July in Crimea: the perfect vacation in the high season. Rest in Crimea in July Sea temperature for swimming Crimea beginning of July

The hydrometeorological center posted a weather forecast for Crimea on its official website. According to the weather service, the water temperature and weather in Crimea in July 2018 will not differ much from those in previous years.

Weather forecast in Crimea: July 2018 from the Hydrometeorological Center

In July it gets really hot in Crimea. The air here usually warms up to + 27 ° during the day, and up to + 18 ° at night. The average daily norm, according to the Hydrometeorological Center, is about + 22 °. Precipitation is quite rare, but showers are still possible. According to the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center in July 2018 in Crimea, the weather will not differ much from that in previous years. This means that the temperature regime is expected to be near the climatic norm. However, specialists of the Hydrometeorological Center emphasize that it is better not to rely on long-term forecasts, since they are designed to determine averages for a month. Due to climate change on the planet, sharp jumps in temperature are possible, when cool weather is abruptly replaced by unprecedented heat. The weather forecast in Crimea July 2018 from the Hydrometeorological Center is designed to track the main climatic trends and will be updated with short-term forecasts.

Data on air temperature in Crimea from the Hydrometeorological Center in July 2018

Water temperature and weather in Crimea: July 2018 at the beginning and at the end of the month

The beginning and end of July 2018 are perfect for both a relaxing family holiday and an active one, the water temperature in the sea is quite comfortable. The middle of summer is the time when many go on vacation, and the Crimea is just the place where every tourist will find entertainment to their liking. It is usually hot on the beach during the day, but once you enter the forest, it immediately becomes cooler. The richness of the Crimean nature is not limited to the purest sea water and beautiful beaches. The Crimean Mountains are one of the most wondrous places on the planet, which is quite accessible for recreation in July. If it is hot in the flat part, then in the mountains the air temperature is quite comfortable. And in the bays you can relax like a "savage", enjoying the amazing landscapes to the sound of cicadas. The Black Sea remains cool even in summer, the temperature of its waters is about + 22 ° according to the Hydrometeorological Center. The weather here is usually sunny. Water temperature and weather in Crimea in July 2018 at the beginning and at the end of the month are favorable for any kind of recreation.

Forecast for sea water temperature in July 2018 in the Republic of Crimea

Weather forecast at the beginning and end of July 2018 in Crimea

According to the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in early July 2018 in Crimea will be less hot than at the end. In the first days of the month, the thermometer will be at + 22 ° during the day and + 20 ° at night. Closer to the middle of the period, it will become noticeably hotter - about + 27-30 ° during the day. And by the end of July, really dry weather will set in - up to + 33 ° during the day and + 26 ° at night. From precipitation, according to the Hydrometeorological Center, rain is expected. However, anomalously heavy showers are not expected. This weather forecast at the beginning and end of July 2018 in the Crimea, according to forecasters of the Hydrometeorological Center, will come true with a probability of no more than 80%, therefore it will be further adjusted.

Weather information in Crimea in July 2018

If you are planning a vacation in the Crimea this summer, you need to take an interest in the climatic conditions in order to take everything you need with you. The weather in Crimea in July 2018 will be hot as usual, there will be few rainy days. The water temperature in July 2018, according to the forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center, will be quite comfortable for entertainment and swimming.

Now it's time for the long-awaited vacation. Most often, this time coincides with the onset of sunny days of summer. Someone stays in the city, but the vast majority of vacationers are going to the sea. And increasingly, the only correct answer to the question “where to go on vacation in June, July or August?” becomes Crimea.

What is good rest in the Crimea in the summer?

The summer months in Crimea are a time of endless possibilities. The nature, unique in its beauty, the mild Mediterranean climate, the abundance of sun and affordable entertainment options - from the banal beach to extreme recreation, allow you to spend your long-awaited vacation brightly, interestingly, with benefits for the soul and health.

Weather in Crimea in summer: air and water temperature, features

Crimean summer is invariably hot, windless and dry. But still, in terms of air and water temperature, the number of rainy days, the regions of the peninsula differ slightly.

Traditionally, the territory of Crimea is divided into 3 regions with different climates - the steppe part, the foothills and the southern coast.

Steppe part. The driest, with the least rainfall. Here, due to frequent gusty winds, the swimming season ends earlier than other areas. Depending on the month, the air temperature ranges from +24?C to +30?C. The shallower sea in this area warms up faster than it attracts more tourists.

Foothills. The coolest area with average temperatures of +23?С…+25?С and similar indicators for sea water.

South coast. A more comfortable part of the peninsula for recreation. The air temperature is suitable for walking and sunbathing - it rises to an average of + 27 ° C, while it is not so stuffy and dry here, sometimes there are short-term heavy rains. The sea is also conducive to swimming, the water warms up to an average of + 24C and cools down for a very long time - the swimming season here lasts almost until November.

When planning a vacation in the Crimea, it is important to know that the rest may be somewhat overshadowed by a phenomenon characteristic of the peninsula - water surge (upwelling). At this time, the heated mass of water can be displaced by cold deep waters, as a result of which the sea cools sharply by 10°C-15°C. Again, the water warms up in 3-6 days, reaching the previous comfortable temperatures. Upwelling occurs most often on the South Coast and very rarely on the West Coast.

Crimea in June

The Crimean summer, which began in May, finally comes into its own in June. Reigns warm, comfortable for relaxing on the sea coast, the weather. The peninsula is still immersed in greenery and the aromas of blooming flowers, there is still no exhausting heat, scorching sun and stuffiness, which makes June the best time to visit Crimea for families with small children or tourists who do not tolerate the heat.

The thermometer in June is gradually growing from +25°C at the beginning of the month to +30°C at the end. Above these values ​​will not rise until mid-July. Night temperatures also delight vacationers: at +16?C ... +19?C, you can already take romantic evening walks without fear of freezing. At the same time, higher air temperatures are in Evpatoria, Partenit, Gurzuf, Sudak; a little lower - in Yalta, Alupka, Miskhor and Simeiz.

June is the official opening of the swimming season. The gentle sea warms up at the beginning of summer to + 18? С ... + 23? С. At the same time, the water of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov quickly acquires a comfortable temperature for swimming, because. it is less deep than Black. In general, the warmest parts of the sea are in shallow water and open areas: Sevastopol, Evpatoria, Saki. Slightly cooler water in Yalta and Alushta, Alupka and Simeiz.

However, the Crimean weather is rich in surprises. In June they are expressed by unexpected precipitation. The least June rainy days are in Sevastopol, Kerch, Evpatoria, Miskhor, Yalta. But Alushta, Sudak, Partenit, Rybachye and Solnechnogorsk, on the contrary, often force vacationers to change their plans due to heavy rains.

Crimea in July

In July, Crimea will tell the guests of the peninsula what “heat” is. The high season is also known for its high temperatures. The air warms up to +35?С…+40?С by the middle of summer. In combination with almost calm weather, such conditions make the rest not too comfortable and increase the possibility of getting sunstroke or heatstroke. Therefore, when going to the beach or going on excursions, you need to remember about safety measures - do not be in the sun without a hat, use sunscreen cosmetics and always have clean drinking water in stock. In general, walks under the scorching sun are best moved to the morning and evening. The same goes for beach holidays.

Severe weather conditions for the body, oddly enough, do not scare away tourists - in July it is difficult to find a free place on the beach. This is explained by the unusually warm sea, calling to leave their business and splash in its waters from morning to evening. By mid-July, the sea warms up to + 23?C ... + 25?C. In bays, these figures are usually higher by 2?С-3?С. The sea warms up the fastest in the area of ​​Feodosia and Kerch - up to + 29? These values ​​are slightly lower in the resorts of the southern coast - up to 24? C in Yalta, Partenit, Gurzuf, Alupka, Simeiz and Alushta. At night, the water temperature can drop to +22?C, allowing you to enjoy sea bathing even under the light of the stars.

Precipitation in the form of rain is a rarity for the July Crimea. Most likely to see rain - on the South Coast, less - in the resorts of the East Bank.

Crimea in August

August is the hottest summer month in Crimea. On some days, the air temperature in the morning can exceed +40C. With the advent of night, the situation improves slightly - it becomes cooler by only a few degrees. Average temperatures in different parts of the peninsula fluctuate around + 27C ... + 30C. At the same time, the hottest resorts are Evpatoria, Sevastopol (+35C), the coolest of all are in Yalta, Simeiz and Alushta (+27C).

The lack of wind and precipitation makes the air heavy and stuffy, and exposure to the open sun is hazardous to health. Therefore, as in July, we must not forget about security measures. In the second half of the month, the conditions change somewhat - the calendar autumn is approaching and the sultry heat begins to subside.

The sea continues to delight vacationers with the soft warmth of water heated by the hot Crimean sun. The average water temperature is + 24C ... + 27C. At the same time, the water is warmed up best in Kerch (+26C), the sea is a little cooler in Sudak, Partenit, Feodosia, Yalta (+25C) and Evpatoria (+24C).

What to do on vacation in the Crimea in the summer?

In the summer months, tourists have access to all the variety of recreation options - from daily visits to the beaches and local attractions to the conquest of mountain peaks and the depths of the sea. The main thing is to choose the right time for a vacation that meets the expectations of a particular vacationer.

Beach vacation. First of all, tourists go to the Crimea for a beautiful tan, the opportunity to soak up the golden beaches of the peninsula and enjoy swimming in the friendly sea. The best time for this will be July and August. It's hot, there are many bars, restaurants and discos. Fans of water entertainment will be able to ride bananas, catamarans and jet skis to their heart's content, or see the depths of the sea by going diving. Children will have plenty of fun on the rides of beach water parks.

Leisure. Exploring the stunning Crimean nature, climbing to the majestic mountain peaks or descending into mysterious caves - all this is best done in June and the second half of August, when there is no sweltering heat and the possibility of getting heat strokes is minimized.

Educational rest. Lovers of history, culture and art will love a variety of excursions to local attractions. Beautiful palaces, majestic fortresses, ruins of ancient settlements await guests in June and the end of August - it is at this time that it is most comfortable to get acquainted with the memorable places of Crimea.

Warm sea, Swallow's Nest, Batiliman, Cape Sarych... Holidays here are unforgettable!

Firstly, at this time there are no numerous crowds of tourists that make it difficult to see, and secondly, the cool weather will allow you to visit as many interesting excursions as possible. In July and early August, cognitive recreation is possible, but it is better to organize it in the early morning and evening hours.

In any of the summer months, adults and children on the peninsula are waiting for water parks and attractions, dolphinariums, aquariums and zoos. Throughout the high season, a variety of festivals are held in Crimea: historical (“Knight’s Castle”, “Genoese Helmet”, Sudak; “Zenon’s Tower”, “Navy Day”, Sevastopol) sports (Kerchwind surfing festival, Kerch), literary ( festival named after Voloshin, Koktebel), theatrical (Earth. Theatre. Children, Yevpatoria; "Crimean Ark", Simferopol), musical (author song and music festivals, Feodosia and Alushta; opera and ballet festival "Yalta Seasons"; festival "Rock for Peace", Evpatoria) and many others. Everyone will find here an interesting event for themselves, which will add fresh colors and impressions to the rest.

Summer is a well-spent vacation. And the only problem that can be encountered on vacation is how to find the time to cover all possible entertainment options. But it is easily solved - you just need to come to Crimea again!

Everyone knows that summer is the perfect weather for a vacation. In Crimea, in July, the holiday season is approaching its peak. Hundreds of thousands of tourists rush to take sun loungers on the magnificent beaches washed by the gentle and warm waves of the Black Sea. I must say that the climate favors a comfortable stay. The sun sometimes even bakes too much, so you should not get carried away with excessive sunbathing - you need to know the measure in everything. As for everything else, this month there are no special surprises to expect. Weather conditions simply indulge numerous vacationers.

What is the weather like in the north and in the center?

In July, the weather in the Crimea, in the northern and central regions, is formed under the influence of winds from hot steppes that carry heat. There is more of a diurnal temperature difference here.

So, during the day, the air warms up to +29 ° C on average in the shade. But with the onset of darkness comes the long-awaited freshness. At night, the thermometer drops to +19 °C. In the mountains it is a few degrees cooler, and in general it is always comfortable to be among the magnificent nature and breathe the purest air.

The continental climate in the center of Taurida also implies a lot of precipitation. So, in the capital they fall about 55 mm during the July weeks. But they do not cause discomfort, on the contrary, after a heavy short-term downpour it is much easier to breathe. Excursion or mountain trips will require less energy costs.

The winds during this time period do not differ in strength. Gusts occur just before the rains, often accompanied by thunderstorms. It is rare to witness such a weather phenomenon as a tornado. The column of dust rises quite high above the steppe and looks impressive.

What will please the Eastern coast of Crimea?

There is nowhere for an apple to fall on the beaches in the resort villages around Feodosia, because in July there are streams of tourists who want to find an inimitable Crimean tan and swim in the warm sea.

On warm sand, even a large umbrella will not save you much from the heat, because the thermometer in the shade reaches +28.5 ° C. But isn't that why you came to Crimea?! In addition, freshness brings a light breeze from the sea. At night, the temperature drops by only 3-4 degrees.

Clear weather awaits travelers - according to long-term observations of weather forecasters, only 2.5 days are rainy in a month. True, precipitation, which in different parts of the coast falls from 35 mm to 41 mm, is plentiful during short-term warm showers.

According to experienced travelers, in the middle of summer the water is warmer on the beaches. However, in Crimea in July, the water temperature is around +25 ° C and on the Black Sea, it can boast of it, seeming even more comfortable for both adults and children. Gusty winds and serious unrest at sea should not be expected.

Weather in July on the West Coast

Daytime temperatures break records, falling short of the average to an impressive +30 ° C in the shadow of just some 0.5 degrees. There is no need to talk about the fact that it is even hotter on the beach. Vacationers are saved by low air humidity and breezes. At night it becomes cooler only by 5-8 degrees.

But even sissies will be delighted with the water. Its temperature is the most comfortable +22 °C. So July swimming will give odds to August, when the water is much warmer. But this is already an amateur. A long stay at sea is not contraindicated even for very young lovers of wandering.

Vacationers who have chosen to spend their holidays in the resorts of the West Coast of Crimea will expect at least 27 sunny days in July. At least that's what the statistics say. Rain is extremely rare. In, for example, no more than 30 mm of precipitation falls, and in Sevastopol even less - only 23 mm.

Climatic conditions on the South Coast

Alushta and in July will meet guests with heat, which is much easier to endure due to the refreshing breezes and the proximity of the mountains. During the day, the thermometer mark in the shade will constantly approach +30 ° C,
not reaching it just a couple of degrees.

Naturally, in the beach sun, you can safely add at least another ten degrees to this value. A wonderful Crimean night will bring coolness for a short while. The temperature difference is much more noticeable in, where after dark it can get colder up to +19 ° C.

The water temperature in July is much more comfortable than in. It already reaches +25 ° C, which, of course, implies a long bath. It is especially nice to swim at sunset. The kids here are generally expanse - they can splash around a lot, and parents should not worry about possible colds.

According to statistics, only 4 days are rainy this month, which is even less than in August. The lion's share of precipitation falls during warm, torrential downpours. Tourists who come to the resorts of the South Coast expect at least 24 clear days. Strong winds rarely blow, the sea is calm and gentle, and the mood is great.

Now you know what the weather is like in Crimea in July. Of course, the middle of summer is a fertile time for amazing resorts. Of course, hiking in the mountains or long excursions this month can be somewhat tiring, but for lovers of relaxation on the beach, nature provides a wonderful opportunity to indulge in your favorite pastime for as long as you like. An inimitable tan and a lot of impressions will be provided to you!

What will the weather be like in Crimea in July? What will be the temperature and will it rain? Travel The World experts say.

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What will the weather be like in Crimea in July? What will be the temperature and will it rain? Travel The World experts say.

In July, in the Crimea, one should be wary of excessive sun activity. Consistently hot weather has been noted by weather forecasters for many years. The temperature can rise even higher than predictable figures. Protection and once again protection from ultraviolet radiation, this should not be forgotten anywhere on the peninsula, and especially on the subtropical South Shore.

Weather in Crimea in July

Although the average temperature on the peninsula is +28 °C, this should not be taken too seriously. Due to the lack of rain, the air overheats and in reality the thermometer can rise to + 35 ° C. There are practically no gusts of wind.

In the steppe zone of Crimea during the day +29..+31 °C, at night +24..+25 °C. On the western coast, in Evpatoria and Saki +30..+32 °C in the daytime and +22..+23 °C at night. In Olenevka and Chernomorskoe during the day +24..+28 °C, the air here is a little cooler due to the sea breeze. The water is heated up to +24 °C. In Nikolaevka and Peschanoe in the daytime +29..+30 °C, the water temperature is the same.

In Sevastopol and Balaklava +28..+29 °C during the day and +22..+23 °C at night. Sea winds cannot help Simferopol, in the daytime in the capital of Crimea it is up to +32 ° C, although the nights are relatively cool here, the proximity of the mountains affects. In the Crimean mountains, daytime temperatures are two to three degrees lower; coolness during the daytime can be found in forests and gorges. At night, the thermometer can drop below +20 °C.

On the South Coast during the day it is stable +29..+30 °C, a little cooler in Yalta. At night the temperature is +21..+23 °C. The water temperature reaches +24..+24.5°C. In Koktebel and Feodosiya +29..+30 °C during the day and +22..+23 °C at night. In Feodosia, the sea warms up to +25 °C. In Kerch +28 °C during the day and +24 °C at night.

Cloudiness in the middle of summer in the Crimea is low, there is practically no rain, there are occasional showers, mainly in mountainous areas. After 11 o'clock and before 17 o'clock in the afternoon, staying in the sun is not recommended, heat strokes among tourists are common. Umbrellas should be used on the beach, and air conditioning in the rooms, a hat is required. You should carry a camping supply of water with you. Keep in mind that invigorating southern wine in the heat can backfire.

Crimea in July - how to spend time

From the heat saves a long stay in warm water, the temperature of which no longer threatens to catch a cold. In addition to the beach, tourists are doing the same as always, traveling around the Crimea in search of impressions. In this case, you need to take into account your strengths. There is a full house on the excursion routes, despite the burning sun. Prices are skyrocketing.

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In July it gets very hot and humid. The sea at this time becomes incredibly warm, warming up to +26 degrees. The air temperature rises to +40 degrees in the shade, very stuffy.

The weather in the Crimea in the mountains this month is quite hot, at this time the warmest sea is here and the most precipitation falls. The average daily temperature in Simferopol reaches +28 degrees, night temperature - +17 degrees, sea water - +24 degrees, 27 sunny days, 4 rainy days, during which 61 mm of precipitation falls. In Bakhchisarai, the average daily temperature is +28 degrees, the water temperature is +24 degrees, sunny days - 28, rainy days - 4.

In the flat part in July in the Crimea, the weather is sunny and hot. In Dzhankoy, the average daytime temperature reaches +29 degrees, nighttime - +21 degrees, water temperature - +26, this month there is 1 rainy day and 28 sunny days. In Kerch, the average temperature during the day reaches +27 degrees, at night the air temperature is +24 degrees, the water in the sea is +25. This month is the sunniest for Kerch: there are 30 clear days here.

The weather in July on the south coast is hot and humid, with very little rainfall. In Yalta, the average temperature during the day is about +22 degrees, at night about +19 degrees, the water in the sea is +22 degrees, 25 sunny days, 36 mm of precipitation falls this month. In Feodosia, the average temperature during the day is +28 degrees, at night - +22, the water warms up to +24 degrees, 28 sunny days and 3 rainy. In Saki, the average temperature during the day is +29 degrees, at night - +21, the water in the sea warms up to +24 degrees.

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