Incendiary substances and protection against them. Smoke media. Purpose, general arrangement, TTX ZDP. The order of its application, safety measures during application

Training questions 1. 2. 3. 4. General information about incendiary weapons. Classification, striking properties of incendiary weapons and means of application. The impact of incendiary weapons on weapons, military equipment and fortifications and personnel. Ways to protect personnel, weapons, military equipment and fortifications from incendiary weapons. Characteristics of fire extinguishing equipment of standard equipment and the procedure for using them.

References: n n n Protection against weapons of mass destruction and chemical support of a company (platoon) in combat. M. : Military Publishing House, 1988. - S. 277 -191 Instructions for the protection against AE. M .: Military Publishing House, 1987. Grabovoi N. D., Kadyuk V. K. Incendiary weapons and protection from it. M. : Military Publishing House, 1987. - S. 3-46, 114-148.

1st training question General information about incendiary weapons. Classification, striking properties of incendiary weapons and means of application.

n Incendiary weapons - means for destroying enemy personnel and military equipment, the action of which is based on the use of incendiary substances. The SA includes incendiary ammunition and fire mixtures, as well as the means of their delivery to the target. n Incendiary - A specially selected substance or mixture of substances capable of igniting, burning sustainably and producing high temperatures.

Classification of incendiary substances Incendiary substances Based on petroleum products, liquid Metallized incendiary mixtures (pyrogels) Thermite compounds, viscous Composition: Gasoline and other types of fuel with the addition of M-1, M-2 thickeners. M-1 thickener consists of a mixture of aluminum salts, oleic, naphthenic and palmetic acids. M-2: M-1 with the addition of dehydrated silica gel. Burning temperature 1100 -12000 C Napalm with the addition of metal powders of magnesium, aluminum, heavy oil products (asphalt, fuel oil) Powdered mixture of iron oxide and aluminum with the addition of binders (varnishes, oils) Burning temperature 16000 C Burning temperature 30000 C

n White phosphorus is used as a smoke generating agent, as well as an igniter for napalm and pyrogel. In air, it ignites spontaneously and burns vigorously, emitting large amounts of thick, acrid white smoke. The combustion temperature of phosphorus is 1200 C. White phosphorus is a poisonous substance. Its lethal dose when ingested is 0.1 mg/l. n Plasticized phosphorus is a mixture of conventional white phosphorus with a viscous synthetic rubber solution. Plasticized phosphorus is adhesive to various objects, stable during storage, and burns with a delay, causing severe burns. It is used in smoke munitions and as an igniter and incendiary bombs and land mines. n "Electron" - an alloy of magnesium (96%), aluminum (3%), binding components (1%).

Means of using incendiary substances Incendiary aviation munitions: Incendiary bombs; incendiary cassettes; Artillery incendiary ammunition Fire bombs Flamethrowers Thermite bombs, grenades Cluster launchers; Incendiary tanks (from 125 to 420 l) Armor-piercing incendiary bullets

2nd educational question The impact of incendiary weapons on weapons, military equipment and fortifications and personnel.

The impact of the ZO on personnel, weapons, military equipment, fortifications On personnel Burns 1st degree - there is redness and swelling of the tissues. A burn wound does not form. Grade 2 - characterized by the formation of blisters, the skin around the blisters is swollen. After 3-4 days, the blisters fall off, forming wounds. Grade 3 - skin clotting occurs. Healing occurs within 1-2 months. Grade 4 - deep wounds are formed at the site of burns that are not capable of self-healing. On fortifications: Those structures that are built of combustible materials or have combustible structural elements go out. Destruction occurs as a result of the ignition of cool clothes, the spread of fire due to the ingress of pieces of pollutants or the flow of burning napalm. On military equipment: It lights up and fails. Vehicles outside the fire zone can be ignited by burning flakes or napalm spray. The effectiveness of the use of napalm against BTT significantly depends on whether it is in motion or stationary, and whether the hatches of the vehicle are closed or open.

3rd educational question Ways to protect personnel, weapons, military equipment and fortifications from incendiary weapons.

Protection against incendiary weapons Protection against AE is organized with the aim of preventing or minimizing its impact on personnel, military equipment and weapons as much as possible. The main measures to protect against AE are: timely detection of the enemy's preparation for the use of incendiary weapons; fortification equipment of the area, taking into account the provision of protection from AE; fire prevention measures.

Methods of protection against incendiary weapons Personnel n. Fortifications; n. Combat vehicles; n. AES, uniforms; n. Natural shelters (ravines, ditches, sheds, stone buildings, tree crowns) n. Improvised means (shields, flooring, masks of green branches) Techniques n. trenches and shelters; n. Natural shelters (ravines, excavations); n. Tarpaulins, covers, awnings; n. Improvised means (mats made of grass, reeds, brushwood, coated with special compounds; n. Sheet iron; n. Service and improvised fire extinguishing means. Fortifications n. Falling asleep n. Covering with earth; fire retardant composition; n. Use of hard-to-burn camouflage means; n - Equipment of wells for collection of pollutants n - Arrangement of fire breaks n - Provision of fire-fighting equipment.

Characteristics of fire extinguishing means Name Charge (composition) Purpose Extinguishing a fire at an armored object OP-5 Cylinders with a thermal extinguishing composition, temperature sensors, pipelines. Alkaline and acid solution OU-2 (5, 8) Carbon dioxide OU-25 (80, 400) Carbon dioxide Extinguishing aircraft, tanks, cars, electrical installations OA-1 (OA-3) Ethyl bromide Extinguishing fires, electrical installations OUB-3 (7) Bromide ethyl and carbon monoxide OP-1 (10) SI-2 powder (silicogel saturated with freon) PPO Foam extinguishing of combustible liquids and materials Extinguishing of engines, electrical installations, etc.

Incendiary weapons are understood to mean incendiary substances and means of their combat use. They are designed to defeat personnel, destroy and

damage to weapons, equipment, structures and other objects. Incendiaries include petroleum-based incendiaries, metallized incendiary mixtures, and thermite compounds (the latter capable of burning through steel sheets).

For the use of incendiary substances in the armies of the capitalist states, incendiary bombs, aviation incendiary tanks, artillery incendiary shells, tank and knapsack flamethrowers, fire bombs, and hand-held incendiary grenades and checkers are used.

The most reliable protection of personnel from incendiary weapons are fortifications. Short-term protection can be personal protective equipment, as well as an overcoat, pea coat, wadded jacket, raincoat.

If incendiary agents come into contact with uniforms or open areas of the skin, they must be immediately removed or extinguished. Remove flaming clothing quickly, and cover those parts of burning clothing that cannot be quickly thrown off with a cloth or damp earth. On the apply a bandage moistened with water or a 2% solution of copper sulphate to the burned surface of the skin.

When incendiary substances get into weapons and equipment, fire extinguishing is carried out with service fire extinguishers, as well as filling the fires with earth, snow, knocking down the flame with freshly cut tree branches, raincoats.

The smoke weapons supplied to the reconnaissance units are hand-held smoke grenades, bombs, thermal smoke equipment and the smoke grenade launching system of combat vehicles.

6. ENGINEERING PREPARATION Engineering equipment terrain

In order to improve the protective and camouflaging properties of the terrain, single trenches are being equipped in the department (Fig. 92), a trench or a covered trench for personnel and a trench for military equipment. The windows with circular firing (Fig. 93) should be of such depth that from the armament of the car, standing .. at the bottom, mizh: yu was to fire over the parapet.

Lsln trench for LMP (LTR) is frightened in frozen or rocky pears; ": -;, and for separation. M! The pit is used explosive vep ^ s-k";: (Gi). Commander Oh! division selects two - four four. ^ "uk for o; |) 1," p; -l | turfov, gogsvggg four for () poison with a chain ^" \"";. !! ; ^" m;! 0!res|^:m!1 /[.toning cord

N KaG1S10LNM]!-D1Ch1)"1;1 I .!^ ; ^ : "! .

IN EXCELLENT!L"." !;:\";H;!;1 ;.|;".":"; ILPGDO "! 110: 1 READY "N NUS STARS,

sticking in one!! 1 "tro; pdg: ^. th checker of each charge the end of the detonating "mon \" p.! with a key detonator ^ L (^ "goy end of the cord u1, n> o;" 5! t; "a 1!". ne! o z-"1 ;;1.\! shu;;; 1 "?) 1 fall asleep Squad commander nrpsp ^ d "" ^ ^ ""! the incendiary ^ lch.n pipe and orders all hits to \ kr "d" ne or move away to a safe distance (300 m). Having convinced the step that there is no one within a radius of up to 300 m, he sets fire to the igniterEdg / u tr \ "bk \- and also goes into cover. After the explosion, only the commander approaches the pit. He examines the kptlopap and, f ^ li! -: "the hoops exploded, calls for a department, which (uuchpuly breaks the parapet and disguises the osprey.

When performing bo; d "th tasks, the scouts install anti-tank n ^ rotp "" "infantry mipdd. The most commonly used pgo-n ^.t """"" "^b"? (- (2 ^ -5 kN) TLTs-B (lere-vyansh ^ n cop;; \" ^) g; PM- "" / ^ ; When installing mppa ^:" :

Rice. 92. Single" trenches:

in-for shooting out standing machine; b- for loading from a machine gun while standing; in- per? covered july on branch (crew)

Rice. 93. Trench with circular fire:

a-for SGR; b-for BMGT (BRM)

flush with the cover, disguise the mine as shown in ^c. 94.

Rice. 94. Anti-tank mine TM-57:

a-general view; b-section; / - metal body of the mine: 2 - pressure cover; 3 - explosive: 4, 5 - intermediate detonators; 6 - fuse: 7 - socket for side fuse; in- laying a mine in the ground

^ During an explosion, anti-personnel mines inflict damage on enemy manpower with a high-explosive action - mines NMD 6M, PMN (Fig. 95) and fragments-mines PSZhZ-2M and OZM-4 (Fig. 96) with a radius of continuous destruction of 4 and 13 m, respectively - "respectively Fug.chsnye mines in the explosion of fire, as a rule, fire of a person, oxides can spoil several

Rice. 95. High-explosive anti-personnel mines PMD-6M and PMN:

a - general form; b - incision; / - mine cover: 2 - excavator; 3 - mine body; 4 - explosive research; 5 - safety check

Before clearing mines, they are dragged from their place by a cat from a distance of 25-30 m to make sure that they do not

Under incendiary weapons understand incendiary substances and means of their combat use. It is designed to destroy personnel, destroy and damage weapons, equipment, structures and other objects. Incendiaries include petroleum-based incendiaries, metallized incendiary mixtures, incendiary mixtures and thermite compositions, conventional (white) and plasticized phosphorus, alkali metals, and triethylene aluminum-based self-igniting mixture in air.

The following incendiary compositions are used to equip incendiary ammunition.

napalms- viscous and liquid mixtures prepared on the basis of petroleum products. When they burn, temperatures up to 1200 °C are reached.

Pyrogels- metallized mixtures of petroleum products with the addition of powdered or shavings of magnesium and other substances. The combustion temperature of pyrogels reaches 1600 °C.

Thermite and thermite compounds- a powdered mixture of iron oxide and aluminum, pressed into briquettes. Sometimes other substances are added to this mixture. The burning temperature of thermite reaches 3000 °C. Burning thermite mixture is able to burn through sheets of steel.

White phosphorus- a waxy poisonous substance that spontaneously ignites and burns in air, reaching a temperature of up to 1200 ° C.

Electron- an alloy of magnesium, aluminum and other elements. It ignites at a temperature of 600°C and burns with a dazzling white and blue flame, reaching temperatures up to 2800°C. Electron is used for the manufacture of cases of aviation incendiary bombs.

The means of combat use of incendiary substances include incendiary bombs of various calibers, aircraft incendiary tanks, artillery incendiary projectiles, flamethrowers, land mines, hand-held incendiary grenades and various types of cartridges.

The most reliable protection of personnel from incendiary weapons is achieved with the use of fortifications. To increase their resistance to fire, open elements of wooden structures are covered with earth, coated with fire-retardant coatings, and fire breaks are created in the steepness of the trenches and trenches.

For short-term protection against incendiary weapons, personnel can use personal protective equipment, as well as overcoats, pea coats, jackets, raincoats.

In case of burns, bandages soaked in water or in a 5% solution of copper sulphate should be applied to the affected area.

To protect armored objects, it is necessary to tear off trenches and pit-type shelters, use natural shelters (ravines, excavations, etc.). In addition, a tarpaulin covered with earth or covered with mats of green branches and fresh grass can serve as good protection.


Radiation, chemical and biological protection of the unit is organized by the commander in full when conducting combat, both with and without the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Radiation, chemical, biological reconnaissance conducted to obtain data on the radiation, chemical and biological conditions. It is carried out using radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance devices and visually. The main method of conducting reconnaissance in all types of combat is observation. The post of radiation, chemical and biological observation consists of two or three observers, one of which is appointed senior. The post is provided with RCB reconnaissance and surveillance devices, a large-scale map or terrain map, an observation log, a compass, a clock, means of communication and alerting. The NBC observation post conducts continuous observation and reconnaissance in the indicated area, at the set time, and also during each artillery and air raid, turns on radiation and chemical reconnaissance devices and monitors their readings.

Upon detection of radioactive contamination (radiation dose rate of 0.5 rad/h and above), the senior post (observer) immediately reports to the commander who set up the post and, at his direction, gives a signal: “Radiation danger”.

Upon detection of chemical contamination, the observer gives a signal: “Chemical alarm” and immediately reports to the commander who posted the post. The results of the observation are recorded in the journal of radiation, chemical and biological observations.

Radiation control carried out to determine the combat capability of the personnel and the need for special processing of the unit. It is carried out using military dose meters (dosimeters) and radiation and chemical reconnaissance devices. The main task of radiation monitoring is to determine the exposure doses of personnel and the degree of contamination of personnel, weapons and military equipment with radioactive substances.

As technical means of radiation control, the following are used: military dose meters for conducting military control of exposure; individual dose meters (dosimeters) for individual control of exposure. Dose meters are usually worn in the breast pocket of uniforms.

Military units (subunits) are provided with technical means for monitoring exposure to radiation at the rate of one military dose meter per squad, crew and equal subunits.

The issuance, removal (reading) of indications, charging (recharging) of military dose meters is carried out in subdivisions by direct commanders (chiefs) or persons appointed by them, and accounting for radiation doses is carried out by persons appointed by order of the commander of the military unit.

Removal (reading) of indications of military dose meters, their charging (recharging) is carried out, as a rule, once a day.

The time for taking (reading) testimony, charging (recharging) is set by the commander of the military unit (headquarters) taking into account the specific situation. After each removal (reading) of indications, ready-to-use military dose meters are returned to the servicemen to whom they are assigned.

Chemical control(control of chemical contamination) is organized and carried out to determine the need and completeness of special processing (degassing) of weapons and military equipment, structures and terrain, to establish the possibility of personnel actions without protective equipment. Chemical control is carried out using chemical reconnaissance (control) devices by specially trained departments (crews) of subunits to determine the presence of OM in the areas (on routes) of their operations, to detect contamination of standard (service) weapons and military equipment, materiel and water sources, to determine the degree the danger of their infection for the personnel of the unit.

Warning of personnel about an immediate threat and the beginning of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy, as well as notification of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, is carried out by single and permanent signals established by the senior commander, which are communicated to all personnel.

Upon receipt of the warning signal, the personnel continue to perform their tasks, transfer protective equipment to the “ready” position.

When an enemy inflicts a nuclear strike, personnel take protective measures in response to an explosion: while in combat vehicles, they close hatches, doors, loopholes, blinds and turn on the system of protection against weapons of mass destruction; when in open vehicles, he must duck down, and when located outside the vehicles, he must quickly take cover nearby or lie on the ground with his head in the direction opposite to the explosion. After the passage of the shock wave, the personnel continue to perform their tasks.

Upon warning signals of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, personnel operating on foot or in open vehicles, without stopping the performance of their tasks, immediately put on personal protective equipment when they are in closed mobile objects that are not equipped with a system of protection against weapons of mass destruction, - only respirators (gas masks), and in facilities equipped with this system, closes hatches, doors, loopholes, blinds and turns on this system. Personnel in shelters include a system of collective protection. At the signal "Radiation danger" the personnel put on respirators (gas masks), at the signal "Chemical alarm" - gas masks.

Timely and skillful use of personal and collective protection equipment, protective properties of terrain, equipment and other objects is achieved by: constant monitoring of their availability and serviceability; advance preparation and training of personnel in the use of these means in various situations; the correct determination of the time for the transfer of personal protective equipment to the "combat" position and their removal; determination of the mode and operating conditions of systems for protection against weapons of mass destruction, weapons and military equipment and the procedure for using objects equipped with filter-ventilation devices.

Special processing consists in carrying out sanitization of personnel, decontamination, decontamination and disinfection of weapons, military equipment, protective equipment, uniforms and equipment. Depending on the situation, the availability of time and the resources available in the unit, special processing may be carried out partially or in full.

Partial special processing includes partial sanitization of personnel, partial decontamination, degassing and disinfection of military equipment. Such processing is organized by the subunit commander directly in combat formations, without stopping to perform the assigned task. It is carried out immediately after infection with toxic substances and biological agents, and in case of contamination with radioactive substances - within the first hour directly in the infection zone and is repeated after leaving this zone.

Partial sanitization of personnel consists of:

in the removal of radioactive substances from open areas of the body, uniforms and protective equipment by washing with water or rubbing with tampons, and from uniforms and protective equipment, in addition, by shaking out;

in the neutralization (removal) of toxic substances and biological agents in open areas of the body, in certain areas of uniforms and protective equipment using individual anti-chemical packages.

Partial decontamination, degassing and disinfection of weapons, military equipment and vehicles consists in the removal of radioactive substances by sweeping (wiping) the entire surface of the object being treated and in the disinfection (removal) of toxic substances and biological agents from the surface areas of the objects being treated, with which personnel come into contact when performing the set tasks.

Partial special processing is carried out by crews (calculations) using personnel funds located in subdivisions.

After partial special treatment, personal protective equipment is removed (in case of contamination with radioactive substances - after leaving the contaminated area, and in case of infection with toxic substances and biological agents - after complete special treatment).

Aerosol countermeasures against enemy reconnaissance and weapon control equipment carried out in the subdivision using smoke bombs and grenades, unified systems for launching Smoke grenades (system 902) and thermal smoke equipment.

To mask the combat operations of a platoon, it is advisable to assign two to three soldiers with 10–12 hand smoke grenades or 3–5 smoke bombs for each squad.

On the battlefield, smoke grenades and small smoke bombs are carried in duffel bags. A box with fuses and graters is placed on top of the checkers. Carry fuses in pockets prohibited, as friction can cause them to catch fire and cause severe burns. Checkers with lids can be carried with fuses inserted and lids closed. Norms of supply with aerosol agents are indicated in Table. 6.

Before and after the use of aerosol agents, the soldiers assigned to set up an aerosol curtain act as arrows (numbers of crews, crews).

The intervals between aerosol sources when setting up aerosol screens must be: in case of a frontal wind - up to 30 m; with an oblique wind - 50–60 m; with a flank wind - 100-150 m.

substances that, when introduced into the atmosphere, produce persistent smoke or fog - Aerosols. D. in. designed to produce masking smoke screens (See Smoke screen) or signal smoke. D. v., used to obtain masking smoke, according to the methods of smoke formation are divided into four groups. The 1st group includes substances that, when sprayed or evaporated, form fog as a result of chemical interaction with air moisture and the formation of hygroscopic substances that intensively absorb moisture from it. This group includes sulfuric anhydride, chlorosulfonic acid, solutions of sulfuric anhydride in sulfuric acid (oleum) or chlorosulfonic acid, as well as some chlorides. For application of these D. in. smoke devices of various designs can be used, and for some, artillery shells and mines. The 2nd group includes substances that produce smoke as a result of reaction with atmospheric oxygen. A characteristic representative of this group is white (yellow) Phosphorus. This substance, when burned, gives phosphorus anhydride with atmospheric oxygen, which, with air moisture, forms orthophosphoric acid, which intensively absorbs moisture from the air. For application of this D. century. shells, mines and air bombs can be used. The 3rd group includes substances that give off smoke, which is formed during their sublimation or during their thermal decomposition (the so-called pyrotechnic mixtures). Substances that produce smoke as a result of sublimation and subsequent condensation include ammonium chloride, aromatic hydrocarbons (naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, etc.) and some fatty hydrocarbons. Pyrotechnic mixtures include metal chloride mixtures based on powdered metal oxides (zinc, iron) and various halogen derivatives (carbon tetrachloride (See Carbon tetrachloride), Hexachloroethane). Pyrotechnic smoke compositions are used in smoke bombs and hand smoke grenades. The 4th group includes various petroleum products and foam plastics. Petroleum products (Diesel fuel, Fuel oil, Diesel oil) form smoke as a result of evaporation and subsequent condensation of vapors in the atmosphere. They can be used with smoke machines and devices of various designs. To generate smoke from foams, foaming resins are injected into a stream of gases whose temperature is higher than the formation temperature of the foams themselves. The resin droplets take on a honeycomb structure and solidify to form smoke particles (which in this case are much larger than usual for smokes).

To obtain signal smoke, pyrotechnic solid mixtures are used that contain fuel, an oxidizing agent and an organic dye that gives the smoke red, yellow, green, blue, purple or black.

Lit. Zaitsev G. S., Kuznetsov L. Ya., Smoke agents and smoke-forming substances, M., 1961.

V. I. Puzako.

  • - contain nitrogen and are part of food, feed, soil solutions and humus, and are also prepared artificially for technical use ...

    Agricultural dictionary-reference book

  • - lek. synthetic drugs that stimulate protein synthesis in the body and calcification of bone tissue. Action A. in. manifests itself, in particular, in an increase in the mass of skeletal muscles ...

    Chemical Encyclopedia

  • - bacteriostatics, substances that have the ability to temporarily stop the reproduction of bacteria. They are secreted by many microorganisms, as well as some higher plants ...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - substances that have the ability to introduce monovalent fatty hydrocarbon radicals into the molecules of organic compounds ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - medicinal substances that have the property of weakening or stopping the action of hormones ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - substances that have the ability to inhibit the process of cell division, which determines their antitumor effect ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - medicinal substances that inhibit the synthesis of serotonin or block various manifestations of its action ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - medicinal substances that selectively inhibit the activity of certain enzymes ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - medicinal substances that are antimetabolites of folic acid; possess cytostatic antitumor activity...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - the ability of a substance to change surface tension, being adsorbed in the surface layer at the phase boundary. Source: Directory of road ...

    Construction dictionary

  • - See ANTIisotypy...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - substances-inhibitors secreted by the leaves and roots of higher plants and which are a protective reaction to various negative stimuli ...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - solid chemical products or liquid mixtures which, when properly used, form persistent fumes or mists in the atmosphere that do not have toxic properties ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - antibiotics, metal ions, chemotherapeutic agents and other substances that completely delay the reproduction of bacteria or other microorganisms, i.e. causing bacteriostasis ...
  • - Substances which, when introduced into the atmosphere, give rise to persistent fumes or mists - Aerosols...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - making the body or part of it insensitive to pain ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

"Smoke-generating substances" in books


author Dobkin de Rios Marlin


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PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES The term "psychotropic" was used in the training course as a synonym for the more rigorous term "psychodysleptic". Psychotropic substances can change a person's psychology and affect mental activity. They are obtained either from certain


From the book What Einstein told his cook by Wolke Robert

gelling agents

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From the book Baby Food. Rules, tips, recipes author Lagutina Tatyana Vladimirovna


From the book The Book of Cheese author Begunov Vitaly Lvovich

Smoke generating substances

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From the book Crossword Guide author Kolosova Svetlana

Substances Highest tensile strength 3 Boron


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Session 5: "Poisonous substances and toxic chemicals (TCS) of asphyxiating and irritating action"

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Lesson 5: "Poisonous substances and toxic chemicals (TCS) of asphyxiating and irritating action" 1. Poisonous substances (TS) and toxic chemicals (TCS) of asphyxiating action.

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Foaming agents (surfactants) - surfactants Used as cleaning and disinfecting agents. Necessary to ensure even distribution of the paste in hard-to-reach places of the oral cavity, as well as for additional removal of plaque

pectin substances. Remove harmful substances from the body

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pectin substances. Remove harmful substances from the body Pectins are plant polysaccharides. Contained in many fruits and vegetables, root crops. Pectin substances help stabilize metabolism, remove radionuclides, pesticides,

An important place in the system of conventional weapons belongs to incendiary weapons, which are a set of weapons based on the use of incendiary substances.

According to the American classification, incendiary weapons are weapons of mass destruction. The ability of incendiary weapons to have a strong psychological impact on the enemy is also taken into account. The use of incendiary weapons by a potential enemy can lead to mass destruction of personnel, weapons, equipment and other materiel, the outbreak of fires and smoke over large areas, which will have a significant impact on the methods of action of the troops and significantly complicate the performance of their combat missions.

Incendiary weapons include incendiary substances and their means of use.

1. Incendiaries

The basis of modern incendiary weapons is made up of incendiary substances with which incendiary ammunition and flamethrowers are equipped.

All incendiary substances of the US Army are divided into three main groups:
- based on petroleum products;
- metallized incendiary mixtures;
- thermite and thermite compositions.

A special group of incendiary substances is made up of ordinary and plasticized phosphorus, alkali metals, as well as a self-igniting mixture in air based on triethylene aluminum.

a) Petroleum-based incendiaries are divided into unthickened (liquid) and thickened (viscous). For the preparation of the latter, special thickeners and combustible substances are used. The most widely used incendiary substances based on petroleum products are napalms.

Napalms are incendiary substances that do not contain an oxidizing agent and burn by combining with atmospheric oxygen. They are jelly-like, viscous substances with strong adhesion and high combustion temperature. Napalm is made by adding a special thickening powder to a liquid fuel, usually gasoline. Napalm typically contains 3 to 10 percent thickener and 90 to 97 percent gasoline.

Gasoline-based napalms have a density of 0.8-0.9 grams per cubic centimeter. They have the ability to easily ignite and develop temperatures up to 1000 - 1200 degrees. Duration of burning of napalms is 5 - 10 minutes. They easily stick to various surfaces and are difficult to extinguish.

Napalm B, adopted by the US Army in 1966, is the most effective. It is distinguished by good flammability and increased adhesion even to wet surfaces, it is able to create a high-temperature (1000 - 1200 degrees) hearth with a burning time of 5 - 10 minutes. Napalm B is lighter than water, therefore it floats on its surface, while retaining the ability to burn, which makes it much more difficult to eliminate fires. Napalm B burns with a smoky flame, saturating the air with caustic hot gases. When heated, it liquefies and acquires the ability to penetrate shelters and equipment. Even 1 gram of burning napalm B on unprotected skin can cause severe injuries. Complete destruction of openly located manpower is achieved at a consumption rate of napalm 4-5 times less than high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. Napalm B can be prepared directly in the field.

b) Metallized mixtures are used to increase the self-ignition of napalms on wet surfaces and on snow. If you add powdered or shavings of magnesium, as well as coal, asphalt, saltpeter and other substances to napalm, you get a mixture called pyrogel. The combustion temperature of pyrogels reaches 1600 degrees. Unlike conventional napalm, pyrogels are heavier than water and burn for only 1-3 minutes. When pyrogel gets on a person, it causes deep burns not only to open areas of the body, but also to those covered by uniforms, since it is very difficult to remove clothes while the pyrogel is burning.

c) Thermite compositions have been used for a relatively long time. Their action is based on a reaction in which crushed aluminum enters into combination with oxides of refractory metals with the release of a large amount of heat. For military purposes, thermite mixture powder (usually aluminum and iron oxides) is pressed. Burning thermite heats up to 3000 degrees. At this temperature, brick and concrete crack, iron and steel burn. As an incendiary agent, thermite has the disadvantage that no flame is formed during its combustion, therefore 40-50 percent of powdered magnesium, drying oil, rosin and various oxygen-rich compounds are added to thermite.

d) White phosphorus is a white, translucent, wax-like solid. It is able to self-ignite by combining with atmospheric oxygen. Burning temperature 900 - 1200 degrees.

White phosphorus finds use as a smoke generating agent, as well as an igniter for napalm and pyrogel in incendiary ammunition. Plasticized phosphorus (with rubber additives) acquires the ability to stick to vertical surfaces and burn through them. This allows you to use it to equip bombs, mines, shells.

e) Alkali metals, especially potassium and sodium, tend to react violently with water and ignite. Due to the fact that alkali metals are dangerous to handle, they have not found independent use and are used, as a rule, to ignite napalm.

2. Means of application

Modern US Army incendiary weapons include:
- napalm (fire) bombs;
- aviation incendiary bombs;
- aviation incendiary cassettes;
- aviation cassette installations;
- artillery incendiary ammunition flamethrowers;
- rocket incendiary grenade launchers;
- fire (incendiary) land mines.

a) Napalm bombs are thin-walled containers filled with thickened substances. Currently, the US aviation is armed with 250 to 1000 lb caliber napalm bombs. Unlike other ammunition, napalm bombs create a voluminous focus of destruction. At the same time, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage by 750-pound ammunition to openly located personnel is about 4 thousand square meters, the rise of smoke and flame is several tens of meters.

b) Aviation incendiary bombs of small calibers - from one to ten pounds - are used, as a rule, in cassettes. They are usually equipped with thermites. Due to the small mass of the bombs of this group, they create separate ignition centers, thus being incendiary ammunition.

c) Aviation incendiary cassettes are designed to create fires over large areas. They are disposable shells containing from 50 to 600 - 800 small-caliber incendiary bombs and a device that ensures their dispersion over a large area during combat use.

d) Aviation cluster installations have a purpose and equipment similar to aviation incendiary cartridges, but unlike them, they are reusable devices.

e) Artillery incendiary ammunition is made on the basis of thermite, napalm, phosphorus. Thermite segments, tubes filled with napalm, pieces of phosphorus scattered during the explosion of one ammunition are capable of igniting combustible materials in an area equal to 30-60 square meters. Duration of burning of thermite segments is 15 - 30 seconds.

f) Flamethrowers are an effective incendiary weapon for infantry units. They are devices that eject a jet of burning fire mixture under the pressure of compressed gases.

g) Rocket incendiary grenade launchers have a much greater range and are more economical than grenade launchers.

  • See article: RPO flamethrowers Bumblebee and Lynx

Fire (incendiary) land mines are intended to be used mainly to destroy manpower and transport equipment, as well as to reinforce explosive and non-explosive barriers.

Based on materials freely distributed on the Internet

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