What does the temperature rise during the course of antibiotic therapy mean? Causes of diarrhea while taking antibiotics

Inflammation of the bladder is most often a female problem. It is good if a woman came to an experienced doctor who prescribed the correct treatment and immediately relieved her of the disease. Because often women try to treat cystitis themselves, which translates the disease into a chronic form, and with any decrease in immunity or other provocation, the disease worsens.

One of these provocations can be the use of antibacterial drugs. Everyone knows that these drugs have a detrimental effect on the microflora, which provokes the activity of bacteria that live in the bladder of a woman suffering from chronic inflammation. This is especially so if antibiotics were prescribed in a large dose and for a long time.

It is noteworthy that the chronic form of the pathology can worsen when taking a correctly prescribed dose of an antibacterial drug. Then the cause can be considered not the medication itself, but the disease for which they were prescribed.

Cystitis after antibiotics can also develop, which happens much less frequently. If there is an inflammation of the bladder, then the man must consult a urologist and undergo an examination, since cystitis is not a typical problem for the male and one should look for concomitant urological pathology.

Causes of the disease

Summing up the mechanisms of development of cystitis after taking antibiotics, we can say that the main reason is the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the bladder of a woman, that is, chronic sluggish inflammation. And the cause of chronic cystitis is an incorrectly treated disease in the acute stage.

What else can provoke inflammation of the bladder when taking antibiotics?

  • The presence of chronic infections of the genital tract (gonorrhea, chlamydia);
  • kidney or bladder stones;
  • Frequent change of sexual partners, unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • Frequent douching, which disrupts the local immunity of the vagina and urethra, allowing pathogenic bacteria to enter the bladder.

Symptoms of cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder after antibiotics in the clinical picture does not differ from cystitis caused by other factors.

Women complain of pain in the suprapubic region, frequent urination in small portions, burning during and outside of urination. The temperature can rarely rise, weakness, sweating appear, appetite disappears - a violation of the general condition develops due to intoxication of the body.

How to distinguish fungal inflammation?

Rarely, due to the use of antibiotics, activation of opportunistic fungal flora with the development of candidal cystitis can occur. A feature of candidal inflammation (caused by fungi) is that, in addition to the symptoms characteristic of a bladder disease, a woman will complain of itching of the genital organs and candidal vaginitis (thrush) develops.


Diagnosis of cystitis is carried out according to complaints and a general urine test. The presence in the urine of a large number of leukocytes without clinical signs is also a manifestation of the disease and requires proper treatment.

Sometimes, to prescribe therapy, a doctor performs a urine culture to determine which microorganism has caused the disease and prescribe an antibiotic that is highly specific for this microbe. According to the results of bakposev, it is possible not only to identify the bacterial or fungal nature of the inflammation, but also to determine the exact pathogen (most often it is Escherichia coli).

Treatment of cystitis after antibiotics

The appearance of cystitis is not a reason to cancel antibiotic therapy, but the disease must be treated. Be sure to add antifungal drugs (fluconazole at a dose of 150 mg once or 1 time per week with continued use of antibiotics) and herbal remedies that improve kidney function, in particular, the drug.

In acute cystitis, in addition to the above drugs, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics (after completing the course of antibiotic therapy for the underlying disease). It would seem, why? After all, the cause of the disease is the intake of the same drugs.

But for the treatment of cystitis, special drugs are needed, which are maximally excreted by the kidneys, therefore, in high concentrations they enter the urinary organs. These antibiotics include levofloxacin and . By prescribing one of the drugs in an individual dosage, the doctor achieves the death of active bacteria in the bladder, kidneys, and urethra.

Usually, after taking antibiotics and herbal tinctures, the symptoms are eliminated, the burning sensation goes away. However, chronic inflammation therapy continues in order to destroy microbes that are in an inactive stage.

Long-term use of uroseptics

After taking a course of antibiotics, the specialist will prescribe uroseptics (furamag, nitroxoline and others) to the patient for 10-14 days in a full dose.

Then, according to WHO recommendations, for the treatment of chronic cystitis, including against the background of antibiotics, a half-dose uroseptic should be taken for several months. This will break the vicious circle of ever-recurring chronic cystitis.

Together with uroseptics, you can use herbal tinctures and kidney fees. An excellent tool for fighting infections of the genitourinary system and their prevention is cranberries in any form (compotes, teas, jams, fresh berries).

An integrated approach with the appointment of adequate, individually selected therapy and the elimination of provoking factors is the basis for the treatment of cystitis caused by antibiotics.

Adverse reactions to antibiotics are always associated with their intake and usually disappear after stopping treatment or after changing the drug.

Adverse reactions to antibiotics can be very diverse, and the same adverse reactions, in different cases, can be different in strength. Below we describe the most common adverse reactions associated with antibiotics.

As you know, antibiotics have the greatest effect on tissues and cells that are in active division and development. It is for this reason that the use of any antibiotics during pregnancy and lactation is highly undesirable. Most current antibiotics have not been adequately tested for use in pregnancy and therefore their use during pregnancy or breastfeeding should be undertaken with great caution and only when the risk of not taking antibiotics outweighs the risk of harm to the baby.

  1. I.M. Abdullin Antibiotics in clinical practice, Salamat, 1997
  • Katzunga B.G. Basic and clinical pharmacology, Binom; St. Petersburg: Nev. Dialect, 2000.
  • What are the consequences after antibiotics

    How to eliminate the consequences of taking antibiotics? Recovering after antibiotic therapy

    Often the circumstances of our life and health develop in such a way that taking antibiotics becomes simply necessary. After all, we live in a rather aggressive environment, in the air we breathe, in food, water, no matter what purification it undergoes, there are millions of bacteria, including pathogens. And when their onslaught becomes stronger than the protection of our body, they begin to multiply in it, causing this or that disease.

    However, although antibiotics are the most effective drugs against microorganisms, their treatment does not go unnoticed - dysbacteriosis of the intestines and mucous membranes, a drop in immunity, hypovitaminosis, disruption of the internal organs - and this is not the whole list of consequences of antibiotic treatment. Therefore, after effective antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of antibiotic treatment and restoring the health and normal functioning of our body.

    The central link in the system of disorders after antibiotic treatment is intestinal dysbacteriosis. Bacteria in our colon protect it from other microorganisms, secrete certain vitamins, and aid in the final stages of digestion. After taking antibiotics, these bacteria die, opening the way for other microorganisms that emit gases and other toxic substances that prevent the absorption of water. From all this, a typical set of symptoms is formed - frequent diarrhea, flatulence, bloating and abdominal pain, symptoms of general intoxication (weakness, weakness, sometimes a slight increase in temperature).

    There is only one way to eliminate such consequences of antibiotic treatment - taking probiotic preparations containing live bacteria that are beneficial to our body (Linex, Bifidumbacterin). In mild cases, it is enough just to drink a course of these drugs, in more severe cases, it is necessary to do a stool culture to determine the nature of the pathogenic microflora, prescribe a specific antibacterial drug, with the simultaneous introduction of a culture of beneficial microorganisms resistant to this drug and the mandatory use of prebiotics (Duphalac, Portalac) - a complex of carbohydrates, vitamins and amino acids necessary for the faster growth of beneficial bacteria.

    The next step in eliminating the consequences of antibiotic treatment is the restoration of the microflora of the mucous membranes - the oral cavity and vagina in women. Often, against the background of antibiotic therapy, people develop oral candidiasis and thrush - the reason for this is that fungi of the genus Candida are resistant to a number of antibiotics, and the bacteria living next to them are not, therefore, in the absence of competition, fungi develop rapidly. The elimination of this condition is divided into two stages: first you need to destroy the pathogenic fungus, then restore the normal balance of microorganisms. The second stage is not needed in the treatment of oral candidiasis, since the microflora there is successfully restored on its own. For the destruction of fungi, both local (creams, suppositories, ointments) and general (tablets and capsules) methods of treatment are used. The most commonly used drugs are Miconazole, Nystatin, Fluconazole. After that, in many cases, in women it is necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina, for which Bifidin, Acilak, Biovestin vaginal suppositories are used.

    To restore the body as soon as possible and eliminate the consequences of antibiotic treatment, then a number of restorative measures are used. So, for example, after antibiotic therapy, a person may have a lack of certain vitamins, which requires taking multivitamin preparations - Multivit, Kvadevit and others. There is also a strong decrease in the functioning of the immune system, which is manifested by frequent colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and the occurrence of various allergies. This requires taking immunomodulators - drugs that increase the functioning of the immune system. Echinacea purpurea extract is best suited for this.

    Antibiotics can damage many organs and tissues, but the liver and kidneys are most susceptible to attack. Therefore, the elimination of the consequences of treatment with high doses of antibiotics must necessarily include maintenance therapy for these organs - for the liver, it is worth taking any hepatoprotectors (Essentiale Forte, for example), and the use of table alkaline mineral waters has a beneficial effect on the kidneys.

    As you can see, after treatment with antibiotics, there can be quite serious consequences that require a set of therapeutic measures to restore the normal functioning of the body. But so far there is nothing better against bacteria and the diseases they cause. Therefore, taking antibiotics and eliminating the consequences of treatment with them must be approached competently - then you will very quickly restore your health.

    Negative effects of taking antibiotics

    Antibiotics save a person's life, but at the same time they bring a whole range of side effects and conditions.

    Here are some of the side effects of taking antibiotics.

    Intestinal dysbacteriosis. It occurs due to the fact that antibiotics kill not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines.

    As soon as beneficial bacteria (lactic acid, bifidobacteria, etc.) die, everyone who is not lazy takes their place.

    As a result, digestion, absorption are disturbed, constipation or diarrhea develops, and dangerous intestinal infections can develop.

    To cope with the problem of dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to quickly restore the normal intestinal flora after antibiotic therapy.

    For this, there are probiotics - preparations containing live cultures of beneficial bacteria.

    A good intestinal probiotic should be complex, i.e. contain not one type of beneficial bacteria, but several. The composition must necessarily contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

    By the way, some drugs contain bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

    Such medicines can be taken at the same time as an antibiotic.

    In this case - the dysbacteriosis can not be in general.

    Avitaminosis is a common condition that develops against the background of dysbacteriosis

    It is the bacteria in the intestines that produce a number of vitamins, so after prescribing an antibiotic, it is recommended to take a course of vitamin therapy.

    Vaginal dysbacteriosis also develops against the background of taking antibiotics.

    Manifestation of vaginal dysbacteriosis - vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, itching.

    It is important to remember that vaginal dysbiosis cannot be treated with oral probiotics.

    In a woman who observes elementary rules of hygiene, the contents of the intestine (including flora) do not enter the vagina.

    Probiotics for this type of dysbacteriosis are prescribed only locally, and in the form of vaginal suppositories, tablets and capsules.

    Infectious - toxic shock.

    If someone correctly guessed the sensitivity of the pathogen, correctly suggested the antibiotic, and you took it correctly, this can cause toxic shock.

    The fact is that many antibiotics destroy the cell wall of the pathogen. In this case, the body receives the contents of the dead bacterial cell as a bonus.

    It contains a lot of unpleasant substances (enzymes and radicals, etc.)

    If the pathogen managed to breed - the consequences can be sad. Such cases occur with self-treatment with antibiotics.

    Treat under the supervision of a doctor, even if you are treated at home.

    After antibiotics, the liver often gets tired no less than from a serious binge.

    Most antibiotics pass through the renal enzyme systems.

    There is also a “line” of food, alcohol, decay products from the circulatory system, and much more.

    That is why alcohol should not be consumed while taking antibiotics.

    Taking antibiotics can cause allergic reactions.

    It is important to know what drugs you are allergic to and tell your doctor about it, as well as about any other side effects that occur while taking antibiotics.

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    Consequences of antibiotics

    The most common consequences of the action of antibiotics on the intestinal microflora are dysbacteriosis, diarrhea (diarrhea) and reduced immunity.

    Dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis) is a qualitative change in the normal species composition of intestinal bacteria. It is imperative to understand that dysbiosis is a syndrome in many intestinal diseases, and not a separate disease.

    There is an opinion that intestinal dysbacteriosis occurs as a result of an imbalance in the intestinal microflora due to various reasons: the use of antibacterial agents, in particular antibiotics, malnutrition, impaired immune function, etc. But basically dysbacteriosis is a consequence of antibiotics.

    The problem of dysbiosis is now very relevant. Treating dysbacteriosis is not only expensive, but also long and difficult.

    - unstable stool (alternating diarrhea and constipation);

    - loose stools and diarrhea in a child (diarrhea in a child);

    • Flatulence (a feeling of fullness in the abdomen due to increased gas formation, rumbling).
    • Abdominal pain (usually monotonous, pulling and bursting, sometimes strong, colicky).
    • Gastrointestinal dyspepsia syndrome (feeling of fullness in the stomach, belching, nausea with preserved appetite; flatulence, difficulty defecation; pain in the abdomen like intestinal colic, which disappears after bowel movement; change in the nature of feces - mushy or liquid, frothy, fetid).
    • Symptoms of polyhypovitaminosis (various types of anemia)
    • food allergy

    Dysbacteriosis in infants deserves special attention.

    According to statistics, 60% of women during pregnancy receive antibiotics for various infections, and did not receive probiotics as a prophylaxis, which affect the treatment of dysbacteriosis. In this regard, they developed disorders of the intestinal and vaginal microflora during childbirth.

    Since dysbacteriosis was not prevented while taking antibiotics, and it is not so easy to treat dysbacteriosis, dysbacteriosis occurred in infants.

    Dysbacteriosis in infants is most often manifested by diarrhea. Diarrhea in a child is characterized by frequent stools, but it is most dangerous when the child's body loses water.

    Also, dysbacteriosis in infants is often manifested by constipation. Sometimes rashes appear on the shoulders and face, diathesis develops. Treatment of diarrhea does not always lead to the restoration of intestinal microflora.

    Why is it more difficult to treat dysbacteriosis than to prevent it? After all, it would seem that it is enough to drink kefirs and yogurts (what contains the necessary lactic bacteria) and the problem is solved.

    A normal bacterial flora is essential for human life.

    The two main functions of the microflora are: protection against pathogenic bacteria and stimulation of the immune system.

    In order to restore your own beneficial intestinal flora, you need a fairly long period of time. Therefore, in order not to treat dysbacteriosis, it is better to prevent it! Take Lacidophil from the first day of taking antibiotics.

    It is necessary to treat intestinal dysbacteriosis in a complex and directed manner. Attention should be paid not only to the cure of the underlying disease, the normalization of microflora, but also to increase the resistance and immunological reactivity of the organism.

    One of the most common and unpleasant symptoms of dysbacteriosis is diarrhea (diarrhea). Diarrhea (diarrhea) in a child is always a big problem, because it carries a danger for the child: dehydration.

    In most cases, diarrhea (diarrhea) in a child is manifested by the following symptoms: the child has no appetite, there may be a feeling of slight nausea. General weakness, temperature fluctuates very easily. The chair is very liquid, frequent.

    Diarrhea (diarrhea) in a child causes anxiety, poor sleep, tearfulness. Often diarrhea in a child is accompanied by irritation of the anal area.

    Often diarrhea (diarrhea) in a child is a consequence of the action of antibiotics. In order to protect the child and prevent the development of diarrhea in a child when taking antibiotics, use Lacidophil from the first day of antibiotic treatment.

    First of all, the treatment of diarrhea (diarrhea) should be aimed at eliminating its cause.

    One of the most important aspects in the treatment of diarrhea (diarrhea) is to prevent dehydration of the body. Since ordinary drinking water does not contain sugar, mineral salts that the body loses during diarrhea, it is very important to compensate for this loss by drinking a large amount of liquid containing these substances. It can be rehydrating solutions, broth, mineral water.

    It is very important to follow a diet. From the diet for the entire period of the disease, it is necessary to exclude fatty foods, coffee and milk. It is recommended to use (especially for children) bananas, boiled rice, applesauce, crackers.

    In some cases, the treatment of diarrhea (diarrhea) of infectious origin requires the use of antibacterial drugs, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

    In the complex treatment of diarrhea, it is also recommended to use probiotics to restore your own beneficial intestinal microflora. To avoid the treatment of diarrhea caused by taking antibiotics, use Lacidophil from the first day of taking antibacterial agents.

    Dysbacteriosis while taking antibiotics

    Drugs for the treatment of dysbacteriosis after antibiotics

    Antibacterial therapy is widely used to eliminate a large number of diseases. Despite the high pharmacological effect, while taking antibiotics, there is a risk of developing a large number of side effects. One of them is dysbacteriosis.

    The cure for dysbacteriosis after antibiotics is designed to restore the normal intestinal microflora, eliminate colonies of pathogenic bacteria, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Therapy of dysbiosis should be comprehensive - in addition to the use of several groups of drugs, the patient must monitor the diet. This will eliminate the acute course of dysbacteriosis and quickly eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

    Why does dysbacteriosis develop?

    The risk of developing dysbiosis increases if:

    1. The patient has a history of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    2. In the event that the patient increases the recommended dosage or duration of antibiotics.
    3. In cases where the patient is self-medicating and prescribes an antibacterial drug to himself without first consulting a doctor.
    4. If the patient does not follow the doctor's recommendations regarding nutrition against the background of the use of antibacterial agents.

    If an antibiotic is prescribed, then fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet, and alcohol should not be allowed. Fractional meals are recommended (at least 4 times a day, preferably at the same time), sufficient consumption of fermented milk products, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables.

    How is dysbacteriosis manifested?

    With dysbacteriosis, there is a violation of the ratio of "useful" microflora to pathogenic and this can provoke the development of the following reactions:

    • Gastrointestinal disorders: stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea), development of flatulence, pain in the abdomen, lack of appetite, weight loss.
    • There is a deterioration in the absorption of essential vitamins, which leads to the development of hypovitaminosis. The skin and mucous membranes become drier and more sensitive, jams and cracks appear. Not against the background of a lack of vitamins and trace elements, such a dangerous complication as anemia can develop.

    Medications to fix the problem

    The medicine for dysbacteriosis after antibiotics is selected by a gastroenterologist, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the patient's body, as well as the existing manifestations of the disease. An example therapy regimen is as follows:

    • The use of enzyme preparations that normalize the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Antispasmodics to eliminate pain in the epigastric region.
    • Immunomodulators in order to normalize the normal functioning of the immune system. It can be both herbal medicines and synthetic drugs.
    • An important place is given to the use of probiotics, prebiotics, eubiotics. The preparations of these groups contain live colonies of microorganisms that eliminate the imbalance and normalize the internal eco system of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of heaviness in the abdomen, stool disorders, discomfort and flatulence gradually disappear. Preparations of this group can be used for a long period of time.
    • Reception of vitamin-mineral complexes is designed to eliminate the problem of deficiency of vital vitamins and microelements. Particular attention is paid to B vitamins, folic acid, vitamins A, E and D.

    Some women develop dysbiosis of both the intestines and the vagina while taking antibacterial agents. This requires a full-time examination by a gynecologist and the appointment of a separate therapy regimen.

    In the event that the development of dysbiosis against the background of an antibiotic has occurred in a child, such drugs as Chlorophyllipt, Hilak Forte, Lineks, Bifidumbacterin can be used. Nursing mothers should consider stopping breastfeeding if there is a need to take antibacterial drugs. The antibiotic has the ability to penetrate into breast milk and dysbiosis can develop in a small child.

    The cure for dysbacteriosis after antibiotics allows you to quickly normalize the intestinal microflora. However, the treatment should be selected by a doctor. Self-medication may not have the expected therapeutic effect, which will lead to a deterioration in well-being and the progression of the disease.

    Against the background of the use of antibiotics, it is imperative to take probiotic preparations and introduce a sufficient amount of fermented milk products and dietary fiber into the diet.

    Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics

    With prolonged use of antibiotics, a qualitative change in the normal microflora of the intestines and skin occurs - dysbacteriosis, which is fraught with indigestion, the development of various fungal diseases, and inflammatory processes.

    Intestinal dysbacteriosis

    The most common violation when taking antibiotics, since it is in the intestines that a huge amount of "beneficial" bacteria is concentrated. When the balance of these microorganisms is disturbed, a number of symptoms occur:

    • violation of the stool (constipation, diarrhea);
    • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
    • possible abdominal pain;
    • belching, flatulence, bloating;
    • possible manifestation of allergic reactions (itching of the skin and mucous membranes, rashes) due to intoxication;
    • due to impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals, the development of beriberi, dry skin, its peeling.

    It should be remembered that in the initial stages, dysbacteriosis may not manifest itself in any way, but if you are undergoing antibiotic treatment, taking drugs to prevent dysbacteriosis is necessary.

    Dysbacteriosis of the vagina

    A fairly common complication after taking antibiotics, because due to a violation of the microflora, various pathogenic (primarily fungal) microorganisms begin to actively multiply. Candidiasis develops, the common name is thrush.

    Unlike intestinal dysbacteriosis, for the treatment of which it is often sufficient to take drugs that restore normal microflora, this consequence of dysbacteriosis requires separate treatment, with the use of not only various drugs to restore microflora, but also antifungal drugs.

    Treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis

    In order to avoid the development of dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to combine taking antibiotics with taking funds to maintain normal intestinal microflora. Moreover, one drug "Yogurt in capsules", which is the most popular, in this situation is actually not enough. The most effective is a complex of probiotics bifidoform (or its analogues), lactobacterin and antifungal drugs (for example, nystatin). It should also be remembered that although the course of taking antibiotics is most often limited to a period of 7-10 days, preparations to normalize the microflora must be taken for at least a month.

    Treatment of dysbacteriosis, if preventive measures were not taken in advance, is no different from prevention, except that the course of treatment may be longer.

    Antibiotics do not treat dysbacteriosis. Antifungal drugs can be prescribed, but not as a remedy for dysbacteriosis, but to combat the diseases that have developed against it.

    To restore the normal intestinal microflora, two groups of drugs are used - prebiotics and probiotics.

    Probiotics are preparations containing live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli used to “settle” the intestines. Such products should be stored in a cool, dark place, otherwise the live bacteria contained in them die and the medicine becomes ineffective.

    In addition, before entering the intestines, probiotic capsules enter the stomach, and as a result, under the influence of gastric juice, only 1 to 10% of the ingested beneficial bacteria survive.

    Prebiotics are drugs that stimulate the growth of one's own microflora. They contain substances that are food for intestinal bacteria and stimulate their reproduction. Storage conditions do not matter.

    Thus, the course of treatment of dysbacteriosis should be comprehensive and include not only preparations containing the necessary bacteria, but also preparations stimulating their production by the body itself.

    After taking antibiotics, you need to treat dysbacteriosis

    Introduced in the early 20th century, antibiotics have saved millions of lives and greatly increased life expectancy. Today, the "saviors of mankind" have caused the emergence of new diseases, including cancer, allergies, chronic infections and heart disease. The cause of diseases is dysbacteriosis - the aggressive destruction of the natural intestinal microflora with antibiotics.

    Dysbacteriosis: danger

    The intestine provides up to 70% of the immunity of the whole organism. A healthy intestinal microflora ensures the normal absorption of nutrients from food and strong immunity.

    Live bacteria that protect the body are very vulnerable. Even a single stress can completely destroy the entire colony of protective bacteria in the small intestine. In addition to stress, bacteria are affected by ecology, malnutrition, diseases of internal organs and infections.

    The effect of antibiotics on colonies of protective bacteria in the small intestine resembles an aggressive genocide - they are destroyed without a trace. The body remains defenseless against infections.

    Dysbacteriosis: treatment

    Dysbacteriosis always occurs after antibiotics: only a doctor can prescribe treatment. Nevertheless, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of treatment, the full course of which must be completed.

    The main treatment for dysbacteriosis is the colonization of the intestines with beneficial microflora. To do this, take drugs containing beneficial bacteria. The doctor will help you choose the medicine. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor or, at least, the instructions. The duration of administration indicated by the creators of the drug and the daily dosage are optimal for restoring the colony of intestinal lactobacilli.

    To effectively restore the body's immune barriers, probiotic preparations are not only taken orally: they are gargled, instilled in the nose, applied rectally or vaginally.

    Healthy microflora of the body

    The body receives a colony of beneficial bacteria at birth. They are found on the mucous membranes, in the skin, in the intercellular space. Each cell in the body has a certain number of protective bacteria. When breastfeeding, the baby receives beneficial microorganisms with milk - this is why mother's milk is so useful.

    If you need to take antibiotics, you need to start taking probiotics at the same time.

    Antibiotics: rules for taking

    Treatment with antibiotics is prescribed only by a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of drugs can be harmful: only a specialist knows which drugs will help with a particular disease. In some diseases, such as viral or allergic, antibiotics are useless and only weaken the body.

    The type of antibiotic is determined individually according to the results of bakposev.

    Take antibiotics should be a full course, at least 5-7 days. The recommended daily dose should also be observed.

    Violation of the dosage and duration of the course of treatment leads to the emergence of bacteria that are resistant to the effects of the drug. Subsequently, you will have to increase dosages all the time and use stronger drugs for treatment.

    Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics can be prevented if you start taking drugs with live bacteria at the same time as antibiotics.

    Probiotics: which drug to choose

    It should not be assumed that it is possible to restore the balance of microflora in a natural way, for example, by consuming fermented milk products. The predominance of pathogenic microflora after antibiotics is eliminated only by the introduction of a huge amount of probiotics. To replace one capsule of the drug, hundreds of liters of live kefir or yogurt will be required.

    What drug to choose? Doctors prefer liquid preparations. But they require refrigeration and are harder to take than capsules. Therefore, those who take the remedy at work or are constantly in a hurry can use capsules - they are just as effective.

    Most often, doctors prescribe liquid probiotics: hilak-forte, bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin - or linex capsules, probifor or bactisubtil. Pharmaceutics does not stand still, new effective medicines appear every day.

    Dysbacteriosis: diet

    For effective treatment of dysbacteriosis, a diet is necessary.

    • dairy products;
    • vegetables;
    • sweet fruits;
    • cereals;
    • lean meat;
    • bran bread;
    • applesauce - it is recommended to eat it several times a day.
    • all dishes with spices and marinades;
    • onion garlic;
    • smoked meats;
    • mushrooms;
    • chocolate, ice cream;
    • sour fruits;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • spinach and sorrel.

    Taking antibiotics aggressively destroys healthy intestinal microflora. It is most advisable to start taking probiotics at the same time as treatment. Prevention of dysbacteriosis is much more effective than its treatment.

    You may also be interested in:

    • How to take Linex with antibiotics
    • What you need to know about dysbacteriosis in infants
    • Bifidumbacterin
    • Bifiform or Linex

    Causes of diarrhea while taking antibiotics

    Diarrhea is one of the consequences of taking antibacterial drugs. This is due to the fact that medicines kill not only pathogens, but also beneficial representatives of the microflora. With diarrhea or diarrhea, the stool becomes liquid. The urge to defecate occurs up to 10 times a day. Diarrhea after taking antibacterial drugs is observed in people prone to various adverse reactions. This condition always needs treatment.

    Antibiotics negatively affect the intestinal microflora

    Why does deviation develop

    Diarrhea when taking antibiotics in an adult and a child develops in the presence of the following predisposing factors:

    • age up to 5 years or over 60;
    • the presence of disorders associated with the functioning of the nervous system;
    • the use of too many antibacterial drugs or an independent change in dosage;
    • long-term use of antibacterial drugs.

    What to do with loose stools after antibiotics in an adult, only the attending doctor can say. Diarrhea after taking antibacterial drugs may begin after a few days or a week. It depends on individual characteristics. Together with diarrhea, thrush may appear.

    Diarrhea often develops in older people while taking antibacterial medicines.

    Antibacterial drugs are aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. Strong drugs can change the natural microflora. Against this background, loose stools occur, as the body weakens after the use of potent medicines.

    To establish the root cause of the disorder, it is necessary to monitor the frequency of bowel movements and the nature of the attacks. In the presence of severe and prolonged diarrhea after antibiotics, a violation of the functioning of the thyroid gland is possible. There may be a need to call a doctor.

    The main causes of the disorder on the background of taking antibiotics are described in the table.

    The likelihood of a disorder increases if the patient simultaneously uses several types of antibacterial drugs.

    Figuring out on your own how to stop diarrhea after antibiotics in an adult can be dangerous. The doctor should review the prescribed medications.

    What drugs can cause the disorder

    Diarrhea after a course of antibiotics may be due to taking drugs that have a weakening effect on the intestines. These medicines include some antibiotics of the macrolide group. In this case, diarrhea does not cause great discomfort. Symptoms are mild and short-lived.

    With the use of drugs that weaken the bowels, there is no need to find out what to do with diarrhea after antibiotics in an adult. The condition is normalized without outside help and does not require additional medication.

    Prolonged and severe diarrhea after taking antibiotics can cause malfunction of the thyroid gland

    Diarrhea can also be the result of slow growth of the natural microflora. In parallel, the number of pathogenic microorganisms is increasing. These drugs include tetracyclines and aminoglycosides.

    Finding out what to do if from antibiotics is necessary if, after taking the listed groups of drugs, the patient has:

    • a rapid increase in body temperature;
    • a sharp painful sensation in the abdominal cavity;
    • vomiting reflex;
    • general weakness.

    The listed symptoms are basic and almost always accompany indigestion after taking antibacterial drugs. The urge to defecate appears about 10 times a day. The consistency of fecal matter is liquid.

    Diarrhea is often accompanied by bouts of vomiting.

    When a disorder occurs, it is required to find out as early as possible why antibiotics cause diarrhea and how to deal with it. Some groups of medicines can lead to the appearance of a number of complications.

    Treatment of diarrhea caused by antibiotics

    Only a doctor can tell how to treat intestinal upset after antibiotics. The therapy is complex and includes:

    • change in diet;
    • taking medications;
    • compliance with preventive measures.

    A change in diet is highly effective in eliminating loose stools. At first, the patient is required to give up dairy products and any bakery products. If this recommendation is not followed, the severity of the violation may increase.

    For the treatment of diarrhea, Linex and other drugs containing bifidobacteria are prescribed.

    If a side effect occurs, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. The health worker will tell you if an adult can have diarrhea from antibiotics and will select the most appropriate diet.

    It is undesirable that fruits and bran are present in the diet. Their use is recommended only after complete recovery.

    The patient is allowed to consume foods that are quickly absorbed. All food is pre-cooked. Fried and fatty foods are strictly prohibited. Proper food will help normalize the stool.

    If diarrhea does not go away after antibiotics on its own, you need to change the diet. Bread is completely replaced with breadcrumbs. It is recommended to add fruit jelly and fruit drinks to the diet. It is strictly forbidden to use:

    Tea with lemon balm will help to solve the problem of diarrhea after antibiotic therapy

    • food with a lot of chemical additives;
    • confectionery;
    • kvass.

    Antibiotic diarrhea in adults can be treated with medication. In this case, the patient may be advised to take:

    Drug treatment is aimed at restoring the natural microflora of the body. Preparations normalize the number of beneficial bacteria. The course of taking the tablets is no more than 14 days. In addition, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.

    Folk remedies for diarrhea

    Treatment of indigestion after antibiotics may be based on the use of traditional medicine. Have high efficiency:

    Antibacterial drugs should not be taken uncontrollably

    • caraway;
    • carrot.

    To prepare a liquid stool remedy, you need to take 0.5 teaspoon of dill seeds and 150 ml of water. Natural ingredients are placed in a saucepan and boiled for 20 minutes. Then the drink is infused for an hour. The prepared remedy is drunk throughout the day in small sips.

    It is undesirable to independently figure out how to treat diarrhea after antibiotics with folk remedies. Some natural components can lead to a negative reaction of the body.

    Melissa is also highly effective. To eliminate the disorder, you need to brew tea with it and drink it throughout the day. It can be used only in the absence of individual intolerance.

    Treatment of diarrhea from antibiotics in adults based on natural ingredients is used only in combination with the right diet. By itself, traditional medicine is ineffective.

    Even more traditional medicine recipes are presented in the video:

    Prevention of diarrhea

    Diarrhea while taking antibiotics will not occur if preventive measures are followed:

    • the use of antibacterial drugs only as prescribed by a doctor;
    • careful observance of the recommended dosage;
    • refusal to use analogues without prior consultation with the doctor;
    • taking into account the compatibility of simultaneously taken drugs;
    • following a proper diet.

    Antibiotics should not be preferred on their own. The drug can be prescribed only by the attending physician based on all individual characteristics. It is also important to tell the doctor about all the drugs used.

    Diarrhea in a child after taking antibiotics is due to a weakening of the body due to the presence of the disease.

    After clarifying the information regarding the question of how long diarrhea lasts with. Important! Introducing antibiotics into treatment can harm the baby.

    Symptoms and treatment of dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics have their own characteristics, so it is recommended to contact a specialist.

    What causes diarrhea. The causes of diarrhea after childbirth in the mother are varied. . An antibiotic is taken in accordance with the requirements of the instructions (adults

    To find out more precisely why the child has diarrhea with blood, the doctor will help after. With bacteria, microbes and viruses - antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Tetracycline.

    Antibiotics: recovery after treatment

    Thanks to the invention of antibiotics, mortality from infectious diseases has dropped to negligible numbers. Inflammation of the lungs and intestinal infections, which claimed millions of lives a hundred years ago, today are treated in a few days, even on an outpatient basis. The name of Louis Pasteur is forever inscribed in the history of medicine.

    However, the same Pasteur, who invented the means of fighting infection, uttered the famous phrase: “Gentlemen! Microbes will have the last word." And the scientist was absolutely right. Over time, it became quite clear that antibiotics also have a lot of their "skeletons in the closet."

    Side effects of antibacterial agents can be no less serious than the original disease that became the root cause of the treatment. A study conducted by American clinicians proved that antibiotic toxicity has become one of the most common causes of death in hospitalized patients. But do not rush to conclusions.

    Let's try to consistently answer the burning questions: why sometimes the therapy of consequences becomes the result of the use of drugs? And how to recover after antibiotic treatment?

    Antibiotics side effects

    As you know, antibacterial drugs are divided into groups that have a common spectrum of action and similar side effects.

    Antibiotics of the penicillin group are usually well tolerated. Rash and exfoliative dermatitis are among the most common side effects. However, the appearance of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in the treatment of penicillins (drugs Amoxicillin, Augmentin, etc.) is not uncommon.

    Relatively safe antibiotics are cephalosporins of all four generations. Among the side effects attributed to these drugs, diarrhea occupies an honorable place. Rarely, hypersensitivity reactions are recorded: rash and fever. Ceftazidime is a third-generation antibiotic that causes liver dysfunction.

    Side effects of macrolides (for example, the antibiotic Sumamed) include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and occasionally antibiotic-associated colitis and cholestatic jaundice.

    When taking these drugs, gastrointestinal symptoms are more often recorded, including diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea. Allergic reactions develop much less often - rash and itching.

    The drugs in this group are among the most toxic. Of particular concern is the nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides, which manifests itself in the development of acute renal failure, as well as ototoxicity, leading to hearing loss.

    So, the spectrum of side effects of antibacterial drugs is extensive. But the most well-known adverse event associated with treatment with these agents is by far antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Let's try to figure out what caused this manifestation and how to deal with it.

    Antibiotics and diarrhea: causes

    To begin with, the likelihood of diarrhea or simply diarrhea during treatment with antibacterial agents is not so small: it ranges from 5 to 40%.

    Diarrhea during or after antibiotic treatment can be caused by two completely different reasons:

    • imbalance of microflora that colonizes in the large intestine;
    • extremely rapid growth of opportunistic bacteria Clostridium difficile.

    An upset stool caused by changes in the composition of the intestinal flora is the symptom that is usually called dysbacteriosis in domestic medicine.

    Dysbacteriosis - truth or myth?

    Heated disputes about dysbacteriosis have not subsided so far. Many patients and doctors diligently look for signs of this condition and treat it. Meanwhile, Western medicine refers to the concept of "dysbacteriosis" is very reserved.

    It should be noted that in Russia there is no nosological unit with such a name, that is, officially there is no such diagnosis. This is largely due to the fact that the composition of the intestinal flora is too diverse to establish clear criteria for the norm. Moreover, a healthy person has recovery mechanisms, and they start on their own.

    The condition, which in our country is regarded as dysbacteriosis against the background of taking antibiotics, is called antibiotic-associated diarrhea by most European and American experts. The main and often the only symptom of disturbed intestinal microflora is loose stools.

    Pseudomembranous enterocolitis - an unfamiliar name for a familiar problem

    In about 5 to 15% of cases of antibiotic use, diarrhea that occurs during or after treatment is caused by the growth of Clostridium difficile. The disease that develops as a result of the reproduction of clostridia is called pseudomembranous enterocolitis. Most often, this complication is recorded in patients undergoing inpatient treatment.

    The diagnosis of pseudomembranous enterocolitis is suggested first in any patient with diarrhea who has taken antibiotics in the previous three months and has been hospitalized.

    Symptoms of pseudomembranous enterocolitis include:

    • mild to moderately severe watery diarrhea;
    • cramping pain in the abdomen;
    • lack of appetite;
    • malaise.

    In severe cases, fever and dehydration may occur. If signs of enterocolitis appear, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary. And no self-medication!

    Dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics: risk factors and solutions

    Much more often there is a less aggressive consequence of treatment with antibacterial drugs - dysbacteriosis.

    The likelihood of developing dysbacteriosis and, as a result, antibiotic-associated diarrhea increases if the primary infection is caused by Clostridium, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, and some other pathogens.

    In addition, the risk group for diarrhea associated with antibiotic treatment includes:

    • elderly people;
    • patients in inpatient departments;
    • cancer patients;
    • patients taking proton pump inhibitors.

    Recall that these drugs include drugs for the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer: Omeprazole, Lanzaprozol, Pantoprozol and others.

    So, what should those 5–39% of patients do who, during or after taking antibacterial agents, felt the manifestations of dysbacteriosis?

    First of all, don't be discouraged. In the vast majority of cases, diarrhea is not the reason for discontinuation of the main drugs.

    And secondly, at least one more drug will have to be added to the main list of drugs.

    Probiotics After Antibiotics: Evidence for Effectiveness

    Probiotics are living organisms that help restore microbial balance in the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, these drugs include Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium or Saccharomyces.

    In the West, probiotics are usually registered as dietary supplements, but in Russia, many products of this group are presented in the group of over-the-counter drugs. They are available as capsules, powders, tablets, and even fermented foods like yogurt.

    In recent decades, a lot of evidence has been obtained for the effectiveness of probiotics in antibiotic-associated diarrhea, including that associated with the growth of Clostridium. So, in 2002, a large meta-analysis was conducted, consisting of 9 studies. The experiment involved patients receiving antibiotics in combination with probiotics, and volunteers who took an antibiotic and a placebo, that is, a pacifier. The results of the study confirmed the high effectiveness of probiotics compared with placebo.

    However, there are other, less impressive data.

    Probiotics: another look at effectiveness

    British scientists conducted a major study studying the effect of probiotics against the background of antibiotic therapy. The experiment fully met all the requirements of evidence-based medicine: it was randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled.

    The result of the experiment somewhat surprised the medical world: the largest trial to date did not recognize the effectiveness of probiotics for the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

    Who should we, ordinary patients, believe: advocates or opponents of probiotics? And how to deal with the intestinal effects of antibiotic therapy?

    Let's look in the direction of domestic medicine. Most Russian doctors favor probiotics and invariably include them in the treatment regimen along with antibacterial agents. Many experts believe that probiotics have the right to life even without evidence of effectiveness, based on a high safety profile, low cost of treatment and their own positive experience. Let's take a closer look at these drugs.

    Probiotics: classification

    Probiotics, which are available in Russian pharmacies, can be divided into several groups:

    1. preparations of lactobacilli: Lactobacterin, Yoghurt, Extralact;
    2. preparations of bifidobacteria: Bifidumbacterin, Bifikol, Bifiform;
    3. complex preparations: Lineks;
    4. other drugs: Enterol, Baktisubtil, Biosporin, Hilak, Hilak forte, etc.

    Let's consider them in more detail.

    Lactobacilli: drugs and indications

    In Russia, for more than a decade, a product has been produced containing a lyophilisate (dry powder), from which a solution for internal use is prepared. In addition, the resulting solution can also be applied topically, for example, in gynecology with vaginal dysbiosis.

    Lactobacterin should be dissolved in boiled water at room temperature and taken orally one hour before meals three times a day. For a better "survival" of lactobacilli, it is recommended to drink the medicine with milk.

    Yogurt contains a mixture of lactobacilli and a yoghurt culture consisting of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbruesckii ssp. bulgaricus.

    The dosage regimen depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the condition. The average dosage is 1-2 Yoghurt capsules three times a day during or after meals along with antibiotics.

    To preserve the properties of Lactobacterin and Yoghurt should be stored in the refrigerator.

    Preparations of bifidobacteria

    Among preparations containing bifidobacteria, one can find both long-known domestic and modern imported drugs.

    Bifidumbacterin contains only live bifidobacteria. There are several forms of release: in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution, as well as in the form of suppositories for rectal and vaginal use.

    The solution is prepared immediately before use. Doses of bifidumbacterin vary and can be up to 15-30 doses per day, divided into three doses. Bifidumbacterin is recommended to be taken 30-40 minutes before meals.

    Bificol contains bifidobacteria and strains of Escherichia coli E.coli. The product is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of an internal (or local) solution. The dosage is up to 10-15 doses divided into three doses 30 minutes before meals.

    Both Bifidumbacterin and Bificol should be stored in the refrigerator.

    The product produced by the Danish company FERROSAN contains bifidobacteria and enterococci. A feature of probiotics containing enterococci is a positive effect on the flora of the small intestine.

    Bifiform capsules do not dissolve under the action of gastric juice, so the bacteria enter the intestine unchanged.

    Bifiform is prescribed one capsule three times a day after meals, and in case of acute diarrhea during treatment with antibacterial agents, the dose is increased to four capsules per day.

    The drug is produced not only in capsules, but also in powder, from which a solution is prepared before use. This form is intended for children who are happy to take strawberry-flavored medicine.

    Comprehensive probiotic: maximum bacteria in one vial

    The Slovak probiotic from LEK PHARMACEUTICALS is distinguished by its complex composition, including lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enterococci.

    The dosage regimen of Linex is quite intensive: to prevent dysbacteriosis during antibiotic therapy or after it, it is recommended to use two capsules three times a day before meals.

    "Tricky" probiotics

    Enterol has been proven effective in randomized clinical trials and is considered one of the most effective probiotic antidiarrheals.

    The well-known French preparation produced by BIOCODEX contains lyophilized yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. The medicine is available in two forms: capsules and powders for solution.

    The yeast that is part of the drug antagonizes pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, the growth of which provokes intestinal complications. Enterol is active against:

    • Clostridium difficile;
    • Klebsiella;
    • Staphylococcus aureus;
    • pseudomonads;
    • fungi of the genus Candida;
    • salmonella;
    • coli;
    • shigella (pathogens of dysentery);
    • lamblia.

    Saccharomyces boulardii does not colonize in the intestine, but is excreted almost unchanged a few days after administration.

    The dosage regimen is quite simple: one or two capsules twice a day for seven (ten) days one hour before meals. Enterol is not recommended for children under the age of one year.

    The French probiotic Baktisubtil contains spores of the bacteria Bacillus cereus. The microorganisms that make up Baktisubtil produce antibacterial substances that are active against most pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. Interestingly, the spores are not destroyed by the action of gastric juice, and, getting into the intestine, they begin to germinate with the formation of vegetative forms of Bacillus cereus.

    Baktisubtil is prescribed two capsules two to four times a day one hour before meals.

    Hilak and Hilak forte

    German probiotic products from Ratiopharm were among the first to appear on the Russian pharmaceutical market.

    Hilak contains waste products of only one strain of lactobacilli, and Hilak forte contains two strains of lactobacilli, Escherichia coli and fecal streptococcus. In addition, Hilak forte contains lactic acid as an auxiliary component, which helps to restore the acidity of gastric juice, regardless of the initial pH values.

    The drug is dosed to children 15-40 drops, and adults 40-60 drops three times a day. Hilak and Hilak forte are forbidden to drink milk or lactic acid products. In addition, both drugs should not be taken simultaneously with drugs that normalize acidity - antacids (Renny, Maalox, Gaviscon, etc.)

    Rules for Taking Probiotics

    We must not forget that probiotics are special, “live” medicines. The bacteria contained in these preparations must pass through all the barriers of the gastrointestinal tract, including hydrochloric acid processing in the stomach. And not just reach the intestines, but also maintain viability at the same time.

    In order for probiotics to have a real effect, you need to follow a few rules of application:

    Do not take probiotics with hot drinks. The temperature at which the vital activity of bacteria is maintained should not exceed 45 degrees. At higher rates, microorganisms die together;

    Most probiotics are strongly discouraged from being taken with alcoholic beverages;

    Bacterial preparations are best taken simultaneously with antibiotics.

    If you decide to start restoring the already changed microflora, say, a week after antibiotic therapy, the probiotic may not be as effective as you would like;

    The duration of taking probiotics is determined individually. If you started taking these drugs at the same time as antibiotics, and complications bypassed you, you can limit yourself to a 5–10-day course (during the period of antibiotic therapy). Patients who still experience the delights of antibiotic-associated diarrhea need more intensive and long-term treatment. In such cases, the course of therapy can range from 10 days to several weeks and even months.

    Probiotic Safety

    Probiotics are non-prescription products. The safety profile of these drugs is so high that they are approved for use in children, including newborns, as well as in pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, it is probiotics that are the first-line drugs for restoring intestinal microflora after antibiotic therapy.

    Side effects of probiotics are minimal and are usually associated with minor gastrointestinal disturbances. These include flatulence, constipation, bloating. Medicines containing S.boulardii (Enterol) should not be taken by patients suffering from an allergic reaction to yeast.

    Probiotics - for children: dosage features

    Many probiotics do not have a specific pediatric dosage form. So, one of the most popular drugs, Linex, is available in the form of capsules of one dosage. How to give such medicines to young children? After all, infants, as a rule, are prescribed half the dose.

    In order to measure it, it is necessary to open the gelatin capsule, pour the contents onto a clean surface and conditionally divide the powder into two approximately equal parts. After that, one child's dose of the drug is dissolved in water (juice, tea) at room temperature and given to the child.

    Let us pay attention to the fact that the dissolved medicine cannot be stored: bacteria quickly die in the solution.

    Pseudomembranous enterocolitis: recovery after antibiotic therapy

    A formidable complication after antibiotic treatment - diarrhea associated with Clostridium Difficile - has its own characteristics of treatment.

    First of all, if pseudomembranous enterocolitis is suspected, laboratory diagnostics is necessary. Bacterial culture of feces, confirming a significant excess of the number of Clostridium Difficile, against the background of clinical signs of the condition, is the basis for establishing the diagnosis.

    Symptoms of Clostridium Difficile-associated colitis include:

    • watery diarrhea (three or more episodes within 24 hours);
    • abdominal pain;
    • possibly an increase in temperature.

    If pseudomembranous enterocolitis is suspected, it is urgent to notify the doctor, who should take therapeutic measures. Treatment of the disease is based on stopping the antibiotic and selecting a new antibacterial drug that is active against Clostridium Difficile.

    To restore the intestinal flora after taking antibiotics, you should start taking probiotics. Enterol and other agents containing the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii are used as first-line drugs.

    Candidiasis: causes

    Violation of the composition of the intestinal flora leads not only to antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Often, a change in the balance of non-pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms provokes the growth of the latter and the development of candidiasis. Mushrooms of the genus Candida, in particular, C. albicans, live in the mucous membranes of a healthy organism, without causing any clinical manifestations. However, with a decrease in immunity, an increased growth of hitherto completely harmless microorganisms can begin.

    In addition, candida living in the mucous membranes of the genital tract are very sensitive to the acidity of the flora. As you know, a shift in the balance of microorganisms in most cases changes the pH level. The resulting acidic environment creates ideal conditions for the growth of C.albicans fungi, as a result of which candidiasis or thrush develops.

    Thrush after taking antibiotics: treatment

    In immunocompetent people, candidiasis usually manifests itself on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.

    oral candidiasis

    The defeat of the oral mucosa is most often observed in children. This complication manifests itself in the form of a milky-white cheesy plaque on the inner surface of the cheeks, palate, gums and tongue. If you remove plaque, for example, with a gauze swab, reddened areas will remain in its place.

    In severe cases, the infection spreads to the tonsils, resulting in candidal tonsillitis.

    Treatment for oral thrush includes antifungal medications and probiotics. In addition, with candidiasis, it is recommended to exclude sweets, alcohol, white yeast bread, as well as fermented foods - sauerkraut, pickles from the diet.

    The most favorite place for out-of-control Candida fungi in the female body is the vagina. Therefore, many ladies during or after taking antibiotics are faced with vaginal candidiasis - thrush, which is manifested by white curdled discharge and itching.

    As a therapy for this disease, local and internal antifungal agents are primarily used. Second-line drugs that are prescribed for severe vaginal dysbiosis include probiotics in the form of oral capsules and tablets for intravaginal administration.

    Treatment after treatment. Getting rid of thrush

    Let us consider in detail the drugs that are used to treat candidiasis of any localization.


    The most popular drug with a pronounced antifungal effect is Fluconazole. Tablets are dosed individually, based on the patient's history and the severity of the process. With initially occurring vaginal candidiasis during (or after) antibiotic treatment, one tablet or capsule containing 150 mg of Fluconazole is sufficient.

    If episodes of thrush are periodically repeated, treatment regimens vary. The dose of fluconazole can be 150-400 mg per day, and the duration of treatment is up to two weeks. Fluconazole is widely used to treat children, including infants.

    There are dozens of preparations containing fluconazole on the pharmaceutical market. The brand name is the American Diflucan. Its exclusivity is emphasized not only by the pronounced effect, but also by the price. Among the generics of Diflucan, we note:

    • Diflazon, produced by the Slovak company KRKA;
    • Mycomax by Zentiva;
    • Mikosist (Hungary, Gedeon Richter);
    • Fluconazole-Teva made in Israel.

    In addition, the Russian market is saturated with a wide variety of Indian and Russian generics, which are distinguished by democratic prices and a variety of forms of release.

    Itraconazole is an effective antifungal agent that is active against many types of fungi, including the Candida genus.

    The drug is dosed at 100-200 mg once or twice a day, and the duration of therapy depends on the stage of the disease. The drug is prescribed for candidiasis, which are difficult to treat with fluconazole, as well as recurrent processes. Itraconazole is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

    The original product containing itraconazole, Orungal, is manufactured by Janssen. Orungal generics include Itrazol, Rumikoz and others.

    Unlike Fluconazole, which is available only in the form of oral and parenteral (injectable drip) forms, Itraconazole is used intravaginally. The Russian company Veropharm produces Irunin vaginal tablets, which include 100 mg of itraconazole.

    Vaginal preparations

    Uncomplicated vaginal candidiasis, which arose for the first time during treatment with antibacterial agents, can also be cured with local preparations. As a rule, they are available in the form of suppositories or vaginal tablets containing an antifungal active ingredient.

    Among the most popular vaginal preparations, we note:

    • Clotrimazole, Candibene - preparations containing clotrimazole;
    • Pimafucin (active ingredient - natamycin);
    • Livarol;
    • Ginezol;
    • Neo-Pentatran and Neo-Pentatran forte.

    Some doctors prefer to prescribe vaginal antifungals at the same time as antibiotics. This tactic is justified in the treatment of patients with reduced immunity.

    I would like to say a few words about vaginal products containing bacteria. The principle of action of such drugs is similar to probiotics, and the difference is only at the point of application. Vaginal preparations of bacteria are indicated to restore the microflora of the vagina, including as a result of antibiotic treatment.

    The drugs in this group include: Vagilak, Vagisan, Atsilakt, Ecofemin, Laktozhinal.

    Thrush in a child. What to do?

    The immune system of children is imperfect, therefore, against the background of antibiotic treatment in young patients, the development of candidiasis is quite possible. Most often, thrush in children appears on the oral mucosa.

    It is easy to make a diagnosis even for an amateur: a specific white coating on the gums and the inner surface of the cheeks is difficult to confuse with something else. Young children often cannot explain the cause of discomfort. Therefore, a mother should be wary if a child taking antibiotics begins to act up while eating.

    Treatment of thrush in a child should be safe, which means that oral medications should be remembered last.

    A topical solution containing clotrimazole can be used in children of any age, including newborns. Using a gauze swab, the solution is applied to the affected areas 3-4 times a day.

    In addition, some pediatricians advise known from Soviet times borax in glycerin, cyanocobalamin, soda solution and other similar drugs. The effectiveness of these drugs is usually low, so it is much more effective to start treatment with proven drugs.

    If, after applying the solution of clotrimazole, the thrush continues to flourish, the doctor should come to grips with the restoration of the microflora and the fight against the consequences of antibiotic therapy in the child. As a rule, fluconazole preparations are prescribed in such cases.

    Pregnancy after taking antibiotics

    Many women are haunted by the same question: what is the safe interval between antibiotic treatment and pregnancy? That is, when can you still get pregnant after taking antibiotics?

    The answer depends on the specific drug, its dosage and duration of therapy. However, in the vast majority of cases, it is enough to recover within one cycle after the use of antibiotics, after which you can begin the path to a planned pregnancy.

    Liver: recovery after antibiotic therapy

    Recovery of liver function after taking antibiotics is often a concern for patients, and the need for this process is controversial among doctors. The fact is that taking antibacterial agents, of course, may be accompanied by a slight hepatotoxic effect. However, in a healthy person, the liver is restored on its own.

    Most hepatologists, when discomfort appears in the right hypochondrium after taking antibiotics, recommend simply changing the diet, avoiding fried and fatty foods. This is the surest way to restore the liver.

    Some experts advise taking safe OTC preparations of essential phospholipids: Essentiale, Enerliv, Phosphogliv, Essliver and others. These drugs are able to integrate into the membranes of hepatocytes - liver cells - and thus restore it. Essential Phospholipids take 2 capsules three times a day for two or more weeks.

    If, during antibiotic therapy, you have a bitter taste in your mouth, yellowness of the skin, nausea and other symptoms of cholestatic jaundice, you can not do without consulting a gastroenterologist.

    Rash after taking antibiotics: restoring skin health

    Antibiotics are usually associated with skin side effects in allergic patients. However, a rash or reddening of the skin is also possible in people who are immune to allergens. What to do if taking antibacterial agents was marked by the appearance of itchy elements?

    As a rule, in such cases, agents are prescribed that block the release of histamine, an allergy mediator responsible for all manifestations of an allergic reaction.

    We list modern antihistamine drugs:

    • Loratadine (Claritin);
    • Cetirizine (Cetrin, Zyrtec);
    • Levocetirizine (L-cet);
    • Fexofenadine (Telfast).

    Usually, treatment begins with the appointment of Loratadine preparations at a daily dose of 10 mg, and with low efficiency, the agent is selected individually.

    If the rash causes severe discomfort, occasionally apply external ointments containing glucocorticoids. However, before taking any measures to combat rashes, you should notify your doctor about them, who must make a decision.

    Despite the impressive list of side effects that occur during or after antibiotic treatment, do not panic and expect trouble. Modern antibacterial agents are usually well tolerated, and with the right and serious approach to therapy, the consequences, if they occur, are easily overcome. Trust your doctor and get treated right!

    The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not call for self-treatment. Consult with a specialist about your own symptoms and diseases. When treating with any medicine, you should always use the leaflet that comes with it in the package, as well as the advice of your doctor, as the main guideline.

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    Medicine took a big step forward in the 30s of the twentieth century, when penicillin was discovered. It became possible to cure many infectious diseases, from which many people died in their time. Antibacterial drugs can suppress vital activity, as well as kill pathogenic bacteria. Along with the effectiveness, there is also the occurrence of side effects of antibiotics (after or during their administration).

    Side effects are a number of pathophysiological processes that develop in the human body when using a particular drug. The occurrence of undesirable results is due to the action of the directly antibacterial drug. Also, a certain role is played by the individual characteristics of the body.

    Of no small importance in the development of side effects from antibiotics is an increase in dosage, frequency of administration and duration of the therapeutic course. There is a direct relationship between these indicators and the severity of undesirable consequences.

    Of great importance is the pharmacological form of the drug (tablets, capsules, injections). For example, nausea is a more common manifestation of the use of antibiotic tablets.

    Impact on the gastrointestinal tract

    The effect of drugs on the gastrointestinal tract can manifest itself in the form of impaired intestinal motility and the development of dysbacteriosis. Most often, these two factors are combined. Dysbacteriosis is due to a wide spectrum of action on all strains of bacteria, including those useful for the small and large intestine. A decrease in their titer leads to improper bowel function, inability to resist the existing pathogens. Typical symptoms are:

    • Flatulence.
    • Abdominal pain (aching or cutting).
    • Loose stool or constipation.

    When using the medicine inside, there is a feeling of nausea, a burning sensation in the stomach, and vomiting may develop. This is due to irritation of its mucous membrane and the initial sections of the small intestine. Actually for this reason, the intake of many antibiotics is recommended after or during meals. Sometimes, in order to avoid such manifestations, tablets and capsules are replaced by injectable forms.

    Toxic drugs for the gastrointestinal tract are:

    • Cephalosporins.
    • Aminoglycosides.
    • Tetracyclines.
    • Erythromycin.

    A serious complication is the development of vitamin K deficiency, which leads to hemorrhage. It is expressed in bleeding gums, nosebleeds, the occurrence of hematomas under the skin, microbleeds in the gastrointestinal mucosa.

    The right way to avoid such phenomena is the appointment of narrow-spectrum antibiotics or, if replacement / cancellation is not possible, the concomitant administration of probiotics (Bifiform, Linex, Hilak, Kolibakterin). Eubiotics contain a strain of beneficial bacteria that colonize the intestinal mucosa.


    Side effects in the form of an allergic reaction can occur on an antibiotic of any group. This effect is due to personal intolerance to the components of the drug. In this case, the drug acts as an antigen (foreign substance), in response to which the immune system produces protein complexes - antibodies.

    Most often, allergies occur to penicillins and cephalosporins. Given the similarity in the structure of these drugs, replacing one with another is prohibited, since there is a possibility of developing a cross-reaction.

    Allergy symptoms can be local and generalized:

    • Allergic rashes, skin burning, itching, scratching.
    • Asthmatic bronchitis.
    • Quincke's edema.
    • Hives.
    • Anaphylactic shock.
    • Steven-Jones syndrome - toxic necrolysis of skin cells.

    Such manifestations can cause irreparable harm to human health, moreover, lead to death. Therefore, an examination by a profiling specialist is mandatory to take into account the history of the disease and the allergological status of the patient. Testing for a specific type of antibiotic is allowed. If complications arise at home, call an ambulance immediately.

    In view of formidable complications, self-administration of antibacterial agents is contraindicated.


    Candidiasis is an infection caused by a fungus belonging to the yeast-like genus - Candida. Candida is considered to be a conditionally pathogenic flora - normally it can be present in a smear from the oral cavity, vagina, intestines. Their numbers are controlled by beneficial microorganisms. Since a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug inhibits the work of not only pathogenic microflora, against this background, fungi begin to actively grow and multiply.

    Sometimes doctors prescribe an antifungal drug when taking antibiotics for a long time. It can be both systemic and local with the simultaneous use of an antiseptic.

    Liver and kidneys

    Manifestations of nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity usually occur in individuals who already have liver and kidney damage, in particular, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, hepatitis of varying severity and etiology, hepatosis. Symptoms of deterioration are:

    1. Darkening of urine, lightening of feces, discoloration of the skin (jaundice), yellowing of the sclera, hyperthermia - a toxic effect on the liver develops. In the biochemical blood test, liver markers change: bilirubin, AlAT, AsAT, cholesterol, low and high density lipoproteins.
    2. Decrease / increase in the volume of urine excreted, pain in the lumbar region, the occurrence of irrepressible thirst, an increase in body temperature is possible - a toxic effect on the kidneys develops. In the blood test, the level of urea, creatinine increases. In the general analysis of urine: an increase in density, the appearance of salts, protein, glucose, erythrocytes, leukocytes.

    Before using the medicine, it is advisable to undergo an examination by a specialist, as well as to clarify about existing chronic diseases. The doctor will be able to choose the necessary therapeutic dose and prescribe the duration of treatment, taking into account pathologies.

    Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects are:

    • Tetracyclines.
    • Erythromycin.
    • Rifampicin.
    • Sulfonamides.

    Nervous system

    The group of drugs of the tetracycline series and aminoglycosides have the highest neurotoxicity. They are able to act on the myelin sheath of nerve fibers. With a short course of treatment, headaches, dizziness, heaviness in the occipital and temporal region may be pursued. A symptom of a significant toxic effect is:

    • Dysfunction of the visual, auditory pathways, which leads to partial or complete loss of vision and hearing.
    • Vestibulopathies - impaired coordination, a tendency to motion sickness, a manifestation of motion sickness.
    • Toxic damage to the innervation of the kidneys.
    • Development of generalized polyneuropathy.

    The appointment of such groups of drugs is prohibited in childhood, because the occurrence of complications is inevitable.


    Long-term use of chloramphenicol leads to violations of the rheological properties of blood and the development of severe anemia:

    • Hemolytic anemia is a pathological condition in which blood cells are destroyed due to the deposition of drug metabolites on them.
    • Aplastic anemia. It develops against the background of the effect of active substances on the sprouts of the red bone marrow.

    With the inevitable appointment of Chloramphenicol, monitoring of the blood test in dynamics is mandatory.


    Endotoxic shock develops when taking bactericidal agents - poisoning with toxins occurs as a result of the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. This is a frequent complication in the treatment of meningitis, meningococcal infection, typhoid fever, leptospirosis.

    Sometimes side effects from antibiotics develop with the wrong method of administration or non-compliance with asepsis rules. Intramuscular injection may be complicated by a painful infiltrate, abscess, intravenous - phlebitis. When taken orally - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum, with local - dermatitis, inflammation of the conjunctiva.

    Treatment with antibiotics in our country, unfortunately, is not only a matter for doctors. The Internet is replete with requests: “What antibiotics to drink with a sore throat?”, “Should I take antibiotics for a cold?”, “What to choose - antibiotics in tablets or injections?”. Dr. Anton Rodionov, in his book on medicines, talks in detail about the acceptable use of antibiotics for bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory diseases - and only as prescribed by a doctor!

    Antibiotic in Greek means "against life". On the one hand, these are drugs that, perhaps, saved a record number of lives on earth, in any case, the widespread introduction of antibiotics into clinical practice in the second half of the 20th century made it possible to radically change the structure of morbidity and mortality, displacing infectious pathology from the first positions. On the other hand, this is a group of drugs in the appointments of which there is a record number of errors.

    I used to start lectures on antibiotics with data presented back in 2001 by the legendary professor L.S. Strachunsky is a leading figure in Russian antibiotic therapy. So, when analyzing outpatient cards in children's clinics, it turned out that about 90% of antibiotics were prescribed not according to indications. More than half of the prescriptions were for ARVI (and you know very well that antibiotics for ARVI are not prescribed either for treatment or for prevention). I don't think the statistics have changed radically in 15 years.

    On the second slide, I show the 4 general principles of antibiotic treatment. They are formulated for doctors and represent the 4 most common mistakes. However, I am sure they will be useful to you. So:

    1. Antibiotics should not be prescribed if they can be avoided. This is the most important rule
    2. No need to unnecessarily "expand" the spectrum of action of the antibiotic. When you get sick, you want a stronger medicine so that everything is already killed and for sure. So there is no need for "harder". If an antibiotic is really needed, then it should not “burn out all life, leaving behind a desert”, but act targeted, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. For example, oddly enough, the classic streptococcal, as well as 60 years ago, is now perfectly treated with simple penicillins.
    3. It is not necessary to prescribe antibiotics intravenously and intramuscularly if they can be prescribed in tablets.
    4. It is not necessary to routinely prescribe antifungal drugs with a short course of antibiotics - 5-7 days. It's useless at best.

    Antibiotics around the world are strictly prescription drugs. Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. I give here the standard generally accepted approaches to treatment, but, of course, the characteristics of your particular disease may be the basis for prescribing a different therapy. In addition, allergies and other variants of individual intolerance are possible. Pay more attention to what not to do. And let your doctor take care of how to do it.

    Antibiotics for bronchitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT organs

    Common Mistakes in Antibiotic Treatment of Respiratory Tract Infections

    1. The use of antibiotics in injections in outpatient (home) conditions. All of these drugs, and many others, exist in the form of tablets.
    2. The use of co-trimoxazole (biseptol). This is a very unsafe drug with a narrow spectrum of use. For some reason, they are very fond of using it for self-medication, considering it the safest antibiotic. This is absolutely not true.
    • To prefer co-trimoxazole to other antibiotics, there must be very good reasons. It is desirable to conduct short (no more than 5-7 days) courses of therapy.
    • Co-trimoxazole is used for specific diseases, such as pneumocystis pneumonia in HIV-infected people and for the treatment of certain forms of nosocomial infections with insensitivity to other antibiotics.
    • The use of co-trimoxazole requires careful monitoring of side effects, the underestimation of which can lead to death. For example, the risk of a severe toxic reaction (Lyell's syndrome) with this drug is 10-20 times higher than with conventional antibiotics.
    1. Routine use and antifungal drugs. You don't have to do this.
    2. Late initiation of antibiotic therapy for pneumonia. Unfortunately, people die from pneumonia even in the 21st century. The later treatment begins, the higher the mortality rate is such a disappointing statistic.
    3. Frequent change of antibiotic during treatment, which is explained by the "danger of developing resistance." There is a general rule of antibiotic therapy: the effectiveness is evaluated within 48-72 hours. If during this time the temperature returns to normal and the symptoms decrease, then the drug is effective, and it is continued for as long as the course of treatment is calculated. If the temperature persists, the antibiotic is considered ineffective and replaced with a drug of another group.
    4. Too long or too short, incl. self-interrupted, course of treatment. We must understand that we are treating the disease, not tests and not x-ray changes. For example, after pneumonia, changes on the radiograph can persist for up to a month, and sometimes longer. This does not mean at all that all this time it is necessary to swallow antibiotics. However, it is also not necessary to quit treatment on the first day of normal temperature - this is a sure way to ensure that the next time the antibiotic will not work.

    ”, and then treat it again. The notorious "analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis" is obscurantism, widespread on a national scale. Several thousand microbes live in the intestines, the laboratory determines only two dozen, and not at all those that are on the walls of the intestines, but those that move with feces. If your doctor suggests that you take this test, think seriously ...

    In fact, the problem is a condition that is called antibiotic-associated diarrhea, i.e., diarrhea that develops as a result of taking antibiotics. The mechanisms of its development can be different, not everything comes down to a violation of the composition of the microflora. For example, macrolides, as well as clavulanate, cause diarrhea by increasing intestinal motility. It is not necessary to treat such antibiotic-associated diarrhea, it stops on its own a couple of days after the drug is discontinued.

    The main problem is diarrhea associated with the colonization of a microorganism called Clostridium (Clostridium dii cile). In this case, despite the cessation of antibiotic therapy, the frequency of stools increases, severe dehydration develops. Possible complications - ulceration and perforation of the colon and death.

    Based on this, let's formulate the following rule: if, after discontinuation of the antibiotic, diarrhea not only does not go away, but, on the contrary, the condition worsens, you need to consult a doctor and do a fecal analysis to determine Clostridium dii cile toxin. When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment with other antibiotics (metronidazole and vancomycin) is prescribed.


    The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

    Despite the high efficiency in the treatment of many infectious diseases, the scope of antibiotics is significantly limited by adverse reactions that occur during treatment with these drugs. Adverse reactions to antibiotics can be very diverse: from simple nausea to irreversible changes in the red bone marrow. The main reason for the development of adverse reactions to antibiotics is a violation of the principles of their use, often due to the inattention of both the attending physician and the patient.

    What are adverse reactions and what determines their occurrence?

    Adverse reactions in medicine and pharmacology are called some effects or phenomena of a pathological nature that occur against the background of the use of a particular drug. Adverse reactions to antibiotics are always associated with their intake and usually disappear after stopping treatment or after changing the drug.

    The occurrence of adverse reactions to antibiotics is a complex pathophysiological process in development, which involves many factors. On the one hand, the risk of adverse reactions is determined by the properties of the antibiotic itself, and on the other hand, by the reaction of the patient's body to it.

    For example, it is known that penicillins are low-toxic antibiotics (this is a characteristic feature of penicillin), however, in a sensitized organism, penicillin can cause an allergic reaction, the development of which depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

    Also, the occurrence of adverse reactions depends on the dose of the antibiotic used and the duration of treatment, In most cases, the frequency and severity of side effects to antibiotics increases with increasing dose or duration of treatment..

    The occurrence of some adverse reactions depends on the dosage form of the antibiotic used (tablets or injections). For example, nausea as a side effect is most common with oral antibiotics.

    What are the side effects of using antibiotics?

    Adverse reactions to antibiotics can be very diverse, and the same adverse reactions, in different cases, can be different in strength. Below we describe the most common adverse reactions associated with antibiotics.

    Disorders from the digestive system in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation occur with the use of many drugs and are mainly associated with irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract with antibiotics. Typically, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal discomfort occurs immediately after taking the medicine (antibiotic) and resolves as the medicine is absorbed from the intestines. Elimination of nausea or vomiting can be achieved by switching from tablets to antibiotic injections or (if possible) taking antibiotics after meals (food protects the digestive tract from direct contact with antibiotics).

    If digestive disorders are associated with the irritating effect of the antibiotic, then they disappear after the end of the course of treatment. However, the cause of indigestion may be completely different: a violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora (intestinal dysbacteriosis).

    Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a specific side effect that occurs during antibiotic treatment.. Violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora is associated with the death of beneficial strains of bacteria that inhabit the intestine under the action of antibiotics. This is due to the wide spectrum of action of some antibiotics, which includes representatives of the normal intestinal microflora. This means that antibiotics destroy not only harmful microbes, but also beneficial microbes that are sensitive to this drug. Symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis (diarrhea, constipation, bloating) appear some time after the start of treatment and often do not go away after it ends.

    A severe manifestation of intestinal dysbacteriosis is a lack of vitamin K, which manifests itself in the form of bleeding from the nose, gums, the appearance of subcutaneous hematomas. The greatest danger of intestinal dysbacteriosis is associated with the use of strong antibiotics (tetracyclines, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides) and especially their oral forms (tablets, capsules).

    Due to the risk of intestinal dysbiosis, antibiotic treatment should be accompanied by treatment to restore the intestinal microflora. For this, drugs are used (Lineks, Hilak), containing strains of beneficial bacteria that are immune to the action of most antibiotics. Another way to avoid intestinal dysbacteriosis is the use of narrow-spectrum antibiotics, which destroy only microbes, pathogens and do not disturb the composition of the intestinal microflora.

    Allergic reactions can occur to all known antibiotics, since they are all foreign substances to our body. Allergy to antibiotics is a type of drug allergy.

    Allergy can manifest itself in a variety of ways: the appearance of rashes on the skin, itching of the skin, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.

    Most often, allergies are observed during treatment with antibiotics from the group of penicillins or cephalosporins. In this case, the intensity of the allergic reaction can be so high that the possibility of using these drugs is completely excluded. Due to the common structure of penicillins and cephalosporins, a cross-allergy may occur, that is, the body of a patient sensitive to penicillins responds with an allergy to the administration of cephalosporins.

    Overcoming drug allergy to antibiotics is achieved by changing the drug. For example, if you are allergic to penicillins, they are replaced with macrolides.

    In some cases, drug allergy to antibiotics can be severe and endanger the life of the patient. Such forms of allergies are anaphylactic shock (generalized allergic reaction), Steven-Jones syndrome (necrosis of the upper layers of the skin), hemolytic anemia.

    Oral and vaginal candidiasis is another common adverse reaction to antibiotics.. As you know, candidiasis (thrush) is also an infectious disease, but it is not caused by bacteria, but by fungi that are insensitive to the action of conventional antibiotics. In our body, the growth of fungi is restrained by bacterial populations, however, when antibiotics are prescribed, the composition of the normal microflora of our body (oral cavity, vagina, intestines) is disturbed, beneficial bacteria die, and fungi that are indifferent to the antibiotics used get the opportunity to actively multiply. Thus, thrush is one of the manifestations of dysbacteriosis.

    For the prevention and treatment of thrush, it is recommended to take antifungal drugs along with antibiotics. It is also possible local treatment and the use of local antiseptics and antifungal drugs.

    Nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic effects are damage to the tissues of the liver and kidneys due to the toxic effects of antibiotics. Nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic effects mainly depend on the dose of antibiotic used and the condition of the patient's body.

    The greatest risk of damage to the liver and kidneys is observed when using large doses of antibiotics in patients with pre-existing diseases of these organs (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis).

    Nephrotoxicity is manifested by a violation of kidney function: severe thirst, an increase or decrease in the amount of urine excreted, pain in the lumbar region, an increase in the level of creatinine and urea in the blood.

    Liver damage is manifested by the appearance of jaundice, fever, discoloration of feces and dark urine (typical manifestations of hepatitis).

    Antibiotics from the group of aminoglycosides, anti-tuberculosis drugs, and antibiotics from the tetracycline group have the greatest hepato- and nephrotoxic effect.

    The neurotoxic effect is characterized by damage to the nervous system. Antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group, tetracycline, have the greatest neurotoxic potential. Mild forms of neurotoxicity are manifested by headache, dizziness. Severe cases of neurotoxicity are manifested by irreversible damage to the auditory nerve and the vestibular apparatus (the use of aminoglycosides in children), the optic nerves.

    It is important to note that the neurotoxic potential of antibiotics is inversely proportional to the age of the patient: the greatest risk of damage to the nervous system under the action of antibiotics is observed in young children.

    Hematologic disorders are among the most severe adverse reactions to antibiotics.. Hematological disorders can manifest in the form of hemolytic anemia, when blood cells are destroyed due to the deposition of antibiotic molecules on them or due to the toxic effect of antibiotics on red bone marrow cells (aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis). Such severe damage to the bone marrow can be observed, for example, when using Levomycetin (chloramphenicol).

    Local reactions at the site of administration of antibiotics depend on the method of administration of the antibiotic. Many antibiotics, when introduced into the body, can irritate tissues, causing local inflammatory reactions, abscess formation, and allergies.

    With intramuscular administration of antibiotics, the formation of a painful infiltrate (seal) at the injection site is often observed. In some cases (if sterility is not observed), suppuration (abscess) may form at the injection site.

    With intravenous administration of antibiotics, inflammation of the walls of the veins may develop: phlebitis, manifested by the appearance of compacted painful strands along the veins.

    The use of antibiotic ointments or sprays can cause dermatitis or conjunctivitis.

    Antibiotics and pregnancy

    As you know, antibiotics have the greatest effect on tissues and cells that are in active division and development. It is for this reason that the use of any antibiotics during pregnancy and lactation is highly undesirable. Most current antibiotics have not been adequately tested for use in pregnancy and therefore their use during pregnancy or breastfeeding should be undertaken with great caution and only when the risk of not taking antibiotics outweighs the risk of harm to the baby.

    During pregnancy and lactation, the use of antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines and aminoglycosides is strictly prohibited.

    For more information about the adverse reactions of antibiotics, we recommend that you carefully study the insert of the purchased medicine. It is also advisable to ask your doctor about the possibility of developing side effects and the tactics of your actions in this case.


    1. I.M. Abdullin Antibiotics in clinical practice, Salamat, 1997

    2. Katzunga B.G. Basic and clinical pharmacology, Binom; St. Petersburg: Nev. Dialect, 2000.
    Before use, you should consult with a specialist.


    I drink ASD 2 for prevention 2 times a year and no antibiotics are needed. I feel great!!!

    After taking it, you need to drink Linex and it's normal

    I injected intramuscularly with cephalotoxim, large white stripes and spots on the skin of the legs and back began to appear and after 10 minutes disappear, what kind of "camouflage" can anyone tell me?

    I took antibiotics for three weeks. everything seems to be fine .. but then I noticed the left cheek just fucking failed .. people what to do.? Give feedback please .. maybe it's from antibiotics?
    I'm just shocked

    After an injection of ampicillin, a vulture appeared on the skin, burn body weight, what to do

    I drank clarithromycin for 5 days according to the scheme, a terrible allergy began, red rashes on my face, it itches terribly, my face burns, the dermatologist says toxodermia, but treatment with calcium gluconate IV, loratadine, does not help, but not a word about dysbacteriosis, one treats the other cripples. Doctors do not need anything at all, they relieve superficial symptoms. And what next?

    Antibiotics are needed in extreme cases. During common colds, the body itself can (and should) fight viruses. There are so many folk remedies to both treat and maintain immunity during the dangerous periods of colds. Only people are lazy, they prefer to swallow a pill "for everything." Only then it is necessary to treat the consequences of antibiotics. The doctors themselves strongly believe in medicines, because at the age of 18, students of medical universities, in principle, have no desire to get to the bottom of the matter and check everything said by the professor, but simply to get a doctor's diploma.

    Guys, they don’t force an antibiotic into your mouth) you can ask the doctor to prescribe something else ... I have bronchitis now, and it’s quite strong (I haven’t started taking it yet, I was tormented by any alternative for a week and a half) .... without an antibiotic, I would rather have inflammatory the processes have begun .... and just do an antibiotic, although not a useful thing, but sometimes it is simply irreplaceable (for example, blood poisoning)

    I had a cold, tracheitis, I was being treated by Laura, did they give the antibiotic Augmentin to drink or not to drink? It seems to be almost healthy, but the liver is not ideal in childhood there was jaundice

    Well .... I also have a disbacteria from antibiotics ((((

    Commercial clinics are an undeniable evil, because they often pursue one goal - to find "at least something" and continue treatment. But district therapists are a complete nightmare, because they just don’t want to find and see anything at all. They want to put a "tick" and get paid for the number of accepted. And they don't want to treat anyone. And, as a rule, it is not necessary to hope that by prescribing antibiotics, the doctor will advise how to avoid the consequences. Although I continue to believe that somewhere there are real doctors from God who strive for the true goal of any healer - to cure and fully restore the patient's working capacity. Now to get to such an appointment ...

    I fully support Victor, since I myself fell into the network of commercial doctors. Perhaps there are good doctors, but unfortunately I did not come across such.
    And the microflora suffers

    People don’t brains for themselves or others, if your intelligence is lower than a monkey, then you shouldn’t generalize it.
    as for corruption and the personal gain of medical workers, then know that not all bastards, but not all are good, and if you yourself do not follow the deception, you will definitely meet good doctors. And if you are a reasonable person, you must understand that you cannot interfere with everyone with one size fits all.

    I was ill with ARVI several times, different doctors prescribed antibiotics, and none of them warned that you need to drink something that restores the intestinal microflora, since good people suggested, I don’t trust doctors anymore

    I have some problems with the nervous system due to AntiBiot ..
    The strangest thing is that the actions of antibiotics in some cases contradict each other.
    I take medicine only in extreme cases.. and then often it's not worth it.
    do not be ill!

    The microflora of our body (intestines, first of all) is our immunity! Offering us to "treat" with antibiotics, the doctor knows for sure that we will return to him soon. Immunity is killed! This is the main principle of modern medicine - it is necessary to ensure "repeated sales". Commercial medicine obeys only the laws of business!

    Well, not everyone has such strong reactions to antibiotics. In addition, as the name implies, they naturally destroy all bacteria in the body, including beneficial ones. And then, as a result, constipation begins, because there is no microflora. This dufalac was prescribed for you correctly, it is used in such cases.

    Oho-hr, yes, our medicine can drive into the coffin. antibiotics d - very effective, but here are the side effects. my constipation began, after the operation, I drank duphalac - pah-pah, I recovered pretty quickly. I'm still for medicines based on some kind of bacteria, which are "live".

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