Pudu pygmy deer. The smallest deer. Nutrition and reproduction

Pudu. This is a photo of the smallest deer on earth. - Deer Pudu.

The body length of Pudu is only 80 - 93 cm, and the height is 30 - 35 cm.

With these parameters, its weight ranges from 7 kg. up to 11 kg.

Here is such a handsome Pudu, who was included in the International Red Book and is strictly protected by law, due to the fact that it is very rare.

This mini deer Pudu is squat. He has a short neck. It bears little resemblance to deer. His ears are short, oval, covered with thick hair. He has horns: short, not branching, barely noticeable between the tuft of hair.

As you can see in the photo, Pudu has a grayish-brown color with small light spots.

Pudu is such a small, cute creature that bears scanty resemblance to a deer, but nevertheless, Pudu is still a deer. Such a beautiful, cute deer!

It is unfortunate that Pudu serves as prey much more often than his big brothers. As you can see, with his short legs, he does not run very fast.

The charming Pudu lives on the island of Chilos. And found in a few coastal areas of southern Chile.

Pudu feeds on algae - this is his main food, which he extracts on the seashore, which he comes out at night, for his own safety. And so Pudu lives in impassable thickets of bushes. The poor kid, on a summer day in his bushes, but in winter, during snowfalls, he approaches the villages.

This mini-deer reaches puberty at the age of 1 year. Pregnancy lasts approximately 200 days. As a rule, a Pudu female gives birth to one baby in the first month of summer.

From birth, a newborn has light spots on the sides, its height is about fifteen centimeters. The growth of this species of deer is fast. After 3 months, the baby is already turning into an adult in size.

Pudu also feeds on juicy fruits or leaves, in which it hides from predators. Pudu is a special deer. He is able to climb fallen trees. Marvelous!

In my opinion, the most amazing feature of this charming creature is that Pudu can stand on its hind legs. He usually stands on them to reach the leaves growing on the tree.

Funny Pudu makes sounds like a dog barking. - He publishes them if he feels danger.

Unfortunately, Pudu is not long-lived. Their life expectancy is about 10 years in total. These Pudu are very beautiful, cute creatures, and I just want to hug them and not let anyone offend them.

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When we hear the word "deer", then in our imagination we draw ourselves a large noble animal with large and beautiful horns. How about a deer the size of an average dog? Don't be surprised, they also exist. This pudu is the smallest representatives of the deer family. The length of their body reaches a little less than a meter - from 80 to 93 centimeters, and the height at the withers is 30-40 centimeters.

In the title of the smallest “deer”, only a small kanchil could argue with him, but he already belongs to another family - deer (lat. Tragulidae).

There are only 2 types of pudu: southern (lat. Pudu pudu) and northern (lat. Pudu mephistophules). Outwardly, they differ little from each other, except that the northern view is slightly larger.

Northern pudu (lat. Pudu mephistophules). Photo by

Now they are found only in the coastal regions of southern Chile and on the island of Chilos. Although earlier their habitat included more extensive spaces: the mountainous regions of the Andes, the territory of the whole of Chile, as well as Western Argentina and the islands of the Chilean coast.

Unlike his "big" relatives, the pudú prefers to lead a secretive lifestyle, so he lives in impenetrable forests, often climbs mountains to a height of about 3000 meters above sea level.

Photo by Ron Reznick

Dense forests are a safe haven for this shy little one. Here it is very difficult to notice it, and the point is not only in its small dimensions, but also in the protective coloration of a grayish-brown color, decorated with small blurry light spots on the sides.

Photo by franz

Like all deer, the pudu has antlers. True, the tongue does not turn to call them horns. In males they are at least visible, but in females they are so short that sometimes they are not visible among the thick fur. Like any respectful deer, the pudu changes its old horns for new ones. It happens once a year, in June. New horns have time to grow by October, just in time for the beginning of the mating season, which lasts about 2 months.

Males at this time behave very "gallantly". Having met a female, they carefully approach, put their head on her back and begin to sniff, thereby determining the female's readiness for mating.

The female gives birth to one tiny cub, only 15 centimeters high. But thanks to intensive nutrition, it grows rapidly and by the age of three months reaches the size of an adult. But on the sides they still have 2 rows of "baby" spots that stretch from the shoulder blades to the base of the tail. By the age of 6-7 months, the first horns “cut through” in young males of the pudu. Sexual maturity occurs at one year of age.

The search for food for these crumbs is not an easy test: in order to reach a tasty juicy leaf, they have to stand on their hind legs. In addition to grass and foliage, they eat fallen fruits. But their favorite delicacy is fuchsia algae, for which they go to the seashore. Each such “campaign” can be the last, because on the shore, the pudú become easy prey for both predators and humans. In the snowy season, in search of food, they often wander into human settlements, where many dangers lie in wait for them, and first of all, these are dogs.

Photo by Andrzej Barabasz

Unfortunately, due to deforestation of their natural habitat and hunting, these deer have become a very rare species. They are listed in the International Red Book and are strictly protected by the laws of the countries where they live.

Deer Pudu These are unique, interesting animals. They are the smallest representative of the deer family. In nature, this type of artiodactyl is found in two species - southern and northern. The difference between them can only be found in size. The way of life, nutrition and habits of both southern and northern pudus are similar.

Description of animals

At the withers, Pudu deer reach a height of 30–35 cm. Body length at the same time, it does not exceed the mark of 90 cm. The average weight of pygmy deer varies between 7–10 kg. Cubs are born with a height of 15 cm and a weight of 1.5 kg.

Body type Pudu's is stocky. The back has an arched appearance. Pudu have a short neck, a small head and rounded ears covered with densely growing hair, which is unusual for ordinary deer. Fur color is grey-brown. Miniature artiodactyls also have horns. However, they cannot be seen as a couple due to their small size and thick coat. Especially when it comes to a female (horns 1–2 cm). In the male, the length of the horn does not exceed 10 cm.


The diet of Pudu deer consists of vegetation.

They eat:

  • leaves of shrubs and trees;
  • juicy grass;
  • young shoots;
  • berries;
  • fruits that have fallen from trees.

However, a delicacy for deer Pudu are fuchsia algae. But it is not easy for small animals to get such a delicacy. For algae, you have to go to the sea, where Pudu is in for a lot of dangerous troubles. And in order to profit from ordinary food, miniature deer have to stand up on their hind legs and reach for juicy sheets. Animals often tilt young shoots to get to younger greenery. A godsend for Pudu deer is a fallen tree, on which they can easily climb and profit from the leaves.

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The sexual maturity of young Pudu deer is reached at the age of 1 year. The mating season of artiodactyls begins in mid-autumn. During this period, males grow new horns (the old ones are discarded in June). They flirt with females, put their heads on their backs and sniff. And if the female is ready to mate, fertilization occurs. Pudu cubs are born within 7 months. Born at 15 cm, the little deer quickly gain weight and catch up with their parents at the age of 3 months. During this period, they begin to lose red spots that flaunted on their sides from birth. This color provides newborn Pudu deer with safety, as they hide them in the thickets.


In the wild, Pudu deer are found only on Chilos and coastal areas of Chile. Although earlier the population of pygmy deer lived in many other countries of South America (including the western part of the mainland). Dwarf deer hide in the thickets of forests and mountains. They lead a nocturnal life, as they are forced to hide from numerous predators. Even dogs are dangerous for small animals.

Along with predatory animals, people also threaten Pudu deer populations. Over-hunting and deforestation which are the natural habitat of undersized deer, humanity is gradually reducing the number of dwarf animals. Therefore, Pudu deer are listed in the Red Book and are participants in the breeding program for the genus in zoos (EEP) and national parks in many countries of America and Europe.

Tiny and incredibly cute pudu known as the smallest member of the deer family. Adults grow to the size of a fox terrier: only 36-46 cm at the withers and 6-13 kg. Newborn fawns weigh less than a kilogram and are so small that they can fit in the palm of your hand.

In the territory where pudu are found in the wild, there are two subspecies of these. The northern pudu lives in the forests of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It is he who, strictly speaking, is the smallest deer on the planet.

The maximum height of this cute creature is 35 cm in height, and the weight is 6 kg, which is comparable not even with, but with a pug. Somewhat larger than its northern counterpart, the southern pudú lives in Chile and Argentina.

Here it is found both on the mountain slopes, at an altitude of up to 2000 m above sea level, and along the coast. Occasionally appearing in open spaces, most of the time the deer hides in the wilds of the local rainforest.

Pudu have a rather dense physique, rounded body and short legs. The eyes and ears are small compared to the size of the body, and the tail is almost invisible.

From the age of eight months, young males begin to grow horns, which by the age of seven reach their maximum length of 5-10 cm. They have a straight spike-like shape and, as is customary with other deer, are shed annually and grow back.

Pudu have a modest patronizing color: their coarse wool has a gray-brown color, which hides well from predators. At the same time, the lower part of the head, the outer part of the ears and the belly and them are slightly reddish. The backs of fawns are covered with white spots, which gradually disappear at the age of 3-5 months.

Pudu deer lifestyle

deer pudu- very cautious and secretive animals, about the life and habits of which not much has been clarified. Most of the information about them and photo deer pudu people get it from zoos where they are kept.

In the wild, observing them is difficult, because their favorite habitats are dense undergrowth and thickets of bamboo. More often they move slowly and carefully, often stopping and carefully sniffing the smells.

pudu pygmy deer most active in the morning, late afternoon and evening. He prefers to live alone or in pairs, gathering in numbers of more than two only during the mating season. During the rest of the year, the pudu keep each to its own small territory.

Its area is 40-60 acres. Pudu announces his presence to his relatives, leaving heaps of droppings near the trails and resting places. In addition, like other deer, he has special glands, with the help of an odorous secretion of which he marks his possessions. These glands are located on the head, so the pudu rubs its forehead against the trunks of bushes and trees, spreading its scent.

The smallest pudu deer- an almost defenseless creature. He is also hunted by wild South American cats. With the spread of human civilization, dogs are becoming an increasing threat to the pudú.

Unfortunately, local farmers let their four-legged guards roam freely in the forests, where they cannot resist the temptation to feast on easy prey. When the pudu feels anxiety and fear, it makes barking sounds, which, however, cannot make a special impression on the predator.

Therefore, in case of danger, the animal tries to slip away into the dense thicket, moving in sharp zigzags. Small stature and short legs allow it to easily maneuver and penetrate the most inaccessible places in the forest. If necessary, the pudu can even climb an inclined tree trunk, which is an impressive indicator of agility for an ungulate animal.


Pudu are herbivorous animals that feed on branches and bark, succulent grass and fresh leaves, fallen fruits and seeds. On such a menu, they can do without drinking water for a long time, being content with the moisture that enters the body with food.

Unfortunately, their small stature often becomes an obstacle preventing them from reaching tree branches. Therefore, pudu go for tricks: they get food, standing on their hind legs, bend young shoots to the ground with their own weight, and sometimes use them as a “stand” to get to higher tiers of the forest.

Reproduction and lifespan

Pudu females become capable of reproduction already at the age of six months. Although males reach sexual maturity around the same time, they often remain mateless until two years of age, when they are large and strong enough to successfully compete for females.

In autumn, deer look for a mate, and the only cub is born in the spring, after 202-223 days of pregnancy (this time falls on November-January in the Southern Hemisphere). At birth, the cub weighs several hundred grams.

In the first days after birth, a tiny fawn hides in a secluded place, and the mother herself visits him from time to time to feed him. After a few weeks, the baby becomes old enough and dexterous enough to follow the parent. It reaches the size of an adult in three months, but can sometimes stay close to its mother for a whole year.

In the wild, pudu can live up to 12 years, and even more in a zoo. To date, the age of 15 years and nine months is considered a record. But, unfortunately, due to predators, pygmy deer usually live much less.

Both subspecies of pudu are included in the category of "endangered" in the Red Book. Their natural habitat is shrinking due to overpopulation, agriculture, deforestation, hunting and other human activities.

In addition, for the beauty that they possess pudu deer, price turned out to be too big. Fascinated by the touching and exotic appearance of this animal, wealthy people try to buy deer pudu as a decorative pet, on which poachers earn without a twinge of conscience.

Therefore, the future of this endangered species in the wild remains uncertain. Although cases of successful breeding of pudu in zoos are already known, there is still no talk of releasing them into the wild. And while this is the case, pudoo deer are not destined to become pets.

Deer are widely distributed on all continents except the Arctic and live in tundra, forests, steppes and forest-steppes. It is not so easy to notice them - the color of the deer reliably hides it from the eyes of strangers, and natural caution, keen sense of smell and vision allow animals to hide in the thickets long before a person approaches. Deer species differ in color, size, antler shape, and habitat.

About deer

The deer family includes three subfamilies, which consist of 19 genera and 51 species.

red deer

The largest member of the family is the red deer. The weight of an adult individual can reach 300 kg. He also has the most proportional body. Next come the northern ones, which can weigh up to 200 kg. And the smallest representative - pudu, is found in nature only in the forests of South America and weighs no more than 10 kg.

The description of a deer, regardless of its height, weight, species and age, can be compiled as follows: an elegant animal with long and slender legs, a long proportional neck and a small head with expressive eyes, decorated with branched horns. A young deer of any kind does not have horns, they begin to grow only at 7 - 8 months.

white look

The white deer is the rarest breed and is on the verge of extinction. The white deer lives in some regions of Siberia and is not widely distributed beyond its territory. This is a fairly large animal with developed horns. The white color is due to the presence of a recessive gene that is inherited. It is the white color that plays a decisive role in the survival of animals - they are clearly visible in the forest, which makes them easy prey. The basis of the animal's diet is reindeer moss, as well as leaves, tree bark, branches, grass. The white deer in the winter months digs up lichen, eats tree branches, acorns.

The white deer is an excellent swimmer and can swim several tens of kilometers a day, roaming between islands with fresh greenery or hiding from predators.

American view

The white-tailed deer lives in North America and in the northern part of South. In the last century, animals were exported to the countries of Scandinavia, where they not only took root, but also began to actively breed. The population of this species is about 10 million individuals.

The size of the animal depends on the region of habitat: in the north they are larger and more massive. An adult white-tailed deer weighs no more than 150 kg. Knitted is lighter and their weight barely reaches 100 kg. The white-tailed deer has two subspecies: the Florida island deer and the Colombian deer. The Florida subspecies does not exceed 60 cm at the withers and weighs only 35 - 40 kg. The Colombian subspecies is slightly larger and lives in the southern states along rivers, as well as in forests with dense shrubs. Both subspecies are on the verge of extinction.

The white-tailed deer has two colors: in winter it wears grayish-brown fur, and in summer brown-red. The upper body is always darker. The tail is white below and dark brown above. While running, the tail is held high and only the white part is visible.

Males grow luxurious horns throughout the year, females are hornless. White-tailed deer prefer to live alone, gathering in small groups only for the breeding season. During the rut, males acquire a family of 3-4 females. Pregnancy lasts 7 months and ends with the birth of one to three calves. The calf feeds on its mother's milk for the next three months. The fur of a newborn deer has white round spots. A young deer spends the first one and a half to two years of life with its mother, and for the first few days it hides in tall grass and bushes. The female comes to feed the cub several times a day.

Siberian breeds

The Siberian deer or caribou, as it is called on the American continent, is represented by four breeds:

  • Nenets,
  • Chukchi,
  • Evenk,
  • Even.

The Nenets Siberian deer has chosen the territory beyond the Urals. An animal of short stature, with thick brown fur. It is distinguished by endurance and rather large weight for its height - up to 140 kg in males and up to 100 in females. Local residents use these animals for transportation - a reindeer team is able to overcome many tens of kilometers a day, even in loose and deep snow.

Chukchi Siberian deer of dark brown color. Short in stature, capable of gaining weight quickly. In the winter months, it tolerates frost well and is able to go without food for a long time if the layer of snow does not allow reaching the reindeer moss. Inhabits the plains of the tundra with little snow cover.

The Even Siberian deer lives in the mountainous regions of Kamchatka and the Magadan region. Representatives of this breed weigh only 60 - 65 kg and have a light brown color. Today, the population numbers only a few thousand individuals.

The Evenki breed is the first of the domesticated ones. The Siberian deer is easily tamed to the saddle. Animals are bred for meat, milk, antlers.

The smallest kind

In the remote forests of Chile, Peru and Ecuador, the smallest deer lives - Pudu. The animal has a short body, the height at the withers is not more than 40 cm, and the maximum weight of the male is 10 kg.

Most often there are individuals with a body weight of 5-7 kg. Pudu prefers to live alone, forming pairs only during the breeding season. The animals are very cautious and shy, and it is quite difficult to find them in their natural habitat. Fleeing from predators, the pudú can even climb a tilted tree, and in an attempt to get the casting of trees, it stands on its hind legs.

Pudu is endangered - tasty meat has made this small deer a desirable prey for predators.

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