is being prepared.

To make the sauce, you need to grind the basil leaves in a blender. The resulting mass is mixed with balsamic vinegar (two tablespoons), olive oil (30 milliliters) and salt.

The prepared filling is poured over Mozzarella and tomatoes. Arugula is placed on top. And they do it with whole leaves, not sliced. After this, the salad is served to the table.

Salad with strawberries and cheese

Strawberries (150 grams) must be washed and cut into small equal slices. At the same time, four of these are left and placed later in a blender to form a porridge-like strawberry mass. It is used as a sauce.

Later, cheese (150 grams) is cut into slices. 70 grams of arugula torn by hand are placed in a bowl. Mixed pieces of Mozzarella and berries are placed on top.

Berry sauce is combined with olive oil (one tablespoon), balsamic vinegar, pepper and salt. The resulting salad is poured with this liquid. After this, it is ready to eat.

Salad with champignons and mozzarella

Chicken breast (0.1 kilogram) should be cut into slices and fried in olive or vegetable oil in a frying pan. Separately, cut the mushrooms into strips (5-7 pieces). They should also be placed in a frying pan to fry.

Cut some cucumbers and tomatoes into rings. Mix the prepared ingredients with each other and the cheese in a separate container. Season them with squeezed fresh lemon juice, ground black pepper and salt. You can add a couple of bunches of arugula for taste.

Salad with crayfish tails and cheese

Tear a few lettuce leaves. The pieces should be the same size. At the same time, take cucumbers (2 pieces), peel them and cut into strips.

In a separate pan, cook the crayfish tails (20 pieces). Remove all their shells. The finished ingredient is placed on top of the cucumber pulp.

Mozzarella (0.1 kilogram) is cut into small rings.

It is also acceptable to use simply grated Italian cheese. The components are covered with mayonnaise and salt and ground pepper are poured into it.

Salad with Mozzarella and mango

Mango (one piece) is peeled and its pulp is cut into small cubes. They also shred cheese (100 grams). For the dish you also need to chop the leeks. They do this in half rings.

Grind some chili pepper. It is this ingredient that can add piquancy to the future salad. But adding such a product is not at all necessary.

Tomatoes are also cut into cubes. Along with this, you should make a filling for the delicacy. In a separate clean cup, combine olive oil (3 tablespoons), soy sauce (2 tablespoons), lemon juice (2 tablespoons), pepper and salt. The components of the product are mixed and poured over with a pre-made pour.

Salad with cheese and shrimp

You need to put the shrimp in a saucepan to cook (0.2 kilograms). Moreover, it’s better to take only small ones, because then you won’t have to cut them. And the delicacy will look much more beautiful.

Cut Mozzarella (0.2 kg) into small circles. Take cherry tomatoes (200 grams) and chop them into two halves. At the same time, remove the peel from two avocados. Chop their pulp into slices.

For the salad, you should prepare the sauce. To make it, you need to combine capers (1 tablespoon), olive oil (5 tablespoons), and salt in one container. The resulting product is used to season the salad ingredients.

Salad with cod liver, cheese mixture and quail eggs

Fish liver (250 grams) is crushed. At the same time, boil the quail eggs and separate them into equal halves. Both ingredients are mixed together.

Mozzarella, pre-cut into cubes, and chopped green onions are added to the resulting mixture. After this, prepare the salad sauce. To make it, you need to mix oil (you should use olive oil), fresh lemon juice, salt and spicy seasonings in a separate container. This mass is poured into products.

In addition to salads, many people prepare all sorts of delicious snacks with this dairy product.

Bruschetta with Mozzarella and strawberries

To prepare this Italian appetizer, you need to cut the cheese and strawberries into small cubes. Toast the bread in the toaster. Next, grease them with butter and sprinkle with pepper.

Cheese made with goat's milk is evenly applied to each piece of bread. It is recommended to do this in a thin layer. Top with Mozzarella and strawberry cubes. Sprinkle hand torn basil leaves over the appetizer.

Mozzarella in breadcrumbs

Pour breadcrumbs (three tablespoons), black pepper, salt, finely chopped garlic heads into a container. Some people also recommend adding chili pepper. These ingredients are mixed.

Mozzarella is cut with sticks. They are rolled in a mixture of breadcrumbs and fried in a frying pan with olive oil all over the surface.

The appetizer is usually served with lettuce and various sauces.

Figs with Mozzarella balls and ham

To prepare this appetizer, you need to cut the figs into cubes. It is better to chop the sausage into thin slices. Prepare skewers made of wood in advance.

First, cheese balls are threaded onto skewers. Then slices of ham and figs are placed there. Place the resulting snack on a separate plate and sprinkle black pepper on top.

They are topped with tomato sauce. Top with sliced ​​Mozzarella cheese and halved cherry tomatoes. All this is peppered and baked in the oven for about 10 minutes. After this, the dish is covered with basil and served.

To learn how to prepare a delicious salad with Mozzarella cheese, watch the following video.

How is mozzarella made?

What kind of mozzarella is there?

They are divided into:

  • The largest head of mozzarella was made in Italy
  • The first mozzarella bar opened in Rome
  • Italy faces a shortage of mozzarella (photo)
  • How to grate mozzarella
  • Mozzarella review!


  • Hot tomatoes stuffed with mozzarella cheese review!
  • Envelopes with ham and mozzarella
  • Envelopes with mozzarella review!
  • Light mozzarella snack review!
  • Marinated mozzarella cheese in sour cream with lemon review!
  • Omelette with mozzarella, salmon and mint
  • Striped tomatoes with mozzarella review!
  • Caprese salad with Parma ham
  • Caesar salad with mozzarella and Italian sauce review!
  • Green bean salad with mozzarella review!
  • Jamie Oliver's peach mozzarella salad review!
  • Caprese salad with roasted peppers review!
  • Mozzarella salad review!
  • Quick bocconcini salad review!
  • Salad with spicy sausage and mozzarella review!
  • Salad with tomatoes and mozzarella review!
  • Salad with tomatoes, mozzarella and onions review!
  • Mozzarella cheese balls
  • Mozzarella cheese balls
  • Mozzarella cheese and tomato skewers review!


  • Eggplant and mozzarella sandwich review!
  • Sandwiches with roasted peppers and mozzarella
  • Crostini on skewers with anchovies
  • Crostini with anchovies, fried vegetables and cheese
  • Crostini with mozzarella cheese and Parma ham
  • Mozzarella in a cart review!


  • Burgers with mozzarella cheese
  • New potato casserole review!
  • Cannelloni with beans and mozzarella review!
  • Chicken fillet with mozzarella review!
  • Chicken stuffed with mozzarella and chili review!
  • Lasagna with tomatoes, mascapone and mozzarella review!
  • Light rolls with zucchini and mozzarella review!
  • Summer tomato sauce with mozzarella review!
  • Rolls with mozzarella
  • Spaghetti pomodoro with herbs and mozzarella
  • Potted eggs with mozzarella review!


  • Quick pies with salami and mozzarella review!
  • Quiche with tomatoes and mozzarella
  • Mozzarella on dough (pasta frolla)
  • Pies with mozzarella cheese and ham
  • Pizza with potatoes, mozzarella and garlic
  • Pizza with peppers, salad and mozzarella

Mozzarella is a very tasty and popular soft cheese, the recipe for which was invented in the south of Italy. Italians, as a rule, use this delicate creamy cheese for their popular dishes such as pizza, lasagna, and pasta. Mozzarella cheese is also used in Italian salads and classic appetizers (for example, in the popular caprese dish - an appetizer consisting of the cheese mentioned above, fresh tomatoes and fresh basil leaves, seasoned with olive oil).

Mozzarella is an ideal product for preparing many dishes. Thanks to its delicate and mildly expressed taste, as well as its soft consistency and viscousness, mozzarella cheese has become an integral ingredient in pizza.

The history of delicious mozzarella cheese

The first written mentions of mozzarella date back to the 16th century, which means that the product itself was probably used a little earlier than it was written about. Classic mozzarella cheese is made from exquisite black buffalo milk, but this cheese is also made from ordinary cow's milk.

Mozzarella is always sold in the form of snow-white balls, soaked in a special brine and in vacuum packaging. Mozzarella lasts very little time, the cheese is young and cannot be aged.

How is mozzarella made?

First, of course, they take selected milk. A special cheese or rennet culture is introduced into it. After fermentation, a mass resembling yogurt is obtained. Then the cheese mass is heated and mixed thoroughly. After heating, whey is released and disposed of.

Then the remaining cheese mass is kneaded by hand, given the consistency of dough, and then pieces of the desired format are cut from the finished cheese. These mozzarella cheese pieces are stored in a cool brine solution.

What kind of mozzarella is there?

Mozzarella cheese is usually sold in the form of balls. Usually the balls have irregular shapes and different sizes.

They are divided into:

Bocconcini - large balls that resemble an egg;

Chilenji - tiny balls, the size of a large cherry or sweet cherry;

Perlini are very small balls, the size of a pearl;

Treccia is mozzarella shaped like a braid.

Let's now figure out what dishes mozzarella is useful for

The choice of treats using this cheese is extremely wide.

First, mozzarella cheese is good for use in many cold appetizers and salads. Mozzarella has excellent taste both cold and heated.

With its help, you can very easily prepare a delicious vegetable salad with a delicate creamy taste. Take lettuce leaves, cucumbers, olives, a ball of mozzarella. Cut everything, season with olive oil, salt, and a teaspoon of lemon juice. This salad is perfect for a summer lunch.

Be sure to make caprese at home. This traditional Italian appetizer will only take 5-10 minutes to prepare and you will love the taste. Caprese is appropriate to eat for breakfast or serve as an appetizer with wine. You can also add a slice of hot wheat flour bread to the snack.

Of course, we cannot forget about the most classic use of mozzarella cheese: it has found its main application in Italian pizza. Mozzarella is the main ingredient in many types of pizza. We can say that mozzarella is ideal for pizza.

Mozzarella can be placed on top of the dough and sauce, and the pizza toppings can be placed on top of it. Then the cheese will bind all the ingredients together. If you want to decorate your pizza, place mozzarella on top of your topping.

Also remember that mozzarella does not have a strong flavor and contains virtually no salt, so pre-salt your pizza before baking.

Italians also like to make closed calzone pie with mozzarella. It is the same as pizza, only part of the dough covers the filling. Calzones are made in different ways, with different fillings, but mozzarella cheese is almost always included in this pie.

Mozzarella is also used in such a popular dish as lasagna. Lasagna is flat and thin sheets of pasta, which are also called “pasta paper” or “pasta paper”. To prepare lasagna, several layers of “pasta paper” are used, on which various fillings are placed (usually minced meat, various vegetables, cheese, mushrooms). All this is poured with a special creamy sauce and then baked in the oven. Again, the mozzarella in this dish is used as a link between all the products. In addition, of course, mozzarella cheese gives a delicate creamy taste to the whole dish.

By analogy with lasagna with mozzarella, casseroles, dishes created “based on” lasagna, dishes baked “with cheese”, and treats cooked in pots are prepared.

Mozzarella is a common ingredient in a wide variety of Italian dishes. It can be found in spaghetti, pasta, fettuccine, tagliatelle.

Mozzarella is combined with basil, tomatoes, seafood, meat, and poultry. They make bruschetta with it. Mozzarella is used to make soups (onion, fruit, chicken). Any vegetables baked in the oven will become more interesting if you add mozzarella to them.

Dishes to which mozzarella cheese is added are good for health. Mozzarella contains protein, many vitamins, antioxidants, microelements, and several minerals necessary for the body. One medium ball of mozzarella contains approximately 25% of the calcium a person needs per day. Mozzarella also contains iodine, zinc, phosphorus, beneficial Omega-6 acids, as well as essential Omega-3.

Mozzarella is used to prevent bone diseases and cancer. Mozzarella helps strengthen the immune system.

In this section of the site you will find many healthy and tasty recipes with mozzarella cheese that are easy to prepare every day. Recipes contain photographs, videos, comments.

Here you can easily learn the simplest dishes with mozzarella cheese (caprese, pasta, pancakes). Learn to cook soups, lasagna, omelets, pizza using mozzarella.

Happy culinary experiments with mozzarella cheese!

Mozzarella is an incredibly delicate young Italian cheese that makes excellent appetizers, hot dishes and even desserts. It is usually sold in the form of balls, large or smaller, in brine. This is the only way it can be stored, and even then not for very long.

Crostini with avocado, tomatoes and mozzarella

A traditional Italian appetizer in the classic interpretation of “caprese” - a win-win combination of tomatoes, basil and mozzarella always works.


Baguette - 8 slices, Olive oil to taste, Avocado - 1 piece, Cherry tomatoes - 250 g, Mozzarella - 100 g, Fresh basil leaves - 1/2 cup, Balsamic sauce for serving, Salt and pepper to taste.


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the baguette slices on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Place in the oven and bake until golden brown. Cut the avocado and mozzarella into thin slices. Cut the tomatoes in half. Place half the basil leaves, avocado slices, mozzarella and tomatoes on the bread. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Return the pan to the oven for another 3-5 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with the remaining chopped basil leaves and drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette.

Bruschetta with mozzarella, goat cheese and strawberries

Bruschetta is an incredibly delicious Italian appetizer served on a slice of crusty bread. Be sure to try the version with mozzarella, goat cheese, strawberries and basil.


Bread - 4 slices, Strawberries - 6-8 pcs., Mozzarella - 100 g, Basil - several sprigs, Olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, Goat cheese (soft) - 2 tbsp. spoons, Pepper to taste.


Cut strawberries and mozzarella into cubes. Brush toasted bread slices with olive oil and add a little pepper. Then spread the goat cheese in a thin layer. Top with mozzarella and strawberry cubes and sprinkle with torn hands or chopped basil leaves.

Melon salad with mozzarella and ham

A simple recipe for melon salad. Served with mozzarella cheese and ham. A refreshing summer salad perfect for brunch or light lunch.


For the sauce: Vegetable broth - 50 ml, Mustard seeds - 1/2 teaspoon, English mustard - 1/2 teaspoon, Honey - 1/2 teaspoon, White wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons, Olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, Salt and ground black pepper to taste.

For the salad: Small melon - 1 piece, Mozzarella - 100 g, Ham - 50 g.


For the sauce: Heat the vegetable stock and add the mustard seeds. Simmer for 2-3 minutes and then set aside and let cool. Pour the resulting broth into a mixer along with mustard, honey, vinegar and vegetable oil and shake well. Season with salt and ground black pepper.

For the salad: Combine melon balls and chopped mozzarella. Place on plates and drizzle with sauce. Place the ham on top. Salad ready!

Mozzarella in breadcrumbs

A simple appetizer that will help out any housewife, especially if you need to prepare it not only quickly, but also very tasty.


Mozzarella - 1 ball, Breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp. spoons, Salt and pepper to taste, Chili pepper to taste, Garlic powder - a pinch, Olive oil as needed.


Place breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, garlic powder and chili powder into a shallow dish. Mix carefully. Pat the mozzarella ball dry with a paper towel and cut into sticks (not very thin). Roll the sticks in breading and fry in a hot frying pan with olive oil on all sides until golden brown. Serve with lettuce and sauce of your choice.

Figs with mozzarella and ham

Mozzarella and ham can often be seen on the table together. Add figs to this excellent company. This combination will pleasantly surprise you!


Mozzarella balls - 8 pcs., Ham - 8 slices, Figs - 4 pcs., Ground black pepper to taste.


Cut the figs into cubes. Cut the ham into small slices. Thread mozzarella, ham and figs one after another onto wooden skewers. Place the skewers on a plate. Sprinkle with black pepper and serve.

Eggplant rolls with mozzarella and dried tomatoes

A spicy hot eggplant appetizer is prepared quite quickly and simply, but at the same time it can decorate any table and delight you with its extraordinary taste.


Medium eggplant - 4 pcs., Mozzarella - 350 g, Dried tomatoes in olive oil - 200 g, Basil - a small bunch, Parmesan - 50 g, Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons, Cumin - 2 teaspoons, Salt and pepper to taste.


Cut the eggplants lengthwise into thin slices, sprinkle with salt and leave in a colander for 30 minutes. Fry the eggplant slices for 5-6 minutes in a frying pan with olive oil and place them on a paper towel. Salt and pepper. Cut the mozzarella into pieces and sprinkle with cumin. Place a piece of mozzarella and dried tomato on each slice of eggplant, and then roll everything into rolls, securing with a toothpick.

Place the rolls in a baking dish and bake in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for 10 minutes. Serve the dish hot, garnished with basil leaves. Dried tomatoes in olive oil can be replaced with fresh ones.

Eggplant with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes

A light appetizer of eggplants, the spicy taste of which is complemented by juicy tomatoes and delicate cheese.


Large eggplant - 2 pcs., Tomato sauce - 6 tbsp. spoons, Cherry tomatoes - 15 pcs., Mozzarella - 2 balls, Basil - 2 sprigs, Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, Salt and pepper to taste.


Cut the eggplants into 1 cm thick slices and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Drizzle with a little olive oil, add salt and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove the eggplants from the oven, spread the tomato sauce over them, and top with sliced ​​mozzarella cheese and halved cherry tomatoes. Pepper and bake for 10-12 minutes at 210 degrees. Before serving, garnish with basil leaves.

Italian sandwich with mozzarella and chicken

An excellent option for a delicious sandwich, which is perfect as a snack or, for example, for a family picnic in nature. Be sure to save this recipe for yourself.


Red bell pepper - 1 pc., Yellow bell pepper - 1 pc., Red onion - 1 pc., Mozzarella - 125 g, Chicken fillet (boiled) - 100 g, Garlic - 1 clove, Ciabatta - 1 loaf, Olive oil - 2 Art. spoons, Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons, Pesto to taste, Cumin to taste, Salt and pepper to taste.


Cut the ciabatta lengthwise into 2 pieces. Cut the mozzarella into slices. Remove the skin from the peppers. To do this, immerse them in boiling water for 5 minutes, then quickly transfer them to a bowl of cold water. Fry the peeled garlic clove in a hot frying pan in olive oil so that the oil absorbs the flavor and aroma, and then add the sliced ​​peppers. Fry until the peppers are soft. Salt and pepper. In a separate frying pan, fry the red onion, peeled and cut into thin strips, in olive oil, sprinkling it with sugar. It should caramelize slightly. Place the onion in a bowl, and in the same frying pan, lightly heat the chopped chicken breast, sprinkling it with cumin. Coat the ciabatta with pesto sauce. Place the onion on the bottom first, then the mozzarella and chicken. Next, distribute the pepper evenly and cover with the other half of the ciabatta. Cut the loaf into 2-3 parts and the sandwiches are ready.

Pizza with eggplant, mozzarella and pomegranate

Making such a pizza is quite simple, and the result will exceed all your expectations.


Flour - 350 g, Warm water - 150 ml, Dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons, Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons, Medium eggplant - 1 piece, Mozzarella - 125 g, Tomato paste - 4 tbsp. spoons, Provençal herbs to taste, Pomegranate - 1/2 pcs., Natural yogurt - 125 g.


Sift the flour. Add dry yeast, salt, warm water and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Knead the dough. Form into a ball, place in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave for 40 minutes until the dough rises.

Cut the eggplant into slices, grease each circle on both sides with olive oil and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 8 minutes.

At this time, roll out the dough, place it on a baking sheet, grease it with tomato paste and lay out the diced mozzarella. Sprinkle with Provençal herbs. Place baked eggplant slices on top, add salt and pepper and bake at the same temperature for 15-20 minutes. Before serving, pour over natural yoghurt and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.

Watermelon salad

When summer is coming to an end and there are so many juicy watermelons, prepare this light salad for yourself and your loved ones. It is wonderfully refreshing and will come in handy on a hot afternoon. Get in the watermelon mood and vary the ingredients to taste by adding your favorite spices and herbs.


Watermelon - 4 round slices, Mozzarella - 4 pcs., Mint - 1-2 sprigs, Basil - 1-2 sprigs, Walnuts - a small handful, Almonds - a small handful, Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, salt - to taste.


Carefully peel the watermelon slices, trying to maintain the circle shape. Cut the mozzarella into slices. Chop mint, basil and nuts. Place the ingredients on plates, season with salt and olive oil. If desired, add balsamic vinegar and honey.

Be healthy and bon appetit!

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