Prince William (Prince William) - biography, information, personal life. How Prince William teaches George to be a king (and a man) Not at all a palace family idyll

William was the first crown prince to be born outside the royal palace - he was born in St Mary's Hospital in London. He became the object of attention of the paparazzi as soon as he was born: already at the exit from the maternity hospital, Diana and Charles fell under the lenses of cameras of numerous photographers who wanted to be the first to take a photo of the heir.

On August 4, 1982, the Prince was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Buckingham Palace and given the name William Arthur Philip Louis.

From 1990 to 1995, the Prince attended Ludgrove School in Berkshire. It was a boarding school, and William did everything like everyone else, even sharing a room with four other students. At school, he was the captain of the hockey and rugby teams, was fond of swimming, played football and basketball well, and also represented the school more than once in cross-country running marathons.

After school, William entered the famous Eton College, where he studied geography, biology and art history. The prince was always a diligent student and received good grades both in core subjects and in education, in addition, he easily found a common language with his peers. Thanks to sociability, natural tact and modesty, with an absolute absence of arrogance, he quickly acquired friends and acquaintances. True, in college he lived in a separate room and used a separate shower - but not out of arrogance, but for security reasons.

When William's parents divorced in August 1996, the prince took it hard. He was always closer to his mother than to his father, but Princess Diana talked a lot with her children even after the divorce. Even after the divorce, she continued to be considered a member of the royal family and lived in Kensington Palace, doing a lot of charity work.

The big blow in the prince's life came on August 31, 1997, when his mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident in Paris. The prince learned about the tragedy only on September 1 from his father, as Prince Charles forbade children to have a radio in the house. No matter how hard it was for him to cope with the grief that fell upon him, William found the strength to take part in organizing the funeral. He and his brother, Prince Harry, followed their mother's coffin in a funeral procession all the way to Westminster Abbey, where the funeral was held. After the death of his mother, William voluntarily visited a psychoanalyst. During this period, William's long-standing dislike of the press escalated to the limit: he blamed the paparazzi for the death of his mother.

In July 2000, after graduating from Eton College, the prince, like many students, decided to take a year off from his studies. He traveled a lot, visited Chile, visited African countries after his mother (Princess Diana was actively involved in charity), and even worked on an English dairy farm. After a year, Prince William chose his future path: he decided to enter the prestigious St. Andrews University in Scotland, and soon became a student. The prince celebrated his coming of age (according to British law, at 21) with an African-style party, which he held at Windsor Castle under the supervision of the queen herself.

The Prince's thesis in 2005 was devoted to coral reefs. He graduated with very good results (although not with honors), and in this he surpassed his father, a graduate of Cambridge. According to William himself, he spent four happy years in St. Andrew. For some time after graduation, William worked and was engaged in socially useful affairs, for example, he represented Her Majesty in New Zealand, in the cities of Wellington and Auckland at celebrations dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II.

In May 2006, Prince William entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He received his commission in December 2006 and joined the Royal Cavalry as a Second Lieutenant. In this regard, his career does not differ from that of his male ancestors, starting with Henry V, since in Great Britain the monarch formally heads the country's armed forces. In 2009, after graduating from the KVVS flight school in Cranwell, he was transferred to

Prince William is a man who has been able to feel special since he was born. His life attracts the attention of hundreds of thousands of people. And any miscalculations always become "food" for insatiable paparazzi. He is what he is, but in public he must always play the roles assigned to him. After all, he is Prince William, one of the heirs to the English throne. And this fact simultaneously remains his main gift and a heavy curse.

But what kind of person is hidden behind the impenetrable and insensitive mask of the august person? What are the most important moments included in his life, and how is Prince William different from other descendants of royal blood? Our biographical overview of one of the most famous Englishmen in modern European history will help you understand this.

Early years, childhood and the family of Prince William

The future prince was born at 9 pm on June 21, 1982 at St. Mary's Hospital in London, thus becoming the first heir to the throne born outside the royal palace. From the very moment he was born, he was surrounded by hundreds of people who hurried to take the first pictures of his parents leaving the hospital doors. Some time later, in a solemn ceremony, Princess Diana and her husband Prince Charles announced that they had chosen the name William for their son. From that moment began the long life of our today's hero.

In early August, the newborn prince was received at Buckingham Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury and baptized according to all the proper canons.

It is difficult to say whether he understood the fact that he was not the most ordinary child, but from childhood, William was not much different from other children. He was very restless, cheerful and inquisitive. For the last of these traits, his mother - Lady "Dee" - once called him a "thinker."

Prince William is nervous about...

At the age of eight, Prince William was assigned to the Berkshire Ludgrove School, where, along with other children, he studied reading, writing and arithmetic. This educational institution was built on the principle of a boarding house, and therefore our today's hero slept in the same room with four other students, in this regard, remaining the most ordinary student. While studying at Ludgrove, he became interested in sports. So, Prince William played football, rugby well and was even the captain of the local junior hockey team. In addition, the crown prince achieved good success in marathon running and athletics.

After graduating from the Berkshire School in 1995, Prince William entered the famous Eton College, where he began to study biology, geography and art history. In the classroom, the prince always showed himself as a diligent student and always received extremely positive grades. In addition, according to various sources, William always knew how to get along well with his peers, and therefore he was always surrounded by a large number of friends.

However, despite this, unlike other students, Prince William lived in a separate room in which there was no TV or radio. Therefore, the message about the death of his mother, Princess Diana, reached him somewhat belatedly. Once upon a time, William was very worried when he learned about the breakup of his parents. But the new news, which came a year later, plunged him into a real shock. The future heir fell into a protracted depression, began to communicate little with friends and skip classes. In order to cope with the burden that had piled on, William visited a psychoanalyst for some time. During this period, the prince's long-standing dislike for the press escalated to the limit.

Prince William's adult life

After graduating from Eton College in mid-2000, Prince William took some time off and decided to move away from education. During this period, he traveled a lot around the world, participating, like his mother, in charity events in Chile and African countries. According to some reports, the prince even worked for a short time on one of the English dairy farms. A short pause in studies allowed our today's hero to decide on his preferences and choose an educational institution where he would like to continue his education.

Such was the prestigious St. Andrews University, located in one of the regions of Scotland. William applied on a par with all the other students and very soon was successfully enrolled in the university. As the prince himself admitted, the years spent in St. Andrew were among the happiest in his life. Here he made many new friends, and also received a prestigious diploma, which he later could rightly be proud of. After graduating, William worked briefly in the public service, representing the Queen in New Zealand. And then he entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, where he received the rank of second lieutenant. After that, he studied for some time at the RAF flight school, where he was promoted to the rank of captain in the Royal Air Force.

Today, Prince William is a rescue helicopter pilot. In this capacity, he participated in many operations, including the mission of rescuing Russian sailors from the wrecked ship Swanland.

Prince William's Personal Life, Kate Middleton

However, it is by no means military exploits that have recently attracted special attention to the personality of our today's hero. The most interesting for the press and ordinary readers is Prince William's affair with a girl named Kate Middleton.

The couple's wedding ceremony took place in April 2011 at St. Peter's Church in London. The ceremony was broadcast live to dozens of countries around the world. In order to personally observe the wedding ceremony of the most august persons, thousands of people gathered in London from all over the world. According to some reports, the income of the municipal treasury from such a large-scale action amounted to more than 175 million dollars.

Prince William reveals how he changes his son's diapers

Three years later, there was a replenishment in the family of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. On July 22, 2013, their son George (Georg) Alexander Louis was born, who instantly became popular in all corners of the Earth. So, surprisingly, a newborn baby already has its own page in all major social networks. He is also dedicated to a personal article on Wikipedia.

William (Wilhelm) Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge(Eng. William Arthur Philip Louis of the United Kingdom, Duke of Cambridge) - Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus; eldest son of the Prince of Wales Charles and his first wife, Princess Diana, grandson of the Queen of Great Britain. He is second in line to the British throne after his father.

Place of Birth. Education. William was born on June 21, 1982 at 9 pm in London, in the Paddington area. William was the first crown prince to be born outside the royal palace - he was born at St Mary's Hospital in London.

On August 4, 1982, the Prince was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Buckingham Palace and given the name William Arthur Philip Louis.

From 1990 to 1995, the Prince attended Ludgrove School in Berkshire. It was a boarding school, and William did everything like everyone else, even sharing a room with four other students. At school, he was the captain of the hockey and rugby teams, was fond of swimming, played football and basketball well, and also represented the school more than once in cross-country running marathons.

After school, William entered Eton College, where he studied geography, biology and art history. The prince was always a diligent student and received good grades, both in core subjects and in education, in addition, he easily found a common language with his peers. Thanks to sociability, natural tact and modesty, with an absolute absence of arrogance, he quickly acquired friends and acquaintances. True, in college he lived in a separate room and used a separate shower - but not out of arrogance, but for security reasons.

When William's parents divorced in August 1996, the prince took it hard. He was always closer to his mother than to his father, but Princess Diana talked a lot with her children even after the divorce. Even after the divorce, she continued to be considered a member of the royal family and lived in Kensington Palace, doing a lot of charity work.

The big blow in the prince's life came on August 31, 1997, when his mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident in Paris. The prince learned about the tragedy only on September 1 from his father, as Prince Charles forbade children to have a radio in the house. No matter how hard it was for him to cope with the grief that fell upon him, William found the strength to take part in organizing the funeral. He and his brother followed the mother's coffin in a funeral procession all the way to Westminster Abbey, where the funeral took place. After the death of his mother, William voluntarily visited a psychoanalyst.

In July 2000, after graduating from Eton College, the prince decided to take a year off from his studies. He traveled a lot, visited Chile, visited African countries after his mother (Princess Diana was actively involved in charity), and even worked on an English dairy farm. After a year, Prince William chose his future path: he decided to enter the prestigious St. Andrews University in Scotland, and soon became a student. The prince celebrated his coming of age (according to British law, at 21) with an African-style party, which he held at Windsor Castle under the supervision of the queen herself.

The Prince's thesis in 2005 was devoted to coral reefs. He graduated with very good results (although not with honors), and in this he surpassed his father, a graduate of Cambridge. According to William himself, he spent four happy years in St. Andrew. For some time after graduation, William worked and was engaged in socially useful affairs, for example, he represented Her Majesty in New Zealand, in the cities of Wellington and Auckland at celebrations dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II.

Military service. In May 2006, Prince William entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He received his commission in December 2006 and joined the Royal Cavalry as a Second Lieutenant. In this regard, his career does not differ from that of his male ancestors, starting with Henry V, since in Great Britain the monarch formally heads the country's armed forces. In 2009, after graduating from the RAF Flight School in Cranwell, he was transferred to the Royal Air Force and promoted to Captain (Flight Lieutenant). He served as a rescue helicopter pilot. His service as a rescue helicopter pilot ended in September 2013.

Work as a pilot. In 2014, it was announced that the Duke would work as a pilot for the East Anglian Air Ambulance stationed at Cambridge Airport. The prince was paid a salary, which he transferred in full to the charitable foundation of the medical service. In July 2017, the Duke left his Air Ambulance job to take on a more active role in royal duties on behalf of his grandmother, the Queen.

Sport. In May 2006, Prince William succeeded his uncle, the Duke of York, as president of the Football Association of England. Being an active sportsman and also a supporter of the Birmingham Aston Villa football club, the prince expressed his ardent desire to involve as many children as possible in football.

A family. On November 16, 2010, Clarence House announced the engagement of Prince William and his longtime girlfriend. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place on April 29, 2011 at the London Collegiate Church of St. Peter's in Westminster Abbey. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams officially proclaimed Prince William and Kate Middleton husband and wife, and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain awarded the young couple the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

On July 22, 2013 at 4:24 pm local time, Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton gave birth to a boy, George (George) Alexander Louis.

On September 4, 2017, Kensington Palace announced that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their third child, due in the spring of 2018. April 23, 2018duchess of cambridge Kate Middleton gave birth to a boy.

0 June 21, 2012, 11:35 am

Prince William

Today, the Crown Prince of the British Throne (he is second only to his father Charles in the order of succession) and the Duke of Cambridge are 30 years old!

Last year in ours, we talked in detail about Prince William. Many people know that he was born in St. Mary's Hospital and became the first British crown prince to be born outside the royal palace. The first child of Prince Charles and Princess Diana instantly became the darling of the press, which remains to this day. Just look at William's childhood photos - what a cutie!

Prince William with parents

William and Harry saddle their first horses

William with his mother and great-grandmother

He studied at a boarding house in Berkshire, then at Eton, where he studied geography, biology and art history and was actively involved in sports. After graduating from college, William took a short break from his studies and went to travel, wanting to gain life experience.

Then he entered the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where he met the love of his life - now the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine. Their last April became one of the main and highlight events of 2011, and until now their wedding is called the "dream wedding".

William is not just a crown prince and a devoted husband, but also (in 2008 he was ordained a Knight of the Garter), a pilot, military man and philanthropist (the other day, along with Kate, he fed in the reserve).

Since childhood, he dreamed of saving people!

This year, we have selected 10 little-known or interesting facts about Prince William that everyone should know:

1. When Prince William was seven years old, he told Princess Diana that he wanted to become a police officer so he could keep an eye on her. And the five-year-old replied that he could not, since he would have to become king.

Diana with sons

2. When William was 13, he was crazy about a supermodel. In 1996, Princess Diana invited her to the palace for tea during Easter, fulfilling the young prince's cherished dream.

3. It is worth saying that 1996 was a good year for William on the personal front! This year for Valentine's Day, he received over 90 valentines!

4. As a child, William's parents called him a "wombat" (an Australian marsupial animal - approx. "Gossip"), which is consonant with his name.

5. In honor of the 21st birthday of Prince William, the national postal service Royal Mail issued a postage stamp with his image in the United Kingdom. Over twenty million of these stamps were sold throughout the country!

6. It was Prince William's idea to sell over 70 dresses from his mother, Diana of Wales, for charity. At Christie's auction in New York, the total amount of dresses sold was $ 5,700,000. Mom would be proud of him!

Diana was a real fashionista!

7. In 2005, William received a Master of Arts degree in geography from the Scottish University of St. Andrews and a second-class honors degree. This is the highest academic achievement among the heirs to the British throne!

8. Prince William and his father Charles cannot fly on the same plane, as the crash of their plane could take the lives of two pretenders to the throne at once.

9. Two days after the announcement of his engagement, William, as a rescue helicopter pilot, took part in an operation to rescue a man stuck in the mountains during a storm with chest pains. A real hero!

Probably, every resident of any country from anywhere in the world has seen and heard about such a famous person as Prince William of Wales, who is second in line for the coronation and the throne of England.

Prince William as a child:

William is one of the sons of Charles of Wales and the beloved late Princess Diana.. For the reason that Prince William is the first child and, therefore, the heir, after his father, from the first minutes of the boy's life, incredible fame and attention of photographers and paparazzi came to him, who to this day do not miss the opportunity to capture every moment as public, and William's personal life.

Childhood and youth of Prince William

Despite the fact that in the royal family, as a rule, the heirs do not go to school, but study at home, William's parents decided to send the boy to Weverby Primary School, after which to Landgrove, so that their son could grow up as an ordinary child, communicating with their peers.

After graduation, William continued to receive education at the famous Eton, after which he successfully entered and graduated from the University of St. Andrews (where he met his future wife, Kate Middleton). In addition to studying, William has always preferred various sports, such as: hockey, rugby, swimming, football and basketball.

In May 2006, Prince William entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He was promoted to officer in December 2006. In 2009, William of Wales graduated from the RAF Cranwell flying school and was transferred to the Royal Air Force with the rank of captain. In December 2011, he participated in the operation to rescue Russian sailors from the sinking ship Swanland.

Today, Prince William is the darling of all of England, a professional athlete and president of the English Football Association, and is actively involved in charity work.

However, as Prince William of Wales himself says, the most important thing in all his achievements is that he was finally lucky to become a loving husband and a wonderful father.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

The incredibly beautiful girl Kate Middleton became the chosen one of Prince William of Wales, about the relationship with which a book was written and published in England. Kate and Prince William met while studying at the University of St. Andrews (Kate is a former classmate of Prince William).

Photos of Kate Middleton as a child:

Wonderful couple - William and Kate:

The entire royal family of William favorably reacted to the choice of the heir to the throne, and the British Mint, in honor of the engagement of the young, issued a five-pound coin, which depicts William and Kate.

The day of Prince William's wedding ceremony (April 29, 2011) created a stir and riveted the attention of viewers from all over the world. A separate TV channel broadcast live throughout the ceremony, after which one could see happy photo reports of the newlyweds in almost every magazine.

Prince William's son - Prince of Cambridge George Alexander Louis

To date, William and Kate have already managed to acquire their first child (the baby was born on July 22, 2013), who, after the official registration of his title, received the name HRH The Prince of Cambridge George Alexander Louis. For two weeks, young parents did not want to publicly demonstrate their child, and only after this period did the first photos of little George with his famous mom and dad appear.

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