Rapunzel house 2 broke up with Dima. Pregnant Olga Rapunzel broke up with her husband. Olga Rapunzel and pregnancy: latest news

We give a short digest of the main events of the TV show. In the section, the site will inform you about the key news of Polyana and Ostrov. Everything that happens on the TV project today, February 15, you will be the first to know.

Serious passions invariably boil on the TV project. The participants build love in front of the whole country and try to prove that they deserve personal happiness. the site highlighted the main events taking place on the TV set today.


Future parents go on maternity leave. For lack of their own housing in Moscow, Olga Rapunzel and Dima Dmitrenko decide to stay in a hotel. Moreover, the option to move to the apartment of friends has disappeared - it has already been handed over. The long-haired participant of "DOMA-2" is thinking about how to collect all the things so as not to come 10 times. In addition, you need to settle not far from Polyana so that Dima can come to visit the guys.

Dima Dmitrenko and Olga Rapunzel

While her husband is at the TV set, Rapunzel intends to run her own blog. The pregnant girl is afraid that if some difficulty arises, she and Dmitrenko will have to leave for Vladivostok. And they want to "live in a high". See the details of Olga and Dima's move on February 15 on the air of DOMA-2.

Yulia Efremenkova broke up with Sergey Kucherov

Today is the couple's anniversary. Yulia Efremenkova decided to give Sergey Kucherov a gift and invited him on a date, where you need to cook hamburgers on your own. However, during the romance, it turned out that Efremenkova posed naked for the cover of a magazine, and her boyfriend did not like such candid shots.

Yulia Efremenkova and Sergey Kucherov

“When a girl is in a relationship, only I have to look at her body, it’s unpleasant for me,” Sergey said. The guys started talking about breaking up. The brunette remembered her lover and old grievances, and later noted that they needed to reach a new level of relationship - to disperse. How the disagreement of the chosen ones will end, watch today on TNT.


The brunette decided to explain her behavior, which sometimes seems strange to her boyfriend. Ivana Dilova said that in Bulgaria everything is somewhat different than in Russia: women and men have complete equality there. Therefore, Ivana, following her upbringing and traditions, will always behave as she sees fit. And if she doesn’t like what her man asks for, then she won’t do it.

Also, in Bulgaria couples can't kiss in public - it's not accepted. That is why she does not intend to show her feelings in front of the team, but will leave them only for Gobozov. Ilya Yabbarov, a friend of the chosen one, concluded that in Russia they know nothing about the Bulgarians.

Ivana Dilova and Sasha Gobozov

In fact, thoughts of divorce had been visiting his head for quite a long time - but what can I say, if he didn’t really want to marry a guy, knowing both about her bad character and about her dark past. But the scriptwriters of the television set firmly stood their ground - they had to marry the most scandalous couple of the project, no matter what they got up to - and they coped with their task. under their endless pressure, I had to drag the impudent flirtatious to the registry office and read from memory the oath of eternal love and devotion. And everything would be fine if everything worked out at least according to the scenario typical for Russian families “be patient, fall in love” - but no, the young man’s patience soon came to an end. So soon that, in fact, even two months from the moment of the marriage did not really have time to pass, and the bowl of his patience was already overflowing. For several episodes now, he complains in plain text that he was fed up with everything: an impenetrable, a la "peas against the wall" wife, a leadership that requires him to portray happiness on camera, and presenters that constantly break down on him, considering him a pear for whipping.

“Yes, how much can you endure all this - no matter how stupid they call me and consider me, but my angelic patience is already coming to an end. Well, is this a normal family life of two happy people?! No, everything is bad with us - without beauty and exaggeration. It would be better not to get married at all!” - so Dmitrenko in the heat of rage ... muttered something similar, as usual, under his breath. Was he heard by anyone? No, the presenters continued to make fun of him, and Rapunzel did not even think to stop nag him with or without reason. Has anything changed for the better? Well, this will be seen in upcoming releases - but so far there is not much progress planned. Were these “screams of the soul” of his another production? It is unlikely, because even if this is a fictitious marriage, it is officially registered, and the guy has to endure next to him a stuffed animal that he took as his wife. So will Dima have the courage to admit that he has gone too far just to stay on the project - that is, file for divorce, get rid of the heavy burden in the form of Rapunzel and finally breathe deeply? Place your bets ladies and gentlemen...

For many weeks, viewers voted for Olga Rapunzel to be kicked out, but the organizers took pity on the pregnant woman and removed her name from the application. But a couple of days ago, rumors appeared on the network that Olya was still forced to leave the set, and even her husband, who had recently returned to her, could not influence her decision. There are several versions of why it was Rapunzel, who for the sake of the show was even ready to give birth in front of the cameras, suddenly packed up her things and went out the gate, and according to one of them, the girl was very offended by the producers for refusing her to participate in the competition "Wedding in a Million". But Olya dreamed of having a wedding again, performing the sacrament of a wedding with her husband, but she completely refused to understand that she needed to fight for the main prize, which is extremely difficult to do while in the last stages of pregnancy. And the show’s staff is clearly not ready to take responsibility for the health of this lady and keep her in the Glade until the very day of delivery, so they changed the terms of cooperation, offering to think about the future baby, and not about the cash certificate, which they probably already promised to another couple, writes a website. This vile refusal outraged and offended Rapunzel so much that she decided to leave the project completely and establish life outside the perimeter on her own.

However, not everyone believes that this lady suddenly remembered her pride, because until recently Olya said that it was thanks to Domovoi producers that she managed to get registered in an elite clinic, she will give birth there, she does not need to think about a roof over her head and about nutrition, advertisers stand in line offering products for newborns and pregnant women, and besides, do not forget that Rapunzel is one of the highest paid TV heroines, and now her husband receives the same fee. So will Olga really give up all these benefits for the sake of a mythical million rubles? Hardly. Most likely, the girl and her husband went on maternity leave, and recently she has increasingly begun to complain about her health, insomnia and her baby, who does not let her sleep. The spectators are embarrassed by the complaints of the future mother about the child who has not even been born yet, because as soon as the girl is born, Rapunzel will forget what a dream is. We will be able to find out all the details of the departure of the Dmitrenko spouses in a few days, but for now, Olya and Dima delight the public with their endless showdowns, quarrels and showdown. Let's hope that in a week the future parents will go out the gate to calmly wait for the baby to be born without the hassle and the need to brighten up for the sake of broadcasts, because the public has already begun to worry about the child's health due to Olya's reckless behavior.

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One of the most talked about couples in their time on the reality show " House 2"officially registered their relationship on June 17, 2017. On July 30, Olya and her husband announced that they were leaving the project in order to build normal relationships outside the perimeter. However, Not even four months had passed since the marriage, when Rapunzel appeared in the Telestroy Glade. And she came without a husband: the pregnant Olya was accompanied by her mother. Rapunzel with tears in her eyes told the presenter Olga Buzova and to the participants of the show, all the horrors that I encountered while living with Dmitrenko.

According to the unfortunate girl, Dmitry raised his hand to her - she decided to leave him and seek asylum in "House-2":“When he began to open his hands, I really got scared. I really loved him ... Not anymore ... Just if I forgive him again now - that's it, I'm a rag, not a person. I'm filing for divorce tomorrow." In a conversation during tête-à-tête with Vlad Kadoni Olga Rapunzel spoke about her plans: “I rethought everything and realized for myself that it was time to become more mature, wiser ... I decided that I had to leave, that I could no longer forgive for the sake of the family, for the sake of the child, when a person does not understand.”

Pregnant Olya Rapunzel divorces her husband

Olya added that she did not hope for reconciliation with her husband and that he would come after her to the project. According to Rapunzel, they lived in scandals all the time: it’s good if everything was calm for a week a month. By the way, Olga published the last joint photo with Dmitry on Instagram quite recently: in the picture that appeared in her microblog on September 16, she and her husband are sitting in a restaurant and look quite happy.

Olga Rapunzel published the last joint photo with Dmitry on Instagram on September 16, shortly before returning to the project

Recall that at the end of August it became known that replenishment is expected in the family of Rapunzel and Dmitrenko. To dispel all the rumors regarding her interesting position, Olga published a photo on her microblog on Instagram, in which her rounded belly is clearly visible. "My life my rules! Start with yourself! I am not God to judge you, but many of you are clearly not yourself, be afraid of God and no one has canceled the boomerang yet! And As for my dear people, I appreciate and love you! Thank you for your support, for your love, without your love, I could not have done it! I am happy that I have you my favorite subscribers My love, Dima, You are in my heart. Love and take care of each other! - the former participant of the scandalous television program signed the picture (the spelling and punctuation of the author are given unchanged. - Note. ed.).

DOM-2 Lite 4894 day Daytime broadcast (03.10.2017): pregnant Olya Rapunzel returned to the project, but without her husband

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