Writers and poets of the Kostroma land of the 19th century. Department of Culture of the Kostroma Region. How did the bunny get smart?



(b. 1923)



Yakov Lazarevich Akim was born on December 15, 1923 in the city of Galich into a large and friendly Akim family. As Yakov Lazarevich recalls,

“My childhood spent in this town helped me later write many poems. And also parents: in the evenings, music often sounded in the house. My father, a mechanic, played the violin decently, my mother, a librarian, loved to sing, accompanying herself and my brother and me on the guitar or on the mandalin. In Galich, Yakov Lazarevich went to school (now it is secondary school No. 4). At school, he had to edit a wall newspaper, in which he placed his very first poem.

Then my father was transferred to work in the regional center, from there to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture in Moscow. The family moved there in 1933. In Moscow, Yakov Lazarevich continues his studies at school.

The Great Patriotic War began. In July, the forty-first year, the father of Yakov Lazarevich died while defending Moscow from an air raid. By right of elder, Ya.L. Akim takes his mother and younger brother to Ulyanovsk, to be evacuated, and from there he goes to the front. He went through the whole war, fought on the Voronezh, Don, Stalingrad fronts. There was no time to write poetry then.

Only after the war, when Yakov Lazarevich began to study at a chemical university and attend the institute’s literary association, as he himself says, “an unusual desire to write appeared. It was like letters to people dear to me, in particular, to my little daughter and son - my first poems for children. And Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak blessed him on this difficult path with the words: “write, my dear, so that they cannot fail to print you.”

Poems by Yakov Lazarevich began to be published willingly in children's magazines, in Pionerskaya Pravda, starting in 1950. Then books began to be published in Detgiz, Malysh and other publishing houses. In 1956, a selection of "adult" poems appeared in the collection "Literary Moscow", as well as in the "Day of Poetry".

Yakov Lazarevich is an excellent translator. Thanks to his translations, our reader got acquainted with the works of poets from many CIS countries. He brought many talented writers to the creative path, for which he was awarded Certificates of Honor from all the Union Republics of the former USSR.

Despite his age, Yakov Lazarevich continues to work successfully. In 1998, his collection "Winter Rain" was published, in 2002 - the collection "From silence, a cautious word." He is a member of the editorial board of the Murzilka magazine.

Yakov Lazarevich, a member of the Writers' Union, was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. For the book of selected translations for children "I hurry to a friend" he was awarded the Andersen Honorary International Diploma. The publishing house "Children's Literature" in 1991 released the Golden Volume of Ya.L. Akim "The Girl and the Lion" in the "Golden Library of Children's Literature" series.

Yakov Lazarevich Akim does not forget his native Galich. He dedicated a number of his poems to him: “Motherland” (1970), “City of Galich” (1956), “It is strange to me that I am still alive ...” (1958), “Rain on the Square” (1965), “Street”, “ On a skiff."

According to his works in the 50s of the last century, a play was staged in secondary school No. 1 and Akim came to his premiere. The last visit of Yakov Lazarevich to Galich took place in January 2000.

By the Decree of the Kostroma Regional Duma No. 1321 dated May 29, 2003, the Galich Children's Library was named after Ya.L. Akim.

At present Ya.L. Akim lives in Moscow.

Ya. Akim - Autobiography, in the collection "Winter Rain", Moscow organization of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, "Poetry", M, 1998

V. Klevich - “I didn’t squander the inheritance of my dear homeland in empty words”, Galichskiye Izvestia, No. 23 (10358), 24.02.2000

"Named after Y.L. Akim", "Galich News", No. 67-68, 12. 06.2003

M.P. Shkotov - “4th school named after. F.N. Krasovsky of the city of Galich - 200 years, vol. 2, pp. 69-70, Galich, 1991

Materials of the Museum of Secondary School No. 4.

B. Nikolsky - "School Opera", "Lenin's Way" No. 51 (6685) dated 04/27/1976


(1932 – 2006)


Yuri Ivanovich Balakin was born on December 22, 1932 in the city of Galich, Kostroma Region, in a family of employees: his father is a trade worker, his mother is a teacher.

In 1950, Yuri Ivanovich graduated from railway school No. 16 (now secondary school No. 4). After graduating from school, he entered the Leningrad Order of Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor Mining Institute. Received the specialty of a mining engineer-mine builder. He worked in the mines of the Urals, Donbass, Kuzbass.

He returned to Galich several times, and in 1968 he returned, so as not to leave his small Motherland anymore.

Throughout his conscious life he was fascinated by literature, especially poetry. I read a lot. Together with his wife Galina Mikhailovna, he collected a large (more than 3,000 books) library. Tastes changed - poets and writers too.

Yuri Ivanovich began to compose his first poems in his youth. These were epigrams for friends, jokes, madrigals. Further, things did not go, and there was no confidence in their literary strength.

But as time went on, the accumulated life material required some kind of self-expression. He began to write poetry seriously. But it wasn't that easy. There were many mistakes and failures in the publication of the first collections.

For twelve years of work in the field of poetry, Yu.I. Balakin from helpless, sometimes half-childish poems, reached publications in regional newspapers and magazines, "almanacs", "anthologies", in the journal "Provincial House", in the capital's magazine "Our Contemporary".

The Galich printing house published a number of collections of the poet, among them: "Mosaic" (1992), "... Sorrows eternal companion" (1998), "Selected" (1998), "... And every day a reward" (2000), "Time, time, time "(2001)," Poems "(2002).

Yuri Ivanovich often spoke to readers of Galich libraries, to schoolchildren, and was engaged in social work.

Yu. Balakin - "Autobiography", materials of the museum of secondary school No. 4.

"Galich region", Galich, 1995, p.154.

V. Lapshin - "Poetry is love", "Galic news", No. 42 (10230), 04/15/1999


(b. 1949)

Elena Lvovna Balashova was born in 1949 in the village of Galuzino, Muravishchensky village, Galich district.

A small village, lost in the deaf lakeside forests of the Galich land, has been saturated with poetry since Pushkin's times. It is unlikely that there is such a corner anywhere else that has given so many talented poets: Elena Balashova, Svetlana Vinogradova, Vera Klevich, a talented director and actor, creator of the famous BAM Theater in Zvyozdny, Anatoly Baikov.

A serious illness deprived Elena of many joys in her childhood. Being alone for a long time, she learned to observe, feel, think and find a verbal equivalent to all this - poetry. Her poetry is piercingly pure does not leave any reader indifferent.

Lena began writing her poems at school. Here is how she herself remembers this time. “Russian language and literature was taught by Valentin Semyonovich Panin. Almost all the girls in the class were in love with him. He was very attentive to any manifestation of the creative abilities of students. I remember that I always wrote school essays with love, I always wanted to say something more than the school curriculum required, and say it in my own words. Valentin Semyonovich understood me, and I was in awe of him. And at the graduation party, I read my first poem, which was dedicated to him. One of my classmates copied it and sent it to Severnaya Pravda with my address. I did not know about this and was surprised by the letter from the editorial office. Igor Alexandrovich Dedkov answered me. As I now understand, this man, despite being very busy, managed to find time to answer me, the girl. Not just to answer, but to parse the verses and give good advice. This was my first poetic baptism."

Then there were poetry collections: "Vicious Circle", "High Light". Elena Lvovna published her poems in the newspapers Leninsky Put, Galichskiye Izvestiya, Severnaya Pravda, Molodoy Leninets. In 1977, she took part in a meeting of writers of the Non-Black Earth Region, after which Lena's poems came to the Russian expanse. Her poems were published in the collections of the Upper Volga publishing house, in the Neva magazine, in the newspapers Literary Russia, Rural Life. Moscow artists write music and perform on her poems.

For books of poems E. Balashova in 1998 was awarded the prize of the head of the administration of the region "Recognition".

In 2002, by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Elena Lvovna was awarded the badge "For Achievements in Culture".

Now Elena Lvovna Balashova lives in Chukhloma, but she is a frequent visitor to Galich. He often performs in front of the Galicians at his creative evenings.

T. Golyatina - “I always wanted to say something more ...”, Severnaya Pravda, November 15, 1997, p.6


(1928 – 1972)


Vitaly Ivanovich Voronov was born in the village of Khlyabovo, Galich District, Kostroma Region. Soon the parents move to live in Galich.

Vitaly Ivanovich studied at the 16th railway school (now secondary school No. 4), which he graduated in 1947.

After leaving school, he entered the Leningrad Mining Institute, Order of Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor, which he successfully graduated in 1952 with a degree in mining engineer-economist. He worked in the mines, but due to health reasons he had to return to Galich. Here his talent as a poet and theater-goer was revealed.

Vitaly Ivanovich's abilities for versification and drawing manifested themselves in his school years. He published his poems in the local newspaper.

IN AND. Voronov wrote the poem "Galician", dedicated to the Galician scout Antonina Kasatkina. The poem was published in the newspaper "Lenin's Way".

In Galich, Vitaly Ivanovich immediately joins the staff of the People's Theater, which reopened in 1959 with the play "Young-Green". The theater director Nina Vasilievna Myasnikova described the artistic steps of Vitaly Ivanovich as follows: “Well, what can I say to you! You are an artist. There is a father-financier in the play. Ah, if you knew the role well, it would be even better to “represent”.

The further life of Vitaly Ivanovich was connected with the theater. He was the head of the production and literary part of the theater, was an actor.

Yu. Balakin - "A word about V.I. Voronov." Materials of the Museum of Secondary School No. 4.


(b. 1954)


Vera Lvovna Klevich was born on May 31, 1954 in the village of Galuzino, Muravishchensky s / s. Since childhood, she loved literature, was fond of the theater, arranging concerts for the villagers together with her peers.

She graduated from the ten-year period at the Nikolo-Berezovskaya secondary school. Then there was the Kostroma School of Culture - a library department. After graduating from college, she worked as the head of the reading room in the Krasnoye on the Volga regional library, then went to work at the editorial office of the Krasnoye Privolzhye newspaper, linking her life with journalism. In 1985, Vera Lvovna was accepted into the Union of Journalists of Russia.

Working in the editorial office of the "Red Volga Region", she graduated in absentia from the Karavaev Agricultural Institute, animal engineering department.

Since June 1992, Vera Lvovna has been living in Galich and working as her own correspondent for the Severnaya Pravda newspaper in the Galichsky, Chukhlomsky and Soligalichsky districts. Her essays, articles, reports are always interesting to readers.

Vera Klevich, like her sister Elena Balashova, loves poetry and composes poetry. Her poems are often published in periodicals. Her book of poems "Confession" was published, poems were published in the almanac "Galician Territory" (1995) and in the collection of poems "Everything begins with love."

Materials of the regional library. M. Gorky.


(b. 1944)



Viktor Mikhailovich Lapshin was born in 1944 in Galich.

In 1961, Viktor Mikhailovich graduated from high school No. 4 and entered the Kostroma Pedagogical Institute. From the third year he is taken to serve in the army. After demobilization, he transferred to the Vologda Pedagogical Institute, but for family reasons he left his studies. For several months he worked as a correspondent in the circulation of the Sukhona Shipping Company.

In 1968, Viktor Mikhailovich Lapshin returned to Galich and went to work at the editorial office of the regional newspaper Leninsky Put (now Galichskiye Izvestia) as a literary employee of the agricultural department. Then the head of the department of letters, headed the department of industry.

In 1986, after he became a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, Viktor Mikhailovich is engaged only in creative work. For six years he has been writing poetry, translating poems by Caucasian poets for the Moscow publishing houses Sovremennik and Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, collaborated with the Saratov magazine Volga as a reviewer (both poetry and prose).

From 1992 to 2003 he returned to work at the editorial office of the Galichskiye Izvestia newspaper as a correspondent for the department of economics and agriculture.

Victor Mikhailovich Lapshin is the author of collections of poems: “On native winds” (Yaroslavl, 1979), “Late spring” (“Young Guard”, 1985), “Will” (“Contemporary”, 1986), “ Desire "(Yaroslavl, 1988)," The world is imperishable "(" Soviet writer "1989), "Duma-dal" ("Contemporary", 1989), "Ring" (Kostroma, 1994), "Sleep Star" (Galich, 2001).

Poems and poems of Viktor Mikhailovich were published in the capital's magazines "Our Contemporary", "Young Guard", "October", "Spark", "Lepta", "Moscow", "Literary Study", "Rus" (Yaroslavl), "Provincial House ”(Kostroma), “Russian Province” (Veliky Novgorod), in the capital almanacs “Sources” (1977), “Inspiration” (1981), “Poetry Day” (1983, 1985, 2002) , "Poetry" (1982, 1988, 1990), "Clean Ponds", "Word" (1989), in collective Moscow collections. Poetic selections were published in the weeklies of Moscow and other cities - Literary Gazette, Literary Russia, Russian Cathedral, Star of the Fields, in the collective collections of Yaroslavl and Kostroma.

Translations by V.M. Lapshin were published: the collective collection “I Love the Caucasus” (“Contemporary”, 1988), Mamed Ismail “My Shrines” (“Fiction”, 1989), Sali Archakov “Strict Time” (Grozny, 1989) , Girikhan Galiev “Morning Trees” (“Contemporary”), Taif Adzhba “Instead of Dots” (“Contemporary”, 1990), Arben Kardash “Cry, My Willow” (1995) and “Smoke of the Fatherland” (Makhachkala, 1997). V.M. Lapshin continues to collaborate with Moscow writers and continues to work on translations.

Three poems by V.M. Lapshin were included in the anthology of the best poems XX century.

According to the materials of the newspapers "Galichskiye Izvestia" for 1980-2003.

A. Mosolov - "Characteristics of Viktor Mikhailovich Lapshin, a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR", 2003


(1805 – 1864)


Platon Grigoryevich Obodovsky is one of the Russian poets who came out of the Galicians. Pupil of the St. Petersburg Higher School, translator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, class inspector at St. Catherine.

He published a number of poems in magazines and separately (“The Royal Flower Garden, 1840, “The Orphan of Chios” - a poem in verse, 1828, etc.).

It was a popular poet C I C century. Famous composers wrote music to his poems: A. Alyabyev, M.I. Glinka, A. Varlamov. So A. Alyabyev wrote a romance for the poem "Coffin", for the text "Palermo" - M.I. Glinka. Composers A. Varlamov and V. Sokolov composed a romance based on the text of Platon Grigorievich's poem "Song of the Greek".

Such poems as “Russian Song” (“Don’t cry, don’t grieve) and “Song” (“Don’t cry, don’t cry, beauty”) were very popular at one time.

Platon Grigorievich translated and originally wrote a number of dramatic works: “Father and Daughter”, “The First and Last Love of Charles CII ”, “Brothers Merchants”, “Boyar Word”.

Died P.G. Obodovsky in 1864 in St. Petersburg.

“Our newspaper wrote. 1966, Galichskiye Izvestia No. 37(10372) dated March 28, 2000

"Encyclopedia" Brockhaus and Efron, electronic books, Discovery 1M trademark, IDDC Group LLC, Moscow, 2003


(b. 1951)


The village of Kostoma is famous not only for its picturesque distances, it is known for the fact that poet Sergei Alexandrovich Potekhin, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, was born here, lives and pleases with his talent. His name is shrouded in some kind of romantic halo and has long been known far beyond the borders of our region. An extraordinary man with a completely unsettled life, living alone in the wilderness in harmony with himself and in complete harmony with the nature around him, he was talked about on central television and on All-Union radio, the central press wrote about him.

Sergey Alexandrovich Potekhin was born on June 14, 1951 in the village of Kostoma, Galich region. He graduated from school in Kostom, then studied at the Galich Pedagogical College. While there was a collective farm in Kostom, he worked in it.

Poems by S.A. Fun is diverse. His best works are written in the traditions of Russian classical verse, they are characterized by harmony and elegance, the depth of philosophical sound, the freshness of the poetic image. Quite different - ironic poems and mischievous ditty.

Now a bright and unusual stucco clay toy, which is kept in almost every home, has become a kind of visiting card of Sergey Potekhin..

Album "Writers of Galich", regional library. A.M. Gorky.

L. Kalikina - "A holiday that is always with you", "Galic news" No. 72 (10552) dated 06/26/2001

A. Kuznetsov, I. Chernetsky - "Galich", magazine "Science and Life", No. 2, P. 15, Moscow, 2004


(b. 1953)


Svetlana Vladimirovna Vinogradova (Rychkova) was born in 1953 in Galich. Poetry began to write early, often published in the district and regional newspapers. Svetlana signed her poems with her maiden name - Vinogradova. And until now, all poetry collections of Svetlana Vladimirovna are published under this surname.

Svetlana Vladimirovna graduated from the Kostroma Pedagogical Institute. Nekrasov (Faculty of History and Philology) and the Faculty of Economics of the Kostroma Agricultural Institute.

She worked as a secretary of the Komsomol State Committee, an instructor of the Galich State Committee of the CPSU, and an editor of the newspaper Galichskie Izvestia. She is a frequent visitor to the libraries of the city, performs at creative evenings.

For her achievements in literary work, she was awarded the Prize. stop.

The first book by Svetlana Vladimirovna "The Road Home" was published in 1996 by the publishing house "Literary Kostroma". She is a laureate of the Regional Administration Prize for a cycle of poems. Svetlana Vladimirovna is represented in the Anthology of Kostroma Poetry. Participant of several regional creative seminars and Y I All-Union Conference of Young Writers. She is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, a member of the board of the regional writers' organization.

The second collection of poems by Svetlana Vladimirovna "Clouds over the Lake" was published in 2000 by the publishing house of the regional writers' organization, the last - "The Returning Summer" in 2003 by the same publishing house.

Svetlana Vladimirovna's poem "My Russia is Galich" became a song loved by Galicians

At the end of 2006, a book by S. Vinogradova (Rychkova) "There is a city of Galich ..." was published. This historical book about Galich covers the period from the founding of the city to 2004. The book found a positive response from the Galicians.

Almanac "Galician" - "Briefly about the authors", Galich, 1994

S.Mikhailov - "Happiness to you, Poetess", "Galich News" No. 22 (107801) dated 25.02.2003

Album "Writers of Galich", regional library. A.M. Gorky.

“The Best People of Russia”, Encyclopedia, Spets-Address Publishing House LLC, 5th edition, S. 386, M. 2003




Galician Aleksey Nikolaevich Solovyov was a talented self-taught poet. He is one of the first proletarian poets who, together with V. Mayakovsky, D. Bedny, A. Blok, S. Yesenin, accepted the revolution of 1917 and tried to create a poetic image of the new Russia. Many of his poems are ideological, imbued with patriotism, faith in the bright future of their homeland and native land.

His work attracted the attention of a number of Soviet writers (A. Tarasenkov, B. Mikhailovsky). His best poems were included in the collections of proletarian poetry "Proletarian Poets of the First Years of the Soviet Era" and "Poetry in the Bolshevik Editions of 1901-1917", published by the "Soviet Writer" in the large series "Poet's Libraries", as well as in the book "Poets "Pravda". Poems of 1912-1922”, which contains selected works of poets - employees of Pravda, who appeared on the pages of the newspaper during the first decade of its coexistence.

Aleksey Nikolaevich Solovyov was born in 1888 in the village of Shoksha, Galich district, Kostroma province. His father worked at a local tannery as a laborer. Unable to go to school, Alexei learned to read and write from his semi-literate sister. I read a lot, especially loved the poems of N.A. Nekrasov and I.S. Nikitin. Twelve years old, having got to St. Petersburg with Galich otkhodniks, A.N. Solovyov was sent to painting. Later, as the poet himself wrote, “traveled along and across all the northern provinces, looked at the Volga, muttered, croaked, loaded firewood, worked in factories, and did not forget about his painting profession.”

During the years of the first Russian revolution, Solovyov returned to St. Petersburg, actively participated in revolutionary events, was arrested and imprisoned in the "Crosses".

From 1910 to 1918 Alexey Nikolaevich worked as a painter in St. Petersburg.

When, during the period of a new revolutionary upsurge, the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda began to appear, A.N. Solovyov became its zealous reader, and then a distributor. He began writing and publishing in 1914. His first poem "Malyar" was signed with the pseudonym "Unsociable". This poem was followed by "Carpenters", "Comrades" and other poems. Published in Pravda until its closure by the tsarist government. Solovyov was also published in other newspapers: Varshavskoye Morning, Army Bulletin.

During I World War A.N. Solovyov fought at the front for more than three years. In battles he was shell-shocked. He vividly described the events of this time in his poems "1914", "Funeral", "Bloody Harvest". His poems were published in front-line newspapers.

Returning from the front, Solovyov-Neludim continues to take part in the struggle for the power of the Soviets and continues to publish his poems in the Social Democrat newspaper.

After the October Revolution Nelyudim returns to Galich. In 1918-1920, he actively participated in strengthening Soviet power in the city and region, for more than three and a half years he edited the Galich district newspaper Izvestia of the Executive Committee ..., then the newspaper Plow and Hammer. His poems, stories, feuilletons were published in the newspaper. Alexey Nikolaevich often read his poems at rallies, meetings and county congresses of the Soviets. Here he became friends with the artist I.I. Kalikin, photographer M.M. Smodor, serving M.Ya. Dmitriev In Galich, his collections of poems "Flights" (1920) and "Colored Carpet" (1922) were published.

An important place in his work is occupied by the events of the civil war, new revolutionary holidays, civic and everyday motives.

However, the central theme of Solovyov-Neludim's poetry is the old and the new: the life of the working people under tsarism and their life after October, rejoiced at the sprouts of the new, the bright. The subsequent development of life in Russia greatly disappointed Alexei Nikolaevich. The bright ideals for which he fought were trampled on. In his poem M.Ya. Dmitriev writes:

“Hunger strikes are even a pity,

I even feel sorry for the horse

Often you see trash now,

Honor is not enough now ....

You don't know these days

That which was torn to the light,

Almost from the Soviets

The sign remains."

Researchers of Solovyov-Nelyudim's creativity will refer to this period of creativity as an "ideological breakdown", although this was a sober assessment of the time.

A.N. Solovyov passionately loved his native land and sang it in his poems. In 1927, Alexey Nikolaevich moved to Leningrad, continuing to follow the economic and cultural life of Galich and Kostroma.

V. Kondratiev - "Anthology of Kostroma poetry", "Northern truth", No. 259 (19832), 12.11. 1986

A. Anokhin - "Galich find", "Kostroma region", No. 13, 03.10. 1991

A. Solovyov - "Poems 1914-1926", compiled by V. Kastorsky, Kostroma Book Publishing House, 1957

I. Osina - "Singer of the native land", "Galich news", No. 124 (10312), 02.11.1999


(1922 - 2004)



Viktor Vasilyevich Sotnikov was born in Galich on January 30, 1922. His father, Vasily Alexandrovich Sotnikov, is a descendant of Old Believer Cossacks sent by Catherine II for the development of the wealth of Lake Galich, he was an employee, a specialist tanner. Mother, Lyubov Alexandrovna (nee Lapshina) came from the old merchant family of the Lapshins, who was related to the Parfeniev merchants Postnikovs, who, in turn, were direct descendants of the small landed nobleman Arkady Gennadievich Salkov. Salkov's daughter, Natalya Arkadyevna (married Golikova) is the mother of Arkady Petrovich Gaidar, a Soviet writer.

Viktor Vasilyevich studied at secondary school No. 1. Then there was the war. For feats of arms he was awarded five orders and 15 medals, was wounded twice, received a disability. After the end of World War II, he entered the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers (LIIZhT). Here is what Viktor Vasilyevich himself writes about this. “By specialty I am a railway engineer for the construction of bridges and tunnels. After graduating from the institute in 1948, I found myself in the midst of events related to the post-war restoration of the country's national economy. The restless specialty of a builder threw me around cities and towns, from one construction site to another, across vast distances from West to East and from South to North.

I was lucky enough to restore a large railway bridge across the Dnieper in Cherkassy in Ukraine, build a plant in the Urals, build railways in Mongolia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, build the port of Vanino in the Far East and a military shipyard in the Sovetskaya Gavan area. For merits in the field of construction, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR awarded Viktor Vasilyevich Sotnikov the honorary title of Honored Builder of the RSFSR.

Since 1958 V.V. Sotnikov works in Murmansk. Here is how he characterizes this period of his life: “For me, this period was the most interesting and fruitful. There were interesting, memorable meetings with prominent people, political and statesmen: A.N. Kosygin, A.N. Shelepin, V.N. Novikov, L.I. Brezhnev, N.S. Khrushchev, Yu.V. Andropov, President of Finland U. Kokkonen, Prime Minister of Canada P.E. Prudeau... I was authorized to hand over to the First Secretary, the US Embassy in the USSR, William Harben, a capsule from the Apollo spacecraft, I was a participant in three international conferences of the country, and so on. etc.".

For services to the fatherland, Viktor Vasilyevich was awarded many orders and medals. He was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of Murmansk".

On the day of his 80th birthday, Viktor Vasilievich was awarded the distinction “For Merit to the Murmansk Region”.

And Viktor Vasilievich had another hobby - he loved poetry and wrote poetry himself. At one time he was friends with the poets E. Dolmatovsky and L. Oshanin, who gave him their books. Poems by V.V. Sotnikov were published in Murmansk in the newspaper "Polyarnaya Pravda", repeatedly - in the Galich newspaper "Galichskiye Izvestia" under the pseudonym "Sotnikov - Galichsky".

Having retired, Viktor Vasilyevich moved to the city of Gatchina, near St. Petersburg. On May 17, 2004, his life was tragically cut short. Viktor Vasilyevich Sotnikov was buried in the city of Galich at the city cemetery.

V. Lapshin - “We were at war with you”, “Galichskiye Izvestia” No. 112 of 10/11/1994

V. Sotnikov - "Far and Near", "Galich News" No. 7 (10637) dated January 19, 2002

"Memory of a friend", "Gatchinskaya Pravda" dated 06/03/2004

“Viktor Vasilyevich Sotnikov” - “Polarnaya Pravda” dated May 20, 2004


(1916 – 2002)


Nina Akimovna Tsvetkova was born in 1916 in the village of Kurochkino, Galich region.

She started writing poetry early. She is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, led the literary association of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (formerly VDNKh in Moscow).

Nina Akimovna kept in touch with her native Galich all the time, where she spent her childhood and youth. She corresponded with the local history museum, sent her books. Several of her works were donated by the local history museum to the regional library named after M. Gorky.

Materials of the Galich Museum of Local Lore.

“About writing and writers of the Kostroma province, written by him Literary map of the Kostroma region. Pisemsky A.F. So, before you, gentlemen, the XIX century is somehow one, wide ... "



Scientific and Methodological Department

about writing and writers

Kostroma province,

written by him

Literary map of the Kostroma region.

Pisemsky A.F.

So, before you, gentlemen,

Somehow one, widely known

in metropolitan literary circles

a certain Mr. N. got into a very

bad story. For taking part

The poetic portrait of N. is noble and well-read, The syllable, the theme, the necessary aphorism.

Smart, handsome, rich, educated.

But the muse, the windy maiden, And caused that "Oh!", then "Ah!"

Didn't hurt him with success.

He's in ladies' and girls' circles.

He knew Byron and Democritus, To drink bitter poison of defeat, Sophocles, Hobbes, Parmenides, Instead of fiery rewards.

And composed for young ladies Sad fate picture.

Dozens of subtle epigrams.

But, gentlemen, it wasn't there.

Vanity - you are a real demon, N., not going to rest, Dreamed of creating N. his masterpiece, Thinking about other work today.

To eclipse the victories of all Bohemians, Without grieving about the situation, To glorify the family tree.

Our rake drove up to Bui.

Maral the pen until the pain in his fingers, Looking for satire, subtle meaning, We found him on the way to the Buysky district of the Kostroma province, where he was heading to his beloved aunt.

Historical reference The very word "buoy" means high, courageous, bold.

A large county with the center in the city of Bue was formed in 1778.

Together with the status of a county town, Bui also received a coat of arms:

in the blue field is an iron anchor with a buoy tied on a golden rope, indicating the name of the city.

In the first half of the 19th century, the city grew rapidly. Parish schools and a hospital appeared. The population was engaged in arable farming, gardening, cattle breeding and timber rafting. There was also a brick factory here.

His aunt was famous for her education and erudition, as well as a very wide circle of literary acquaintances. That is why our hero shared with her the idea of ​​​​creating a kind of research work in the field of literature on the topic: "Mr. N.'s notes on writing and writers of the Kostroma province, written by him."

The aunt liked the idea, because her environment abounded with creative people. In particular, her close friend was the poetess, who lived in those years in the Tolstikovo estate of the Buysky district, Yulia Valerianovna Zhadovskaya.

Auntie said that Yulia Valerianovna Zhadovskaya was born

–  –  –

A.I. Kornilova Very interested in the stories of Yulia Valerianovna about her relationship with Anna Ivanovna Gotovtseva, about her meetings with famous contemporaries, our master N.

personally get acquainted with one of them - Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky, who was born in 1798. in Moscow in an old and rich princely family belonging to the Rurik family and descendants of P.A. Vyazemsky Vladimir Monomakh.

The poetic gift of Peter Vyazemsky manifested itself after a series of trips to his estate - to the village of Krasnoye-on-Volga.

Their result was the appearance of three poems at once: "Evening on the Volga", "Morning on the Volga", and "Star on the Volga".

–  –  –

“And incredulously and greedily I look at your flowers, Who, a strict stoic, will take coldly Greetings harit and beauty?

I am proud of him, but also shy;

Your unsaid reproach I do not quite dare to unravel ... "

Nowadays, the village of Krasnoye is associated among contemporaries not only as the land of goldsmiths, but also as the birthplace of P.A. Vyazemsky - one of the great poets of the 19th century, a man of extraordinary spiritual generosity. On the site of his former mansion, only an old linden alley remained - a wonderful place for local history readings dedicated to P.A. Vyazemsky. Since 2008, such readings have been held here annually.

As a well-educated and erudite man, our Mr. N. liked to read fresh newspapers and magazines. And among other publications, he especially liked the "Notes of the Fatherland". One day, his aunt caught him reading and asked why her nephew was so fascinated that he, usually punctual, even missed dinner time? Mr. N. was fascinated by the stories of a certain Pisemsky A.F.

It turned out that the name is well known to the aunt. She knew little Alyosha back in those days when he and his parents lived in the Chukhloma district of the Kostroma province.

Historical background The exact time and place of the founding of Chukhloma are unknown, there is evidence that the city existed in the 10th century, but not on the southern, but on the northern shore of Lake Chukhloma, where the Avraamiev Gorodetsky Monastery was later founded. The year of foundation of the city of Chukhloma on the southern coast is considered to be 1381. Chukhloma did not belong to the trading cities. Its population lived by handicrafts and petty trade.

A significant part of the inhabitants was engaged in fishing and gardening. The only enterprise that existed in Chukhloma was the brewery of the farmer Nelidov.

Pisemsky Alexey Feofilaktovich (11 (23) 03.1821-21.01.1881) a famous writer. Born in the estate of Ramenye, Chukhloma district, Kostroma province.

His family is an old noble family, but Pisemsky's closest ancestors belonged to an impoverished branch.

The writer's father was determined to be a soldier in the troops marching to conquer the Crimea, rose to the rank of major in the Caucasus and, returning to his homeland, married Evdokia Alekseevna Shipova. He was, according to his son, “in the full sense of the military servant of that time, a strict performer of duty, moderate in his habits to the point of puritanism, a man of incorruptible honesty in the sense of money and at the same time severely strict towards his subordinates;

serfs trembled him, but only fools and lazybones, and sometimes he even spoiled smart and efficient people.

According to Pisemsky's memoirs, Pisemsky's mother "was of completely different qualities: nervous, dreamy, subtly intelligent and, for all the insufficiency of her upbringing, spoke very well and loved sociability very much. There was a lot of spiritual beauty in her, which over the years more and more stood out. ”

The childhood of Alexei Feofilaktovich passed in Vetluga, where his father was a mayor. The child, who inherited her mother's nervousness, grew up freely and independently. “I was not particularly forced to study, and I myself did not really like to study; but on the other hand, I loved to read and read, especially novels, to the point of passion: before the age of fourteen I had already read - in translation, of course - most of the novels of Walter Scott, "Donquixote", "Faublase", "Gilblaze", "The Lame Demon", "Serapion brothers"

Hoffmann, the Persian novel "Hadji Baba" and others.

The building of the Kostroma gymnasium Already in childhood, Pisemsky showed an ability for philosophical, abstract sciences. At the age of fourteen, he entered the Kostroma gymnasium, where he began to write, and became addicted to the theater, and in 1840 moved to Moscow University. From the memoirs of Pisemsky: "... I thank God that I chose the Faculty of Mathematics, which immediately sobered me up and began to teach me to speak only what I myself clearly understand."

In 1844 Pisemsky graduated from the university course. In 1846, after serving two years in the Chamber of State Property in Kostroma and Moscow, Pisemsky retired and married Ekaterina Pavlovna Svinina, daughter of the founder of Otechestvennye Zapiski. The choice turned out to be extremely successful: family life brought a lot of light to the fate of Pisemsky.

E.P. Pig In 1848 he again entered the service, an official for special assignments to the Kostroma governor, then he was an assessor of the provincial government, an official of the main department of appanages in St. Petersburg, an adviser to the Moscow provincial government. Service activities, plunging Pisemsky into the depths of the little things of everyday provincial life, had a significant impact on the material and method of his work.

He entered the literary field for the first time with a short story "Nina" (in the magazine "Son of the Fatherland", 1848), but his first work should be considered "Boyarshchina", written in 1847. and, by the will of censorship, which appeared in print only in 1857. This novel is already imbued with all the characteristic features of Pisemsky's talent - extreme convexity, even coarseness of the image, vitality and brightness of colors, richness of comic motives, the predominance of negative images, and, finally, excellent, strong and typical language.

In 1850, Pisemsky sent to the young editors of The Moskvityanin the story The Tyufyak, which was a resounding success and put him in the forefront of the then writers. In 1850-54. appeared his "Comedian", "Hypochondriac", "Rich Groom", "St. Petersburg", "Batmanov", "Section", "Leshy", "Fanfaron" - a number of works that still have not lost their inimitable vitality, truthfulness and coloring. Various moments of Russian reality, not yet touched by anyone, were here for the first time the subject of artistic reproduction by N.G. Chernyshevsky, in a literature review for 1855. called Pisemsky's story "Is She Guilty" the best work of the whole year. When in 1856 the maritime ministry organized a number of ethnographic N.G. Chernyshevsky sent business trips to the outskirts of Russia, Pisemsky took over Astrakhan and the Caspian coast. The result of the trip was a number of articles in the "Marine Collection" and "Library for Reading".

In 1858 Pisemsky took over the editorship of the Library for Reading;

his "Boyarshchina" was finally born, and in "Domestic Notes"

his novel "A Thousand Souls", written according to Kostroma impressions, was published. The novel was a kind of encyclopedia of Kostroma life in the middle of the 19th century.

Even a modern reader can easily feel the flavor of Kostroma and its districts. This novel, as his most deeply conceived and carefully processed work, reflects the author's artistic views more characteristically than all the others.

Simultaneously with the novel, Pisemsky's famous drama A Bitter Fate was published in the Library for Reading. The basis of the play is taken from life - the author participated in the analysis of a similar case in Kostroma. In the portrayal of the Great Russian peasant, in the transmission of folk speech, Pisemsky was not surpassed by anyone, either earlier or later. Descending into the bowels of the people's life, he created living types of good people. Placed in 1863

on the Alexandria stage, Pisemsky's drama was an extraordinary success. The staging of the drama was the only one of its kind. Pisemsky with a peasant drama that attracts "A Bitter Fate"

the attention of the general public.

Kostroma was not only the birthplace of the writer. Here he spent half his life. And most importantly, most of his works, including the best of them, he wrote here or reflect the life of the population of the former Kostroma province.

The end of the fifties and the beginning of the sixties were the apogee of Pisemsky's fame.

The fame of a talented writer was joined by the reputation of a wonderful reader. A brilliant and authoritative critic, D.I. Pisarev, dedicated laudatory sketches to him.

Pisemsky is in correspondence with Ostrovsky, Nekrasov, Maikov, D.I. Turgenev. Pisarev At the beginning of 1862. Pisemsky moved to Moscow. From Moscow, he sent a new work to Otechestvennye Zapiski. These are "Russian Liars" - "a purely Rubensian collection of lively and vivid types of Russian provincial life." With the move to Moscow coincides with the turn in the direction of his work.

Pisemsky turns to a new subject of denunciation: a number of dramatic pamphlets depict financial dealers in bright colors. "Undermining" is devoted to the highest administration;

"Vaal" and "Financial Genius"

concessionaires, stockbrokers, capitalists are exposed for all sorts of crimes. These plays are staged and were successful. “For better or worse, I always wrote what I thought and felt,” Pisemsky said to himself shortly before his death.

The name of our countryman is immortalized in the name of one of the Moscow streets. In Kostroma, in the house where the writer lived with his family and where A.N. Ostrovsky, S.V. Maksimov, A.A. Potekhin and other writers visited in March 1981, the House in Kostroma, a memorial plaque was installed where Pisemsky lived.

The richest literary heritage of the writer is stored in the fund of the Regional Scientific Library:

lifetime editions, complete works in 3 volumes, collected works, individual works, the journal "Library for Reading", edited by Alexei Feofilaktovich and publications that have come out today.

In the memories of people who knew Pisemsky, his characteristic and strong image was sharply imprinted, in which the weaknesses are significantly outweighed by the merits. He was a good-natured man, with a deep thirst for justice, alien to envy and, with all the consciousness of his merits and gifts, surprisingly modest. With all the features of his spiritual make-up, from his inability to assimilate foreign culture to his spontaneity, humor and accuracy of judgments of simple healthy sense, he betrayed his closeness to the people, resembling an intelligent Great Russian peasant.

The main feature of his character became the paramount advantage of his talent. This is truthfulness, sincerity, the complete absence of "tension, desire to say more than one's understanding, to create something beyond one's creative powers."

This talent was quite enough to give a strikingly true and embossed picture of the elementary simple system of pre-reform Russia.

Fascinated by the rich spiritual world of Kostroma writers, our master was really able to write his research work, conceived by him in his distant youth, a work that tells about the great people of the Kostroma land, about their lives and their works, about the rich land that gave the world so many literary talents.

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Studying the work of N.A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares", we learned that the events described in it took place on Kostroma land, where the writer often visited. In our study, we decided to find out how the fate of the writers of the 19th century is connected with our small homeland.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (/78) N. A. Nekrasov was associated with the Kostroma Territory throughout his life. The family estate of the Nekrasovs Greshnevo was located near the border of the Yaroslavl and Kostroma provinces. The opposite, lying opposite Greshnev, the right bank of the Volga already belonged to the Kostroma district. The poet often visited here.

Nekrasov was closely acquainted with many natives of the Kostroma province. The most famous among them is the “friend-friend” of the poet Gavril Yakovlevich Zakharov, a peasant in the village of Shoda, Kostroma district, to whom he dedicated his poem “Peddlers”. Another acquaintance of Nekrasov is Ivan Savvich Mazaikhin, a peasant in the village of Vezhy, Kostroma district, who became the hero of his famous poem about grandfather Mazai.

Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (1825–1893) A.N. Pleshcheev - Russian writer, poet, translator, was born in Kostroma, in the family of an official who came from an old noble family. Many of the poet's works (especially poems for children) have become textbooks and are considered classics. More than a hundred romances have been written by the most famous Russian composers to Pleshcheev's poems.

Alexey Feofilaktovich Pisemsky () A.F. Pisemsky - novelist, playwright, was born in the estate of Ramenye, Chukhlomsky district, Kostroma province. He studied at the Kostroma gymnasium, then at Moscow University. He served as an official in the Kostroma Chamber of State Property. In 1919, the Chukhloma Local History Museum named after A.F. Pisemsky.

Efim Vasilyevich Chestnyakov (1874 - 1961) E. V. Chestnyakov (Evfimy Samoilov) - Russian artist, writer, poet, sculptor, was born in the village of Shablovo, Kologrivsky district, Kostroma province. He lived almost all his life in his native village. He studied painting and drawing in St. Petersburg with the famous artist Repin.

Returning to his native village, he lived like a peasant: he plowed, sowed, mowed, and in winter he was engaged in painting and sculpture. All his life Chestnyakov studied and wrote down ditties, songs, ancient rituals. He himself composed fairy tales, sculpted various sculptures and clay toys. He did not sell his works, did not show them at exhibitions, but simply gave them to his fellow villagers. Therefore, art experts knew nothing about Chestnyakov for a long time.

After his death, museum workers arrived in the village of Shablovo. They found, carefully restored Chestnyakov's works and transferred them to the Kostroma Museum of Fine Arts. In the village of Shablovo in 2004, the house-museum of Efim Chestnyakov was opened. The Kostroma Region annually hosts the Generous Apple Festival and Chestnyakov's Readings.

Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky () The life and work of the great Russian playwright are inextricably linked with the Kostroma region. His father acquired the Shchelykovo estate. Alexander Ostrovsky liked these places so much that he began to visit here every summer.

Invitation to the electronic library

The electronic library is being created according to a social project based on the publishing activities of the Kostroma Regional Writers' Organization, which has a rich literary heritage. Writers of three generations, new authors in 17 literary studios and associations (there are more than 200 of them), teachers, students and schoolchildren who are passionate about creativity write works according to the laws of truth, kindness and love for everything native. This feature of gifted people living far from cultural centers still persists. We pin our hopes on it, paying special attention to unknown authors.

We are reviving the traditional “Literary Week”, holding creative seminars, poetry competitions, publishing thematic collections: “Victory Day”. “By the right of memory and duty”, “Let the one who follows be more vigilant”, “On the Kostroma land”, “Unforgettable”, “Heirs of the Victory”, “Parental home”, and others. Constant analytical selection of the best works, classes in literary studios, creatively prepared literature lessons - I read an essay by A.N. native language, attention to the fate of loved ones and to the peculiarities of life in their native land.

Our authors work according to the principle: “It is more original, closer and more instructive than the “virtual”. Literature has always been the custodian of good traditions and moral guidelines. But without a reliable publishing system, interesting collections, author's books of prose and poetry come out in small print runs, remain unknown...

I am building a provincial confidence: good people are in demand in literature, only the heroes of “downhole” plots are pushing them aside. A century earlier, Leo Tolstoy had a desire to portray the vulgarity of life. It is written in his diary: “And at night the idea came to me to place a good man among this vulgarity.” Russian literature has always sympathized with ordinary people. And in our work with new authors, we hope for good people - for those who save their word for good.

Unfortunately, the curricula in literature were cut short. Decreased interest in the book. Even the best works are published in small editions. Books by Kostroma authors for children almost never reach readers. The tradition of reading aloud - family reading - is being lost. Libraries of the region, educational institutions do not know many writers of the Kostroma land. This is only part of the motives that caused the idea of ​​the project “Electronic Library of Modern Kostroma Literature”, a non-commercial publication, the first edition - 2012, developed for the future and therefore promptly connected with the regional program of computerization of educational and cultural institutions.

The world is changing, the perception of accessible and transcendental space is changing. Now the road is really far in all directions. Over the years, you begin to appreciate the emotional attachment to the places where you come from, where true love for the Motherland begins. Many colleagues admit that in addition to the Call of space and the future, the Call of a particular home, small homeland, calling native voices does not subside in a person. How to awaken this call without literature. The “virtual” thirst for knowledge, of course, captivates, entertaining Internet sites do not leave either time or energy for a young person to remember himself, remember whose he is, where he comes from.

And yet, the basic basis attracts - the computerization of schools, educational institutions, libraries and, of course, the presence of computers in many families ...

Our project is unique for the Kostroma region, has the possibility of further development and replication, can be continued on an ongoing basis, from the first stage it is available for evaluation with specific indicators using a very simple accounting system.

Expanding readership. Activation of creative interests in children and adolescents on close examples. Creation of conditions for the emergence of new literary centers, studios, associations where they have not yet appeared.

The works presented in the publications of the writers' organization receive an expansion in circulation, can be used by teachers as literary local history, and are more widely available on an electronic basis. And most importantly, they will testify to indifference to everything that becomes close and understandable in their native land, they focus on the peculiarities of folk characters, moral and spiritual guidelines.

To a certain extent, under favorable circumstances, such works create a natural history, it orients the human capabilities and abilities of young people towards the formation of a spiritual and moral society. The project presents writers and new authors with portraits, biographical notes, reviews, creative characteristics, introduces the first books, names the main editions.

Literature - history and philosophy in images and pictures that develop the imagination. Interest in the fate of loved ones and relatives, in one's ancestry fixes sincerely and memorably on the land where a person grows. Understanding the past and present of the native land provides a basis for understanding oneself among people, in belonging to the people as a citizen of Russia. This is the main goal of the long-term education program, for which our electronic library is being created. It will be useful every day by recognizing folk national culture, reinforce the system of humanitarian and labor education, remind you of the traditions of the aesthetics of everyday life, art, literature ...

The mosaic of provincial life is formed from the best works. Respect for the parental home, communication in the family and at school, the desire to understand loved ones, the attractiveness of the life of famous fellow countrymen who entered the history of their native land fit into the continuous education and formation of personalities.

The new creative evidence of cognitive attention to the world that affects feelings and represents a natural cultural environment, ideally necessary for the spiritual and moral growth of the individual, will not remain without interested reading, received through literary associations from all over the region. The feeling of family, native home, native school, native land is strengthened by concentrated perception and is reflected in artistic self-expression on the sense of beauty of the native word and awakens a life-giving interest in literature. With this phased project, we are forming a documentary fund of evidence of modern life. Reasonably applied electronic possibilities do not deny the role of such educative creative communication.

To be continued...


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