Passionate icon. Icon of the Mother of God "Passionate

This icon is unusual - it is known for the fact that next to the face of the Virgin, two Angels hold the instruments of the Passion of the Lord. There is a known case of miraculous healing through prayers in front of the icon. One God-fearing woman, Ekaterina, after marriage, began to be subjected to fits of possession, she even attempted suicide. In moments when she could control herself, Catherine prayed to the Mother of God for healing.

Catherine's prayer was heard, but she did not immediately fulfill her promise, but, remembering him, fell ill with fear that she had not fulfilled her vow, given to God. Then, in a dream, the Mother of God herself appeared to her and ordered her to go to Nizhny Novgorod and buy Her icon for prayer from the icon painter Gregory. After praying before the Passion Icon of the Mother of God, Catherine was finally healed, and through prayers before the icon, miracles began to happen.

The holiday takes place on the day of the transfer of the icon from the village of Palitsy to Moscow in 1641. At the Tverskaya Zastava, where the icon was met, a temple was built, and later, in 1645, the Strastnoy Monastery. A second feast for the sake of the icon takes place on the 6th Sunday after Pascha, on the Sunday of the Blind Man, in memory of the miracles that took place on that day.


The passionate icon of the Mother of God belongs to the type of Hodegetria icons. The Mother of God bowed her face to the Divine Infant. The Divine Infant holds the Mother of God by the hands. The face of Jesus is turned to the Mother of God and turned away from the forthcoming torment on the cross. In the hands of the angels on the icon are the instruments of suffering on the cross - a sponge, a spear and a cross.

What helps the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God

The passionate icon of the Mother of God is known for numerous healings through prayers in front of her. Therefore, in front of the icon they often pray for

  • getting rid of physical and mental ailments;
  • release from thoughts of suicide;
  • about help in all matters;
  • about the forgiveness of sins.


Troparion of the Mother of God before the Icon of Her Passion

voice 4

Today, the ascension to our inexpressibly reigning city of Moscow / the icon of the Mother of God, / and, like a radiant sun, with the coming of that light up the whole world, / The heavenly forces and the souls of the righteous mentally triumph, rejoicing, / we, looking at her, cry out to the Mother of God with tears: / about the All-merciful Lady, the Lady of the Mother of God, / pray from you to the incarnate Christ, our God, / may peace and health be given to all Christians / according to His great and indescribable mercy.

John troparion of the Mother of God before the icon of Her Passionate

voice 4

Life-giving Wisdom is the source of miracles / Your honest image, Virgin Mother of God, / praying, diligently flowing to him with love, we lightly celebrate / and from the depths of our souls we cry out to You: / save, Mistress, by faith worshiping Your whole-bearing holy image, / thanksgivingly, we magnify You , like the Mother of God, / save the Orthodox bishops, / and save the Russian land, / and all the people who honor You, keep, / yes laudatory gifts, sinners, we bring, Gracious: / rejoice, Virgin, praise of Christians.

Kontakion of the Mother of God before the icon of Her Passion

voice 3

Grace by the reception of incorruption, / if you have given us Your saving healing / in Your miraculous way honest, Virgin Mother of God, / we also cry out to You and call with joy, Lady Queen, / we pray tenderly, sinners, with tears saying: / O Most Holy Lady, / show intercession and help to us soon, / save us from our adversaries / and observe from all sorrow, / protect our land with peace, / and cover all Your people, / and observe those who hope in Thee, / try to deliver, / let us not perish evil, Thy servants, / but let us call Thee: / rejoice, Bride, not bride.

Prayer of the Mother of God before the icon of Her Passion

O Most Holy Lady, Lady Theotokos, exalt all the Angel and Archangel and all creatures most honest, Helper of the offended, hopeless hope, wretched Intercessor, sad consolation, hungry Nurse, naked robes, sick healing, sinful salvation, Christians of all help and intercession. O All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God, Lady, by Thy mercy save and have mercy on Thy servant, the Great Lord and our father, His Holiness the Patriarch (name of the rivers), and His Grace metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and the entire priestly and monastic rank, our God-protected country, military leaders, mayors and Christ-loving hosts and well-wishers, and all Orthodox Christians, protect Your honest robe, and implore, Madam, from You, Christ our God, incarnated without a seed, may He gird us with His power from above on our invisible and visible enemies. O All-Merciful Lady, the Lady of the Mother of God, raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from gladness, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from finding foreigners and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from enemy attacks, and from corrupting wind, and from deadly sores, and from all evil. Grant, Madam, peace and health to Your servants, to all Orthodox Christian and enlighten them with the mind and eyes of the heart, even to salvation, and grant us, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God, as His power is blessed and glorified, with His Beginningless Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Turning with a prayer to the Mother of God, in front of the "Passion" icon, the believer Orthodox Church Christian, sincerely believes that the Lord will hear him.

Prayer, which coincides with the will of God, is necessarily fulfilled. Mother of God helps, guides the believer on the righteous path when he turns to Her, repenting and purifying his heart.

Meaning of the Passion Icon of the Mother of God

The icon we want to talk about is not without reason called “Passionate”. The word is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable, above the letter "a". In the center of the icon is depicted Holy Mother of God with the Child God in her arms. He looks around fearfully at the angels holding the instruments of passions in their hands.

Above the head of the figure of the Mother, the Archangels are symmetrically located. Gabriel holding the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Archangel Michael holds a sponge soaked in vinegar, she quenched the thirst of the Savior. Still in Michael's hands is the spear with which the centurion Longinus pierced the body of Christ, wishing to verify that He had died.

general description

The passionate icon of the Mother of God, which resides within the walls of the monastery, at the burial place of St. Dmitry Prilutsky, is slightly different. This list was made in the monastery of Kutlumush. The image depicts only one Archangel with terrible tools in his hands.

In the XIII century, this image saved the hermits of Athos from the attack of bloodthirsty sea robbers. The Athos monastery was suddenly covered with a thick haze of fog and became invisible to the robbers. After that, the list was called: "FOVERA PROSTASIA", which translates as "Terrible Protection".

The meaning of the expression "passion" in Old Slavonic, church language means "suffering". This icon is filled with a special spirit, it fulfills the sacred unique challenge. The image has long been known throughout the country. The spiritual significance of the image is difficult to overestimate, because it recalls the events of Holy Week. Angels foretell the coming fate of the Lord. The baby, seeing them, gets scared, holds the hand of the mother, as if asking for help.

Holy Mary meekly and humbly bears her Son towards trials and death, obeying the Lord's commands. This miraculous icon saves people from unbelief and ailments. Mary sets an example of humility and submission to the will of the Most High. Today, the Passion Icon is in demand by Christians. Regardless of their status and rank, education, believers pray to her. Since the icon is a vivid symbol of the suffering of mankind and the Savior.

The story of a peasant woman

AT Nizhny Novgorod region Catherine lived - a sick woman possessed by demons. Exhausted by endless bouts of black epilepsy, the peasant woman began to pray to the Queen of Heaven. Katerina in her prayers promised to go to the monastery if she was healed. The Most Pure Mother of God heard the request and healed the peasant woman.

However, the healed peasant woman quickly forgot the promise given during the prayer to the Mother of God and did not go to the monastery. The Virgin Mary appeared to the woman in a dream, reminded her of the promise, reproached and ordered to do the following: go to people and tell them about how Mary appeared to her in a dream and ordered all living people to give up anger, drunkenness, live in purity of body and soul, chastity . read church holidays and Sundays.

Catherine did not comply with the orders of the Mother of God, fearing that people would not believe her. Katerina was stricken with paralysis as a punishment. Then the woman repented, with her last strength, with tears in her eyes, asked for mercy.

The merciful Mother of God forgave the peasant woman once again and granted her healing. The Most Holy Theotokos ordered to find an icon painter in Nizhny Novgorod, with Her image, and to pray. This time, Catherine did everything, found the icon, prayed a lot, repented, and the illness soon passed.

Thanks to such incidents, the icon began to be called "Passionate". After praying before her, many healings are performed.

How does the “Passionate” icon help?

Even today miracles happen at the image of the Holy Mother of God. Any righteous man who was tormented by illnesses and crushed by sorrows can pray to Her.

It helps in many ways:

  • relieves diseases of the body and soul;
  • comforts the suffering and mourning;
  • strengthens faith, spirit, encourages;
  • heals a traumatized soul, relieves sadness;
  • casts out a demon, negative intentions, even about suicide;
  • helps to live measuredly and righteously;
  • protects against fire, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami.

When Ivan the Terrible ruled the country, there was a big fire in the Kremlin. Only one room survived intact. At that time, the Passion Icon of the Mother of God was kept there.

Prayer to the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God

At the face of the "passionate" Mother of God they read with an open heart:

“O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, the highest angel and archangel of all, and the most honest of all creatures, Helper of the offended, hopeless hope, wretched Intercessor, sad consolation, hungry nurse, naked robe, sick healing, sinful salvation, Christians of all help and intercession. Save, Madam, and have mercy on Your servant, and Your Grace Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, and allprotect the priestly and monastic rank, and the faithful ruling synod, and the military leaders, and city governors, and the Christ-loving army and well-wishers, and all Orthodox Christians with Your honest robe protect, and implore, Madam, from You without the seed of the incarnate Christ our God, may He gird us with His strength from above, against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-Merciful Lady the Lady Theotokos, raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from gladness, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from finding foreigners and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from corrupting winds , and from deadlyulcers, and from all evil. Grant, Madam, peace and health to Your servant, all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten their minds and eyes of the heart, hedgehog to salvation; and vouchsafe us Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ Godours: as if His power is blessed and glorified, with His Beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Where they pray to the Divine Face

Several copies were made in recent times from the image. You already know what a passionate icon looks like.

You can bow to the Divine face:

  • in the Church of the Resurrection, Sokolniki;
  • in the church of the village of Enakievo;
  • in Lipetsk;
  • Orel;
  • in the village of Repninsky.

"Passionate" icon of the Mother of God - meaning, what helps, prayers was last modified: October 10th, 2017 by Bogolub

On August 13/26, the venerated Passion Icon of the Mother of God is honored in our monastery

Passion icon of the Mother of God It is called so from the image on the sides of the seated Mother of God with the Child, two angels with the instruments of the passions of Christ (spear, cane, Calvary cross). The head of the Virgin is tilted towards the baby Jesus sitting in her arms. Looking at the sufferings of the Cross that are coming to him, With His hands the Divine Infant holds on to the hand of the Mother, a sandal with right foot It falls off.

In the old days they called the Passion Icon “Terrible”, this name came from the translation of the Greek name of the icon “Φοβερά Προστασία” - “Terrible Intercession” (or “All-Merciful Intercessor”). The icon of "Fover Prostasia" is the main shrine of the Athos monastery of Kutlumush. (The word "terrible" from the Church Slavonic language is translated as inspiring respect, reverence; amazing, wonderful).

Ancient Russian Passion Icon The Mother of God has been known since the 14th century as a cell image of St. Demetrius of Prilutsky. In 1547 In Moscow, the Passion Icon of the Mother of God became famous, saving a house in Kitay-Gorod from a fire. By order of Tsar John IV, the image was transferred to the palace, where many miracles were performed from it, and then installed in the Church of the Conception of St. Anna.

The Passion Icon has become especially revered in Russia in the 17th century after the miracles that took place from the image from the Nizhny Novgorod village of Palitsy. The first to be healed was the pious woman Catherine, who, after marriage, was subjected to demon possession and attempted suicide. In moments of enlightenment, she prayed to the Mother of God and made a vow in case of healing to enter the monastery. After her recovery, she remembered the vow only later. long time, felt fear and from emotional excitement fell ill. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared to her three times, commanding her to go to Nizhny Novgorod and buy Her icon for prayer from the icon painter Gregory. Having done this, Catherine received healing, and since then miracles began to happen from that icon. In 1641, at the request of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, the miraculous icon was transferred from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow, where it was solemnly welcomed at the Tver Gates. In 1654, by order of Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich, a monastery was built on this site, named after the miraculous icon of the Passion.

The feast for the sake of the icon takes place August 13, on the occasion of its transfer in 1641 from the village of Palitsy to Moscow and on the 6th Sunday after Easter, on the Week of the Blind Man, in memory of the miracles that happened on that day.

Miraculous Passion-Working Icon of the Mother of God in the Dormition Convent of the Alexandrova Sloboda according to legend, it was brought from Moscow (c. 1642-1654) by a reverend elder and placed in the Assumption Church. The same image was in the Lucian Hermitage. The monastery courtyard in Moscow was located in the Tver part, not far from the Strastnoy Monastery.

The handwritten "Tale of Miracles from 4 Icons of the Mother of God", compiled in the last quarter of the 17th century, describes miracle healing of a nun in front of this icon (Museum-Reserve "Alexandrovskaya Sloboda" AM-1793/267, ll. 16 - 17v.):

Miracle 39

In the monastery of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, a nun named Martha, having the hand of a great sick man: a great crowbar was in her hand. And for the sake of thinking from the disease of the blood to let. Having thought this, I came to the meal of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos and began to pray with tears before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, called the Terrible, who stands on the left pillar in the meal of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. Martha began to put her sick hand to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos and pray with many tears, bowing before the image of the Mother of God. And tired of immeasurable illness, I will fall asleep in the meal before the image of Her - and I hear a voice to myself, saying in the thinnest voice: “Marfo! Don’t let blood flow - and heal your illness, ”and grabbing her hand three times. She, having been in herself, feel her hand healthy and go to her cell, rejoicing, thanks to her unmercenary Physician.

In the inventory of the monastery in 1764 there are three Passion Icons: two in the Trinity Cathedral - in the altar on a high place and in the refectory part of the St. Sergius chapel. The third, most revered, is on the left pillar in the refectory part of the Assumption Church: “The image of the Terrible Mother of God, on her is a chased crown with a carved crown. There are 6 cherubs in the crown, on the Eternal Child there is a chased crown, the silver ones are gilded. On the Mother of God, the crown and tsata and on the Baby tsata are strung with medium and small pearls, in the robe and in the tsats of large and medium 14 zapons with different sparks, in front of him are copper lamps with a beaded brush "(RGADA f.280 op.3 d.706 sheet 9v, 10.19)

According to the inventory of the Assumption Church in 1877

Behind the left kliros on a pillar:Large image of the Passionate Mother of God; on it are crowns, a riza, along the shoulder and margins of the salary - silver, chased, gilded; Ubrus and necklace on gold embroidery are strung with pearls with half grains and multi-colored pebbles(SAVO f.566, op.1, item 339, sheet 8v.).

In the inventory of 1919 - 1920 in the refectory of the Assumption Church, the Passion Icon of the Mother of God of the end of the 17th century, of the Ushakov school, is described, the riza on it is gilded silver, pearl tiara, 3 category of value was assigned (State Historical Museum, f. 54, item 322).

During the seizure of church valuables in late April - early May 1922 from the Passion Icon of the Mother of God, located in the Church of the Assumption, clothes and a chaplet weighing 4 pounds 72 spools and a lamp with chains, hanging in front of the icon, weighing 56 spools (GAVO f. R-25, op. 4, d. 36 l. 51).

Since 1946 The miraculous Passion-working Icon of the Mother of God is located in the Trinity Cathedral. The feast day of this icon on the 6th Sunday after Pascha, on the Sunday of the Blind Man, coincided with the glorification and acquisition of the relics of St. Lucian and Cornelius of Alexander.

Troparion of the Theotokose before the icon of Her Passionaboutth, voice 4:

Life-giving Wisdom is the source of miracles / Your honest image, Virgin Mother of God, / praying, to him with love zealously flowing, we lightly celebrate / and from the depths of our souls we cry out to You: / save, the mistress of faith, bowing down to Your holy one, thanks to Your holy one like the Mother of God, / save the Orthodox bishops, / and save the Russian land, / and all the people who honor You, observe, / yes laudatory gifts, sins, we bring, Gracious // rejoice, Virgin, Christian praise.


O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, the highest angel and archangel of all, and the most honest of all creatures, Helper of the offended, hopeless hope, wretched Intercessor, sad consolation, hungry nurse, naked robe, sick healing, sinful salvation, Christians of all help and intercession. Save, Madam, and have mercy on Your servants, and Your Grace metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and the entire priestly and monastic rank, and the faithful ruling synod, and military leaders, and city leaders, and the Christ-loving army and well-wishers, and all Orthodox Christians protect Your honest robe, and beseech, Madam, from you without a seed incarnate Christ our God, may he gird us with His power from above, against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-Merciful Lady the Lady Theotokos, raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from gladness, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from finding foreigners and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from corrupting winds and from the deadly plague, and from every evil. Grant, Madam, peace and health to Your servant, all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten their minds and eyes of the heart, hedgehog to salvation; and make us worthy of Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God: as His power is blessed and glorified, with His Father without beginning, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen

Icon of the Mother of God called "Passionate"

First, some information from a book written for the 300th anniversary of the church in the village of Mavrino. The rector of the temple, Priest Dionysius Ivanov, advised me to use the information from this book. And then we will go directly to the locally venerated carved miraculous icon of the Moorish temple.

The appearance of the “Passionate” icon in Russia is also connected with the legend.

A contemporary of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, a resident of the Nizhny Novgorod village of Palets (or Palitsy), the patrimony of Prince Lykov, was possessed by demons after marriage, and for seven years she reached such despair that she attempted suicide more than once. Once, having come to her senses, she began to ask the Mother of God to save her from a serious illness and made a vow, if she recovered, to enter a monastery. She was healed, but contrary to her word, she continued married life had children and raised them. When she remembered breaking her vow, she fell ill again and went to bed. At this time, someone approached the door and made the usual prayer. Then the door opened and the Mother of God entered the room. She was wearing a scarlet robe with golden crosses. Some maiden accompanied the Lady.

- Ekaterina . - the voice of the Queen of Heaven rang out, Why did you not fulfill this vow in monasticism to serve My Son and God? Go now and announce to everyone about My appearance and tell the laity to refrain from malice, envy, drunkenness and all uncleanness and live in chastity and unfeigned love for each other, honoring Sundays and holidays.

The patient did not dare to obey the order. Then the Mother of God appeared to her two more times. And in last Catherine was punished: her head turned to the side, her mouth was twisted, and her body was relaxed. After this punishment, the Mother of God ordered her to go to Nizhny Novgorod and find there the icon painter Gregory, who has an image under the name "Hodegetria". Catherine was supposed to tell Gregory about the apparitions of the Mother of God and, having collected seven silver coins in Her name, give them to the icon painter to decorate the image. For this, the Mother of God promised her healing. Catherine found the icon painter and icon and was healed.

After that, other miracles were performed from the icon. It was transferred to the village of Palets, to Prince Lykov, and from there, at the request of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, in 1641 the icon was transferred to Moscow and solemnly met at the Tver Gates. A church was soon erected at the meeting place, and then the Strastnoy Monastery.

Before the destruction in the monastery on the sixth Sunday after Pascha, a feast was celebrated in honor of the Passion Icon of the Mother of God.

The Passionate icon had many lists. And all the icons called on the laity to refrain from malice, envy, drunkenness and other uncleanness, reminded people of the inevitable punishment for such sins, as well as of mercy after repentance.

Here is how the Moscow icon is described: “On Tverskaya Street in Moscow, beautiful buildings, a cathedral, high walls and lo a soft bell tower with sonorous bells of the Strastnoy Monastery. Here resides the Passionate miraculous icon. It is called so because near the face of the Mother of God there are two angels with the instruments of the Passion of the Lord - a cross, a sponge and a spear. .

She is from miraculous icons"Passionate" is stored in the village of Mavrino, Shchelkovsky deanery.

Priest Dionysius Ivanov, rector of the Mauryan church, told me very interestingly about the locally venerated “Passion” icon of the Mother of God. And that's what.

Early information about the Passion Icon of the Mother of God, which is now in Vladimir temple villages of Mavrino belong to the beginning of the 18th century.

There is a legend that the image of the Passionate Lady was found in the branches of a huge tree that stood in the forest near the source, not far from the village of Kostyshi.

At that time, cholera was rampant. Entire villages died out. A pious wealthy peasant from Golovino (his name has not been preserved in history) fervently prayed in the forest near a huge tree in front of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Passionate” for the salvation of his family and, as the legend says, was saved.

Three times the icon appeared in the forest near a huge tree and a spring that opened in this place, but each time it disappeared to the inexpressible chagrin of the local peasants. Only after the pious peasants specially built a chapel for this miraculous image and served a prayer service to the Most Holy Image of the Lady of Heaven, the icon on long years remained to overshadow with her grace a wonderful source.

During the hard times of the past century, the chapel was destroyed. The Most Holy Theotokos chose a new place for Her Passion Icon - the Church of the Vladimir Mother of God on the Dubenka River in Mavrino. Tirelessly at all times and to this day, this miraculous image in abundance sends miracles and healings to people, apparently warns them of disasters and trials.

The concept of "Passion" icon comes from the concept of the passion of Christ. The "Passion" icon depicts the instruments of suffering, the passions of Christ. “Passion” (Church Slavonic word) in this case means “suffering”. The instruments of passions are held by angels. For example, the instruments of the passions of Christ can be: a cup, a cross, a spear, a cane. The Divine Infant, sitting in the hands of the Virgin, looks at these instruments of passion, shown by angels.

This icon is locally venerated (locally significant). It is of great importance to the locals.

But this icon is known both in Moscow and in other regions. People come to pray to the image of this icon not only from Moscow, but also from Vladimir, Ivanovo, and other remote regions.

Many people have heard about this "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God. But this icon is revered not as a historical one, but as an icon that helps people do specific things. Many healings come from this icon.

Currently, the rector of the temple is collecting information from private people according to their memories related to the facts of healings or any other miraculous actions from the miraculous carved "Passion" icon, located in the temple of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

The priest told me about some healings and miracles from this icon. For example, several years ago a young couple prayed that they would have a child. At one time they were barren. They came to the temple to pray. And after a while, a miracle happened, and this couple had a child. Unfortunately, contact with them is now lost.

There were many more various healings from this icon. For example, a woman came to the temple with a severe pain in her eye. The x-ray showed no bruises. And the eye hurt more and more. The woman regularly anointed herself with oil from the icon for two weeks, and after she prayed before the icon, the eye passed.

The abbot told me about some historical facts associated with this icon.

And now more about how the Most Holy Theotokos chose a new destiny for Her Passion Icon.

In the 20s. In the 20th century, during the period of “theomachism” (they fought against religion, against icons, closed churches), the chapel in Kostyshi began to collapse. It was decided to transfer the “Passion” icon to the Moorish temple in a procession. There are bars on the windows of the temple, the doors of the temple are locked. In the morning the icon was not in the church. She was found in a chapel in Kostyshi. And this happened not once, not twice, but many times. Many learned about this phenomenon, people began to be surprised at such phenomena. The authorities, having learned about this, instead of repairing it, demanded that the chapel be dismantled. There was a dance floor on the floors. And only then the icon remained in the temple of the village of Mavrino. There are people who remember this. Priest Dionysius Ivanov said: “I assume that if we restore the chapel, the icon will go there again. I would like to restore the chapel, but now there are no plans to do so. First, the temple needs to be completely restored. Now, unfortunately, there are practically no elderly people left who witnessed this and remembered it, but those of them whom I found during my lifetime, when I became the rector of this church, told me about it like this. Only some said that the icon left three times, others said that it left for two days, and remained on the third. Some said that the icon was simply brought to Mavrino, and it left from there, and when they carried it in procession, only then did the icon remain here. But the rector of this temple, who served here before me, said that the icon did not leave for three days, but many times, and each time the icon was brought to Mavrino in a procession. And moreover, they brought it before big holidays. Leaving for Kostyshi, the "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God stayed there almost all the time" .

In the Mavrinsky church, the “Passion” icon of the Mother of God is especially revered on August 26 (general church veneration of the image of the Passionate Mother of God) and on the eleventh Friday after Pascha (honored only in the church in Mavrino).

Why is the “Passionate” Icon of the Mother of God in the church in the village of Mavrino celebrated on the eleventh Friday after Pascha?

At the beginning of the 20th century, ten villages were assigned to the Moorish temple. It was customary to go to procession over these villages. But the icon was worn not in honor of the fact that she was leaving, but because it was a long-term tradition.

Why is this tradition not renewed now? Well, firstly, I think that people's consciousness, unfortunately, still has not fully woken up. And, secondly, perhaps now there are simply no strong and strong men, such as they were in those days, who would be able to hold this icon and wear it in such a procession, even despite the fact that now more than ten are assigned to the temple villages, but less. Although it is possible that it is worth trying to resume this tradition in the near future.

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