How to close pears in syrup without sterilization. Peerless pears in syrup slices. Whole canned pears - recipe

Currant grows in almost every garden or summer cottage. The taste of this berry is familiar to most of us since childhood. But in order to get a good harvest and tasty fruits, you need to constantly care for the plants. The reason for crop failure can be violations of agricultural technology, but most often pests cause the greatest harm. Many of them easily endure the winter, and in the spring they begin to destroy currants.

You can learn how to protect raspberry bushes from diseases and pests.

Watering currants with boiling water: why and when is it better to do it?

Berry bushes are a good refuge for pest larvae, fungal spores. Therefore, currants constantly need to be processed from a wide variety of pests and diseases. There are several dozen of them in total.

Early spring currant processing includes two main stages. First of all, it is necessary to burn plant debris, and then dig up the soil around the bushes and in the aisles. This gives a good result.

But larvae and spores are also found on the bushes themselves. There are several ways to get rid of them. For example, treat currants with boiling water before buds bloom on it. This is a well-known and effective method of pest control, which is used in late February - early March. A similar procedure is also useful in that it increases the immunity of currants. In central Russia, it is better to pour currants with boiling water in early March. The snow had already melted at that time, and the buds on the bushes had not yet blossomed. If leaves have already appeared, then it is impossible to pour boiling water over the bushes so as not to burn them. It is necessary to ensure that the boiled water has cooled to 80-90 degrees.

The greatest harm to the currant is caused by a tick that wakes up in the spring, after hibernation. The infection can be transferred from soil to bush or from bush to bush by the wind, birds, and people themselves can become carriers of larvae and spores in the garden. Female ticks start laying eggs after the buds begin to bloom. And after about two weeks, already disfigured leaves appear in their place. By watering currant branches with hot water, you harass the tick and thus interrupt its reproduction.

If the plant is not treated on time, then in the fall, harmful creatures again take root inside the kidneys in order to survive the winter. As a result, swollen formations appear on currant bushes, which are easily visible on black currants, but are completely invisible on red ones. During this period, it is useless to use boiling water to treat currant bushes, since the protective shell of the kidneys in which the ticks hid is strong. It will withstand such treatment, and the pests will remain intact.

When the buds begin to swell, you need to carefully and carefully inspect all the bushes. There are thousands of mites in an overly enlarged kidney, which can only be seen with a strong magnifying glass. The eggs laid by the females hatch into larvae. The process is repeated, and the kidneys affected by them dry up. Deformed buds should be plucked out, and if there are several such swollen buds on one branch, then it is better to cut it off. Then all this must be burned.

Among other things, the tick that settled on the currant is the cause of terry. This is a dangerous viral disease of the berry that affects the entire bush. Currant flowers are interpetalous, and when infected with a virus, they become separate-petaled, seemingly terry. The flowers stretch out, acquire a lilac hue, and no longer form ovaries. As a result, the bush ceases to bear fruit.

With the disposal of the tick, when treated with boiling water, powdery mildew fungi are also destroyed. This is the causative agent of another disease - powdery mildew of plants. The disease leads to the fact that the growth of the plant stops, and it dies.

Some gardeners and gardeners do boiling water treatment at the end of October, but this is not so effective. The fact is that aphid eggs have a strong protective shell in autumn, and the method using boiling water may not work.

How to water currants with boiling water?

For watering with boiling water, it is best to use a metal watering can. Plastic watering cans are undesirable because they can be deformed from hot water. And when using a bucket, you will need too much hot water, which is irrational. Experienced gardeners recommend adding salt to boiling water, as well as manganese or copper sulfate in a small amount. The effectiveness of processing from the addition of these ingredients will only increase. As an auxiliary inventory, prepare pruners, buckets and scissors.

To save gas, it is best to boil water on a fire, using improvised means for this. You can adapt an iron barrel by drilling two holes in the middle on the sides, and then pushing iron rods into them. From below, light a fire under them, and put a container on top of them.

After boiling the water, begin to evenly scald the currant branches. It is necessary to ensure that each branch is treated with boiling water. The procedure must be carried out quickly so that the water does not cool down. Ten liters of boiling water is enough for about three currant bushes, each of which has up to 15-16 branches.

The root system of currants can be close to the soil surface, so sheets of plywood, boards or other auxiliary material should be placed under the bushes. If none of this was at hand, sprinkle with earth to protect the roots from boiling water.

Boiling water is a simple and universal remedy for currant pests

By using boiling water to kill pests, gardeners also get a number of other benefits. Bushes treated at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring practically do not get sick in summer. They are juicy and fresh. Immunity increases: increased resistance to disease helps currants to more easily tolerate temperature changes and other adverse weather conditions. The yield of currant bushes becomes higher, the taste of berries improves.

Bush rejuvenation is a mandatory procedure for all fruit bushes, the Nasha Dacha website claims. In the case of currants, this is not a very common "tradition", because

Firstly, the currant reproduces very easily by the vegetative method (the story that you stick a rod in the ground and it will grow is just about her, darling);

Secondly, care for currant bushes, and, in particular, their pruning, is carried out annually either in spring or autumn. If you take care of the bushes regularly and wisely, you can extend the full fruiting of your favorites. However, even well-groomed bushes begin to degenerate over time: the berries become smaller, they become not so tasty, the bushes yield meager crops.

In what cases is the bush rejuvenation procedure done?
If you do not want to lose a valuable variety.
If the plant is seriously ill.
If you do not want to wait several seasons to harvest the first crops from young bushes.
If the bush has grown to impenetrable wilds, and its center has become very dense.
If you notice that the crops have become noticeably leaner than before.
If you bought a plot with bushes already planted, and do not want to uproot them.

What is the procedure for rejuvenation of the bush
In plant pruning. At the same time, anti-aging pruning will be more “radical” than regular pruning, you will leave only a few good young shoots, and cut off the rest, like a good sculptor. Such a measure will allow this season to feast on large and sweet berries.

When to make anti-aging pruning of the bush
Either in late autumn, or, which is very important now, in early spring, literally, in the snow - while the kidneys have not “woke up” yet.

How to properly rejuvenate currants
The easiest way to rejuvenate currants is to cut a quarter of the shoots, as they say, “completely” - and do this from season to season for 4 years in a row. The main thing that you DO NOT NEED to do is to cut the same branches every time. For convenience, divide the bush into 4 parts and process only one part each time. This approach does not drive the plant into stress, stimulates the formation of new, "zero" shoots.

There is another way, it is more difficult. Proceed according to the following algorithm:
1. First, we clean out the old, darkened branches, as well as diseased and damaged shoots, leaving a two-centimeter “stump” above the ground;
2. Then we cut out those branches that grow inside the bush, thickening its center;
3. After we “clean up” everything else, leaving only 5-7 young and strong, living branches, this is quite enough;
4. The tips of the remaining shoots should also be cut off a couple of centimeters, then the branches will become plump, give a lot of inflorescences, and, consequently, a crop.

After the procedure (if you did it in the spring, of course), it will not be superfluous to feed your currant. Dissolve a tablespoon of nitroammophoska in a bucket of water, mix thoroughly, and pour it under a bush. The plant will begin to grow very soon. Take care of him, as well as for ordinary bushes: loosen the soil, mulch the near-stem space, do not forget to water and feed. Good luck!

Illustrative photo

Home preservation, of course, cannot be compared with store-bought counterparts, especially for fruits. The special taste and juiciness can be preserved if the whole pears can be preserved. There are many recipes for such blanks for the winter, each of them has a twist.

Elastic and tasty fruits with a light aroma of citrus fruits, spices or vanilla can subdue even a gourmet with their exquisite taste. The selection of recipes below will help every housewife prepare wonderful fruits for the winter that will delight the whole family with a wealth of flavors.

Canned whole fruits with citric acid: a simple recipe for the winter

Preserving this recipe won't take too long. You will be able to cook the same fruits that you tried as a child.

Ingredients for 1 jar of 3 liters:

  • 2 kilograms of dense pears;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 grams of citric acid;
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar.

Canning step by step:

  1. First you need to prepare the fruit for subsequent conservation.
  2. To do this, rinse the fruits thoroughly, and then carefully remove the tails.
  3. Now the pears must be placed in a three-liter jar. This way you can determine their number.
  4. Transfer the fruit to a large saucepan, pour the required amount of sugar and cover with water.
  5. Place the filled pot on the fire.
  6. After the first bubbles appear, indicating boiling water, transfer the fruit inside a sterilized glass container, pour in citric acid.
  7. Pour in boiled sugar syrup.
  8. Next, you can start rolling cans.

When the canning is completed, you should turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave them to cool.

Delicious spicy pears

To make preservation excellent, you should choose only dense, not overripe fruits. Canned pears will retain their shape and excellent taste.


  • 2 kilograms of hard pears;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of table vinegar (9%);
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 10 cloves;
  • 5 grams of coriander;
  • 3 grams of ground ginger, nutmeg and cardamom.

Cooking process of delicious spicy fruits:

  1. Dense, but not overripe fruits must be washed under running water, remove the core.
  2. Then you need to cook sugar syrup, prepared on the basis of water, granulated sugar, as well as table vinegar.
  3. After the sugar is completely dissolved in the liquid, transfer the prepared fruits to the syrup, add all the spices necessary for the recipe.
  4. Pears in syrup should boil for 40 minutes, set the minimum flame power.
  5. Throughout the cooking time, the fruits should be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon.
  6. The readiness of fruits after cooking can be checked with a toothpick, they should be pierced well, but at the same time keep their original shape.
  7. Now we can preserve fruit. After sterilizing the jars, you can stack the pears and pour them with spicy syrup.
  8. Roll up jars with sterile tin lids. After complete cooling, store the preservation in a cold place.

If the pear skin is too dense, you can pre-cut it.

Unusual orange recipe

A simple and at the same time original way of harvesting will allow you to enjoy a light, low-calorie dessert on cold winter evenings.


  • 2 kilograms of dense seasonal pears;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 small lime or lemon;
  • 1 medium orange

How to preserve:

  1. Rinse the pears along with the orange, lime or lemon.
  2. Now you need to do the removal of the core of the fruit, as well as cutting the tails.
  3. If desired, the tails can be left uncut, so the fruit in the jar will look like fresh.
  4. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, put the prepared fruits there.
  5. Boil the fruits for 5 minutes, remove them from the pan, and then pour cold water over them.
  6. Remove the zest from the lemon and orange with a vegetable peeler, stuff each blanched fruit with it.
  7. Place pears with zest in a three-liter jar. Pour the fruits with syrup prepared on the basis of two liters of water and the required amount of sugar.
  8. The jar sterilization process will take about 20 minutes.
  9. Further, canning is completed by rolling fruits in jars.

Wrap the preservation with a towel, wait until it cools completely.

Preservation of whole fruits without sterilization

A wonderful recipe that should appear in every housewife's notebook, because it will take only a few minutes to prepare fragrant preservation. Vanillin will emphasize the delicate aroma of the fruit and give a pleasant note to the workpiece. The ingredients are given for 1 glass jar (3 liter).


  • 1400 g pears (strong, with elastic skin);
  • 380 g of sugar sand;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 15 g of citric acid.


  1. Wash the pears well, if the tails are too long, shorten them a little.
  2. Fill a sterile clean container with fruits, leaving a free part of the jar from narrowing the neck.
  3. Bring sweet syrup to a boil (do not add vanilla sugar and citric acid!), Pour the contents of glass containers.
  4. Drain the fragrant liquid after 4-6 minutes, repeat the steps.
  5. Boil the syrup for the last time, add the remaining ingredients and pour over the pears (which have already greatly decreased in volume). If necessary, add clean boiling water.
  6. Seal the container filled with pears with tin lids, check the tightness with your fingers (by scrolling the lid in different directions), turn it over on a flat surface to cool.
  7. Be sure to wrap the containers warmly, removing the blanket only after two days.

Whole marinated pears


  • 600 grams of small pears;
  • 2 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of vinegar 9%;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 4 cloves.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse small pears thoroughly, and then blanch for 5 minutes, refrigerate.
  2. Put peppercorns, ground cinnamon, clove buds in jars.
  3. Place blanched fruits in a glass container with spices.
  4. Prepare the marinade filling using water, granulated sugar, cinnamon and vinegar.
  5. Cool the filling and strain, immediately pour into jars.
  6. Place the fruit jars in a saucepan, fill with water, and then cover with tin lids.
  7. The duration of sterilization is the same for jars of different sizes and is 3 minutes.
  8. Remove the can from the water, seal immediately and place upside down on a flat surface.

You can store the workpiece in the pantry or cellar, serve pickled fruits on the table - as an addition to dessert.

Whole pears in wine

It is quite possible to prepare a restaurant-style dessert from small sweet fruits. There are no special difficulties in canning, but the result will pleasantly surprise everyone.

Ingredients for 2 liter jars:

  • 1.5 kilograms of small pears;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • 500 milliliters of water and cider;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • a handful of clove buds.

Cooking process:

  1. First preheat the oven to 150°C.
  2. Next, you can start making cider-based syrup. To do this, pour the required amount of water into the pan, add granulated sugar and bring the mixture to a boil so that the sugar is completely dispersed.
  3. Remove the pan with syrup from the stove, pour in the cider. Cover the dish with a lid, leave in a warm place.
  4. Gently peel the pears without removing the stalks.
  5. Place the fruits in slightly salted water, so they will not lose their original color.
  6. Cut the pears lengthwise, stick 2 cloves into each slice.
  7. Arrange the fruits in prepared sterile jars, adding a cinnamon stick.
  8. Bring the cider-based syrup to a boil and pour over the fruit.
  9. Close each jar with a lid without fixing it with clips.
  10. Place the jars in the preheated oven, keeping a distance of 5 centimeters between them, for 1 hour.
  11. After the specified time, remove the jars from the oven, close with clips, set on a wooden board. Check the tightness of the refrigerated preservation.

In applesauce

This way of canning may seem strange, but believe me, the result is worth it. Pears in puree acquire extraordinary tenderness, are filled with a new taste and aroma.


  • 1 kilogram of sweet apples;
  • 1 kilogram of hard pears;
  • sugar;
  • 3 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 2 grams of citric acid.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare sweet apple puree, add granulated sugar to your own taste, add cinnamon and citric acid, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Pour hot applesauce into jars, they should be half filled.
  3. Cut the skin off the pears, cut into 4 parts, removing the core.
  4. Place the prepared fruits in jars, the puree should completely cover the pears.
  5. Sterilization of fruit jars depends on their volume. For a half-liter glass container, 30 minutes will be enough, jars with a volume of 1 liter and 2 liters should be sterilized for 40 minutes.

After the preservation has completely cooled, you can transfer it to the pantry for further storage.

Whole pear jam (video)

The simple and original canning methods presented above will help you prepare delicious fruits for the winter. Exquisite, unforgettable taste will conquer even those who are not too fond of conservation.

Pears in syrup turn out to be the best delicacy and dessert, which can not only be simply used for food, but also cooked from it pies and casseroles.

Such a delicacy will always look not only appetizing, but also original. But only in winter it is impossible to find pears, so they must be conserved and then an experienced hostess will always have a jar of such a fragrant dessert at hand.

Preparation for canning

To preserve pears for the winter, they can be cooked both whole and in slices, or even cut into quarters. If the pears in syrup are whole, then they will look great on any holiday table. But the slices are still better to use as stuffing to the pie. If the pears in syrup are closed with quarters, then you should not think about how to decorate the holiday cake so appetizingly. To prepare this delicacy for the winter, like pears in syrup, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  1. Pears - 1 kilogram.
  2. Sugar - 500 grams.
  3. Vanilla - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Citric acid - 2 grams.
  5. Water -2 liters.

But not only products are required to prepare a delicious pear treat for the winter, it is also necessary to preserve such a dessert and dishes:

The volume of cans will depend on the form in which the pears will be used for canning. If it is slices, then such a delicacy will turn out to be about one and a half liters. If the pears are cut in half, then they can first be placed in jars, choosing their volume. It is known that the dimensions of the pears decrease after cooking.

It is worth taking responsibly and the choice of fruits. So, the fruit for cooking according to the recipe should be used only high-quality. The fruits should not have any dents or even rot. For such preservation, any variety of pears, except for soft varieties, is suitable. If a grade very strong, then it’s still better to cut the pears into slices, and whole fruits should be preserved whole.

Pears also require training to conservation. First, they are washed well in cold water, and then the stalks are cut off. But you should do everything carefully so as not to damage the pulp. After that, the fruit is pierced with a toothpick and placed on the bottom of the pan. But fold them neatly and loosely so that they do not wrinkle. Banks are also thoroughly washed.

Every bank pour about a third of cold and clean water, and only then set in a saucepan, where a small layer of cold water is also poured. Then this pan is placed on a slow fire and gradually brought to a boil. The whole process takes about fifteen minutes.

A simple recipe for canning pears in syrup

The preparation of such a pear dessert begins with the fact that sugar is first boiled. syrup. To do this, add sugar to the water and put on a small fire.

It is necessary to constantly stir this solution in order to sugar completely dissolved and only after that, having boiled for another 5 minutes, turn it off. This sugar syrup is poured into jars in which fruits prepared in advance have already been added. In this sugar syrup, pears are until they cool completely.

When the pears begin to cool, they immediately change their color. They can either turn white or become translucent. After that, they are already moving on to the next stage of preserving pears.

They are boiled like jam over low heat and gradually stirring so that the excess liquid can evaporate. But the fruits should not digest or even fall apart. As soon as the pears begin to boil at this stage, they are boiled for another 5 minutes, then turned off and left to cool.

The third stage of preparing such a delicacy from pears requires special care and attention. First, the pears are again put on fire, but it should be weak. Once they boil, then boil for no more than 5 minutes. After that, all fruits carefully pulled out of the pan and placed in jars, but without syrup. Cover them for a while.

Now getting ready syrup. It is cooked over low heat, adding vanilla and citric acid. Stir syrup until all additives are dissolved. Pour the syrup into jars with a ladle, where the fruits have already cooled. Jars with lids are placed in a saucepan, where warm water has already been poured and sterilization is carried out. But it should last no more than 15 minutes. It remains to roll up the jars with lids and wrap them with a towel. Leave as is, without turning, until the jars have cooled.

Pears in syrup for the winter: a recipe without sterilization

  1. To cook according to such a simple recipe, where you will not need to sterilize jars of ready-made pears in syrup, you will need the following products:
  2. Pears - 1.5 kilograms.
  3. Citric acid - 2 grams.
  4. Water - 2 liters.
  5. Sugar - 0.5 kilograms.

The calculation of these products is given for a three-liter jar of pear dessert for the winter. The cooking method remains unchanged. The fruits are thoroughly washed, the core and tail are removed. Banks are prepared separately, which are necessarily pre-necessary sterilize. When the jars are cool, then they need to tightly lay the pears and pour boiling water.

Having covered with lids, according to the recipe, leave for five minutes, and then pour it into a saucepan to make syrup out of it, which will then need to be poured over the fruit jars again. But for its preparation necessary add sugar.

The second filling with syrup is aged for about seven minutes and again sweet water with pear flavor is poured into the pan. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, it is worth adding citric acid to it and again pour the jars and roll up the lids.

To make such pears in syrup for the winter according to this preservation recipe perfect, you need carefully Turn the jar over so that the lid is on the bottom. And then, carefully wrapping them in a blanket, keep them like that until they cool completely.

Pears in syrup with slices and vanilla

There are many recipes for how to preserve pears in syrup. You can, for example, add lemon zest or vanillin to such a recipe. But these recipes are perfect. fruit large and hard varieties. It is desirable that they are unripe, as when treated with boiling water they will become soft. To preserve pears in syrup, the following products are needed, which are taken based on a three-liter jar:

Before proceeding with canning, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the whole fruit, and then cut them in half. Must be removed ponytails they have and middle where the seeds are. If the fruits are very large, then you can cut them again. But it is worth preparing not only pears, but also jars, which must be washed and sterilized well.

As soon as both products and containers are ready, then g rush slices stacked in jars, but so that the cut is on top. When the syrup is cooked, then these fruits will be poured over them so that they are completely covered.

Banks should be filled with syrup to the very neck. To give insist fruits in syrup for five minutes and drain it all. Repeat this drain three times. But only for the third time, citric acid and vanillin must be added to this syrup. Therefore, when the syrup is ready, you should immediately fill it with pears and immediately roll up the jars.

Jars of pears in syrup are turned upside down, carefully wrapped and kept in the kitchen at room temperature for a whole day so that they can gradually cool. Only after that you can store such a canned dessert in any conditions. But then such slices will look great on any pie or can be suitable for fillings in pies.

If the pear fruits are very large, then they can not even be cut, if previously, before preparing, remove the peel from them. But you need to cut it carefully so as not to damage the pear itself and not change its shape.

And for such a procedure, a thin knife is ideal, but it must be very sharp. Then even large fruits will look simple in syrup. fabulous. In addition, in order for pears to be attractive, it is necessary to take such varieties of fruits that would have a yellow color or a color with a slight pink color.

When the syrup is being prepared, the pan must not be closed with a lid. This is necessary so that the liquid evaporates quickly, otherwise the syrup will be too liquid. For the same reason, you should not take varieties that are very juicy. By the way, citric acid can be replaced with lemon. It must be washed well, cut into circles and added to the syrup at the third stage of preparing the syrup.

But when the liquid is poured into jars, it is worth removing such circles of lemon first from the syrup, and only then pour it into jars. You should not leave it for the winter, as then bitterness will appear in such jars.


Whole canned pears can be prepared in many ways and each is unique in its own way. There are many types of homemade pear preparations - from conservation to freezing. But still, what is the best way to store fruits for the winter? We will tell you about this in detail below.
In this step-by-step photo recipe, we will share with you how tasty it is to cook an amazing winter preparation from hard pears, which the whole family will be delighted with. The preparation of fruit to create a fine drink requires special attention, as it is necessary to choose fruits with elastic skin so that the pears do not soften during canning and remain whole.
Closing pears for the winter in this way means providing yourself with two useful products at once, firstly, these are homemade canned pears, and, secondly, pear syrup, which is also saturated with natural taste and aroma, like any other homemade drink.
We suggest that you immediately start canning pears at home, and before that, we advise you to carefully study the step-by-step cooking instructions below.


Whole canned pears - recipe

Before making homemade pear preparations, jars and lids should be sterilized for fruits. This can be done in any way convenient for you. While the container is being processed, we will process the pears. Rinse them thoroughly and separate from the ponytails and twigs. After all that has been done, we place the prepared fruits in already processed jars - the more they fit, the more canned pears will be for the winter.

Now you need to measure how much sugar syrup is needed for fruits. To do this, fill the pears with water to the very top of the cans and immediately pour it into the pan. It is advisable to add a little more water in case it is still not enough. Add granulated sugar to a saucepan with water, mix everything well and let the liquid boil. Meanwhile, in a separate container, heat the water and blanch the pears in it..

Now we scald the jars with boiling water and place the processed fruits in them.

Add one teaspoon of citric acid to jars with pears and then fill them with boiled sugar syrup. Now we roll up the jars with lids and be sure to check the strength of the seaming so that there are no defects on the lids.

And most importantly - turn the jars upside down and wrap them with a warm blanket. We leave them in this position until the contents of the jars cool down. Pears canned whole for the winter in syrup are ready.

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