What to do if your knees are constantly crunching. Medicamentous and folk treatment of crunching in the knees. Gas bubbles burst in the synovial fluid

Publication date: 26-11-2019

Knees crackle and click - what to do?

The knees are a rather weak and prone to various diseases part of the human body. Both adults and very young children suffer from ailments associated with the knee joints. Quite often, patients ask doctors a question: if your knees are crunching, what should you do?

The knee joint can flex and extend. In this case, all movements are performed silently. If a person has crunchy knees, it is worth considering whether this is a signal that there are any problems in the body.

Physiological and pathological causes of the phenomenon

The crunch in the knee joint has a physiological and pathological nature. The physiological type is characterized by a sound like cod. A crunch in the knees occurs both with active movements and with passive ones (for example, when bending or straightening the leg or fingers). There are the following hypothetical causes of the physiological crunch in the knees.

  1. The ligamentous apparatus during motor activity touches the protruding part of the bones. The crunch sounds muffled and is most often heard in the shoulder, wrist joints.
  2. During active actions, the surfaces of two adjacent bones move relative to each other, resulting in a negative pressure. In the synovial fluid, special bubbles begin to form, consisting of a vacuum. Therefore, the crunchy sound is a vacuum clap.
  3. Rupture of adhesions in the joint cavity or stretching of the ligamentous apparatus. A crunch in the knee structures due to these reasons occurs quite rarely.

A crunch in the knee joint can occur due to any pathology. Often it is heard with the repetition of certain motor acts, in the presence of pain or the absence of a refractory period. The cause of the pathological crunch is considered to be a violation when the surfaces of the joint come into contact. This violation can be observed in diseases that affect the cartilage of the knee joint and change their structure. Examples of such diseases are arthritis, osteoarthritis.

Specific factors for the occurrence of a crunch

Common causes of pain and crunch are inflammatory processes localized in the periarticular tissue, or any traumatic injury. Examples are inflammation affecting the bags of the knee joints (bursitis), affecting the tendons of the muscles of the knee (tendonitis), as well as injuries to the meniscus (rupture, fracture).

Inflammatory diseases have the following symptoms:

  • creaking when moving the knee;
  • soreness;
  • puffiness;
  • increase in local temperature;
  • decrease in motor activity.

If the patient has signs of this symptomatology, it is urgent to seek advice from a rheumatologist or therapist. A crunch in the knee joint may have other specific factors of its occurrence. They affect the body indirectly, but worsen the nutrition and functioning of organs. These factors are:

  • excess weight;
  • burdened heredity;
  • disorders in the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus and other similar diseases;
  • elderly age;
  • viral infections (they can act as a trigger for inflammation of the joint);
  • irrational nutrition: eating salty foods, overly sweet foods;
  • diseases that are accompanied by the deposition of mineral salts in the articular tissue, such as gout, chronic kidney disease.

What to do if the crunch is due to an injury? In this case, you need to consult with a traumatologist and surgeon. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe an examination and treatment.

How to get rid of crackling in the joint

How to get rid of crunch in the knee joints? First of all, you need to consult a doctor and understand what is the cause of the crunch. If this is a large physical load on the joint, then for a while it is necessary to reduce it. The knees will rest and the crunch will be greatly reduced. To give rest to the joints, it is recommended to lie down in a hot bath. Heat treatments relieve muscle tension and increase blood circulation.

It is necessary to treat a crunch only after examination and consultation of a specialist. The most common diseases are arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joints. These ailments lead to the occurrence of degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue, deformation of the joints. Drug treatment for arthritis is aimed at restoring cartilage and maintaining its structure. What to do if the deformation of the knee joints has already occurred? Treatment in this case can only be operative: arthroplasty is used.

With the progression of arthritis, the doctor prescribes medication:

  • ointments and tablets with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • painkillers;
  • chondroprotectors.

If the joints are crunching due to the large body weight of a person, it is recommended to adhere to a strict diet. Before eliminating certain foods from the diet, you should consult with a nutritionist. An important element is the use of physical therapy. All exercises should be selected by the attending physician. The essence of exercise therapy is to strengthen the muscle mass on the legs and reduce the load on the knees. A specialist may recommend swimming and exercising in the water.

Is it possible and how to get rid of the crunch in folk ways? Such treatment should be carried out in conjunction with the therapy prescribed by the doctor. There are a number of well-known means to combat pain. The most effective among them are the following.

  1. Gelatin. In the evening, pour 5 g of the substance into 1 glass of water. In the morning, add another 50 ml of water to the prepared mixture. Mix well. Take on an empty stomach.
  2. Eucalyptus oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. With a crunch, soreness and inflammation in the knee joint, compresses are used.
  3. Cabbage leaf compress. The sheet is applied to the affected joint, fixed with a bandage and a scarf.

Treatment with folk remedies does not replace the main therapeutic measures. This therapy is only concomitant.

The joints of the legs have increased strength and ideally should move silently, withstanding heavy loads associated with the impact on them of the weight of the entire human body. Sometimes even a strong crunch in the knee can be a natural phenomenon, but its frequent repetition indicates a problem.

Anatomy of the knee joint

The knee joint is called complex, as it has several articular surfaces. It connects the femur, tibia and patella (patella). The quadriceps femoris is connected to the patella by a tendon that continues with ligaments.

The knee is made up of:

  • joint bag;
  • articular cavity;
  • ligaments;
  • cartilage;
  • articular surfaces of the heads of bones;
  • synovial chambers with fluid.

Meniscus in the knee joint

The ligamentous apparatus of the knee consists of lateral, posterior and intra-articular ligaments. The articular surfaces of bones are covered with cartilage. Between the mating surfaces of the femur and tibia are the inner and outer menisci (cartilaginous pads), so the knee joint is considered complex.

There are synovial bags in the knee, the size of which has individual variations. Their inner surface secretes a special lubricant, synovial fluid. Lubrication allows all elements of the joint to move easily and freely.

The structure of the knee joint

Crunch in the knee joint - what is it?

Crunch in the knee occurs during movement and can manifest itself in different ways. Sometimes there are clicks during flexion and extension of the joint, with a sharp movement after a period of rest. It happens that a crunch in the knee appears when walking, begins to be heard during exercise, training or massage.

If your knees stick together, crackle and click regularly, you should pay attention to this and consult a doctor.

Causes of crunching and clicking in the knee joint

Why do joints crackle? The main cause of the crunch is the contact of the bones with each other. Hard surfaces inside the joint capsule rub or collide. The reasons can be both physiological and pathological.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, women often experience a physiological crunch, as the woman's musculoskeletal system experiences increased stress.

Physiological crunch or not dangerous

Causes of physiological crunch:

  • Individual features of the structure of the joints. In this case, the person has no pain sensations. A single or rare sound in the knee is considered the norm.
  • cavitation effect. During the movement of the joint, the volume of fluid is redistributed inside the synovial chambers, and the gas bubbles released during this process produce sound.
  • Minor sprain or shortening of ligaments, leading to displacement of the surfaces of the bones inside the articular bag. It can occur after a long stay in a static position or an uncomfortable position. The appearance of a click when moving the leg is painless and does not cause concern.
  • An individual feature of the connective tissue in the human body, in which the ligaments have increased extensibility. The joint makes movements of large amplitude, and when returning to its normal position, the surfaces of the bones touch each other.

Pathological crunch

An unhealthy sound with a load on the knee joints immediately attracts attention and causes concern.

Obvious symptoms of pathology are:

  • Any pain, even small, knees can ache.
  • Limitation of joint mobility.
  • Knee swelling, swelling, redness.
  • An increase in joint surface temperature.
  • A repetitive sound that occurs when certain movements are made.

Crunch when bending

Causes of a crunch when bending the leg:

Separation of the meniscus from the capsule

  • The knee joint takes on an excessive load. In this case, the articular protrusions touch each other, collide.
  • Diseases associated with the destruction of cartilage.
  • consequences of injury, falls to the knees, including healed ones.
  • salt deposits, the appearance of irregularities on the heads of the bones.
  • Insufficient production of synovial fluid.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes leading to the development of flat feet.

Crunch on extension

Often a crunch appears when climbing stairs.

Causes of crunch during extension:

  • Hypermobility. If the ligamentous apparatus of the knee is poorly developed, during flexion of the knee, the elements of the joint are displaced, and when extended, they collide and make a sound.
  • Possible influence of traumatic factors: bruises, sprains.
  • posture disorders, caused by wearing high heels.
  • Excess weight, regular carrying of heavy objects.

Cracking when squatting

Causes of crunching when squatting in the knee joints:

  • Squatting causes a lot of muscle tension in the legs, and the load on the knees increases.. A large range of motion reveals all possible errors in the work of the joints. You need to squat slowly, without sudden movements, and get up as well.
  • Physiological reasons: hypermobility, weak ligamentous apparatus, cavitation effect.
  • Any inflammatory disease in the knee, flowing in an erased form, will definitely respond to squatting.
  • May be a sign of an imbalance in the body's water-salt balance(salt deposits, insufficient hydration of articular tissues).
  • Occurs when tissue is undernourished, lack of vitamins and minerals for a full-fledged metabolism in the joint.
  • Consequences of injuries, knee injury.

Cracking with pain or swelling

Along with a crunch, the joint can also hurt and swell, the reasons for this may be:

Osteoporosis in the lower extremities

  • dislocation or subluxation of the knee;
  • bone fracture;
  • cartilage and ligament injuries;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis;
  • bursitis, tendinitis;
  • rheumatism, gout.

If the knee crunches, and at the same time swells and swells, then you need to urgently seek medical help.

Crunch after surgery

After the intervention, the reasons may be:

  • Mechanical changes as a result of surgery, the joint receives
  • Post-traumatic tissue edema after surgery, it can temporarily displace the elements of the joint.

A large accumulation of fluid in the articular chambers, its excessive production due to intervention makes it difficult for the knee to move and can cause a crunch. This is a temporary symptom.

Crunch in the knee in children and newborns

The occurrence of a crunch in the knee in newborns and adolescents often indicates that the bones, muscles and elements of the knee joint are growing unevenly. In cases where this happens occasionally and is not accompanied by pain, this is considered an age-related feature of the physiological norm.

There are also the following reasons:

  • insufficient elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • dysplasia of the connective tissue of the baby;
  • dislocation or subluxation of the knee joint;
  • rickets;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism.

Signs that are the reason for immediate medical attention:

  • Asymmetric skin folds on the legs of an infant.
  • Constantly repeating, not passing crunch when bending or unbending the knee.
  • Painful reaction, crying of the child when moving.
  • Lameness and limping for several days.

Knee crunch in teenager

As in adults, in adolescence, the phenomenon of crunching in the joints is common. The growth and development of the body continues, and hormonal changes are added to this.

Possible causes of knee crunch in teenagers:

  • adolescent joint hypermobility;
  • increased extensibility of ligaments;
  • inflammation in the knee joint;
  • injury.

During the period of rapid growth and formation of the skeleton and muscle tissue in adolescents, there is an increased risk of injury to the joints. Therefore, it is recommended to limit heavy and extreme sports activities, replacing them with moderate and light physical activity.

Diagnosis of a crunch in the knee

The nature of diseases of the knee joints can be of three types:

  1. Degenerative-dystrophic changes. At the same time, cartilaginous tissues, as well as other elements of the knee joint, become thinner and destroyed.
  2. tissue inflammation joint.
  3. Injuries. All mechanical damage: bruises, fractures, dislocations, torn ligaments and cartilage.

To diagnose a disease that causes a crunch in the knee, the following methods are used:

  • Examination of the patient by a doctor, questioning and taking an anamnesis.
  • Blood tests, urine tests.
  • X-rays.

Which doctor treats a crunch in the knees?

There are different types of doctors who treat knee problems.

The choice of a specialist will depend on the nature of the disease:

  • Orthopedist deals with anatomical problems of the joints.
  • Orthopedist-traumatologist treats injuries, diseases and damage to the joints. He does knee surgery.
  • Rheumatologist specializes in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
  • Neurologist will help in case of inflammation or injuries of the knee joint, in which nerve fibers are involved.

An endocrinologist deals with the problems of hormonal imbalances in the body, which can greatly affect the condition of bone, cartilage and periarticular tissues.

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago, I was twisted in the country, a sharp pain in the lower back did not allow me to move, I could not even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medicines, but they did not help, it was unbearable to endure this pain. They called an ambulance, they set up a blockade and hinted at an operation, all the time I thought about it, that I would be a burden for the family ... Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair. In recent months, I began to move more, in spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Treatment for crunchy knees

It all starts with a correct diagnosis. The choice of treatment will depend on this.

Methods can be:

  • conservative(medicines and procedures);
  • operational(surgical intervention);
  • traditional medicine(medicinal herbs, decoctions, compresses);
  • physiotherapy(massage, exercise therapy).

Medical treatment

Only a qualified doctor can prescribe medication. Below are some popular tools for your reference. The following groups of drugs are commonly used.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used in cases where the disease itself is inflammatory or tissue inflammation is due to a post-traumatic reaction. These funds can be presented in the form of tablets, ointments, injection solutions.

Some active ingredients and drug brands:

  • (Voltaren, Naklofen, Diklak).
  • (Metindol, Indovazin).
  • (Artrozan, Movalis).

Diclofenac in injectable form Indomethacin in the form of suppositories Meloxicam in tablets


This group includes hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Hormones are considered emergency aid, they effectively relieve inflammation and pain.

In terms of the speed of action and the power of the result, corticosteroids are superior to NSAIDs. However, they can only relieve an acute reaction, but not cure the disease.

The drugs in this group include:

Hydrocortisone for external use Prednisolone in the form of ointment Dexamethasone in ampoules


These drugs help restore cartilage tissue. They are used for thinning, destruction and deformation of the cartilaginous elements of the knee joint.

There are only three active ingredients:

  • Chondroitin sulfate.
  • Hyaluronic acid (injected directly into the joint).

On the basis of chondroitin and glucosamine, a number of medicines have been developed, which include both monopreparations (one substance) and combined ones (both substances in different proportions).

Here are the most popular ones:

  • Combined: Artra, Teraflex.
  • With glucosamine: Don, Elbona.
  • With chondroitin: Chondrolon, Chondroxide.

Ointment Chondroxide Dona in the form of Teraflex tablets restores the vertebral disc Glucosamine with chondroitin


Collagen is a fibrillar protein that is essential for joint health and is found in cartilage. Ideally, it is independently produced by the human body, but in some cases its production decreases (for example, with age). There are recommendations to eat jelly, jelly and all dishes containing edible gelatin.

However, the digestibility of collagen from food cannot be monitored, therefore, in case of diseases, dietary supplements can be taken:

  • Collagen Ultra gel(available in powder and cream).
  • Collagen(in capsules).
  • Laura Collagen(in the form of a drink).

Collagen Collagen Laura Collagen

Vitamin preparations

Vitamin-mineral complexes intended for joints may contain additional additives in the form of collagen, calcium and other beneficial substances. Examples of drugs: Artrivit and Sustanorm.


Physical therapy exercises for the knees are aimed at strengthening the tissues of the joints, developing the amplitude of flexion and extension.

The complex is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

Here are some exercises to strengthen the knee joints:

  • Starting position - lying on the stomach, arms along the body. Slowly raise the straight leg to a distance of 15 cm from the floor, stay in this position for 30 seconds. Lower leg, repeat with other leg.
  • Starting position - sitting on a chair with a straight back. Raise the straight leg up to a horizontal position, hold for 30 seconds to a minute, provided there is no pain. Lower, repeat on the other leg.
  • Starting position - standing, using support (wall, chair back). Slowly rise to the toes, linger for 3 - 5 seconds, lower.
  • The starting position is the same. Slowly roll onto your heels, lifting your feet up. Hold for 3-5 minutes, lower your feet.

Cracking exercises in the joints


Massage is very useful in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the knee. It can be carried out by an osteopath, a chiropractor or a massage therapist with a medical education.

Basic techniques for knee massage:

  • stroking in a circular motion;
  • squeezing and shaking movements;
  • rubbing with the palm and fingers;
  • kneading in a circle with fingers, the edge of the palm, the surface of the fist;
  • vibrational movements;
  • final stroke.


Operative manipulations are carried out by an orthopedic traumatologist.

There are several options for knee surgery:

Operation arthroscopy

  • Traditional surgery(under general anesthesia).
  • Arthroscopy(Minimally Invasive Surgery) is performed by inserting a special camera through a small incision.
  • prosthetics, involves the replacement of part of the knee joint.

Folk remedies

Treatment of serious diseases of the knee requires the intervention of a qualified doctor. The essence of the treatment of joints in folk medicine is to relieve inflammation with local remedies (poultices, rubbing, compresses) and warming up the joints to improve blood circulation and metabolism.

The intake of vitamin and mineral infusions and products containing collagen (gelatin) is also of an auxiliary nature.

Useful may be funds from bee deadness, which is used for diseases of the joints in the form of tinctures for alcohol, compresses, decoctions.

Camphor rubbing will help with pain and crunch, it is prepared like this:

  • Make a mixture: vegetable oil 150 ml, vodka 150 ml, turpentine 150 ml.
  • Pour a piece of camphor the size of a matchbox with this mixture.
  • Rub and smear the sore knee at night, then insulate. You can lubricate your knees daily until rubbing is over.

Burdock compress is an old proven recipe for joints:

  • Stack 6 medium-sized burdock leaves in a pile, put a pot of hot, but not boiling water on top.
  • Lubricate the knee with vegetable oil.
  • Attach hot burdock leaves, cover with polyethylene on top and warm with a woolen cloth.
  • You can do a compress at night, for 14 days.

Salt baths have long been used as a treatment for joints:

  • Add 1 kg of table salt to a hot water bath. You can optionally add a tablespoon of turpentine.
  • Take a bath for 20 minutes, then dry off.
  • Apply an iodine mesh to sore joints, insulate your knees well.
  • Can be repeated every other day for two weeks.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice on crunching in the knees of a child

Dr. Komarovsky advises parents:

  • Pay attention to the reaction of the child himself: whether he cries, whether he limps, whether this symptom gives him inconvenience.
  • Check joint function the amplitude of his movements during the massage.
  • Check the symmetry of the child's legs and skin folds on them.
  • Observe the situation for several days, noticing changes.
  • See an orthopedic doctor conduct a thorough examination in case of repetition of alarm signals.

Nutrition for crunchy knees

Depending on the diagnosis of knee disease, a special diet is prescribed.

For any problems with the joints, it is advisable to use products containing:

  • Collagen (meat, dairy, fish dishes, especially aspic, aspic).
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (linseed oil, fish oil, sea fish).
  • Calcium (milk, greens, nuts).
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes of general purpose.
  • Drink at least one and a half liters of water a day.

When following a diet, you need to adhere to a number of restrictions.

Products that harm the condition of the joints:

  • Spicy and salty dishes.
  • Fatty, fried and smoked foods.
  • Sugar, sweets (except honey).
  • Strong alcoholic drinks.

Prevention of diseases of the knee joints

To keep your joints healthy and strong, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Healthy, moderate food rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Body weight control very important: the load on the knees increases significantly with weight gain.
  • Sufficient clean water daily.
  • on a regular basis.
  • Comfortable shoes, not constraining movements (heel no more than 3 - 4 cm).
  • Timely visit to the doctor in case of occurrence of alarming symptoms.

A crunch in the joints does not necessarily accompany pathology, quite often it does not pose a danger. But it is impossible to ignore the constantly occurring sounds, especially if they are combined with discomfort and pain. The causes and treatment of crunching in the knees is the topic of today's conversation.

Why do joints crackle

Physiological crunch

The structure of the knee joint resembles a hinge: the head of another comes into the cavity of one bone, during movement they move relative to each other. To facilitate sliding and reduce friction, joint (synovial) fluid is produced in the joint.

The liquid is heterogeneous, it contains foreign inclusions, among which the least "dangerous" are bubbles of carbon dioxide. If, when bending and unbending the knees, soft clicks are heard, a crunch that does not manifest itself physically in any way, bursting gas bubbles become the cause of such a crunch. After some time, they form again and the crunch resumes.

Knees can crunch barely noticeable or, on the contrary, quite loudly. Such sounds are not a pathology and do not pose a danger.

Another reason for the “safe” crunch is the contact between the ligamentous apparatus and the bone sections that form the joint. Such sounds are especially frequent during adolescence during the formation of the skeleton.

However, according to statistics, approximately 15% of people whose knees click and crackle suffer from an initial form of arthrosis. How not to miss the onset of the disease?

Pathological crunch

If the joint crunches during physical activity:, squats, then the causes of extraneous sounds can be:

  • joint inflammation, as the tissues swell, deform, increase in size, which leads to constant contact with the articular surfaces. A characteristic symptom of arthritis and similar diseases is pain;
  • joint deformity and disruption of its functioning. Arthrosis is not rarely accompanied by a decrease in the amount of joint fluid;
  • violation of water-salt metabolism. The accumulation of uric acid salts in the tissues leads to limited mobility, tissue swelling and severe pain. Without treatment, with gout, bumps, protrusions, tubercles are formed on the surfaces of the bones;
  • joint injury, fractures, cracks interfere with normal functioning. Incorrectly fused bones, unrecovered joints can cause the development of arthrosis;
  • pathological processes in the liver, violate the synthesis of collagen and reduce the mobility of the ligaments, hence the pain and crunch in the joints;
  • obesity- Excess weight causes additional, sometimes excessive stress on the joints. It is especially difficult for the knees and the hip joint, since the main load falls on them;
  • high heel shoes. Physiologically, nature provides for walking on a flat foot, the heel causes a redistribution of the load, gives additional stress to the knees.

What to do if your knees are crunchy

To understand what a crunch in the knees means - harmless gas bubbles or the onset of a serious illness, you should undergo an examination, diagnose the cause of unpleasant sounds. Urgently need to see a doctor if pain, swelling, swelling of the joint, limited mobility, numbness are added to the sounds.

Among the diagnostic methods used:

  1. Visual inspection, palpation of the joint;
  2. Collection of analyzes;
  3. radiography;

Magnetic resonance therapy provides the clearest picture of the situation. Along with a direct examination of the joint, a study of the condition of the kidneys and liver is carried out.

On LocalLab.ru you can find a clinic for MRI, CT, radiography or ultrasound diagnostics of the knee joint... Choose the best price in a convenient place!

Treatment methods of traditional medicine

Physiological crunch, if it does not cause psychological discomfort, does not need to be treated, it is not dangerous.

After the examination, it becomes clear what the cause is and what disease needs to be treated in order to eliminate the unpleasant symptom as well.

The therapy includes several stages:

  • reduction (elimination) of pain - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibufen, nimesulide, diclofenac and others);
  • removal of inflammation and swelling - ointments based on pepper, snake venom, dimexide improve blood circulation and nutrition, promote lymph outflow;
  • restoration of cartilage tissue functions and joint mobility in general - chondroprotectors that can be drunk in the form of capsules or tablets (teraflex), injected intramuscularly (alflutop), injected directly into the joint cavity (only in a hospital, the doctor does!).

How to treat a crunch in the knees with folk remedies

If the joint creaks and crunches, but there is no opportunity to visit a doctor urgently, you can try the recipes offered by alternative medicine.

Dishes with gelatin

To increase joint mobility, treat and prevent diseases, recover from injuries and fractures, it is recommended to use jelly, aspic, and jelly every day.

When preparing jelly, they do not leave it to solidify, but drink warm broth obtained after 4-5 hours of boiling beef on the bone. You need to drink 1.5 cups 3-4 times a day for a month.


The substances rich in fresh parsley stimulate the liver, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on joint health.

If the knee joint crunches, you need to prepare an infusion of parsley and take it for 14 days.

For cooking, parsley roots are washed, finely chopped and put into a thermos, after which ½ l of hot boiled milk is poured. After 12 hours, the infusion is ready, it must be filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid is the daily dose that you need to drink in three doses.


Chop the roots and parsley grass (100 g each) and mix, pour ½ liter of hot water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for another 5-6 minutes, then cool and strain.

To the broth add 1-2 tbsp. l. honey and juice of one lemon. Drink in the morning, taking 6-7 sips. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.


Mix the freshly squeezed juice of one medium orange with 0.1 l of vegetable oil, moisten the gauze folded in several layers with the resulting mixture. Apply a compress to the sore joint, cover with cling film and a warm diaper on top. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, the duration of the course is 2 weeks.


Grind bran and pour warm milk. After swelling, after approximately 20-30 minutes, the mass is applied to a gauze bandage and a compress is made. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour. Similarly, you can use oatmeal (3-4 tsp per 0.2 l of boiling water).

Prevention of crunching in the knees

Proper nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining joint health. The diet should include:

  • rich foods - milk and dairy products, hard cheeses, sesame, dill, basil, parsley, fatty sea fish, nuts, seafood, chocolate;
  • vitamin A (carrots, egg yolk, watermelon, peaches, blueberries), B 1 (cabbage, carrots, peas, potatoes), B 2 (milk, cottage cheese, nuts, eggs), B 6 (tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, oranges) , D (red fish, dairy products), E (vegetable oil, sea buckthorn, almonds, cherries), C (citrus fruits, rose hips, parsley, blackcurrant, sweet pepper), K (pumpkin, tomatoes, peas);
  • products containing .

Smoked and salty foods are not useful for joints.

Physical education, swimming will benefit.

A set of exercises for knee pain according to Bubnovsky

Acute pain in the back and knees will help relieve physical exercises:

  1. Forward knee lunges (for each step). To perform the exercise, you need to get on all fours, crawl forward at each step, straightening one leg and dropping your body to the floor.
  2. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, do twisting. Feet should be firmly pressed to the floor. Place a salt pad under your back.
  3. In the same position, simultaneously raise the leg, bent at the knee, and pull the knee to the opposite elbow.
  4. Move on your knees (back straight).
  5. Get on your knees, straighten your back, put a gymnastic rug or a towel rolled up on your calves. Lower the pelvis on the mat as low as possible, stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise without the mat.
  6. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you. Holding the toe of the foot with your hand, bend the leg at the knee, then straighten and hold on weight. Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg.
  7. "Walk" on the buttocks, hands clasped in front of the chest.
  8. Push up from the floor, crossing your legs at the knees and lifting them off the floor.

A simple exercise to develop the knee joint

In this video, you will learn one simple exercise that will help develop a joint after an injury and simply strengthen the knee. Do it and be healthy!

Crunchy knees are just a symptom that can be quite harmless if not accompanied by pain and discomfort. You need to listen to your body, take care of it, eat right and provide feasible physical activity. No doctor will help if you do not take care of your health yourself.

Most often, the knees crunch when flexed in people of retirement age, but sometimes this problem occurs in younger patients. Clicking in the knees can occur for physiological reasons and then no treatment is required.

Sometimes creaking in the knees is a symptom of a serious illness that requires immediate diagnosis and treatment with medications or surgery.

The knee is located approximately in the middle of the lower part of the limb, between the thigh and lower leg. Allocate the knee joint, as well as the front of the knee and the back.

The main components of the knee include:

Physiology and pathology of crunch

Clicking in the knees or "crepitus" (a term in medicine) appears due to the explosion of air bubbles in the synovial fluid. This problem most often appears due to a person's low mobility (sedentary work, ignoring physical activity).

With the manifestation of pathology, the joints rub against each other. Sometimes the problem is only pain in the joint, but swelling and limited mobility can also occur.

Causes of a crunch in the knee

Knees crunch when bending most often for the following reasons:

Knees crunch when bending in childhood:

Diseases and injuries in which the joints crackle

Crunch in the knees occurs due to the following diseases:

  1. Gonarthrosis. It is characterized by wear of cartilaginous tissue and subsequent deformation of the joint. Often leads to disability. More common in women.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis. It is expressed in the form of chronic inflammation of the knee joint and damage to the synovial membrane. The disease is provoked by excessive physical exertion, frequent knee injuries, hypothermia.
  3. Chondromatosis. Most often, one knee joint is affected. Sometimes the disease can degenerate into a malignant tumor, but very rarely.
  4. Bursitis. This disease appears from trauma to the knee, resulting in inflammation of the synovial bag. Bursitis appears after knee injuries. Excessive physical activity can also cause the disease.
  5. Osteochondritis. Gradually, the cartilaginous plate that protects the bone exfoliates. The disease is detected at the age of 20-40 years, mainly in men.
  6. hypermobility syndrome. The problem lies in the excessive active mobility of the joint and its flexibility.

The knees crunch when bent, not only due to diseases, but also due to injuries:

Crunch in the knees, as a variant of the norm

Clicking in the knee joint may be a variant of the norm. If at the same time there is no redness of the skin, pain is not felt and swelling does not appear, then most likely everything is in order with the knee joint. It can crunch due to the fact that the tendon or ligament touches the bones and, as a result, a click appears.

In addition, there are several more safe reasons for the creaking of the knees:

  • weakened ligaments contribute to increased joint flexibility;
  • explosion of gas bubbles in the synovial fluid.

Varieties of knee crunch

Knees crunch when bent due to the following reasons:

  • the synovial sac becomes inflamed;
  • cartilage tissues are deformed;
  • the bones of the knee rub against each other;
  • moisture is not retained.

When squatting, clicks appear when:

  • abuse of salty, fatty, sweet and spicy foods;
  • constant friction of bones;
  • gradual destruction of cartilage tissue;
  • inflammation of the synovial sac.

When extending the knees, creaking can occur from:

  • increase in the number of bubbles in the synovial fluid;
  • bubbles that appear explode;
  • increased pressure on the joint.

When walking, a crunch can occur due to:

  • any inflammation in the knee joint;
  • salt deposits;
  • cartilage abrasion;
  • kidney disease (failure);
  • injuries.

Characteristic symptoms

Crunchy knees are not the only symptom of many diseases.

Along with it, other symptoms may occur, which are expressed as:

  • swelling of the entire leg or only in the knee area;
  • aching or sharp pain;
  • redness on the skin in the area of ​​pain;
  • creaking in the knees when changing position;
  • burning sensation;
  • numbness of the skin around the knee.

Sometimes there are no associated symptoms or they are mild. In some cases, they may appear partially, depending on the disease that caused the crunch.

Which doctor to contact if the knee crunches

If a crunch occurs in the knee joint, then the following doctors can find the problem and fix it:

Diagnosis of the causes of a crunch in the knee

It is possible to diagnose the cause of knee crunching only after conducting a whole range of examinations, which include:

  • blood analysis;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the knee;
  • x-ray;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • study of synovial fluid;
  • scintigraphy;
  • MRI and computed tomography of the knee joint;
  • examination of the joint by a doctor.

When visiting a doctor, the patient states his complaints. After that, the doctor carefully examines the skin of the knee joint and palpates it.

On examination, it may reveal:

  • the presence of a hematoma under the skin;
  • the appearance of ulcers and lesions on the skin;
  • swelling and redness;
  • changes in the structure of the joint (deformation from injuries and due to certain diseases);
  • pathological changes.

A urinalysis will help determine the level of uric acid. If it is elevated, then this can indirectly indicate gouty arthritis. A blood test allows you to find out if there are inflammatory processes and infections in the body.

Ultrasound of the knee is the most accurate way to diagnose. With it, you can identify inflammation of the synovial bag, meniscal damage, torn ligaments, thinning of cartilage, the presence of Becker's cyst.

CT scan of the joint reveals:

  • bone injuries, including their fracture;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the synovial bag;
  • the presence of arthritis or osteoarthritis;
  • pathology in the joint;
  • penetration of a foreign body into the joint cavity.

MRI is highly informative and helps to diagnose:

  • sprain;
  • injury to the patella;
  • bursitis;
  • Baker's cyst;
  • hemarthrosis;
  • tissue swelling.

Methods for treating crunch

So that the creaking in the joints does not disturb, you must first carry out a diagnosis, and then begin treatment. Medications and folk remedies will help get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

In addition, you can speed up the solution of the problem using:

Drug treatment of crunch in the knee

It is possible to cure a crunch in the knee only if the diagnosis is correctly established, since the treatment directly depends on it.

To return the joints to working capacity and relieve pain, the following drugs are most often prescribed:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Helps fight inflammation and pain. These most often include Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Diclofenac and others.
  2. Ointments with a warming effect: Voltaren, Finalgon.
  3. Corticosteroids: Hydrocartisone, Prednisolone. They are prescribed only in the most serious cases, since the drugs are hormonal.
  4. Non-steroidal ointments with anti-inflammatory effect: Ketoprofen, Nise. They simultaneously relieve pain and relieve severe inflammation.
  5. Preparations for the resumption of the functions of cartilage tissue: Chondroxide, Rumalon.
  6. vitamins. It is best to take a complex of vitamins, which includes calcium, vitamin D3, phosphorus. It is these beneficial components that help restore the bones and cartilage that make up the knee joint.

Surgical treatment of crunch in the knee

Surgery for crunching in the knees is prescribed only if the problem cannot be dealt with with the help of medical intervention.

The patient may be prescribed:

Most often, surgical treatment is used for the following problems:

  • the presence of a foreign body in the joint;
  • with fractures;
  • if there is a need to replace the knee joint with an artificial one;
  • when ligaments are broken;
  • with damage to the menisci;
  • with rheumatoid arthritis, if it is not treatable with medication;
  • with problems with the healing of hematomas, to remove pathological contents.

Rehabilitation treatment for a crunch in the knee

As a rehabilitation treatment for knee problems, you need to deal with:

Benefits of rehabilitation treatment include:

  • small load on the affected knee;
  • quick recovery after operations;
  • the ability to fully restore the mobility of the knee.

The disadvantages of the method are:

  • the possibility of damage to the ligaments;
  • progression of knee diseases with untimely start of rehabilitation treatment.


Therapeutic exercise prevents deformation of the knee joint, helps maintain muscle tone. It should be done only if the load on the joints is allowed, otherwise you can cause even more damage to the knee.

Therapeutic load includes a set of exercises:

  1. Sipping. Lying in bed, stretch your arms and legs.
  2. Knee bending. Lie on your back and alternately bend one or the other knee, without lifting your feet from the surface.
  3. Bike. Perform on your back, at a slow pace.
  4. Rotations. Lean on a chair with both hands and alternately rotate your knees 10 times in each direction.
  5. Squats. Leaning on the back, do 10 squats.

It is necessary to perform exercises slowly, at a slow pace, so as not to damage the knee joints. If after exercise you feel a sharp pain, swelling appears, then physical education should be excluded for a while.


Massage will help to improve blood circulation and improve the mobility of the knee joint. You can do it yourself, as well as with specialists.

When performing a massage on your own, you must adhere to the following rules:

Treatment of crunch in the knees with folk remedies

Knees crunch during extension and flexion for various reasons.

To alleviate the condition, you can use the following folk remedies:

Preventive actions

Prevention of crunching in the knees helps to avoid joint problems, pain and swelling in them.

The main measures that help to avoid the appearance of a crunch include:

  • reducing the load on the legs: change shoes with high heels to more comfortable ones, get rid of excess weight, take breaks for rest during physical work, move actively;
  • get rid of thyroid problems in a timely manner;
  • daily in the morning to do gymnastics for the joints;
  • go swimming;
  • walk more;
  • take vitamins;
  • eat healthy food and exclude fatty, fried and spicy foods;
  • when feeling tired in the legs, do a light massage;
  • exclude the possibility of hypothermia.

The knees crackle when bent from various physiological and pathological causes. If you identify them in a timely manner, then you can cure them quickly enough. In advanced cases, surgery may be required, after which joint mobility is restored for a long time.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about crunching in the knees when bending

Why knees crunch and what to do about it:

A healthy knee joint does not make any third-party sounds due to its “thoughtful” structure. On the other hand, due to maintaining the main load of a person’s weight, various kinds of violations often occur in his work.

A crunch in the knee is the first signal that something is wrong with him.

This will be checked and explained by a traumatologist, to whom you need to go to an appointment with an audible crunch in the knee, especially with accompanying pain.
If there is no pain, then the cause of the formation of a "crunch" is probably the accumulation of gas bubbles in the joint fluid. The bubbles connect and burst when moved, which is accompanied by an audible ringing click.

In any case, only a qualified examination of a crunch in the knees without pain will promptly identify / refute serious changes in the joint and warn against the development of diseases.

Why the joints in the knees crunch - the traumatologist will check and explain

Provoking factors for the occurrence of a crunch in the knees:

  • Excessive physical stress on the knee. The hyaline cartilage becomes thinner, the ligaments become inflamed, the joints wear out twice as fast;
  • Connective tissue defects. Congenital defect: defective formation of the connective tissue of the joint.

    Acquired defect: sprain, dislocation;

  • Diseases of the knee joint. Accompanied by painful sensations, there is a limitation in the mobility of the knee. Often occurs in patients with osteoarthritis, bursitis, arthritis, meniscopathy;
  • Hypodynamia (insufficient physical activity). As a result of a sedentary way of life, ligaments, muscles, joints weaken;
  • Overweight. 1 extra kg of weight increases the load on the joints by 10%;
  • Joint hypermobility. Unnaturally straight and slightly arched back knee;
  • Irrational nutrition. An excess of salinity, sweets, spicy and spicy foods leads to a metabolic disorder in cartilage tissue, provokes calcium deposition;
  • Uncomfortable shoes. Heel and wedge heel more than 4 cm contradicts the physiological rise of the arch of the foot: the center of gravity is transferred from the heel to the toe. Uneven distribution, constantly acting on one place, provokes a crunch in the knee joint. An absolutely flat sole of the shoe leads to flat feet and curvature of the legs in the form of an "X".

Cracking in the knee joint when flexing

Occurs under the influence of various changes. For example, when cartilage is characterized by loss of strength and elasticity, it breaks up into individual fibers, wears out and compacts. Natural lubrication is disturbed, a specific crunch appears, which, in addition, signals inflammatory processes.

In other words, the load on the musculoskeletal junction exceeds its physiological capabilities. This is why knees crackle when bent.

Irregular crunch without concomitant diseases is an indicator of age-related changes. In this case, you just need to avoid physical overload.

Cracking in the knee joint during extension

Factors of occurrence: malnutrition (provokes salt deposits in the joint fluid), overweight, wearing "wrong" shoes for more than 6 hours, lifting weights, a sedentary lifestyle. A crunch in the knee when squatting and extending the legs, especially when accompanied by pain, is a messenger of rheumatism, polyarthritis, polyarthrosis and other joint diseases.

A crunch in the knee can be a messenger of joint diseases

How to treat a crunch in the knee joint

At home, treating a crunch in the joints can lead to a decrease in knee mobility and limitation of movement, and in advanced cases, disability. The herald and companion of serious diseases of the skeletal system - a strong crunch in the knee joint - is treated exclusively by a conservative method.

What to do if the joints in the knees crunch?

A number of simple rules introduced as a preventive measure into your daily life will help you face the problem of “knee crunching when walking” as late as possible:

  • Limit heavy lifting as much as possible;
  • Adjust the level of physical activity during the day, alternate exercise with rest;
  • Avoid hypothermia of the knee joint;
  • Optimize body weight, but at the same time do not overload the joint;
  • When performing work relying on the knee (for example, mopping), use special knee pads;

Knee pads help protect your joints

  • Eat rationally, maximally consuming vitamins and foods rich in calcium, omega-3 acid, limiting salinity, sweets, spices;
  • Drink a sufficient amount of pure or mineral water necessary for the formation of joint synovial fluid;
  • Refuse daily wearing tight / narrow / high-heeled shoes, give preference to arch supports and orthopedic insoles.

Features of physical activity with crunch and pain in the knee

Exercises and the level of load are determined by age, gender and the specifics of each organism.

The most universal exercises are “bicycle”, “scissors”, water aerobics and swimming, yoga.

These types of activities have a positive effect on the entire body, strengthen bone tissue and muscle mass, do not cause overstrain and help to reduce weight.

Water aerobics strengthens bone tissue and muscle mass

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