The main provisions established by this standard are developed by a set of standards for the System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Thermi precision control

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System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction


System of ensuring geometric parameters accuracy in building. Rules for measuring parameters of buildings and works

OKS 91.040 OKSTU 2009 Introduction date 1996-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the St. Petersburg Zonal Research and Design Institute of Residential Buildings (SPb ZNIPI)

INTRODUCED by the Main Department of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Ministry of Construction of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction November 17, 1994

3 INTRODUCED from 01.01.96 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 04.20.95 No. 18-38


Application area

This standard establishes the basic rules for measuring geometric parameters during the performance and acceptance of construction and installation work completed by the construction of buildings, structures and their parts. The range of parameters measured in accordance with this standard is defined by GOST 21779 and GOST 26607.

Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications GOST 3749-77 Calibration squares 90°. Specifications GOST 5378-88 Goniometers with vernier. Specifications GOST 7502-89 Measuring metal tapes Specifications GOST 7948-80 Construction steel plumb lines. Specifications GOST 9389-75 Carbon steel spring wire. Specifications GOST 10528-90 Levels. General specifications GOST 10529-86 Theodolites. General specifications GOST 17435-72 Drawing rulers. Specifications GOST 19223-90 Geodetic rangefinders. General specifications GOST 21779-82 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Technological tolerances GOST 26433.0-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. General provisions GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements GOST 26607-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. functional tolerances



4.1 General requirements for the choice of methods and measuring instruments, the performance of measurements and the processing of their results - according to GOST 26433.0.

4.2 Measurements are carried out in accordance with the schemes given in Appendix A. Direct measurements of the parameter are preferred. If direct measurement is not possible or effective, indirect measurement is performed. In this case, the value of the parameter is determined according to the given dependencies based on the results of direct measurements of other parameters. When measuring with the help of geodetic instruments, methods certified in the prescribed manner should be taken into account.

4.3 To measure linear dimensions and their deviations, rulers are used in accordance with GOST 427 and GOST 17435, tape measures in accordance with GOST 7502, rangefinders in accordance with GOST 19223 and other special measuring instruments certified in the prescribed manner.

4.4 To measure horizontal and vertical angles, theodolites according to GOST 10529 are used, to measure vertical angles - optical quadrants according to the current NTD, and to measure the angles between faces and edges of building structures and their elements - goniometers according to GOST 5378 and calibration squares according to GOST 3749.

4.5 To measure elevations between points, levels according to GOST 10528 and hydrostatic altimeters are used.

4.6 To measure deviations from verticality, plumb lines are used in accordance with GOST 7948 and theodolites together with linear measuring instruments, as well as special-made instruments certified in the prescribed manner.

4.7 To measure deviations from straightness (pivot) and flatness, theodolites, levels, sighting tubes, as well as special-made tools (steel strings, marking cord, nylon fishing lines, optical plane meters, laser sights, etc.) are used together with linear measuring instruments.

4.8 The rules for measurements performed with a caliper, inside gauges, brackets, gauges, dial indicators, probes, microscopes are taken in accordance with GOST 26433.1.

4.9 Measuring instruments that provide the measurement accuracy required in accordance with GOST 26433.0, as well as the values ​​​​of the limiting errors of measuring instruments that can be used when choosing measuring instruments and methods, are given in Appendix B. Examples of calculating measurement accuracy, choosing methods and means of ensuring it are given in Appendix AT.

4.10 Places for measuring geometric parameters for operational control in the process of construction and installation work and acceptance control of completed stages or finished buildings and structures are taken in accordance with the design and technological documentation. In the absence of instructions in the design and technological documentation, the measurement sites are accepted according to this standard.

4.11 The dimensions of the premises - length, width, height are measured in the extreme sections, drawn at a distance of 50-100 mm from the edges and in the middle section with the dimensions of the premises of St. 3 m no more than 12 m. With the dimensions of St. 12 m between the extreme sections, measurements are performed in additional sections.

4.12 Deviations from the flatness of the surfaces of structures and deviations from the plane of the mounting horizon are measured at points marked on the controlled surface along a rectangular grid or a grid of squares in increments of 0.5 to 3 m. In this case, the extreme points should be located 50-100 mm from the edge of the controlled surfaces.

4.13 Deviations from straightness are determined by the results of measuring the distances of the real line from the base line at three points, marked at distances of 50-100 mm from its edges and in the middle, or at points marked with a step specified in the project.

4.14 Deviation from verticality is determined by the results of measuring the distance from the plumb baseline to two points of the structure, marked in one vertical section at distances of 50-100 mm from the upper and lower edges of the structure. The verticality of columns and tower-type structures is controlled in two mutually perpendicular sections, and the verticality of the walls - in the extreme sections, as well as in additional sections, depending on the design features.

4.15 Measurements of gaps, ledges, support depths, eccentricities are made in characteristic places that affect the operation of butt joints.

4.16 Measurement of the deviation of structural elements, as well as buildings and structures from a given position in plan and in height, is carried out at points located in the extreme sections or at distances of 50-100 mm from the edge.

4.17 Geodetic points of marking networks and landmarks of the axes are fixed on the ground and on building structures with signs that ensure the required accuracy of marking work and the safety of landmarks during construction and operation (if necessary).

4.18 Depending on the material, dimensions, features of the geometric shape and purpose of buildings and structures, tools not provided for by this standard can also be used to ensure the required measurement accuracy in accordance with GOST 26433.0.

1 area of ​​use

3 Designations

1 The main means of ensuring the accuracy of layout work

2 Errors of the main methods and means of measuring deviations from the alignment axis or alignment

3 Errors of the main methods and means of measuring deviations from the plumb line

4 Errors of the main methods and means of measuring deviations from design marks and a given slope





The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established GOST 1.0-92“Interstate system of standardization. Basic Provisions” and MSN 1.01-01-96“The system of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic Provisions»

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Center for the Methodology of Rationing and Standardization in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes No. 30 dated November 23, 2006)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body

Ministry of Trade and Economic Development


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology





Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 30, 2007 No. 59-st, the interstate standard GOST 21780-2006 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2008.


Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index "National standards", and the text of these changes - in the information indexes "National standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use. 2

3 Terms and definitions. 3

4 Basic provisions. four

5 Methodological principles for calculating accuracy. 5

6 Accuracy calculation procedure. 7

Appendix A. Main types of resulting parameters. eight

Appendix B. Preferred values ​​of the level of assembly of structures and the acceptance level of defectiveness of the constituent parameters. 9

Appendix B. Determination of the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters and the level of collection provided in the general case of statistical calculation. ten

Appendix D. Determination of the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters and the level of collection provided for a simplified statistical calculation. eleven

Appendix E. Determination of the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters when calculating the "minimum-maximum" method. 12

Bibliography. 12


This standard applies to the design of buildings, structures and their elements and establishes general provisions, methodological principles and procedures for calculating the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction.

Based on this standard, methodological documents are developed that establish specific methods and features for calculating the accuracy of the geometric parameters of structures of various types (with examples of calculations).

GOST 21.113-88 System of design documents for construction. Accuracy designations

GOST 21778-81 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Key points

GOST 21779-82 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Technological approvals

GOST 23615-79 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Statistical Accuracy Analysis

GOST 23616-79 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy control

GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements

GOST 26433.2-94 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements of parameters of buildings and structures

GOST 26607-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. functional tolerances

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replaced (modified) document. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms GOST 21778, as well as the following terms with their respective definitions:

calculation scheme: A graphic representation of a continuous chain of components of geometric parameters that are sequentially implemented in nature in a certain cycle of technological operations for the erection of a building (structure), which ends with the receipt of the resulting parameter.

constituent parameter: A geometric parameter included in the calculation scheme, implemented directly as a result of performing a certain technological operation of marking work, manufacturing or installation of elements.

resulting parameter: A geometric parameter of the building (structure) structure included in the design scheme, implemented last in a certain cycle of technological operations for the construction of this structure and depending on a number of component parameters obtained as a result of layout work, manufacturing or installation of elements.

random value: In probability theory, a quantity that, as a result of an experiment, acquires one or another value, and it is not known in advance which one. In this standard, only those geometric parameters that must be implemented in nature and then measured to assess the compliance of the obtained (actual) values ​​with the limit values ​​specified in the design documentation are considered as random variables.

collection: Possibility of constructing structures of a building (structure) with the actual values ​​of their resulting parameters not exceeding the limit values ​​established for them as for functional geometric parameters, and compensating for deviations accumulated during the construction of structures in the designated places without performing special operations for selection, fitting or position adjustment elements.

collection level: The probability that the actual values ​​of the resulting design parameters will not exceed the allowable limit values ​​set for them (the reciprocal of the probability that the actual values ​​of the resulting parameter will exceed the allowable limit values).

functional geometric parameter: By GOST 26607.

4 Fundamentals

4.1 The calculation of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures and their elements is carried out in the development of working documentation and technological regulations for the production of construction work in order to ensure the assembly of structures with the required performance properties in real technological conditions at the lowest cost.

4.2 Calculation of accuracy is performed on the basis of:

Information on the permissible variability of the resulting geometric parameters of the structures of buildings and structures, established on the basis of functional requirements. The range of valid values ​​of the resulting geometric parameter, considered as a functional according to GOST 26607, limit the smallest and largest allowable limit values ​​of this parameter, set during design by calculating strength and stability, in accordance with test results or based on insulating, aesthetic and other requirements;

Information about the accuracy of the applied technological processes and operations for the manufacture of elements, layout work and assembly of structures.

4.3 In the process of calculating the accuracy in accordance with the accepted design scheme, according to the accuracy characteristics of the constituent parameters, the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter are determined, which are then compared with the allowable limit values ​​of this parameter, established on the basis of functional requirements.

4.4 Compliance of the accuracy of the resulting parameter with the functional requirements is ensured if the following conditions are met:

x min? x min, f ; (1)

x max? x max, f , (2)

where x min and x max - calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter x;

x min, f and x max, f- allowable limit values ​​of the resulting parameter x, whose difference x max, f - x min, f constitutes functional tolerance D x f on GOST 26607.

4.5 The task of calculating the accuracy can be:

Direct, when the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter are determined by the known characteristics of the accuracy of the constituent parameters (test calculation);

The reverse, when the necessary characteristics of the accuracy of the constituent parameters are determined from the established permissible limit values ​​of the resulting parameter.

4.6 In accordance with the results of the accuracy calculation, the following is established:

In the working drawings - the requirements for the accuracy of the resulting and constituent parameters in accordance with GOST 21.113, specify, if necessary, the nominal values ​​​​of these parameters, establish rules for monitoring the accuracy of these parameters according to GOST 23616;

In the technological documentation for the manufacture of elements, the breakdown of axes and the production of construction and installation works - the methods and sequence of performing technological operations, methods and means of ensuring their accuracy, as well as methods for monitoring accuracy according to GOST 23616 and rules for performing measurements according to GOST 26433.1 and GOST 26433.2.

5 Methodological principles for calculating accuracy

5.1 The calculation of accuracy includes parameters considered as random variables, which, upon completion of the relevant technological processes and operations, receive specific real values x i, different from the nominal values ​​specified by the project x nom to the value of the actual deviation d, which was unknown before the measurements were taken x i. Since these deviations are not known in advance, the calculations are performed on the basis of the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the component parameters.

5.2 The decisions made as a result of accuracy calculations by statistical methods can provide minimal labor and material costs in the construction of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of their elements. To this end, when performing calculations, it is necessary to provide for the maximum possible values ​​of tolerances, as well as constructive and technological measures to reduce the influence of the accuracy of technological processes and operations on the accuracy of the resulting parameters.

5.3 Calculation of accuracy should be carried out from the condition of complete assembly of structures.

In some cases, with technical feasibility and economic feasibility, incomplete collection may be provided. In this case, for cases where the actual values ​​of the resulting parameter will go beyond the allowable limit values x min, f and x max, f, the working documentation should provide for additional operations for the selection of elements, fitting individual dimensions or, if necessary, constructive solutions for strengthening structures.

5.4 The initial equation for calculating the accuracy is an equation expressing the relationship between the resulting and constituent parameters included in the calculation scheme:


where x- resulting parameter;

x k- component parameter;

n- the number of constituent parameters in the design scheme;

c k- coefficient characterizing the geometric dependence of the resulting parameter x from component x k.

5.5 As the resulting parameters, as a rule, they consider the distances between structural elements (including in the nodes of their mates), deviations in the position and relative position of elements in structures (see Appendix A), for which, when designing based on functional requirements in accordance with GOST 26607 set acceptable limits. When compiling the design scheme, the resulting parameter is considered as completing a certain cycle of technological operations for the breakdown of axes, the manufacture and installation of elements (erection of elements), while the resulting parameter is an error compensator for these operations.

5.6 The dimensions of the elements, the dimensions that determine the distances between the stakeout axes, elevation marks and other landmarks, as well as other parameters obtained as a result of the specified technological operations, the accuracy of which affects the accuracy of the resulting parameter, are considered as constituent parameters. The nomenclature of the constituent parameters - according to GOST 21779.

Characteristics of the accuracy of the constituent parameters can be obtained as a result of statistical analysis of the accuracy of technological processes and operations in accordance with GOST 23615 or accepted in accordance with the requirements:

Standards and (or) specifications for the supplied materials, products and structures;

Other valid normative-technical and instructive-methodical documentation for geodetic works in construction, technological documentation of the work producer, agreed with the designer;

Technological documentation of the manufacturer of works for the performance of construction and installation works, agreed with the designer.

5.7 If the constituent geometric parameters are statistically dependent, then this dependence must be taken into account when determining the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter. Statistical dependence can be characterized by a correlation coefficient.

5.8 Design limit values ​​of resulting geometrical parameters x min and x max is calculated by the formulas:

x min = x nom + ? x inf; (4)

x max= x nom + ? x sup, (5)

where x nom - nominal value of the calculated parameter, determined by the equation of nominal values;

d x inf and d x sup- lower and upper calculated limit deviations of this parameter, respectively, determined by the equations of accuracy characteristics.

5.9 The equation of nominal values ​​is made in accordance with the original equation (3):

where x nom, k- nominal value of the component parameter.

For the resulting parameters, which are deviations in shape, position, and position in space, the nominal value is zero.

5.10 Accuracy characteristic equations are compiled in accordance with the initial equation (3), taking into account the selected calculation method.

5.11 Calculation of accuracy is performed on the basis of statistical methods. In the general case of statistical calculation, the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) and the level of collection provided are determined in accordance with Appendix B.

5.12 If, in order to calculate the accuracy, the accuracy characteristics of the constituent geometric parameters are taken according to the relevant regulatory and technical documents or design (technological) documentation, where control plans with the same acceptance level of defectiveness are established for accuracy control, the calculated maximum deviations of the resulting parameters in the formulas (4 ) and (5) and the level of collection provided is determined by a simplified statistical calculation in accordance with Appendix D.

5.13 In the absence of data on the statistical characteristics of the distribution of the constituent parameters, the “minimum-maximum” method can be used to approximately determine the calculated limit deviations. In this case, the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) are determined in accordance with Appendix E.

This method of calculation provides complete collection under conditions (1) and (2).

5.14 The design (nominal) size of the distance (including the gap) between the elements, the support depth of the element, sufficient to compensate for deviations of the constituent geometric parameters without performing special operations for the selection, fitting or adjustment of the position of the elements, is calculated by the formula

x nom = x min, f+d x inf, (9)

where x min, f- the permissible smallest limit value of the size of the distance (clearance) between the elements or the depth of support of the element, necessary to ensure any operational property that depends on the actual value of this size.

For gaps (spans) between two parts of a building or structure, consisting of several elements, where the permissible smallest limit value of the size of the gap (span) must be guaranteed throughout its entire length, for example, in a deformation-settlement joint, an elevator shaft, design (nominal) dimensions calculated according to the formula

x nom = x min, f + ?x sup, 1 + d x sup , 2 , (10)

where d x sup, 1 and d x sup, 2 - calculated limit deviations of the position of the elements of the two parts of the building or structure, reducing the actual size of this gap.

If the closure of elements is allowed, take x min, f = 0.

6 Accuracy calculation procedure

6.1 To calculate the accuracy in accordance with 4.2, the resulting geometric parameters are identified, the accuracy of which determines the provision of the functional requirements for the building structures of a building or structure, and the permissible limit values ​​​​of these parameters are determined.

In this case, those of the same type of repeating parameters are selected for calculation, the calculated accuracy characteristics of which can receive the largest absolute value.

6.2 For each of the selected resulting parameters, in accordance with the designed technology and the sequence of layout and assembly work, a base is established that serves as the beginning of a certain cycle of technological operations and is the beginning of the accumulation of errors that must be compensated by this parameter, the constituent parameters are identified and a design scheme and initial the equation.

6.3 For each design scheme, an initial equation (3), an equation of nominal dimensions (6) is compiled, a calculation method is selected and, in accordance with the application for the accepted calculation method, accuracy equations are compiled, as well as accuracy characteristics of the resulting parameter.

The accuracy characteristics of the constituent parameters resulting from the performance of a certain technological process or operation are taken on the basis of the requirements established by the relevant standards, other regulatory and technical documents, specifications, design (technological) documentation, as well as those obtained as a result of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of similar technological processes and operations in accordance with GOST 23615, or assigned by GOST 21779. If the constituent parameter is the result of several technological processes and operations, the characteristics of its accuracy should be determined by calculation.

When compiling equations for determining the accuracy characteristics of the resulting parameter, one should also take into account the own deviations of the component parameters that occur during the installation and operation of structures as a result of temperature and other external influences.

6.4 Depending on the type of problem, the accuracy equations are solved by trial calculations based on the condition for fulfilling the requirements of 4.4.

In the direct problem, based on the accepted accuracy characteristics and the nominal values ​​of the component parameters, the calculated nominal and limit values ​​(deviations) of the resulting parameter are determined and the accuracy conditions are checked.

In the inverse problem, based on the conditions of accuracy, the allowable limit values ​​(deviations) and the nominal value of the resulting parameter determine the nominal values ​​and accuracy characteristics of some component parameters.

6.5 If, as a result of the calculation, it is established that with the adopted design solution, production technology and other initial data, the accuracy conditions are not met, then, depending on the technical feasibility and economic feasibility, one of the following decisions should be made:

To improve the accuracy of the constituent parameters that have the greatest impact on the accuracy of the resulting parameter, through the introduction of more advanced technological processes;

To reduce the influence of the constituent parameters on the accuracy of the resulting parameter by reducing the number of these parameters in the calculation scheme by changing the method of orientation (replacing the base) and the sequence of technological processes and operations;

Revise the design solutions for the units of the building structures of the building, structure and their elements in order to change the allowable limit and nominal values ​​of the resulting parameter;

Provide for incomplete assembly of structures.

Annex A

Main types of resulting parameters

Table A.1

Type of resulting parameter

Distance, including clearance between elements

Element support depth

Element misalignment ( x nom = 0)

Mismatch of element surfaces ( x nom = 0)

Element non-vertical ( x nom = 0)

Note - x nom - nominal value of the resulting parameter; x min, f and x max, f- allowable limit values ​​of the resulting parameter.

Preferred values ​​of the level of assembly of structures and the acceptance level of defectiveness of the constituent parameters

Table B.1

Values t

The level of assembly of structures (with x min , f ? x i ? x max, f),%

Probability a min appearances x i beyond x min , f , %

Probability a max spawns x i beyond x max , f , %

Acceptance level of defectiveness of the constituent parameters during control by GOST 23616, %

Note - Bold type indicates the values ​​corresponding to the standard values ​​of the acceptance level of defectiveness according to GOST 23616.

Determination of the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters and the level of collection provided in the general case of statistical calculation

B.1 In the general case, in the statistical calculation, the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) are determined by the following accuracy equations:

d x inf=d mx - t min, f s x; (IN 1)

?x sup=d mx - t max, f s x, (IN 2)

where? mx- systematic deviation of the resulting parameter;

s x- standard deviation of the resulting parameter;

t min, f and t max, f- values ​​of a standardized random variable t selected in Appendix B depending on the probability allowed in the design a min and a max output real values x i the resulting parameter beyond the allowable limit values x min, f and x max, f respectively; a min = a max? 0.13% corresponds to full collection.

B.2 Statistical characteristics of accuracy? t x and s x of the resulting parameter are determined by the equations compiled on the basis of the initial equation (3):

where d tx , k and s x , k- systematic and root-mean-square deviations of the component parameter, respectively.

B.3 Characteristics d tx , k and s x , k depending on the initial data available for calculation, they are determined based on the results of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of the corresponding technological processes and operations for GOST 23615 or according to the maximum deviations of the constituent parameters, as well as according to the plans for their control, established in the relevant standards, other regulatory and technical documents, specifications or design (technological) documentation. For the transition from limit deviations and control plans to the statistical characteristics of accuracy, the following expressions are used:

d tx , k=d x c , k= (d x sup , k+d x inf , k)/2; (AT 5)

s x , k= (d x sup , k-d x inf , k)/2t k, (AT 6)

where d x c , k

d x sup , k and d x inf , k- limit deviations of this parameter;

t k- the value of a standardized random variable corresponding to the acceptance level of defectiveness AQL of the component parameter adopted in the plans for monitoring the accuracy of this parameter in accordance with GOST 23616.

B.4 Values t min, f and t max, f when determining the calculated limit deviations according to formulas (C.1) and (C.2), they are selected according to Table B.1 (Appendix B) depending on the probability allowed in the design a min and a max output of the actual values ​​of the resulting parameter beyond the allowable limit values x min, f and t max, f. In this case, the value (100 - a min - a max) % determines the level of collection; a min = a max? 0.13% corresponds to full collection.

B.5 In the event that for a given resulting geometric parameter at the calculated limit values x min and x x inf and d x sup, calculated by formulas (B.1) and (B.2), and the accuracy conditions (1) and (2) are not met, the level of collection corresponding to the initial data accepted for calculation can be determined. For this purpose, the values ​​are determined

t min = ( x min, f - x nom-d mx)/s x, (AT 7)

t max = ( x max, f - x nom-d mx)/s x. (AT 8)

t min and t max in the Appendix B table define their respective values a min and a max probabilities of the actual values ​​of the parameter going beyond the limits x min, f and x max, f. The level of collection provided is determined by these values ​​as

(100 - a min - a max)%. (AT 9)

If the values ​​calculated by formulas (B.7) and (B.8) t min and t t = t min = t

Determination of the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters and the level of collection provided for a simplified statistical calculation

D.1 The calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) with a simplified statistical calculation are determined by the following accuracy equations:

d x inf=d x c-D x/2; (D.1)

?x sup=d x c+ D x/2, (D.2)

where? x c

D x

D.2 Accuracy characteristics d x c and? x the resulting parameter is determined by the equations compiled on the basis of the initial equation (3):

where? x c , k- deviation of the middle of the tolerance field of the component parameter;

D Xk x sup , k - ?x inf , k established by the relevant standards, normative and technical documents, specifications.

D.3 When calculating the calculated limit deviations by a simplified statistical method, the level of collection is determined according to Table B.1 (Appendix B) by the value t k, corresponding to the same acceptance level of defectiveness AQL of the component parameters, adopted in the plans for monitoring the accuracy of these parameters in accordance with GOST 23616. If a different level of assembly of structures is required, the tolerance value of the resulting parameter in formulas (D.1) and (D.2) should be recalculated according to the formula

D x? = (t?/t k)D x; (D.5)

where D x? - the value of the design tolerance of the resulting parameter corresponding to the required level of collection;

t? - meaning t, taken according to Table B.1 (Appendix B) depending on the required level of collection;

?X- design tolerance of the resulting parameter, calculated by the formula (D.3).

D.4 In the event that for a given resulting geometric parameter at the calculated limit values x min and x max , calculated by formulas (4) and (5) based on the calculated limit deviations d x inf and d x sup, calculated by formulas (D.1) and (D.2), and the accuracy conditions (1) and (2) are not met, the level of collection can be determined corresponding to the accepted characteristics of the accuracy of the component parameters. For this purpose, the values ​​are determined t min and t max according to the formulas:

t min = 6( x min, f - x nom-d x c)/D x?, (G.6)

t max = 6( x max, f - x nom-d x c)/D x?. (D.7)

Further on the calculated values t min and t max in Table B.1 (Appendix B) choose the values a min and a max. The provided level of collection is determined by these values ​​as

(100 - a min - a max)%. (D.9)

If the values ​​calculated by formulas (D.6) and (D.7) t min and t max are equal, collection level corresponding to the value t = t min = t max , without additional calculations are taken according to Table B.1 (Appendix B).

Determination of the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters when calculating the "minimum-maximum" method

E.1 The calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) when calculating by the "minimum-maximum" method are determined by the following accuracy equations:

d x inf=d x c-D x/2; (D.1)

?x sup=d x c+ D x/2, (D.2)

where? x c- estimated deviation of the middle of the tolerance field of the resulting parameter;

D x- design tolerance of the resulting parameter.

E.2 Accuracy characteristics d x c and? x of the resulting parameter are determined by the equations compiled on the basis of the initial equation (3):

where? x c , k- deviation of the middle of the tolerance field of the component parameter;

D Xk- tolerance of the component parameter, defined as the difference between the limit deviations d x sup , k - ?x inf , k established by the relevant standards, normative and technical documents, specifications.


SNiP 3.01.03-84 Geodetic works in construction

SNiP 3.03.01-87 Bearing and enclosing structures

Keywords: functional geometric parameter, resulting parameter, component parameter, design scheme, initial equation, collectibility, collectability level, complete collectability


(ST SEV 3740-82)



Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of December 13, 1983 No. 320, the deadline for the introduction is set

This standard applies to the design of buildings, structures and their elements and establishes general provisions, methodological principles and procedures for calculating the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction.

On the basis of this standard, methodological documents are developed that establish the features of calculating the accuracy of the geometric parameters of structures of various types.

The standard complies with ST SEV 3740-82 in the part specified in reference Appendix 1.

The terms used in this standard and explanations are given in the mandatory annex 2.


1.1. The calculation of the accuracy of geometric parameters should be carried out in the process of designing typical, experimental and individual structures of buildings and structures and their elements in order to ensure the assembly of structures with specified operational properties at the lowest cost.

1.2. Accuracy is calculated based on:

functional requirements for building structures of buildings and structures;

data on the accuracy of the applied technological processes and operations for the manufacture of elements, breakdown of axes and assembly of structures.

1.3. In the process of calculating the accuracy in accordance with the accepted design scheme, according to the accuracy characteristics of the constituent geometric parameters, the calculated limit values ​​​​of the resulting parameter are determined, which are then compared with the permissible limit values ​​\u200b\u200bof this parameter established on the basis of functional requirements (by calculating the strength and stability, in accordance with the test results or based on insulating, aesthetic and other requirements).

1.4. Compliance of the accuracy of the resulting parameter with the functional requirements is ensured if the following conditions are met:

where and are the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter x;

and - allowable limit values ​​of the resulting parameter x. The difference is the functional tolerance.

1.5. The task of calculating the accuracy can be:

direct, when the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter are determined by the known characteristics of the accuracy of the constituent parameters (test calculation);

the reverse, when the necessary requirements for the accuracy of the constituent parameters are determined from the established permissible limit values ​​of the resulting parameter.

1.6. According to the accuracy calculation results:

in the regulatory and technical documentation for the building structures of buildings, structures and their elements and in the working drawings, they specify, if necessary, the nominal values ​​\u200b\u200bof the resulting and constituent parameters, establish the requirements for the accuracy of these parameters and the rules for controlling accuracy;

in the technological documentation for the manufacture of elements, the breakdown of axes and the production of construction and installation works, they establish the methods and sequence of performing technological processes and operations, methods and means of ensuring their accuracy.


2.1. The solutions adopted as a result of calculating the accuracy should ensure minimal labor and material costs in the construction of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of their elements.

To this end, it is necessary to provide for the maximum possible tolerance values, as well as constructive and technological measures to reduce the influence of the accuracy of technological processes and operations on the accuracy of the resulting parameters.

2.2. The calculation of accuracy should be made, as a rule, from the condition of complete assembly of structures.

In some cases, with technical feasibility and economic feasibility, incomplete collection may be provided. In this case, for cases where the actual values ​​of the resulting parameter will go beyond, additional operations should be provided for the selection of elements or the fitting of individual dimensions.

2.3. The initial equation for calculating the accuracy is equation (3), which expresses the relationship between the resulting and constituent parameters included in the calculation scheme:

where is the resulting parameter;

Component parameter;

The number of component parameters in the design scheme;

Coefficient characterizing the geometric dependence of the resulting parameter x on the component parameter xk.

As the resulting parameters in the preparation of design schemes, as a rule, the dimensions in the junction nodes of the elements and other dimensions are considered, which, with the accepted sequence of assembly of the structure, complete a certain cycle of technological operations that determine the accuracy of the component parameters, and in which the errors of these operations are compensated (recommended Appendix 3 ).

The dimensions of the elements, the dimensions that determine the distances between the axes, elevation marks and other landmarks, as well as other parameters obtained as a result of the specified technological operations, the accuracy of which affects the accuracy of the resulting parameter, are considered as constituent parameters.

If the constituent geometric parameters are statistically dependent, then this dependence must be taken into account when determining the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter. Statistical dependence can be characterized by a correlation coefficient.

2.4. Accuracy is calculated based on statistical methods. In the general case, in the statistical calculation, the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter and to check the conditions (1) and (2) are determined by the following accuracy equations

where is the nominal value of the resulting parameter x;

Systematic deviation of the resulting parameter x;

The standard deviation of the resulting parameter x;

and - values ​​of a standardized random variable, depending on the assumed probability of occurrence of values ​​of the resulting parameter below u.

The determination of the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter according to statistical characteristics using equations 4 and 5 is carried out in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 4.

2.5. In most practical cases, the calculation of accuracy should be carried out according to tolerances by a simplified statistical method, the use of which makes it possible to ensure the complete assembly of the structure when using the acceptance control plans for the accuracy of the component parameters established by the current standards with an acceptance level of defectiveness of 4% according to GOST 23616-79.

In this case, the accuracy equations for determining the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter take the form:

where is the nominal value of the resulting parameter;

Estimated deviation of the middle of the tolerance field of the resulting parameter;

Design tolerance of the resulting parameter.

2.6. The nominal values ​​and calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter with statistically independent component parameters are determined on the basis of the initial equation (3) according to the following formulas:

where are the nominal values ​​of the constituent parameters;

Deviations of the midpoints of the fields of technological tolerances of the constituent parameters;

Technological tolerances of the constituent parameters.

2.7. With a small number of component parameters (up to three) and the absence of data on the statistical characteristics of their distribution, the accuracy calculation can be performed using the “minimum-maximum” method in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 5.


3.1. To calculate the accuracy in accordance with clause 2.2, the resulting geometric parameters are identified, the accuracy of which determines the provision of the functional requirements for the building structures of the building and structure, and in accordance with clause 1.3, the permissible limit values ​​\u200b\u200bof these parameters are determined.

In this case, those of the same type of repeating parameters are selected for calculation, the calculated accuracy characteristics of which can receive the largest absolute value.

3.2. For each of the selected resulting parameters, in accordance with the designed technology and the sequence of marking and assembly works, a base is established that serves as the beginning of a certain cycle of technological operations and is the beginning of the accumulation of errors that must be compensated by this parameter, the constituent parameters are identified and a calculation scheme and an initial equation are made .

3.3. For each calculation scheme, a calculation method is selected and accuracy equations are compiled, as well as equations for determining the nominal size and accuracy characteristics of the resulting parameter.

The accuracy characteristics of the constituent parameters resulting from the performance of a certain technological process or operation are taken based on the requirements of the relevant standards or assigned according to. In cases where a constituent parameter is the result of several technological processes or operations, its accuracy characteristics should be determined by calculation.

When compiling equations for determining the accuracy characteristics of the resulting parameter, one should also take into account the own deviations of the component parameters that occur during the installation and operation of structures as a result of temperature and other external influences.

3.4. Depending on the type of problem, the accuracy equations are solved by trial calculations based on the condition for fulfilling requirements (1) and (2).

In the direct problem, based on the accepted accuracy characteristics and the nominal values ​​of the constituent parameters, the calculated nominal and limit values ​​of the resulting parameter are determined and the accuracy conditions are checked.

In the inverse problem, based on the accuracy conditions, the nominal values ​​and accuracy characteristics of some component parameters are determined by the allowable limit and nominal values ​​of the resulting parameter.

3.5. If, as a result of the calculation, it is established that with the adopted design solution, production technology and other initial data, the accuracy conditions are not met, then, depending on the technical feasibility and economic feasibility, one of the following decisions should be made:

improve the accuracy of the constituent parameters that have the greatest impact on the accuracy of the resulting parameter, by introducing more advanced technological processes;

reduce the influence of the constituent parameters on the accuracy of the resulting parameter by reducing the number of these parameters in the design scheme by changing the method of orientation (base) and the sequence of technological processes and operations;

GOST 21780-2006

Group G02



Accuracy calculation

System of ensuring the accuracy of geometrical parameters in construction.
Accuracy calculation

ISS 91.010.30

Introduction date 2008-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and MSN 1.01-01-96 * "System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions"
* The document was not adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation. Until 10/01/2003, SNiP 10-01-94 was in effect. - Database manufacturer's note.

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Center for the Methodology of Rationing and Standardization in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes No. 30 of November 23, 2006)

Voted for the adoption of the standard:

Short country name
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state body
construction management

Ministry of Urban Development


Ministry of Construction and Architecture




State Agency for Architecture and Construction under the Government

Agency for Construction and Development of Territories






Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 30, 2007 N 59-st, the interstate standard GOST 21780-2006 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2008.

5 INSTEAD OF GOST 21780-83

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the "National Standards" index, and the text of these changes - in the "National Standards" information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to the design of buildings, structures and their elements and establishes general provisions, methodological principles and procedures for calculating the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction.

Based on this standard, methodological documents are developed that establish specific methods and features for calculating the accuracy of the geometric parameters of structures of various types (with examples of calculations).

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 21.113-88 Design documentation system for construction. Accuracy designations

GOST 21778-81 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Key points

GOST 21779-82 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Technological approvals

GOST 23615-79 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Statistical Accuracy Analysis

GOST 23616-79 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy control

GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements

GOST 26433.2-94 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements of parameters of buildings and structures

GOST 26607-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. functional tolerances

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replaced (modified) document. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms according to GOST 21778, as well as the following terms with the corresponding definitions:

calculation scheme: A graphic representation of a continuous chain of components of geometric parameters that are sequentially implemented in nature in a certain cycle of technological operations for the erection of a building (structure), which ends with the receipt of the resulting parameter.

constituent parameter: A geometric parameter included in the calculation scheme, implemented directly as a result of performing a certain technological operation of marking work, manufacturing or installation of elements.

resulting parameter: A geometric parameter of the building (structure) structure included in the design scheme, implemented last in a certain cycle of technological operations for the construction of this structure and depending on a number of component parameters obtained as a result of layout work, manufacturing or installation of elements.

random value: In probability theory, a quantity that, as a result of an experiment, acquires one or another value, and it is not known in advance which one. In this standard, only those geometric parameters that must be implemented in nature and then measured to assess the compliance of the obtained (actual) values ​​with the limit values ​​specified in the design documentation are considered as random variables.

collection: Possibility of constructing structures of a building (structure) with the actual values ​​of their resulting parameters not exceeding the limit values ​​established for them as for functional geometric parameters, and compensating for deviations accumulated during the construction of structures in the designated places without performing special operations for selection, fitting or position adjustment elements.

collection level: The probability that the actual values ​​of the resulting design parameters will not exceed the allowable limit values ​​set for them (the reciprocal of the probability that the actual values ​​of the resulting parameter will exceed the allowable limit values).

functional geometric parameter: According to GOST 26607.

4 Fundamentals

4.1 The calculation of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures and their elements is carried out in the development of working documentation and technological regulations for the production of construction works in order to ensure the assembly of structures with the required performance properties in real technological conditions at the lowest cost.

4.2 Calculation of accuracy is performed on the basis of:

- information on the permissible variability of the resulting geometric parameters of the structures of buildings and structures, established on the basis of functional requirements. The range of permissible actual values ​​of the resulting geometric parameter, considered as a functional one according to GOST 26607, is limited by the smallest and largest permissible limit values ​​​​of this parameter, established during design by calculating strength and stability, in accordance with test results or based on insulating, aesthetic and other requirements;

- information about the accuracy of the applied technological processes and operations for the manufacture of elements, layout work and assembly of structures.

4.3 In the process of calculating the accuracy in accordance with the accepted design scheme, according to the accuracy characteristics of the constituent parameters, the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter are determined, which are then compared with the allowable limit values ​​of this parameter, established on the basis of functional requirements.

4.4 Compliance of the accuracy of the resulting parameter with the functional requirements is ensured if the following conditions are met:

where and are the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter ;

And - permissible limit values ​​of the resulting parameter, the difference of which is the functional tolerance according to GOST 26607.

4.5 The task of calculating the accuracy can be:

- direct, when the calculated limit values ​​of the resulting parameter are determined by the known characteristics of the accuracy of the constituent parameters (test calculation);

- inverse, when the necessary characteristics of the accuracy of the constituent parameters are determined from the established permissible limit values ​​of the resulting parameter.

4.6 In accordance with the results of the accuracy calculation, the following is established:

- in the working drawings - the requirements for the accuracy of the resulting and constituent parameters in accordance with GOST 21.113, specify, if necessary, the nominal values ​​\u200b\u200bof these parameters, establish rules for monitoring the accuracy of these parameters in accordance with GOST 23616;

- in the technological documentation for the manufacture of elements, the breakdown of axes and the performance of construction and installation works - the methods and sequence of technological operations, methods and means of ensuring their accuracy, as well as methods for monitoring accuracy in accordance with GOST 23616 and the rules for performing measurements in accordance with GOST 26433.1 and GOST 26433.2.

5 Methodological principles for calculating accuracy

5.1 The calculation of accuracy includes parameters considered as random variables, which, upon completion of the relevant technological processes and operations, receive specific real values ​​\u200b\u200bthat differ from the nominal values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified by the project by an unknown value of the actual deviation before the measurements. Since these deviations are not known in advance, the calculations are performed on the basis of the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the component parameters.

5.2 The decisions made as a result of accuracy calculations by statistical methods can provide minimal labor and material costs in the construction of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of their elements. To this end, when performing calculations, it is necessary to provide for the maximum possible values ​​of tolerances, as well as constructive and technological measures to reduce the influence of the accuracy of technological processes and operations on the accuracy of the resulting parameters.

5.3 Calculation of accuracy should be carried out from the condition of complete assembly of structures.

In some cases, with technical feasibility and economic feasibility, incomplete collection may be provided. In this case, for cases where the actual values ​​of the resulting parameter will go beyond the allowable limit values ​​and , the working documentation should provide for additional operations for the selection of elements, fitting individual dimensions or, if necessary, design solutions for strengthening structures.

5.4 The initial equation for calculating the accuracy is an equation expressing the relationship between the resulting and constituent parameters included in the calculation scheme:

where is the resulting parameter;

Component parameter;

- the number of constituent parameters in the design scheme;

- coefficient characterizing the geometric dependence of the resulting parameter on the component .

5.5 As the resulting parameters, as a rule, they consider the distances between structural elements (including in the nodes of their mates), deviations in the position and relative position of elements in structures (see Appendix A), for which, when designing based on functional requirements in accordance with GOST 26607 establish permissible limit values. When compiling the design scheme, the resulting parameter is considered as completing a certain cycle of technological operations for the breakdown of axes, the manufacture and installation of elements (erection of elements), while the resulting parameter is an error compensator for these operations.

5.6 The dimensions of the elements, the dimensions that determine the distances between the stakeout axes, elevation marks and other landmarks, as well as other parameters obtained as a result of the specified technological operations, the accuracy of which affects the accuracy of the resulting parameter, are considered as constituent parameters. The nomenclature of the constituent parameters - according to GOST 21779.

The accuracy characteristics of the constituent parameters can be obtained as a result of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of technological processes and operations in accordance with GOST 23615 or taken in accordance with the requirements:

- standards and (or) specifications for the supplied materials, products and structures;

- other current normative-technical and instructive-methodical documentation for geodetic works in construction, technological documentation of the work producer, agreed with the designer;

- , technological documentation of the manufacturer of works for the performance of construction and installation works, agreed with the designer.

5.7 If the constituent geometric parameters are statistically dependent, then this dependence must be taken into account when determining the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter. Statistical dependence can be characterized by a correlation coefficient.

5.8 The calculated limit values ​​of the resulting geometric parameters and are calculated by the formulas:

where is the nominal value of the calculated parameter, determined by the equation of nominal values;

and - the lower and upper calculated limit deviations of this parameter, respectively, determined by the equations of the accuracy characteristics.

5.9 The equation of nominal values ​​is made in accordance with the original equation (3):

where is the nominal value of the component parameter.

For the resulting parameters, which are deviations in shape, position, and position in space, the nominal value is zero.

5.10 Accuracy characteristic equations are compiled in accordance with the initial equation (3), taking into account the selected calculation method.

5.11 Calculation of accuracy is performed on the basis of statistical methods. In the general case of statistical calculation, the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) and the level of collection provided are determined in accordance with Appendix B.

5.12 If, in order to calculate the accuracy, the accuracy characteristics of the constituent geometric parameters are taken according to the relevant regulatory and technical documents or design (technological) documentation, where control plans with the same acceptance level of defectiveness are established for accuracy control, the calculated maximum deviations of the resulting parameters in the formulas (4 ) and (5) and the level of collection provided is determined by a simplified statistical calculation in accordance with Appendix D.

5.13 In the absence of data on the statistical characteristics of the distribution of the constituent parameters, the "minimum-maximum" method can be used to approximate the calculated limit deviations. In this case, the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) are determined in accordance with Appendix E.

This method of calculation provides complete collection under conditions (1) and (2).

5.14 The design (nominal) size of the distance (including the gap) between the elements, the support depth of the element, sufficient to compensate for deviations of the constituent geometric parameters without performing special operations for the selection, fitting or adjustment of the position of the elements, is calculated by the formula

where is the permissible smallest limit value of the size of the distance (gap) between the elements or the depth of support of the element, necessary to ensure any operational property that depends on the actual value of this size.

For gaps (spans) between two parts of a building or structure, consisting of several elements, where the permissible smallest limit value of the size of the gap (span) must be guaranteed throughout its entire length, for example, in a deformation-settlement joint, an elevator shaft, design (nominal) dimensions calculated according to the formula

where and are the calculated limit deviations of the position of the elements of the two parts of the building or structure, which reduce the actual size of this gap.

If closure of elements is allowed, take 0.

6 Accuracy calculation procedure

6.1 To calculate the accuracy in accordance with 4.2, the resulting geometric parameters are identified, the accuracy of which determines the provision of the functional requirements for the building structures of a building or structure, and the permissible limit values ​​​​of these parameters are determined.

In this case, those of the same type of repeating parameters are selected for calculation, the calculated accuracy characteristics of which can receive the largest absolute value.

6.2 For each of the selected resulting parameters, in accordance with the designed technology and the sequence of layout and assembly work, a base is established that serves as the beginning of a certain cycle of technological operations and is the beginning of the accumulation of errors that must be compensated by this parameter, the constituent parameters are identified and a design scheme and initial the equation.

6.3 For each design scheme, an initial equation (3), an equation of nominal dimensions (6) is compiled, a calculation method is selected and, in accordance with the application for the accepted calculation method, accuracy equations are compiled, as well as accuracy characteristics of the resulting parameter.

The accuracy characteristics of the constituent parameters resulting from the performance of a certain technological process or operation are taken on the basis of the requirements established by the relevant standards, other regulatory and technical documents, specifications, design (technological) documentation, as well as those obtained as a result of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of similar technological processes and operations in accordance with GOST 23615, or assigned in accordance with GOST 21779. If the constituent parameter is the result of several technological processes and operations, the characteristics of its accuracy should be determined by calculation.

When compiling equations for determining the accuracy characteristics of the resulting parameter, one should also take into account the own deviations of the component parameters that occur during the installation and operation of structures as a result of temperature and other external influences.

6.4 Depending on the type of problem, the accuracy equations are solved by trial calculations based on the condition for fulfilling the requirements of 4.4.

In the direct problem, based on the accepted accuracy characteristics and the nominal values ​​of the component parameters, the calculated nominal and limit values ​​(deviations) of the resulting parameter are determined and the accuracy conditions are checked.

In the inverse problem, based on the conditions of accuracy, the allowable limit values ​​(deviations) and the nominal value of the resulting parameter determine the nominal values ​​and accuracy characteristics of some component parameters.

6.5 If, as a result of the calculation, it is established that with the adopted design solution, production technology and other initial data, the accuracy conditions are not met, then, depending on the technical feasibility and economic feasibility, one of the following decisions should be made:

- improve the accuracy of the constituent parameters that have the greatest impact on the accuracy of the resulting parameter, through the introduction of more advanced technological processes;

- reduce the influence of the constituent parameters on the accuracy of the resulting parameter by reducing the number of these parameters in the design scheme by changing the method of orientation (replacing the base) and the sequence of technological processes and operations;

- to revise the design solutions for the units of the building structures of the building, structure and their elements in order to change the allowable limit and nominal values ​​of the resulting parameter;

- provide for incomplete assembly of structures.

Annex A (informative). Main types of resulting parameters

Annex A

Table A.1

Type of resulting parameter

Distance, including clearance between elements

Element support depth

Element Misalignment (0)

Element surface mismatch (0)

Element non-vertical (0)

Note - - the nominal value of the resulting parameter; and - allowable limit values ​​of the resulting parameter.

Appendix B (recommended). Preferred values ​​of the level of assembly of structures and the acceptance level of defectiveness of the constituent parameters

Table B.1


The level of assembly of structures (at ),%

Probability of appearance beyond the limit, %

Acceptance level of defectiveness of the constituent parameters during control according to GOST 23616, %

Note - Bold type indicates the values ​​corresponding to the standard values ​​of the acceptance level of defectiveness in accordance with GOST 23616.

Annex B (recommended). Determination of the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters and the level of collection provided in the general case of statistical calculation

B.1 In the general case, in the statistical calculation, the calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) are determined by the following accuracy equations:

where is the systematic deviation of the resulting parameter;

- standard deviation of the resulting parameter;

and - the values ​​of the standardized random variable , selected in Appendix B, depending on the probability allowed in the design and the exit of the actual values ​​of the resulting parameter beyond the allowable limit values ​​and, respectively; 0.13% corresponds to full collection.

B.2 The statistical characteristics of the accuracy and the resulting parameter are determined by the equations compiled on the basis of the original equation (3):

where and are the systematic and standard deviations of the component parameter, respectively.

B.3 Characteristics and, depending on the initial data available for calculation, are determined by the results of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of the relevant technological processes and operations in accordance with GOST 23615 or by the maximum deviations of the component parameters, as well as by their control plans established in the relevant standards, other regulatory and technical documents, specifications or project (technological) documentation. For the transition from limit deviations and control plans to the statistical characteristics of accuracy, the following expressions are used:

where is the deviation of the middle of the tolerance field of the component parameter;

And - limit deviations of this parameter;

- the value of a standardized random variable corresponding to the acceptance level of defectiveness AQL of the component parameter adopted in the plans for monitoring the accuracy of this parameter in accordance with GOST 23616.

C.4 The values ​​of and when determining the calculated limit deviations according to formulas (C.1) and (C.2) are selected according to Table B.1 (Appendix B) depending on the probability allowed in the design and the output of the actual values ​​of the resulting parameter beyond the allowable limit values ​​and . In this case, the % value determines the level of collection; corresponds to full collection.

B.5 In the event that for a given resulting geometric parameter with the design limit values ​​and calculated using formulas (4) and (5) based on the design limit deviations and calculated using formulas (B.1) and (B.2), and the accuracy conditions (1) and (2) are not met, the level of collection can be determined corresponding to the initial data accepted for calculation. For this purpose, the values ​​are determined

6. GOST 23615-79. System for ensuring geometric accuracy in construction. - M .: Gosstroy of the USSR, 1979.

7. GOST 23616-79. System for ensuring geometric accuracy in construction. General rules for accuracy control. - M .: Gosstroy of the USSR, 1979.

8. GOST R 21.1701-97. Rules for the implementation of working documentation of highways.

9. Fedotov G.A. Engineering Geodesy: Textbook / G.A. Fedotov. - 2nd ed., corrected. - M .: Higher. school, 2004.-463 p.

10. Klyushin E.B. The engineering geodesy. Textbook for universities / E.B. Klyushin, M.I. Kiselev, D.Sh. Mikhelev, V.D. Feldman; Ed. D.Sh.Mikheleva. - 4th ed., Rev. – M.: Ed. center ”Academy”, 2004. – 480 s.

11. Klyushin E.B. The engineering geodesy. Proc. for universities /E.B.Klyushin, M.I.Kiselev, D.Sh.Mikhelev, V.D.Feldman; Ed. D.Sh.Mikheleva. - M .: Higher. school, 2000. - 464 p.

12. Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles: Guidelines for laboratory work on the discipline "Engineering geodesy" / Comp.: Yu.V. Stolbov, A.A. Coastal. - Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2005. –19s.

13. Guidelines for laboratory work "Construction of a longitudinal profile", "Construction of a design line of a longitudinal profile" / Comp.: T.P. Sinyutina, L.Yu. Mikolishin. - Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2006. - 27s.

14. Routing of linear structures: Guidelines for the implementation of settlement and graphic work for students of construction specialties full-time and part-time education / Comp.: T.P. Sinyutina, L.Yu. Mikolishina, T.V. in SibADI, 2007. - 34 p.

15. Solving problems on topographic maps: Guidelines and assignments for laboratory work for students of construction specialties full-time and part-time education / Comp.: T.P. Sinyutina, L.Yu. Mikolishina, T.V. Kotova. - Omsk: Ed. - in SibADI, 2007. - 37 p.

16. Production of topographic surveys: Guidelines for 1st year students for the period of summer geodetic practice / Comp.: A.V. Vinogradov, T.P. Sinyutina. – SibADI Publishing House, 1997.–16 p.

17. Guidelines for practical exercises in the discipline "Engineering preparation of territories" / Comp.: N.S.

18. Guidelines and tasks for students "Engineering surveys for construction" / Comp.: T.P. Sinyutina, L.Yu. Mikolishina, T.V. Kotova. - Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2009. - 38p

19. Engineering support of construction (geodesy): teaching aid /T.P.Sinyutina, L.Yu.Mikolishina, T.V.Kotova, N.S.Volovnik. - Omsk: SibADI, 2012. - 96 p.

20. Symbols for topographic plans at scales 1:5000, 1:2000,

1:1000, 1:500. M. Nedra, 1989

21. Matveev S.I. Engineering geodesy and geoinformatics - M. Mir Foundation 2012.

22. Instructions for topographic survey at scales 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000 and 1:500 (GKINP-02-033-82). GUGiK, 1983

23. Instructions for carrying out technological verification of geodetic instruments. Roskartografiya, 1999

Introduction 4

General provisions 4

1.1. Purpose, tasks and procedure for conducting training practice 4

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