Biography of the commander of the first missile formation - bon rgk of the guard, major general a.f. Guards Lieutenant General of Artillery G. D. Plaskov “Under the roar of cannonade On the southern front

The Council of Veterans of the first missile unit of our country - the Special Purpose Brigade (BON) of the RVGK - the 24th Guards Missile Division appeals to you - residents of the Vlasikha urban district, to express your attitude about the renaming of one of the streets into General TVERETSKY Street.

We understand that there will be some cost and inconvenience associated with the renaming of the street. Legal entities need to change all title documents, and residents need to change their registration and some documents (property certificates, foreign passports, etc.)

We are attaching a brief biographical note on the first commander of the first missile formation of our country - the Special Purpose Brigade of the RVGK of the Guard, Major General of Artillery Alexander Fedorovich TVERETSKY.

Guards Major General of Artillery Tveretsky Alexander Fedorovich was born on November 17, 1904 in the village of Musino, Yaropol Zemstvo Volost Administration, Moscow Province.

He graduated from the 4th grade of the Moscow Gymnasium, the Yaropol Second Stage School and the Faculty of Architecture of the Advanced Construction College in 1926.

Since 1926, his military service begins. He entered and in 1930 graduated from the 1st Leningrad Artillery School. Red October. After serving in the army, from the post of commander of a howitzer artillery battery, in Leningrad he entered the Artillery Order of Lenin Military Academy of the Red Army. F.E. Dzerzhinsky. He graduated from it already in Moscow, after its redeployment in 1938, and then, as one of the best graduates, and postgraduate studies at the academy in the department of instrumental artillery reconnaissance with the military rank of captain.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was appointed commander of the 3rd division of the combined regiment of the academy. And then, at his request, he goes to the front and from October 10, 1941 to May 1945 on different fronts - from the North-Western, Volkhov, Western, Don, to Stalingrad, and then on the Southern and 4th Ukrainian fronts. During the Battle of Stalingrad, he commanded the 2nd (out of three) heavy division of the Guards mortar units (GMCH). In January 1943, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, he was awarded the military rank of Major General of Artillery.

General Tveretsky A.F. commands various formations of guards mortars ("Katyushas") - operational groups of guards mortar units of armies and fronts, a brigade and a division, and in 1944 he was appointed deputy commander of artillery for the GMCH of the 4th Ukrainian Front. Ends the war in Austria with participation in the Vienna Offensive.

For the successful completion of combat missions on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, Major General Tveretsky A.F. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner, the Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd class, the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class, the Order of the Red Star and many medals. And subsequently, for merits in the development of rocket technology, he was awarded the Order of Lenin and two more Orders of the Red Banner.

In November 1945, he was called to Moscow and to him, based on his education, combat experience, organizational qualities and abilities. the unknown is proposed - the development of rocket weapons, starting with the German rocket A-4 (FAU-2). At the beginning of this journey, he meets S.P. Korolev and in the future they are connected by work and friendship, incl. families.

After getting acquainted with the A-4 rocket, with the help of S.P. Korolev, in February 1946 he was appointed head of the so-called "Nordhausen Group" at that time. Under his command, subsequently known to the whole world, “rocket academicians” - S.P. Korolev, N.A. Pilyugin, V.P. Glushko, V.I. Kuznetsov, B.E. Chertok, L.B. Voskresensky and others. This group also included specially selected officers. Of these, Tveretsky A.F. forms the launch team and prepares it for the development of the rocket and equipment for its launch, simultaneously with the translation of all documentation from German into Russian.

In accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1017-419 ss “Issues of rocket weapons” dated May 13, 1946, paragraph 16 of which read “... to form in Germany a special artillery unit for development, preparation and launch of missiles of the V-2 type, General Tveretsky A.F. The Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces entrusts the formation on the basis of the 92nd Guards Mortar Gomel, the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, the Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment and officers of the Nordhausen Group - Special purpose brigades of the RVGK in the village of Berka near the city of Sondershausen, Thuringia, Germany.

A.F. Tveretsky quickly forms a brigade, prepares for launches, and in August 1947 redeploys to the first missile range created in accordance with the Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan region. Here, in the incredibly difficult conditions of the post-war period, in the uninhabited steppe, the BON launch team trained by him, together with the industry, conducts the first launch of the A-4 (V-2) ballistic missile on October 18, 1947.

Since 1948, he has headed the first testing department of the test site. Under his leadership, the BON officers, and later they are the testers of this department, prepare and test domestic missiles designed by OKB S.P. Korolev R-1, R-2, R-5, R-5M, R-11, R11M together with science and industry. Here, under his leadership, the first combat documents on the combat use of the first missile formations (BON RVGK) are being worked out.

In 1954, A.F. Tveretsky was appointed deputy for educational and scientific work, and then head of the first military rocket university - the Rostov Higher Artillery Engineering School. Here he reveals his pedagogical talent, prepares the first rocket engineers, organizes and conducts their first graduation. And he solves this problem with his inherent energy and creativity.

Major General Tveretsky A.F. his military career and service in the Armed Forces in September 1960 as a senior lecturer in the special department of the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR, where he teaches missile basics to the military-political leadership and senior officers of the operational-strategic level of the Armed Forces of our country.

A decent, modest person and general, a high-ranking professional, a talented organizer and educator, everywhere and always fulfilled his military duty with honor and high responsibility. The military pioneer, the rocket man, did not like to advertise himself and his merits and remained in the historical shadow.

In subsequent years, he devoted himself to his family and worked hard to form a veteran organization of guards mortar units. This brainchild of his successfully functions today. He also actively participated in the military-patriotic education of the youth of the city of Moscow and in the life of his district, where he lived.

In our opinion, Major General of Artillery Tveretsky A.F. deserved to perpetuate his name in the memory of his descendants, especially rocket scientists!

It should be noted that Vlasikha is considered the capital of the Strategic Missile Forces, in which, unfortunately, there is not a single mention of strategic missilemen. In Odintsovo, the streets are named after prominent military leaders, commanders-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces - Marshals Nedelin, Biryuzov, Tolubko, Krylov, etc. Even in the village of Ubory, Odintsovo district, there is an alley of Marshal Tolubko. But we, in the rocket Vlasikha, do not.

We propose to perpetuate the memory of the first rocket general, commander of the first missile formation of our country, the guard major general of artillery Tveretsky A.F., by renaming one of the streets of the Vlasikha urban district into “General Tveretsky Street”.

Council of Veterans of the first missile formation of the country -

BON RVGK - 24th Guards Missile Division

Bust in Guryevsk
Memorial plate in Volgograd
Stele in Lipetsk
Annotation board in Kaliningrad
Annotation board in Sovetsk

G Uryev Stepan Savelyevich - Commander of the 16th Guards Königsberg Red Banner Rifle Corps of the 11th Guards Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front, Guard Major General.

Born July 19 (August 1), 1902 in the village of Romanovo, Lipetsk district, Tambov province, now the village of Lenino, Lipetsk district, Lipetsk region, in a peasant family. Russian. Graduated from elementary school. As a 13-year-old boy, he went to work in a mine.

In March 1919 he voluntarily joined the Red Army. Member of the Civil War: Red Army soldier of the 197th Infantry Regiment in the 9th Kuban Army. Fought against the armies of A.I. Denikin and P.N. Wrangel, a participant in the liberation of Donbass and the battles on the Khoper River in 1919, the Rostov-Novocherskassk and North Caucasian operations and the defeat of the Ulagaev landing in the Kuban in 1920, the Tiflis operation in 1921, as well as in numerous military operations against political banditry and insurgency .

In July 1921 he was enrolled as a cadet, and in 1925 he graduated from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Infantry School. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1924. From August 1925 to August 1927 he was a platoon commander in the 142nd Infantry Regiment of the 48th Infantry Division of the Moscow Military District. In 1928 he graduated from the Moscow military-political courses and was appointed political officer of a company in the 250th rifle regiment of the 84th rifle division of the Moscow military district, later in the 118th rifle regiment of the 40th rifle division of the Siberian military district (Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk the edges). Since July 1930 - Executive Secretary of the Party Bureau of this regiment. From February 1932, he was an instructor in the political department of the 35th Infantry Division of the Separate Red Banner Far Eastern Army, from September of the same year he commanded a battalion in the 105th Infantry Regiment of this division. In November 1935 - January 1937 - an employee of the Gazimuto-Zavodsky district military commissariat in the Chita region.

In 1937 he graduated from the Higher tactical shooting courses for the improvement of infantry commanders "Shot". Since August 1937 - assistant commander for the combat unit of the 279th Infantry Regiment in the 93rd Infantry Division of the Trans-Baikal Military District. From the beginning of 1938, he was the head of a department in the 4th department, and then the head of the 4th department of the headquarters of the Trans-Baikal Military District.

In March 1939 he was appointed commander of the 293rd Infantry Regiment of the 57th Infantry Division of the Trans-Baikal Military District. As a regimental commander, he took part in battles with Japanese militarists in the region of the Khalkhin-Gol River (Mongolia). From October 1939 to October 1940 - head of the infantry of the 36th motorized rifle division in the 1st army group of Soviet troops on the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic.

In 1941 he graduated from the Operations Department of the Military Academy of Command and Navigators of the Red Army Air Force. Since May 1941 - commander of the 10th airborne brigade of the 5th airborne corps in the Baltic Special Military District.

In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, namely on June 24, 1941, the airborne brigade of Colonel Guryev entered the battle near the Lithuanian city of Panevezys, then participated in the border defensive battle near Daugavpils. With heavy fighting and losses, the paratroopers left the encirclement.

From October 1941 - commander of the 5th Airborne Corps (43rd Army, Western Front). He participated in the defensive stage of the battle for Moscow in the Mozhaisk and Naro-Fominsk directions, in the Rzhev-Vyazemsky offensive operation. The paratroopers distinguished themselves during the liberation of the city of Medyn on January 14, 1942.

In August 1942, the 5th Airborne Corps was transformed into the 39th Guards Rifle Division, with Major General S.S. Guryev appointed as its commander. And already on August 7, 1942, parts of the division were unloaded at the Ilovlya station and even on the tracks, from the march they occupied the defense lines: the villages of Kislyakovo, Upper and Lower Akatov, the village of Ostrovskaya. The 39th Guards was then part of the 4th Tank Army. The fighting went on around the clock. For example, only at the turn of Bolshaya and Malaya Rossoshki, thirty-three soldiers of the division knocked out twenty-seven enemy tanks.

After the battles north of Stalingrad, on the night of October 1, 1942, all three guards regiments of the division crossed the Volga to Stalingrad and took part in the battles (mainly for the Krasny Oktyabr plant).

In the Battle of Stalingrad, the division under the command of Major General Guryev, as part of the troops of the 62nd Army of the Don Front, fought first in the southwestern direction, and when the fighting unfolded in the city itself, in the area of ​​​​the Red October plant. Here Guriev's warriors fought for every building, workshop, railway embankment. Often these objects passed from hand to hand, but the fighters fought to the death.

On October 23, 1942, after artillery and aviation preparation, the German units launched a decisive offensive in order to drop formations of the 39th Guards Rifle Division into the Volga and capture a strategically important area. They even managed to take over the open-hearth shop of the plant. By order of Guryev, units of the 120th Guards Rifle Regiment drove the Germans out of there and held the occupied lines until the end of the Battle of Stalingrad.

In January 1943, on the banks of the Volga, the banner of the 39th Guards Rifle Division of S.S. Guryev was decorated with the Order of the Red Banner. Since February 1943, the division fought in heavy battles in the Kharkov direction as part of the troops of the Southwestern Front.

In March 1943, he was appointed commander of the 28th Guards Rifle Corps in the 8th Guards Army, which successfully fought during the Voroshilovgrad and Dnepropetrovsk offensive operations, liberated Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk.

From December 1943 he studied at the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov (now the Military Academy of the General Staff), after completing an accelerated course in April 1944, he was appointed commander of the 16th Guards Rifle Corps in the 11th Guards Army on the 2nd Baltic and 3rd Belorussian fronts.

By right he was considered one of the best corps commanders on the entire front, and repeatedly and invariably praises the actions of the troops of the guard, Major General S.S. At the head of the corps, S.S. Guryev took part in the Belarusian strategic offensive operation (in the Vilnius and Kaunas front operations), in the East Prussian operation.

The commander of the 16th Guards Rifle Corps (11th Guards Army, 3rd Belorussian Front), Major General S.S. Guryev, skillfully organized the fighting of the corps units in the assault on the capital of East Prussia - the fortress city of Königsberg.

After fierce street fighting, on the very first day of the assault on April 6, 1945, the corps troops broke through the inner defense of the city of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) and, having captured the southern part of the city, reached the Pregel River and captured the city citadel. During one night, units of the corps, in the most difficult conditions within the city, crossed the water line and seized a bridgehead on the northern coast, while encircling a large enemy grouping in cooperation with other units. During the four days of the assault on Koenigsberg, parts of the corps destroyed and captured up to 28,000 enemy soldiers and officers, up to 40 tanks, more than 200 guns, 2 armored trains, and a large amount of military property.

At order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1945, for the skillful command of the rifle corps and personal courage shown during the capture of Koenigsberg, Guards Major General Guryev Stepan Savelyevich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

However, the brave commander was not destined to receive the insignia of the highest degree of distinction - the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal ...

After the defeat of the Nazis in Königsberg, Guryev's corps was given a new task - to destroy the remnants of the Nazi troops in the area of ​​the Pillau (Baltiysk) naval base. On April 22, 1945, three days after the Decree on conferring the title of Hero, in the battle on the Zemland Peninsula, the commander of the 16th Guards Rifle Corps, Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General S.S. Guryev was killed by a fragment of an enemy shell.

He was buried in Kaliningrad on Guards Avenue, in a mass grave of 1200 guardsmen.

Major General (05/03/1942). He was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin (01/13/1944, 04/19/1945), 2 Orders of the Red Banner (1939, 04/12/1942), Orders of Kutuzov 2nd degree (1943), Red Star (10/26/1943), medals "XX years of the Red Army" (1938), "For the Defense of Stalingrad" (1943), a foreign award - the Order of the Red Banner of War (Mongolia, 1939).

In memory of the brave commander in the Kaliningrad region, the city of Guryevsk (formerly Neuhausen) and the district - Guryevskiy were named after him.

In 1961, a monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union S.S. Guryev was erected in Guryevsk. The monument was made of white marble and gradually fell into disrepair. In January 2007, the old monument was replaced with a new one, made of bronze, an exact copy of the one that once stood in the park.

In Volgograd, on the territory of the Mamaev Kurgan memorial complex, a commemorative plate with the inscription "Eternal Glory to the Hero of the Soviet Union Guards Major General Stepan Savelyevich Guryev" was installed.

In the village of Lenino, in the homeland of S.S. Guryev, a bust of the Hero was erected. Streets in the cities of Volgograd and Ramenskoye are named after him.

Biographical material and photos of the monuments of the Hero
courtesy of the site "Heroes of the country"
Galina Suseeva (Almaty, Kazakhstan),
biography added by Anton Bocharov
(village of Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region).

"... After a forced march and a subsequent breakthrough, on January 29, 1945, the advanced guard units found themselves on the near approaches to Koenigsberg. The fortified city was now visible to the naked eye. In the fortifications of the outer contour, in the forts and pillboxes that encircled the Nazi snake nest the enemy began to take cover from shells sent by Soviet artillerymen.

Overcoming the frantic resistance of the enemy, the advancing troops squeezed the encirclement around Koenigsberg ever closer.

It was here, during the assault on Koenigsberg, that the mighty military talent of Major General Guryev unfolded in full force. Continuously improving the training of the troops, he prepared his units for a crushing blow against the enemy. The squat general's car appeared in one or another regiment. Only recently withdrawn from combat battalions mastered the complex tactics of street fighting with the tenacity of the Guards.

In those days, the general could often be seen among the soldiers storming the training campuses - groups of destroyed buildings. Guryev did not leave until he was convinced that everything is done in the teachings, as in battle. Guryev demanded that the experience of the most trained assault battalions and groups be summarized and widely disseminated. The major general clearly understood that the capture of Koenigsberg would be an extremely difficult task.

As expected, the Nazis defended Koenigsberg with the desperation and anger of the doomed. They considered their fortifications impregnable, and not without reason.

Guryev's formation, with the support of artillery, tanks and aircraft, broke into the enemy defenses saturated with fire and concrete in one day, thereby ensuring the success of the rest of the formations.

Against the formation of Guryev, the Nazis threw their best parts. They included specially formed officer battalions. The commander of the Koenigsberg garrison, General Lyash, placed special hopes on them.

In those difficult hours, when it seemed that the air was splitting from ruptures, Major General Guryev, regardless of the danger, personally controlled his units. His exceptional courage and firmness were passed on to commanders and soldiers. They stubbornly pushed forward. In the evening, the assault battalions reached the Pregel River. The river carried hot fragments of longboats and barrels of flaming fuel oil. From the buildings on the north bank, the Germans were bombarding the river with a hurricane. Thousands of flares soared into the suffocating, smoky air. And Guryev, without hesitation, gave the only possible, following from the general plan for the assault on Koenigsberg, an extremely short order: “Force!”.

At night, suppressing enemy firing points, the guards crossed the Pregel. They got over on pontoons and boats found nearby, on door leaves torn from destroyed buildings, they swam across the river as best they could.

And in the morning, the brave men, who were the first to cross the Pregel, entrenched themselves on the reclaimed sections of the northern coast. In close cooperation with other advancing units, the formation of Major General Guryev surrounded a large grouping of enemy troops and forced the Königsberg garrison of the Nazis to unconditional surrender.

The military feat of the Guard Major General Stepan Savelyevich Guryev during the assault on Koenigsberg was noted by the Motherland with the highest award - conferring on him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Quite a bit, Stepan Savelyevich Guryev did not live to see the Victory. He died on April 22, 1945 during an operation to destroy the remnants of German troops in the area of ​​​​the Pillau naval base, in a battle on the Zemland Peninsula from an enemy shell explosion.

Guriev's guards honorably completed their combat mission - on the night of April 23-24, 1945, the assault on the last enemy fortress, the last refuge of the fascist robbers in East Prussia - the port and fortress of Pillau began.

“The exploits of the troops of Major General Guryev are forever inscribed in history,” the Pravda newspaper wrote about this battle. “Everyone remembers the fierce battle for Fort No. 8 near Frisches Huff Bay, which ended in the capitulation of the garrison.”

On November 16, 1941, 28 Panfilov heroes in a 4-hour battle near the Dubosekovo station stopped the advance of German troops on Moscow.

From December 5, 1941 to April 20, 1942, offensive military operations began near Moscow to defeat the Nazi troops.

Streets, schools, and a ship are named after the legendary commander Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov. 28 Panfilov soldiers who fought heroically on the outskirts of Moscow near Volokolamsk were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Only four of them survived. In Moscow, in Tushino, on the street of Panfilov Heroes, the youngest daughter of the general, Maya Ivanovna PANFILOVA, lives. She is an artist, poet, member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. Our correspondent Lidia Nikolaevna Alpatova met with her.

- Ivan Vasilyevich went down in history as an example of the stamina and courage of a Russian officer. The first who managed to stop the Nazis at the walls of Moscow were the Panfilov heroes ...

- The 316th Rifle Division, which was formed by my father, was multinational in its composition. Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Kirghiz, Uzbeks, Mordvins, at the cost of their lives, closed the road to Moscow for the enemy. From the first days of the formation of the division, Ivan Vasilyevich knew what the soldiers needed to be taught at this very moment. He created a technique for group combat with an armored vehicle and ensured that every fighter mastered this technique. The heroism of 28 Panfilov infantrymen who stopped a large Nazi tank formation at the Dubosekovo junction and destroyed 50 enemy combat vehicles will forever remain in the memory of our people. This is the result of General Panfilov's leadership talent. And if you remember that the 316th division in less than a month of fighting destroyed 30 thousand fascist soldiers and officers, more than 150 tanks ...

According to the recollections of colleagues, Ivan Vasilyevich was not a dugout commander. He spent most of his time in regiments and even battalions, and in those that were currently experiencing the most fierce onslaught of the enemy. This was not ostentatious reckless courage, but combat expediency. As an experienced commander, he knew that the personal appearance at a critical moment of the battle of the commander himself raised the morale of soldiers and officers, helped to win, it seemed, in a lost battle. In one of his letters to his wife, he clearly said: “We will not surrender Moscow to the enemy. We will destroy the reptile by the thousands and its tanks by the hundreds. everyone's heart is the desire to prevent the enemy from reaching their native capital, to mercilessly destroy the Nazis.Our motto is to be heroes.

Today, by order of the front, hundreds of soldiers and division commanders have been awarded orders of the Soviet Union. Two days ago I was awarded the third Order of the Red Banner. I think soon my division will be guards."

- How many heroes were there in the 316th Panfilov division?

- Thousands of soldiers and officers were awarded orders and medals, many posthumously. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to thirty-four. Unfortunately, little has been written about the exploits of the Panfilovites, but it is impossible not to mention them. For example, near Volokolamsk, eleven sappers ensured the retreat of the regiment. Junior Lieutenant Firstov threw the last bunch of grenades at the approaching tank... The Nazis tortured the wounded commander and left him on the road, forbidding the inhabitants to bury him.

Politruk Vikhrev and 14 fighters destroyed seven German tanks with bottles of flammable liquid and anti-tank grenades. The Nazis tried to capture Vikhrev alive. Until the last minute, the political instructor fired back, enemy corpses lay around his trench, tanks burned ... For the heroism and courage shown by the personnel on the battlefields, on November 17, 1941, the 316th Rifle Division was transformed into the 8th Guards. And on November 18, Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov died: a fragment of an exploding mine hit right in the heart. His last words were: "I will live ..."

As a six-year-old girl, it was difficult for me to get used to the idea that my father was no more and that he would never return home.

Often, when I saw a military man on the street, reminiscent of my father from afar, I was ready to run after him. But the passerby turned out to be a stranger, a stranger. I cried, but continued to believe and wait.

The ashes of Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov were buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in a common grave with the ashes of his fighting friend, cavalryman Lev Mikhailovich Dovator, and ace pilot Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin. A large offspring of the hero-general lives on earth: nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren, which means that the connection of times has not been interrupted and the chronicle continues ...

Latin; for etymology, see general and major. Military, rank 4 class. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Michelson A.D., 1865 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Major General, Major General... Spelling Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 2 Brigadeführer (2) rank (113) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

From 1703; see Christiani 32. From it. general major; see Convert. 1,503... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

M. 1. The first seniority general rank. 2. A person holding such a title. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Major General, Major General, Major General, Major General, Major General, Major General, Major General, Major General, Major General, Major General, Major General, Major General (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm by ... ... Word forms

major general- general al mayor, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

major general- (2 m), R. genera / l mayo / ra ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

major general- genera/l mayo/r, genera/l mayo/ra... merged. Separately. Through a hyphen.

major general- a, h. First, at the level of a general's rank in the lower Ukrainian, Russian and other armies, as well as a person with these ranks ... Ukrainian glossy dictionary


  • Picture of the autumn campaign of 1813 in Germany. , Major-General D.P. Buturlin. Picture of the autumn campaign of 1813, in Germany, after the armistice, before the reverse crossing of the Rhine by the French army. Serving as a continuation of the History of the EmperorNapoleon's invasion of Russia. FROM…
  • Nizhny Novgorod Governor Major General Nikolai Mikhailovich Baranov, L. A. Feigin. Biographical information and review of his activities. Attached is the history of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1892 edition (publishing house `Moskva.…

Stars on the Wings (Memories of Soviet Aviation Veterans)

Guards Major General of Aviation, retired MP Stroev. My meetings with Lenin

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, retired Colonel N. F. Kudryavtsev. First socialist

Guards Major General of Aviation, retired MP Stroev. Soviet pilots on the Eastern Front

B. N. Kudrin. 1. In the special forces

B. N. Kudrin. 2. To help fighting friends

I. U. Pavlov. The communists are closest to me (6)

2. On the Kakhovka bridgehead

Retired Major General I. K. Spatarel. Against the "black baron"

2. Above Kakhovka

3. In Northern Tavria

4. In the defeat of Wrangel

Retired Aviation Lieutenant General S. N. Romazanov. Years and people (memories of the war years)

2. It was 1943…

3. Great battle

4. Kyiv ahead

5. In the sky of Ukraine

6. Banner of Victory over Berlin

Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation A. L. Kozhevnikov. Fighters in the air

2. And the man was standing ...

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation V. D. Lavrinenkov. For you, Soviet Motherland!

Three times Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General of Aviation A. I. Pokryshkin. New tactics were born in battle


Stars on the Wings (Memories of Soviet Aviation Veterans)

Former member of the Bureau of Commissars for Aviation and Aeronautics under the Military Revolutionary Committee E. I. Akhmatovich. In the early days

It was in the spring of 1917. I then served as a private in the training team of the Petrograd Officer Aeronautical School. With the approach of revolutionary events, Bolshevik leaflets, newspapers, agitators came to our aeronautical school more and more often.

The Communist Party, under the leadership of V. I. Lenin, did a great deal of work to win over the broad masses of soldiers and sailors to the side of the revolution. For this purpose, special military organizations of the party were created. In March 1917, the Petrograd Committee outlined and approved a plan for work in the troops and elected a military commission, which later became known as the Military Organization of the Petrograd Committee of the RSDLP (b). In April, it took shape in the Military Organization under the PC and the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b). Such organizations were created both in the rear and at the front. Soldiers and sailors rallied around the Communist Party, which confidently led the proletariat and the working peasantry to the victory of the socialist revolution.

At that time, in the aviation units, as in other military formations of the old army, soldiers' committees began to arise.

Before the October Revolution, the air fleet of Russia had over 60 aviation detachments and several schools that trained flight personnel; the aviation industry was also born.

More than twenty-five brands of aircraft, mostly foreign, were in service, which made it extremely difficult for them to repair and provide spare parts.

After the February bourgeois-democratic revolution, class consciousness and a sense of revolutionary duty were awakening more and more vividly among the soldiers. In particular, these sentiments increased with the arrival in Russia of V. I. Lenin and his speech with the famous April theses.

The theses sharply turned the masses of soldiers to the left, and most of the officers to the right. The question of the attitude towards the war became so clear that the call of the officers for the support of the Provisional Government did not find a response in the soldiers' hearts. “Let him go and defend himself, but we will not defend him,” the soldiers said.

With the elections in the air units of the soldiers' committees, all the soldiers - convoys, combatants, mechanics, pilots and other specialists, who had previously been in a state of some antagonism, which was supported in every possible way by the officers, united. The masses of soldiers more and more left the influence of officers, became masters of the situation both at the front and in the rear.

The army command was looking for ways to restore the former situation. To this end, it was decided to convene the First Aviation Congress of soldier-pilots and aircraft mechanics. It was organized at the expense of aircraft manufacturers.

At the forthcoming congress, which was supposed to decide purely technical questions, it was supposed to split the united soldiers' committees and isolate the soldiers from the influence of the Bolsheviks.

The congress opened in Petrograd at the end of April 1917. Most of the delegates who arrived at the congress had acquaintances and relatives in the city, who quickly let them in on the essence of the political events taking place in St. Petersburg and in the country. Contact with the revolutionary proletariat could not but affect the mood of the congress delegates. Therefore, already on the fifth day, the "right" presidium of the congress was changed. The new presidium included delegates from among the revolutionary-minded soldiers. The coup at the congress destroyed the plans of the counter-revolution. The calculations of the Supreme High Command, whose headquarters were in Mogilev, also collapsed. It expected that the aviators would not follow the path of revolution. These hopes were not justified: the results of the soldiers' congress knocked the last cards out of the hands of the military command of old Russia. However, the officers did not want to give up their positions without a fight and decided to convene an all-Russian congress.

And on July 10, 1917, the First All-Russian Aviation Congress opened in Moscow, to which representatives arrived already from officers and soldiers. And since among the delegates there were participants in the soldiers' congress, a political struggle broke out. The delegates were divided into "left" and "right". The "Rights" were in the majority, and this determined the nature of the congress and the decisions taken: war to a victorious end. To implement the adopted resolutions, the congress elected the All-Russian Aviation Council, which included mainly officers. This body did not contribute anything significant to the situation created in the aviation troops. On the contrary, by his indiscretion, he only contributed to the growth of discontent among the soldier masses. It was clear that such a state would inevitably lead to the death of this "authoritative" body. And so it happened.

Aviation as a branch of the armed forces did not take a direct part in the October armed uprising. But many parts of the Petrograd air fleet, such as, for example, the aeronautical park, on the territory of which the Officers' aeronautical school, aeronautical battalion, training detachment and other teams with a total strength of up to 1500 people, the Gatchina Aviation School, the Air Combat School, were located, from the very first day of the revolution became towards October. Communication between the headquarters of the Bolsheviks and the units was maintained by telephone and courier. It often happened that orders came simultaneously from the revolutionary Smolny and from the Winter. The latter, as a rule, were not carried out or were deliberately delivered late. So, the order of Kerensky, signed on the eve of the uprising, on October 24, appeared in units only on the 28th, when the Provisional Government no longer existed. Parts of the Petrograd air fleet took part in street battles near Pulkovo, in the area of ​​the telephone exchange, the Vladimir School and in the storming of the Winter Palace.

The aeronautic battalion, detachment and teams were put on alert, reinforced guards were posted at the gates of the barracks, a patrol was sent to neighboring streets and the railway. Soldiers' committees did not disperse - they were waiting for an order from Smolny.

Late at night, our detachment left the barracks of the Officers' Aeronautical School to support the revolutionary proletariat. The black veil of night enveloped us from all sides. It was raining, and nothing could be seen within walking distance. A small detachment made their way in single file along the houses and fences. The way was far - it was necessary to pass more than 12 versts. We walked in silence, we didn’t want to talk, and it’s hard to talk on the go. The city was worried. The tense silence heightened the sense of an approaching storm.

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