The papilla of the salivary gland. Salivary glands. What to do if the parotid salivary gland is inflamed

Inflammation of the salivary gland can occur in any age group and bring many inconveniences and complications to the patient.

Salivary glandular organs, their functions

The photo shows where the salivary glands in humans are located.

In the oral cavity and beyond, there are a large number of glands that produce a special secret - saliva. The largest of them are paired salivary glands: submandibular, sublingual and parotid. Smaller ones are represented by the buccal glands, lingual, labial, etc.

The parotid salivary gland is located behind the jaw, in front of the ear. The facial nerve, which is responsible for the facial muscles and a large artery with veins, passes through its tissue. The duct, through which the secret from the glands enters the oral cavity, opens on the inner surface of the cheek in the region of the upper large molars.

The sublingual gland, according to its name, is located under the lingual muscle. It feeds on blood through the lingual arteries.

The submandibular salivary gland is located within the boundaries of the submandibular triangle. A small section of the upper edge is located near the parotid.

Functions of the salivary glands

  1. Influence the perception of the taste of the food consumed.
  2. They have an important effect on articulation.
  3. Enzymes (amylase, peroxidase and others) are necessary to start the process of digestion of food already in the oral cavity. Then the food with them enters the stomach.
  4. Production of a special secret that contains mucin, enzymes, lysozyme, immunoglobulin A:
  • Mucin, in turn, envelops the food, so the formed food lump easily passes the esophagus.
  • Lysozyme has an antibacterial effect, thanks to which it protects the surface of the teeth from the formation of caries and demineralization.
  • Immunoglobulin A (secretory protein) performs a local protective function, destroying bacteria and viruses.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the salivary gland, or otherwise - sialadenitis, implies the development of inflammatory processes in the thickness of this organ. Sialadenitis downstream can be acute and chronic.

The main causes of inflammatory processes in the organs that produce saliva:

Symptoms of the disease

Common clinical signs of inflammation of the salivary glands include: sudden sharp pain at the site of the affected gland, which becomes more intense during eating; dry mouth due to impaired saliva production; swelling and roughness of the surface of the glandular organ.

Symptoms of inflammation of the parotid gland

  • Acute onset of the disease with fever, weakness, headache.
  • Later, manifestations of acute damage to the tissue of the organ join: swelling of the parotid region, pain when pressing on the swelling and on the tragus of the ear, the color of the skin over the enlarged gland does not change.
  • Feeling of dryness in the mouth, pain when opening the mouth.
  • Important diagnostic features: bilateral lesion and Mursu's symptom (inflammatory ridge around the orifice of the excretory duct at the level of 1-2 molars of the upper jaw).
  • Contact with a patient with parotitis.
  • Sometimes the process spreads to neighboring structures, complicated by pancreatitis, orchitis (inflammation of the glandular structures of the testicles), adnexitis (ovarian damage), which can lead to a decrease in reproductive function, up to infertility.

With inflammation of the sublingual gland (sublingitis), in addition to intoxication and general symptoms, there is an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, pain when chewing food, a feeling of an inflammatory roller under the tongue. Submandibulitis, or inflammation of the submandibular gland, has similar manifestations. Diagnostic criterion - an increase in the neck on the side of the lesion.

Symptoms of non-specific inflammation

With nonspecific inflammation, the symptoms directly depend on the stage and type of inflammation:

  • With serous sialadenitis there is pain and swelling of the salivary gland, a feeling of dryness in the mouth, elevation of the earlobe. The pain syndrome intensifies during meals, after the reflex production of salivary fluid at the sight of food. The body temperature is normal or slightly elevated, the color of the skin over the gland is not changed. When pressing on the excretory duct, the discharge is insignificant or absent altogether.
  • In case of purulent sialadenitis the pain is sharp, which can disturb sleep. There is difficulty in opening the mouth, pus is released from the duct. The body temperature rises intensively (more than 38 C). The tissue of the organ itself is dense, the skin above it is shiny and acquires a bright red color. Edema can spread to the lower jaw, temporal region and cheek.
  • Gangrenous sialadenitis manifested by skin necrosis, rapid course, severe intoxication. Such a pathological condition can lead to the spread of infection and the development of a septic condition (massive entry of bacteria, toxins and decay products into the bloodstream).

Elderly people may develop isolated inflammation of the salivary duct, or sialodochitis. Manifested in excessive salivation during eating and talking, angular stomatitis (jamming in the corners of the mouth).

Diagnosis of the disease

If the above symptoms are found, it is necessary to contact an infectious disease specialist or a surgeon in order to find out the cause of the disease.

To diagnose inflammation of the salivary glands in a child and an adult, the doctor conducts a survey, a general examination of the patient, prescribes a general blood test (to determine the nature of the inflammation), in some cases, an ultrasound examination, contrast sialography is performed.

Treatment tactics

Treatment of inflammation of the parotid salivary glands (with parotitis) consists in prescribing a sparing diet, bed rest for 5-7 days, taking antiviral drugs, frequent rinsing of the mouth and dry heat on the affected area. At high temperature - antipyretic drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen).

General approaches in the treatment of diseases of the salivary glands:

  • The appointment of drugs that enhance the production of saliva (a solution of pilocarpine or potassium iodide).
  • Careful oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed not only in the morning and evening, but also after each meal.
  • Take crushed, soft and not coarse food, so as not to injure the inflamed ducts and the inner lining of the oral cavity.
  • Give up smoking and alcohol.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment has a good effect: UHF, dry warm bandages on the diseased gland, semi-alcohol compresses.
  • With microbial infections of the salivary glands, the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs (penicillins, cephalosporins, etc.) is indicated.
  • In the event of purulent or gangrenous sialoadenitis, first of all, surgical intervention is performed by excising the affected tissue of the organ, draining the wound to drain the pus and administering local antibiotics. After the operation, infusion therapy is performed using saline and colloidal solutions.

In the treatment of inflammation of the salivary glands at home, you can use a variety of antiseptic solutions for rinsing the mouth (furatsilin, rotokan chamomile, saline). To reduce pain, it is recommended to gently self-massage in the area of ​​​​edema, or with alcohol.

It is important to remember that inflammatory processes in the salivary glands and their consequences can greatly complicate the life of the patient, contribute to the development of caries and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is salivary gland inflammation?

The salivary gland inflammation and symptoms, which can lead to a serious disease called sialadenitis, requires a careful attitude. The beginning of its treatment at an earlier period will save the patient from severe complications and significantly reduce the recovery time.

This disease is marked by acute inflammatory processes of the internal secretion organs, due to which stones begin to form in the salivary ducts. They are most often found in the submandibular region. in its distribution covers both adult age groups and children.

To answer the question: “Where are the salivary glands in a person?”, The following places of their location and the characteristic names of diseases are distinguished:

  • Parotid region (mumps);
  • Submandibular region (submandibulitis);
  • Sublingual region (sublinguitis).

At the same time, infection can affect several areas of the human body. Sialoadenitis is divided into primary (independent disorder) or secondary (complication or manifestation of other diseases).

Causes of inflammation

The main factor in the inflammatory process in each case is the ingress of any infectious agent into the salivary duct. The development of the disease occurs under the influence of the following microorganism: streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci. So why do salivary glands become inflamed?

Provocative reasons are:

  • Weak and unstable to the bacteria of the body, most often arising from an unhealthy lifestyle, starvation, vitamin deficiency;
  • Exhaustion of the body, which is expressed in a decrease in functionality;
  • A complex of effects on human tissues or organs affecting the oral cavity;
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes or mucous epithelium, phlegmon;
  • Inadequate observance of general oral hygiene;
  • Oncological diseases.

Types and forms of sialadenitis

Depending on the method of infection, sialadenitis is divided into:

  1. Viral- enters the body by airborne droplets and after the incubation period, due to penetration into the tissues of the salivary gland, causes inflammation, actively multiplying in the cells. Children aged 3 to 15 years are most often affected.
  2. Bacterial. It develops when bacteria enter the oral cavity - through the ducts of the glands, as well as from the inside - through the blood and lymph.

The functions of the salivary glands are the production of saliva, which includes substances that take part in the breakdown of food. The glands are divided according to the type and type of secretion secreted.

Salivary glands

There are two types of salivary glands: large and small. The latter are located in the oral cavity and differ in the nature of the fluid released. Major salivary glands are divided into:

  1. Parotid- These are the largest of all, they consist of a front and back. They produce saliva, which is involved in the process of digestion of food. The secret enters the oral cavity, passing through the parotid ducts.

The parotid glands are located next to the facial nerve, so if their functionality is impaired, facial expressions may also suffer. They produce about 20% of the total volume of saliva secreted.

  1. Submandibular produce a secret that consists of serous fluid and mucus. This is 70% of the total volume of saliva that enters the mouth through the submandibular canal.
  2. Sublingual located under the tongue, produce mainly mucus. From here, about five percent of all saliva enters the oral cavity.

In the submucosal space of the oral cavity, there are about a thousand small ducts, they are localized in the labial, buccal tissue, tongue, palate, between muscle tissues. Small salivary glands end with separate ducts or one common one, through which saliva is secreted and covers all the mucous membranes.

Functions, task and composition of saliva

Main tasks:

  • hydration of the oral mucosa,
  • wetting products during chewing,
  • enhancement of taste sensations,
  • tooth protection,
  • the natural process of cleansing the mucous membranes: saliva washes away plaque, bacteria, viruses from them.
The location of the salivary glands.

Saliva is produced by large salivary glands. It contains a large number of enzymes that are involved in digestion. Enzymes are protein components that are responsible for the process of digestion of food from the moment it is processed in the oral cavity to the digestion process in the stomach.

The salivary glands perform an important excretory function: in case of violations of the kidneys and a decrease in the efficiency of their activity, excretions (urea, carbon dioxide, ammonia, creatine) begin to be produced in saliva in large volumes. Saliva is directly involved in the excretion of hormones (androgens, estrogens) from the body.

The regulatory function of the salivary glands is to produce hormones: growth factors, parotin. Renin, erythropoietin, and kallikrein were also found in the salivary glands.

Components of saliva: enzymes, inorganic substances, cations, trace elements, proteins. All types of salivary glands are involved in the production of a secret that forms saliva. In the oral cavity, it interacts with other substances, fulfilling its functional purpose.

How much saliva is produced per day?

About 220 mg of saliva is produced per day in the body, the volume of which may vary due to some factors. Due to nervous overexcitation, the volume of saliva can increase significantly. With age, a person gradually decreases the amount of secretion produced.

During sleep, saliva is produced about 15 times less than during wakefulness. From the smell of delicious food that causes appetite, a person also feels a rush of saliva.

Possible pathologies

Diseases of the salivary glands in most cases are the consequences of injuries:

  • the most common injury is a violation of the integrity of the parotid glands, which can also occur as a result of trauma to the carotid artery or facial nerve,
  • sialadenitis - inflammation of the salivary glands, which develops against the background of an infection,
  • sialolithiasis (stone formation) often develops as a complication of sialadenitis. Stones form in the ducts, preventing the discharge of saliva,
  • parotitis develops against the background of inflammation of the salivary ducts,
  • tumor processes.

Causes of inflammatory processes, symptoms

The salivary glands also perform an excretory function.

The reasons for the development of the inflammatory process can be:

  • narrowing of the lumen of the excretory duct of the gland,
  • diseases of an infectious nature (ARVI, influenza, otitis),
  • the formation of a plug in the duct, consisting of leukocytes,
  • for musicians playing wind instruments, this can be a complication of their professional activities.


  • the temperature can rise both significantly and to subfebrile marks,
  • salivary gland swells, increases in size,
  • pain on swallowing and palpation
  • the formation of pus that comes out of the oral cavity,
  • bad breath from the mouth,
  • at the site of the inflammatory process, the skin turns red.

Research and diagnostic methods

The examination begins with examination, palpation, questioning the patient. To assess the state of the salivary glands, special diagnostic methods are used:

  • probing allows you to determine the narrowing of the duct, the presence of stones in it, congestion,
  • sialometry makes it possible to determine the amount of saliva secreted and deviations from the norm,
  • cytological examination of the excreted secret makes it possible to identify inflammatory processes and causative agents of pathology,
  • radiography,
  • MRI or CT can determine the presence of benign and malignant neoplasms, their size and exact location.

Digestion begins long before food enters the esophagus. The process starts in the oral cavity: food is affected by saliva produced by the glands. Other functions of the salivary glands are equally important.

What is saliva?

The defining function of the salivary glands is the secretion of saliva, a viscous liquid with a complex composition: water, acid salts, trace elements, enzymes, vitamins, proteins.

Enzymes contained in the liquid break down food, digestion of fats begins. The particles are enveloped, stick together to facilitate movement through the esophagus.

The composition varies depending on the time of day, consumed foods and drinks, diseases, age, environmental conditions. An indicator of oral health is the PH level. Normal values: 6.5 - 7.5.

The structure of the human salivary glands

The structure of organs is determined by their type. They are big and small; according to the type of secret, mucous, protein, mixed are distinguished. Dislocation of small ones - the mucous membrane of the lips, tongue, cheeks, palate. Large salivary glands - paired - are of three types:

  1. Parotid - large, weighing 20-30 grams, located under the auricle, on the side of the lower jaw. Covered with a sheath of connective tissue, divided into lobules. The main function is the production of liquid saliva (one third of the total volume) with a high concentration of sodium and potassium chlorides.
  2. Submandibular (15 grams) with the upper edge adjacent to the lower jaw. From them departs the excretory duct, which opens near the frenulum of the tongue. Allocate the secret of low acidity.
  3. Sublingual weigh 5 grams, are located at the bottom of the oral cavity under the mucosa. The produced secret is proteinaceous, rich in mucin, with a high alkaline reaction.

The command to produce saliva is given by the brain.

The command to produce saliva is given by the brain. The centers located in the back section start working in certain situations - when thinking about food, chewing, appetizing smells, during stress. A large amount of secretion is produced during chewing: the muscles press on the glands, forcing them to work harder.

An interesting fact is noted in new research: the parotid major salivary glands are enlarged in those who like to talk on the phone; the amount of saliva produced is also above average.


Large and small salivary glands perform the same functions.

  • endocrine - the production of biologically active substances similar to hormones;
  • exocrine - secretion of mucus and proteins;
  • excretory - excretion of metabolic products;
  • filtration - filtering nutrients from the blood.

The functions of the salivary glands make them a necessary element of the digestive system.

The functions of the salivary glands make them a necessary element of the digestive system. Wetting of the oral cavity occurs, food becomes available for chewing. Constant hydration is a condition for normal articulation, enhancing the taste of products. Due to the chemical composition, saliva protects tooth enamel from damage, preventing the appearance of caries.

With reduced secretion, xerostomia is diagnosed - a syndrome of dry mouth. Soft tissues become irritated, vulnerable to infections. Dryness causes an unpleasant odor, a change in taste sensations, difficulty swallowing,.


  1. Kurepina M.M., Ozhigova A.P., Nikitina A.A. Human anatomy. Moscow, 2010.
  2. Fedyukovich N. Human anatomy and physiology. Tutorial. Rostov-on-Don, 2003.

The salivary glands are located in the mouth and secrete saliva. They are divided into large and small. According to the quality of the allocated secret, there are mixed, mucous and proteinaceous.

They are located in the mucous membrane of the tongue, cheeks, lips, palate, as well as in the sublingual, submandibular, anterior and posterior lingual and parotid glands (the largest of all).

Small salivary glands are located in the region of the tongue, palate, cheeks and lips. Large salivary glands, they are also called paired, are located in the sublingual layer, submandibular and parotid.

The parotid salivary gland is located in the retromaxillary fossa and consists of several lobules, the submandibular gland is located in the submandibular triangle, the sublingual gland is located on the maxillohyoid muscle.

About functional necessity

The action of the salivary glands:

  • wetting of the oral cavity;
  • liquefaction of food;
  • chewing food;
  • articulation;
  • enhancement of taste;
  • protection of teeth from various damages (thermal, mechanical);
  • oral cavity cleansing.

Complete detailed anatomy of the salivary glands

Saliva is secreted in the large salivary glands. Numerous enzymes that make up the glands are actively involved in the process of digestion. Enzymes are protein substances, their functions are diverse and very important, from the initial chemical processing of food in the mouth until the production of juice by the stomach.

From the research of specialists it follows that the action of the enzymes of the salivary glands continues after food enters the mouth for up to half an hour.

The composition of saliva:

  • enzymes(amylase, hydrolase, proteases, maltase, phosphatases);
  • inorganic substances: sulfates, chloride anions, phosphates;
  • magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium cations;
  • trace elements(nickel, iron);
  • squirrels(for example, mucin, which sticks together food particles and helps in the formation of a food bolus); lysozyme (has a bactericidal effect).

Although the food is in the mouth for a few seconds, but already there, due to the presence of the salivary glands, the process of digestion begins.

Complete digestion of food occurs in the gastrointestinal tract.

Functions of saliva:

  • digestive;
  • excretory;
  • protective;
  • trophic.

In the photo, salivon is a structural and functional unit of the salivary gland

Saliva is formed from a special secret that secretes the parotid gland, small and large salivary glands. Mixing in the mouth with other elements, saliva begins to perform its immediate functions.

Human saliva contains hundreds of thousands of microbes that enter the mouth along with water, dust, and smoke. People have become immune to many microbes, the body neutralizes them, and saliva beneficial microorganisms also take an active part in this process.

However, viruses mutate, and through unwashed hands or poorly washed foods, many such viruses can enter the mouth, to which a person has no immunity. Therefore, hygiene of hands, oral cavity, vegetables and fruits is very important.

After all, any infection can cause a huge amount of enamel and mucous membrane of the throat, and the whole organism as a whole.

In the world of interesting

As a rule, the salivary glands produce about 2200 mg of saliva per day. However, the number varies due to:

All negative emotional disturbances, severe pain, overstrain of mental activity of the brain inhibit salivation, and the so-called lack of appetite occurs.

However, even during conversations about food, at the sounds of dishes being prepared, at the sight of food, a conditioned irritant reflex is triggered in a person and salivation increases.

Possible disorders and diseases

Pathologies of the glands develop very rarely, for example, on the basis of injury, traumatic bruises of the face or head, with a congenital defect of the salivary glands (for example, their absence):

About possible causes and symptoms

Causes of inflammation:

  • narrowing of the duct of the parotid gland;
  • viral and infectious lesions (influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, measles, otitis, tonsillitis,);
  • the appearance in the duct of a plug from a compacted mixture of viruses or leukocytes;
  • as a complication in professional activities for those who are engaged in glass blowing, playing wind instruments.

Inflammatory processes of the salivary glands are manifested by the presence of sometimes a very high body temperature, sometimes an increase in subfebrile temperature.

Symptoms of the inflammatory process:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • swelling, swelling and enlargement of the salivary gland, or the location of this gland;
  • pain on palpation, pain on swallowing;
  • the presence of pus that enters the oral cavity;
  • bad breath, ;
  • redness at the site of inflammation.

A few words about the main

The treatment of diseases of the salivary glands includes the use of those drugs that increase salivation, the appointment of antibiotics, physiotherapy, rinsing. With purulent contents and the presence of stones, surgical intervention is performed.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene, the condition of the teeth, tonsils.

At the slightest infection, immediately gargle, treat your teeth in a timely manner, immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and appointment of professional treatment.

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