Names of Russian missiles and weapons. The strangest names of Russian weapons systems. Theoretically safe pneumatics

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"Foundling", "Sled", "Zoo": what deadly weapon is hidden behind funny names

About the verbal names of domestic military equipment, which is capable of destroying all life in large areas, ordinary people know little. However, Grads, Tornadoes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Vladimirs, Acacias, Tulips and other verbal usages that are mysterious for the majority appear in the headlines every now and then. Behind every pretty name in the national weapons school is a difficult fate, and most often - a great story about its use or service. Almost all copies of domestic weapons, no matter what kind of troops they belong to, have impressive firepower or just very serious military functionality.

They have and we have

Only Soviet and Russian designers know how to call equipment with unusual names. There is nothing unusual in the foreign names of military equipment, no matter what troops it belongs to. American designers, for example, almost always call their combat vehicles in a peculiar, militant style. Judge for yourself: they called the combat helicopters “Cobra” and “Apache” - it’s quite logical, because the cobra is a poisonous snake, and the Apaches are a tribe of native North American Indians, who were pretty good with melee weapons. However, glancing at domestic weapons and studying this topic in detail, you involuntarily begin to smile, because “Sled”, “Foundling”, “Tenderness”, “Dubna”, “Vega” are not the names of some fantastic works, but real offensive and defensive means.

About titles

"Chrysanthemum". Photo: Bogdan Rudenko

Sometimes cute, gentle and kind names for formidable army equipment are given in such a way that a person who is not initiated into the intricacies of military affairs will not immediately understand what type of weapon they are talking about. For example, when you hear that Pinocchio successfully hit the target at the training ground, you, as a person familiar with Soviet cartoons, involuntarily wrinkle your forehead in an attempt to remember when Pinocchio learned to shoot and what target he hit. However, the "Pinocchio" in the Russian Ministry of Defense is nothing more than a heavy multiple launch rocket system built on the basis of the T-72 tank and capable of literally burning out all life on an area in 40.000 square meters. "Pinocchio" with a 12-cylinder diesel engine has been successfully operating in military conflicts for a long time - first in the Charikar Valley in Afghanistan and South Salang, and then in 2000 in Chechnya. The thermobaric ammunition of the “son of Papa Carlo”, who instead of legs has impressive tracks, was enough to neutralize any enemy.

Also for lovers of floristry there is a special flower series. Only we are not talking about a family of bright and colorful, pleasantly smelling flowers, but about formidable self-propelled artillery mounts: Carnation, Hyacinth, Chrysanthemum, Tulip, Peony.

Jokes about innocent names, when you personally observe the work of these machines, immediately disappear. 2S1 "Carnation" - the "smallest" artillery system in this "dimensional grid". It fires 122 mm ammunition at a range of up to 15 kilometers. But in the case of another "flower" - the Pion self-propelled artillery system, everything is somewhat more interesting, because it is this self-propelled unit that is capable of firing special ones, as the military say, or, simply, nuclear weapons over a distance of over 20 kilometers. The history of the creation of a nuclear weapon for this self-propelled gun is also full of surprises. First of all, because of the name, because the special nuclear munitions are called "Kleshchevina", "Sapling" and "Perforator".

The last name, according to the memoirs of a retired lieutenant colonel of the armed forces of the USSR Andrei Mikhailovich Savenkov, generally, terrified even on experienced foreign military men: “Yes, the story with the name is, of course, the plot for the film, at least. Then the term "limited nuclear destruction" was in common use, for which, in fact, artillery of a similar plan was intended. Ammunition, of course, came up with good ones from a practical point of view. But from the point of view of names, apparently, they decided to unleash fear on the enemy, while still standing at the drawing board. As far as I remember, when the NATO headquarters found out how the name for the ammunition sounds in Russian and what it means, I think the gray-haired generals were added there instantly, ”the expert said in an interview with Zvezda.

"Svirel", "Foundling", "Sled" and "Zoo"

"Zoo". Photo: Konstantin Semyonov

Funny names, according to the stories of the military, are innumerable in the Soviet and Russian armies. “He runs with a good hundred, or even more,” ironically remarks in an interview with Zvezda the commander of one of the EW ZVO units Andrey Tikhonov. And it is true that no name, then irony, then laughter, then awareness, and only then - the study of history. When you read about the types of shots for underbarrel grenade launchers, in general, you don’t expect a funny catch, because a grenade flying out of a device placed under the barrel of an assault rifle is capable of completely turning a small fortification. But even here, the creators of Soviet weapons distinguished themselves by creating the "Foundling" - a 7P24 grenade with a detonation mechanism after a collision with an obstacle. The expelling charge of a grenade throws it to a height of about two meters and then an explosion occurs. That's really, truly, a foundling!

Also, the Svirel deserves a separate story - a 40-mm round for a standard GP-30 underbarrel grenade launcher with acoustic impact. The principle of this ammunition is difficult to describe in words. However, if for a second you imagine the explosion of a meteorite flying into planet Earth, the simultaneous play of a thousand orchestras and the buzzing of a hundred or two bees, you can get a little closer in sensations to what the enemy experiences when such ammunition is used on him. A strong noise when a grenade is detonated is also accompanied by light exposure. In simple terms, the Svirel light and sound grenade provides the enemy with such a musical part that the mental and physical health of any, even the most prepared enemy, will be undermined for several minutes.


When the military asks: "Where is the one hundred and twentieth sled?" the subconscious says that even the usual, traditional for Russia types of winter entertainment have some use for the military. And only a minute later, when the mortar crew delivers a heavy 120 mm mortar with an impressive ground stop, you understand that the "Sled" is a heavy army mortar, weighing more than 200 kg, which is simply impossible to cope with alone. However, "Sled", "Foundling" and "Svirel" are just the tip of the iceberg. The easiest part for Western linguists to learn.

"Zoo"- this is what can baffle even a highly erudite civilian. The problem is that, having heard the name with a certain type or object, most people, building an associative array, will move towards something alive in their reasoning, without even thinking about what the military calls the unique development of Soviet designers “Zoo”, designed to determine enemy artillery positions. 1L219M, according to the Russian military, is a "complex for controlling artillery fire." If we talk about the unique development in a simple and understandable language, then the "Zoo" is a complex of special radar and auxiliary equipment that can detect and detect the coordinates of any enemy artillery at an impressive distance and almost instantly direct aircraft or own artillery there.

great and powerful

The current opinion that the funny names of Soviet and Russian technology are given by some specially trained person do not correspond to reality. The reality with the names of domestic technology is simple, like the Soviet weapon itself.

“The names of Soviet technology almost always came from the ciphers of research and development. Hence, such unusual names appeared, ”an authoritative Russian military expert and editor-in-chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine tells about the real state of affairs in an interview with Zvezda. Viktor Murakhovsky.

However, according to Murakhovsky, there were exceptions in the domestic military design business. “It used to happen that the names were given only later to the officially adopted equipment. For example, the T-72 tank, which was put into service, was later called "Ural", in honor of Uralvagonzavod. And although the name was not considered official at first, even in the technical operation manual it was later called "Ural".

"Vladimir". Photo: Bogdan Rudenko

The story with another tank, no less famous, T-90, the development of which once literally pulled the entire tank-building industry of the country out of the abyss. The T-90 is a formidable tank, the appearance and armament of which terrifies NATO headquarters, in addition to the official, factory name, it also has a proper name - "Vladimir". However, the tank was named, despite the general misconception, not in honor of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Russia Vladimir Putin, but in honor of the chief designer of the tank - Vladimir Mikhailovich Potkin, who, having endured a huge amount of stress, suddenly died right at the workplace on May 13, 1999.

The history with the names of domestic military equipment is a real treasure for lovers of interesting things in weapons. For many more years, according to the confessions of the military themselves, the topic with the names of weapons will excite our potential opponents. “The Western mind will never think of calling the handcuffs “Tenderness”, and the jamming system “Moshkara”. You see, here understanding is still at the mental level, if not subconscious, ”says a military representative of the Ministry of Defense in an interview with Zvezda Nikolai Koshkin.


The rich and powerful Russian language played with domestic weapons in a pair sport, in fact, driving the entire Western designation system to a standstill. Concluding the theme of unusual names, a beautiful song by Mark Bernes suddenly appears in my head “Do Russians Want Wars?”. And knowing that "Silence" (shooting complex) and "Topol" (mobile missile system) are not just the author's fantasy, but also weapons embodied in metal, Mark Bernes' song takes on a completely different meaning.

E There is a strange tradition in our country to call military equipment and weapons with humor.
The pampering of designers cannot always be explained by the real characteristics of military equipment. Most often, gunsmiths are inspired by nature, women and the diversity of human feelings.

During the Great Patriotic War and the pre-war era, Soviet inventors had no time for verbal experiments. New models of military equipment were simply assigned the appropriate index. However, there has always been a tradition in the troops to give a nickname to weapons. Affectionate names were awarded to the most reliable and effective samples that protected the lives of soldiers.

How can one not recall the legendary BM-13 or Katyusha rocket complex. The machine was first manufactured on June 27, 1941 at the Voronezh excavator plant. The firepower of the Katyusha was used as artillery preparation. The easy-to-use machine destroyed everything alive in the square marked by the gunners, inflicting colossal damage on the Nazis.

Jet complex BM-13 "Katyusha"

There are a huge number of examples of nicknames during the war. The ISU-152 heavy self-propelled artillery mount was nicknamed "St. "Ishakom", and the Pe-2 dive bomber - "Pawn".

After the war, the tradition of giving funny nicknames to military equipment migrated to the offices of design bureaus.

This is not surprising, because Soviet scientists closely monitored the operation of weapons, and some of the young specialists went to the front, adopting soldier habits. From the 1950s, instead of nicknames on the battlefield, military equipment began to be awarded official names at the development stage.

203-mm howitzer of high power B-4 - "Kuvalda" - the weapon of Victory.

In this regard, many samples received rather strange names that do not reflect the purpose of the weapon and its tactical and technical characteristics. Some of them may seem rather strange and absolutely “unmanly”. However, the original approach to the name only fuels interest in what this military equipment is actually capable of.

Artillery bouquets and natural disasters

In Russia, there is a galaxy of artillery pieces that have received "flower" names. These are the 152-mm self-propelled gun 2S5 "Hyacinth", the self-propelled anti-tank missile system 9M123 "Chrysanthemum", the self-propelled gun 2S7 "Peony", self-propelled artillery mounts 2S1 "Carnation" and 2S3 "Acacia", 240-mm self-propelled mortar "Tulip" and 82 -mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Cornflower".

240-mm self-propelled mortar "Tulip"

203 mm "Pion".

152 mm howitzer "Acacia". I was the commander of a battery of such guns, as well as the commander of the Gvozdik battery)))

122 mm howitzer "Gvozdika". And the complex of control machines for them was called "Kapustnik".

In turn, Russian multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) received associative names. The gunsmiths decided not to call the descendants of "Katyusha" female names and "called for help" natural phenomena.

The world's most popular MLRS BM-21 was named "Grad". Following the deadly "precipitation" appeared 9K57 "Hurricane" (220 mm), 9K58 "Smerch" (300 mm), 9K51M "Tornado" (122 and 300 mm) and TOS-1M "Sun" (220 mm). Currently, part of this military equipment daily arranges "natural disasters" for gangs in Syria.

water family

Since Russia has the richest water resources, the love for the rivers was expressed in the names of many types of air defense and other types of weapons.

The “Champion” was the Volga, the main river of Central and Southern Russia. "Volga" was named the first large ballistic missile R-1, the export version of the S-75 anti-aircraft missile system (SAM), the 12.7-mm V-94 (OSV-96) sniper rifle, the aircraft control system KSR-5, the ship radio-electronic station (radar) MR-310U and early warning radar P-8.

The first ballistic missile R-1 "Volga"

Gunsmiths could not ignore the rivers where Russian statehood was forged. Dnepr is a launch vehicle based on the R-36M intercontinental ballistic missile, an anti-missile defense radar, a portable VHF radio station 70RTP-2-ChM, and a radio-technical control and intelligence receiver PRKR-1 (1RK-9).

"Desna" (a tributary of the Dnieper) was called the S-75M air defense system, the 22Zh6M radar, the 8P775 silo launcher for the first generation R-9A missiles and the air-dropped sea mine. "Dnestr" was chosen as an appropriate name for a variety of military and civilian electronic equipment (radar and echo sounders).

The designers did not forget other rivers: the mighty Siberian Yenisei (self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-37-2), the Trans-Baikal Shilka (self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4), the Amur tributary Tunguska (2K22 anti-aircraft gun-missile system), the largest in the north to the west, the Dvina River (SA-75M air defense system) and the St. Petersburg Neva (export version of the S-125 Pechora air defense system).

Separate names of military equipment at first glance do not fit into any logic at all and seem to be a manifestation of either the bold imagination of the author or his sense of humor.

For example, these are the TOS-1 Pinocchio heavy flamethrower system, the 9M14M Malyutka anti-tank guided missile, the MRG-1 Ogonyok 55-mm shipborne seven-barreled grenade launcher, fragmentation ammunition for the GP-25 Foundling grenade launchers, the Variant shovel grenade launcher ”, a heavy control station R-410M “Diagnoz”, body armor “Visit” and a 23-mm rubber bullet “Hi”.

Car UAZ-3150 "Naughty"

The gunsmiths, apparently, were not shy in expressing their “feelings”, creating the BTR-80A “Violentity” armored personnel carrier, the UAZ-3150 “Naughty” car, the “Ecstasy” multiple-action flash and sound grenade, and the “Tenderness” special escort handcuffs.

Of course, not without "female" names. "Katyusha" did not become a tradition and, as a rule, proper names were rarely used. Nevertheless, one can recall Tatyana (tactical atomic bomb 8U69 and ZUR 215), Azalea (jamming station LO24 and LO27) and Lydia (120-mm mortar).

The image of a woman was embodied in the 30-mm aircraft gun 9A-4071 "Ballerina", in the autonomous radar of state recognition "Stewardess", in the cluster warhead "Decoration", in the meteorological complex RPMK-1 "Smile", in the light women's body armor "Grace", in missiles MS 9M216 "Excitement" and MS-24 "Laska".

122-mm towed howitzer D-30A "Frog" (although I did not hear such a name on it).

Also gunsmiths were clearly not indifferent to the fauna. "Swallow" - Tu-95LAL flying laboratory, "Aistenok" - portable artillery reconnaissance radar, "Fox" - armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle BRDM-2, "Frog" - 122-mm towed howitzer D-30A, "Tiger" - car special purpose GAZ-23301, "Vepr" - an armored car GAZ-3902 and a machine gun for special forces.

Info and photo (C) internet

Sometimes it seems that the domestic creators of military equipment since the days of the USSR have been deliberately egging on a "probable adversary." Well, imagine - the name of the Israeli tank "Merkava" means "War Chariot", and our tank T-72B bears the name ... "Slingshot".

30-barrel self-propelled flamethrower Pinocchio

May 9, 2014 at the Victory Parade for the first time we will see the sniper rifle "Vintorez" and the silent machine "Val".

What about special forces equipment? "Tenderness" handcuffs, "Laska-Super" stun gun, "Argument" club, "Bird cherry" gas. Who comes up with all this?

In the catalogs of Russian military equipment, you can find the Zador sapper shovel, the Inspiration stretcher, and the Mummy sub-caliber projectile. Publications on the topic of the Russian military-industrial complex include the Gnome six-shot hand-held revolving grenade launcher, the Raccoon ship torpedo, the Kleshch anti-tank mine, the Natasha tactical free-fall bomb with a special warhead with a capacity of up to 40 kilotons, and the Canaryka silent automatic grenade launcher. ", aviation system of a single indication" Narcissus "...

Our artillery systems are not called threateningly, like, say, the American "Dragon" or "Baton", but quite peacefully: "Carnation", "Acacia", "Tulip", "Hyacinth", "Peony", "Chrysanthemum" etc. The bouquet is real... We even have the world's most powerful 30-barreled self-propelled flamethrower "Pinocchio"!

The Vasilek automatic mortar, the Tradnos company mortar, the Sleigh mortar, the Cactus active wire security system, the Molodets intercontinental ballistic missile, the Kapustnik artillery fire control system, the Zoo artillery radar target detection system enchant with outlandish names ", the Phantasmagoria container missile control system, the Capacitor self-propelled gun.

The Bal coastal defense missile system, the Metis anti-tank missile with the Mulat night sight, the Ramka heavy tank support combat vehicle, the Foundling underbarrel grenade launcher, and the Obuvka underbarrel grenade launcher are simply admired for their names. , radar complex artillery reconnaissance and fire control "Zoo". Quite recently, the Soviet Kromka missile was decommissioned.

However, stop exaggerating - for those who are especially interested, they can easily find a bunch of similar names of Soviet and Russian military equipment on the Internet.

Not going along with the opinions of "narrow specialists" about the need for strict secrecy of the latest developments and the mandatory disinformation of potential enemies, the site browser nevertheless decided to independently get to the origins of the origin of such remote and sincerely smiling names of Soviet and Russian military equipment.

It turns out that the fashion for some specific, except for digital and abbreviated ciphers, the names of weapons began to be used all over the world back in the 50s and 60s of the last century.

The first were the Americans, who came up with sonorous and even frightening names for their combat systems. Apparently, this forced our ironic designers to write original "letters to the Turkish Sultan."

For example, the formidable Trident (Trident) or Polaris (Polar Star) naval missile systems clearly inspired one of our developers of the world's most massive Project 667A strategic nuclear submarine to give her the code "Navaga" (this is "in the world" small edible fish, very tasty after frying).

After that, the confused "probable and potential", so as not to confuse and puzzle their commanders and intelligence officers once again, introduced the so-called "NATO Classification" for Soviet submarines. And for some reason, our same "Navaga" was called Yankee (Yankees).

Now, even in Russian naval reference books, our atomic marines also have NATO names. So, for example, our project APL 667BDRM is named "Dolphin" - or "Delta-4". Project 661 "Anchar" (aka "Goldfish" - this is NATO Papa (simply - dad).

The world's largest heavy strategic missile submarines of project 941 "Shark" according to NATO classification - SSBN Typhoon (Typhoon). And submarines of project 971 "Pike-B" by NATO - Akula. Project 949A "Antey" submarines according to NATO classification - Oscar-II. Well, and so on, all "our" NATO members renamed "their own" according to some unknown principle.

However, I can only assume - all the renaming was carried out according to the principle "if we do not understand, then you will also suffer!".

But still - who gave such names to our weapons? Here is what a well-known naval historian, writer and publicist, a long-time author of the site, Captain 1st Rank Sergey Aprelev says:

“The history, alas, did not leave the names of these wonderful and, no doubt, talented people with a heightened sense of humor. It may very well be that the names of some of our types of weapons were given randomly, arbitrarily, and even far from “at the very top.” Such a case: our submarine recorded the noises of the so-called "Quakers". The commander was instructed to describe these signals, so to speak, in his own words, so that it was understandable and figurative. Well, he entrusted this matter to the first mate, that is, to me, as a literary writer. Well, I'm in the heart and described the signals of the "Quakers" (as if I had nothing to do then at sea!) as follows: "They resemble the jumping of steel balls on a cast-iron plate with decreasing amplitude." And the impression is that this description was included in the secret reports of a special group of scientists, engaged in the study of this phenomenon ... ".

They say there are no trifles in war, and this is true. Everything should work for victory, even the name. Russians often wonder how it was possible for a self-propelled artillery mount to strike with terrible force, in the name of the most tender of flowers. Or simply call the most powerful flamethrower in the world "Pinocchio". And Russia also has “poplars” and “forget-me-nots”, “hyacinths” and even “babies”. Why Russian weapons, such affectionate names? And who first started this war of names? This we will discuss below.
Deadly and few people have seen weapons in Syria before, the other day, for the first time, ISIS militants tested on their own skin. Now, for the first time in 15 years, this heavy flamethrower system with the kind, fabulous name Pinocchio, extracted from the storerooms of the Russian army, is delivering night strikes on militant positions. From the Syrian adventures of "Pinocchio" developed back in the 70s by the Soviet popes Carlo from experienced design bureaus, according to the Syrian army, Karabasy from ISIS flee, in the literal sense of the word, like from fire. After all, each of the 30 Pinocchio thermobaric projectiles, charged with a special volume-detonating mixture, which, when the shell body is destroyed, fills any spaces where air can penetrate in a matter of seconds.
Rock tunnels, bunkers, trenches. And after spraying, it flares up, burning everything around and giving no chance of survival to anyone within a radius of almost 1500 square meters. And a whole Buratino ammunition load of 30 charges can fry the enemy's shelter on an area of ​​forty thousand square meters. By the way, on a par with Pinocchio in Syria, his younger brother, a lightweight and more mobile combat vehicle with the beach name "suns", is now operating.
Why are the names of Soviet military equipment, striking in their power and lethality, no less striking in their playfulness, childishness, and sometimes even buffoonery. Experts believe that this is a long and good tradition of Soviet designers, which appeared back in the distant fifties. But, thanks to the deliberate demonstration of our own nuclear power, to which we decided to respond harshly, but with humor. On November 1, 1952, the US Department of Defense made known to the world famous rare footage taken on Elgy Island in the Pacific Ocean. Testing of the first American thermonuclear bomb mk18. The mass of the projectile of this deadly baby reached 4.5 tons, and the explosion power, according to experts, was more than 10 megatons. As a result, the island, over which the tests were carried out, was completely destroyed. Moreover, it turned out that the bomb was 800 times more powerful than the one that was dropped on Hiroshima. But the main thing is that both the film frames of the tests and the data on the result of the explosion were intended for the Soviet Union. It was with the mk18 bomb that the Americans decided to scare their recent ally in World War II in the arms race that had begun. The answer of the Soviet designers was the creation of our bomb equivalent to the mk18, RDS 7. But the answer is not the only one. After all, our bomb, as if in a mockery of not too smart competitors, they decided to call the offensive name for the United States "Fool". And it is after this that American and European designers and the military will begin to give their weapons the names of the most frightening wild animals and military branches that became famous on the battlefields in antiquity. But Soviet designers, unlike their Western colleagues, who are trying to catch fear on the enemy with the names of their new products, on the contrary, as if they will be trying to make laugh or lead a potential enemy into bewilderment and confusion. This is humor with subtext, you can not say that the names are given arbitrarily to make it fun. Every name has some experience and meaning behind it.
But with fiction and love, like their own children, Soviet designers called not only heavy giants that could be seen at parades, but even ammunition for them.
For example, a 220 mm propaganda projectile for a multiple launch rocket system "hurricane", "paragraph", "seedling", "baby" (few people know that in 1973, during the Arab-Israeli conflict, Egyptian gunners, with the help of such "babies" killed almost 1000 Israeli tanks). It's hard to believe, but names in the USSR were given even to bullets. A rubber bullet, which is used in modern traumatic pistols, but the caliber of this bullet is almost artillery - 23 millimeters. It is called quite friendly "hello". The Soviet secret services could send greetings with such a bullet with a brawler in cases of riots. From getting "hello" into the human body, literally a few meters. Russian army, humorous traditions, picked up by Soviet gunsmiths, continue to this day. For example, our army is armed with armored ambulances "tendon" and "Aibolit", a sapper shovel "excitement", underbarrel grenades "foundling", stun grenades "atas", recording devices "forget-me-nots", aircraft guns "ballerina" and meteorological station "diagnosis".

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