Chit shaitan for here. Forbidden sight "Shaitan" for World of Tanks - what is the secret of bending? Information about the latest update

  • Update date: 19 Dec 2019
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Information about the latest update:

Updated on 12/19/2019:
  • Trial extended.

In order to shoot at a moving enemy in battle, it is necessary to correctly take the firing lead, predicting the location of the target in the next moment. If you can’t learn how to do this in any way, you can use the preemptive shooting cheat called Aimbot Shaitan from ZorroJan.

Please note: an aimbot is a cheat. For its use, players receive a permanent account ban. Use at your own risk - in training, for training, or do not use at all.

Shooting at a moving tank presents a certain difficulty. To hit such a target, you need to take into account the speed of its movement, direction, distance to it and the speed of the projectile of your gun. As the number of fights increases, most players develop the ability to do the right lead and additional help is usually not needed. If, for some reason, it’s easier for you to entrust this task to “electronics”, the game mechanics allow you to use a cheat to automatically pre-empt fire.

Aimbot works like this:

  • You aim the aiming marker at a moving enemy tank
  • The cheat mod takes into account the distance to the target, the speed of your and enemy tanks, the speed of the projectile
  • Aimbot calculates the distance that the enemy will travel during the flight of the projectile
  • The aiming point automatically shifts to account for this distance.

Aimbot does not guarantee 100% hits, since the program's ability to predict human actions is limited, but, in many situations, it will make your shooting more effective.

The goal of the Shaitan aimbot is to make projectiles in autoaim more likely to hit a moving enemy.


You have probably noticed that the standard auto-aim activated with the RMB is not capable of shooting at moving targets at all. All this is due to the fact that the sight looks at one point and does not calculate the lead necessary for a successful hit. But after installing Shaitan, everything will change, and shooting will be much more efficient, because the mod takes into account many parameters, for example, the distance to the enemy tank and its current speed. Thanks to this, almost no enemy will leave you without proper punishment.

Another advantage is that if the target has left the light, the auto-aim will still work, focusing on the last vector of movement of the equipment, that is, even a blind shot can be successful. There is also an indication of a shot, in the screenshot below you can see a red arrow, which means that there is some kind of obstacle in the way of the projectile, in this case it is a rock. In addition to the indication of the shot, you can also see the distance to the target.

This is far from the only automatic sight, you may prefer another option, for example, the famous mod, which has long been recognized among tankers.

The list includes any changes to how auto-aim works, so use Shaitan carefully, as there is a risk of getting banned from Wargaming.

Advanced users can customize the sight to their taste, for this, open the file called ZJ_AimBotShaytan.xml with Notepad ++, in which you can change about 15 different settings.


  • Just below, download the archive with the mod, inside there will be one folder, which you need to copy to World_of_Tanksres_mods [current patch version].

What is aimbot shaitan for? You ask, and even where to download it, and we will answer, it is needed in order to fire at moving enemy you need to take the fire lead, as well as predict the place where the tank will be in the next moment, and you can download it from the link below at the end of this article. If this doesn’t work at all, then a cheat will come to the rescue to prevent shooting, which is called Aimbot Shaitan. It also allows you to capture the target through various obstacles.

Automatic targeting of an enemy tank allows you to hit its most vulnerable parts of the tank and at the same time take into account the effectiveness of the armor. Before using it, you need to note that this is a cheat, and for its use in the game they can be blocked. It can be used as training to practice fire on a moving enemy.

In order to fire at the tank on the move, special skills are needed. In order for a projectile to hit effectively, several factors must be taken into account - the speed at which the enemy tank is moving, the distance to the target, and at what speed the projectile flies. When the player's number of battles grows, then the use of this cheat as an assistant is not required.

  • This sight is configured in the file (pictures are clickable)
  • res_mods\0 .9 .x \scripts\client\mods\ZJ_Mods\xml\ZJ_AimBotShaytan.xml
  • The cheat works according to the following parameters:

  1. To shoot, you need to point the aiming marker at the tank of a moving enemy

The cheat automatically measures the speed of the tank, the distance to the target and the speed of the projectile, and fires a shot.

See the picture below for the most frequently asked questions from users with answers.

Among the features of aimbot shaitan are:

  1. Tracking the dynamics of the target
  2. Automatic shot
  3. Stabilization system
  4. Ability to lock onto a target behind obstacles
  5. Targeting the most vulnerable points of the enemy tank

To configure the cheat, you will have 15 different options available. Any player who has a cheat can customize it to suit their play style.

Good day, tankers and welcome to the site! Surely, almost everyone who plays World of Tanks uses various mod assemblies or individual modifications, because this allows us to play with great comfort in practical and aesthetic terms.

However, there are also forbidden mods in the world of tanks that were not approved by Wargaming due to the fact that they introduce an imbalance into the game, one of these modifications is the devil sight.

We all understand perfectly well what the word "cheat" means and dislike cheaters. It is precisely under the definition of cheats that World of Tanks scopes of the shaitan fall. The thing is that this script greatly improves the ability of your tank to aim, while you practically do not have to do anything. To make it clearer, let's list all the features of this mod with accompanying explanations:
1. Improved pre-emptive shooting - in this context, it is understood that the shaitan sight mod automatically and independently fixes your sight on the target when aiming at an enemy tank. After that, the lead is calculated depending on the direction and speed of the enemy, the distance to him. At this time, you can hit the target, even turning the screen in the other direction, you just need to press the shot button.

2. Automatic target acquisition behind an obstacle - WoT sight shaitan can take a target in an automatic sight without pressing the right mouse button, we already know this. But he is also capable of locking onto a target behind a rock, a house, or any other obstacle, which is impossible under normal conditions.
3. Surveillance of the enemy, who came out of the light - everything is simple here, taking the enemy at gunpoint, the shaitan's auto sight will guide him, even if he disappears from the light. In other words, you will always have an idea of ​​the movement of the target until you yourself decide to shoot at someone else.
4. Focusing on a separate section of the armor - another feature is the ability to fix the sight on a specific section of the enemy tank. Thus, the aimbot shaitan pre-emptive sight allows you to shoot at the vulnerable zone all the time, but of course, no one is safe from gun scatter and VBR.
5. Armor calculator and targeting weak points - this mod can also independently find weak points in the enemy’s armor, you just need to catch the devil’s silhouette of the tank in the cheat sight, the ingenious script will do the rest.
6. X-ray - another equally important point, you can see the silhouette of an enemy tank behind any obstacle, even behind a house or a mountain, have an idea of ​​where its gun is pointed, how exactly it stands and in which direction it moves, all these possibilities gives a cheat sight shaitan.

In addition to the possibilities already listed above, this script is rich in various information indications. For example, the aimbot shaitan sight shows the distance from you to the target, there is an indicator that notifies you that there is some kind of obstacle in the path of your projectile trajectory, and so on.

As you can see, this modification seriously affects the gameplay, makes it virtually automatic and makes serious adjustments to the classic auto-aim. For these reasons, the shaitan sight is preemptively banned by the game developers, because it really introduces an imbalance and kills the very idea of ​​​​tanks.

All of the above applies to artillery battles. Waiting for full information on the enemy tank, the cheat aimbot shaitan will automatically correct your aiming at the target, check with its movements, correct focus, and according to unconfirmed information, even slightly adjust the projectile flight path, which will allow you to hit the target more often.

As for its use, the ban is not unfounded. Of course, you can download the World of Tanks devil sight, install it, set it up properly, but be prepared for the fact that sooner or later you will simply be banned. In this case, the account can be blocked without the possibility of its recovery.

And on the other hand, why use such modifications? Of course, at first you will enjoy getting a lot of frags and winning without much effort. But as mentioned earlier, the meaning of the game is lost, interest will also be lost, and although everyone can download the shaitan sight with a lead, you should not do this.

There are many legal scope mods that also make the game more enjoyable, simplify the process of dealing damage somewhat, but do not threaten to lose your account. You can download such scripts for World of Tanks in

Aimbot Shaytan for World of tanks 0.9.18 is an AimBot Shaytan anticipation sight from ZorroJan, which refers to cheats. Now you will not need to guess where the enemy firefly can go, as soon as it appears in your visibility zone, capture it with auto-aim and then the modification will do everything by itself. It reads the speed of the tank, the distance to it, the speed of your projectiles, and already according to this data it shoots to preempt the enemy, and he simply has nowhere to go, thanks to which you will deal damage to moving targets without any problems. Just do not forget to turn on the cheat, before the shot, the designation that this development is working will be written on the minimap.

You can configure the sight in the file
The variability of settings is amazing. About 15 different parameters can be edited. Any player will be able to perfectly choose the parameters of the modification just for his style of play. Don't forget to use Notepad++ or similar for editing.

Remember that the mod will work correctly only after the removal of alternative auto-aims.

We remind you that by installing prohibited mods, you act at your own peril and risk. Do not post replays of battles, screenshots from the game.

Copy the contents of the archive to World_Of_Tanks/res_mods/0.9.x/. (x is the number of the current patch)

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