What animals live in the arctic and antarctic. Cycle animals of cold countries inhabitants of the Arctic and Antarctica. Pinnipeds of the Arctic

Dear colleagues, in the middle and senior groups there is a thematic week "Animals of the Arctic", during which the teacher plans a variety of games, conversations, drawing on the topic. The presentation "For children about the animals of the Arctic" is aimed at introducing children to the inhabitants of the North Pole.

Educational presentation "For children about the animals of the Arctic" for older preschoolers

Presentation Tasks

  1. Introduce children to the natural conditions in the Arctic;
  2. Find out how animals adapt to different environments;
  3. Activate the dictionary, promote the development of mental processes.

Presentation progress

Globe work.

Slide 2.

There are places on our planet where snow lies almost all year round, it is very cold and summer comes for only 2-3 weeks. I wonder who can live in permafrost, if only lichens and mosses grow in cold lands? By the way, these places are called the Arctic and Antarctic, or the North and South Pole.

slide 3, 4.

What is the Arctic?
This is the undivided realm of ice and cold. The icy waters of the Arctic Ocean, endless tundra, rocky islands with steep, ice-covered shores - this is what the Arctic is all about. Everything here looks harsh, gloomy and unfriendly. Strong icy winds, fogs, heavy snowfalls, polar days and nights are integral parts of this region. But among the eternal ice and snowdrifts, a full-blooded life is seething.

Slide 5, 6, 7.

The polar bear is the most powerful and powerful land predator on the planet. Neither lions, nor tigers, nor brown bears can compare with him. Drifting ice is the home of the polar bear. Nature carefully covered the body of a polar bear with warm white fur. The skin of the beast is black or very dark. Beneath it is a thick layer of subcutaneous fat.


In the north, a white bear lives, (they walk in a circle)
But only, like a brown one, he does not suck honey. (torso twists)
Our Umka is trying to catch a fish, (depict fishing)
To eat deliciously and live - do not grieve. (stroking their belly)

Slide 8, 9, 10.

Walrus. This pinniped has a very broad muzzle. Thick and long mustaches grow on the upper lip. The eyes are small and nearsighted. The walrus really sees very poorly, but his sense of smell is excellently developed. There are no external ears, and short yellow-brown hair grows on the skin.

Slide 11, 12, 13.

A characteristic distinguishing feature of seals are V-shaped nostrils. From them you can immediately recognize this animal, regardless of the color of the skin. The coloring is different. It contains brown, gray and red tones.

When swimming in the water element, seals use their hind limbs as a depth rudder and do not use them for rowing under water.

slide 14.

Guess the riddle:
What kind of predator is in the Arctic,
With silky valuable fur,
Swims great in summer
Not afraid of a person?
And be careful in winter
And leads the night life
Building burrows in piles of snow,
Circling in labyrinths.
He looks like a fox
Barks from afar at a bird...
Both the hunter and the sly one,
Who tell me? ... (Arctic fox)

The arctic fox cannot boast of large sizes. In this beast, the soles of the paws are securely covered with hair. Prudent nature did this so that the animal would not freeze them. The ears are also wrapped in thick fur and are quite small. This does not prevent the fox from hearing perfectly.

slide 15.

He also has an excellent sense of smell, but his eyesight, like all dogs, is not sharp. The muzzle is shortened, the body is squat. If you need to give a voice, then the polar fox yelps. It can also growl to scare the enemy.

slide 16.

With the onset of cold weather, the tundra becomes hungry. Fluffy predator is forced to leave their homes. Part of the arctic fox rushes to the north into the Arctic ice zone.

Slide 17, 18, 19.

The reindeer's diet consists mainly of plants. In the first place is reindeer moss or reindeer moss. The animal takes it out from under the snow coat, scattering it with its hooves. Other lichens, grass, and berries are also eaten. Deer and mushrooms do not disdain. Eats eggs of birds, gaping rodents. It can also eat an adult bird, if it has the opportunity.

Fizminutka: "The deer has a big house."
The reindeer is a faithful helper and breadwinner of man. Domestic and wild deer look no different from each other. The difference is only in behavior - some are afraid of people, others are not, considering them to be their protectors.

slide 20.

The polar bear, reindeer and walrus are listed in the Red Book of Russia. To ensure that these animals do not become extinct and there are more of them, nature reserves are being created in Russia. There, animals are protected, their characteristics are studied, conditions are created for life and reproduction.
Take care of animals!

Final part

Working with the Red Book.

Continuing to introduce children to the animals of the northern regions, look through.

slide 1

was the educator of the 2nd qualification category MBDOU No. 40 "Bell" Anikina N.V. Fryanovo village 2013

slide 2

Program objectives: To acquaint children with the peculiarities of nature, living creatures of Antarctica and the Arctic. Reveal knowledge about animals: appearance, characteristics, habits. To develop interest in the knowledge of nature and the world around us; Develop general cognitive abilities: the ability to observe, describe, make assumptions and offer ways to test them, find cause and effect relationships. Raise a caring attitude towards animals and birds.

slide 3

slide 4

Penguins are flightless seabirds. The largest of the modern representatives is the emperor penguin (height - 110-120 cm, weight up to 46 kg), the smallest - the small penguin (height 30-45 cm, weight 1-2.5 kg). Penguins eat fish. Under water, penguins make almost no sounds, and on land they communicate through screams that resemble the sounds of a pipe and rattle. Penguins nest in large colonies. Both parents alternately take part in incubation of eggs and feeding of chicks. The chicks feed on fish and crustaceans that are half-digested and regurgitated by their parents. The young take refuge from the cold in the lower folds of the parent's abdomen.

slide 5

slide 6

The polar bear is the largest of the predatory mammals. Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 1 ton. Usually males weigh 400-450 kg, body length 200-250 cm, height at the withers up to 130-150 cm. Females are noticeably smaller (200-300 kg). The smallest bears are found in Svalbard, the largest - in the Bering Sea. It hunts seals, bearded seals, walruses and other marine animals. Despite the seeming sluggishness, polar bears are fast and agile even on land, and easily swim and dive in the water. Very thick, dense coat protects the bear's body from cold and getting wet in icy water.

Slide 7

Slide 8

The walrus is a large marine animal with very thick skin. These huge, clumsy on land animals inhabit the Far North, live mainly near the coast. The upper fangs are extremely developed, elongated and directed downwards; Most weigh between 800 and 1700 kg, some can weigh up to 2000 kg. Noticing the danger, the sentry wakes up the rest with a roar or jerks, the animals rush into the sea, almost simultaneously go under water and can stay there without air for up to 10 minutes. The food of the walrus consists mainly of mollusks and other benthic invertebrates, sometimes walruses eat fish. In some cases, walruses can attack seals.

Slide 9

slide 10

Tulle is a mammal. About 20 species of these animals are known. Several types of seals are known. The length of the seals is from 170 to 180 cm, and the weight is from 120 to 140 kg. They huddle in colonies, which can consist of up to ten thousand individuals. Distributed widely; especially numerous in subpolar latitudes. Most species form haulouts on the ice. Seals feed on fish and crustaceans. Hunting for them, seals dive to a depth of 200 m

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slide 12

The reindeer is an artiodactyl mammal. It eats not only grass and lichens, but also small mammals and birds. Wide hooves allow you to move through loose snow and dig it in search of food. This deer quenches thirst with snow for 9 months a year. People domesticated reindeer, and they differ from wild animals in that they are accustomed to people and, in case of danger, do not scatter to the sides, but gather together, hoping for the protection of people. From deer people get milk, meat, wool, horns, bones, use them as mounts.

slide 13

slide 14

The white owl or polar owl is the largest bird in the tundra. The basis of its nutrition is made up of mouse-like rodents, primarily lemmings. In a year, one owl eats more than 1600 lemmings. It also catches hares, small predators (ermine), birds (white partridges, geese, ducks), does not neglect fish and carrion. The owl does not hunt near the nest, so the birds willingly settle in the vicinity of owls, which defend their territory from other predators.

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slide 16

The fox or polar fox is a small predatory animal resembling a fox. The basis of food is small rodents, especially lemmings, as well as birds. It feeds on both washed ashore and caught fish, as well as plant foods: berries (blueberries, cloudberries), herbs, algae (seaweed). The arctic fox has well-developed hearing and sense of smell; somewhat weaker - vision. The voice represents a yapping bark.

slide 17

Internet resources: http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D1%82%D1%8E%D0%BB%D0 seal http://images.yandex .ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B6&pos=19&rpt=simage&img_url=http%3A% walrus http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%84 %D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0 reindeer http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%B5%D1 fox http://images.yandex.ru/yandsear ch?text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BD penguins http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=% D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%20%D0%BC%D0% B5%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%8F&pos=22&rpt=simage&img_url=http%3A%2F%2F0.tqn.com%2Fd%2Fanimalrights%2F1%2F7%2Fc%2F4% 2F-%2F-%2FPolarBearsTomBrakefield400.jpg polar bear http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=1&text=%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%BF% D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0&pos=30&rpt=simage&img_url= http%3A%2F%2Fimg-fotki.yandex.ru%2Fget%2F3014%2Fyuliyasakovich.3%2F0_7997_785d8f12_XL snowy owl

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Slides captions:

Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic The presentation was made by the Teacher of the Kindergarten No. 15 Shkand Natalia Alexandrovna

Antarctica Arctic

The Arctic The Arctic is washed by the Arctic Ocean, and almost all of it is bound by thick, strong ice. Here in the Far North, in the Arctic, the ice never melts. Because the sun does not rise high in the short polar summer, Such a sun cannot melt the ice. In winter it is dark here all day and night.

Arctic This is the coldest place in the whole world. The icy wind brings more and more mountains of snow. Under their own weight, snowdrifts are compacted and turn into ice. And so from century to century.

The Arctic It is very cold in the Arctic, but despite the huge ice floes and permafrost, there are such inhabitants that are not found anywhere else: a polar bear, a seal, a walrus, a reindeer, an arctic fox, an arctic tern, a sea narwhal.

Narwhal The length of this animal is 4.5 meters in an adult animal, and 1.5 meters in a cub. Weight reaches up to 1.5 tons, of which, more than half of the weight is fat. Narwhals have a horn 2-3 meters long, otherwise this horn is called a tusk. The tusk is used by the narwhal to determine the temperature of the water. Narwhals feed on squid, octopus, and fish. Narwhals are listed in the Red Book.

Polar bear The largest animals on Earth, they are good swimmers, they can spend hours in icy water, they have membranes between their fingers, each paw has 5 long claws in order not to slide on the ice. The bear has warm thick fur, knows how to build a lair out of snow. White fur makes it invisible in the snow, feeds on fish, seals. The white bear goes fishing Slowly, waddle. The old fisherman senses that the rich are waiting for a catch.

Walrus Lives in the seas of the Arctic Ocean. Its body length reaches 4-5 meters. It weighs a ton and can even reach two tons, a walrus can have up to 300 kg of fat. The skin of the animal is thick, strong,. The mustache is thick, hard, and there are two fangs on the muzzle. With the help of these fangs, the walrus defends itself from enemies, attacks even a polar bear, and also plows the bottom, pulling out shells, octopuses, squids, that is, small animals that live in sea water. The walrus is proud of its mustache And sharp fangs. He lives in the Arctic Where there is snow and ice around.

Terns Terns have a slender body, long pointed wings and short legs. Terns feed on fish. In the Arctic Terns live only in summer, when winter comes in the Arctic, Terns fly south.

Arctic fox Animals of the Arctic would lose a lot if among them there was no such animal as arctic fox. Thanks to its beautiful fur, this animal is known far beyond its region. The Arctic fox is a very small animal, its weight barely reaches up to 5 kg. But this kid is very hardy and fast. In addition, he loves to travel and can be found in almost all corners of the Arctic.

Reindeer That's what the whole world has heard about, so it's about reindeer. A beautiful and fast animal has no less beautiful branched horns on its head. (Moreover, both males and females have them). The height at the withers is no more than one and a half meters, and it weighs about two hundred kilograms. Thanks to a warm coat and the constant availability of food, the deer feels great even in such a cold region. He is not afraid of frosts of -50-60 degrees.

Reindeer Thanks to its unusual wool and down, it does not freeze even in icy water. Its habitat is the endless tundra. It feeds on reindeer moss or reindeer moss, which it digs out from under the snow.

Yagel - reindeer moss

Antarctica Antarctica is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Antarctica is the most severe and coldest continent in terms of climate. At night, the temperature there can drop to -52°C.

Antarctica In addition to extremely low temperatures, the climatic conditions of Antarctica are characterized by constantly blowing winds. There are no trees and shrubs in Antarctica, there are almost no herbaceous flowering plants. Basically, the plant world is represented by lichens, mosses, algae, fungi and bacteria.

Antarctica In Antarctica there are amazing animals: king penguin, elephant seal, seal, sea leopard, blue whale, Albatross bird.

Seal They have smooth skin and are good swimmers. Seals hunt underwater, feed on fish, shrimps, squids. A seal lies on an ice floe, As if on a featherbed. He is in no hurry to get up, Fat accumulates under the skin.

Albatross A large sea bird with a wingspan of more than 4 meters. the birds are white, with a yellow coating on the head and neck, the top of the wings and the tail along the edges are black-brown. Beak and legs are light. This bird does not walk well on land, but for a long time it soars over the ocean in search of prey: fish, squid and other marine life.

Elephant seal The southern elephant seal belongs to the family of true seals. In terms of size, it ranks second among all pinnipeds, second in size only to the northern elephant seal.

Blue whale This is the largest animal on Earth. The length of his body is up to 33 meters! (This is the height of a 10-storey building). However, this giant, like all baleen whales, feeds on plankton - small crustaceans and other tiny marine life. The stomach of a blue whale can hold up to 2 tons of crustaceans.

Blue whale When a whale emerges from the water to breathe in and out, it releases a fountain up to 12 m high.

Penguin Penguins are birds, but they cannot fly, but they swim very well. Penguins walk awkwardly waddling from side to side or jumping. Penguins eat fish.

Penguin King penguins are especially beautiful, weighing up to 50 kg and more than a meter high. They breed their offspring in the harsh winter. Nests are not made, and the eggs are held in paws, pressed against the fluff of a warm belly. In black tailcoats In white T-shirts all year round This amazing people walks.

Consolidation of material What is the name of the land in the extreme south of the globe? (Antarctica). What are the islands of the Arctic Ocean called? (Arctic). These animals have tusks, with which they tear the seabed in search of the main food - small animals living in sea water (walruses). It feeds on reindeer moss and moss. This animal has horns. (Reindeer) These animals have a horn-tusk 2-3 meters long, which serves them to determine the temperature of the water. (Narwhal) This animal can build a lair out of snow. It feeds on fish and seals. (Polar bear) A very small animal, known outside the region for its beautiful fur. (Arctic fox) The largest animal on Earth up to 33 meters long. (Blue whale) A bird, but it does not fly, but it swims well. (Penguin) This bird does not walk well on land, but it soars over the ocean for a long time in search of prey. (Albatross)

D / I "Who lives where"

Didactic game:

Thank you for your attention


The Arctic is the area around the North Pole. There are polar days and nights here, the winter is very cold, and the summer temperature does not rise above zero degrees. But for many creatures, such extreme conditions are only a plus. What animals live in the Arctic. We offer you descriptions and photographs of the most interesting animals of the Arctic.

Predatory mammals of the Arctic

Most of the predatory animals of the Arctic are ferocious hunters with good appetites that can attack livestock and even humans. The number of individuals in the population of predators in the Arctic depends primarily on the number of lemmings, which are the main "delicacy" for arctic foxes, wolverines, polar wolves, and in some cases reindeer.

1. Polar bear

The largest representative of the Bear family, listed in the Red Book of the World back in 1953, is not found anywhere except in the Arctic. For life, he needs drifting ice leads, polynyas or the edge of ice fields and seals - his favorite food.

The polar bear closest to the pole has a latitude of 88°15". Some male polar bears reach three meters in height and a ton of weight. But with such impressive size and apparent sluggishness, polar bears are extremely agile and hardy animals.

Polar bears are excellent swimmers, overcoming up to 80 km in icy waters, with the help of a membrane on their paw pads. Polar bears easily walk about 40 km a day, coping with difficult ice hummocks and deep snow. Polar bear fur retains heat so well that even aerial infrared photography does not detect it.

2. Wolverine

A large representative of the Mustelidae family, a ferocious predator and an extremely voracious animal. For the ability of this animal to attack livestock and even people, it is also called the Demon of the North. The weight of wolverines varies from 9 to 30 kg, and in appearance they look more like badgers or bears.

Unlike other members of the Mustelidae family, the wolverine migrates within its individual home range, being in constant search for food. The animal easily climbs trees thanks to its sharp claws and powerful paws. It makes sounds similar to the yelping of dogs, has excellent hearing, sight and smell.

The wolverine is omnivorous, it can both eat leftover food for other predators, and hunt on its own even for fairly large animals, it also eats plants - berries, nuts. This is such a brave and vicious animal that even the owner of the Arctic, the Polar Bear, tries to bypass it when meeting.

3. Polar wolf

This subspecies of the wolf lives throughout the tundra and the Arctic. It usually feeds on small animals - polar hares and lemmings, but musk ox and reindeer are also part of its diet. In the harsh conditions of polar nights and long cold periods, he has adapted to feeding on any food.

Polar wolves can only survive in a pack. In the conditions of the Arctic deserts, where there is no place for an ambush, they have to resort to another - social hunting tactics, often patiently waiting for the victims to make a mistake and weaken the defense.

4. Arctic fox, or polar fox

The polar or arctic fox is a predatory animal, the only representative of the genus Arctic fox. Unlike the common fox, it has a short muzzle, small rounded ears, paws covered with stiff hair and a squat body. Depending on the season, the fur of the polar fox can be white, blue, brown, dark gray, light coffee or sand. On this basis, 10 subspecies of animals are distinguished that live in different territories.

Not more than half a kilometer from the water, the arctic fox digs complex burrows with numerous entrances. But in winter, he often has to make do with a lair in the snow. He eats everything, his diet includes both plants and animals. But the basis of his diet are birds and lemmings.

Ungulate mammals of the Arctic

The plant populations of the Arctic ensure the existence of large groups of large herbivorous ungulates here. Their numbers are subject to strong changes due to long cold periods. An adaptation to this is their migration to the forest areas located to the south.

1. Reindeer

Animals evolve the faster, the more difficult the conditions of their existence. Reindeer are so different from other representatives of the Olenev family that it immediately becomes clear that everything is in order with the difficulties. Caribou (as they are called in North America) are not only survival champions, but also the youngest members of the family. They appeared only about two million years ago.

Flat and wide, pointed at the edges of the hooves of reindeer turn animals into all-terrain vehicles. With ease, they travel through snow, swamp and ice. The same hooves, used instead of flippers, help the deer to swim perfectly and overcome not only large rivers such as the Yenisei, but also sea straits. Their wool has a special structure, its hairs expand towards the end and create a heat-insulating air layer. Even the upper lip and the lobe of their nose are covered with delicate soft hair.

Reindeer eat a variety of foods - in summer they are succulent plants, in winter - lichens, shrubs. To make up for the lack of trace elements, they gnaw their own discarded antlers, eat algae and shells thrown ashore. An important reason for their survival is the herd way of life.

2. Musk ox

A rare powerful hoofed animal, the same age as a mammoth, with a thick undercoat that is several times warmer than a lamb's. Their long thick hair hangs down from above almost to the ground and covers the animal, leaving only hooves, horns, nose and lips outside. Musk oxen survive the winter cold without migrating, they easily endure severe frosts, but they die in the presence of a high snow cover, especially with an ice crust on top.

Pinnipeds of the Arctic

The nostrils of considerable size allow them to inhale enough air to stay under water for up to 10 minutes. Their forelimbs are transformed into flippers, and their food is marine life - mollusks, krill, fish, crustaceans. Imagine the most common pinnipeds of the Arctic.

1. Walrus

The only modern representative of the Walrus family is easily distinguished due to its massive tusks. In terms of size among pinnipeds, it ranks second after the Elephant Seal, but the ranges of these animals do not intersect. Walruses live in herds and bravely protect each other from enemies.

2. Seal

They have a more extensive distribution, live along the shores of the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. They are very good swimmers, although they are not found far from the coast. Seals do not freeze in cold water due to the thick layer of subcutaneous fat and waterproof fur.

3. Fur seal

Fur seals, along with sea lions, belong to the eared seal family. When moving, seals rely on all limbs, and their eyes have a dark outline. In summer, the Northern Fur Seal lives in the North Pacific Ocean, and with the advent of autumn, it migrates south.

4 Northern Elephant Seal

It should be noted here that elephant seals are divided into northern (living in the Arctic) and southern (living in the Antarctic). Elephant seals got their name because of the impressive size and trunk-like nose of old males. They live on the Arctic coast of North America and even to the south. Adult males reach a mass of 3.5 tons.

Marine mammals of the Arctic

No other mammal can match the ability to survive in the harsh conditions of the Arctic with such cetaceans as the beluga whale, narwhal and bowhead whale. They lack the dorsal fin found in other cetaceans. About 10 species of marine mammals live in the Arctic - whales (fin whales, blue, humpback and sperm whales) and dolphins (killer whales). Let's talk about the most popular of them.

1. Narwhal

They are distinguished by the presence of only two upper teeth, of which the left one in males develops into a tusk up to 3 meters long and weighing up to 10 kg. With this tusk, males break the ice, making polynyas, it also serves to attract females and many other purposes.

2. White whale

This is a species of toothed whales from the Narvalov family. Beluga whales also need atmospheric oxygen and are at risk of suffocation if they are trapped under solid ice for a long time. They feed on fish and make a variety of sounds.

3. Bowhead whale

This is the only representative of baleen whales that has lived all its life within the cold waters of the Northern Hemisphere. In spring they migrate to the north, and in autumn they sail a little south, avoiding the ice. They feed on plankton.

4. Killer whale (killer whale)

The killer whale is the largest predatory dolphin. Its coloration is contrasting - black and white with distinctive white spots above the eyes. Another original feature of killer whales is the high sickle-shaped dorsal fin. Different populations of these predators specialize in certain food. Some killer whales prefer herring and migrate after their shoals, others prey on pinnipeds. They have no rivals and are at the top of the food chain.

Rodents of the Arctic

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of lemmings for the existence of animals of the Arctic deserts. They feed on almost all of the above land animals. And snowy owls don't even make nests if the lemming population is not in the best condition.

Animals of the Arctic, listed in the Red Book

Currently, some animals of the Arctic are endangered. Natural and human-induced changes in the climatic conditions of the Arctic pose a significant threat to the animal world. The list of animals of the Arctic, which are listed in the Red Book, includes the following representatives of the Arctic belt.

  • Polar bear.
  • Bowhead whale.
  • Narwhal.
  • Reindeer.
  • Atlantic and Laptev walruses.

The musk ox is also a rare animal species. His ancestors lived on Earth in the time of mammoths.

In June 2009, by order of the Russian government, the Russian Arctic National Park was created, the main task of which is to preserve and study representatives of the flora and fauna of the Arctic, which are on the verge of extinction.

Animals of the Arctic do not live at the North Pole itself, it is impossible to live there. They are more common in the southern regions of the Arctic Ocean, on the coast of the continents and on the islands.

Synopsis of GCD on cognitive research development in the middle group.

Topic:"Wild Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Prepared by: educator of the highest category

Tokareva V.V.

Educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Equipment: globe, pictures of animals of the north (walrus, seal, albatross, blue whale, reindeer, penguin, elephant seal, arctic fox, polar bear), northern lights picture, glue, glue brushes, bear silhouette printed on blue sheets, napkins, cotton wool

Target: Acquaintance with the Arctic and Antarctic, with the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the Arctic region, with the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic, their appearance, lifestyle and habits.



To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe animals of the north;

To form generalized ways of mental activity and means of building one's own cognitive activity;

Vocabulary expansion.


Develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

To develop a cognitive interest in all living things, a desire to gain new knowledge from books; curiosity, observation fantasy;

To gain experience in research activities for children, to form the ability to realize interests;

Development of fine and articulatory motor skills.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards the animals of the north.

Lesson progress.

1.Organizational moment.

The teacher shows the globe

Educator: Who knows what it is?

Children: the globe

Educator: right! This is a miniature model of our planet Earth.

Our planet is a huge, huge ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to drive around it.

2. The main part.

Snow crown on both sides

Our beautiful ball is surrounded!

Two poles, two brothers

Antarctic and Arctic

Here is the North Pole, and here is the South Pole. You can get to it by plane or icebreaker. People do not live there permanently, they conduct research work, study the climate, animal life.

Educator: guys, what do you think? Why are they painted white?

Children: because there is the north, there is always frost, snow, cold

Educator: The sun never rises high above the horizon here. Its rays skim over the surface of the Earth, giving it very little heat. That's why here is the realm of ice and snow
The surface of the Arctic is covered with ice, the thickness of which is equal to the height of a three-story building. This is the harshest place on earth.
In winter, there comes a time when the sun does not rise at all. The polar night continues. Only the pale light of the stars and the moon illuminates the endless expanses of snow.
In the Arctic winter sky, you can see the aurora borealis, one of the most wonderful phenomena of nature.
The polar night is replaced by the polar day. The sun shines day and night.
Only four months a year the temperature rises above zero degrees.
The short summer is coming. It's very difficult to walk here. Guys, do you think anyone lives in the north? And one more thing: when at the North Pole-winter-polar night, at the South Pole-summer-polar day.

Children: yes, animals and birds

Educator: right, look who lives in the Arctic and Antarctica.

Stories about animals.
He is so plump - this layer of fat saves him from hypothermia, like you jackets. And flippers help to move quickly in the water to hunt for fish. Why do you think the seal is a predator?
What do seals eat? (fish)
Who else loves fish? (birds). They settle along the rocky shores, forming bird colonies.
These birds dive and swim well. Why do paws look like flippers? (so that these birds can swim comfortably)
Their paws are powerful, with rough skin, adapted for walking on sharp ice and snowdrifts.
The plumage does not get wet, otherwise, when getting out of the water, it would immediately turn into an icicle.
What do you think these birds eat?

Large marine animal with very thick skin. The upper fangs are extremely developed, elongated and directed downwards. The very broad muzzle is covered with numerous thick, stiff, flattened whiskers. There are no external ears, the eyes are small.

The skin is covered with short recumbent yellow-brown hair, but with age they become less, and in old walruses the skin is almost completely naked. The limbs are more adapted for movement on land than in true seals, and walruses can walk rather than crawl; soles are calloused. The tail is rudimentary.

Blue whale

The blue whale is the largest whale, the largest modern animal, and also probably the largest of all animals that have ever existed on Earth. Its length reaches 33 meters, and its mass can significantly exceed 150 tons. The blue whale has no teeth. It feeds on small crustaceans. Having collected water in a huge mouth, the whale filters it through the mouth plates. And the remaining crustaceans eats. It happens that small fish come across, they also eat. He eats a whole carriage of crustaceans a day! (27 tons)


Also a large animal, has branched horns, both females and males. Warm coat, wide hooves. They feed on tree bark and branches. A peaceful animal, but if someone attacks him, he can defend himself.

sea ​​elephants

A huge, enlarged nose hangs over the mouth with the nostrils down. It is because of this nose that they got their name, elephant seals. Elephant seals prey on fish and cephalopods. Elephant seals are able to dive for prey to a depth of 1400 m. Like whales, the breathing of elephant seals during diving to a depth slows down, which reduces oxygen consumption. Elephant seals' natural enemies are white sharks and killer whales that hunt in the upper layers of the water.


Albatross is an amazing bird that can not appear on land for many months! They spend days and nights navigating the oceans and traveling hundreds of miles a day. Albatross is a beautiful bird and the ocean distance is its only home. In addition to huge wings, these birds have a unique beak, which consists of separate plates. Their beak is thin, but strong and equipped with elongated nostrils. Small species seek to eat fish close to the coast, while others fly hundreds of miles from land to find a tasty morsel for themselves.

Or a polar fox. A small predatory animal resembling a fox. Unlike the fox, the fox's body is squat, the muzzle is shortened; the ears are rounded, slightly protruding from the winter coat. the soles of the paws of arctic foxes are covered with coarse hair. It feeds on rodents, but often follows the bear and eats up what the bear has not eaten.

The polar bear is the largest predator on our planet. His the weight can reach 1 ton, and the body length is 3 m. Growth a polar bear at the withers reaches 1.5 m. The polar bear differs from its relatives body structure, coat and skin color. The head of the polar bear is narrower and longer than that of the other representatives of the bear, with a flat forehead and a long neck. The ears are rounded at the top. The coat is white without pigmentation. Black polar bear skin. The paw pads have long hair and small bumps. Between the fingers of the front paws there are swimming membranes. This body structure helps the polar bear survive in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. The thick coat of a polar bear, consisting of two thick rows of hair, does not allow him to freeze. In addition to wool, in order not to feel the cold, they have a thick subcutaneous layer of fat up to 13 cm. The wool and knobs on their paws prevent them from sliding on the ice, and the membranes between the fingers help them swim. The bear got out of the water and dusted himself off. Spray flew from him in all directions. And why is the bear not covered with ice, because he gets out of the water in such a severe frost?

Educator: let's get some rest.

Finger gymnastics.

In the North, a white bear lives,

But only, like a brown one, he does not suck honey.

Our Umka is trying to catch a fish,

To eat deliciously and live - do not grieve.

(Fingers are bent, starting with the little finger to the big one, for each stressed syllable).


So that the throat does not hurt, we stroke it boldly (children stroke their neck with their hands from top to bottom)

In order not to cough, not to sneeze, you need to rub your nose (rubbing the wings of the nose with the index finger) We will also rub our forehead, we hold our palm with a visor (put palms on the forehead with a “visor” and rub it with movements “to the sides - together”)

Make a “fork” with your fingers, massage your ears and neck. (Spread the index and middle fingers and rub the points in front and behind the ears).

We know, we know, we are always, we are not afraid of a cold! (rubbing both palms)

Educator: let's make a polar bear out of cotton wool.

(children and parents are invited to cover the bear with cotton)

3. Summing up.

So let's sum it up. Where is the Arctic (at the North Pole).

What can you tell about Artik? (It is very cold there, permafrost, snow, ice, polar night, northern lights).

What kind of animals can be found in the Arctic? (polar wolf, reindeer, polar bear, walrus, seal, polar owl, arctic fox, narwhal, killer whale, beluga whale, whale).

Why do these animals live in the Arctic? (they feed on fish, have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, can swim well, dive well, many animals have thick white fur, which makes them invisible in the snow).

Antarctica is located at the South Pole, it is colder there and people do not live. There are penguins, elephant seals, albatrosses

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