September essay. September calendar style September in the folk calendar

September-Frowning. The weather begins to frown, hence the name of the month - Frowning. Autumn is slowly approaching. There will be many more sunny days, but at times it will rain. The tops of the trees are covered with light gilding, yellowed leaves fall and the glorious time of warm days comes - Indian summer.

September: first colors

Description of the nature of autumn (I - II week)
Somehow, unnoticed, the princess autumn approached furtively. It cannot be said that she was not expected. After a long season of growth, by the time autumn came, nature was out of breath. The plants are tired of climbing up, the grass has withered, turned yellow over the summer from the hot sunbeams, the trees rustle with drooping leaves, and the whole living world has tiredly fled to its places. Birds flock in flocks higher and higher to the sky, seeing off the soft rays of the departing warm days. Tired nature tends to fall asleep in autumn, but you still have to prepare well for rest. Not beyond the horizon are already cool rains, cold winds and a long tedious time of winter.

September is a transitional period from summer heat to autumn coolness. The temperature does not drop sharply, but gradually. The nights become cool, sunny moderate days are replaced by rainy ones with glimpses of the sun. At times, in the absence of the sun, a cold wind blows, but the weather changes from warm to cold days are not sharp, so the average daily temperature in early autumn is +11 ° C.

Autumn embraced nature, slowly picking up a canvas and brushes, so that with the trepidation of an artist, she began to paint the drooping vegetation in variegated colors. Nature never looks so delightful and touching as nature in autumn. September forest painting begins, first leaving the gilding on the tops of the trees, and adding shades to the bushes, coloring the autumn nature in bright colors. It is then that October will cover all the trees with gold, the beautiful time of golden autumn, and November will remove the colors behind them and erase all the painting.

Nevertheless, the earth still has something to feed, to please us. Dry branches will be able to pamper with late black berry blackberries. If you go deeper into the autumn forest and search, you can find whole bunches of lingonberries. Medicinal herbs have not faded yet. The pharmacy chamomile is spread in bloom, cornflowers and celandine have not yet wilted. And a knowledgeable herbalist can look for medicinal roots, all kinds of herbs for tea leaves and tart ripe berries for jam.

September in the folk calendar

"Ivan the summer came, but the red summer took away"

The days are all warm, sometimes it will rain, the winds are not so cold, and it seems that the summer will not go away. But the days are getting shorter and the sun is less hot. What only did not give a description of autumn among the people. Both poems and signs reflect autumn nature. On the first days of September, they looked at what winter would be like. Already the first frosts are not long in coming and appear from September 5 - "Lupp's" frosts. And if you look into the sky and see a flock of cranes flying away, then this is a sign - winter will come early.

It's time to mow oats exactly on September 8 - Natalya-Ovsyanitsa, together with Peter-Paul-Rowanberry. Rowan branches should be broken off and hung under the roof, and some left for winter birds. On September 11, Ivan Lenten comes, as he was called - the godfather of autumn, they also called him Ivan the Flight Pilot - he takes the warmth with him. From that day on, Ivan chases flocks of birds across the sea to look for warmth. By the way, the cranes fly away in a couple of days. So to say, September 13 is the official day of departure of the cranes. And the first cool days will not last long, because there is a tender time ahead - Indian summer.

Autumn in Russian poetry

The great Russian poets sincerely admired autumn, invented various images for it, and tried to distinguish it from the background of other seasons. Nature in autumn, first of all, conveys the general mood of a person and the environment: most often it is sadness, some memories, understanding the essence. But one cannot unequivocally say that autumn in Russian poetry is only a sad time, by no means.

Autumn is saturated with tenderness, sophistication and, in a sense, wisdom. Russian poets praised this time of the year, saw in it a certain zest. A striking example is Tyutchev's poem "There is in the original autumn ...". Here the emphasis is placed precisely on how special this time of year is, that it is a “wonderful time”, that “radiant evenings” are here.

Is in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field...

The greatest poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also paid great attention to autumn. It may seem to some that the description of autumn in Pushkin's poems is rather pessimistic, and as proof they cite the poem "The sky was already breathing in autumn ...", where the poet wrote that it was "a boring time." But let's take a look at other poems by Alexander Sergeevich, in which the image of this season is completely different. For example, the poet once confessed to his reader: “... Of the annual times, I am only glad for her alone,” he even compared autumn with an unloved child in the family, to whom he is strongly attracted.

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less.
The day was getting shorter
Forests mysterious canopy
With a sad noise she was naked,
Fog fell on the fields
Noisy geese caravan
Stretched to the south: approaching
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the yard.

September: "Indian Summer"

Description of the autumn nature of September (III - IV week)
In autumn, on the eve of October, nature has not yet acquired an elegantly motley shade, it is not immediately noticeable, only there are more crowns in gilding and in some places red shades are increasingly appearing in the foliage. The first rains have passed and it is time for a short return of summer - Indian summer. Warm autumn days will continue, most likely, until the first days of October. Summer will stay a little longer, please with its former warmth, and then it will leave.

On the 20th of September, warm, almost summer weather sets in with moderate sunshine. The leaves of trees and shrubs change color to yellow and yellow-red and begin to fall noticeably by the end of the month. Most often this occurs at night when the air temperature is low, as well as under the influence of enhanced, but still warm daytime winds.

With almost summer warmth, September pleases with sweet apples. Antonovka crumbled, the gardens were filled with a fragrant ripe aroma. Autumn apple crunches, gives out sourness and bitterness, and some are just as sweet as honey. It would be nice to collect more apples, but save them for the whole winter. For better preservation of apples, it is better not to be too lazy to wrap each one in paper, then the taste will not go away. And after the apples, the last touch of natural kindness and outgoing warmth will be sprawling flower gardens. Asters, dahlias, hydrangeas - in such colors, September changes the mood from colorful tones to bright and golden ones in October.

The second half of September in the folk calendar

"The bird flies to the edges to the warmth, autumn is coming towards winter"

And here comes the first day of the meeting of autumn - September 14th. The day on which autumn was celebrated is not accidental. On this day, according to the old calendar - September 1, together with autumn, they celebrated the new year. Semyon the pilot saw off the summer, and the peasant finished all his work. By winter, food, preparations, the hut are ready, it's time to relax and have some fun from the heart. Decorated, in bright dresses, the girls sang songs, and buried caught flies in the ground, thereby seeing off the summer, and the boys looked after them, chose a companion for themselves.

On Semyon-Letoprovodtsa, the weather sets warm days, you see that summer will change its mind and return. The days are clear, the sun is velvety, gently warming, but as soon as you go behind the cloud, a cool breeze blows from nowhere. Here are the Mikhailovsky matinees - on September 19 they bring cool air in the morning. The grass is covered with dew, wet and cold. The sun does not rise high, and it does not indulge in warmth, like in summer, and on September 21 they begin to meet autumn in a second round. Autumn starts. You still have to work, you should remove the bow, but quickly, otherwise you won’t have time by the 24th day of autumn - Fyodor is finishing the summer.

On Fedora, Indian summer may also end, inclement weather will set in, but you can also extend the pleasure of bright days a little more, but not as warm as recently. And then the earth begins to freeze - September 26 - Corniglia. And now the third meeting of autumn falls on Vozdvizhenye. Cold displaces heat. Somewhere far away, a bear lies down in a den, and it’s quiet in the forest, the birds fly away, and the remaining living creatures hibernate, except for those animals that spend the winter in the forest, they just change their clothes to warmer ones. Guseprolet September 28, the women pull the turnip, remove the tops, cut the root, the men shear the sheep, have time to make warm felt boots for the winter, there is still much to be done to meet the cold days. October comes colorful and leaves warm in September.

Autumn in Russian painting

When is nature at its most beautiful? Many people, especially artists, believe: autumn. No wonder autumn is also called an artist - it repaints grass and leaves very quickly and brightly, choosing the most impressive colors and tones from one palette. In one of the songs, the poet Bulat Okudzhava wrote: "Painters, dip your brushes ... so that your brushes are like leaves, like leaves by November." These lines evoke the views of forests and plains in that autumn season, which we call golden. And also the most expressive and memorable paintings by Russian landscape painters on the theme of autumn come to mind.

Just as the description of nature in autumn in poetry is diverse, filled with many different moods, so the autumn landscapes of Levitan, Polenov, Vasiliev, Savrasov, Krymov, Kustodiev contain both joy and sadness, and romantic thoughtfulness, and despondency. This, of course, depends on what particular period of autumn the artist took as a theme for his painting. If we talk about golden autumn, then in these works one can always feel the painter's delight before the possibilities of autumn to paint nature in different colors.

(Painting by I. I. Shishkin "Early Autumn")

Even more cheerfulness comes through in the cheerful and bright picture of I. I. Shishkin "Early Autumn". Although the alleys among the yellow trees are deserted, bright colors evoke only a romantic mood. Autumn is diverse and changeable: everyone perceives it in their own way - we see this in Russian painting dedicated to autumn.

September is the most important month for online business: users return to the Internet with renewed vigor and money 🙂 Whatever your topic is (unless you are an ice cream or swimsuit seller), September is your season! What to write about in September in articles and posts? Let's think!

Topics that will excite readers in September:

Study and knowledge

September 1 is firmly imprinted in our brains as Knowledge Day. So, we must go and get new knowledge - our instinct tells us. Almost all people in September are somehow interested in this topic. At least they think that if they don’t go to learn something, don’t improve their qualifications, then at least upgrade some skills. This is the best time for anyone who teaches anything and those who sell related products, from computers to sneakers.

What to write about those who do not sell anything? About some previously unknown facts, about the properties of things, about the benefits of products - let's get new knowledge! You can make a series of informative articles, talk about the gurus and icons of your field, write about the latest discoveries, or vice versa, make a thorough digression into history.

Start of a new fashion season

This is the most important event in which we all find ourselves drawn in one way or another. If you are related to fashion, clothing, accessories, then September is your month. Make beautiful collections of things for the new fashion season, write about trends, analyze, create!


Farewell to the summer continues, so you can hold competitions about “how I spent my summer”, as well as remember school years (you can come up with a lot of ideas for flash mobs on this topic).


The last month, when people are interested in preparations for the winter, collections of pictures with fruits, spikelets and other abundance.

These were the main topics of September. Now let's take a closer look at some sections.

beauty and health

Dehydration of the skin, dry hair, make-up for the upcoming fall - these are the most popular topics in beauty.

weight loss

The topic of losing weight is closed until the end of November - beginning of December. You can accumulate ideas and materials for the New Year's weight loss fever.

Clothes and accessories

Boots and bags are the most popular and discussed purchases in the fall. And another regularity of September is the growth of interest in stockings and tights (especially colored ones). This will no longer be the case in the spring.

In September, especially in the cold, the season of warming drinks begins. This trend will last for a long time, until February. Post collections of recipes, they will be very popular. Recipes for preparations for the winter will also be still relevant.

Leisure and books

Anything related to new knowledge will be interesting.

Psychology / relationships / children

In September, our readers finally remember that they have children :). It's a joke, but it's only part of the joke. In September, they really read more about raising children, their development, learning, etc.

As for relationships, the most painful points are always interesting (betrayals, breakups, painful relationships), but in general, summer is a lull for such topics. In September, interest begins to return. The peak will be in February.

Garden, cottage, indoor flowers

Everything related to harvesting, preparing for winter.

Pictures in September

As I already wrote, pictures that evoke nostalgia for summer and school will be good. In general, of course, September brings us back to the yellow-red range. Remember, the colder it is outside, the more people want warm colors, heat sources in pictures, warm and fluffy things.

What to publish on websites in September "with a long-range vision"?

In October, preparations for winter will begin with might and main. If you publish horoscopes, you have a month left to publish annual forecasts for 2017. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to get to the top.

If you are associated with the sale of things that are bought for the winter (from fur coats to skis), then you probably know that you need to write about this in advance. In October, these articles should already be in the search engines.

Depending on the audience, holidays can be affected:

1 - Knowledge Day
10 - World Suicide Prevention Day
22 – World Car Free Day
26 - World Contraception Day
27 – World Tourism Day
27 - Day of workers of preschool education

Celebrity birthdays:

13 - Alexander Rosenbaum, 65 years old (born 1951)
14 - Dmitry Medveden, 51 years old (born 1965)
18 - Anna Netrebko, 45 years old (born in 1971)
24 - Natalya Arinbasarova, 70 years old (born in 1946)
29 - Alla Demidova, 80 years old (b. 1936)


one of the calendar styles (along with March and January) with the beginning of the year 1 Sept. (hence the name). It was used in the systems of reckoning "from the creation of the world" and "the birth of Christ." In Russia, until 1492, it existed along with the March calendar style (especially often S. k. s. were used in the preparation of acts), from 1492 it became dominant. Used in Byzantium, Serbia, Bulgaria. The September year began and ended four months earlier than January. When translated into modern calendar S. to. with. the years of events that occurred from January to August are reduced by 5508 years, and from September to December (inclusive) - by 5509 years.

Lit .: Cherepnin L. V., Russian Chronology, M., 1944.

A. I. Rogov. Moscow.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukova. 1973-1982 .

See what "SEPTEMBER CALENDAR STYLE" is in other dictionaries:

    One of the calendar styles with the beginning of the year on Jan 1. (hence the name). First introduced in Dr. Rome in 153 BC. e. (January 1. election of consuls), legalized by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. with the introduction of the Julian calendar. On Wednesday. century the beginning of the new year ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    The Ultramart style is one of the ancient Russian versions of the chronology, based on the Constantinople era (“From the Creation of the World”). An alternative variant of the chronology is called March. Contents 1 The history of the term 2 ... ... Wikipedia

    Calendar Calendar data Calendar type Solar Calendar era Insertion of leap years 1/4 Other Armelin calendars Armenian: pagan, Christian ... Wikipedia

    CALENDAR- [lat. Kalendarium, from Kalendae in ancient Rome. K. the name of the 1st day of the month], a time system based on the periodic recurrence of certain natural phenomena. Astronomical basis and typology K. appeared in ancient times as ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Calendar Calendar data Calendar type Solar, Lunar, Lunar-solar Calendar era Insertion of leap years Other calendars Armelin Armenian Assyrian Aztec Baha'i Bengali ... Wikipedia

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