What fertilizer is suitable for anthurium. Anthurium home care watering fertilizer and transplant. Home cooking supplies

At first glance, anthurium is somewhat demanding in care, although not so much as to refuse it. It is better to understand your plant and try to provide the anthurium with the necessary home care.

How to properly care for anthurium and what is required for its development and flowering? At home, in particular, two flowering species of anthuriums are grown: Andre (A. andreanum) and Scherzer (A. scherzerianum).

The vast majority of cultivated forms of anthurium are epiphytes. Many of them are well kept in warm and humid greenhouses.

Temperature and lighting...

For full growth and generous flowering, anthurium is satisfied with conditions that are suitable for orchids: constant heat, bright lighting, but not direct sun, high humidity.

Close to natural room temperature in summer - 20-28C, in winter not lower than 16-18°C, away from heating devices.

Anthurium Scherzer hybrids require two months of cooler maintenance (12-16 ° C) in winter, while reducing watering. In order for the anthurium to bloom earlier, in January they begin to gradually increase the temperature to 20-25 ° C.

Since the plant tolerates drafts and temperature fluctuations very painfully, in a frosty winter it is better to place it not on the windowsill, but indoors, providing additional artificial lighting using fitolamps.

In low light, the anthurium will not bloom, and in too bright light, its bracts will become less saturated in color. Therefore, when caring for an anthurium flower, it is important to find the "golden mean".

Humidity is an important factor in the care of anthurium ...

Be sure to pay attention to the quality of watering, the water should be soft and warm, well settled. Water sparingly as soon as the soil dries out. For healthy anthuriums, it should always look slightly damp, but drying it out a bit is fine.

Very often, the opinions of flower growers differ regarding air humidity.

  • Some believe that the flower must be sprayed every day.
  • Others are satisfied with wiping the leaves with a damp cloth.
  • Still others increase the humidity of the air by placing a flower pot on a pallet with damp moss, expanded clay, or cover the base of the plant with sphagnum, constantly moistening it.

However, when using any of these methods, you need to adjust the room temperature depending on the general condition of the plant. Spray and create humidity around the anthurium at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees.

High humidity at a low temperature of 16-18C will lead to infection of the flower with fungal diseases. Low humidity at the same temperature will reduce resistance to various pests: scale insects, spider mites, aphids. Therefore, in the event of any critical situations, it is better to replace conventional spraying with a wet wipe of the leaves.

Overcooling of the root system should be avoided by watering only with warm and soft water. Try not to create excessive moisture, otherwise a fungus will appear on the soil.

To keep the leaves clean, it will not be superfluous to give the anthurium a warm shower every week. The substrate is recommended to be covered with a plastic bag. After the leaves are completely dry, put them back in place.

Blooming Anthurium - a dream come true if you know what care should be.

How to choose the perfect substrate?

Anthurium, planted in heavy soil, will quickly lose its attractive appearance (leaves and flowers will become smaller), and it will also start to hurt. The commercially available universal soil for aroids is “a bit heavy”, and the mixture for orchids is poor in nutrients.

The ideal soil should be loose, slightly acidic, nutritious, water-intensive and well permeable. You can prepare the composition yourself by mixing the soil for azaleas or begonias (two parts) with perlite, pine bark and sphagnum (one part each).

Some flower growers grow beautiful anthuriums hydroponically, planting them in a mixture of perlite with expanded clay, or in pure sphagnum. Such soils retain moisture well, provide normal respiration of the roots and maintain optimal humidity.

When grown on a hydroponic system, in winter the plant must be kept at a temperature of 18C, illuminated with phytolamps, water for irrigation should be replaced twice a month with a hydroponic solution.

Choosing a pot and transplanting anthurium.

Young healthy anthuriums are transplanted annually into new slightly larger containers, older specimens - once every 3 or 4 years. Transplantation in the latter case is combined with reproduction by dividing the bush into small divisions.

If the anthurium looks healthy, blooms well, then it can be left in the purchased container until the end of flowering. In the case of a cramped pot (roots are visible), the flower should be transplanted into a large container using the transshipment method.

If the plant looks sickly, poorly or does not bloom at all, its root system must be well cleaned from the ground, old and injured roots removed, sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal, and after drying, planted in a new substrate.

To get a large number of children, it is better to choose a pot wider. In order for the anthurium to bloom more magnificently, the dishes should be a little cramped and not deep.

For good survival, the flower must be sprayed with Epin and placed in a heated greenhouse. In an atmosphere of high humidity, the plant will successfully recover in a couple of months.

Fertilizing Anthurium.

Top dressing is carried out after transplantation, after about a month. Further feeding is desirable to be carried out every 2 weeks in the summer, in the winter once every 2 months.

To obtain abundant flowering, anthurium is fed with mineral fertilizers, for example, Kemira, Ideal, alternating them with organic ones.

In some cases, fertilizers are not used when growing anthuriums. This is acceptable if the plant blooms well and grows in a nutrient substrate, receiving the necessary care and a sufficient amount of light and moisture. Sometimes half the dose indicated on the package is enough.

Reproduction and rejuvenation of anthurium.

Sometimes, even with seemingly proper care, anthuriums lose their decorative effect and require rejuvenation. The timing of aging in most species and varieties can be determined by the formation of an unsightly thick trunk with leaf remnants.

For rejuvenation, they take the upper part of the plant, cutting it off so that 2 or 3 aerial roots remain. The top with the root is planted in a greenhouse with a loose substrate and left for 2-3 weeks for rooting.

The old anthurium does not need to be thrown away. New rosettes will appear on it very soon, which will help save the mother plant in case of unsuccessful rooting of the apical part.

With proper care, the anthurium will delight not only with original flowers in the form of an inflorescence-cob and bedspreads, but also with numerous side shoots with roots.

Difficulties in growing anthurium.

The anthurium flower can be affected by fungal diseases, the leaves turn yellow and fall off if it is not properly cared for. The conditions of detention have been violated, or some damage has been received, for example, during transplantation, they suffer from the activity of pests.

Below are the most common diseases and lesions of Anthurium:

  • The process of yellowing of the leaves and their further fall is not uncommon in anthurium. The main reasons are violation of the rules of care: watering, lack of nitrogen fertilizers, lack of light, too bright sun, and so on.
  • Chlorosis (leaves turn yellow but veins remain green) is often due to a lack of iron or magnesium. It is enough just to use iron chelate or algae extract.
  • Small leaves, with yellow spots appearing on them, indicate malnutrition.
  • Black and brown spots on the leaves - the plant signals waterlogging and cold content.
  • Leaves dry out at low humidity and watering with cold water.
  • Twisted leaves without visible damage - too bright sunlight, frequent drafts, dry air.
  • Dark or small yellow translucent spots leave spider mites and scale insects on the leaves.
  • Too much sphagnum in the substrate, there may be decay. In the depths of the pot there is enough moisture due to the moss, but from the outside it looks like it's time to water.

Timely treatment and treatment with insecticides and fungicides guarantees successful recovery. You should debug the care of indoor anthurium. Watering, of course, must be reduced. Wait a little with spraying, Instead of water, pour the substrate with a fungicide solution (Fundazol, Maxim ...) Trichodermin in the form of a powder can then be poured into the soil mixture.

And most importantly, learn how to properly care for such plants. Anthurium is beautiful and elegant, if you make all the necessary efforts to care for it, then the home flower will delight you with its beauty and flowering all the time.

Deservedly popular among lovers of floriculture enjoys a tropical plant - anthurium. It is also called a flower - flamingo, fiery tongue, male happiness. Its homeland is the distant American tropics. To maintain a beautiful exotic appearance and make it bloom for as long as possible, you need to know how to feed the anthurium at home.

Creating a favorable microclimate

Anthurium flower is often referred to as capricious crops that require a special soil composition, a lot of light and heat. But in fact, having provided him with the proper conditions and regular feeding, he can bloom continuously and delight the eye for many years.

Optimal temperature

For tropical anthurium in the room, it is enough to maintain temperature within 20-28 degrees - in summer, and 15-20 degrees of heat - in winter. If you want to see its luxurious flowers ahead of schedule, then you need to raise the temperature in the room to summer levels. But at the same time, you should give the plant time to lay the buds, the process occurs when temperature 16-18 degrees. Only then can the air temperature be raised.

Humidity in the room

Anthurium grows and develops best at a level air humidity at 80%. An excess of moisture adversely affects an exotic plant, its roots suffer from rot. An effective way to maintain the right humidity for the crop is to place a tray filled with wet pebbles under the pot.

It is good to spray the leaves of "male happiness" from a spray bottle or simply wipe it with a damp sponge or napkin. This must be done carefully so that water does not get on the inflorescences. Alternatively, by placing a humidifier next to the flower, you can normalize the humidity in the room, or use a container of water instead.

Lighting Requirements

In order for the anthurium to bloom, you need to provide it with soft and diffused light. In a dark room, it loses all its beauty, fades and does not form inflorescences. You should also protect a tropical plant from direct sunlight, otherwise there is a high probability of burns on delicate leaves that can destroy it.

Video: Helpful Anthurium Care Tips

The flower pot is recommended to be placed either on the east side of the room or on the northwest side. It happens that this cannot be done, then you can put it a meter from the window, in partial shade. In winter, "male happiness" really needs lighting, it is advisable to place it on the lightest window sill, by the window facing south.

Location selection

The best option for placing a flower would be the eastern part of the room near the window. The main thing is to avoid places where electrical appliances are nearby, the radiation from which can absorb the positive energy of the plant. It is also forbidden to place it near sources of artificial heat, radiators.

In winter, it is good to clean the anthurium in the bathroom, which has a window. In such a place, he will be able to receive sufficient humidity for growth and natural heat emanating from the evaporation of water. For the summer, a pot with an exotic culture is transferred to the living room, bedroom, where it decorates the space and receives suitable conditions for its existence. At the same time, it is important to know how to fertilize anthurium in order to bloom.

When and how often to apply nutrients

Anthurium is a flower that requires regular replenishment of micronutrients. Fertilizers need to be applied in spring - summer, and in autumn. The frequency of procedures is every two weeks.

But not everyone knows how to fertilize anthurium at home to make it bloom as long as possible. In winter, the plant is fed no more than 1 time per month because it is at rest.

For information! Particular attention should be paid to young plants, fertilizers are applied every two weeks for the first 6 months. Top dressing is carried out regardless of the season.

Anthurium fertilizer should contain a whole range of useful trace elements, given its luxurious large leaves and incredibly beautiful inflorescences. Bring it only when the flower is completely healthy. If pests, signs of specific diseases were found, then first of all, you need to get rid of them, and then apply fertilizers.

Types of dressings

Novice flower growers often do not know how to feed anthurium at home, so they cannot achieve continuous flowering from this exotic crop. Mineral, organic, and universal compounds are used as fertilizers. But unlike the previous two, universal fertilizer has a high cost.

Of the effective organic dressings can be identified:

  • Mullein, containing a complex of useful trace elements, which will be relevant for use at any time of the year. You can feed the flower with a working solution prepared from 1 st. l. products and 1 liter of water.
  • bird droppings, positioned as a valuable potent fertilizer, is used in the form of a solution (1 tsp of raw materials per 1 liter of water).
  • Humus, which is more suitable for supporting the plant after transplanting to another pot. It is applied every two years. You can mix with soil substrate in proportions 1:3.

Given the huge range of mineral compositions, floriculture lovers are lost in choice and do not know how to fertilize anthurium and in what quantities. For a tropical picky, the most optimal are:

  • Uniflor Buton, which is dominated by phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizer promotes faster bud formation and prolongs the flowering phase.
  • Azalea with a high nitrogen content. This composition is especially useful at the stage of active growth of the culture.
  • Kemira Lux- a complex of minerals, can be used all year round.

It is important not only to know how to feed the anthurium, but also what dosage of the selected fertilizer will not harm it. Adult flowers can be fed in the quantities provided by the instructions. But young plants need to be fertilized with a half dose.

It is very good at the stage of active flowering to carry out foliar feeding - on the leaves. You can spend 1 time in 7 days, for example, the complex composition Dr. Foley Orchid. This will be enough.

Home fertilizers

The following top dressing options, made on the basis of:

  • Dry yeast.

This solution prepared from ½ tsp. raw materials, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 5 liters of warm water, is distinguished by the content of a large number of trace elements, vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of anthurium. The term of infusion is 1 day then the mixture is diluted with water in the ratio 1:5, watering is carried out under the root.

  • Drinking coffee and brewing tea.

Fertilizer can safely deposit twice a month. Such top dressing allows you to form strong roots and nourish the aerial part.

  • Infusion of citrus.

For these purposes, you will need to chop the peel from the fruit and give the fill with water. stand for two days.

  • wood ash.

Solution prepared from 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and 1 liter of water. Watering is done twice a month under the roots.

  • Onion peel.

For decoction you will need 50 g of husk and 2 tbsp. l. hot water. After boiling the mixture for 10-15 minutes, it is allowed to infuse for 3-4 hours. Before use, the decoction must be passed through strainers, gauze.

How to make anthurium bloom continuously

This beautiful tropical plant instantly attracts attention with its unusual inflorescences of bright colors.

To grow a healthy and beautiful anthurium plant in your home, you need not only to grow it correctly and take care of it. You need to periodically feed it, even if the anthurium looks great! By the way, if everything is done correctly and on time, then the flower will thank you with its continuous abundant flowering - that's it!

If the anthurium is planted in soil favorable for this plant, then fertilizers can be completely neglected. When the substrate is not nutritious enough, it is better to fertilize the soil, thus feeding the plant.

However, anthurium is one of those indoor plants that are better not to feed at all than to “overfeed” once, so be very prudent with feeding this wonderful flower!

Anthurium is fed in the warm season at least twice a month, starting in early spring. Most often, fertilizers are used for this, which are intended for flowering houseplants. When autumn or winter is outside, then the frequency of feeding is reduced to once a month.

If you intend to fertilize with some substance that the market offers gardeners, then immediately make it a rule - no matter what dosage is in the manufacturer's recommendations, reduce it exactly by half! Ideal fertilizers for anthurium can be considered "Gumat", "Epin" and everything that is recommended for feeding orchids.

The plant itself will “tell” you about how correctly top dressing is performed. When a sufficient amount of fertilizer is applied to the soil, then timely and fairly abundant flowering can be observed on the anthurium.

If the buds seem to have gathered and are about to bloom, but they still lack something, and they do not open, this means one thing - the plant receives an insufficient amount of nutrients and it simply does not have enough strength for normal timely flowering.

Remember that in the first month after planting, feeding is completely contraindicated for anthurium, this can destroy the plant. Flower roots that are too sensitive and weak during this period will simply get a chemical burn.

It is also not recommended to fertilize if the plant has been "poured". The soil should dry out completely, and the plant should move away from such abundant watering, and then you can resume feeding. Substances that are used to feed plants “on the leaves” must also be used carefully.

Page 2

Lilies are so beautiful and graceful that almost every gardener tries to plant this plant in his garden or flower garden. However, to achieve lush flowering of lilies is possible only with proper care. In addition to the requirements for soil fertility, lilies also need periodic fertilizing, regular loosening and watering.

How to feed lilies and how often should this be done?

As soon as the earth warms up under the spring rays, they begin to care for the plantings of lilies. Gently loosening the top layer of soil, trying not to damage the bulbs, apply any fertilizer that activates the growth of the plant. What can be used?

  1. Nitrogen fertilizer. So, you can use ammonium nitrate, scattering a tablespoon of fertilizer per square meter of plantings. If there is no ammonium nitrate, gardeners scatter nitroammophoska granules over lily plantings or pour fertilizer solution (40-50 grams are taken per bucket of water).
  2. organic fertilizer. Fresh mullein is not used because it has an aggressive pathogenic microflora, due to which lily bulbs become sick and die. Fermented mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 is used for top dressing.
  3. Ash water. A glass of wood water is dissolved in a bucket of water. This fertilizer improves the microflora in the soil, it is also a prophylactic against pests and has a beneficial effect on the growth of lilies. Wood ash is applied to the soil in spring, and lily plantings are watered with ash water until autumn 3-4 times. With sufficient ash content in the soil, the lily forms large buds.
  4. Bordeaux liquid. In early spring, when the lily begins to actively gain green mass, the flowers are treated with Bordeaux mixture. This is an effective remedy that rids lilies of many pests. Instead of Bordeaux liquid, you can use Lazurin. It is diluted in 9 liters of water, a spoonful of baking soda, ammonia and copper sulfate are added to the resulting solution.

With the advent of the first lily buds, you again need to feed with ammonium nitrate. In parallel, the green mass of plants is treated with preparations from various diseases and pests.

In June, a solution of double superphosphate and potassium magnesia is added under the lilies (a spoonful of superphosphate and 1.5 tablespoons of potassium magnesia are taken in a bucket of water).

Planting lilies often suffer from gray mold, but even in this case, lilies should be fed with fertilizers. The bulb continues to accumulate nutrients, so top dressing is especially important. With such a disease, feeding with ash will improve the situation, since it effectively fights pathogenic fungi.

After flowering, lilies are fed with superphosphate and potassium sulfate, which allows the bulbs to ripen better by autumn. These are the last top dressings, later the plants are treated only with Bordeaux liquid to prevent the development of diseases.

In order for the lilies to overwinter well, the flower bed must be covered with rotted compost or leaf humus with a layer of 10 cm. In the spring, such a shelter is not removed, using it as mulch.


What fertilizer can be used for anthurium at home growing

Anthurium is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful indoor plants. Magnificent flowers, unusual appearance and unpretentiousness in cultivation allow flower growers to enjoy the fruits of their labors all year round in the form of continuous flowering. How to ensure that your favorite plant blooms all year round? How to care for anthurium and how it can be fertilized.


In its natural environment, anthurium grows in the shade of tropical trees. Many novice growers are sure that this plant does not need sunlight, and it grows well in the shade. Yes, anthurium can exist in the shade, but in this case you can not count on flowering at home. He also does not like direct sunlight.

It is ideal to place the anthurium on the east and west windows, where it will receive a lot of evening and morning light. If your apartment has windows only on the north side, you should consider options for artificial lighting.

Correct soil

Despite the fact that anthurium is considered an unpretentious plant, when breeding it at home, it is very important to choose the right soil. Anthurium grows well in a substrate mixed with acidic soil, peat, tree bark and expanded clay. Such a base absorbs moisture well, breathes and holds the plant perfectly.

There are also several more substrate options for anthurium. However, it should be remembered that the flower needs regular feeding and transplanting as needed.

top dressing

Some flower growers do not use fertilizers at all when growing anthurium. This is in principle acceptable if your pet lives in fertile soil and receives enough light and moisture. However, the soil depletes over time and the flower may lack nutrients.

The feeding regimen should not be more than twice a month in warm weather and once a month in winter.

It is very important to choose the right fertilizer for this flower. Most often, this plant is used fertilizer for flowering plants in the warm months and fertilizing with humate in the winter months. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to overfeed the sprouts, which means that when feeding the flower, it is enough to use half the recommended dose of fertilizer.

Proper watering

Many people, having acquired anthurium for the first time, make the same mistake. They simply flood the soil, which causes rotting of the roots and death of the plant. To prevent this from happening, it should be watered only when the soil in the pot is completely dry.

Also, do not forget that anthurium is a tropical plant, which means that for good growth and flowering, it needs high humidity.

To ensure the necessary moisture, the sprouts should be regularly sprayed and at least once a month give him a warm shower.

Also, to ensure the necessary humidity, you can put a flower pot on a saucer with wet expanded clay or wrap the flower stem with moistened moss.

Pest protection

However, these measures are only the first aid and to completely get rid of pests, you need to purchase professional tools.

How to breed

Due to the beauty of anthurium, many flower growers want to have several individuals of the plant at home. There are two ways to breed a flower: seed and division. Adults need to be separated. Having taken out the sprout and the pot, you need to cut off part of the plant with the root system and transplant it into another pot. At the same time, sections on both parts must be treated with crushed charcoal to block infection.

Seed breeding is suitable for flower growers who already have several flower specimens. After pollination, the seeds must mature. This takes approximately 2 months. After ripening, the seeds should be planted immediately.

At first glance, the reproduction of flowers may seem like a troublesome and thankless task. However, if everything is done correctly, and even more so with love, new flowers will take root perfectly and will delight you with their beauty.

The secret to continuous flowering

Of course, having such a beautiful specimen as anthurium at home, I want to admire its beauty every day. Beautiful flowers are able to give a good mood and bring an atmosphere of celebration and happiness into the house. In order for your flower to bloom, to please with its color all year round, experienced flower growers have a few secrets:

  • Constant temperature not lower than 18 degrees.
  • Sufficient, but diffused lighting.
  • Free pot.
  • Moderate watering.
  • Compliance with humidity in the room.
  • No drafts.
  • Timely and regular top dressing.
  • Correct soil.

If you follow these simple rules, your house will be filled with the beauty and sophistication of anthurium flowers and will delight you and your loved ones with year-round flowering. Remember that every flower in the house, like a person, needs care and attention. Experienced flower growers say that if you talk to flowers, they begin to respond. Do not skimp on affection and love, in this case, your plants will definitely reciprocate.

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Anthurium home care watering fertilizer and transplant

Anthurium is a genus belonging to the Aroid family. Most representatives of the genus are epiphytes. The plants are native to the warm regions of North and South America, but some types of this flower are also grown by our gardeners when caring for at home.

General information

The name of the flower literally translates as a flower-tail, because the flower is only the middle in the form of an ear, and the colorful petal around is actually a leaf-spread. The people for anthurium have the name "male happiness", since this plant is usually given to men. The color of flowers and types of leaves differ depending on the type and variety of the flower.

There are a lot of types of anthurium cultivated, among which there are indoor and garden ones. This is a poisonous plant, so do not let children and animals come into contact with it, and also do not eat the fruits.

Types and varieties of anthurium

Anthurium Andre - comes from the mountainous regions of Colombia and Ecuador. It has a short shoot, aerial roots. The leaves are large, glossy, placed on petioles. The flower is yellow or colored in its shades, it can be cream. The coverlet is predominantly white, but can be dyed with shades of red or pink. A lot of hybrids and varieties have been bred from this species.

Anthurium Baker - has a low stem and long, narrow leaves. The top of the leaf is green, and the bottom is decorated with a dotted pattern of brown. The peduncle is high up to 30 cm, the flower itself is cream, the leaf around it is bicolor - the middle is yellow with a green tint, and the edges are purple.

Anthurium is majestic - it resembles crystal Anthurium. The difference between them lies in the petiole. The majestic one is tetrahedral, while the crystal one is rounded. Also, the veins of the majestic anthurium are olive in color, not silver.

Anthurium Hooker - comes from the tropics. It has large leaves with a speckled bottom, placed on long petioles. Throws out 50 cm peduncle. The flower is also long, covered at the bottom with a green veil.

Anthurium climbing - Has a massive rhizome and a long stem that reaches a meter in length. Leathery leaves differ in shape in different varieties. The flower cob is small, and the bract is greenish in color.

Anthurium multidissected is an anthurium liana. It has dissected lanceolate leaves with wavy edges.

Anthurium crystal - this epiphyte has a caudex that can be placed in the substrate. The leaves are very large, placed on petioles, veins with a silvery color. The peduncle is up to 50 cm, and the flower is about 20 cm. The bedspread around the flower is light green with a purple tint, mostly does not exceed 10 cm.

Anthurium Scherzer - this epiphyte with leathery oval or lanceolate leaf plates that are on petioles. Spiral flower, adorned with a bract of bright color between red and orange.

Anthurium black queen is an unusual variety that attracts with its dark flower cover, which is sometimes almost black.

The cavalli variety is also very unusual, as both the cob and the bract around it are of a delicate lilac color.

The jolie variety is paid attention to because it has an unusually shaped coverlet.

Among the other varieties, fiorino, andrianum, dakota, baby boomer can be distinguished, but there are many others.

If you purchased an anthurium mix, then it is simply a mixture of different varieties of one of the species or several types of anthurium.

Anthurium home care

Caring for anthurium at home is not particularly problematic, it just requires some knowledge. The plant needs bright, diffused lighting, it is impossible for direct sunlight to fall on the leaves of the flower.

Anthurium loves heat and therefore the temperature in the spring-summer period should be kept around 25 ° C. A drop below 20 ° C is harmful to the flower and leads to diseases.

From the beginning of autumn to spring, the temperature is maintained at about 17°C. For Anthurium Scherber around 13°C for two months and then raised to 17°C. This flower is very sensitive to drafts and temperature changes, so you need to lower and raise it smoothly so as not to harm the anthurium.

How to water anthurium

During the growing season, the plant requires good watering, which should be carried out when half of the soil in the container with the flower dries. Irrigation liquid needs settled, lukewarm, preferably rain. It is better to water directly on the ground, so that water does not fall on the plant.

Although the flower loves moisture, but only in moderation. It is better to water a little less than to throw rotten anthurium in the trash. In winter, one watering every seven days is enough.

Anthurium needs high humidity (about 90%). In spring and summer, spray with soft water, and place the flower pot in a container with raw expanded clay. When spraying, do not allow the drops to touch the flowers, but only fall on the leaves.

How to fertilize anthurium

Anthurium must be fertilized. When performing this operation, remember that the concentration of top dressing should be half as weak as indicated on the package. It is necessary to fertilize the flower in the spring-summer period twice for a month and a half. You can also use organic fertilizers.

Anthurium does not like excess fertilizer, so if in doubt, it is better to use a smaller dose. If your plant is sick or you find pests, then top dressing should be stopped until recovery.

To ensure high-quality budding and flowering, it is necessary that the temperature be cool in winter. If you give the plant fertilizer and all the necessary care, it will bloom from May until autumn. There are even hybrid varieties that bloom almost all year round. Sluggish inflorescences need to be cut off, so young flowers will look better. The leaves are usually not pruned.

To get the seeds, you need to independently carry out the pollination of the plant by moving the pollen with a brush between the flowers.

Anthurium transplant at home

In the case of buying a plant in a store, it will need to be transplanted into a larger pot soon, since the containers in which flowers are sold are usually not comfortable for them.

Home anthurium transplantation is performed in spring or summer. It is carried out if the plant has “grown” from an old pot or if the soil has changed its composition. Young anthuriums need to be repotted every year, and older plants every couple or three years.

Anthurium pot should be taken from plastic or glass. If you want a clay container, then it must be covered with glaze inside, otherwise the roots will grow into the pot. It is better not to take too deep and wide containers, as the water in them will stagnate more often.

As for the substrate, you can purchase soil for orchids, or you can make soil for anthurium yourself. It will include peat, leaf and coniferous soil, as well as sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5), in addition to this, you need to add charcoal and bark of coniferous trees.

It is necessary to carefully remove the anthurium from the old container, because it has very delicate roots. The rhizome must be cleaned of soil and rotten parts removed. Then it is treated with fitolavin and placed in another pot, with drainage already placed.

The new soil is covered so that it settles well, and at the end they are crushed. At the end, the substrate should not reach the top of the pot by a couple of centimeters. Unlike many other plants, Anthurium can be transplanted during flowering, as it is not too sensitive to this process.

How to divide anthurium during transplantation

When transplanting, you can reproduce anthurium by dividing the bush. Young flowers cannot be divided. The first time this operation can be carried out only at the 4th year of the plant's life.

Special skills are not required here at all. You just need to divide the bush so that each division has both leaves and buds. Then they just sit down and watered.

Care after transplantation is no different from regular care at home. The only remark is the cessation of top dressing for 15 days after transplantation.

Anthurium from seeds at home

After artificial pollination of flowers, seeds will appear and as soon as they ripen, and this takes up to 10 months, you need to plant. There is no point in storing seeds, as they quickly lose their germination capacity.

The seed is taken out of the berry, washed and kept for several minutes in a light solution of potassium permanganate. For sowing, you need light, loose soil with a small ball of perlite on top. Seeds need to be put on the ground and easily pressed into it.

Next, this container is covered with glass and kept near it at a temperature of about 22°C. After about 15 days, shoots will appear, which, with the formation of two or three true leaves, dive into the soil for adult anthuriums with the addition of mullein. As the seedlings develop, they will need to dive into large pots.

Plants from seeds will begin to bloom well only in the fifth year. Until then, flowering will be weak. Please note that when propagated by seeds, varietal qualities are lost. Due to the latter circumstance, anthurium is usually propagated by cuttings.

Anthurium reproduction by lateral shoots

Lateral offspring are separated from the plant and planted in another container with sand or perlite. They are covered with glass and periodically aired and moistened.

The temperature for root formation should be approximately 23°C. Next, the seedlings are transplanted into the soil for adult plants.

Diseases and pests of anthurium

  • If your anthurium does not bloom, but only produces leaves, then diseases and pests can be the cause, but most often this is facilitated by improper flower care, excessive fertilizer.
  • Among the pests that can infect the plant, aphids, scale insects and spider mites are common.
  • Dangerous for the plant is rot, which is also formed with improper care.
  • If you notice that the tips of the leaves of your plant dry, then this is most likely an anthracnose.
  • Excessive calcium leads to the formation of spots on the leaves of anthurium.
  • The plant begins to turn yellow leaves, with rotting roots. In this case, you need to urgently clean the roots and transplant.
  • With excessive watering, spots appear on the leaves of the anthurium.
  • And the leaves of the plant curl if it is placed in a draft or suffers from direct sunlight. Also, a similar reaction is observed to low humidity and lack of light.
  • The reason that the leaves become smaller is the lack of lighting or top dressing.
  • But small flowers usually appear due to the fact that you do not remove the old and faded ones, which continue to take life-giving forces.
  • If your anthurium leaves turn green, then most likely you do not need to sound the alarm. In most cases, this simply stops the flowering period. In this case, cut off the green parts of the bract. But if greening still continues, then it may be necessary to perform a transplant, because such a reaction in anthurium happens to soil depletion.


Anthurium - home care

Anthurium andre

Anthurium andre has tall, heart-shaped leaves that can reach over 30 cm in height, and flowers can be white, green, pink, red, bicolor, and sprayed. Anthurium andre flowers have straight inflorescences.

Anthurium Scherzer

The leaves of Anthurium Scherzer are narrow and pointed in the form of an arrow. The bedspread is orange, the inflorescences are curved.

These two species successfully interbreed and on their basis many beautiful and original hybrids are obtained.

How to care for Anthurium

Since the anthurium comes from the humid tropics, it also requires similar conditions in indoor cultivation. This task is not easy, but stubborn flower growers are ready for anything for this unusual color. Moreover, today there are many auxiliary tools and equipment that help create the necessary microclimate for anthurium.


Anthurium loves bright but diffused sunlight. If the plant does not have enough light, then it begins to hurt. In anthurium, this is manifested in a decrease in the quality of flowering - the flowers become smaller, they can be crooked, their durability decreases. The foliage also suffers - new leaves grow deformed from a lack of light. Types of anthuriums with decorative foliage are less demanding on lighting.


Anthurium requires rich, nutritious soil - humus-rich substrates are excellent. Also, the soil should hold water well and not turn sour. Peat is taken as the basis of the substrate for anthurium, which is saturated with the necessary additives. Peat is acidic, light, loose - what you need for anthurium.

Crushed tree bark, small chips, sphagnum moss, coconut fiber, perlite or vermiculite are added to peat - that is, a variety of rippers and components that hold water well.


Anthurium loves moisture, the tropical past affects. Its soil must be constantly moist. It reacts very badly to droughts, since its root system does not tolerate them. If the leaves of the plant have drooped, become less elastic, then you forgot to water it and it wants to drink. But do not fill the anthurium with water - excess moisture will not lead to anything good. The soil should only dry out slightly between waterings. A series of droughts and heavy watering will quickly kill the plant.

Anthurium should grow in a pot with good drainage, otherwise fungal diseases will begin from stagnant water.

top dressing

Home anthurium needs regular feeding. You can use liquid fertilizers or special slow-acting fertilizer granules that are added directly to the soil during transplanting or transshipment. Anthurium requires a mineral complex fertilizer, the liquid version must be diluted to a low concentration and feed the anthurium every 3-4 weeks.

Temperature regime

Anthurium loves moderate heat, the ideal temperature for it is 15-22ºС. Anthurium varieties with large decorative leaves are more thermophilic and do not mind temperatures of 24-26ºС. At low temperatures - at 10 degrees and below, anthurium slows down growth, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow. Too high temperatures, together with direct sunlight, can lead to leaf burn and loss of pigmentation of flowers and bedspreads. The plant becomes weak, languishes, the flowers quickly wither, sometimes not having time to open. With strong humidity and high temperature, the anthurium root system can simply boil and the plant will die.


In our area, anthurium, without additional illumination, will experience an acute shortage of light in winter. To help the plant survive this difficult period, it is necessary to reduce watering and place the flower in coolness. Anthurium should winter at a temperature of + 15ºС. But do not leave it completely without your attention at this time - the earthen ball should still be constantly wet.

If the leaves of the anthurium turned yellow, then most likely this was due to the excessive moisture of the earthy coma.

Anthurium has lush foliage, on which, of course, dust settles, so the plant needs regular washing. Anthurium should be bathed in the shower or wipe its leaves with a soft, damp sponge. A shower will bring more benefits, because it will not only wash off the dust, but nourish the aerial roots of the plant, and wash away pests.

A large plant may need leaf supports.

Anthurium has aerial roots, which must be regularly moistened by spraying, washing, creating fumes or high humidity around the flower. Anthurium aerial roots can be sprinkled with soil.

In ideal conditions and with good care, anthurium will bloom all year round without stopping.

Anthurium propagates in 3 ways: division, cuttings and roots.

How to feed anthurium is a good experience. Read the article about feeding anthurium at home. A selection of proven recipes.

It is noticed that fertilizers prolong life and make them bloom. The selected complex copes with the slightest damage to the leaves, activates the renewal of stems and roots, not to mention the forcing of inflorescences.

When to fertilize anthurium: the flower is rarely fed. Breaks last from 2 to 5 months.

Feeding frequency : 1 time in 20 days in the spring-summer period.

When to feed:

  • Leaves are sluggish.
  • The plant is frail.
  • Does not recover after transplant.

note that diluted fertilizers are added to the soil to the anthurium, since a high concentration burns the roots, and the elements accumulate in the earth mixture. Excess fertilizers lead to the fact that good intentions for fertilizing anthurium turn into sad consequences at home.

What to watch out for: mineral salts accumulate - control volumes.

What is the best way to feed Anthurium?

It is desirable not only to dilute fertilizers in water, but also to use them for foliar treatments, that is, spray them on anthurium leaves. The leaf plate is another plant organ that absorbs incoming elements.

How to fertilize anthurium at home:

  • Mineral complex.
  • Organics (manure, mulch, leaf humus).

Organic Ingredients they are rarely applied, stretching the procedures between regular mineral supplements, or even reducing them up to 1 time during the growing season. In addition to the proposed organic options, mullein and chicken manure are introduced, which improve the development of the root system and increase flowering volumes.

Minerals- a great option for feeding, especially if you choose proven drugs. From the composition to which to pay attention: phosphorus and potassium predominate and nitrogen is present in a smaller dosage. The last component is cut before the flowering of the anthurium, otherwise the buds will not form.

How to feed anthurium:

  1. "Bona Forte" - liquid fertilizer, universal.
  2. "Master" - chelates.
  3. "Agricola" - without chlorine, foliar and root.

"Bona Forte"- one of the favorite fertilizers of flower growers. Firstly, it contains succinic acid, the description of which we devoted a separate topic to: Secondly, Bona Forte contains a universal and, most importantly, well-balanced composition of minerals. Suitable for root feeding.

"Master", like "Stimulus" contribute to the formation of inflorescences and have a general strengthening effect on the anthurium. The only difference is that the first is a chelated form of fertilizer, that is, it contains trace elements, and the second contains minerals.

Agricola, like Ferovit(analogue) contains a successful complex for feeding home flowering plants and is easily soluble in water. The advantage of "Agricola" is that the drug does not contain chlorine, which leaches iron and causes the development of chlorosis on the leaves.

When to fertilize anthurium after transplantation?

When choosing care, consider the condition of the anthurium, past or upcoming procedures and changes. Do not fertilize before transplanting, but apply the components 2 weeks after the procedure, being sure to spill the earth. Reduce fertilizer for the winter and focus on the spring/summer season.

Form of fertilizer: in sticks, granular, liquid and dry. We recommend using the last two options for anthurium, the dosage of which is easier to control.

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How to transplant anthurium at home?

Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow?

Why are dark dry spots on the leaves on anthurium?

Anthurium: home care - reviews

Brown dry spots on anthurium

For many years I have not been threatened with autumn depression!
Indeed, with wonderful indoor flowers, there is always a spring mood in the house - regardless of the season and weather ...

Two years ago my family improved living conditions. Therefore, our ability to breed domestic plants has increased.

I have a tradition: before the onset of autumn, I have some new houseplant. So last year, before leaving my summer vacation, I purchased my first anthurium.
This specimen had bright bracts of the most common color - red. But for me, the anthurium was so unusual!

Anthurium bloom

The name "anthurium" in translation into Russian means "flower tail". It is given to the plant for the original structure of the flower cob and bracts. Therefore, anthurium is often called "flower and tail."

Dreaming of prolonging the beautiful flowering of my novice "Tropican", I stocked up on patience and began to collect information about the types of anthurium and how to keep them.
Thanks to the knowledge gained and the caring care of the anthurium, I succeeded.
I managed not only to painlessly introduce the purchased anthurium into the circle of my old-timers, but also to ensure its continuous flowering, which has been going on for more than a year!

Inspired by my successes with the first anthurium, this summer (2011) I acquired a second anthurium - a wonderful "flamingo flower" with pale pink bracts.
This pink newcomer also pleases me with continuous flowering :)

Interestingly, when the flowers of my anthuriums fade,. In a red specimen, the cover turns green, and in a pink anthurium, it becomes almost white ...

Anthuriums in natural conditions develop under the shade of tropical thickets. Therefore, many flower growers rightly attribute anthurium to, placing it in the back of the room.
However, for good growth and continuous flowering, it is important to give your pet the opportunity in abundance.

I settled my blooming new settlers on the southeast window. Thanks to this location, anthuriums can bask in the gentle rays of the morning sun. And during the day, the plants also have enough light.

Anthurium planting

I do not cover the aerial roots of my anthuriums with moss, as flower growers often do. But I regularly take the time to spray them. Sometimes my son will also work for me with a spray bottle for the benefit of indoor plants, when he is in the mood to tinker with flowers.

Anthurium fertilizer

Many amateur flower growers do not use fertilizers when growing anthuriums. This is acceptable if the Tropican grows in a nutrient substrate and receives enough light and moisture.

The choice is yours, but the golden rule with watering also applies here: “It is better not to fertilize than to feed.”
When using purchased fertilizer, it should be remembered that half the dose indicated on the package is enough for feeding anthurium.

I feed the developing anthuriums in the warm period of the year twice a month. I use fertilizer for flowering plants.
In the cold period, I feed my anthuriums once a month, using humate (in half the dose of the concentration indicated in the instructions).

Anthurium pests

Anthurium is attacked by scale insects, aphids and.
At the first detection of insect pests and before buying special preparations, you can use garlic and laundry soap.
Cut slices of peeled garlic should be put on the ground, and anthurium leaves should be treated with a concentrated soap solution.

Professionally, Aktara (1 g per 10 liters of water) will help anthurium from scale insects, and Spark from ticks (1 tablet per 10 liters of water).

In case of anthurium disease with gray rot and anthracnose (leaf spot), it is recommended to treat the plant with Hom (40 g per 10 l of water).

This is how my handsome anthuriums grow in care and attention, delighting me with a long continuous flowering!

How to propagate anthurium seeds?

I read that anthuriums can be propagated by seeds.
However, no matter how I waited, I did not see the seeds of the faded flowers of my anthuriums. The flowers simply dry out over time, but they did not have seeds ...

Maybe one of the flower growers will tell you: how to get seeds from plants and grow anthurium seedlings?

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