Romantic evening in style. Romantic date in oriental style. How to have a romantic evening for two

A romantic evening for two is a great opportunity to refresh a long relationship, confess your feelings, and just make your loved one a pleasant unforgettable surprise. For such a personal holiday, you don’t even need a special occasion. It is certainly nice when on your birthday or Valentine's Day you arrange a romantic dinner for each other, go to a restaurant or rent a hotel room. But a romantic evening can be arranged at home on any day. And from this, he will not lose his romance and sophistication, but will only strengthen your love and relationships.

We will tell you about how to organize a romantic evening for your beloved man in this article.

time and place

First of all, you need to decide on the time and date. This should not be a day when you know for sure that your man will be too tired or he will have an important meeting at which he may be late. Choose a normal day in terms of the load of your loved one. That moment is also important so that the next day after a romantic evening you are not in a hurry and you do not have responsible, exciting things to do. This should be taken into account so that during a romantic evening, the thoughts of your loved one are not occupied with upcoming problems. Therefore, it will be better if you choose, for example, Friday or Saturday.

Since we said above that a romantic evening for two can be made magical and unforgettable at home, we will consider which specific places in your home can and should be used for this.

It's best not to have a romantic dinner in the kitchen where you usually cook and eat.

The kitchen is the place where we eat and spend a lot of time. Subconsciously, the kitchen is connected with us precisely with the need to eat food with its satisfaction. Therefore, it is not recommended to have a romantic evening in the kitchen, as it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve new impressions.

A romantic evening at home can be organized in the living room, in the bathroom and bedroom, as well as on the roof or attic, if living conditions allow. The change of scenery and the entourage you have chosen will favorably affect your joint evening.


Depending on how you want to spend your time, whether it's an original themed night or a simple romantic one, decorate the room accordingly.

For example, when choosingromantic evening in oriental style :

Light candles and incense;

Lay carpets with ornaments on the floor;

Put a lot of pillows;

Set up a low table for oriental dishes;

Prepare hookah;

Turn on relaxed oriental music;

Dress up in an oriental beauty costume.

For classic romantic evening entourage can be as follows:

Curtain the windows. Turn on a dim table lamp, night light, or floor lamp. It is good if the bulbs are red or blue. Don't be afraid to experiment and play with shadows. Try using diffused light to create a chamber zone.

Candles are allowed, but should be kept in small quantities if you are using additional light sources.

Incense in this case can be replaced with scented candles. Set and serve the table. It will come in handy if you buy a new tablecloth and dishes for a romantic dinner.

Decide on the music first. It is best to give preference to modern instrumental compositions. They will create a relaxed romantic mood and will not distract both of you from the main thing. What can not be said about serious classical compositions and songs. But, still, you can play his favorite tunes or choose the radio wave with a romantic repertoire.


The dishes on your table should not be "heavy" to digest. Try to exclude fatty, fried and starchy foods, because after such food the body becomes sleepy and there may be no trace of romance and exploits. Instead, you should give preference to fruits, salads, snacks, fish, seafood, canapes or lean meats. But in no case do not leave your man hungry after a working day, otherwise his irritation will be a companion of the whole evening! Try to keep a balance.

Beverages. In the choice of drinks, it is better to stop at wine, champagne, liquor or low-alcohol cocktails.



Of course, you should not forget about your appearance and well-being. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to overdo it with cooking, cleaning, etc. It is better to plan everything in advance and gradually prepare for organizing the evening. Otherwise, by the time the two of you start a romantic meal, there will be signs of fatigue on your face.

Allocate time so that you have time not only to prepare the room, but also yourself, of course.

Take a bath with aromatic oils - it will relax you after a hard day. Put on your beautiful lingerie and clothes appropriate for the occasion. Use some perfume. Get your hair done and whatever you do when you're going on a casual date.

Romantic evening program

A romantic evening for two is not only an entourage, a joint dinner and declarations of love. This event can and should suggest the presence of some kind of program or continuation.

Perform an exciting dance for your man. It can be oriental dance, cabaret or striptease. Or a joint slow dance.

Invite your loved one to a bath filled with foam and strewn with rose petals.

After that, give your loved one a relaxing massage using oils.

How to intrigue and present

On the day when you are sure that nothing will interfere with your celebration, you can send unobtrusive hint messages to your beloved. For example, an SMS or an e-mail that an exciting surprise awaits him tonight or an unforgettable experience and something like that. Don't be afraid of ambiguity. It is only necessary to report after lunch and in the late afternoon, since in the morning and lunch hours men are usually intensely busy with work and your hints may be misunderstood or completely ignored. If you want to make a full-fledged surprise, then before entering the house, tie your loved one's eyes with a silk ribbon.

We talked about the general points, nuances and rules that a girl should take into account when preparing a romantic evening for two at home. In fact, this list can go on and on. Don't be afraid to be creative and be original. There are still a lot of ideas for the evening that can be implemented not only within the walls of the house. But still, if you arrange everything as we wrote, you can be sure that not a single, even the most rational and reserved man will remain indifferent! Surprise, dare and inspire your loved ones!

A romantic dinner allows you to break away from the hustle and bustle of business and devote time to each other in a pleasant environment. It can be a wedding anniversary or Valentine's Day party, or it can be for no reason, just because someone loves someone. We will tell you how to make this event unforgettable for both of you.

The imagination of people is limitless. And in such a creative matter as preparing a romantic dinner, there is no limit to the flight of thought. There is even some classification of styles.

1. Classic

Includes candlelit dinner at home. Prepare food, dim the lights, turn on romantic music, put a vase of flowers on the table or sprinkle them with petals in the room, do not forget about candles and champagne - that's it, the evening for two is ready!

2. Dinner in oriental style

The fashion for the East does not give up its positions, and you can surprise a loved one without high costs. For example, having arranged a dinner in the style of the land of the rising sun. To do this, move the classic table aside and sit on the floor, placing food on small tables or trays with legs. The menu should match the idea: cook or order sushi and rolls. Choose white wine as your drink.

And you can arrange an evening in the spirit of a thousand and one nights: scatter pillows on the floor, spread a tablecloth and put pilaf, cakes, chak-chak, etc. on it. Brighten up the evening with a bottle of red wine.

3. Date at the cinema

It is not necessary to go anywhere: you can arrange a romantic movie viewing at home. But approach responsibly to the choice of repertoire of films. Action, drama, horror films are better to be postponed until meeting with friends, and for a date, pick up a light comedy. But you don’t have to worry about the menu: just order a pizza, and take wine or champagne as a drink.

4. Date on the roof

It will be very romantic if you invite your soulmate to enjoy the view of the city in warm calm weather. You can decorate the place in advance with lanterns or candles, prepare a table and chairs. Don't plan a very large menu, a salad, one hot dish and a bottle of champagne will suffice.

5. Romantic dinner in nature

A date on the river bank or a picnic on the lawn will allow you to chat in a relaxed atmosphere. Nothing will distract you from each other. Particularly sophisticated can organize dinner in the middle of the reservoir.

If you own a private home, then there is nothing easier than having a romantic dinner in the yard. Lanterns hung on trees and bushes, as well as candles will help create the right atmosphere. You can sit at a table or on the lawn, on the terrace, by the pool, etc. Save a blanket in case you or your significant other get chilly.

The menu can consist of a salad, a hot dish and a drink, or you can simply treat yourself to a cake, washed down with champagne while watching the stars.

Lingerie for a romantic dinner

The outfit for dinner is selected depending on the place where it will be held. For example, for an evening at home, it is better for girls to wear an evening dress and shoes, and for men, dress pants and a shirt. After all, this is also a holiday, even if only for the two of you! Well, if you will have dinner in nature, then choose more comfortable and simple clothes.

It would be logical if both he and she would be dressed in casual style for a romantic dinner at the home theater.

Is dinner supposed to be on the rooftop? Then, depending on the stairs leading to it, clothes and shoes can vary from jeans and sneakers to evening dress.

For a romantic dinner by the pond, it would be advisable to wear a bathing suit for girls, and swimming trunks for guys.

And further. If your relationship is at an early stage and you want to arrange a dinner just for communication, then you should choose a discreet outfit. If the goal is seduction, then the ladies can be in a “candid” image, which will hint at the further continuation of the dinner. For example, a girl can wear a mini dress or clothes with a deep neckline, with a cutout on the back or along the leg.

The color of the clothes should also signal the intentions of her mistress. Seductresses can choose a red, black or dark blue dress, "animal" colors are allowed. The outfit can be sewn from a light, translucent fabric through which the underwear will be visible.

Scenario of a romantic dinner, ideas with a photo, 3 options

Before moving on to romantic date scenarios, let's outline some points related to any dinner for two:

  • The most important thing is choosing the right time for dinner. Try to have the scheduled date fall on a day followed by a day off. Then the two of you can relax and not worry about having to get up early in the morning;
  • if you are making a surprise to your beloved / beloved, then make sure that he / she arrives on time at the appointed place.

1. Closer to the stars

Let's say you live in a high-rise building and you have access to the roof. Then why not admire the stars on a warm, cloudless evening with your loved one! The action plan will be as follows:

Plan your rooftop lighting. You can arrange more candles, or hang small lanterns.

Take a folding table and chairs, food, drinks, a bouquet of flowers (if a man is preparing a surprise). Take care of the musical accompaniment. It can be a small disc player, laptop, in extreme cases, a smartphone.

There is a simpler version of the entourage. Instead of all of the above, you can prepare an air mattress, a blanket, a laptop, wine / champagne, wine glasses and pizza. You'll need a blanket if you start to get cold, and you can watch a movie on your laptop while sitting comfortably on the mattress. In addition, lying down for the stars is much more pleasant to watch ...

You make an appointment in advance on the street near the place of the future dinner. You meet your beloved / beloved and slowly walk towards the house, then under the pretext like “Have you ever been on the roof? Would you like to visit?" take your soulmate to the appointed place. Well, then without us ...

To enhance the impression of his companion, a man can present her with a small bouquet of flowers, stored in advance on the roof.

2. Bring your relationship to "clean water"

After a busy day at work, you want to unwind. And it's best to do it in the bathroom.

We offer a menu for the evening of sushi and white wine or fruit, dessert and champagne. Don't forget to chill your drinks.

Arrange candles on the floor, on the table and around the edges of the bathroom. You can partially light the light (for example, only sconces or floor lamps) or do without it at all.

Find out exactly when your lover will be at home, and take a bath by the appointed time, adding foam to it (optional). Turn off the lights in the entire apartment, except for the bathroom, and leave the door to it ajar. Dive into the water. You can take a glass of champagne / wine in your hands. And, when the second half enters the room, offer to keep you company. Further, we think our tips are not needed ...

3. For those who love long swims

If you are a happy owner of a private house, and even with a pool, then arrange a romantic date for your soulmate right there. Here it is better not to make surprises, but to immediately inform about the upcoming event so that your lover / lover is suitably dressed in advance.

Most likely, you already have lighting. But it will be more romantic if you hang small lanterns, or place candles along the edge of the pool. Their glare on the water will look fabulous. You can also sprinkle rose petals around the pool and the water in it.

Plan your menu ahead of time. Don't make it too bulky. Appetizer and main course, dessert plus champagne or wine - that's probably the whole list. This dinner is for love, not hard food. And do not experiment with new recipes, so that in case of failure you do not ruin the whole evening. Drinks should be chilled in the refrigerator. You can do without a table by having a picnic on the lawn by the pool. In any case, your efforts will not go unnoticed.

Romantic Candlelight Dinner at Home:

We have already touched on the topic of candlelit dinners before. But in view of its vastness, I would like to dwell on it in more detail.

how to invite to a romantic dinner

If you are preparing a surprise, then give your partner a reason why he needs to be home by a certain time. For example, friends or parents will come to you, and it is undesirable for him to be late.

You can use more sophisticated options. For example, send flowers by courier for your beloved and put an invitation to dinner in the bouquet.

More romantic guys can attract a child who will run up to his girlfriend on the street and hand him a card with an invitation, or a trained dog that will convey the message to the addressee in his teeth.

You can think of a lot of ways to invite to a romantic evening. The main thing is to show ingenuity and the desire to be original

how to arrange a romantic dinner

Next, we move on to preparing the dinner itself. It is desirable to hold it in the living room. And even if you have a studio apartment, it is better to choose a place different from the usual eating area. For example, in front of the TV.

In the bedroom, it is also undesirable to arrange such an event. It can later "flow" there along with a bottle of champagne. But it's better to start in the living room.

Try to include heart-shaped elements during dinner. For example, an area around the table lined with rose petals or a dish decorated with a monogram. You can also inflate balloons with helium of a similar shape.

Since dinner is planned by candlelight, place one or two of them on the table, and also place a few more around the room.

It is better to serve the table classically: a salad plate, a hot plate under it, a fork, a knife, a glass of champagne or wine. It would be appropriate to look at a rose in a glass vase. Don't forget to put napkins.

Now it's time to prepare yourself: take a shower, put on nice underwear and an outfit, based on our recommendations above. Light candles, dim the lights, turn on romantic music.

1. You do not meet your partner at the door, but wait for him in the living room at the table. Lay out the path from the front door to the living room with rose petals in advance.

2. You can open the front door of your soulmate, then blindfold him / her with a silk scarf and lead the hand to the living room.

menu for a romantic dinner at home

Approach the choice of the menu for a romantic dinner responsibly: you need to choose dishes that are easy to prepare and for digestion.

We offer several menu options for a romantic evening by candlelight:

Option 1:

Snack: Caesar salad";

Main course: chicken baked in the oven;

Dessert: baked apples with honey and walnuts.

Option 2:

Snack: smoked fish salad with vegetables;

Main course: potatoes baked with meat "in French";

Dessert: ice cream, laid out in bowls and sprinkled with chocolate chips.

Option 3:

Snack: tomato salad with grated cheese and mayonnaise;

Main course: fish baked in the oven;

Dessert: pastries.

Option 4:

Snack: salad "Summer" of vegetables;

Main course: pilaf from duck or ram meat;

Dessert: charlotte.

Option 5:

Snack: red fish rolls in lavash;

Main course: rabbit baked in the oven with sour cream;

Dessert: strawberries with cream.

As you can see, a romantic evening does not require much effort, but it will remain in your memory for many years.

What delicious to cook for a romantic dinner, recipes

For a romantic dinner, try to choose simple recipes. First, it will greatly increase the likelihood of a positive end result. Secondly, the food for such an event should be hearty and light at the same time, so that there is strength for the further continuation of the evening. But this does not mean that the dishes will be boring and mundane. On the contrary, food can be delicious and memorable. We have selected for you recipes of easy-to-prepare, but delicious dishes.


It is better to start a romantic evening with snacks. These can be pita bread rolls with various fillings, and small toasts with any pate, and canapes.

But it's best to have a salad. The ingredients for it can be chicken fillet, marinated seafood and vegetables, fruits, lettuce, etc.

1. Chicken and tomato salad

2. Salad with tuna and corn

Main course

As a main dish, it is better to cook meat or fish. Products can be baked in the oven, cooked in a double boiler, fried over an open fire or in a pan. As a side dish for meat and fish, stew vegetables or cook potatoes. Decorate the finished dish with vegetables or citrus fruits.

1. Steak Ribeye

Sweet dishes

As a dessert, you can serve cakes, a cake, ice cream, or simply bake fruits in the oven, and then sprinkle them with powdered sugar or chocolate chips or pour them with jelly. A milkshake garnished with berries and cinnamon will also complement the dinner.

But the best option would be pastries prepared by the caring hands of a loving person.

As you can see, the recipes are quite simple and do not require much time to prepare. And remember: whatever dish you choose for a romantic evening, the main thing is to cook it with love.

Products are aphrodisiacs, which products are appropriate to use?

When preparing to cook a romantic dinner, do not forget about aphrodisiac foods. For snacks and main courses, these are foods rich in protein, since it is he who has a stimulating effect. Do not overdo it with fats and carbohydrates, because they give the opposite, “sleeping” effect. Add chocolate, bananas, or at least spices like vanilla or ginger to dessert.

Seafood comes first: squid, mussels, shrimp, octopus, etc. If it is not possible to buy them, you can cook fish. Although it contains less protein than the above products, in any case, it will be easier on the stomach than pork ham.

You can add seafood to an appetizer or main course. For example, by preparing a salad of mussels or shrimp in sour cream sauce. Tartlets with red caviar would also be appropriate.

In second place is egg white. Eggs give good saturation, while not weighing down digestion. Use them when making snacks.

The next no less exciting product is celery. Many do not like it for its rigidity, but it can be reduced by holding the stem a little in hot water. Some of the useful substances after this, of course, will be lost, but he will still fulfill his mission.

Don't forget to dress salads with olive oil. As you know, it is rich in vitamin E, which, by the way, is a vitamin of youth and reproduction.

And of course, spices... Pepper, ginger, turmeric, vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. are capable of whetting the appetite and not only. Add a pinch of any of them to each dish, and we guarantee that the evening will definitely be continued!

Well, for dessert, serve real dark chocolate. Both tiles and melted slices are suitable, in which you can dip berries and pieces of fruit.

Drinks for a romantic dinner

The traditional drink is, of course, champagne. The bubbles in it give sparkling not only to the contents of the glass, but also to the playful mood of those who drink it. For a romantic dinner, choose high-quality champagne, do not buy it in dubious places of sale (the latter, by the way, refers to the choice of any alcohol).

The next common drink for such an event is wine. Based on your preferences, you can buy dry, semi-sweet and sweet. Choose the color of the wine depending on the main dish. It is known that it is better to serve red meat with meat, and white with fish.

The list of drinks for a romantic dinner does not end there. Why not make weak cocktails? They will help you relax and not cloud your mind.

Whatever drink you prefer for a romantic evening, the main rule is not to overdo it. A glass of wine or champagne, or a couple of glasses of cognac - this is the norm, which is enough to relax. Otherwise, the atmosphere of romance may evaporate, and the evening may turn into a banal booze.

What are we going to do after dinner?

The first answer to this question that comes to mind is making love. Of course, the logical conclusion of the evening may be the merging of two bodies together, but this is not the only option.

But what if he and she are just getting to know each other, or if the partners are prevented from having sex by age or illness? The lack of continuation of the evening in the bedroom cannot become an obstacle to romance.

If you and your partner have been together for many years, then viewing family photos (start with wedding photos) can be a great option. Surely, you have already forgotten something, and old pictures will allow you to mentally return to the past and relive feelings.

You can arrange a romantic dinner without any special reason, but just to be alone with each other. It does not matter what style it will be and what will be its continuation. The main thing is that only positive emotions remain in his memory.

Classic romantic dinner for your beloved home

The table is set in the living room, dining room or bedroom (but not in the kitchen). Traditional dishes are prepared: light snacks, hot dishes, dessert. Hot dishes should be served with dishes that can only be eaten with a fork and spoon, so as not to get your hands dirty. It is hardly worth the risk, taking on new complex recipes - cook what you are strong at, just serve it in a new way. For example, the usual meatloaf can be served with an original sweet and sour sauce and garnished with lemon roses.

Dessert is usually sundae or strawberries and cream. From drinks, preference is usually given to champagne or wine.

Table setting is romantic. For example, a white tablecloth, a red carpet and red substitute napkins. Table decoration - a small bouquet in the center, vases filled with water, in which rose petals float, candles. The room is in twilight.

The music is pleasant, relaxing, and then exciting.

A woman puts on a dress for such a romantic evening (it can even be erotic - transparent, with a deep neckline or open back). A man, of course, must match, but a tailcoat, of course, is useless, but the shirt must be clean.

Unconventional romantic evening at home

Romantic surprise from a football fan

This is an idea for those women whose partners are incredibly passionate about football and do not miss a single match with the participation of the national team or their favorite club. Many ladies complain that their loved ones do not pay attention to them while the match is going on. Why not turn the situation to your advantage? How to do it? Arrange a football romantic evening near the TV.

The main thing here is to surprise him. Serve a coffee table near the sofa opposite the TV. Cover the table with a green tablecloth, decorate with souvenir soccer balls. It's great if you can buy dishes and napkins with a football design.

Prepare a variety of snacks, preferably crispy, but not too greasy or heavy. For example, instead of just throwing chips into a bowl, make a salad with chips. Grind the shrimp, add boiled rice and finely chopped fresh and pickled cucumbers, taken equally. Stir, add a little salted sour cream or mayonnaise. Arrange the chips on a large flat dish and fill them with salad. You need to fill the chips no earlier than half an hour before the start of the match, otherwise they will stop crunching and lose one of their "football" advantages.

Make cheese balls, decorate them with strips of black olives or prunes, making them look like a soccer ball, and place them on a dish generously sprinkled with chopped greens (a la balls on a soccer field). By the way, Italian pizza at home is also an option, especially if your loved one is a Milan fan. Prepare cheese slices and, of course, fruit. Fruit skewers on skewers will fit perfectly. Of the drinks, ice beer and cocktails from it are most suitable.

The key to such a romantic evening is the appearance of a “football fan”. You can wear a short puffy skirt, reincarnated as a cheerleader girl. It will be even more piquant if you put on a T-shirt from the uniform of your man's favorite club. Just a T-shirt and nothing else! Twilight, delicious snacks, a very sexy fan at hand ... Mmm, it's not a fact that even the most ardent football fan will be able to watch the match to the end.

If those you're rooting for score a goal, you can celebrate with a hot kiss. Well, if the ball is missed, you will kiss slowly and sadly. By the end of the match, the man will be literally on edge.

Romantic evening "From winter to summer"

This option is optimal if the purpose of a romantic evening is not only to surprise and delight your soulmate, but also to help her relax after hard work and stress. You can arrange such a romantic evening in late autumn, winter or early spring.

It's great if you can buy a rug that imitates a lawn. In general, any green blanket will do, the main thing is that it be soft. Buy candles with scents of summer herbs, clover, violets. A few small bouquets of flowers will come in handy. Close the windows tightly, and put a table lamp on the windowsill and turn it on - through the curtains it will look like a summer sunset outside the window.

Muted music from one sound source and louder sounds of summer nature from another will be an ideal sound accompaniment. Light breeze, birdsong, crickets and cicadas chirping, and perhaps the surf against the backdrop of romantic country music will create an amazing atmosphere.

Spread a rug or blanket on the floor in a comfortable place so that you can lean on your back, such as on a chair, wall or sofa. Arrange the dishes on two tray tables, which are used for serving breakfast in bed. Garnish the appetizers with plenty of green salad and fresh herbs. From drinks, you should prefer refreshing lemon juice and, for example, apple wine - so that everything reminds you of summer. Grilled fish should be served as a main course, and wild berries (blueberries, cloudberries, etc.) with ice cream for dessert.

Put on a light dress. You can even decorate your head with a straw hat. It's great if you both spend the evening barefoot. After dinner, massage your loved one with a refreshing massage oil, which includes menthol and eucalyptus. Having unexpectedly plunged from a dank winter into a wonderful summer, your other half experiences an abyss of pleasure. Arrange such romantic evening for husband if he is depressed.

Romantic evening "Picnic"

In good weather, of course, it is worth having a picnic for two, getting out somewhere from home. But when there is frost or sleet outside, you can organize a picnic at home. Of course, it will be a “pseudo-picnic”, but new sensations will not interfere with you.

A picnic can be arranged in any room of the house, but it is better to do it on a loggia or balcony (unless, of course, they are glazed and moderately warm, although you probably need to warm them up in advance). Set the table in a camping way with a rough tablecloth, simple dishes. Grill the meat in the oven. Don't forget vegetables, and for dessert - fruit in a wicker basket. From drinks you can serve strong wine - you will need to warm up. And if possible, you can put a barbecue on the balcony and fry the meat together, having a picnic on the floor in the kitchen. The sounds of the forest and the singing of birds will be a wonderful background. Having finished with the meat, you can play - for example, strip cards. Anyway, in this "deaf place" no one will see you, except for birds and animals.

Romantic evening in the bathroom

An amazing relaxation tool. It is such a romantic evening that you can arrange for Valentine's Day. What do you need? Complete cleanliness in the bathroom, floating candles in glassware (with an expanding top) placed on the floor. Small bouquets that decorate all kinds of shelves. Thick candles on a shelf right next to the bath. Bath filled with warm water with foam (preferably with the scent of ylang-ylang, considered an aphrodisiac). You can throw rose petals into the water. It is worth preparing a fragrant massage scrub and a soft sponge.

A romantic evening can be spent in complete silence or bring music or even a small TV into the bathroom (you can figure out what you can watch at such a moment).

Directly next to the bath you need to put a small table with drinks, snacks and dessert. The bathroom is the element of water, so you can serve seafood on skewers as snacks. Hot is undesirable, so if the other half is hungry, prepare more hearty snacks. For dessert - strawberries or other berries with cream, ice cream with cherries or bananas. Champagne is the best drink. It will be an unforgettable evening!

Ethnic romantic evening

Greet your loved one from work with the same dishes? And do you always look the same? Add variety by arranging, for example, japanese romantic dinner.

Find Japanese music. Decorate your living room or bedroom with Japanese fans, sakura branches (can be artificial), wind music. Light the incense sticks.

Turn into a geisha: put on oriental makeup, lift your hair and pin it up at the back of your head. As a kimono, you can use a translucent peignoir (you can embroider a hieroglyph on it). Cover your bed with Japanese-style linens and leave your bed unmade.

For appetizers, you can serve sushi rolls and light sandwiches with caviar, and for a hot meal - baked fish. Dessert can be arbitrary - it is unlikely that it will come to it. After dinner, you can draw hieroglyphs on each other's bodies according to the model.

Similar romantic evenings can be done in any style: Arabic, Indian, Spanish, Mexican, French, etc. Every romantic evening will be unique. During a romantic Indian-style evening, you can explore the Kama Sutra. Having plunged into the atmosphere of France, you can play a French kiss (take turns pulling out pieces of paper with written body parts that you need to kiss). During an Arabic romantic evening, you can smoke a hookah and play backgammon for wishes, and your partner can demonstrate her abilities in belly dancing. In a word, ethnic romantic evening will always be original and interesting.

Romantic evening at home in the style of 9 and a half weeks.

The room should be very dark - a minimum of candles.

Let's decorate the table in black and red (colors of passion). From drinks, you can have something strong, but in minimal quantities.

Music is not relaxing, but on the contrary, it is tonic, exciting. For example, the compositions of the musical group "Enigma".

You can cook anything, but let it be spicy dishes. Maybe even very sharp. When the turn of dessert comes, blindfold your partner and offer to play: let him try certain fruits, berries, chocolate - let him guess what you treat him to taste. And then you can apply treats to your own body - now let him guess not only what he eats, but also what he eats from. After this game, you can dance your favorite light striptease. In general, any erotic games this evening are not forbidden, but only welcome. Your loved one will never forget this romantic evening.

Romantic evening for your loved one

Men also want to organize romantic events for their loved ones. You can take any of the ideas above as a basis. But for men, there are some special tips:

1. If you don't know how to cook, order food at a restaurant - it's better than feeding your favorite overcooked chop and badly rolled rolls.

2. If you want to surprise your loved one by covering the whole apartment with rose petals, it is not necessary to buy an expensive bunch of flowers and gut it. In flower shops, they often sell petals from roses that begin to wither - they are not at all expensive.

3. You can invite the girl home at the appointed time, but it would be more correct to send a taxi for her, obliging the driver to hand the girl a bouquet with a note of romantic content, for example: “I look forward to seeing you at home, my love!”.

4. If it's themed romantic evening for a girl, you can not devote your beloved to all the subtleties - just tell her what clothes you would like to see her in today.

5. If you want to surprise your beloved, meet her near the house when she arrives in a taxi, and immediately blindfold. And untie only in a room prepared for a romantic evening.

6. If a man arranges a romantic dinner for his beloved, he is almost obliged to give her a present, even if it is small and not very expensive. Put, for example, a box with a bracelet next to her glass or thread her napkin through a new ring.

Surprise your loved ones more often and let their eyes glow with happiness!

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An excellent dinner made from inexpensive products, the recipe of which I want to offer you is one of the varieties of khanum (oriental dish, so popular in many countries). The only difference from the classic version is that there will be no meat in the filling: only vegetables and spices.

But this does not mean that the dish will turn out insipid: it is hearty, juicy and fragrant. I will reveal a little secret how to achieve this: and an amazing sauce made from simple products will come to the rescue. By the way, in the same way, you can bring the classic khanum to the standard: the sauce will also suit it.

Required Ingredients:

  • 800 grams of any unleavened dough;
  • 800 grams of potatoes;
  • 200 grams of onions;
  • one tablespoon of salt;
  • one teaspoon of ground cumin;
  • one teaspoon ground black pepper.

For sauce:

  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 100 grams of onions;
  • 100 grams of carrots;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • one tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • dill and onion rings - for sprinkling.

How to make a great inexpensive dinner

  1. Potato tubers are peeled, washed and rubbed into strips on a grater for Korean vegetables. If not, just cut the potatoes into thin strips.
  2. Onion, peeled, cut into thin half rings.
  3. We send the potatoes and onions to a bowl, add salt, black pepper and ground cumin. Mix everything thoroughly with your hands.
  4. you need to prepare in advance: you can use your favorite recipe or look at the recipe for unleavened dough on our website.
  5. We form a sausage from the dough, and then cut it into equal parts. We turn each part into a cake, roll them into thin circles.
  6. Lubricate each circle of dough, spread the filling over the entire surface, roll up into a roll.
  7. We form a snail from the roll, press down a little on top. Immediately send to the sheets of the pressure cooker (they must be lubricated with oil) and set to cook for 45 minutes (after boiling water).
  8. In the meantime, let's make the sauce. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron, heat it up and spread finely chopped onions.
  9. After the onion is fried a little, add the carrots, grated on a coarse grater.
  10. Fry everything together for about three minutes, add tomato paste to the vegetables: mix and fry over high heat for another 3 minutes.
  11. Then add wheat flour, mix, fry for about a minute.
  12. Pour in water, salt and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Once the sauce thickens, it can be removed from the heat.
  13. We take another bowl, put chopped dill and chopped onion into thin rings. We mix everything.
  14. After the khanum is cooked, we take a deep saucepan, put a plastic bag inside.
  15. We spread the cakes with the filling in it in layers, pour each layer with plenty of sauce. We tie the cellophane on top and close the pan with a lid. Leave for a while so that the dish is saturated with sauce.

An excellent dinner of inexpensive products is served on the table, after sprinkling with onions and dill. An awesome dish that does not require any costs: no effort, no time, no money - many hostesses will like it. Fragrant, satisfying and very tasty cakes with vegetable filling and incomparable sauce - this is an excellent recipe that will become a favorite and diversify your everyday menu. For more amazing dinner ideas, stay tuned.

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