Modern air defense systems. Modern and promising anti-aircraft missile systems of air defense of Russia. Directions for the improvement and development of military air defense

System S-300 "Favorite".
Photo courtesy of Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern

Known in expert circles, the analytical center Air Power Australia in early February presented an in-depth study on the combat capabilities of modern military aviation and current air defense systems. Based on the American "air sword" and the Russian "shield".


The choice of hypothetical opponents seems to be non-random. The United States has the highest potential of the air force and, in addition, holds the lead in the supply of aviation military equipment abroad. Russia is the leader in the production and export of air defense equipment. Suffice it to say that only one of its air defense concerns, Almaz-Antey, supplies products manufactured at its enterprises to more than fifty countries of the world (see map).

The arms market itself suggests who is the leader in what area. There is no need for experts who, for various reasons, are inclined to subjective assessments. For in the market they vote with funds from budgetary appropriations. Thousands and thousands of specialists, officials, and high-ranking military personnel are involved in operations to determine the best and most advantageous "cost-effectiveness" ratio of a particular type of weapon. Subjectivism is kept to a minimum.

In fact, Russian air defense systems are classified as a premium class. This assessment of researchers from Air Power Australia is supported by their high combat reliability, destruction efficiency and relatively low price by the standards of the arms market. For example, Americans of this class have systems that are much more expensive, despite the fact that the same reliability, efficiency and combat capabilities of their products are much lower than Russian ones.

The conclusion of foreign experts is interesting: modern Russian anti-aircraft missile systems and radar systems have reached a level that virtually excludes the possibility of the survival of US combat aircraft in the event of a military clash.

According to an Australian study, not only the American F-15, F-16 and F / A-18 aircraft, but even the promising fifth-generation Joint Strike Fighter, also known as the F-35 Lightning II, are not capable of resisting Russian air defense. And in order to achieve the superiority that the United States military aviation had at the end of the Cold War, the Pentagon needs to adopt at least 400 more F-22 Raptor aircraft. Otherwise, American aviation will finally lose its strategic superiority over Russian air defense.

According to analysts, this circumstance may also affect the position of the United States in the world. Countries such as China, Iran and Venezuela will be well aware that the Americans will not go to an open military confrontation, realizing that as a result of this, the Air Force and the US Navy will lose hundreds of combat aircraft and pilots. That is, the United States military is at risk of unacceptable damage. Of course, unacceptable, from the point of view of American politicians, whose career in such a development of events will end in national disgrace.

Air Power Australia recalls that its expert Dr. Carlo Call, who defended his thesis in the field of radar engineering, compared the capabilities of modern Russian anti-aircraft missile systems and American F-35 fighters and concluded that these aircraft would be easy targets. The manufacturer of the latest winged vehicles, the American corporation Lockheed Martin, has never tried to publicly challenge the expert's statement.

The researchers also concluded that since the end of the Cold War, Russian designers have managed to achieve significant results in the modernization of air defense systems. Moreover, the opportunity to comprehensively and objectively assess the potential of a potential adversary for Russian engineers and scientists appeared due to military conflicts in Iran in 1991 and in Serbia in 1999. This process, as noted in the report, is in many ways reminiscent of a chess game. As a result, the Russians were able to figure out how to checkmate American combat aircraft.

Comparing the capabilities of modern air defense systems and aircraft, analysts also note that the Russian S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system, produced by the enterprises of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern and already adopted by the Russian army, today has virtually no analogues in the world. The technical capabilities of the Triumph are significantly higher than those of the American Patriot, and are twice as superior in terms of combat performance as the well-known predecessor of the S-400, the S-300 Favorit system, which was supplied to China, Slovakia, Vietnam and Cyprus. In the future, "Triumph" may become a pivotal project in the military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with the Arab countries, in particular with the Arab Emirates.

And what is characteristic, the study emphasizes, is that Russia is building a deeply echeloned air defense system. If the S-300 and S-400 complexes are long-range, then they tenaciously interact with short-range and medium-range complexes. They complement each other and at the same time insure, creating an insurmountable and solid wall for the air aggressor. Anti-aircraft missile systems of short and medium ranges of the "Tor", "Buk", "Tunguska" types were supplied, in particular, to China, Iran, India, Greece, Syria, Egypt, Finland, Morocco.

In addition to traditional customers of Russian military products, countries such as Singapore and Brazil, which have purchased man-portable air defense systems, are also interested in domestic air defense systems.

Russia's positions are also very strong in the market for sea-based anti-aircraft missile systems. For example, air defense systems "Shtil", "Reef", "Blade" are successfully operated on warships.


Anti-aircraft missile systems of the S-300 family are considered one of the most powerful air defense systems in the world. The development of this system began in the 1960s, when the USSR Armed Forces demanded the creation of a mobile multi-channel medium-range air defense system capable of protecting the country's sky from massive air raids by modern aviation using guided weapons.

Tests of the future S-300 took place in the 1970s. In order to misinform a potential adversary, according to the documents, the new air defense system was passed as the S-75M6 - another modernization of the “veteran” complex, widely known by that time all over the world, which had taken up combat duty in the late 1950s. The terms of reference provided for the development of three versions of the air defense system - S-300P for air defense, S-300V - for ground forces and S-300F - a ship-based complex for the Navy.

The systems for the air defense forces and for the fleet were mainly focused on the destruction of aircraft and cruise missiles, the military complex had to have greater capabilities to intercept ballistic targets in order to provide missile defense. Today, the S-300 systems form the basis of the air defense of our country and the Russian Ground Forces, and are also successfully sold on the world market.

On the basis of the S-300 air defense system, the latest S-400 system has been developed, capable of firing both new missiles and using the ammunition of its predecessor. The S-400 air defense system has the combat capabilities, mobility and noise immunity of the latest versions of the S-300 complex, combined with a longer firing range.

The S-400 system is designed to destroy all types of aircraft - aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles. An important difference between the S-400 and the S-300 is the new anti-aircraft missiles with active homing heads and increased firing range. "Triumph" is capable of destroying a target at a distance of up to 400 km and at an altitude of 30 km. These indicators make it possible to consider the complex not only as an air defense weapon, but also partially as an anti-missile weapon.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Colonel General Alexander Zelin, reveals the secrets of the S-400 Triumph complex: it can hit "a super-maneuverable small target with an effective reflective surface, which a five-ruble coin has." He is able to cope with air targets that are made using stealth technology, that is, stealth aircraft with a low effective reflective surface.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force is extremely proud that the new generation S-400 anti-aircraft missile system is supposed to be used to ensure the safety of participants and guests of the 2014 Winter Olympics. “Builders will build facilities in Sochi for the Olympics, and we will prepare an air defense system that will ensure the reliable holding of the Olympic Games,” the general said in a recent interview.

Of course, reliable protection of both the people who arrived at the Olympics and the people of Sochi themselves is the most important thing, no one is going to argue about the need for this. And the margin of safety here does not hurt. Moreover, in the immediate vicinity is Georgia, against which Russian troops fought not so long ago. And the frenzy of anti-Russian sentiments has not yet disappeared there.

However, life does not stand still. Two years ago, the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation set the task, in particular, for the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern to develop advanced fifth-generation anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense weapons. Its distinctive feature will be that fire, information and command systems and complexes will merge together.

This is the next step in the fight for clear and peaceful skies. The Russian backlog is high, but the closest competitor - the United States - also does not want to see itself as an outsider. The competition between technical schools and simply military potentials is intensifying.

air defense. Problems and successes of Russia. "Stealth" lose their meaning?

Pictures with the 40N6E anti-aircraft missile appeared on the Army-2018 forum. And this is increasingly leading to confidence that a significant announcement will finally be made that it will be adopted. And the S-400 complex will finally become universal, as it was originally intended. Moreover, another event may also indicate that he finally covers all ranges- short to long range. And coupled with interesting information about the development of new radar systems. it may turn out that "stealth" is already on the verge of losing its meaning. In principle, they were not "invisible" anyway, just most of the radars in the world (which, by the way, are far from new) saw them simply at a shorter range than conventional aircraft - that is, there was no talk of invisibility as such. Therefore, "stealth" could build their flight on avoiding radars that could detect them. And now it may turn out that as a signal of a radar capture and an indication of the approach of a missile, it may turn out to be an extremely unpleasant surprise for the pilots of "stealth" aircraft, especially Western ones. More on this and more below:

It seems to be a marker of the readiness of this missile, which TASS infographics lists as being in service since 1999, are two other air defense systems - the naval "Polyment-Redut" and the intermediate "sharpened" for the tasks of the missile defense system "Vityaz". Moreover, it was called that it was problems with the air defense system that kept the fleet of the lead frigate of the series "Admiral of the Fleet of the USSR Gorshkov", moreover, for several years. However, the situation with the Vityaz air defense system is no better - they promised to complete the tests at the beginning of 2015 and even begin production. It would seem that add detection and guidance means to the missile that has been around for a long time and have a "profit". But nevertheless, almost three years have passed since the demonstration of the assembled air defense system to Putin at the plant (the air defense system itself was shown at MAKS-2013), but the result of state tests has not been documented, nor was the demonstration of the assembled complex at the Army 2018 forum. On the other hand, the frigate was finally handed over to the fleet in July 2018, which suggests that the complex is more combat-ready than not. And I would venture to say that we will finally see the 9M96 as part of the S-400. Why do I consider this an important factor? If only because the 9M96 missile is optimal for hitting cruise missiles and is much larger than the more expensive and bulky (almost two tons in weight or almost five times more than 9M96) 48N6. In other words, destroying a cruise missile with the help of 48N6 is like destroying a tank by throwing another tank on top of it, or at least an infantry fighting vehicle. Therefore, the concept of the Vityaz air defense system (S-350) appeared, which should provide missile defense of important areas - rather industrial, but as an IMHO option and areas of concentration of troops in the depths of the territory. However, there is a good article that expresses doubts about the readiness of new air defense systems at the moment. What to decide in view of the existing lack of information about the state of de is already up to everyone. I am for optimism.

Launcher S-350.

Stealth. Or not?

Now about "stealth". The fact is that in Russia, China and the United States, work is in full swing to create a new type of radar stations based on radio photonics. And the real results of the theories that the new radars will become many times more compact and powerful are already quite expected. And the recent focus for the Chinese radar that detected the F-22 "stealth" is important over Korea (we are talking at least 300 km.) With a maximum detection range of 500 km. it may turn out to be quite an everyday routine, when "any dog" with a new radar, and not only with such a large one as in the picture below, will be able to consider the "stealth" as an ordinary aircraft and aim missiles at it.

Therefore, against the background of the intelligence received about the work on the new generation of radars abroad, as well as the calculations of our scientists, a decision may be made on the fate of the Su-57, especially since we did not have time to get involved in a "stealth" race for real- that is, to get serial combat vehicles. And therefore it is our happiness that we have the opportunity to decide whether to build the Su-57 or not. In any case, we will have 10-15 years before the moment when new types of radars begin to become too common for "stealth" to use its qualities for its intended purpose. And then the risks will increase. Therefore, I would not be surprised that the suspension of the order for the Su-57 is connected not so much with money, but also with the factor determining the role of the Su-57 in the Aerospace Forces, which, in connection with with a possible increase in the ability of the enemy to detect it will transform and decline. How things are with radio-photon radar in the USA can be clarified by comrades fluent in English who can find articles on the topic.

In general, there was a good interview on Aftershock about radio photonics.

Last month, the RTI concern reported on serious progress in the construction of new radar stations. Thus, not only KRET is working on the topic! By the way, we are talking not only about compact radars for aircraft and UAVs - but obviously many more compact radar seekers (homing heads) of both air-to-air and ground-to-air missiles, as well as about a new generation of cruise missiles for strikes along the surface.

I also recommend this article on the topic. A good mixture of sober assessments and exciting prospects.

It is pointless to count on a quick breakthrough. Although I would like the state to realize the prospects of the topic and, if this is not a fraud, would invest real money in this topic. After all, if the research can still be brought to life, then this can turn the "overpower" of the Yankees with hundreds of expensive (and even maintenance!) "stealths" built into ordinary aircraft, moreover, less useful than "non-stealths". Estimate the magnitude of a possible "bummer" of epic proportions for one country from the other hemisphere of the planet!

Zvezda correspondent filmed simultaneous launch of 12 S-400 missiles

F-117 stealth aircraft. Scanner. How stealth was shot down over Yugoslavia.

Russian air defense systems in action

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

ZRS S-300VM "Antey-2500"

The only mobile air defense system in the world that can intercept short and medium range ballistic missiles (up to 2500 km). Another "Antey" can shoot down a modern aircraft, including the stealth Staelth. The Antey target can be hit simultaneously by four or two 9M83 (9M83M) missiles (depending on the launcher used). In addition to the Russian army, the Almaz-Antey concern supplies Antey to Venezuela; also signed a contract with Egypt. But Iran in 2015 abandoned it in favor of the S-300 air defense system.

ZRS S-300V

The S-Z00V military self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system carries two types of missiles. The first is 9M82 in order to shoot down ballistic Pershings and SRAM-type aircraft missiles, as well as far-flying aircraft. The second - 9M83, to destroy aircraft and ballistic missiles such as "Lance" and R-17 "Scud".

Autonomous air defense system "Tor"

Bearing the proud name of the Scandinavian deity, the Thor air defense system can cover not only infantry and equipment, but also buildings and industrial facilities. "Thor" protects, among other things, from high-precision weapons, guided bombs and enemy drones. At the same time, the system itself controls the designated airspace and independently shoots down all air targets that are not identified by the “friend or foe” system. Therefore, they call it autonomous.

Anti-aircraft missile system "Osa" and its modifications "Osa-AK" and "Osa-AKM"

Since the 60s of the XX century, the Osa has been in service with the Soviet, and later the Russian army and the armies of the CIS countries, as well as more than 25 foreign countries. It is capable of protecting ground forces from enemy aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles operating at extremely low, low and medium altitudes (up to 5 m at a distance of up to 10 km).

SAM MD-PS increased secrecy of functioning

The secrecy of the MD-PS is ensured through the use of optical means for detecting and guiding the missile by infrared radiation of the target in the 8-12 micron wavelength range. The detection system has an all-round view and can simultaneously find up to 50 targets and select the most dangerous ones. Guidance is carried out on the principle of "shot and forget" (missiles with homing heads that "see" the target).


The Tunguska anti-aircraft cannon missile system is a short-range air defense system. In combat, it covers infantry from helicopters and attack aircraft operating at low altitudes, and fires at lightly armored ground and floating equipment. She opens fire not only from a place, but also in motion - if only there was no fog and snowfall. In addition to the ZUR9M311 missiles, the Tunguska is equipped with 2A38 anti-aircraft guns, which can turn to the sky up to an angle of 85 degrees.

"Pine - RA"

The light mobile towed Sosna-RA anti-aircraft gun-missile system, like the Tunguska, is equipped with an anti-aircraft gun that hits targets at an altitude of up to 3 km. But the main advantage of Sosna-RA is the 9M337 Sosna-RA hypersonic missile, which already shoots at targets at a height of up to 3500 meters. The range of destruction is from 1.3 to 8 km. "Pine-RA" - light complex; this means that it can be put on any platform that can withstand its weight - trucks Ural-4320, KamAZ-4310 and others.


Anti-aircraft missile system of long and medium range S-400 "Triumph"

The defeat of targets at long range in the Russian army is provided, among other things, by the S-400 Triumph air defense system. It is designed to destroy aerospace attack weapons, and is capable of intercepting a target at a distance of more than 200 kilometers and at an altitude of up to 30 kilometers. The Triumph has been in service with the Russian army since 2007.


ZRPK "Pantsir-S1" was adopted in 2012. Its automatic cannons and radio-guided guided missiles with infrared and radar tracking can neutralize any target in the air, on land and on the water. Pantsir-S1 is armed with 2 anti-aircraft guns and 12 surface-to-air missiles.

SAM "Pine"

The Sosna short-range mobile anti-aircraft missile system is the latest Russian novelty; The complex will enter service only at the end of this year. It has two parts - armor-piercing and fragmentation-rod action, that is, it can hit armored vehicles, fortifications and ships, shoot down cruise missiles, drones and high-precision weapons. "Pine" is guided by a laser: the rocket flies along the beam.

The range of air defense systems of the Russian Ground Forces in the foreseeable future may be replenished with new combat systems. In particular, medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems, which are being developed by the Almaz-Antey concern, should come into service. Recently, the head of the enterprise, Yan Novikov, announced the development work on the project of a new generation of air defense systems. Moreover, according to him, earlier Almaz-Antey had already reported on the release of a “product”, the key indicators of which are one and a half times higher than those of the previous generation of equipment. formations and military units of the Ground Forces. It is their weapons that provide cover for objects and territories from air strikes, and often only the presence of these means is enough to avoid any threats. The events in Syria, where the mere presence of our air defense systems cooled the ardor of those who wanted to “test the strength” of the protection of Russian military facilities, clearly showed this ... The new Buk is better than the old two For Almaz-Antey, work on medium-range air defense systems is one of the promising areas of activity. And if Yan Novikov already mentioned the creation of a complex that surpassed the previous series, then we are talking about the Buk-MZ system, a mobile air defense system of the Ground Forces, which is a further modernization of the Buk-M2 air defense system. This complex was adopted into service only this year and, according to its characteristics, it is capable of intercepting all types of maneuvering aerodynamic targets - from drones to cruise missiles flying at speeds up to three kilometers per second. Moreover, the new Buk is able to operate equally effectively in conditions of active fire and electronic countermeasures, and the range and altitude at which it can hit targets reach 70 and 35 kilometers, respectively. areas of creating such air defense systems. The Almaz-Antey concern unites more than sixty enterprises: factories, research and production associations, design bureaus, research institutes, which are precisely engaged in the development and production of short, medium and long-range anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as the main types of weapons radar reconnaissance and automated control systems. Among the most famous samples of the enterprise's products (if we talk about medium-range air defense systems) are the Buk-M1-2, Buk-M2E, C-125-2A Pechora-2A complexes, and also a multi-channel ship-based air defense system "Shtil-1". The list of targets they hit includes not only "traditional" aircraft and helicopters, but also tactical, ballistic and cruise missiles, guided bombs. These complexes can also defeat surface and ground targets: the capabilities of the radar, as well as the characteristics of the missiles used, make it possible to strike at such targets. By the way, the new Buk, created at Almaz-Antey, has also incorporated the latest innovations in the system management. They on this air defense system are almost completely based on digital media. The signal processing equipment and display means are computerized, and the modern digital element base with a modular design makes it possible to include four to six or even more self-propelled firing systems in one division. Reception and transmission of speech information and coded data associated with target designation is carried out using modern communication devices. Impenetrable "Vityaz" For obvious reasons, nothing is known yet about the system, which is being worked on at the Almaz-Antey concern and which the head of the enterprise mentioned, speaking of some kind of "promising development". Before the first appearance of the future product in public, a considerable time will pass, but there is no doubt that such developments are underway. After all, work on a completely fresh product of the enterprise, the S-350 Vityaz air defense system, has already become a reality. This complex has already been exhibited at prestigious salons (for example, at MAKS 2013). Schematically, the new air defense system is a self-propelled launcher, working in conjunction with an all-angle fixed radar with electronic space scanning and a command post. The ammunition of the complex includes medium-range missiles used in the S-400 air defense system, and short-range missiles. The undoubted advantage of the Vityaz is its mobility. According to reports, the complex will be located on the basis of a multi-wheeled chassis of a special BAZ vehicle. Broken dirt roads, fields, river fords - the system will be able to overcome all these obstacles almost unhindered and at an impressive speed. The time of transferring the complex from march to combat position will not exceed five minutes, while the Vityaz will be able to simultaneously fire at up to 16 aerodynamic and up to 12 ballistic targets at a range of 30–60 kilometers and at altitudes of 25–30 kilometers. Protection without compromise I must say that our "partners" in the West have not abandoned their efforts in recent years to create and put into operation medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems. For fleeting firefights, such air defense is one of the most effective. Today, the basis of military equipment of this class for NATO armies is, for example, the American Hawk air defense system, which was originally created to destroy aircraft, but was subsequently "trained" to destroy missiles. Another American air defense system, also used by both the US Army and its allies, is the Patriot. According to military expert Major General Sergei Kanchukov, the Russian military air defense is “opening new horizons” today. As the general rightly notes, air defense systems of the Aerospace Forces often cannot provide a reliable "umbrella" over the Ground Forces, especially those on the move, and besides, they are forced to cover other strategically important objects. In addition, protection in low-altitude areas is a problem. “Thanks to the more advanced Buk-M3 computing element base and the more maneuverable anti-aircraft guided missile, the “dead zone” has decreased from 3.3 kilometers to 2.5 kilometers,” Sergey Kanchukov notes. - The most important advantage of the military air defense system is the maximum speed of the target it hits - three thousand meters per second (about 11 thousand kilometers per hour). Thanks to this, almost all existing hypersonic high-precision weapons, including the well-known American seven-wing cruise missile X-51 Waverider, which is being developed as part of the concept of "Fast Global Non-Nuclear Strike", are included in the list of targets. The Buk-M3 has turned into a worthy "stratospheric hunter", which is capable of performing the same range of tasks as the S-300, which is in service with the Aerospace Forces. It is no coincidence that the Russian Ministry of Defense is speeding up the delivery of these air defense systems to the troops: according to the information voiced at the single day of acceptance of military products held in October, over the past three months, the army has received two divisional sets of air defense systems "Buk-M2" and one set of "Buk-M3". According to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel-General Oleg Salyukov, “due to the availability of modern and highly effective complexes and systems, the air defense troops of the Ground Forces are able today to provide reliable protection for groupings of troops and forces from strikes by any means of enemy air attack in all types of combat operations.”

To write this article, I was largely inspired by the excessive jingoistic moods of a significant part of the visitors of the Military Review website, which I respect, as well as the cunning of the domestic media, which regularly publish materials about the strengthening of our military power, unprecedented since Soviet times, including the Air Force and Air Defense.

For example, in a number of media outlets, including on "VO", in the section "" not so long ago an article was published entitled: "Two air defense divisions began to protect the airspace of Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region."

In which it is said: “The assistant commander of the troops of the Central Military District, Colonel Yaroslav Roshchupkin, said that two divisions of air defense took up combat duty, starting to protect the airspace of Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region.

“The duty forces of two divisions of air defense took up combat duty to cover administrative, industrial and military facilities in the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia. New formations were formed on the basis of the Novosibirsk and Samara aerospace defense brigades, ”RIA Novosti quotes him as saying.

Combat crews equipped with S-300PS anti-aircraft missile systems will cover the airspace over the territory of 29 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are included in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the Central Military District.

After such news, an inexperienced reader may get the impression that our air defense anti-aircraft missile units have received qualitative and quantitative reinforcement with new anti-aircraft systems.

In practice, in this case, no quantitative, much less qualitative strengthening of our air defense has happened. It all comes down to just changing the organizational structure. New equipment did not enter the troops.

The S-300PS anti-aircraft missile system mentioned in the publication, with all its advantages, cannot be considered new in any way.

S-300PS with 5V55R missiles was put into service back in 1983. That is, more than 30 years have passed since the adoption of this system. But at present, in the anti-aircraft missile units of air defense, more than half of the long-range S-300P air defense systems belong to this modification.

In the near future (two or three years), most of the S-300PS will either have to be written off or overhauled. However, it is not known which option is economically preferable, the modernization of old or the construction of new anti-aircraft systems.

The earlier towed version of the S-300PT has either been decommissioned or transferred "for storage" without any chance of returning to the troops.

The most "fresh" complex from the "three hundredth" S-300PM family was delivered to the Russian army in the mid-90s. Most of the anti-aircraft missiles currently in service were produced at the same time.

The new, widely advertised S-400 anti-aircraft missile system has just begun to enter service. In total, as of 2014, 10 regimental kits were delivered to the troops. Taking into account the upcoming mass write-off of military equipment that has exhausted its resource, this amount is absolutely not enough.

Of course, experts, of whom there are many on the site, can reasonably object that the S-400 is significantly superior in its capabilities to the systems it is replacing. However, one should not forget that the means of air attack of the main "potential partner" are constantly being improved qualitatively. In addition, as follows from "open sources", mass production of promising 9M96E and 9M96E2 missiles and 40N6E ultra-long-range missiles has not yet been established. Currently, the S-400 uses 48N6E, 48N6E2, 48N6E3 SAM S-300PM missiles, as well as 48N6DM missiles modified for the S-400.

In total, according to "open sources", in our country there are about 1500 launchers of the S-300 family of air defense systems - this, apparently, taking into account the air defense units of the ground forces that are "in storage" and in service.

Today, Russian air defense forces (those that are part of the Air Force and Air Defense) have 34 regiments with S-300PS, S-300PM and S-400 air defense systems. In addition, not so long ago, several anti-aircraft missile brigades, converted into regiments, were transferred to the Air Force and Air Defense from the air defense of the ground forces - two 2-divisional S-300V and Buk brigades and one mixed (two S-300V divisions , one Buk division). Thus, in the troops we have 38 regiments, including 105 divisions.

However, these forces are distributed extremely unevenly throughout the country, Moscow is best protected, around which there are ten regiments of S-300P air defense systems (two of them have two S-400 divisions each).

Satellite image of Google Earth. The layout of the positions of air defense systems around Moscow. Colored triangles and squares - positions and areas of basing of active air defense systems, blue rhombuses and circles - surveillance radars, white ones - currently liquidated air defense systems and radars

The northern capital, St. Petersburg, is well covered. The sky above it is protected by two regiments of S-300PS and two regiments of S-300PM.

Satellite image of Google Earth. Scheme of placement of air defense systems around St. Petersburg

The bases of the Northern Fleet in Murmansk, Severomorsk and Polyarny are covered by three S-300PS and S-300PM regiments, at the Pacific Fleet near Vladivostok and Nakhodka - two S-300PS regiments, and the Nakhodka regiment received two S-400 divisions. Avacha Bay in Kamchatka, where SSBNs are based, is covered by one S-300PS regiment.

Satellite image of Google Earth. ZRS S-400 in the vicinity of Nakhodka

The Kaliningrad region and the BF base in Baltiysk are protected from air attack by the S-300PS/S-400 mixed regiment.

Satellite image of Google Earth. S-400 air defense system in the Kaliningrad region at the former positions of the S-200 air defense system

Recently, there has been an increase in the anti-aircraft cover of the Black Sea Fleet. Prior to the well-known events related to Ukraine, a mixed regiment with S-300PM and S-400 divisions was deployed in the Novorossiysk region.

At present, there is a significant strengthening of the air defense of the main naval base of the Black Sea Fleet - Sevastopol. It is reported that in November the peninsula's air defense group was replenished with S-300PM air defense systems. Taking into account the fact that complexes of this type are currently not produced by industry for their own needs, most likely they were transferred from another region of the country.

In terms of air defense cover, the central region of our country resembles a "patchwork quilt" in which there are more holes than patches. There is one S-300PS regiment each in the Novgorod region, near Voronezh, Samara and Saratov. The Rostov region is covered by one regiment of S-300PM and Buk.

In the Urals, near Yekaterinburg, there are positions of an anti-aircraft missile regiment armed with S-300PS. Beyond the Urals, in Siberia, only three regiments are deployed on a gigantic territory, one S-300PS regiment each near Novosibirsk, in Irkutsk and Achinsk. In Buryatia, not far from the Dzhida station, one regiment of the Buk air defense system is deployed.

Satellite image of Google Earth. ZRS S-300PS near Irkutsk

In addition to anti-aircraft systems protecting the fleet bases in Primorye and Kamchatka, in the Far East there are two more S-300PS regiments covering Khabarovsk (Knyaz-Volkonskoye) and Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Lian), respectively, one S-300PS regiment is deployed in the vicinity of Birobidzhan. 300V.

That is, the entire vast Far Eastern Federal District is protected by: one regiment of mixed S-300PS / S-400, four regiments of S-300PS, one regiment of S-300V. This is all that remains of the once powerful 11th Air Defense Army.

The "holes" between the air defense facilities in the east of the country are several thousand kilometers long, anyone and anything can fly into them. However, not only in Siberia and the Far East, but throughout the country, a huge number of critical industrial and infrastructure facilities are not covered by any air defense systems.

In a significant part of the country's territory, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants remain unprotected, air strikes on which can lead to catastrophic consequences. Vulnerability from air attack means of deployment of Russian strategic nuclear forces provokes “potential partners” to attempt a “disarming strike” with high-precision means of destroying non-nuclear equipment.

In addition, long-range anti-aircraft systems themselves need protection. They need to be covered from the air with short-range air defense systems. Today, regiments with S-400s receive Pantsir-S air defense systems for this (2 per division), but S-300P and B are not covered by anything, except, of course, for effective protection of anti-aircraft machine gun installations of 12.7 mm caliber.


The situation with the lighting of the air situation is no better. This should be done by radio engineering troops, their functional duty is to issue early information about the beginning of an enemy air attack, provide target designation for anti-aircraft missile forces and air defense aviation, as well as information for controlling air defense formations, units and subunits.

During the years of “reforms”, the continuous radar field formed during the Soviet era was partially, and in some places completely lost.
At present, there is practically no possibility of controlling the air situation over the polar latitudes.

Until recently, our political and former military leadership appears to have been preoccupied with other more pressing issues, such as downsizing the military and selling off "surplus" military property and real estate.

Only recently, at the end of 2014, the Minister of Defense, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, announced measures that should help correct the existing situation in this area.

As part of the expansion of our military presence in the Arctic, it is planned to build and reconstruct existing facilities on the New Siberian Islands and Franz Josef Land, reconstruct airfields and deploy modern radar stations in Tiksi, Naryan-Mar, Alykel, Vorkuta, Anadyr and Rogachevo. The creation of a continuous radar field over the territory of Russia should be completed by 2018. At the same time, it is planned to upgrade radar stations and data processing and transmission facilities by 30%.

Separate mention deserves fighter aircraft, designed to deal with enemy air attack weapons and carry out tasks to gain air superiority. Currently, the Russian Air Force formally has (taking into account those in "storage") about 900 fighters, of which: Su-27 of all modifications - more than 300, Su-30 of all modifications - about 50, Su-35S - 34, MiG -29 of all modifications - about 250, MiG-31 of all modifications - about 250.

It should be borne in mind that a significant part of the Russian fighter fleet is only nominally in the Air Force. Many aircraft produced in the late 80s and early 90s require major repairs and modernization. In addition, due to problems with the supply of spare parts and the replacement of failed avionics units, some of the upgraded fighters are in fact, as the aviators put it, "doves of peace." They can still take to the air, but they can no longer fully complete a combat mission.

The past year 2014 was notable for the volumes of deliveries of aviation equipment to the Russian armed forces that were unprecedented since the times of the USSR.

In 2014, our Air Force received 24 Su-35S multifunctional fighters manufactured by the Yu.A. Gagarin in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (branch of Sukhoi Company OJSC):

Twenty of them became part of the reconstructed 23rd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 303rd Guards Mixed Aviation Division of the 3rd Air Force and Air Defense Command of Russia at the Dzemgi airfield (Khabarovsk Territory), which is joint with the plant.

All these fighters were built under a contract dated August 2009 with the Russian Ministry of Defense for the construction of 48 Su-35S fighters. Thus, the total number of vehicles manufactured under this contract by the beginning of 2015 reached 34.

The production of Su-30SM fighters for the Russian Air Force is carried out by the Irkut Corporation under two contracts for 30 aircraft each, concluded with the Russian Ministry of Defense in March and December 2012. After the delivery of 18 vehicles in 2014, the total number of Su-30SMs delivered to the Russian Air Force reached 34 units.

Eight more Su-30M2 fighters were produced by the Yu.A. Gagarin in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Three fighters of this type entered the newly formed 38th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 27th Mixed Aviation Division of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Command of Russia at the Belbek airfield (Crimea).

The Su-30M2 aircraft were built under a contract dated December 2012 for the supply of 16 Su-30M2 fighters, bringing the total number of aircraft built under this contract to 12, and the total number of Su-30M2 in the Russian Air Force to 16.

However, this significant amount by today's standards is absolutely not enough to replace in fighter regiments decommissioned due to the complete physical deterioration of the aircraft.

Even if the current pace of deliveries of aircraft to the troops is maintained, according to forecasts, in five years the fighter fleet of the Russian Air Force will be reduced to about 600 aircraft.

During the next five years, about 400 Russian fighters will probably be written off - up to 40% of the current payroll.

This is primarily due to the upcoming decommissioning of the old-built MiG-29s (about 200 units) in the very near future. Due to problems with the airframe, about 100 aircraft have already been rejected.

The non-modernized Su-27s, whose flight life is ending in the near future, will also be decommissioned. The number of MiG-31 interceptors will be reduced by more than half. As part of the Air Force, it is planned to leave 30-40 MiG-31s ​​in DZ and BS modifications, another 60 MiG-31s ​​will be upgraded to the BM version. The remaining MiG-31s ​​(about 150 units) are planned to be written off.

Partially, the shortage of long-range interceptors should be resolved after the start of mass deliveries of the PAK FA. It was announced that it is planned to purchase up to 60 PAK FA units by 2020, but so far these are only plans that are likely to undergo significant adjustments.

The Russian Air Force has 15 AWACS A-50 aircraft (another 4 are in “storage”), recently they were supplemented by 3 modernized A-50U.
The first A-50U was delivered to the Russian Air Force in 2011.

As a result of the work carried out as part of the modernization, the functionality of the airborne early warning and control complex has significantly increased. The number of simultaneously tracked targets and simultaneously guided fighters has been increased, the detection range of various aircraft has been increased.

The A-50 should be replaced by the A-100 AWACS aircraft based on the Il-76MD-90A with the PS-90A-76 engine. The antenna complex is built on the basis of an antenna with an active phased array.

At the end of November 2014 TANTK them. G. M. Beriev received the first Il-76MD-90A aircraft for conversion into A-100 AWACS aircraft. Deliveries to the Russian Air Force are scheduled to begin in 2016.

All domestic AWACS aircraft are based on a permanent basis in the European part of the country. Beyond the Urals, they appear quite rarely, for the most part during large-scale exercises.

Unfortunately, loud statements from high tribunes about the revival of our Air Force and Air Defense often have little in common with reality. Absolute irresponsibility for the promises made by high-ranking civil and military officials has become an unpleasant tradition in the “new” Russia.

As part of the state armaments program, it was supposed to have twenty-eight 2-divisional S-400 regiments and up to ten divisions of the latest S-500 air defense system (the latter should perform tasks not only for air defense and tactical missile defense, but also for strategic missile defense) by 2020. Now there is no doubt that these plans will be thwarted. The same fully applies to plans for the production of PAK FA.

However, no one, as usual, will be seriously punished for disrupting the state program. After all, we “do not hand over our own”, and “we are not in our 37th year”, right?

P. S. All the information provided in the article regarding the Russian Air Force and Air Defense is taken from open public sources, the list of which is given. The same applies to possible inaccuracies and errors.

Sources of information:
Satellite imagery courtesy of Google Earth

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