Carla Bruni and Melania Trump. Carla bruni spoke about the rumors about the affair with Donald trump and the infamous nude photos. Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton

The original of this material
© "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", 09/16/2010, Sarkozy's turbulent past beats his wife, Photo: Reuters

The scandalous biography of Carla Bruni came out at the wrong time

Olesya Khantsevich

Two biographies of first lady Carla Bruni have been published in France at once. One of them sheds light on the personal life of the former model and singer and unflatteringly describes her as "Don Juan in a skirt" and "Anti-lady Dee." The scandalous book aroused the dissatisfaction of the Elysee Palace, which tried to prevent its publication. The second biography is of an official nature - according to the press, it was published specifically to correct the effect of unauthorized publication. According to observers, compromising information on Bruni was thrown in with the aim of hitting Sarkozy's already extremely low rating.

"Karla, the secret life" is the title of a book by journalist Besma Lauri that caused a stir in the Elysee Palace. According to the Flammarion publishing house, representatives of the presidential administration repeatedly tried to get a copy of the biography before publication, but they did not succeed. Before publication, 300 pages of text were carefully studied by the publisher's lawyers in order not to give the Elysee Palace a reason to sue. However, the book has one big drawback: the author has never personally met the first lady of France, her story is based on information she received from Bruni's entourage - from her former lovers, plastic surgeons to French parliamentarians and officials.

“You can be sure of one thing: the Carla that the French see is not real,” says Besma Lauri, who has set herself the goal of painting an unvarnished portrait of the president's wife. “Karla lives in the 16th arrondissement of Paris (and not at all in the Elysee Palace) surrounded by numerous staff. She is very far from reality and lives in a golden cage. She is not close to the French and is only concerned about her own image, which she tries to improve by any means. She says that she adheres to leftist views, but never speaks out on some current events. Politically, she becomes a burden on her husband,” writes Lauri.

Although the book does not contain anything that the French did not previously suspect, Carla Bruni appears in it as a prudent and ambitious lady, ready to do anything for the sake of wealth and power. She has nothing to do with the decent and modest lady she wants to appear to be. “She will get whatever she wants, as was the case with Mick Jagger (the lead singer of the Rolling Stones), whom she was a fan of as a teenager. Thanks to her perseverance and cunning, she was able to put him to bed and keep him under the nose of his legal wife Jerry Hall for 8 years, ”the press quotes excerpts from the publication. The author also claims that it was the ex-model who forced President Nicolas Sarkozy to part with his wife Cecilia in order to get the status of the first lady of France. Since then, she has used her position and the power of her husband in every possible way, even so that her former lover Charles Berling received the post of director of the theater in Toulon or a friend of her mother - pension privileges. From the book you can also learn about the confrontation between the singer and the aspiring actress with other women: Sarkozy's ex-wife Cecilia, the latter's girlfriend, politician Rashida Dati and French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde.

An entire chapter of the biography is devoted to the antipathy of US First Lady Michelle Obama towards Carla Bruni. According to her, the American avoids communication with the Frenchwoman and even refuses to pose next to the photographs. The book contains an episode according to which, during a tea party at the White House, Bruni told Michelle Obama in secret how she and her husband once were late for an appointment with Queen Elizabeth II because they indulged in love pleasures. Allegedly, the hostess of the White House was so shocked by this recognition that in less than two hours she canceled the dinner, on which Carla had high hopes, European media cite details.

[La Stampa, Italy, Translation: Inopressa.Ru, 09/13/2010, Carla's "Secret Life" may infuriate Sarkozy" : "Besma Lauri, like a real reporter, has worn more than one pair of shoes, studying the path of Carla Bruni, starting from the cradle , if I may say so: she interviewed a nanny, friends, suitors, a plastic surgeon who cares about her eternal youth. The result is an unpleasant portrait of a prudent woman, busy with painstaking work: building a new identity for a woman in power. She is not like the one she wants to appear: modest, quiet, naive. "You can be sure of one thing," Lauri writes, "the Carla that the French see is not real."
Reading the book, they learn about Carla's tough confrontation with Cecilia, Sarkozy's former wife, about the struggle of the President's wife with journalists, about how she behaved with some of them. "Harsh manners are not Carla's only weapon against journalists. The book recounts one interview Carla gave to a young reporter: "Carla gracefully climbed the ladder to take a book from the shelf... allowing (the journalist) to see her underwear." She gave another interview on the occasion of the release of her first music album lying on the bed, next to her on the edge of the bed sat a correspondent: "The journalist still remembers this scene with pleasure," Lauri writes.

Regardless of whether what is said in the book is true or fiction, the scandalous biography can become a new headache for Nicolas Sarkozy and further lower his rating. Commentators do not rule out that this publication was planned by opponents of the president, because the most opportune moment was chosen for it, when the political situation in France escalated, and less than a third of the population supports the president's activities. In order to correct the negative image of Bruni, the Elysee Palace decided to initiate the release of the second biography "Karl and the Careerists". In it, the first lady of France appears as the opposite of the “tigress” from the scandalous book and personally talks about her life as the wife of the president, without touching on the turbulent past.

Among the "victims" of Carla Bruni are Mick Jagger, Donald Trump, Kevin Costner, Eric Clapton. One of the most scandalous was her affair with the famous French publicist Enthoven, whom she left for his son, the philosopher Raphael, destroying the latter's marriage.

The original of this material
© Chastny Korrespondent, 09/14/2010, Photo: Reuters

On negotiations without a bra

Elena Kovalenko

On September 15, Besma Lauri's book "Carla, a secret life" (Carla, une vie secrete), an unauthorized biography of the first lady of France, is published in France. […] Even before it appeared in bookstores, the book caused mixed reviews (judging by the fact that the author is in hiding somewhere after the threats from the Elysee Palace). However, Flammarion appears to have consulted with lawyers prior to publication in order to avoid lawsuits from the first lady. Because the biography describes the non-banal past and present of Carla Bruni, now Madame Sarkozy.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy now has a lot of worries. These are the financial scandals associated with "Envelopes Bettencourt", and rivalry with a former party ally, and now an oppositionist de Villepin, and pension reform, and EU dissatisfaction with the expulsion of Roma from France. But there is another factor that is of no small importance for the traditionally patriarchal France, which in the end is the main electorate of Sarkozy. This is the behavior of his wife Carla Bruni. The media array of her interviews, shows, TV appearances, charity events, singer and film actress ambitions, occasional interventions from the Champs Elysees fuel discussions about the role of the first lady in the eyes of the French. Especially when this lady psychologically remained a top model.

In the twentieth century many leaders of France were distinguished by "free" behavior: François Mitterrand, who ruled France for 14 years, had a second family. The whole world knew about the scandalous relationship between ex-president Valéry Giscard d "Estaing and the lead actress in the film Emmanuelle, Sylvia Christel. Jacques Chirac, who gave Sarkozy a start in politics, was not particularly faithful to his wife. Sarkozy himself in the early 80s met with Claude, Chirac's daughter, but left her in order to marry Corsican Marie-Dominique in 1982. In 2007, when the first lady of France Cecilia Sarkozy filed for divorce, all of France followed his ups and downs. her public role as first lady."I was married to a public man. He is a statesman, a man who can do a lot for France and the French," said Cecilia. "But this is not my place. When you marry politics, private and public life become one, this is the beginning of all problems". So the French public experienced the divorce of Sarkozy quite calmly. But his stormy romance with Carla Brun shocked the voters and.

In her former, “pre-presidential” life, Carla Bruni repeatedly posed naked for glossy magazines in different countries. She did not change her habit later, arranging a candid photo shoot for a local erotic magazine during Sarkozy's visit to Spain. And do not say that because of the money. The 39-year-old daughter of a major industrialist, a world-famous model, actress, singer, who has her own recording studio, clearly did not suffer from hunger before her marriage to the president. But she was known in Europe as "Don Juan in a skirt", "destroyer of marriages", "devourer of hearts", "Messalina" and "predator". Besma Lauri's book lists her victims. This is the leader of the Rolling Stones Mick Jagger; American billionaire Donald Trump; film actor Kevin Costner; British rock star Eric Clapton; musicians Louis Bertignac and Jean-Jacques Goldman; actors Vincent Perez and Charles Berling; lawyer Arno Klarsfeld and politician Laurent Fabius. One of the most scandalous was her affair with the famous French publicist Jean-Paul Enthoven, whom she left for his son, the philosopher Raphael, destroying the latter's marriage. From Rafael, Carla has a son. So Sarkozy, who declared that he “intends to put an end to the French presidential tradition of lying about his personal life,” can safely assume that he and his wife managed to outdo all their predecessors.

Generally speaking, despite the outward incompatibility, Sarkozy and Bruni found each other. This couple can be called iconoclastic, trampling all sorts of schemes. They amuse themselves by changing, shocking, teasing public opinion. At the same time, PR, an occasion to make people talk about the main couple, can be either politics or just behavior in society. [...]

In March 2010, Carla Bruni made people talk about herself by violating diplomatic protocol at a meeting between Sarkozy and Medvedev. Under a dark blue jersey dress by stylist Roland Moret, she did not wear a bra. At the same time, she is “never vulgar, but always provocative, elegant in her simplicity,” say Italian stylists. "Too smart not to figure everything out."

Not so long ago, an old one appeared on YouTube video 1996 with sex lessons in 7 languages ​​by Carla Bruni. It was posted by director Thomas Casals, who is gathering information about her past. The video then appeared on the Web, then disappeared, which was suspected of the machinations of the Elysee Palace. Of course, they did not talk about censorship, but the incident aroused the morbid curiosity of the French public, confirming the opinion that had developed about the presidential couple.

[Moskovsky Komsomolets", 05/25/2010, "Carla Bruni's arguments about sex got on the Internet": A 27-minute film with the revelations of Carla Bruni appeared on the Web, collected from various interviews that she gave in past years. The first lady of France said a lot of this which he now prefers not to remember.
Thus, in an interview with Eurotrash from 1996, she boasts of two "Hot International Sex Guides" and says that these books are vital to her in order to communicate with lovers in different countries in their language. "We need such books. Especially for those who travel a lot. Every day we meet new people and we need to know what to say to them if we find ourselves in bed with them," says Bruni. Then she gives several examples, and at the same time she asks the host: "Do you like my boobs?" in four languages, after which he describes sexual intercourse in detail.
After marrying French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Bruni, who previously admitted that she was bored with monogamy, tried to form a new image. So the sudden appearance of the old video threw her into disarray. So, at least, one of her friends described the state of the first lady: "She has no idea why this material surfaced at this particular time, but she is aware that this event will greatly undermine her credibility." - Inset]

To improve her image as Madame Sarkozy, Carla invited adviser Pierre Sharon. Then in the media she was often compared with her ex-wife Cecilia, not in favor of Carla. And Sharon told Fabrice Boe, CEO of the Prisma Press group that publishes the magazines Gala and Voici: "Stop immediately if you don't want your publications to have problems with the Elysee Palace." The stage was left only for Carla.

The last story of Carla Bruni, which caused an international scandal, was a speech in defense of an Iranian woman sentenced to stoning, Sakine Ashtiani. Bruni addressed Ashtiani with an open letter, expressing her sympathy and support. Then the Iranian newspaper "Kaihan" called the first lady of France, Carla Bruni, a prostitute, emphasizing that "her past proves her immorality." Paris sent an official protest to the Iranian authorities, calling such statements "unacceptable". Marches in support of Ashtiani took place in several French cities, and the French government called on the European Union to threaten Iran with new sanctions. Brazilian President Lula da Silva officially offered to grant political asylum to Ashtiani. However, the great French actress Catherine Deneuve, fully supporting the actions in defense of Iran, carefully noted: “We should be more careful with such a past.”

But Carla Bruni is not going to stop her fight for the first place on the world podium. For her, there is only one rival - Michelle Obama, "in her eyes, only she can compete with her for the title of the sexiest and most glamorous woman on the planet," notes the Italian Corriere della Sera. But the trouble is that Carla's ambitions became a problem not only for the stability of the couple, but also for the ambitions of the President in the run-up to the 2012 elections. According to polls, Sarkozy is risking his rating because of newspaper headlines related to his wife. It is no coincidence that the book "Karla, a Secret Life" was published at the beginning of a new political season. Carla and her life have become weapons in the election campaign. Indeed, today Sarkozy's rating, like shagreen leather, decreases with the implementation of each new reform. And the only thing that can help him get re-elected for a second term is success, including in turning a top model into an exemplary politician's wife. The former wife, Cecilia, saw "the beginning of all problems" in the fact that "when you marry a politician, private and public life become one." [...]

0 June 17, 2017, 19:45

The 49-year-old, in a big interview with one of the Western media, spoke about the new French Touch music album, which included 11 songs in her own performance, from The Clash's Jimmy Jazz to Audrey Hepburn's Moon River; rumors of an affair with Donald Trump and, of course, infamous photos taken in his youth.

The music disc of the ex-first lady of France will be released only in October, but the singer has already released her own. The history of the album began in 2014, when music producer David Foster (primarily known for his collaborations with Whitney Houston and Celine Dion) approached her. Bruni then wrote songs in her native language, but she tried in English and, according to the producer, she "came out great."

I would really like the songs to be very personal. Foster was used to big projects, and I wanted a little more intimacy. We agreed on the "golden mean",

Bruni said.

One of the most promising songs from the disc is a cover of the famous Miss You by The Rolling Stone. Here is what Bruni had to say about the song:

Perhaps some of the other songs of the band would suit my voice better, but we found a way to remake it for me. We changed the beat, it was very disco. No matter how much I admire The Rolling Stone, and how I feel about Mick Jaeger, and he is an old friend of mine, we still decided to remake the song because it sounded cool.

But the interview was not only about music, but also about politics. In particular, about Donald Trump, with whom Bruni was credited with an affair more than 25 years ago. The fact is that in 1991, when Marla Maples was next, one day their photo appeared on the cover of the New York Post with the headline "It's over." Journalists claimed Trump dumped Maples for Bruni.

Trump is obviously crazy. This is not true and I am deeply disappointed by these rumors. We only met once at a charity party in New York and haven't seen each other since.

Bruni commented on gossip in the same year.

Now her opinion about the 45th President of the United States is something like this:

I was surprised by that ridiculous rumor and by the fact that it even made its way into the press. What can I say about Donald now? Well, I think democracy is better than dictatorship. Democracy is elections. So we respect democracy.

She also shared what kind of men she always liked:

I have always been attracted to men who have feminine traits in their character. The fact is that I consider machismo to be false, and real, sincere men, even if they are endowed with some femininity, will still be the most courageous for me.

After that, Bruni also spoke about the infamous nude photo of the former first lady of France, which flew around the world in 2008:

I'm a model and I'm not ashamed of this photo. You know that I was born in Italy but raised in France. It was made when I was 20 years old, and I thought: "How good I am!" Plus, I've never been a Playboy-style sex bomb, I've always been skinny. Such photos are real paintings made by great photographers!

Morality is about being a good person or a bad person, not about being naked or dressed. Therefore, there can be no question of any immorality, if we talk about nude pictures. Lies and meanness - this is what true immorality is.

At the end of a long conversation, Bruni spoke about the time when she was the first lady of France:

It was fun! Great experience, great honor, it was a great time! But now I feel relieved. I am a free person, I like to walk, shop and in general everything that I want, alone, and not surrounded by police,

She confessed sincerely.

Source Daily Beast


And, it must be admitted, they reciprocate him. And it's not even about Donald's huge amount of money. Some young ladies claim that he is just "a good and sweet person."

With his first wife Ivana Zelnichkova /

Ivana Zelnichkova (first wife)

Slav Ivana Zelnichkova was born in Czechoslovakia. In the seventies, she moved to Canada, and from there to America, where she made a dizzying career, first as a top model, and then as Trump's wife, the main New York socialite. She was not just the second half of Donald, but also practically the second person in his business empire, being responsible for the interior design of the buildings that Trump erected. She was married to Trump for 15 years (from 1977 to 1992). She gave birth to his daughter Ivanka and sons Eric and Donald Jr. After the divorce, Zelnichkova grabbed millions of compensation on the condition that she would not tell reporters anything about her ex-husband.

Marla Maples (second wife)

Rumor has it that it was because of Marla that the marriage of Donald and Ivana cracked. Some time after the divorce from his first wife, Trump played a magnificent wedding with Marla. The wedding ceremony was held in the presence of thousands of guests in the best hotel in New York. But as in the previous marriage, Trump could not get along with a strong personality. Their marriage lasted six years - from 1993 to 1999. Marla gave birth to Trump's daughter Tiffany. After the divorce, Maples did not like to talk about the former faithful, only repeating meaningfully: "All that glitters is not gold."

Marla Maples /

Melania Knavs (third wife)

Yugoslavian Melania met Donald when she was 26 and he was 50. They got married in 2005, a year later Melania gave birth to a boy Barron from Donald. "Behind Donald is like behind a stone wall!" Melania says. "I admire him because I know how much he wants to do for America. He loves the American people and wants to help them." It must be admitted that Melania was the luckiest of all: she still managed to become the wife of the president.

Melania Knavs /

Ingrid Senhave (girlfriend)

Trump dated model Ingrid Senhave only a handful of times while battling with Marla. Neither Senhave nor the billionaire himself intended to turn one-time meetings into something more, preferring to remain close friends.

Kara Young (girlfriend)

In the early 90s, the leggy Californian shone on the front pages of glamor magazines. Trump spotted her there. As usual, the courtship came out stormy, and the relationship after - fleeting. "He is generous and kind, but sometimes funny and narrow-minded," Kara recalled. However, without Trump, the girl did not disappear. She launched her own perfume line and in 2005 she married billionaire Peter Georgiopoulos.

Salma Hayek / Instagram

Salma Hayek (secret fantasy)

Two biographies of first lady Carla Bruni have been published in France at once. One of them sheds light on the personal life of the former model and singer and unflatteringly describes her as "Don Juan in a skirt" and "Anti-lady Dee." The scandalous book aroused the dissatisfaction of the Elysee Palace, which tried to prevent its publication. The second biography is of an official nature - according to the press, it was published specifically to correct the effect of unauthorized publication. According to observers, compromising information on Bruni was thrown in with the aim of hitting Sarkozy's already extremely low rating.

"Karla, the secret life" is the title of a book by journalist Besma Lauri that caused a stir in the Elysee Palace. According to the Flammarion publishing house, representatives of the presidential administration repeatedly tried to get a copy of the biography before publication, but they did not succeed. Before publication, 300 pages of text were carefully studied by the publisher's lawyers in order not to give the Elysee Palace a reason to sue. However, the book has one big drawback: the author has never personally met the first lady of France, her story is based on information that she received from Bruni's entourage - from her former lovers, plastic surgeons to French parliamentarians and officials.

“You can be sure of one thing: the Carla that the French see is not real,” says Besma Lauri, who has set herself the goal of painting an unvarnished portrait of the president’s wife. “Karla lives in the 16th arrondissement of Paris (and not at all in the Elysee Palace) surrounded by numerous staff. She is very far from reality and lives in a golden cage. She is not close to the French and is only concerned about her own image, which she tries to improve by any means. She says that she adheres to leftist views, but never speaks out on some current events. Politically, she becomes a burden on her husband,” writes Lauri.

Although the book does not contain anything that the French did not previously suspect, Carla Bruni appears in it as a prudent and ambitious lady, ready to do anything for the sake of wealth and power. She has nothing to do with the decent and modest lady she wants to appear to be. “She will get whatever she wants, as was the case with Mick Jagger (the lead singer of the Rolling Stones), whom she was a fan of as a teenager. Thanks to her perseverance and cunning, she was able to put him to bed and keep him under the nose of his legal wife Jerry Hall for 8 years, ”the press quotes excerpts from the publication. The author also claims that it was the ex-model who forced President Nicolas Sarkozy to part with his wife Cecilia in order to get the status of the first lady of France. Since then, she has used her position and the power of her husband in every possible way, even so that her former lover Charles Berling received the post of director of the theater in Toulon or a friend of her mother - pension privileges. From the book you can also learn about the confrontation between the singer and the aspiring actress with other women: Sarkozy's ex-wife Cecilia, the latter's girlfriend, politician Rashida Dati and French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde.

An entire chapter of the biography is devoted to the antipathy of US First Lady Michelle Obama towards Carla Bruni. According to her, the American avoids communication with the Frenchwoman and even refuses to pose next to the photographs. The book contains an episode according to which, during a tea party at the White House, Bruni told Michelle Obama in secret how she and her husband once were late for an appointment with Queen Elizabeth II because they indulged in love pleasures. Allegedly, the hostess of the White House was so shocked by this recognition that in less than two hours she canceled the dinner, on which Carla had high hopes, European media cite details.

[La Stampa , Italy, Translation: Inopressa.Ru, 09/13/2010, Carla's "Secret Life" may infuriate Sarkozy": "Besma Lauri, like a real reporter, has worn more than one pair of shoes, studying the path of Carla Bruni, starting from the cradle , if I may say so: she interviewed a nanny, friends, suitors, a plastic surgeon who takes care of her eternal youth. The result is an unpleasant portrait of a prudent woman, busy with painstaking work: building a new identity for a woman in power. She is not like the one she wants to appear: modest, quiet, naive. "You can be sure of one thing," Lauri writes, "the Carla that the French see is not real."

Reading the book, they learn about Carla's tough confrontation with Cecilia, Sarkozy's former wife, about the struggle of the President's wife with journalists, about how she behaved with some of them. "Harsh manners are not Carla's only weapon against journalists. The book recounts one interview Carla gave to a young reporter: "Carla gracefully climbed the ladder to take a book from the shelf... allowing (the journalist) to see her underwear." She gave another interview on the occasion of the release of her first musical album lying on the bed, next to her on the edge of the bed sat a correspondent: "The journalist still remembers this scene with pleasure," writes Lauri.—Inset]

Regardless of whether what is said in the book is true or fiction, the scandalous biography can become a new headache for Nicolas Sarkozy and further lower his rating. Commentators do not rule out that this publication was planned by opponents of the president, because the most opportune moment was chosen for it, when the political situation in France escalated, and less than a third of the population supports the president's activities. In order to correct the negative image of Bruni, the Elysee Palace decided to initiate the release of the second biography "Karl and the Careerists". In it, the first lady of France appears as the opposite of the “tigress” from the scandalous book and personally talks about her life as the wife of the president, without touching on the turbulent past.

Olesya Khantsevich

Among the "victims" of Carla Bruni are Mick Jagger, Donald Trump, Kevin Costner, Eric Clapton. One of the most scandalous was her affair with the famous French publicist Enthoven, whom she left for his son, the philosopher Raphael, destroying the latter's marriage.

On negotiations without a bra

On September 15, Besma Lauri's book "Carla, a secret life" (Carla, une vie secrete), an unauthorized biography of the first lady of France, is published in France. […] Even before it appeared in bookstores, the book caused mixed reviews (judging by the fact that the author is in hiding somewhere after the threats from the Elysee Palace). However, Flammarion appears to have consulted with lawyers prior to publication in order to avoid lawsuits from the first lady. Because the biography describes the non-banal past and present of Carla Bruni, now Madame Sarkozy.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy now has a lot of worries. These are the financial scandals associated with "Envelopes Bettencourt" , and rivalry with a former party ally, and now an oppositionist de Villepin, and pension reform, and EU dissatisfaction with the expulsion of Roma from France. But there is another factor that is of no small importance for the traditionally patriarchal France, which in the end is the main electorate of Sarkozy. This is the behavior of his wife Carla Bruni. The media array of her interviews, shows, TV appearances, charity events, singer and film actress ambitions, occasional interventions from the Champs Elysees fuel discussions about the role of the first lady in the eyes of the French. Especially when this lady psychologically remained a top model.

In the twentieth century, many leaders of France were distinguished by "free" behavior: Francois Mitterrand, who ruled France for 14 years, had a second family. The whole world knew about the scandalous relationship between ex-president Valéry Giscard d "Estaing and the lead actress in the film Emmanuelle, Sylvia Christel. Jacques Chirac, who gave Sarkozy a start in politics, was not particularly faithful to his wife. Sarkozy himself in the early 80s met with Claude, Chirac's daughter, but left her in order to marry Corsican Marie-Dominique in 1982. In 2007, when the first lady of France Cecilia Sarkozy filed for divorce, all of France followed his ups and downs. her public role as first lady."I was married to a public man. He is a statesman, a man who can do a lot for France and the French," Cecilia said. "But this is not my place. When you marry politics, private and public life become one, this is the beginning of all problems". So the French public experienced the divorce of Sarkozy quite calmly. But his stormy romance with Carla Brun shocked the voters and.

In her former, “pre-presidential” life, Carla Bruni repeatedly posed naked for glossy magazines in different countries. She did not change her habit later, arranging a candid photo shoot for a local erotic magazine during Sarkozy's visit to Spain. And do not say that because of the money. The 39-year-old daughter of a major industrialist, a world-famous model, actress, singer, who has her own recording studio, clearly did not suffer from hunger before her marriage to the president. But she was known in Europe as "Don Juan in a skirt", "destroyer of marriages", "devourer of hearts", "Messalina" and "predator". Besma Lauri's book lists her victims. This is the leader of the Rolling Stones Mick Jagger; American billionaire Donald Trump; film actor Kevin Costner; British rock star Eric Clapton; musicians Louis Bertignac and Jean-Jacques Goldman; actors Vincent Perez and Charles Berling; lawyer Arno Klarsfeld and politician Laurent Fabius. One of the most scandalous was her affair with the famous French publicist Jean-Paul Enthoven, whom she left for his son, the philosopher Raphael, destroying the latter's marriage. From Rafael, Carla has a son. So Sarkozy, who declared that he “intends to put an end to the French presidential tradition of lying about his personal life,” can safely assume that he and his wife managed to outdo all their predecessors.

Generally speaking, despite the outward incompatibility, Sarkozy and Bruni found each other. This couple can be called iconoclastic, trampling all sorts of schemes. They amuse themselves by changing, shocking, teasing public opinion. At the same time, PR, an occasion to make people talk about the main couple, can be either politics or just behavior in society. [...]

Nicolas Sarkozy, Carla Bruni, Dmitry and Svetlana Medvedev

In March 2010, Carla Bruni made people talk about herself by violating diplomatic protocol at a meeting between Sarkozy and Medvedev. Under a dark blue jersey dress by stylist Roland Moret, she did not wear a bra. At the same time, she is “never vulgar, but always provocative, elegant in her simplicity,” say Italian stylists. "Too smart not to figure everything out."

Not so long ago, an old one appeared on YouTube video 1996 with sex lessons in 7 languages ​​by Carla Bruni. It was posted by director Thomas Casals, who is gathering information about her past. The video then appeared on the Web, then disappeared, which was suspected of the machinations of the Elysee Palace. Of course, they did not talk about censorship, but the incident aroused the morbid curiosity of the French public, confirming the opinion that had developed about the presidential couple.

[Moskovsky Komsomolets", 05/25/2010, "Carla Bruni's arguments about sex got on the Internet": A 27-minute film with the revelations of Carla Bruni appeared on the Web, collected from various interviews that she gave in past years. The first lady of France said a lot of this which he now prefers not to remember.

Thus, in an interview with Eurotrash from 1996, she boasts of two "Hot International Sex Guides" and says that these books are vital to her in order to communicate with lovers in different countries in their language. "We need such books. Especially for those who travel a lot.

Every day we meet new people and we need to know what to say to them if we find ourselves in bed with them, ”says Bruni. She then gives several examples, and at the same time asks the host:“ Do you like my boobs? ”In four languages, after which describes sexual intercourse in detail.

After marrying French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Bruni, who previously admitted that she was bored with monogamy, tried to form a new image. So the sudden appearance of the old video threw her into disarray. So, at least, one of her friends described the state of the first lady: "She has no idea why this material surfaced at this particular time, but she is aware that this event will greatly undermine her credibility." - Inset]

To improve her image as Madame Sarkozy, Carla invited adviser Pierre Sharon. Then in the media she was often compared with her ex-wife Cecilia, not in favor of Carla. And Sharon told Fabrice Boe, CEO of the Prisma Press group that publishes the magazines Gala and Voici: "Stop immediately if you don't want your publications to have problems with the Elysee Palace." The stage was left only for Carla.

The last story of Carla Bruni, which caused an international scandal, was a speech in defense of the Iranian Sakine Ashtiani, sentenced to stoning. Bruni addressed Ashtiani with an open letter, expressing her sympathy and support. Then the Iranian newspaper "Kaihan" called the first lady of France, Carla Bruni, a prostitute, emphasizing that "her past proves her immorality." Paris sent an official protest to the Iranian authorities, calling such statements "unacceptable". Marches in support of Ashtiani took place in several French cities, and the French government called on the European Union to threaten Iran with new sanctions. Brazilian President Lula da Silva officially offered to grant political asylum to Ashtiani. However, the great French actress Catherine Deneuve, fully supporting the actions in defense of Iran, carefully noted: “We should be more careful with such a past.”

But Carla Bruni is not going to stop her fight for the first place on the world podium. For her, there is only one rival - Michelle Obama, "in her eyes, only she can compete with her for the title of the sexiest and most glamorous woman on the planet," notes the Italian Corriere della Sera. But the trouble is that Carla's ambitions became a problem not only for the stability of the couple, but also for the ambitions of the President in the run-up to the 2012 elections. According to polls, Sarkozy is risking his rating because of newspaper headlines related to his wife. It is no coincidence that the book "Karla, a Secret Life" was published at the beginning of a new political season. Carla and her life have become weapons in the election campaign. Indeed, today Sarkozy's rating, like shagreen leather, decreases with the implementation of each new reform. And the only thing that can help him get re-elected for a second term is success, including in turning a top model into an exemplary politician's wife. The former wife, Cecilia, saw "the beginning of all problems" in the fact that "when you marry a politician, private and public life become one." [...]

Elena Kovalenko

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