Tarot layout likes or not. Fortune telling on tarot cards for a loved one will help in relationships. Relationship breakdowns

The tarot divination technique is based on obtaining symbolic answers by choosing one or more cards at random. It should be borne in mind that according to this fortune-telling technique, it is impossible to get a specific informational answer, whether it be a set of specific numbers or a calendar date.

But many fortunetellers see the fundamental essence in predicting the course of events, explaining the motives for the behavior of a person or people, and predicting future events. T

Ordinary fortune-telling is posing a question and simultaneously drawing one card (random) from a deck, followed by interpretation. But tarologists consider such fortune-telling scarce and inaccurate, since the interpretation of one card is considered to be ambiguous.

To obtain detailed answers to questions, groups of randomly selected cards are used, which are laid out according to a certain pattern. This method of divination is called "layout".

Each alignment has its own characteristics and a group of questions that it is designed to answer. In this case, each card is assigned a more detailed and specialized meaning.

Ways of "layouts" for love and relationships

Tarot card layouts that provide information about relationships at the moment, for the coming year and a cumulative analysis of such relationships

The layout of the tarot cards "Analysis of relationships"

This method is used when posing questions that come from only one of the lovers. This is a hint for the interested person regarding the correction of the situation in the present and the vision of the future. What to fear and how to act so as not to destroy your personal happiness .

_____________7 5_______________

The layout of the tarot cards "Feelings for the year"

This way of laying out the cards is used in the analysis of the present situation and the one predicted for the next month, six months and a year.

___________2_ 7_____________
__________ 3_ 8______________
________ 1 6 _______
_________ 4_9______________
_________ 5_10_____________

  1. Relationships at the moment
    2. What does your loved one think of you?
    3. How does your loved one feel about you?
    4. How a man will behave with you
    5. What a man expects from your relationship
    6. Adjusting Your Behavior
    7. Relationships in the coming month
    8. Relationships after 3 months
    9. Relationships after 6 months
    10. Relationships in a year

Consider one of the most popular layouts for the relationship "Ace of Spades"
This method is applicable to a couple who often have interpersonal problems in relationships. ________________1______________________

1. How are things between lovers at the present time?
2. How do others perceive you?
3. What qualities do others not see in you?
4. Why do people around you ignore you?
5. Attitude of the first partner to the situation
6. Attitude of the second partner to the situation
7. Behavioral traits inherent in the first partner
8. Behavioral traits inherent in the second partner
9. The path of development of love and personal relationships
10. Expectations and plans for the future of the first partner
11. Expectations and visions of the second partner
12. Bottom line

Alignment revealing the true reasons for a possible divorce

The layout of tarot cards for the relationship "Stiletto « (or in other words, the possibility of divorce).

This method is used in a situation where a married couple (love union) is going through hard times. Accompanying information is required about the reasons for the impending divorce and the ability to prevent it, in other words, to avoid parting.
________ 10________
________ 15________

1. Brief description and features of relations between spouses in a marriage union
2. How does the first spouse see the marriage union?
3. How does the second spouse (husband) see the marriage union?
- Attitude of a married couple to divorce:
4. Attitude towards the possible divorce of the first spouse
5. Attitude towards the separation of the second spouse
- Reasons for a probable divorce (for the first spouse):
6. Strengthens Divorce Decision Making
7. Reduces Divorce Decision Making
- Reasons for a possible divorce (for the second spouse):
8. Strengthens Divorce Decision Making
9. Reduces Divorce Decision Making
10. The influence of the "third force" in the decision to divorce.
Factors favoring the decision to divorce:
11. Regarding the first spouse
12. Concerning the second spouse
- Factors that counteract the decision to divorce:
13. Concerning the first spouse
14. In relation to the second spouse
15. Bottom line

The layout of the cards "Horseshoe"

This type is used to interpret the present state of affairs. With its help, one can orient oneself in the circumstances of real cases, what is happening at the present time and predict impending difficulties, so that there is an opportunity to completely avoid them or at least partially cope with them.

___1_____________7_ ­­­
______2 ____6 __ _
______ 3 4 5_ _____

The layout of the tarot cards "Harmony"

This alignment is suitable for those who are characterized by diligence, the desire to live diversely and harmoniously.

_________6________ ­­­
______5 ___4 __ _

________ 3________ ­­­
______2 ___1 __ _

  1. What should be the ideal relationship in your opinion.
  2. Cons of relationships and correcting current shortcomings
  3. The near future through the eyes of your partner
  4. Changing the situation - achieving harmony
  5. How to change your behavior for the better and adjust to build easy relationships and understanding with a partner.

The layout of the cards "Swing"

This method is used when the questioner is not sure of his own feelings and the feelings of his partner, and wants to get an answer to the question "is it worth it for loving hearts to be together." And also how to act to improve relationships - with a positive "layout" of cards - and how to avoid negativity and frequent quarrels.

________6 ____ ­­­

________5 ____ ­­­
___3___ 2 _4 __ _
______ 1_ _____

  1. What do loving hearts want?
  2. Should a man and a woman be together?
  3. Possible relationship development
  4. What can hinder the development of these relations
  5. How to improve relationships

Relationship breakdowns:

Station layout for two

As a rule, this alignment is used to clarify the relationship between partners in love and marriage. However, it can be used to analyze the relationship between two business partners, between family members and any other people.
The meaning of the positions

1 - Significator, showing what state these relations are in now; what connects these two people.

The left row (7, 6, 5) denotes the questioner.

Right row (2, 3, 4) - his partner, man or woman.

7 + 2 - The top two cards characterize conscious relationships. They show what each of the partners thinks about, and how he evaluates this relationship.

6 + 3 - Both middle cards characterize spiritual, emotional relationships. They show what partners have in their hearts, their hopes or fears.

5 + 4 - The bottom cards describe the outside of the relationship, how they look from the outside. Perhaps this is just a facade that hides completely different thoughts (upper level) and feelings (middle level).

Interpretation of the meaning of the cards:

First, on map 1, try to determine the main motive for the relationship. Then move on to the vertical rows to find out how the partners relate to each other at each level. Then check the dynamics: are the figures on the cards moving towards each other at this level, is there such a movement on at least one side? Or is each partner waiting for the other to take a step forward?

Special cards:

In the layout, we may come across curly cards, often denoting specific people, and therefore play a special role in this layout.

Alignment on the relationship “Three blocks”

First block- Attitude and motivation.

1. The main motive of the relationship (partner to you).

2. What kind of attitude does your partner show towards you “outwardly”.

3. How your partner really treats you.

Second block- goals and aspirations.

4. What place do you occupy in your partner's life.

5. Is he serious about you?

6. The main purpose of the partner in your relationship.

Third block- development and results. (Deadlines are agreed in advance).

7.8. What development of your relationship does your partner expect?

9.10. Will you be satisfied with the development of your relationship.

11,12,13. The trend of development of relations in the planned period.

Relationship layout

1 and 2 - the physical condition of the partners. In this position, we look at how each of them is sexually satisfied in this relationship.
3 and 4 - the emotional state of the partners, what emotions they experience for each other.
5 and 6 - the mental state of the partners. What does each of them think about this relationship.
7 and 8 - what these relationships give to each of the partners.
9,10 and 11 - prospects for relationships.

Alignment How do we see each other?

1 - How A sees B
2 - How B sees A
3 - What does A want from love?
4 - What does B want from love?
5 - How does A think the relationship is developing?
6 – How does B think the relationship is developing?

What are you like with your loved one?

Initially, the alignment is intended for the tarot of the Goddesses, although any deck can be used.

Position values:

1. What is the relationship now.

2. How a woman behaves.

3. What kind of woman does a man see.

4. What a woman needs to develop in herself, what traits.

5. What a woman needs to get rid of in herself.

6. What a man likes in a woman.

7. What a man does not like in a woman, what he is afraid of in her.

8. What a woman will become as a result of working on herself.

9. How he would like to see you.

10. What kind of women does a man love.

11. What kind of women does a man not like.

12. What kind of relationship will become in the process of development.

Relationship layout

For a comprehensive study of relationships, use a full 17 or partial layout of 15 cards.

If the relationship is romantic, then most often Tarot Manara is used for the layout, if the relationship is friendly or partnership, then the Tarot of Ancient Wisdom or 78 Doors. Works great on other decks as well.

Schedule positions:

1, 4 - thoughts of partners about each other

2, 5 - feelings

3, 6 - behavior that partners demonstrate

7 - characteristics of relations in the present

8 - in the past

9 - the trend of the development of relations (you can add 2 cards, revealing the 9th card: what will the relationship bring to both partners) - a, b, c

10, 12 - what is expected from a relationship

11, 13 - what are they afraid of

14, 15 - what they hide from each other

Reciprocity layout

The alignment is suitable for viewing any relationship (love, colleagues, mother-daughter, etc.)

The compatibility of the seeker and the opponent can be judged by the significators.

You need to take out the cards strictly in order!

1- characteristic of the relationship at the moment, what is happening now

2.7 - what do partners think about each other

6.3 - loves, does not love (feelings at the level of the heart)

4.5 - external manifestation of the relationship, his actions regarding the partner

8,9,10 - prospect of relations for a given period

The layout of the "Moon path"

Distribution per person. Problems, dreams, actions and hopes in general. Cards are laid out in threes, from top to bottom, in a fan. It is in triplets that they are taken from the deck, and not one at a time. Read in triplets. Central main, specifying on the sides. The left doesn't matter, but it's there. The right is important and it is also there. The significator is determined, but not laid out. If the significator card falls into the alignment, that row is the most important and draws attention.

3. On the heart

4. In the head

5. Right (+), which helps

6. Left (-) that interferes

Left, vertical row - What is leaving?

Middle vertical row - What is the strength?

Right vertical row - What's coming?

Feeling Peak Spread

1. Potential of the querent, attitude towards sex

2. Potential of a partner, attitude towards sex

3. Desires of the querent in a relationship

4. Desires of a partner in a relationship

5,6,7. - a scheme of harmonious relationships for a couple

8. Desirable Behavior of the Querent

nine . Desirable partner behavior

Harmony Spread

1. How do I ideally see relationships?

2. What does not suit me in a relationship?

3. How does the partner see our near future?

4. What needs to be changed in yourself in order to achieve harmony in relationships with a partner?

5. How should I approach my partner?

6. What will come of it? (if I follow the advice)

Layout “Cinema for two”

Alignment for bilateral diagnostics of relationships and identification of behavior scenarios.

S is the name of the movie. relationship scenario.

1. She. Her characteristic.

2. He. His characteristic.

3. Her mask. What is she hiding from him?

4. His mask.

5. She is a director. What role does she offer him in a relationship, what does she expect from him.

6. He is a director.

7. She is an actress. What role will she play (plays) in the relationship.

8. He is an actor.

9. She is a critic. What she does not like in a relationship (in him).

10. He is a critic. What does he not like in a relationship (in her).

11. Oscar for Best Actress. What good will she give him.

12. Oscar for Best Actor.

13. Women's galosh. The worst thing to expect from her.

14. Men's galosh.

15. Impromptu. Unexpected.

16. Prize for two. What do you get from a relationship? Outcome.

Celtic heart

The alignment demonstrates the difficulties and “gags” in the existing relationship

Partner 1:

1 - Image of yourself in a relationship

2 - Influencing circumstances (both positively and negatively)

3 - What does he get from his partner

4 - What gives a partner

5 – What kind of personal development is looking for in a relationship

Partner 2:

6 - Image of yourself in a relationship

7 - Influencing Circumstances (both positively and negatively)

8 - What does he get from his partner

9 - What gives a partner

10 - What kind of personal development is looking for in a relationship


11 - How the relationship started

12 - Karmic connection that unites partners

13 – What is the lesson for further growth in the relationship

14 – Near future relationship

15 - More distant future

16 - Council

Swing layout

Alignment for the analysis of existing relationships. Taken from the book by Vladimir Strannikov “Divination practices. Tarot spreads”.
Two decks are used for work.

Two cards are dealt for each position. One is from the Manara deck (for a woman), the other is from the Casanova Tarot deck (for a man).

1-2. Essence of the question. What do men and women want? And do they need to be together?

3. What is the “for” development of these relations?

4. What is “against” the development of these relations?

5. What should be done? What to do?

6. Result. Outcome. Advice.

Tarot spread for love

This alignment is convenient for clarifying the prospects for a love relationship. Using this layout for love, you can tell fortunes on a prospective partner. On the other hand, this alignment is also convenient in cases where you already have a permanent partner, and you only need to consider the problems that have arisen in your life. Also, this Love tarot spread can be used to answer Yes-No questions, for example, “Does he (she) love me?”, “Are we ready to start a family?”, “Can we have common children ? Also, these questions can be answered by the usual layout of the Tarot “Yes-No”.

The layout involves the Major and Minor Arcana together. This means that before performing this layout, it is necessary to mix all the cards together, and mix them correctly, regularly turning some of the cards to their inverted position, and mixing again, which is often forgotten by novice fortune tellers. After the cards are mixed and removed by the querent, the process of their interpretation begins.

The meaning of the positions of the cards in the Tarot layout for Love:

1. The attitude of a man to a woman. The degree of his interest and sexual attraction.

2. The sexuality of a man, his masculine strength, a man as a "Male". Subconscious passions come to the fore, and, often, the attitude of a man towards this woman as a “Mother”, capable of raising his child.

3. Material support of a man, the ability to provide a decent living for himself and his loved ones. Although this is a Tarot layout for Love, the material side is just as important. Though with a sweet paradise and in a hut, of course.

4. A woman's interest in her current or future partner. This is a conscious interest, animal passions come to the fore in the next map of the layout.

5. Sexuality, the instinctive beauty of a woman. Her ability to reproduce. The desire to give birth and raise a child is from this man. Subconscious, animal passions.

6. Dowry, income, generally a woman's security. Denarius is the most favorable suit for this position.

Tarot layout Relationship analysis

1 - The attitude of the partner towards you

2 - How he sees your relationship

3 - What does he want from you? What is missing

4 - Your relationship with your partner

5 - How do you see your relationship

6 - What do you want from him? What are you missing in a relationship?

(often in subjective reality, we do not want exactly what we broadcast outside, or not what we can and want to admit to ourselves. This explains the strange, at first glance, questions of the second part of the alignment)

7 - The point of contact in a relationship (which is consonant).

Relationship Analysis Spread

The Naked Truth

1. What do you want from your partner?

2. What is stopping you?

3. How do you experience the relationship?

4. What does your partner want?

5. What stops him?

6. How does he feel about your relationship?

7. Past Relationships

8. Present

9. Obstacles and fears

10. Future

The layout of you and me

1 - My feelings

2 - My desires

3 - My regrets

4 - Your feelings

5 - Your desires

6 - Your regrets

7 - Our future

Alignment Two stars, two bright stories ...

I offer a musical and poetic alignment. The names of the positions use the lines of songs you all know.

It is done on a full deck (you can even sing every position), answers standard questions about love.

1. Me and you, me and you, me and you (remember this song?). The position tells about the present moment, about the state of the relationship now, dynamic, passive, emotional, conflict, they just don’t exist.

2. Heart, you don't want peace... Talks about feelings for each other. Two SHE-ON cards are dealt

3. My thoughts, my horses… Talks about what everyone thinks about each other. We lay out two cards SHE-ON

4. I would ask love, let him give me advice ... Map-advice.

5. There is only a moment, between the past and the future ... The result.

Spread Second honeymoon

The alignment helps to focus on the positive aspects in existing relationships, whether it be friendship, romance or marriage.

1. The state of the relationship at the moment.

2. What did you like about your partner/friend when you first met?

3. What can you do to improve relationships on an emotional level?

4. What can you do to improve relationships on an intellectual level?

5. What can you do to improve relationships on a physical level?

6. What can you do to overcome difficulties and keep the relationship close?

7. What does your partner/friend love about you?

Love horseshoe layout

1. Past. The beginning of a relationship.

2. Present. The way the questioner imagines a relationship with a partner.

3. Hopes, fears, expectations. What the questioner expects from this relationship. Perhaps these expectations are subconscious.

4. Conflicts. Those areas in which conflicts are possible: finances, emotions, reason. Warning the questioner against possible conflicts in the family, at work and with friends.

5. External influences. External influences on developing relationships. These influences may be previous marriages, the opinions of parents or children, the attitude of friends, social obligations, or distrust that the questioner is not even aware of.

6. Best course of action. The best way to achieve a successful outcome.

7. Possible outcome. A possible outcome of the situation if the questioner follows the advice of card 6.

Relationship game

This alignment makes it possible to see how the partners feel in this relationship at the moment. How they evaluate them shows what they say and their true thoughts.

1. What is the situation in our current relationship? What drives our connection?

I personally

2. How do I see our relationship, how do I evaluate my partner, what do I expect from our connection?

3. What are my feelings, what drives my heart in this relationship?

4. How do I behave towards my partner?

My partner

5. How does he see our relationship, what does he expect from them, how does he evaluate?

6. What are his feelings for me? What drives his heart?

7. How does my partner behave towards me, regardless of his thoughts and feelings?

The layout of the gate of love

Consider the layout of the Tarot cards called “Gate of Love”. It is most suitable if you need to open something relating to the relationship between two people.
Using the layout of the Tarot cards “Gate of Love” is quite simple. Each position in this layout corresponds to one question. The Tarot card that occupies the appropriate position is the answer to this question. Because all questions together form a general concept, then the Fortuneteller must understand that all answers are interconnected and are interpreted in relation to a certain specific situation of the Consultant. In this, experience and intuition will be of great help to him.

The meanings of the cards in this layout:

1. Consulting: Symbolizes a starting point. Shows who the Querent is and what place it takes in a relationship.

2. Left column: Symbolizes hope. Shows what Querent expects from this relationship.

3. Right column: Symbolizes fears. Shows what Querent fears in this relationship.

4. Architrave: Symbolizes responsibility. Shows what difficulties and difficulties the Querent is ready to endure for the sake of this relationship.

5. Castle: Symbolizes the appearance of a partner. Shows how Querent imagines his partner.

6. Key: Symbolizes the correct way to interact with a partner. Shows how the Consultant should build his relationship with the partner.

7. Zone behind the gate: Symbolizes the synthesis of the meanings of previous cards and indicates the very solution of the situation. Shows how the relationship between the Consultant and his partner will develop and what is.

Thus, we, as it were, built a “building” of relations with its own unique architectonics inherent only to it.

Noble Heart Spread

1. The essence of love - what is love for you?

2, 3 Awakening of Love - this is what attracted you to each other - 2, what attracts you to a partner, 3 - that attracts a partner to you

4.5 Courtship in Love - What do you feel for each other

6.7 Flowering of Love - how your feelings will develop

8.9 Rise of Love - what needs to be done to strengthen relationships

10 Deep in the heart - a problem, a hidden truth or an obstacle - a card sometimes acts as a warning.

1 - What do you think of the person you love?

2 – What does he/she think of you?

3 - What features, habits do you like in him?

4 - What habits do you hate in the person you love?

5 - What factor in life spoils your relationship, what prevents you from being together?

6 - Do you still have in your heart the old feelings for this person? (If the card answered NO, you should turn to card 7, if the card answered YES, then see card 8).

7 - How to throw him out of your heart, maybe you should let him go?

8 - This card indicates the inextricable connection between you and what your union holds, how it should be strengthened.

The Horseshoe Spread is a 7-card spread with Russian symbols, perfect for the Russian Tarot. An excellent alignment for cumbersome everyday issues (position in the family / at work, etc.), as well as for quick daily viewing. This alignment shows the road from the present to the future and the events awaiting you along the way. The whole deck is involved in the layout.

1. What influences from the past on the present?

2. Current situation?

3. How will events develop?

4. What should I do?

5. Influence of the environment on the situation?

6. Difficulties that can be encountered?

7. End result?

Sword of Truth Spread

1. How others see your relationship

2. Relationships in the present

3. Partner's view of the relationship

4. What contributed to the current state of the relationship

5. Advice for the next step

6. Possible/probable outcome

Boat layout for two

1. Boat (Earth: foundation, stability, reliability).

General characteristics of relations, what underlies them?

How reliable and strong is the boat?

2. 3. Oars (Fire: energy, passion, desire to act together). Accordingly, the cards of men (2) and women (3). What do partners invest in relationships energetically, how much do they give to each other, how synchronous are their actions? Is it a well-coordinated team or does everyone play for themselves?

4. 5. Sails (Air: thoughts, attitudes, assessment). Accordingly, the cards of men (4) and women (5). What do partners think about their relationship, how satisfied are they? Is their sail filled with wind, or, on the contrary, is there a complete calm in relations, or even a hurricane tearing the sails?

6. 7. Sea overboard (Water: feelings, emotions). Accordingly, the cards of men (6) and women (7). What feelings prevail in a relationship? Is it a sea squall or a quiet backwater?

8. Underwater reefs. The hidden problems of the couple.

9. Oasis. where they swim.

Alignment Ideal relationship

This alignment is for those who want to improve / maintain relations with their partner and are ready to change themselves at the same time.

1. What does the partner like about the querent? (personal qualities, character traits, demeanor, etc.)

2. What does the partner not like about the querent?

3. What does the partner like about this relationship?

4. What does the partner not like about this relationship?

5. How would the partner like to see this relationship? (his ideal relationship)

6. What format of relations does he absolutely not like? (what relationship does he not want)

7. Advice to the querent. How to behave in these relationships in order to maintain / improve them (achieve the desired)?

8. Will the partner appreciate it? How will he react to a change in the querent's behavior?

9. Bottom line. How will relationships develop in a couple when using the advice of cards.

In addition to the main advice in the 7th paragraph, it is also necessary to analyze the triplets of cards 1-3-5 and 2-4-6. The first three indicate what the partner likes in this relationship and what should be the main focus in order to develop and increase this “good” to improve relations. The second three indicate what the partner does not like and what you need to try to exclude from the relationship. The card in paragraph 8 will tell you whether the partner needs the querent to change himself for the sake of this relationship? Perhaps he no longer values ​​these relationships, then all the “works” of the querent will be in vain. The card in the 9th position will show how the relationship will develop in a pair if the querent uses the advice of the cards.

Alignment Analysis of relationships in an existing pair

Tarot layout Relationship analysis

1. The current situation.

2. Is the questioner satisfied with these relationships?

3. Is the partner satisfied with this relationship?

4. Influence of the past asking for these relations.

5. The influence of the past partner on these relationships.

6. The essence of the problems in these relations (if any).

7,8,9. The path to follow in order to find a positive solution to a problem.

10. General compliance of partners.

11. Sexual correspondence between the questioner and the partner.

12. How can the birth of a child affect these relationships?

13. The influence of relatives and others on these relationships.

14. Does this couple have a future?

Card meaning:

1 - current situation (relationship stage)

2 - personality of the querent

3 - the personality of the partner

4 - what the querent demonstrates to the partner

5 - what the partner demonstrates to the querent

6 - what the querent hides

7 - what is the partner hiding

8 - the querent: were there connections on the side (attempts, thoughts)

9 - with the partner: were there connections on the side (attempts, thoughts)

10 - what the querent appreciates in a partner

11 - what the partner appreciates in the querent

12 - what is the dissatisfaction of the querent in the partner

13 - what is the partner in the querent dissatisfied with

14, 15, 16 - chronology of the development of relations

17 - the outcome of the relationship

The alignment is valid for six months or more, depending on whether the people on whom it is done are ready to change anything in their lives. It will help you understand why life brought you together, what you need to learn in your union, in which direction to develop and assess the current state of affairs in the union.

If you are not afraid to face the truth and take responsibility for your relationship, then this alignment will be very useful to you.

1. What did I want before I got into a relationship?

2. What did she want before the relationship began?

3. What is my role in this relationship now?

4. What is her role in this relationship now?

5. What do I need to learn in this relationship?

6. What does she need to learn in this relationship?

7. What do I bring to the relationship?

8. What does it bring to the relationship?

9. How committed am I to developing relationships?

10. To what extent does it seek to develop relations?

1. characterizes the relationship as a whole

2. his role in the relationship

3. her role in the relationship

4. his motive, the purpose of the relationship

5. her motive, the purpose of the relationship

6. interference from the outside: what interferes with the relationship

7. his plans for the future

8. her plans for the future

9. total relationship

1. relationship now

2. what does he think of you

3. how he feels about you

4. how will behave with you

5. what he expects from this relationship

6. how you should behave with him

7. relationship in the next month

8. relationship in three months

9. relationship in six months

10. relationship in a year

Alignment for people who are in a relationship for at least 3 months!

1. What is the current relationship between a man and a woman at the moment

2. What brings joy to a woman in a relationship

3. What makes a woman sad in a relationship

4. What brings a man joy in a relationship

5. What makes a man sad in a relationship

6. How would a woman like to see a man in a relationship (behavior)

7. How would a man like to see a woman in a relationship

8. How strongly a man and a woman are attached to each other

9. Is there love between a man and a woman in a couple

This alignment makes it possible to find out what is happening in the relationship between a man and a woman. What is hidden from them? Did karma intervene, magical influence, or just the vicissitudes of fate?

S - The relationship itself. What relationship are you currently in?

1. How has your relationship developed so far.

2. Your relationship needs.

3. Your partner's relationship needs.

4. What are you hiding from your partner.

5. What your partner is hiding from you.

6. The impact of Karma, magical influence or just the vicissitudes of Fate on your relationship.

7. Bottom line. Will the situation clear up in the near future (for this, a certain period is guessed, within 6 months).

Alignment Forecast of relations for one day

Alignment for the forecast of relations during the day. It is very good if there is an exciting meeting with the martyr, if some events are coming up on this day, etc. The alignment works great on Manar, I think it will be no worse on other decks.

1,2,3 - General description of the relationship on this day

4 - Thoughts, plans of the querent about a partner

5 - Thoughts, plans of the partner about the querent

6 - Actions, steps of the querent in relation to the partner

7 - Actions, steps of the partner in relation to the querent

8 - Summary of the day

Alignment for predicting events in personal life for the week.

Created specifically for the Manara tarot, but in principle it is suitable for any deck.

Both groups of arcana participate in the layout.

The rolled SA will indicate the most significant aspects of the week.

Schedule positions:

S. Significator

1. Hopes and trends in personal relationships

2. Hopes and trends in the sexual sphere

3. Emotions of the week related to the personal and sexual spheres

4. Achievements and acquisitions in personal life in the next week

5. Losses and failures of the week in personal life in the envisioned week

6. Warning cards

7. Board cards

Forecast for your relationship for the week.

1. Theme of love. A common theme that characterizes the envisioned week for your couple.

2. Love challenge. Difficulties you will face.

3. Your lessons. Lessons you will learn from your relationship this week.

4. His lessons. Lessons your partner will learn from the relationship this week.

5. Growth zone. All the constructive, positive moments of the week that will go “for the future”, “nourish” your relationship.

6. Sex/romance in your couple this week.

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Fortune telling on Tarot cards for a loved one talks about how he feels, shows your place in his life, and everything connected with you. You will learn about his anxieties and worries related to your relationship. The soul of another person is a mystery, but they will help you look into the inner world of your loved one.

In the article:

Tarot divination for a loved one

Layouts for a loved one take first place in their popularity. Due to the fact that both professional fortune-tellers and amateurs often use them in their practice, there are a huge number of ways to find out what is in your soulmate's soul.

For, to make the alignment as clear as possible, do not forget about the right question. Don't worry before you start working with maps. The more calm you are, the more correctly you will be able to understand what the cards want to tell you.

As you understand, you should not make several layouts for the same question on the same day, even if you do not like the results. The cards will not say exactly what you expect from them.

Below we will give several different layouts for love. With their help, you can learn everything about your soulmate and relationships with her.

There are ten cards in this spread. Relax, mentally formulate your question, shuffle the deck and lay it out in front of you in a row. They are interpreted as follows:

  1. His thoughts are about you.
  2. His feelings for you.
  3. What interests him now?
  4. What are the reasons for this?
  5. What does he not like about being with you?
  6. What are his plans for you?
  7. Does he like to give or receive in a relationship?
  8. What do you need to know about it?
  9. How will he show himself?
  10. What will happen to your relationship?

Tarot divination for a loved one for five cards.

Arcane in first position shows your relationship in the present.
Second map talk about your partner's feelings.
Card in third position talks about the thoughts of your other half.
Fourth card interpreted as events that will happen in the near future.
Fifth card talks about the consequences of your relationship.

  1. Who is the wolf for me (it is interesting that sometimes the querent himself turns out to be a wolf for himself)?
  2. How dangerous is this wolf (some wolves, on the contrary, are very useful)?
  3. What threat does the wolf pose to me (emotional, physical, none, etc.)?
  4. Why is he dangerous to me?
  5. How can I minimize the threat?
  6. Do you expect outside help?
  7. What should I do after I defeat the wolf?


Love is a wonderful, bright feeling that gives us wings and an indescribable feeling of inner freedom, harmony, warmth. But how sometimes we worry, worry and suffer when we don’t know if our feelings find a response in the soul of the chosen one. Be honest, how many times have you asked Tarot "Does he love me?" in such moments of uncertainty and doubt? Today I invite you to consider a few simple layouts designed specifically for beginners who have recently been working with a magic deck. These fortune-telling will help you find out everything about the feelings of the man you are interested in.

Easy alignment "On the feelings of a loved one"

As usual, we start with the simplest. If you want to tell fortunes on the Tarot with the question “Does he love me?”, But you don’t consider yourself a professional and are still afraid to do voluminous layouts, just try fortune telling with three cards. Mentally imagine your beloved man, his appearance, voice, gait, behavior, and then shuffle the cards and pull out three arbitrary Arcana from the magic deck.

Lay them out in front of you in order of delivery and take up the interpretation:

  1. The first card will answer the question "Does he like me?". Arkan may be here, speaking not just about sympathy, but also about deep, sincere feelings.
  2. The second Arcana will describe the desires of a loved one, what he wants to get from your relationship, whether he is interested in them
  3. Obstacles and barriers that prevent you from connecting into a strong love union

Seven-card layout "Loves-does not love"

This layout is a little more complicated than the previous one, but the positions of the cards in it are clearly indicated, which means that there should be no problems with interpretation. The questions that this Tarot divination will answer are: does my husband, lover, ex-boyfriend or new acquaintance love me. In theory, you can guess at absolutely any man, so go for it!

We carry out fortune-telling according to the classics, and then we interpret the cards that have fallen out:

  1. Thoughts of a beloved man about you
  2. his feelings
  3. The intentions of a loved one, what he is going to do towards you
  4. The true purpose of the person of interest
  5. All the good that a relationship with this man can give the questioner
  6. The negative that this relationship will bring with it
  7. Advice for a girl on how to behave in order to avoid problems and maintain harmony in a relationship

Tarot spread "Does he love me?" for five cards

The Tarot layout “Does he love me” will help a woman navigate the intricate nuances of relationships with the object of sympathy. Fortune telling is recommended if you can’t understand in any way whether a man really has feelings or is just pretending. You will also receive a likely forecast for the development of relationships and advice on whether it is worth contacting this person at all.

The meaning of the cards

  1. Interest from a man, what he likes in a woman
  2. The thoughts that run through his head
  3. His sincere feelings
  4. How will his feelings change within six months or a year if the vector of development of relations does not change. According to this Arcana, we analyze the transformation of his feelings with the invariance of events. Those. if you are already dating a person, how will he treat you in the future if the romance continues. If you don’t meet, we look at how his attitude will change if you still don’t form a couple
  5. Likely final. Using this card, you can analyze whether it is worth starting or continuing a relationship with a man of interest, whether the game is worth the candle

Divination "On the Beloved"

Another simple five-card layout for the relationship and feelings of a partner. What this fortune-telling on the Tarot will tell about: does he love me, what events are to be experienced together, what is the essence of the relationship, how will the matter end.

We lay it out in the traditional way, and then we read the cards that have fallen out:

  1. Significator describing the main essence of the couple's relationship
  2. Feelings of a man
  3. The thoughts running through his head about the woman and this love union
  4. Upcoming events in which both partners will be involved
  5. The result, the consequences of the relationship, how the relationship will end

Of course, for a detailed and in-depth analysis of the relationship between two people, it is recommended to use more serious, complex, multi-card layouts. And it is best to spend them on specialized love decks. However, for a quick answer to a question about feelings, it's always good to have the little fortune-telling presented in this article on hand.

Most often, magic cards are addressed for love questions and, of course, in most cases, these questions are asked by beautiful ladies. Often, curious girls are not interested in complex layouts with deep implications, it is important for them to simply get an answer to the Tarot question “Does he love me?”. Especially for such cases, we have collected simple layouts that we invite you to get acquainted with - let them lie in your personal piggy bank just for such clients.

A simple layout on the Tarot "Feelings of a Beloved"

When a young girl comes to you and asks you to tell fortunes on the Tarot “Does he love me?”, You can not even remember about deep psychological layouts. You can easily get by with the “light” option, which consists of only three cards. Here, a specific scheme is not even required - we just pull out three cards and answer.

The meaning of the positions

  1. The answer to the question of whether the mysterious young man loves the client
  2. His intentions, desires, what he wants to get from this relationship
  3. The presence of any problems that prevent these people from becoming a couple (fears, prejudice, another girl, etc.)


A girl of seventeen years old came to you, wanting to know how her classmate treats her. You have drawn cards, 5 of Cups. It turns out that the guy who is interested in the client desperately flirts with her, flirts, but there is no talk of serious feelings. The guy wants to win her like some kind of valuable prize, there is clearly some kind of competitive spirit here, and a very simple reason hinders the development of these relations - the young man is “headless like a falcon”, which means that he simply does not have the means for beautiful courtship.

Tarot spread "Does he love me?"

Fortune telling on the Tarot "Does he love me?" also belongs to the easy category. True, it will still give a more detailed answer than the “Feelings of a Beloved” layout. The most important plus is that you do not need to find out the details of the question from the client, it will only be enough that she simply mentally asks the cards if the man in question loves her.

The meaning of the positions

  1. Describes what the conceived man likes most about the client
  2. Thoughts of a young man about her
  3. Likes or dislikes
  4. Feelings of a gentleman in the near future, will they change
  5. The result, whether the couple will have a relationship, how it will end


A twenty-five-year-old girl met a young man at a party, a pleasant conversation began, in which mutual sympathy is clearly felt, and now she wants to know if there are any chances for the beginning of an affair. We receive cards, Star, 5 Cups, Lovers, 7 Wands. We interpret something like this: the guy is fascinated by the beauty and insight of the client, he really likes her as a woman. Mentally, he makes plans for an affair with her. Feelings are born, there is romance, a desire to invite on a date, to give gifts. But in the near future, the young man will have to face a serious choice. As a result, the girl will have to enter into a desperate struggle to prevent a break.

Fortune telling on the Tarot "Loves - does not love"

If the Tarot layout “Does he love me” answers five questions, then the proposed fortune-telling called “Loves - does not love” allows you to delve a little further and find out about the intentions and goals of a man, as well as analyze what positive and negative sides there are in these relationships .

The meaning of the positions

  1. Thoughts of the hidden person about the client
  2. Feelings for her
  3. His plans, how he will behave
  4. True purpose, intentions of the person of interest
  5. All the good that this union can give a girl
  6. All the bad that it will bring
  7. Advice on what to do to stay with this person

Interpretation example

The client is a woman in a relationship with a man. The novel lasts six months, but the lovers do not live together and the man does not take any steps towards this. We are dealt cards: , inverted , .

We interpret it as follows: a man’s thoughts are occupied by some choice, clearly connected with feelings. He treats the girl quite well, but at the same time frivolously - he does not take their relationship seriously. The goal of a person is to understand himself, to think about the situation, it is possible to remain alone for a while. This novel will teach a girl to be strong, educate her character. But inevitably there will be disappointment, pain from separation or misunderstanding. The cards are advised to carefully weigh the pros and cons, decide whether she needs this man in principle.

Tarot layout "For the Beloved"

Let's finish the review of simple love layouts with one more fortune-telling. You can use it in cases where a girl comes to you and asks Taro "Does he like me?". It is clear that there is most likely no talk of serious feelings yet.

The meaning of the positions

  1. The essence of the relationship at the moment
  2. The feelings of the hidden person about the girl
  3. His thoughts
  4. Events that will connect these people in the near future
  5. Relationship Outcome


A young lady met a young man on the Internet. They met only once and, at first glance, liked each other. Now the girl wants to know what this guy thinks about her, whether they are still waiting for joint meetings. In the layout they drop out: Hanged Man, Queen of Cups, 8 of Swords, .

This tells us that now the situation is completely unstable, incomprehensible. But at the same time, the girl clearly overshadowed the guy with her beauty, sensuality and sexuality, in his eyes she is a real queen. However, he is tormented by self-doubt and his own abilities. The events that will connect them are a letter, news, a phone call. In this situation, we would advise the girl not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to get in touch with the young man on her own - perhaps, sensing her interest, he will become somewhat bolder.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about what questions extensive and complex Tarot fortune-telling is more suitable for: does my husband love me, how to improve relations with my beloved, is it worth marrying this person, what is the partner hiding. In all other cases, you can use the simple options proposed in the article.

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