Places of power in London. John Dee and his magic. Black Mirror of the fortuneteller and magician John Dee What you didn't read

If ancient knowledge had not been lost, the world would look different now. Throughout human history, amazing books have suddenly appeared and just as suddenly disappeared.

The first person to draw attention to this strange phenomenon was Jacques Bergier (1912-1978), a specialist in tomes that have sunk into oblivion.

“Books are actually destroyed and with such immutability,” he writes in his monograph “Cursed Books,” “that the thought involuntarily creeps in: maybe the reason for this phenomenon is that their content threatened the existence of earthly civilization.” Who claims to be the savior of humanity from what they consider unnecessary knowledge? According to Bergier, they can be, whatever one may say, only the powerful: first the priests, then the Inquisition, now, perhaps, the special services.

So what did our ancestors know?

“Unfortunately, only fragmentary information has been preserved about this,” says historian, bibliographer, head of the Ancient World research center Yuri KOTSENKO. “But they are also shocking.”


“The Book of Thoth” is the most ancient of the “damned”. It appeared in ancient Egypt among the priests. Thoth is a deity of pre-Egyptian origin. He was depicted as a man with the head of an ibis. According to the most ancient legend, Thoth invented writing and was the chronicler of all the meetings of the gods. The book was written on 78 gold plates. And the legendary Atlanteans were considered its authors. Later, the book was rewritten several times on papyri. The golden tablets have disappeared. The copies were destroyed by the priests. Later - the Inquisition. But there were survivors.

“It is unknown how accurately the ancient chroniclers conveyed the content of the original text,” comments Yuri Borisovich. — Some experts believe that the real text of the “Book of Thoth” has survived to this day in the form of Tarot cards. But this is a controversial version.

Also, one of the secret sciences described in the book was the technique of mastering the natural, but unknown to us, functions of our own body. This science was called “psychological optics.” It allowed us to transform from the subhumans that we all are into true people. In special mirrors, which were called the “mirror of truth,” only what was bad in the face of those looking at them was reflected. The same person who became “true” no longer saw anything in this mirror, because he had cleansed himself of everything bad in himself.

RARITY CONDITION TODAY: Only a few scattered pages remain from one of the first copies.

WHERE IT IS KEPT: In the newly built Library of Alexandria in Egypt.


Abbot Trithemius (1462-1516), after meeting with a certain mysterious teacher who instructed him in the occult sciences, wrote a book called “Steganography”. Here is his own preface: “In my book I will tell you about the ways in which I can accurately and reliably convey my will to anyone who comprehends the meaning of my science, no matter how far he is from me, even a hundred miles away. And no one will suspect that I used any signs, figures or letters. And if I use the services of a messenger and this messenger is intercepted on the way, no entreaties, threats, promises and even torture will force this messenger to reveal the secret, because he will not know anything about it. That is why no person will be able to reveal the secret. And if I wish, I can do all these things with ease, without resorting to anyone’s help or sending a messenger. Even to a prisoner imprisoned in a deep dungeon and under vigilant guard, I am able to convey my will.”

“Most likely, Trithemius really made a great discovery in the field of telepathy and hypnosis, but he should not have told about it,” says historian Kotsenko. — The English alchemist George Ripley, who studied the works of Trithemius in full, even left such a frightened comment: “I beg those who know them (the works) not to publish them!”

CONDITION OF THE RARITY TODAY: In 1616, the manuscript was burned. A very brief summary of Steganography, dated 1621, has been preserved.

WHERE IT IS KEPT: In the German National Library in Berlin.


John Dee (1527-1609) - English mathematician, geographer, astronomer and astrologer. One of the most educated people of his time, he put forward the idea of ​​the prime meridian - Greenwich. On May 25, 1581, a creature of inhuman nature appeared to him, surrounded by radiance. It left him with a black mirror that looked like a perfectly polished piece of coal. And he told the doctor that, looking into this crystal, he would see other worlds and would be able to come into contact with intelligent beings of a different, non-human nature. Dee recorded his conversations with these unearthly creatures. And part of them, entitled “A True and True Account of What Happened for Many Years Between Dr. J. Dee and Certain Spirits,” was published by the English philologist Meric Casaubon. Another part of the recordings of the conversations was burned along with Dee's entire archive by unknown robbers.

“However, a sufficient number of fragments of the language that these creatures spoke and which Dee called Enochic remained,” says Kotsenko. — It was a complete system with its own alphabet and its own grammar. Some of the texts that have come down to us in the Enochic language contain mathematical knowledge, the level of which is much higher than that existing in the time of John Dee.

Dee also wrote that the Earth is actually not completely round. It consists of many superimposed spheres, aligned along another dimension. Between these spheres there are points, or rather surfaces of contact, and thus Greenland in other worlds extends to infinity. That is why John Dee submitted numerous petitions to Queen Elizabeth, in which he convinced her that England should take possession of Greenland in order to obtain the door to other worlds.

RARITY CONDITION TODAY: The mirror is in perfect but not working condition. Unfortunately, the museum administration does not allow you to use it or explore it. Of the conversations with spirits, only the first part has survived.

WHERE IT IS KEPT: In the British Museum in London.


On the initiative of the ancient Indian king Ashoka, the “Secret Society of Nine Unknowns” was created, something reminiscent of modern research centers. The society consisted of nine of the greatest Indian scientists and sages, whose task was to systematize and catalog all scientific knowledge obtained from ancient sacred manuscripts and as a result of experiments and observations. Each of the “nine Unknowns” wrote one book dedicated to one or another branch of scientific knowledge. The activities of the society took place in the strictest secrecy. King Ashoka, a devout Buddhist and a staunch opponent of war, was well aware of the power of knowledge and could not allow it to be used for the sake of destruction and war.

However, the king had something to fear: the scientific information that his scientists had at his disposal seems incredible even by modern standards. Thus, one of the books was devoted to overcoming and controlling gravity, creating artificial weightlessness in earthly conditions. The other is devoted to the topic of the creation and use of some kind of super-powerful weapon, which has much in common with modern developments in the field of nuclear and psychotronic weapons. Another book contained a detailed description and drawings of aircraft that allowed ancient aviators not only to take off, but also to perform space flights.

WHERE ARE THE RARITIES STORED TODAY: Unknown. Mention of these works is found in many ancient Indian written sources, but none of these books have been discovered by archaeologists. Supposedly some books are still kept in monasteries in Tibet and India. And, of course, Buddhist lamas will do everything possible to ensure that this knowledge never reaches representatives of modern civilization.


Saving the unique library of the Byzantine Caesars from destruction, the youngest daughter of despot Thomas Sophia (Zoe) Paleologus marries the great Russian prince Ivan III. In the strictest secrecy and under reliable guard, she transports 70 carts of books from Constantinople to Moscow. In order to reliably protect the library, which was named “Liberia”, and later “The Library of Ivan the Terrible”, the books were placed in a stone crypt in one of the Kremlin cathedrals, and locks were hung on the iron doors. According to the testimony of the learned monk from Greece, Maximus the Greek, the library contained ancient clay tablets, parchments, and ancient Greek books. If you believe the evidence of 53 handwritten and printed books in Church Slavonic, where it is mentioned, the library even had parchment scrolls in ancient Aramaic, signed with the name Jesus.

WHERE ARE THE RARITIES STORED TODAY: Unknown. “Liberia” disappeared in the 60s of the 16th century.


The Library of Alexandria was founded in the 300s BC. e. the ruler of Athens, Demetrius of Phalerum. It contained about seven hundred thousand handwritten books. Demetrius himself wrote a huge number of works, one of which, with the strange title “On a Beam of Light in the Sky,” is probably the first work on flying saucers.

It is known for sure that in the time of Julius Caesar, the Library of Alexandria was undoubtedly considered a repository of secret books that gave almost unlimited power. According to information that has reached us, the library, for example, contained the “History of the World” by the Babylonian priest, historian and astronomer Berossus (356 BC - 261 BC). In it, he described his first contacts with aliens - the mysterious Apkallus, creatures that resembled fish. They conveyed the first scientific knowledge to people.

The library also housed the complete works of Manetho. This Egyptian priest and historian knew all the secrets of Egypt. Apparently, this is precisely what posed the danger. There were also works by the Phoenician historian Mocus, who is credited with creating the atomic theory. There were also books that contained the secrets of making gold and silver. In all likelihood, they contained the main keys to alchemy, which we lack to comprehend this science.

WHERE ARE THE RARITIES STORED TODAY: The library was destroyed either by Caesar or by an accidental fire. But most likely not completely. And if some secret organizations today have manuscripts of Alexandrian origin, they diligently hide them.

What else did they burn?

In 1885, the writer, French occultist Saint Yves d'Alveidre received an order from the Chapter of Notre Dame, on pain of death, to destroy his last work, “The Indian Mission in Europe and the European Mission in Asia. The Mahatma Problem and Its Solution.”

In 1897, the heirs of the writer Stanislav de Guaita received an order, failure to comply with which also threatened them with death, to destroy four unpublished manuscripts of this writer devoted to the problems of black magic, as well as all his archives.

In 1933, in Germany, the Nazis burned all copies of the book “The Rosicrucians. On the history of the Reformation."

By order of the Italian dictator Mussolini, 80,000 books and manuscripts belonging to the Royal Scientific Society of Naples were burned in 1944. The goal of the operation is to prevent important magical documents from falling into the hands of the allies. The Neapolitan library allegedly contained both unpublished manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci and documents of the famous occultist Aleister Crowley.

What you didn't read

Modern scientists cannot understand almost anything from the Vimanika Shastra, which describes the devices of aircraft - vimanas. Although it is written in Sanskrit.

The Voynich manuscript has resisted all attempts to translate it to this day. The approximate date of appearance is 1609. And no one has yet proven what it really is: the writings of medieval alchemists, a brilliant hoax, or the creation of an alien who decided to stay on Earth and tell about the herbs and stars of his world. Kept at Yale University Rare Book Library under catalog number MS 408.

The Dove, or Stone, book, the hieroglyphs of which are carved on flat rocks located at the mouth of the Indel River (a tributary of the Vyg River, which flows into the White Sea near Belomorsk). It is believed that this artifact contains unique information about the sources of strength and power, the secrets of the universe and the origin of the Universe.


Is the secret of powerful power in magic?

It may seem strange to many that books on magic were hidden and destroyed along with scientific treatises. The fact is that for a long time not only the achievements and discoveries of ancient scientists who were ahead of both their time and ours, but also knowledge from the field of mysticism and the occult remained a secret behind seven seals. Until recently, magic enjoyed no less respect in the scientific world than other exact, natural and human sciences. And, for example, at the universities of Toledo, Salamanca and Krakow, occult sciences were taught on an equal basis with mathematics, logic and theology. However, the accessibility and prevalence of magical knowledge has always been apparent. In reality, only a few have fully mastered this secret wisdom. And they became rulers.

If we analyze the many reports of contacts with aliens, it turns out that the aliens never demand recognition from the general public. Most often, they avoid communication altogether or limit the scope of contact to a very small circle of people (or even one person), and the choice sometimes seems random, and sometimes simply incomprehensible. But in the case that will be discussed below, the choice was absolutely justified.

We're talking about an Englishman John Dee(1527-1608). For his time, he was a man of exceptional erudition and a universalist in the number of sciences in which he studied. He could be compared with M.V. Lomonosov and Leonardo da Vinci, but the direction of his activity was of a slightly different nature.

John Dee (this is his real surname, not an abbreviation, and in English it is written as Dee) is known both as a major mathematician and an outstanding philologist, and had extensive knowledge of geography and navigation. According to his idea, the Greenwich meridian is adopted throughout the world. He was a naturalist, a chemist (more precisely, an alchemist) and a mechanic (he built the first robots in Europe - mechanical animals).

He was engaged in optics and translations from ancient Greek and other languages. Later he made a living from astrology, and, apparently, he treated each of these activities with equal seriousness and scrupulousness. Because of his vast knowledge and skills, he faced an incredible number of accusations, including espionage and witchcraft.

One day Dee found a manuscript by Trithemius called “Steganography” in one of the bookstores. For that time it was one of the most mysterious books concerning practical issues of magic. The scientist studied it for a long time and even supplemented it, developing his own methods. And he achieved results that, it seems, he himself did not dream of.

As a result of intense steganography, John Dee - not in a dream, but in reality - saw a certain being surrounded by radiance. Considering that only the 16th century was coming to an end, then for Dee it was quite forgivable to call him an angel, but in our time this creature would be called an alien in 90% of cases.

Another unusual exhibit is kept in the secret storerooms of the British Museum: a very large and perfectly polished piece of coal that can be used as a mirror. The exhibit is not allowed to be studied and used, but in vain, because an analysis of its physical and chemical properties would make it possible to find out what, at least, the origin of the stone is - terrestrial or not.

Apparently the stone was unusual. The scientist wrote that he was left by an angel who appeared to him and said that by looking into this mirror, Dee would be able to see other worlds and communicate with the minds of non-human nature. John Dee actually communicated with these creatures and recorded his conversations, some of which were published back in 1659 by Meric Casabon under the title “A True and Authentic Account of What Passed Between Dr. John Dee and Certain Spirits.”

Some of the records are kept as manuscripts in the British Museum. Unfortunately, all we have is only a small part of what the scientist recorded. Most of his books were burned when Dee was accused of witchcraft.

Fragments of these books are written in a special language that has no analogues or “relatives” on Earth. To give an idea about it, here is a short excerpt - a spell with which you can become invisible: “Ol sonuf vaorsag goho iad bait, lonsh calz vonpho. Z-ol I ta nazps.”

Based on certain characteristic combinations of sounds, the language is associated with Hebrew, Vietnamese, Basque, and even Scandinavian. Apparently, Dee either himself developed the rules and vocabulary of this language (at a time when almost no thought was given to artificial languages), or it was actually “given” to the scientist by that same angel.

John Dee called it the Enochic language, guided by the fact that, according to legend, mysterious creatures from the sky appeared to Enoch. Dee identified these creatures with the “angel” who appeared to him, and, apparently, not by chance.

The fact is that in both cases (both with Enoch and with John), mysterious beings coming from somewhere above gave people valuable information. But this is exactly what we know indirectly, because in the surviving books about the creatures it becomes known only that they have telepathy and the ability to travel in time. The idea of ​​time travel was new at the time. This once again suggests that Dee was not a charlatan.

The scientist immediately realized that the creatures with whom he maintained constant contact had a large store of information, in particular on the natural sciences. They gradually conveyed this information to John, and he wrote it down. And these records contain a lot of interesting things. Dee reported that it turns out that Mercator's globes (for his time - the most advanced geographical instruments) give only a very rough idea of ​​​​the planet and the location of geographical objects on it.

He further writes that in fact the Earth is not a sphere, but consists of many spheres superimposed on each other. These spheres are aligned along another dimension, and due to this, Greenland, for example, extends to infinity at some points. Hence John Dee's persistent advice to Queen Elizabeth that England should conquer this island.

Dee also makes some statements about mathematics that are ahead of their time. Let us recall that at that time only Euclidean geometry was known, and other theories that did not refute it and at the same time were built on a different principle appeared more than three hundred years later. Some interesting information is also given on mechanics, psychoanalysis (that is, on a science that did not yet exist) and other areas of knowledge.

We have given some examples to illustrate the volume and quality of information suddenly revealed to John Dee. One could, of course, assume that he came to all this on his own, but it should be noted that he had neither the prerequisites nor the opportunities for this. One version remains: the knowledge was given to the scientist by supernatural beings. And if we do not believe in God, then it is quite logical to assume that these creatures were representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization.

What’s strange is that since then no one except John Dee has been able to establish a connection with other worlds through the “mirror,” although an entire organization was created to work with Dee’s books and his teachings at the end of the 19th century - the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

This once again suggests that in addition to our ardent desire to meet representatives of another civilization, no matter how different from ours it may turn out to be, the ardent desire of representatives of this civilization is also important.

Current page: 19 (book has 19 pages in total)

Crystal Skull from Luaantum

Well-crafted crystal skulls were first talked about in the 1920s. The mystery of these amazing finds, which represent one of the greatest mysteries of our planet, is still amazing. To date, more than 20 crystal skulls have been found and recorded. These finds were mainly made in Central America and Tibet. The artifacts are replicas of a human skull or elaborate quartz face masks. These objects, in all likelihood, were made in ancient times, and the craftsmanship proves the high level of technical knowledge possessed by the unknown ancestors of modern humanity.

The most famous crystal skull was found in 1927 in British Honduras in the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Luaantuma (independent state of Belize since 1981). Back in 1924, British sanitary officer Dr. Thomas Gunn and British archaeologist F. A. Mitchell-Hedges discovered what they said were the ruins of the oldest Mayan city in Central America. The archaeologist believed that the found city, made of huge stone slabs, belonged to the era of Atlantis. The skull was found by the seventeen-year-old daughter of F. A. Mitchell-Hedges, Anne, who helped her father in the excavations of this city. This artifact is now known throughout the world as the Skull of Luantum, the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, or the Skull of Doom.

Less well known is another crystal skull, which was found around 1860 in Mexico by a Spanish officer. It is an almost exact but simplified copy of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. Since 1898, this skull has been kept in the British Museum.

We have already noted that there are some strange dates that are associated with events in world atlantology, occurring parallel to each other and in different parts of the world. These events and people are connected by the mystical secret of Atlantis, which appears from time to time in the world and influences the course of earthly history. It was in 1927 that Edgar Cayce first telepathically received information about Atlantis, Guenon published the famous book “The King of the World”, the now famous Mitchell-Hedges Skull was found in Honduras, declared as a mystical object from Poseidonia, the archaeologist de Prophet opens the tomb of the mythical the ancestor of the Tuaregs Kel-Ahaggar Tin-hinnan (identified with the heroine of P. Benois’s novel “Atlantis” - Antinea), in Tibet Lobsang Rampa first saw the bodies of huge Atlanteans in marble sarcophagi, and the Russian explorer Leonid Kulik arrived at the site of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. Several more examples can be given, but these facts are enough to see how some events in the world intersect with the occult manifestations of some higher spiritual center of the Earth.

American restorer Frank Dorland examined the find from 1964 to 1970. He came to the conclusion that the structure of the skull was so balanced that the slightest breeze caused the lower jaw of the five-kilogram skull to move. The eye sockets suddenly glow with an ominous light when the skull is brought close to the burning fire. It turned out that the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, along with the movable lower jaw, was made from a single rock crystal. The hexagonal crystal is perfectly polished in such a way that, under certain conditions, the intended optical effect is obtained. In the back of the skull there is a skillfully polished lens that collects the rays falling on it and directs them into the eye sockets. Dorland could not understand how the master could achieve such a perfect smoothness of the surface; there are no traces of a cutter or any other tool visible on it. “Barring supernatural forces,” says Dorland, “Mayan artisans would have had to polish their crystal skulls by hand. For hundreds of years, no matter what changes occurred during this time in social conditions and religion, the artisans would continue their unimaginable work. We can hardly imagine that the work on one thing was passed on from generation to generation for many centuries.”

It would take seven million hours of work to shape a quartz crystal into the round shape of a human skull, with all the anatomical details respected. This corresponds to 800 years of 24/7 operation. If we assume that the skull was polished for 12 hours a day, the work would take 1600 years! The famous computer company Hewlett-Packard from Santa Clara, California, conducted an examination of the famous skull. The company's specialists came to the conclusion that without the use of the latest technology, manually, it would have to be ground continuously for 300 years.

The opinions of most experts, researchers and scientists boil down to the fact that these mysterious crystal skulls were made by representatives of the most ancient civilizations on Earth at least 3-5 thousand years ago. This is the most modest age for such crafts. The fact is that rock crystal cannot be radiocarbon dated. Mitchell-Hedges himself determined the age of the skull to be approximately 3,600 years. The main conclusion of experts: the skulls were made by great magicians and priests in the workshops of the legendary Atlantis. Professor R. Distelberger of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna examined one of these skulls called E.T. He recognized this product as genuine and determined its age as 500 years. Previously, the scientist came to the conclusion that the Mitchell-Hedges Skull is a fake. But the professor noted the high skill with which the skull was made.

According to Ann’s memoirs, after a long period of communication with the found skull, she began to experience strange visions. The girl seemed to be transported to the times of the ancient Mayans, observed their rituals, and saw unusual cities and buildings. Some experts believe that these skulls resemble a young girl, perhaps the queen of Atlantis. One of the psychics found that similar skulls were made by the Atlanteans for space communications.

For example, one Tibetan monk reported that a skull called Max was passed down among them from generation to generation and was used to heal people. It was with his help that communication with an extraterrestrial civilization was allegedly established. When carefully studying these strange products, researchers encountered an astonishing phenomenon. After certain periods, the skull suddenly began to glow and change color. And inside it suddenly appeared images of mysterious, unearthly landscapes and various buildings. Sometimes the area around the skull began to glow with a 45-centimeter nimbus, while the object emitted quiet, high-pitched sounds, similar to the ringing of silver bells. There is no doubt that very powerful energy emanates from the skulls, which can have a positive or negative effect on a person, depending on what kind of mental “request” he sends.

In his book “Danger is My Ally,” Mitchell-Hedges wrote that, according to ancient legend, with the help of a found skull, priests could condemn any person to death. The priest mentally gave him a “deadly task,” and after some time the person died or was killed. Mitchell-Hedges argued that the Skull of Doom is the embodiment of universal Evil. After the discovery of this item, rumors spread that a number of unexplained deaths were associated with it, like the “curse of the pharaohs.”

Ann, now over 90 years old, is still convinced that the skull belongs to the Mayan culture. In 1970, she admitted: “Sometimes I sincerely regret that I did not fulfill my father’s wish - he wanted me to put a skull in his coffin. This would probably be the most suitable place for such a strange thing, because in the wrong hands it will begin to do evil.”

You can pay attention to the Mexican legends about Quetzalcoatl and his sworn enemy Tezcatilpoca named the Smoking Mirror. Eternally young, omnipotent and omniscient, Tezcatilpoca was associated in legends with night, darkness and the sacred jaguar. He was “invisible and elusive, appearing to people either as a flying shadow or as a terrible monster.” He was often depicted as a sparkling skull. In myths, Tezcatilpoca owned a mysterious object - the Smoking Mirror, after which he was named and which allowed him to observe from a great distance what people and gods were doing. This item is similar to a magic mirror made of obsidian, which was readily used by the local Indians.

Most likely, the skulls served to communicate with the higher spiritual spheres, when a person, in the process of prolonged contemplation of a given object, entered a trance and was able to extract certain information from it. Crystal or quartz were quite conducive to this activity; it is an ideal material for various kinds of fortune-telling and predictions. The magical properties of quartz have been known since ancient times. Magicians and sorcerers assure that by peering into the polished surface of a crystal ball, you can see pictures of the past and future. You may recall that Nostradamus predicted future events using such a crystal ball. For example, the skull could be used as a kind of oracle, with head nods and jaw movements indicating "yes" and "no" respectively.

Eyewitnesses say that when looking at the skulls, the pulse quickens, the arms and legs cramp, and a nervous tic begins. One archaeologist described his sensations this way: “The skull sometimes changed color or became covered with haze. A subtle odor emanated from it and a strange tinkling sound was heard. The most amazing thing is that images of mountains, temples and other objects appeared inside it, and it was all glowing.” According to one version, crystal skulls influenced people's consciousness during mass rituals.

A more convincing hypothesis was put forward by American researcher Richard Hoagland, author of the books “Monuments of Mars” and “Dark Mission. The Secret History of NASA." In his opinion, crystal skulls were created in conditions of weightlessness; the fact is that crystal crystals were specially grown. Then the quartz turns into living crystal energy. The ancient creators of such skulls faced a difficult task - the energy of the skull should influence not only the destinies of people, but also the destinies of the world and our planet. A long time ago they were placed on Earth at the most energetically saturated points. The ancient Mayans believed that the skulls should stop the impending earthly catastrophe, which, according to the Mayan calendar, should occur on December 21, 2012. It was on this day that a certain number of skulls, specially prepared for this mission, should prevent the cataclysm and restore world harmony again. But for this it is necessary to find all the skulls intended for this, which will be connected into some kind of common energy network to achieve the specified goal. The fact is that the city of Luaantum, where the Mitchell-Hedges Skull was found, translated means “City of Fallen Stones.” This means that the ancient Mayans perfectly remembered the past catastrophe and were well prepared for the future.

Black Mirror of the fortuneteller and magician John Dee

John Dee (1527–1608) was not only a famous mathematician, astronomer and natural scientist, but also an outstanding specialist in occult philosophy and magic, which allowed him to penetrate many of the secrets of the Earth and Space. In the last years of his earthly life, John Dee was interested in crystallomancy - fortune telling, contemplation of the future and communication with otherworldly entities using crystals and mirrors. The court astrologer of Queen Elizabeth I of England had a whole set of magic crystals and the famous black stone - a piece of anthracite or other black mineral, one cut of which was polished to a mirror shine. According to some accounts, Dee had a piece of obsidian (black volcanic glass) that shone like a mirror.

On May 25, 1581, an incredible event happened in the life of John Dee. A certain supernatural being of a non-human breed appeared to him, surrounded by a bright radiance. Dee called this mysterious creature an angel. The angel handed the magician a piece of some black material that shone like a mirror crystal. The angel told Dee that by looking into this mirror, he would be able to see other worlds and come into contact with intelligent beings of non-human nature.

Beginning in 1581, Dee performed regular magical rituals of summoning angels in crystal stone. To do this, he used the services of mediums - the most famous of all was a certain Edward Kelly. The magician carefully recorded the results of these sessions in his diary. Part of these notes entitled “A true and faithfull relation of what passed between Dr. John Dee and some spirits” was published in 1659 by Meric Cazabon. The other part of the recordings of the conversations remained unpublished; the manuscripts are kept in the British Museum. Most of John Dee's archive and valuable library were destroyed by fanatical or deliberately incited people, whom modern researchers see as “men in black.”

On March 11, 1582, the archangel Uriel appeared to John Dee, who literally said the following: “Go forward. God has blessed you. The whole world begins with your deeds. The angels in my power will be at your disposal."

A few days later, Archangel Michael showed Dee a magical ring of power over the world. The archangel's sword suddenly became fiery, and from this flame a ring appeared. Archangel Michael said that from the time of King Solomon until John Dee, no one had seen this ring and that with its magical help Dee could gain worldwide power. In addition to the ring, the angels also gave Dee the sacred black stone of power. It was a magical crystal for contacts with higher spheres and higher entities, “the most secret part of the Roman heritage.” The stone was handed over to the magician by an angel who appeared in the western window of his room (hence the title of Gustav Meyrink's famous novel "The Angel of the Western Window"). The angel Karmara said that with this stone Dee would surpass all the kings and rulers of the world.

Another angel, named Nafrazh, gave Dee and Kelly several lessons in antediluvian geography. Nafraj was very contemptuous of Mercator’s maps and showed the occultists several mysterious maps that did not in any way correspond to the geographical ideas of a person in the 16th century. From the surviving notes, it can be argued that the Mercator projection is only the first rough approximation to the real geography, which people are not yet aware of. According to John Dee, the Earth is not actually completely round, but consists of many superimposed spheres, aligned along another dimension. Between these spheres there are points, or rather surfaces, of contact, and thus Greenland in other worlds extends to infinity. That is why John Dee submits numerous petitions to Queen Elizabeth, in which he convinces her that England must take possession of Greenland in order to have the door to other worlds at its disposal.

John Dee managed to draw six such maps. America in those drawings was called Atlantis. Greenland was only the cape of the huge continent Phalanx, which extended even further to the north and northwest. The angel showed them a more accurate coastline of the large Southern continent - later found Antarctica, which was called Tol-Pam, which translates as “continent of death” or “peninsula of the continent of death.”

Angels or information entities communicated in the so-called angelic language or the language of Enoch. John Dee was shown a table with an alphabet of 21 letters. Modern linguists believe that it was the original single proto-language that disappeared after the destruction of the Tower of Babel. In their opinion, the angelic alphabet includes letters from ancient Ethiopian, ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, Slavic languages ​​and, possibly, Sanskrit. Australian scholar Donald Laycock even compiled an Enochic dictionary, which was reprinted several times. The Enochic language formed the basis of the secret doctrine of the famous society of the late 19th century. "Golden Dawn"

After John Dee's death, his rich occult library and magical objects were dispersed into private collections. The famous black stone ended up in Horace Walpole's cabinet of curiosities. Elias Ashmole, author of The Chemical Theater, described this relic as follows: “With the help of this magical stone, you can see any face you wish, in whatever part of the world it may be located, even if it were hidden in the most remote chambers or caves that are located in the depths of the earth." According to rumors, Walpole did not touch this strange stone and did not allow others to do so, fearing the terrible magical power that could destroy the ignorant and uninitiated. In 1842, Walpole's collection was auctioned and sold to private individuals. The black stone was acquired by a man who chose to remain incognito. To this day, the location of the famous John Dee crystal remains unknown. Who this mysterious stranger was has not yet been established. At least, the famous occultist and magician Dietrich Eckart, who had a significant influence on Hitler, owned a black meteorite stone, which he called his Kaaba. He died with this stone in his hand. But whether it is possible to identify the John Dee stone and a piece of the Eckart meteorite is unknown. One of John Dee's magic crystals is now in the British Museum, but the administration does not allow outsiders to use it or examine it.

In fact, it is now difficult to judge what the famous black mirror looked like. Most likely, it is necessary to distinguish this very black mirror from a magic crystal - a crystal ball, which is now in the British Museum. It is known from several sources that the mirror had an expensive gold frame and was placed on a special “sacred” table, allegedly made at the request and recommendations of the Archangel Gabriel himself.

Mirrors are an entrance to a certain parallel world; their reflective ability is a powerful means of magic, mainly black. Using mirrors you can cast a spell and make the necessary predictions.

A well-known researcher, candidate of technical sciences, head of the information and analytical center “Unknown” Vitaly Pravdivtsev, at the recent Siegel readings in Moscow, made a report “Subtle ecological and informational interactions of humans with mirrors,” in which an attempt was made to explain all mirror phenomena from a scientific point of view. Pravdivtsev believes that the surface of a mirror, due to certain physical properties, is capable of reflecting all kinds of radiation, primarily coming from the person himself. Using a mirror can facilitate the transition to an altered state of consciousness. Hypnotists usually put patients into a trance by instructing them to gaze motionlessly into a mirror or at a shiny object.

With prolonged and in-depth contemplation of the surface of the mirror, mental images stored in our consciousness can appear in it. Sometimes it is even possible to photograph thoughts and hallucinations (the famous experiments of Yu. Eikzenbud, T. Fukarai, G. Krokhalev). Pravdivtsev claims that mental images are emitted through the eyes and, possibly, the pineal gland. If we stand in front of a mirror, the polarized light greatly enhances the radiation from your brain, and therefore we literally see our thoughts, or rather, their energetic projection in the mirror.

Mirrors catch not only our radiation, but also images from the planet’s information field. Therefore, they sometimes reflect events that we could not know about. V. Pravdivtsev is convinced: the unique properties of mirror reflection should find practical application in biology, medicine and other sciences.


Like Abbot Trithemius, John Dee really existed. He was born in 1527 and died in 1608. And his life was so amazing that novelists in their writings described it better than most biographers. These novelists were Jean Rey and Gustav Meyrink. John Dee was an outstanding mathematician and expert in classical philology; he put forward the idea of ​​the prime meridian - this is the Greenwich meridian. He brought two Mercator globes and navigation instruments to England from Leuven. Thus, he found himself at the origins of England's maritime expansion.

Thus, Dee gave rise to the accusation, which I do not share, that he was a pioneer of industrial espionage, since he brought to England for Queen Elizabeth many secrets of navigation and the secrets of making various things. Dee was undoubtedly a major naturalist and classical scholar, and marked the transition between two cultures that were perhaps not as separate in the 16th century as they are today.

John Dee did, as we will now see, completely different things. Even while he was a brilliant student at Cambridge, to his misfortune, he began making robots; He released a mechanical scarab at a theatrical performance, causing panic in the audience. Expelled from Cambridge for practicing witchcraft, he went to Leuven in 1547. There he met Mercator. He became an astrologer and made a living by drawing up horoscopes, then he was arrested for a magical attempt on the life of Queen Mary Tudor. Later, Elizabeth released him from prison and gave him some mysterious assignment on the continent.

It was often written about him that his obvious passion for magic and witchcraft only served as a “cover” for his real occupation - espionage. I'm far from convinced of this.

In 1563, in one of the Antwerp bookstores, Dee found a manuscript, probably incomplete, of Trithemius's Steganography. He supplemented it and seems to have developed his own method, almost as effective as Trithemius's method.

Simultaneously with the publication of the first English translation of Euclid and with the study of the possibilities of using telescopes and binoculars in the English army, he continued research related to “Steganography”. What happened on May 25, 1581 exceeded all his expectations.

A superhuman, or at least non-human, creature appeared to him, surrounded by radiance. For simplicity, John Dee called this creature an angel. The angel left him a black mirror, which is still kept in the British Museum. This is a perfectly polished piece of coal. The angel told him that by looking into this crystal, he would see other worlds and would be able to come into contact with intelligent beings of a different, non-human nature. Amazingly modern idea! Dee recorded his conversations with these non-human beings, and part of them, entitled “A true and faithfull relation of what passed between Dr John Dee and some spirits,” was published in 1659 by Meric Casabon. The other part of the recordings of the conversations remained unpublished; the manuscripts are kept in the British Museum.

Most of the notes John Dee made and the books he prepared were, as we will soon see, destroyed. However, enough fragments remain to reconstruct the language spoken by these creatures, which Dee called the Enochic language.

This language was either the first known artificial language or the first known non-human language. In any case, it was a complete system with its own alphabet and its own grammar. Some of the texts that have come down to us in the Enochic language contain mathematical knowledge, the level of which is much higher than that existing in the time of John Dee.

The Enochic language formed the basis of the secret doctrine of the famous late 19th century Golden Dawn society.

Dee soon saw that he was unable to remember with sufficient completeness the conversations he had with strange guests. No devices for mechanical speech recording had yet been invented at that time. If John Dee had had a phonograph or tape recorder at his disposal, it could have changed his own destiny and even - who knows? - the fate of the whole world.

Unfortunately, John Dee came up with an idea that destroyed him. Although the idea itself was completely reasonable: to find a person who would look into a magic mirror and talk to unearthly creatures, while Dee would take notes. Unfortunately for him, both assistants whom Dee hired one after another, Barnabas Saul and Edward Talbot, turned out to be inveterate scoundrels. The scientist managed to get rid of Saul, who seemed to be a paid spy for Dee's enemies, quite quickly, but Talbot, who changed his last name to Kelly, infiltrated his life seriously, so firmly that he seduced his wife, took him all over Europe under the pretext , who wanted to make him an alchemist, ruined him and in the end completely ruined his life. John Dee died ruined and disgraced. King James I, who succeeded Elizabeth on the throne, refused to give him a pension, and Dee died in poverty. The only consolation is the thought that Talbot, aka Kelly, died in February 1595 in Prague while trying to escape from prison. He was so tall and fat that the rope he had woven, unable to bear his weight, burst, and he broke his arms and legs. A fitting end for one of the most terrible scoundrels history has ever known!

Despite Elizabeth's patronage, Dee continued to be persecuted in the last years of his life; his manuscripts, along with most of his archive, were stolen.

True, it must be admitted that John Dee fell into poverty partly through his own fault. Dee first told Queen Elizabeth that he was an alchemist, and then asked her for money. Elizabeth of England quite reasonably answered him that since he knew how to make gold, he was able to take care of himself. As a result, John Dee had to sell his huge library in order to somehow feed himself, and still he died, one might say, of hunger.

History has preserved mainly incredible and picturesque episodes from his adventures with Kelly. There, in particular, the exchange of women, which has now become so widespread in the United States, first appeared.

But this cheap episode obscures the real problem - the problem of the Enochic language, the problem of the books of Dr. John Dee, which were never published.

Jacques Sadoul, in The Alchemist's Treasure, gives an excellent account of the alchemical side of the adventures of Dr. Dee and Kelly, so I refer the reader to that.

Let's return to the Enochic language and talk about what happened next. And first of all, let us dwell on the persecution to which John Dee has been subjected since he announced his intention to publish his conversations with angels. In 1597, in his absence, unknown people inflamed a crowd that broke into his house. Four thousand rare books and five thousand manuscripts disappeared irretrievably, and many records were burned. The persecution continued later, despite the patronage of the Queen of England. Completely broken and dishonored (later Madame Blavatsky would be brought to the same state). John Dee died in Mortlake aged 81. Once again, for the umpteenth time, the Men in Black plot seems to have succeeded.

The author of an article dedicated to John Dee in the excellent English encyclopedia “Man, Myth and Magic” quite rightly notes: “Documents about the life of John Dee exist in abundance, but in order to understand his biography and interpret very little has been done."

But there is more than enough slander against John Dee. At a time when superstitions were rampant, they claimed that he was a black magician. In our rationalistic age they say that he was a spy, and magic and alchemy served as a screen for his real activities. This point of view is supported, in particular, by the English encyclopedia, which we cited above.

Turning to the facts, we will first of all see a highly gifted person, capable of working twenty-two hours a day, able to read quickly, and a first-rate mathematician. In addition, he was an expert in optics and its application for military purposes, he designed machine guns, and understood chemistry.

At the same time, Dee apparently was a naive and gullible person. Kelly's story clearly proves this. However, it is also possible that he made a very important discovery, perhaps the most significant discovery in the entire history of mankind. It seems to me quite probable that Dee, through telepathy, clairvoyance, or some other psychic action, came into contact with beings of a non-human nature. Considering the level of thinking of his time, it is quite natural that he attributed angelic origin to these beings, and did not think that they came from another planet or from another dimension. But his communication with them was enough to learn an inhuman language.

The idea of ​​​​inventing a new language was not in circulation at the time when Dee lived, and was alien to his thinking. Wilkins invented the first artificial language much later. The Enochic language system has a complete form, and this language is not similar to any of the languages ​​spoken by people.

Of course, one can assume that Dee extracted it from his own subconscious or from the collective unconscious, but this hypothesis looks no less fantastic than communication with beings of extraterrestrial origin. Unfortunately, ever since Kelly showed up at his side, the conversations became clearly fake. Kelly dreamed them up from start to finish and made the angels or spirits say what he wanted. But Kelly was not particularly intelligent or imaginative. There is a recording of a conversation during which he asked one of the “spirits” to lend him a hundred pounds sterling for two weeks.

However, even before meeting Kelly, Dee published a strange book: “The Hieroglyphic Monad.” He worked on it for seven years, but after reading Steganography, he finished the book in twelve days. The statesman of his time, Sir William Cecil, then declared that “the secrets contained in the Hieroglyphic Monad are of the greatest importance for the security of the state.”

Of course, they tried to connect these secrets with cryptography, and such a connection probably existed. But it seems to me that the desire to necessarily reduce all of John Dee’s activities to espionage goes too far. After all, alchemists and magicians widely used cryptography, and in more sophisticated forms than spies did. I am inclined to take John Dee's words literally and think that through self-hypnosis, performed with the help of a mirror or through other manipulations, he was able to overcome the barrier between planets or dimensions.

Unfortunately, Dee, by his own admission, was deprived of any paranormal abilities. He was unsuccessful in hiring "mediums" and it ended in disaster.

However, this catastrophe was provoked, used and intensified by the Higher Ones, who did not want everything that they set out in the “Hieroglyphic Monad” in encrypted form to be said in open text. The persecution of John Dee did not stop until his death. He continued to be persecuted on the continent: the Polish king and Emperor Rudolf II were turned against Dee by messages “from the spirits,” and on May 6, 1586, the papal nuncio handed Emperor Rudolf a document in which John Dee was accused of practicing necromancy.

He returned to England completely broken, refused further publications, and died as rector of Christ's College, Manchester, a position he held from 1595 to 1605 and which seems to have brought him no satisfaction.

However, there remains one still unclear question related to this position. Around the same time, the Russian Tsar invited John Dee to come to Moscow as a scientific adviser. He was offered a salary of two thousand pounds sterling a year (a very large sum, equivalent to about two hundred thousand pounds today), a luxurious house and a position that would make him, as the royal letter says, “one of the most important people Russia." However, John Dee refused. Maybe Elizabeth of England was against it? Maybe he was threatened?

Information about this episode is too vague. However, numerous gossip depicting how Dee, being completely subordinate to Kelly, traveled throughout the continent and robbed rich and noble people, after this refusal they lose all credibility. Perhaps Dee was afraid that the Russian Tsar would force him to use the secrets he had discovered and thereby ensure Russia’s dominance over the entire world?

Be that as it may, Dee seems to us to be a person to whom creatures of a non-human nature appeared, a person who learned their language and established a constant connection with them.

The case is completely unique, especially considering that we are talking about a person with such a powerful intellect as John Dee.

Unfortunately, from the information that Dee left, nothing can be concluded either about the habitat of these creatures or about their physical nature.

He simply said that they were telepathic and could travel to the past and future. As far as I know, this is the first time the idea of ​​time travel has appeared here.

John Dee hoped to find out from the angels the entire set of natural laws, everything related to the future development of mathematical sciences. The crux of the matter is not necromancy or even spiritualism. Dee took the position of a scientist who wants to penetrate secrets, but only secrets that have a scientific basis. By the way, he himself constantly calls himself a mathematical philosopher.

Most of Dee's notes were lost in a fire in his house, others were destroyed at different times by different people. Several fragments have come down to us, contained in the “True Story of Casabon” and some other surviving notes. From them you can glean extremely interesting information. Dee, in particular, argues that the Mercator projection is only a first rough approximation. In his opinion, the Earth is not actually completely round, but consists of many superimposed spheres, aligned along another dimension.

Between these spheres there are points, or rather surfaces of contact, and thus Greenland in other worlds extends to infinity. That is why John Dee submits numerous petitions to Queen Elizabeth, in which he convinces her that England must take possession of Greenland in order to have the door to other worlds at its disposal.

Another statement: the mathematical sciences are in the initial phase of their development, and one can go much further than Euclid, whom Dee, we recall, was the first to translate into English. Dee was absolutely right in asserting this, his point of view was confirmed by non-Euclidean geometries that appeared later.

John Dee also says that it is possible to create machines that will do all the work for a person. And this, he adds, had already been done elsewhere in 1585. Curious to know what this place is?

In addition, he emphasizes the importance of numbers and writes about the difficulties of higher mathematics. And again, once again, it turns out to be right. Number theory is considered the most difficult branch of mathematics, much more difficult than algebra or geometry.

It is very important, notes John Dee, to study dreams. They reveal to us both our inner world and the outer worlds at the same time. These completely Jungian views are also far ahead of his time. It is necessary, he believes, to hide secrets from the bulk of people that can turn out to be extremely dangerous. Again, a very modern thought! As modern as the other, constantly present in Dee’s personal diary: knowledge of nature provides unlimited and completely natural possibilities, but a lot of money must be invested in research.

To get money, he sought the patronage of the greats of this world and tried to make gold. He succeeded in neither one nor the other. But if only he had found a philanthropist, the whole picture of the world would have been different!

Among all the people Dee met, was William Shakespeare? I would like to believe that yes. Many Shakespeare scholars agree that John Dee served as the prototype for Prospero in The Tempest. But, as far as I know, among the anti-Shakespeareans there has not yet been such a madman who would imagine that the works of Shakespeare were written by John Dee. Although Dee seems to me a much more suitable candidate for Shakespeare than Francis Bacon.

By the way, I cannot deny myself the pleasure of citing here the version of the English humorist A. A. Milne. In his opinion, Shakespeare not only wrote all of Shakespeare’s works himself, but also composed the “New Organon” for Francis Bacon, since he was completely illiterate! This version of the Baconians simply infuriated! After all, they claimed that the works of Shakespeare were written by Bacon.

Let's bury another legend at the same time: John Dee never translated the Necronomicon, the cursed book of Abdul al-Azred, for the simple reason that this work did not exist. But, as Lin Carter more than rightly points out, if the Necronomicon existed, John Dee would clearly be the only person capable of getting hold of this book and translating it!

Unfortunately, the Necronomicon was invented from beginning to end by Lovecraft, who personally confirmed this to me in a letter. It's a pity.

The black stone from another world, having passed through the hands of first the Count de Peterborough and then Horace Walpole, is now in the British Museum, whose administration does not allow it to be used or examined. This is very disappointing. If the analysis of the Dee stone were to result in a different isotope ratio than that of terrestrial coal, this in itself would prove its extraterrestrial origin and would greatly puzzle everyone.

You can find John Dee's Hieroglyphic Monad or get a photocopy of it. But without the keys to the various ciphers, without the other manuscripts of John Dee, burned in Mortlake or destroyed by order of King James I, there will be little use. However, John Dee's story did not end there, and I will need two more chapters to tell what happened next.

In the political history of early modern Europe, a large place belongs to John Dee (John Dee, 1527-1608), a famous English thinker, geographer and mathematician. The name Dee is associated with the development of a new imperial ideology, which formed the basis of later colonial empires, ideas about the special purpose of the New World, as well as an attempt to combine magic with world politics.

John Dee was for a long time a confidant of the English Queen Elizabeth I. On the one hand, he prepared astrological forecasts for her, and on the other hand, he was directly involved in Elizabeth’s secret foreign policy both in relations with France and in the beginning of the struggle for colonies with Spain. Interestingly, Dee signed his secret messages to the Queen with the pseudonym “007.”

It was John Dee who coined the very term “British Empire” and developed the concept of England’s rights to colonial conquest and domination in the world. In 1577-78. he developed this idea in his treatises. By empire Dee meant the totality of Britain and its colonies. Dee also emphasized the importance of the resettlement of the British in the colonies and the corresponding migration policy of the state. Dee emphasized that the British Empire was superior to any earthly monarchy since the creation of the world and could become a universal monarchy.

Dee therefore openly contrasted the emerging British Empire with both the Christian ideal of a “mystical universal city” uniting the whole earth and a “cosmopolitan government” to govern it. Thus, Dee immediately gave the British Empire a worldwide, global character. In this regard, he spoke about the concept of “citizen of the world”, about cosmopolitanism within the framework of the empire. And this led to the development of an imperial feeling among the British themselves.

Dee viewed his imperial concept in the context of the general mystical unity of the world. In search of symbolic “keys” to understanding this unity and translating it, incl. In real world politics, Dee wrote perhaps his most famous treatise, The Hieroglyphic Monad.

Dee considered the most important task on the path to creating an empire to be the discovery by the British of new navigation routes and the colonization of newly discovered territories. He studied ancient maps of the world in detail, studied geography in detail, and was familiar with the leading cartographers of that era, Gerardus Mercator and Abraham Ortelius.

All this made Dee a consultant to British navigation projects. He was involved in drawing up the route of the first English circumnavigation of the world, completed by Francis Drake in 1577-80. John Dee was also one of the main developers of the so-called. The Northwest Passage is a passage from England to the Pacific Ocean along the northern coast of Canada. Dee prepared a description of Greenland and Canada for the expeditions of Martin Frobisher in the 1570s, who tried (unsuccessfully) to travel this route. Dee repeatedly discussed the idea of ​​​​the North-West Route with Queen Elizabeth I herself and with her leading dignitaries, in particular with Secretary of State Francis Walsingham.

In addition to the practical benefits, Dee also emphasized the mystical significance of annexing the New World territories to the British Empire.
Dee also placed an important emphasis on the fact that legends also called King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, who wandered the world in search of the Holy Grail, the first conqueror of the islands around Greenland. And since Arthur was an English king, it is England that has the right to dispose of the New World.

At the same time, Dee was also developing the Northeast Route - the road to China through the Arctic Ocean and the associated trade contacts between the British and Russia. In the 1570-80s. he interacted with the “Moscow Company” (Muscovy Company), specially established by the British in 1555 for trade with Russia, and prepared sea maps and possible navigation routes for its order.

Beginning in 1581, Dee performed regular magical rituals of summoning angels in a crystal mirror.
It was made of polished obsidian (volcanic glass), brought by the Spaniards from distant Mexico. Apparently, it was a real relic that the Aztecs once used for the same thing as John Dee - for divination. This version is supported, for example, by the following curious fact: the name of the all-seeing and all-knowing Tezcatlipoca - the god of volcanoes and obsidian volcanic glass - translated means “smoking mirror”.

The properties of the obsidian Aztec mirror were so unusual that Elizabeth herself came to her teacher’s home to get acquainted with this magical instrument. Apparently, the mirror was actually worth such attention. Records from that time have been preserved that say that John Dee, who never parted with this mirror, observed in it the events that took place at great distances from it. For example, how the mob, incited by envious people, burned down his “witchcraft” house with a unique collection of ancient manuscripts, rarities and a camera for “mirror visions”.

But it just so happened that in 1842 Walpole’s collection was auctioned around the world. During the sale, a magic crystal for twelve pounds (according to French sources - for 336 francs) was bought by a man who preferred to remain anonymous. Despite all the searches undertaken, neither this mysterious man nor John Dee's black mirror could be found.

According to John Dee himself, from intelligent creatures of non-human nature - an elf girl named Madina and “angels” with the names Ave and Raphael - he also learned a mysterious language. This happened after one day the “angels” showed him some kind of table with letters, numbers and symbols in a crystal. It was a very strange alphabet, the entries in which still arouse the keenest interest of researchers. After all, this most amazing invention of John Dee, in essence, was the first artificial language known in history (or maybe the first known language of unearthly civilizations?). Dee himself called it Enochic - the language of Enoch, which “is spoken by the angels and the inhabitants of the Garden of Eden.” Today's scientists consider it an absolutely complete system with its own alphabet and grammar, completely unlike any human language.

Fragments of recordings made by John Dee in this mysterious language have reached us. Researchers are amazed that they contain mathematical knowledge, the level of which significantly exceeded that existing at that time. Contacts with the “angels” continued for several years, and all this time John Dee received from them knowledge that was amazing for that time.
The most amazing thing is that this magic stone did not disappear, as often happens with legendary relics. Over four centuries it passed through the hands of different people and is now kept in the British Museum. The administration does not allow unauthorized persons to use it or examine it.

From conversations with angels, Dee received confirmation of his own higher purpose for learning the secrets of the world. So, on March 11, 1582, the archangel Uriel said to him: “Go forward: God has blessed you... The whole world begins with your deeds... The angels in my power will be at your disposal.” A few days later (March 14, 1582), the archangel Michael showed Dee the magical Ring of power over the world (the archangel's sword suddenly became fiery, and the Ring appeared from this flame). Michael stated that none of the people up to Dee had seen this Ring since the time of the Hebrew king Solomon, and that with the magical help of this ring Dee could gain worldwide power.

In addition to the ring of power, the angels gave Dee the sacred Stone of Power (a magic crystal for contacts with a higher power), “the most sacred part of the Roman heritage.” With this Stone, as the angel Karmara told John Dee, he will surpass all the kings of the earth. This Stone was given into Dee's hands by an angel who appeared from the west (sunset) window of his room, which gave rise to the title of Gustav Meyrink's novel about Dee, "The Angel of the West Window." Let us also note that in this story with the receipt of the sacred Stone, associations with the Holy Grail are quite obvious.

Dee's contact with the angels took place in the thoughts of his medium, and the medium perceived the utterances of the angels in his native language, English. Also in these visions, the angels used letters and phrases from Hebrew and Latin for Dee. But on March 26, 1583, the angels began to reveal to Dee their special language, transmitting its letters. They especially emphasized that no man had ever understood this language except Adam before his fall.

It is interesting that the dictionary of “angelic speech” compiled by Laycock has gone through several reprints and is widely used by researchers of Dee’s heritage. English scholar Stephen Skinner says that the study of this dialect has helped some researchers gain a lot of useful information for understanding the English language of the Elizabethan era and its more ancient variants.
However, despite this phrase recorded in Dee’s diary, his later commentators suggest that this language was the original universal language of people, which disappeared after the destruction of the Tower of Babel described in the Bible and the emergence of different human languages. Dee also assumed that the biblical seer Enoch spoke with God in this language. Therefore, the language itself received the name Enochian or Angelic in historiography.

In total, the angels conveyed nineteen spells in this language (about 250 words) for Dee. Modern linguists who studied it noted that the lettering of the “angelic” language was similar to the letters of the ancient Ethiopian language (now the sacred language of the Ethiopian church). As for vocabulary, there were small parallels with Sanskrit (ancient Indian) and ancient Egyptian languages, i.e. some of the oldest known human languages. Some words had a lot in common with Hebrew, Latin, and also had Slavic roots. John Dee was also given to understand that the knowledge and use of this language gives a person mystical power over the world.

Naturally, one can have different attitudes to Dee’s testimony about his contacts with angels, about the special power over the world that they can bestow. You can believe this or not. From a historical point of view, in any case, it is necessary to emphasize that against the backdrop of many magicians, astrologers, alchemists, and occultists who tried to influence world politics, John Dee’s proposals seem to be one of the most holistic and had a significant influence on the development of political thought in Europe. Therefore, his activities deserve serious attention.

He died in 1608. John Dee hid his notes in a cedar chest with a double bottom, and they passed from hand to hand for a long time, undetected by anyone. Only half a century later, the secret was accidentally discovered by a certain Mr. Jones. Some of the manuscripts then burned because the maid began to line baking trays for baking pies with the manuscripts. But the other part fell into the hands of Elios Ashlon, a naturalist and mystic. He became interested in the find and began collecting Dee’s diaries, scattered throughout the archives throughout Europe. In the seventeenth century, Dee's written legacy was published, and the whole world learned about the secrets that the chest with a double bottom kept.

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