History cards with dates and events. Methods for remembering dates from history: how easy it is to remember historical dates. How to memorize dates in history

How to quickly learn dates? This question often arises on the eve of exams, tests, tests.

Let's try to deal with this issue. The answer to this depends on several factors.
1. We must explain to ourselves why we need to quickly learn the dates?
2. How much time do we have to learn the required amount of information?
3. How much information do you need to learn?
4. How developed are our memory, attention, ability to work with information?
5. How to act, what memorization techniques to apply?

Answering the first question - why do we need to quickly learn dates - we are likely to say:
- perform the control;
- pass the exam;
- Solve history tests for ZNO or pass.

At the same time, we must admit to ourselves that we did not prepare for the exams in a timely manner, did not systematically study history, and in general, the upcoming test fell like snow on our heads. Otherwise, our question would be different: "How to repeat dates quickly"?

Let's try to solve the problem of remembering dates

We proceed from the fact that the dates still have to be taught, since they won’t let us write off, you can hope for luck with a random choice of an answer on testing, but it’s better to do at least something to help yourself.

Our first step: we determine the list of dates of events that we have to learn. For example, when preparing for the External Independent Evaluation (EIA) on the history of Ukraine, the list of required dates is indicated in the Training Program.

Our second step: set how much time is left until the test day.

Third step: determine how much information you need to learn in one day.

Fourth step: draw up a work schedule. At the same time, we allocate three to four days for study (if we have them), the next day is a repetition of what has been studied. Then again study and a new repetition of everything studied. And so on, while there is a reserve of time.

We decided on what needs to be done to start working on the dates of the events, now let's try to figure out how to act.

Based on my experience, I think: the most effective ways to work with dates are:
- work with cards, (some techniques for working with cards are described);

- work with an interactive simulator(Ideally, it is better to combine both methods).

I suggest trying to work out the dates of events in Ukrainian history, as well as their repetition using an interactive simulator. The dates correspond to the ZNO Program 2018.

Training dates from the history of Ukraine.

How to work with training

Numbers of thirty-one topics are given on the first slide of the training. By clicking on the topic number, you go to the list of events on this topic. You need to say the date of the event, and then click on the arrow opposite the event - the date of this event will appear. Or write down the dates of all events of this topic, and then, by clicking on the button "Vіdpovid", get the right answers.

If you got the date right - check the next date, if a mistake is made — we are working on an event, the date of which we named incorrectly. Ways of work are determined depending on your abilities and skills. It is enough for someone to simply see the correct answer and fix it in their memory, someone needs to make significant efforts.

If you have any difficulties, I recommend:
Firstly, clearly read the name of the event and its date aloud;
Secondly, write the event on the card, again saying the name of the event, and write the date on the back of the card and say it. Next, we work with the card, as it is written
Thirdly, after working out other dates of the topic, you need to reset the answers. To do this, go to the previous slide, then return to the slide of the topic with which we have already worked, and again speak or write down the dates of the events, and then check your answer. If necessary, we repeat the cycle of work.
Fourth, after three or four days, it is imperative to allocate time for repetition, and if there is a reserve of time, conduct several checks, increasing the time interval between checks.
Fifth, we don’t get hung up on working with dates - after all, you need to have time to work out and repeat other blocks of topics provided for by the Program, for example, working out maps, personalities, documents, architectural monuments and fine arts, and others.

Dates and events from history are a headache for a schoolboy and an applicant. How to remember them when they strive to get tangled up in a ball? We have collected 9 of the most popular methods that are convenient to use for remembering dates and events for an exam or CT in history.


Stickers pasted throughout the apartment give the result. You will hardly forget that the Battle of Grunwald took place on July 15, 1410, if this fact has been hanging on the refrigerator for half a year. The more often historical dates and events catch your eye, the more likely they are to come up in memory on an exam or CT in history.


Write the date on one side of the card and the event on the other. Shuffle the cards and see how good your preparation is for an exam or history CT. Divide the cards into three groups: “I know by heart”, “I always forget”, “I haven’t learned it yet”. Ideally, the first group of cards is the most numerous.


The brain remembers structured information more easily. Make a table with the dates that you need to learn for an exam or CT in history. This is more convenient than getting information from textbooks.

Audio recordings

If a , read the dates on the recorder and listen in your free time. Pause while recording so that the audio can be conveniently paused and repeated to yourself.

Films, paintings, photos

Look on the Internet for archival photos, paintings and documentaries dedicated to historical events. So not only the lines and illustrations from the textbook will remain in your memory, but also vivid images. Visualize battles, uprisings, wars, revolutions.

The painting of the Bavarian battle painter Peter von Hess “Crossing the Berezina” will help to remember that the battles on the banks of the Berezina during Napoleon’s crossing took place in late autumn


You can create colorful pictures in memory yourself. Moreover, the method is suitable for memorizing dates and events, as well as other information needed for an exam or CT in history. For example, proper names. Is it difficult to remember Yefim Karsky, a Belarusian linguist of the 20th century, the author of the three-volume work “Belarusians”? Imagine a crow in an embroidered shirt (“kar!”), which sits on three books, each of which has the name of the work written on it. The comparison is strange, but it will help to remember the last name.

Search for patterns

Memorizing dates will help you look for patterns between them. For example, the Union of Lublin was concluded in 1569. Let's rearrange the last two figures - and before us is the date of the conclusion of the Brest Church Union (1596). The territory of the USSR was occupied by German invaders from 1941 to 1944, while the war between Byzantium and Russia took place from 941 to 944.

Your numbers

Try to associate historical dates with numbers you know: your grandmother's birthday, a friend's address, or a bus number.

reference points

If you need to remember multiple dates for a single major event (eg World War II), use the point of reference method. The first date is the starting point. Then consider: after N days such an event occurred, after N months and N days - such an event.

In preparation for the exam and the CT in history, all means are good. Use the methods you like best and memorize historical dates and events without any problems!

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It's important to set a goal. It is easier for the brain to work when it is motivated and there is an accurate idea of ​​the desired result. Strive to get a five for independent work or pass the exam for 100 points for admission to a university and start learning the dates, because you can’t do without them.


It is difficult for the brain to remember a large number of numbers and unfamiliar names. He does not see a clear structure and is lazy. Classify dates. Write all the dates on one sheet of A4. It is important to write out by hand, because visual-motor memory is activated, which facilitates the memorization process. Written should be regularly repeated or rewritten on other sheets several times.

You can classify by rulers and historical periods. Try both options and choose yours.

1. By rulers

Write out all the dates associated with the reign, for example, Ivan the Terrible on one sheet and memorize. For convenience, it can be divided into blocks: what was done in the economic sphere, what was done in the social sphere.

2. By historical periods

Select a historical period (for example, the Romanov dynasty, the years of the USSR, the Great Patriotic War) and write down all the important dates.

Stick stickers everywhere

Buy yourself several sets of stationery stickers. Buy the ones that are nice to look at. Write the date on each and stick it all over the apartment: from the head of the bed to the inner walls of the refrigerator. Every time you see a sheet with a date, repeat the event associated with it out loud or to yourself.


Dates can be associated with your personal memories or images. Perhaps your friend's birthday coincides with the date of signing the agreement on the collapse of the USSR, or a memorable event took place in your favorite place for walking, like the "Salt Riot" in Kolomenskoye.

Use interactive maps

Wars or geographical discoveries are associated with specific territories. Therefore, it is convenient to memorize them using interactive maps. Here is a good map with events that took place only in Russia, and here is a map with battles around the world. On the second map, I noticed confused dates.

Use the interval repetition method

The brain is designed in such a way that it remembers information better if it is repeated several times over a long period of time. Then the information is deposited in long-term memory and it is easy to remember. Learn dates with breaks. Learn the dates of one period and take a break for a day or two. After a pause, repeat again.

Sample Rep Schedule ↓

Use time tables

Dates are easy to remember in chronological order. Tables help to structure information and remember which events followed one after another. There will be a time line in your head. Chronological tables can be found in paper reference books or on the Internet.


Read dates into voice recorder

While listening to audio recordings, auditory perception of information works. Read the dates on a voice recorder and listen to your favorite music with headphones. If you listen regularly, you will remember the dates faster.

Find Parallels

Some events took place on the same days and months, but in different years, like the Gangut and Grengam battles. Try to look for parallels and memorize them.

Use cards

You can repeat dates using cards: cut out rectangular cards from cardboard, write the date on one side, and the event on the other. For example, the First Russian Revolution - 1905-1907. Lay the cards in front of you with one side and repeat the date or event. Set aside the ones you know well. Repeat from time to time.

You can create electronic cards, I create them in the Anki service. It can be installed on Mac and Windows. For Android, there is an AnkiDroid app. Create a card in Anki, specify the date and event in it. After that, open all the cards, and the application displays one of the entered events. You need to remember the date on which it happened without looking back. Next, evaluate your results. Anki will ask you for the dates that you managed to remember quickly, in a few days, and for those with which you have difficulties, he first asks immediately and the next day.

To remember dates

    Write dates on A4 sheets

    Stick stickers everywhere

    find associations

    Use interactive maps

    Learn dates with intervals

    Use chronological tables

    Speak dates on voice recorder

    Look for parallels

    Use cards

History is included in the list of subjects required to study at school. With its help, you can move to any era without a time machine, “observe” its main characters. There is a lot of information on this subject, it is difficult to systematize and remember it. How to quickly learn history? How to remember dates, events and heroes? The tips below will help you with this.

For some, this subject is given easily, while others face certain difficulties in the process of studying it. What do you need to know to make things easier for yourself?

  • Avoid cramming. How to learn history quickly and easily? Texts should not be memorized word for word. The key to success is reading comprehension. Sometimes one obscure term is enough to break the whole system.
  • Break the paragraph into blocks. The text should be divided into semantic blocks. It is also useful for memorization to come up with a name for each passage in accordance with its main idea. Then you need to retell each block in your own words.
  • Stimulate yourself. Every person is a child at heart. He needs to be rewarded for a job well done. How to quickly learn history and fall in love with this subject? You need to come up with a reward for each new achievement. You can also develop a system of punishments.

Tables and maps

How to quickly learn the history of a country? An invaluable assistant in this matter will be a table of dates, where they are distributed in chronological order. It is worth referring to such a table when studying each topic. The more often you use it, the more firmly the dates will be fixed in memory.

Also, history is not easy to learn without historical maps that show the movements in the military process. In addition, they will help to understand the division of the earth in different periods.

Historical Notes

How can you learn history quickly? To memorize a large amount of information, it is useful to have a special notebook. It is intended for a brief summary of the studied material. In the notebook, you can draw handwritten diagrams that allow you to visualize the connections between events. Graphic notes help to reduce large texts, promote memorization. You can also make a drawing dedicated to a particular event.

It is advisable to make historical notes for each individual era. You can pay more attention to some event, devote less time to some.

Mind games

“Mind Games” is a technique that has proven itself well in the study of humanitarian subjects. Its essence is the creation of stable images and pictures in your head, dedicated to the material being studied. In other words, the technique invites a person to fantasize on a given topic.

How to learn the history of Russia quickly? For example, a person is trying to remember the key moments in the blockade of Leningrad. In his imagination, he can take the place of an ordinary warrior who is surrounded by enemies. He should try to survive the emotions that a soldier may experience at this terrible moment. You can also imagine the orders given to the hero by command, his possible exploits. The technique allows you to link your own false memories to real numbers and dates.


Unfortunately, the imagination is not sufficiently developed in all people. How to quickly learn the history of Ukraine? For example, a person is studying the reign of Princess Olga, who became the first ruler to accept Christianity of the Byzantine rite. He needs to find documentaries and drawings on this topic.

Fantasies that already exist in the real world will help people who are not imaginative. Almost on any topic now you can find documentaries, drawings, archival photos and more.


History is a complex subject. The success of its study largely depends on whether the student is regularly engaged. You need to make it a rule to refer to the textbook daily, study new material for at least 30 minutes a day. However, you should not study for several hours, as the brain simply will not have the opportunity to fully process information.

How to force yourself to learn history, if there is absolutely no desire to do so? It is not necessary to start from ancient times. You can choose for yourself the most interesting historical segment and begin to study it. There will definitely be a desire to learn more about the events that are directly or indirectly related to him.

If history is your core subject, then this information will come in handy for you. However, if not, it will still come in handy, because dates and events will have to be remembered when preparing for any exam. After all, any science has somehow developed, which means that you will need to know all the main milestones.

Here we have already considered. Now let's explore other techniques.

Why do you need to learn to remember dates?

The ability to quickly memorize dates is useful not only in studying at the Faculty of History, but also in real life. Shopping lists, birthdays of friends and relatives, bus numbers - all this and much more often occurs in our daily lives.

It turns out that many people have a hard time remembering dates and sequences of numbers. But if you train regularly, you can keep even the most uncontrollable in your head. And here are some effective ways to help you remember dates.

association method

Some people find it much easier to remember dates and other information by associating them with vivid images.

For example, how can you relate Washington's birth year to 1732?

  1. Imagine a boy with Washington hair (or a wig) chopping down a cherry tree and yelling "I can't lie!"
  2. Imagine a man in a Washington wig throwing a stack of 1,732 bills with a portrait of Washington himself into the air.

You will be surprised, but in the method of associations, your own body is often the best assistant. To help you absorb complex information faster:

  • rhythmic steps or swaying,
  • gesture,
  • singing using familiar melodies.

Remember digital rhymes? Here the principle is the same, only instead of regular numbers you need to use dates.

Systematization method

This method of remembering dates is based on the ability to structure. If you line up all the dates in the correct sequence and order, you will have no problem remembering them.

Remembering random dates is a pain. In order not to waste time, try to break all the available information into groups according to some common features.

The "number-picture" method

The essence of this technique of remembering dates in history is to create a detailed picture that pops up in your head when you mention the desired event.

Imagine every character, every little thing. Next, decompose the entire date into separate numbers, attaching one of the images that have developed in your head to each number.

For example, the number 8 may be associated with a female figure, and the number 9 with an impending wave. Then remembering the date of the first baptism in Russia (988) is easy to remember by tying it to the picture with the people of Kiev on the Dnieper.

By the way, we are currently working on this and other topics

Letter method

There is nothing complicated here either. Any number is tied to a letter according to the principle of external similarity. Here is an example of creating associations, but of course you can also make a breakdown according to your own characteristics:

You can use funny associations to remember. For example, it is difficult to give the date of the Battle of Kursk (1943). According to the above table, we will display the date in alphabetical form - TDCHZ. On these letters, you can come up with a phrase that will suggest the desired date. For example, tanks, smoke and black earth are quite a colorful coloring that describes what is happening on the Kursk Bulge at that time.

Another way to use this method is to mentally attach the first letter of the main characters to each digit of the date. For example, the date of 1812 can be translated into letters (and numbers) TV1B, where they mean the names of the commanders in chief (Tormazov, Wittgenstein, Alexander I, Bagration).

This method is especially good because, in addition to the date itself, you automatically remember the names of the main characters or the main event.

Background method

This technique is designed to more quickly memorize a specific number or months.

To do this, it is enough to remember what personal events happened in your life on the day that you need to remember. Or you can tie the date to some natural phenomenon.

For example, on March 21, 1917, the Romanov family was arrested. But this date may be your birthday (or your loved ones). Also, this day is easy to remember as the end of the first month of spring, the beginning of snowmelt and warming.

semantic method

It is not necessary to come up with distant associations. You can simply take a closer look at the numbers and link them directly to the event being remembered.

For example, in 1961, Gagarin was the first to fly into Earth's orbit. Remember two units - one means the first flight into space in the USSR, the second - the first flight in the whole world. The number 96, which is between units, is associated with the south and north poles, where the flight also took place for the first time. No matter how you turn these two numbers remain in place.

Analytical Methods

There can be a lot of ways to remember dates, which are based not only on the creation of certain images, but also on a deep understanding of the subject. The main thing here is to remember not the date itself, but to realize the sequence of the course of events.

Consider two main approaches:

  1. Causal approach. Suppose you know the main events - famine, war, death of the king, the war is lost. It is easy to build a causal relationship here: the country is in a mess that the king is trying to resolve, but the enemies use this to unleash a war, and in its course the king eventually dies, and the troops lose heart, which leads to defeat. Understanding this, you will never confuse the dates, and in your head all the events will be sorted and in the correct order.
  2. Semantic block method. Among other ways of remembering historical dates, this one is one of the most difficult. But if it works out, the date will be remembered forever. A certain period of time is divided into major events and periods (for example, the 20th century can be divided into the following periods - the First World War, the New Economic Policy, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War, the collapse of the USSR). Knowing the cyclicity and features of the course of each of these periods, it will be easy for you to tie the desired date to this part of the century. Breaking down a large period into smaller ones makes it much easier to remember dates and fish out a certain event from memory even after many years.

Memory training method

This is not so much a technique as a lifestyle, adhering to which it will never be difficult for you to remember this or that date.

During training, it is extremely important to be able to concentrate, since it is this ability that will allow you to remember 20-60% more than usual.

And here are some effective ways to do it:

  • remove everything that can distract you, start studying in a relaxing and calm atmosphere;
  • focus on the date being studied, scan it with your eyes without taking your eyes off it;
  • always remember that you need to keep this particular date in your head, write it several times on a piece of paper;
  • at each new meeting of the specified date, write it down or imagine that you are writing it down.

Don't forget the magical power of repetition. The more often you repeat all the dates, the deeper they sink into memory.

Regular repetition of important dates will help train your memory. And if you need to learn a large amount of information, add one important date per day.

Memory training can also be done in the form of a game. To do this, make practice cards. It is important to do them right:

  • You can use special computer programs to draw up cards. The date should be written on one side, the event on the back;
  • cards need to be shuffled all the time, because the human brain quickly remembers the sequence and correlates it with the previously spoken answers. It is important to remember what happened that day, not a sequence of cards;
  • look at the date and until the last try to remember the event, looking away. Peep only if you can't recall it;
  • those cards that you have already learned and mastered well, put aside. With the rest, train to the same level;
  • exercise with cards regularly, after the next reading. Alternate with other types of study (reading notes, watching historical films, etc.).

The most important thing in remembering dates easily is to use them as often as possible. With frequent repetition of what you have learned, it will settle tightly and for a long time in your memory. Do not be shy to tell your family and friends what you have learned, constantly remember throughout the day, before going to bed.

Learned events will help not only pass the exam well, but also show off erudition in society. And with all other types of work and objects it will be easier to cope with the help of special

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