Year of the dog for the dragon maiden. Woman Virgo, born in the year of the Dog: characteristics and compatibility. Full characteristics of the child of Virgo, born in the year of the Dog

Sensitive and sensual, adherents of order, able to put together a whole out of little things, they always strive for the best. Such a set of qualities of representatives of the sixth sign of the zodiac impresses not only the people around them, but also evokes approval from the symbol of 2018, the Yellow Dog.

2018 is full of exciting events. There will be difficulties too, but only so that the Virgo can improve themselves and make their life even richer and more interesting.

Let's take a closer look at the astro forecast for Virgo for the Year of the Dog.

Virgo Man

As the horoscope says, Virgo Men in 2018 will plunge headlong into personal relationships. Your sensitive nature, inspired by the honest and loving mistress of the year, will strive to return the lost relationship. You will take the object of your love by storm, taking all the blame for past problems on yourself. This is the right tactic with which you will achieve victory.

Free Virgo will tirelessly look for a life partner. One cannot do without multiple novels in such a case. Listen to your heart and intuition, then you will not miss the woman who will make you happy.

Love affairs are certainly fine, but you should not forget about other things - work, friends and health. In professional activity, a good period begins for you to try a new direction, to experiment successfully. Don't miss this opportunity.

Friends need to meet more often, and family Virgos too. For you, this will be a good exchange of energy and information, as well as help in difficult situations when you need support.

Virgo Woman

In the year of the Yellow Dog, representatives of the Virgo sign will show great activity and inexhaustible energy. This is especially true for women. Virgo women will literally gush with emotions. The environment will have to be patient and understand the violent reactions of the lovely Virgins with understanding.

The year is supposed to be very eventful, quite difficult and at the same time positive. You will do just fine with everything. You will only need to control your emotional state, not to take all the cases on yourself and keep a distance in communication.

Do you remember that envious people will appear in your environment? So, this warning applies to women to a greater extent. Share events in your life with care. Unnecessarily do not talk about what is happening at your work and in business.

Virgos have a well-developed intuition and insight. Therefore, representatives of this sign practically do not make mistakes. Use these qualities to make decisions without having to rely on other people's advice.


In 2018, Virgos will not always be able to find a common language with their children. The reason lies in the excessive striving for ideality. You yourself are extremely scrupulous in everything you deal with, and you think that your children should be the same.

In the year of the Yellow Dog, pickiness and excessive demands are completely inappropriate. Expand your range of acceptance, and remember that flaws and inaccuracies aren't always a bad thing. Children are quite compatible with mistakes, they also need to somehow learn life.

But in marital relations, Virgos will be fine. This year, couples who disagreed on many issues, especially domestic ones, will find common ground. Your other half will enthusiastically support the idea of ​​​​renovating or changing an apartment. All topics, including those related to work, girlfriends and friends, you will discuss together.

You will be seen more often together, at the cinema, in a cafe or just sitting on a bench in the park. For many Virgos, such a rapprochement will be a powerful source of energy and joyful mood.

In relationships with their parents, brothers and sisters, Virgos will not always behave correctly. You will be annoyed by advice and criticism from relatives. The horoscope for 2018 advises not to enter into conflict, but to accept such actions with gratitude. After all, your loved ones are worried and worried about you.

Love horoscope for Virgo

The Yellow Dog will fill 2018 with warmth, love, tenderness and will create all the conditions for you to show openness and disposition towards people who sympathize with you. The symbol of the year welcomes the intention to create an alliance based on pure, sincere and bright feelings. It follows that no matter how Virgos fence themselves off from the opposite sex and demonstrate their independence, they cannot avoid love.

You will fall in love and be in seventh heaven from new sensations and experiences. Where this whirlwind romance takes you is largely up to you. If you realize that you have met your man, then nothing will prevent the creation of a family. If you are not ready for such drastic changes, and you prefer the romantic period, your man will wait for you as long as necessary.

For 2018, he recommends that you change your image, make a new one not only in your appearance, but also internally rebuild. Free Virgos cannot avoid love adventures, so you need to be fully armed. By the end of the year, the bachelor ranks of the Virgins will thin out significantly.


Forward and upward, this is the most accurate way to describe the state of affairs at work. For Virgo, the year of the Dog is successful in building a career, starting a business or expanding it. You will be full of energy, you will have enough strength for everything, and your health will not let you down. The only thing that can trip up is the envy of others.

Envious people will not just discuss and gossip about you, but will take insidious moves to knock you out of the saddle. What should Virgos do in such a situation? First of all, be observant and attentive to people. Do not trust 100%, even if you know a person for a long time. Only as much information as necessary for the case should come from you.

Some Virgos are waiting for a tempting job offer. Agree if you are interested in a new place. Everything will turn out well.

Virgos have a lot of work ahead of them in 2018, more than ever. But the reward for the activity will also be very significant. All your interest will be concentrated on the content of the work, which is why you will achieve high quality and receive the same high appreciation of your work.

Holidays in 2018 with Dev

Well done, now it's time to rest. In 2018, the horoscope advises Virgos to choose outdoor activities in places where they have never been. Visit different countries and plunge into a new atmosphere. This will help you recharge your batteries. And new acquaintances and pleasant communication will favorably affect health.

If for some reason you cannot go on vacation abroad, then be sure to spend it away from home, in the company of close friends or family.

You are not recommended to be alone this year. From a secluded holiday, apathy can attack you, and then you will not be able to fully and successfully work.

East horoscope for Virgo for 2018

The events in the life of Virgos in 2018 will be influenced not only by the Yellow Dog. Much will depend on the symbol of the year of birth, or rather, on their interaction.

Virgo - Tiger will be respected by the mistress of the year for honesty and nobility. She will reward you with an acquaintance with a person who will become your patron.

Virgo - Rat in 2018, you should be vigilant and attentive so as not to miss out on big luck. You have to open a gold mine and significantly raise your financial level.

Virgo - Ox will make a strong impression on the Dog with his endurance, fortitude and ingenuity. As a reward, you will receive incredible business success and a strong financial position.

Virgo - Cat will shine in the rays of glory and universal attention. The horoscope for 2018 promises you great success in any activity if you are creative and show your talents.

Virgo - Snake headlong into love. The Yellow Dog highly appreciates the wisdom and practicality of this sign, and in her year she decided that romance and tenderness would benefit the Snake.

Virgo - Dragon will finish in 2018 the search for his soul mate. The symbol of this year gives you a chance to move into the status of a happy person. Be careful, do not miss your happiness.

Virgo - Horse should in the year of the Dog finally decide to do only what she likes. Be honest with yourself, live your life. Only in this way will you be able to feel in harmony and pleasure.

Virgo - Monkey during the year will be able to solve the accumulated long-term domestic problems. For this there will be forces and means. By the end of 2018, you will find the long-awaited comfort and homeliness.

Virgo - Goat will be glad to open a financial flow. Money will come from the most unexpected sources - bonuses, wins in the drawing of cash prizes, gifts in banknotes and inheritance.

Virgo - Rooster practically settle in planes and trains. The dog has prepared for you many trips and trips, both work and personal. Get ready for a sea of ​​impressions and mountains of information.

Virgo - Pig will dilute his living standards with creativity and non-standard events. The dog will give you more than one idea on how to refresh and renew your well-established, but already boring life. Get ready for adventure.

Virgo - Dog will fulfill the most cherished desires and dreams in the year of his patron. The Yellow Dog will assist you in everything, protect and help you. Go ahead, this is your time, your success and good luck!

Video horoscope

Representatives of the Virgo-Dogs signs are considered reasonable people and always ready to compromise. This applies to both men and women. But the Virgo woman has many other features that distinguish her from representatives of other signs.


Virgo, born in the year of the Dog, combines in her character the devotion of the Dog and the prudence of the Virgin. She is a sociable and interesting interlocutor, has a special talent - she knows how to smooth out conflicts and reconcile the warring parties.

Virgos born in the year of the Dog have excellent intuition. This helps to build a successful career. True, prone to analyze everything, the Virgo-Dog woman can quit what she has started halfway through because of disappointment in the results.

The representative of this zodiac sign has a sharp mind and insight, easily learns new things. Her nature appreciates honesty, easily recognizes lies. The betrayal of loved ones is going through hard - it can become depressed.

Positive traits:

  • reliability, responsibility;
  • accuracy and practicality;
  • diligence and purposefulness;
  • devotion;
  • intelligence and restraint.


  • critical attitude towards oneself and others;
  • meticulousness, pedantry, tediousness.

What kind of men does she like?

Natural tenderness attracts men to her. She is pleased, a woman is capable of light flirting, but does not overstep the bounds. She is picky about the choice of a man and is ready to connect her fate only with a man who meets her criteria. Although Virgo is not characterized by violent passions, she will be able to give her man affection and tenderness.

Virgo-Dog women value sacrifice in a man, a willingness to give up their interests in favor of their beloved.


Whatever the representative of this sign does, she plunges into any activity with her head and achieves success. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a career or a family relationship.

In love

The fair sex of this sign strives to be leaders in everything, even in love relationships. Their initiative often gets in the way. Therefore, it is not possible for Virgo-Dogs to build strong relationships with all the signs.

Virgo-Dog women are charming and gentle. They like to accept signs of attention from the opposite sex. At the same time, accepting courtship, they often unknowingly mislead men, without having serious intentions.


Virgos born under the symbol of the Dog honor family values. For them, the family is support and support, a place where they draw energy.

Women of this sign create a family in adulthood, when they are completely confident in a partner. Excessive demands on themselves and others prevent them from creating relationships, but with age they overestimate their requirements and find happiness.

They are loving mothers and excellent housewives. Such a woman will always listen to her husband, will be his good friend and adviser. Such women never arrange jealousy scenes in public. They are faithful and devoted wives in whom husbands can have complete confidence.

Career and business

Virgo-Dog is an able-bodied, responsible and balanced nature. The authorities respect and appreciate her for these qualities, but she herself does not aspire to leadership positions.

They periodically change jobs, as they are looking for something more interesting. It is difficult for them to force themselves to do the hated work, and the habit of doing everything with high quality forces them to quit in order to find a job where they can feel confident and be proud of the results of their work. Even these ordeals in search of a comfortable job do not negatively affect their financial situation. Representatives of this combination of signs know how to earn and spend money wisely.

It should be noted that Dogs are characterized by both strong will and pessimism. Virgos are also pessimists by nature. From this misfortune they are saved by innate diligence.


With Aries they have - not the most successful union. The Virgo woman constantly confuses him, and Aries cannot come to terms with the coldness of a woman, the lack of a vivid manifestation of emotions.

An alliance with Taurus has every chance of a good, long-term relationship. Signs quite suit each other in all respects, however, over time, their feelings can cool down.

With Gemini, an extremely unfortunate combination is obtained. The lack of common interests and different outlooks on life will become an insurmountable obstacle. They need more sensual partners.

With Cancer, Virgos can have a stable union, but not without significant difficulties. Virgo's touchiness will play an important role in this. Cancer, which does not tolerate this, instead of understanding her grievances and trying to please the girl, will most likely begin to look for a less demanding passion on the side.

Initially, relations with Leo can be harmonious, but over time, quarrels will flare up. The cup of patience can overflow and then parting is inevitable.

With a Virgo man, everything can turn out well. Two identical signs coexist perfectly under one roof. They are driven by the same goals and desires. Spouses share the hardships of life together and together rejoice at new achievements, give each other love, tenderness and care.

They could have a strong relationship with Libra, but Virgo's tendency to constantly criticize and Libra's intolerance of her will do their job. It will be difficult for Libra to get along with Virgo, although from the outside their relationship may seem ideal.

Scorpio will like the manifestation of care from the Virgo. He will appreciate the comfort of home, which Virgo will gladly provide him. True, Scorpio will periodically harass his wife with "sadistic" inclinations. But with great love, Virgo can endure this too.

Virgo will accustom the Sagittarius man to household chores, which is unacceptable for this freedom-loving sign. Such an alliance is doomed.

With Capricorn is also not entirely successful compatibility. A practical Capricorn will always strive for justice, and Virgo will regularly remind him of his imperfections.

Marriage with Aquarius, if it happens, will be short-lived. Spouses disperse, not feeling understanding.

But with Pisces, a rather strong alliance is obtained. The Pisces man, with age, begins to strive for a family hearth, and the Virgo woman realizes herself in creating this hearth and caring for her spouse.

On the character and main qualities of the Virgo woman, see below.

2018 brought us many good things. The Yellow Dog ruled wisely and fairly. She was an affectionate and faithful assistant to each sign of the zodiac, but with a roar she rushed at anyone who started a deceit or betrayal. However, already on February 5, 2019, the cheerful Dog will jump off the throne to make room for the new star ruler - the Yellow Earth Pig.

The energetic Mumps will immediately begin to put things in order, but you should not expect drastic changes. In many ways, she will only continue the undertakings of the Dog. But Piggy is more capricious. She extremely dislikes when her subjects sit idle. But if you are not lazy, she will shower you with all sorts of benefits.

Caring Pig cares about everything. She wants everyone to have comfort at home and that in 2019 no one is left without a couple. Therefore, even those who value their loneliness, in the year of the Pig, will think about creating a family.

Horoscope for 2019 Virgo - general trends

Having ascended the throne, the Yellow Pig will give each of his wards a bag of good luck. And since opportunities will be equal for everyone, those who work hard, as well as those who start moving towards the goal earlier than others, will achieve the greatest success. Therefore, in 2019, the horoscope advises Virgo to forget about laziness. The sooner after the New Year holidays you return to your usual rhythm, the better. There is a lot of work ahead and a lot of chances to show their best qualities. Try not to miss a single opportunity.

If you do not neglect the advice of the horoscope, in the middle of spring you will find big changes for the better. February and March should be fully devoted to official duties and establishing important business contacts. Relatives will not give rest either. They will always need your advice and help.

April will be easier. Either there will be fewer problems, or you will figure out how to solve them faster. In any case, now you will want to live not only with work, but also devote part of your time to something else. If you believe the horoscope, then in the spring of 2019, many Virgos will be drawn to creativity. Moreover, it is allowed to create in absolutely any direction: from knitting and baking to building houses and tuning cars. Some hobbies will bring Virgo only pleasure, while others will allow you to earn some good money.

In addition, in the spring, a kind Pig will bring true love to the Virgin. Family representatives of the sign learn new facets of relationships, and free ones - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bflirting. Just don’t play too much, because in 2019 Piggy expects serious things from you. She will not like it very much if you ignore all the candidates that she will offer you. In summer, the horoscope advises Virgo to wait for guests. Maybe it's friends who want to visit you every weekend. Or maybe distant relatives will ask for temporary shelter. When planning for the summer months, be sure to keep this in mind.

By the way, about plans... The horoscope believes that Virgo's summer of 2019 will be eventful. It is necessary to be active at work, to help the family, to communicate with friends, to twist novels, and to make repairs in the apartment. With such a load, it would be nice to find a couple of weeks to rest, but Virgo's vacation threatens at best in September-October.

The horoscope even recommends Virgo to postpone the trip until November, since strong competition at work is expected in mid-autumn. Look both ways: there will be a lot of dishonorable people around you. Of course, the angry Mumps will try to quickly disperse the villains, but the Virgo herself must be on the alert all the time. At the end of autumn, when all problems at work are resolved, you can fly to the sea. Leave at home not only problems, but also all kinds of gadgets. Enjoy your vacation, do not be distracted by calls and SMS. Take lots and lots of photos so that you have something to show your colleagues before the New Year.

Virgo love horoscope for 2019

As for love, all the doors are open to Virgos. You are confident, noticeable, charming. Fans literally fall at your feet. The horoscope believes that in 2019 it is time for Virgos to open a pickup school. Just do not forget that the Earth Pig does not expect this from you at all. Therefore, do not rush to fall in love with all the members of the opposite sex at once. One person is enough for happiness. Find it!

For family Virgos in 2019, the horoscope promises a couple of surprises. First, you will see that the spouse has several virtues that you somehow did not notice before. Secondly, you will be able to refresh the relationship, return romance to them. You will want to spend more time together, more often get out to the movies or cafes. On this basis, many couples will decide on the birth of the first or subsequent child.

Virgo financial horoscope for 2019

The financial horoscope for Virgo does not portend any serious problems for 2019. Thrifty Pig has saved a few chests of money for you. But this does not mean that you will get them just like that. The main rule of the Pig: work and reward. Yes, Piggy will help with part-time jobs and tell you where it is better to invest money, but you still have to work hard.

The stars believe that although the Pig symbolizes a piggy bank, in 2019 money should not lie in dead capital. All available funds must either be transferred to a savings bank account or invested in a profitable business. For example, in real estate. One piece of advice: before sending your hard-earned money to any enterprise, thoroughly study the object of financing.

Work and business with Virgo in 2019

The horoscope promises a difficult year for Virgo businessmen. No, don't worry, everything will be fine. But if you want to improve the position of your company, you will have to spend all your time meeting with clients and partners, as well as constantly solving personnel issues. Do not spare money to improve the skills of your specialists. Very soon, these investments will more than pay off.

For those Virgos who have not yet grown up to their own business, the horoscope promises the possibility of promotion. Go for it: help management complete complex projects, volunteer for important events, accept weekend work. But at the same time, do not forget about self-esteem. It's one thing to sit in the office 2-3 times until the night, so that the boss will subsequently encourage you for this. And it’s quite another thing to allow you to constantly dump all the most difficult and urgent work on yourself, without having any prospects.

Both Virgo businessmen and Virgo subordinates in 2019 are advised by the horoscope to advertise their personal life and their income as little as possible. There are always a lot of flatterers and scammers around successful people, and why do you need additional problems? Posting pictures of chic parties and expensive resorts on social media will be in 2020, and in 2019 the stars would advise you to refrain from this.

Virgo Health in 2019

Virgos are terribly clean by nature, so they get sick less often than other signs of the zodiac. However, the horoscope also sees other dangers to your health. The main ones are overweight, bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Round Piggy loves when her wards eat well, but asks you to eat only the right food: vegetables, fruits, vegetables, cereals.

In addition, Pig would like each of you to seriously engage in some kind of sport in 2019. And it would be great if you practiced this sport in the fresh air. If there is absolutely no time for training, this is not a reason to relax. Give up the elevator, walk more, or at least try to walk more often.

Also in 2019, the horoscope advises Virgos not to overwork. Find time to relax, spend evenings in a friendly company and do not try to do everything at once.

Virgo horoscope by year of birth for 2019

Horoscope Virgo Rat 2019

The horoscope of the Virgo Rat suggests that in 2019 representatives of this sign will be able to gain the trust of almost any person. Outwardly, you are always irresistible: you follow a certain style of clothing, do not tolerate slovenliness and amaze those around you with your refined manners. By the nature of the Virgo-Rat, they are extremely honest, but at the same time you reliably keep other people's secrets, never point out to others their shortcomings and do not turn the information received to harm someone.

These advantages make you an amazing conversationalist and reliable partner. In 2019, this will help you build relationships at work and with your family. The horoscope wishes you not to waste time and use this state of affairs for promotion. Diligence, perseverance and diligence you do not hold, but perseverance is often not enough. If you manage to charm the right people, you can apply for an interesting leadership position.

But in the personal life of Virgos born in the year of the Rat, in 2019, not everything will be so smooth. You are too obsessed with cleanliness and in the pursuit of perfect order, you often forget about everything in the world. Because of an unwashed cup, they are ready to lose their temper, quarrel with loved ones. Believe me: your relationship with your family is the most important thing, and you can put up with an unsealed tube of pasta or uncleaned shoes.

Horoscope Virgo-Ox 2019

The horoscope says that in 2019 those Virgo-Oxen who have their own business or occupy a leadership position will be especially successful. In the year of the Pig, such people will show their best organizational qualities. You will conduct business clearly, calmly, without the slightest violation of the law. At the same time, you will always try to sort out controversial issues on your own, and not just throw it off on subordinates.

However, even those Virgo-Oxen, who have not yet grown to high positions, will achieve good results in 2019. You cope well with stress, realistically assess your capabilities and conscientiously perform any work entrusted to you. However, the horoscope advises you not to be arrogant, because you can sometimes make mistakes.

After hours, Virgo, born in the year of the Ox, prefers to be at home. Your goal is stability and tranquility, so you pay a lot of attention to relationships and home comfort. The horoscope believes that a complete idyll will come in the family if you learn to be more patient and condescending, and also stop dictating your will to everyone.

Horoscope Virgo-Rabbit 2019

As for the Virgo, born in the year of the Rabbit, in 2019 the mischievous Piggy will make every effort to stir you up a little. In her understanding, you are too careful and do not know how to enjoy life at all. Yes, you often dream of rest and peace, but for some reason you always deny yourself pleasures. And the Pig wants all people to be truly happy in the new year.

At work, the horoscope advises Virgo-Rabbit to become a little more decisive. You think too long, read every move, make plans, although it would be more correct to start acting as soon as possible. If we talk about money, then you have no shortage of them. Although sometimes you are ready to spend 3 salaries on shopping at once, in general, you have rather small needs.

In personal relationships, the Virgo-Rabbit is difficult to understand. Deep in your soul, you strive for the ideal and personal comfort, but in reality you are not even trying to change the situation even a little. In addition, you systematically sacrifice your interests for the sake of your loved ones, which is why you suffer from growing dissatisfaction and resentment. Pig believes that in 2019 you just have to become a little selfish. This will be beneficial for you and for your relationships with loved ones.

Horoscope Virgo-Dragon 2019

If you were born in the year of the Dragon and under the sign of Virgo, then know that in 2019 you will have nothing to worry about. The Yellow Pig will give you a lot of opportunities, and you will do everything not to miss them. The Dragon Maiden is accustomed to achieving everything on her own and to bring any matter to the end. This is an excellent quality that helps both on the work front and in relationships with family and friends.

The horoscope is sure that in 2019 the Virgo-Dragon can do any task. If you need money for a new car, you will earn it. If you expect to find a more interesting job, you will break into a cake, but break through to the job of your dreams. But the stars advise you to be a little more restrained. Especially when dealing with those who are higher than you in position. For because of your impudent nature, many things can go wrong as you planned.

But in his personal life, the insolence of the Maiden-Dragon certainly does not hurt. You are attentive, loving, kind, and sometimes you do crazy things. This behavior allows you to immediately charm the opposite sex, and subsequently maintain a romantic relationship for many years. Where the Dragon Maiden lives, there is no place for boredom. In 2019, Pig will enjoy watching how well you get along with your chosen one.

Horoscope Virgo-Snake 2019

Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, I would like to wish patience. You know how to work hard, take on the most difficult tasks and even selflessly forget about weekends and holidays. You get great pleasure from work, but at the same time it is worth someone to intervene in the process or give you advice, and you explode. Virgo-Snake does not tolerate when someone encroaches on her freedom and tries to influence her decisions. If in the case of colleagues such behavior is acceptable, then in relations with the leadership, the horoscope wants to show more restraint and wisdom.

The traps of scammers and liars in 2019 are not afraid of Virgo-Snake. Your impeccable instinct will immediately tell you where the deception lies. You are used to analyzing everything, and your head is a real machine for collecting, processing and storing information. You immediately notice that something is wrong. In the year of the Dog, intuition can play a decisive role in the life of Virgo businessmen. In business, it is important to understand people well, to be able to make decisions quickly.

As for personal life, here the Virgo-Snake is used to keeping everything under relentless control. You do not like quick changes, so if you have already found that one, then you will do everything possible and impossible to save your relationship. For free Virgo-Snakes in 2019, the horoscope will help you make the right choice. And let you, like no one else, value your independence, in the year of the Pig you probably do not want to be alone.

Horoscope Virgo-Horse 2019

The combination of Virgo and Horse is perhaps one of the most successful. Such Virgos are always full of energy, hardworking, positive, purposeful. But at the same time they are quite independent and practical. According to the horoscope, in 2019 many Virgo-Horses will become wonderful family men. They value comfort and spare no effort to maintain comfort in their home, so in the year of the Pig they will definitely do home repairs or at least buy some little things for the interior.

In family life, the Virgo-Horse will try to surprise her relatives with something new more often. Today you go to a restaurant, tomorrow you go for a bike ride to an abandoned church, and the day after tomorrow the whole family goes to the river lake for night fishing. Free representatives of the sign will be even more inventive in this regard: unusual gifts, nightly SMS, dates in the most unexpected places.

The courteous Piggy will make sure that in 2019 every Horse-Virgo finds her happiness. The horoscope asks the chosen one of the Virgin, born in the year of the Horse, to avoid quarrels in every possible way. Even the smallest ones. Virgo-Horses are afraid of conflicts, and when a quarrel arises, it seems to them that all their hopes for an ideal relationship are shattered into pieces. They immerse themselves in themselves, endlessly replay what happened in their heads, worry and even become depressed.

Horoscope Virgo-Goat 2019

Virgo-Goats, what do you expect from the new 2019? The horoscope believes that your duality and fear of competition can prevent you from conquering a number of heights. However, most likely, you do not need these heights. Yes, you fit perfectly into any team, quickly get up to speed and immediately start generating great ideas, but at the same time, the prospect of career growth does not tempt you at all. At the same time, it is important for you to feel your indispensability all the time.

Meanwhile, the horoscope reminds you that Virgos born in the year of the Goat tend to act impulsively, without thinking about the consequences of their decisions. Sometimes it goes sideways to yourself and to those around you. Therefore, the stars are advised to be more careful, otherwise you run the risk of being branded an eccentric.

In love and family, the Virgo-Goat is always looking for security and reliability. Well, the Earth Pig will encourage your craving for constancy and help build warm and respectful relationships with both the chosen one and relatives. By the way, family ties in 2019 will play a particularly important role. So urgently buy gifts and cookies, because there will be a lot of guests in the Year of the Pig.

Horoscope Virgo-Monkey 2019

Virgo-Monkey is used to living brightly, and the arrival of 2019 will not affect her habits at all. There is nothing wrong with this, because your life credo is optimism, love of life, unpredictability. Even if the capricious Piggy throws you problems, you will see the positive aspects in any difficulties. And even if you are considered too fussy at work, colleagues cannot deny such qualities as your flexible mind, ingenuity and diligence.

In work, as in everything else, Virgo-Monkeys are very fickle. You always have a lot of ideas in your head, and others simply do not keep up with the course of your thoughts. And if this is not critical for the Virgo-subordinate, it can be difficult for the Virgo-leader to communicate with her employees because of this. Or rather, it will be difficult for employees to understand the style of your command.

According to the horoscope, in 2019 the Yellow Pig will try to arrange family happiness for each of us. But Virgo-Monkey is not so easy to build a serious relationship. You prefer to avoid responsibility and for years dodge going to the registry office. Despite this, Pig will still try to drag you to the altar. And later you yourself will realize that she was right. You are able to be a caring, loyal partner, and your children are always the happiest.

Horoscope Virgo-Rooster 2019

Virgo-Rooster is in many ways similar to Virgo-Monkey, only in this case, you also have some cockiness. If something is wrong, you will not be silent. You constantly criticize someone or something and always argue if the interlocutor's opinion does not coincide with yours. Of course, such independence is very important, but it can be terribly unpleasant for others. If in 2019 you don’t want to spoil relations with colleagues and friends, try to restrain yourself in your statements at least sometimes.

In general, the Year of the Pig promises to be successful. Let strangers not always be ready to understand you, but friends and relatives are well aware of your positive aspects and love you very much for them. You are well erudite, so it is always interesting with you. And if a friend is in trouble, you will be the first to come to the rescue.

But in love you are less complaisant. With her perfect appearance and wit, the Virgo-Rooster conquers many fans, but as soon as you notice rudeness or ignorance in your chosen one, you immediately break off relations. However, in 2019, the horoscope will still introduce you to a person who will fully meet your expectations. Family Virgo-Roosters will learn to put up with the shortcomings of their spouses.

Horoscope Virgo-Dog 2019

If you are a Virgo-Dog who has long dreamed of establishing a personal life, your time has come! According to the horoscope, you have such good traits as sincerity, loyalty, reliability and patience. The Yellow Pig loves such people, so she will make sure that in 2019 you reach the doors of the registry office: either to register a marriage or to receive a birth certificate for a baby.

In the service of your calmness, one can only envy. Even when urgent issues arise, you resolve everything without panic. In 2019, this will make you irreplaceable workers who can be relied upon in any situation. Virgo-Dogs, who occupy leadership positions, in the year of the Pig will become excellent bosses, working under whose leadership is always easy and pleasant.

In your free time, you will read a lot or invent some kind of hobby for yourself. A new hobby can bring you great pleasure. In addition, it will help to distract from work problems, develop the creative side of your character, meet new people.

Horoscope Virgo-Pig 2019

Despite the fact that in the year of the Pig absolutely all signs will have the opportunity to earn good money, the Virgo Pig will not focus on wealth. Your goal is to build a cozy nest and build relationships with the closest people. This is what you will devote the whole of 2019 to.

Virgo-Pigs are kind, hospitable and sympathetic, but they do not consider it necessary to help everyone who needs it. At work, you maintain exclusively business communication, talk little about yourself and do not seek to make new friends. At the same time, you will be happy to support the conversation, express your opinion, drink delicious tea. The horoscope believes that, if desired, in 2019 such subordination will allow you to move up the career ladder and at the same time not offend any of your colleagues.

The last year of the Rooster was not too calm, rather it was sharp and somewhat problematic. This is due, of course, to the difficult nature of the obstinate owner of 2017. The year of the Yellow Earth Dog is coming, which means that the friendly symbol of 2018 will help in the implementation of long-planned projects, bring peace and a sense of reliability, the desired security. You can forget about unpleasant surprises - we will not wait for this from the Yellow Dog.

And in order to better understand how to behave in a given situation, you should refer to the recommendations of the heavenly bodies. This article presents you horoscope for Virgo for 2018, with which you can look into the future with one eye and coordinate your actions regarding some things in time.

From the very beginning of the year, Virgos will have to make many responsible decisions that will directly affect the future life of the representatives of the sign in the very near future. For everything to work out the way it should, Virgos should listen to their own intuition and rely on their heart. Spring will bring excitement in your personal life, Virgos will feel that the relationship has come to a standstill. It is clear that changes are needed. The stars recommend that Virgos start with themselves. Only in the power of the Devs themselves to unite the family again, to come up with a common cause. Perhaps it's time to think about procreation?

The summer period is the best suited for finding a better job or productive self-development in an already established team. Summer is the best time for Virgos to carry out any undertakings, to implement plans. Even moving to another country will be the right decision. Whatever the Virgin has a hand in, everything will be fulfilled, as if by notes.

By the end of 2018, Virgos will feel a sense of peace. In winter, it is better not to get angry - these self-destructive emotions will not lead to anything good. All decisions need to be made by Virgos only on a “cold head”. Despite the tension at work and in the family, which, by the way, will bring Virgos an understanding of who is who, representatives of the sign will also find true friends, will finally be able to get rid of unpleasant ties, and distance themselves from enemies.

Virgo Man

Representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign do not have to hope to easily and simply get everything they want. For almost the entire 2018, Virgo men will defend their interests both at work and in their personal lives. The fight against troubles will end only in December. Only then you can start preparing for the best winter holiday with peace of mind.

The business sphere can “let down” the courageous Virgins with some financial turmoil. It is necessary to show caution and turn on prudence in time. An ill-considered risk in such a situation will only aggravate the matter with adverse consequences, and then it will be difficult to completely get away from problems.

Representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign should be smart about any decisions related to changing jobs, especially when starting their own business. Projects that at first glance promise success will not bring any income, but only losses and troubles.

Virgo men for 2018 more than once will find themselves in a situation where victory or loss will not depend on them. In this case, you need to rely on the stars and their location to the representatives of the sign. Among other things, Virgo men will face circumstances that can be overcome with a strong spirit. It is necessary to perceive this as a test from above, which will only temper the character.

Don't lose hope for a good year. Even if it doesn’t work out in the professional field, Virgo men will be winners in their personal lives, which more than compensates for mistakes in work.

Virgo Woman

The Year of the Dog promises the representatives of its sign the emergence of new romantic relationships in January. Moreover, the arisen love can develop into something serious. February for Virgo women will be a period of trials and difficulties.

The whole of 2018 will be successful in terms of cordial relationships. Those Virgos who have already stopped hoping for favorable changes in life will not be an exception. Single representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will find their soul mates, and family Virgos will improve relations with their spouse.

They will come to a state of stability and friendly relations. The dog will help Virgo to find congenial people who are ready to rush to the rescue at the first call. It is also possible that the outcome of a new friendship will be transformed into a romantic relationship.

Virgo Health in 2018

From the first days of the coming year, Virgo will feel a surge of energy and vitality. Seasonal diseases, fortunately, will bypass Dev. Representatives of the sign of the Zodiac Virgo will cope with all the tasks set at the snap of their fingers, it will be so easy for them to succeed. Difficulties without much effort will be overcome, and the problems will not greatly affect the living. Throughout the year, Virgos will remain mostly in a good mood. Good spirits will also be maintained at the proper level.

Despite such favorable conditions, the body will still need additional protection, so Virgos should not forget about sports and an elementary increase in immunity through seasonal vitamin fruits and vegetables.


Virgos will suddenly have a heightened sense of jealousy and it will take great efforts not to stoop to spying on their partner. Since the risk of negative emotions is too great, Virgos should try to control themselves and show delicacy in family matters and care for their soulmate. If you think about it - in such conditions, the spouse simply will not have extra time to show attention to someone else.

Children and parents will require more attention in 2018, so representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign should think about organizing suitable leisure time for their loved ones. Household chores will also not be delayed, therefore, economic Virgos will not be bored. In autumn, the possibility of moving will increase. Rest will be possible only in winter. Despite being out of season, winter is the best time for Virgos to go on vacation.

Love horoscope for Virgo

In the romantic sphere, Virgos are expected to change, while they will be both positive and negative. Even the question of rupture of relations or divorce between partners will be raised. The stars advise Virgos to be patient and respectful. The power of forgiveness is very great, if Virgo manages to forgive her soulmate, everything will quickly work out.

In the spring, a love attraction to a person who will not reciprocate is possible. Unrequited love can knock you down emotionally, but Virgos need to hold on - very soon life will take a sharp turn for the better. In winter, there will be a desire to establish a personal life - to strengthen marriage ties or start a family. A loved one will not move a single step away from the decisive Virgo, as the fear of losing a partner will spur him to more decisive behavior.


The stars promise Virgos an incredible sense of courage that will help them take risks in the right situations and act more purposefully in general. You need to be more pliable to the help of colleagues, because third-party advice will only benefit the cause. Virgos will see no obstacles in their path throughout 2018. On the contrary, the desire to grab onto everything at the same time will prevail over measured fruitful work. It is better not to spread yourself over millions of cases so that everything turns out the way you want.

The authorities can offer Virgos a new best position, with one minus - they will have to change jobs. If the representative of the zodiac sign Virgo, nevertheless, decides to take such a step, you can be one hundred percent sure of success.

Finance and business

Good luck will begin to creep up on the Virgos from the end of February, and even in the spring you can’t run away from it, of course, because the Earthly mistress of the year is delighted with the representatives of her element - the Dog will conjure you an ocean of happiness, and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bluck. In the field of business, all doors will open for Devs - your scrupulousness will be successful, and business partners will be able to rely on you - not a single letter will escape the gaze of Devs, and in any contract you will instantly see the shortcomings.

If in March and April Virgo will enjoy success in the professional field, then in May you will have to remember about your personal life. The dog always keeps his nose up, and her tail is like a gun - stay close, and everything will be great. Mercury family pets will finally stop quarreling with relatives and learn to negotiate - households are ready to listen to your speeches for hours. The chosen one is so generally pleased beyond measure - and who doesn't like an endless honeymoon?

Free Virgins will sway until the end of spring, and in the summer you will be patronized by Cupid, Cupids, and the goddess of Love herself. When you get tired of counting fans, run to the registry office - there, in 2018, hearts are firmly connected, and not a single couple will run away later. In addition, astrologers unanimously say that children born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be amazing (the mistress of the year will give them genius, beauty, and good health).

Of course, in the summer months, do not forget about the rest - Virgos can choose any month, but the stars advise you to go to the resort in August. Well, what - business is booming, money is dripping, why not relax and sit on a desert island in the company of funny monkeys throwing coconuts.

In the fall, Virgos will have to get together and focus - remember your school days, and act like you are serious first-graders. The dog will gladly give you some more important deals, and the main thing here is to monitor the mood of business partners. There will be no problems with competitors - all rivals have fled to their corners, and will sit in a shelter until winter.

Until December, earthly children will have stability in all spheres of life. And at the end of the year, the Dog will bring the coveted bundle - the reward for the work will pleasantly surprise the lovely Virgos. A solid bank account is, of course, great, but it is useful to make sure that the money works, and does not lie just like that. Natural acumen and ingenuity will help Virgos deal with financial issues, and you will do a good job with the role of the rich. Moreover, happy rich people - after all, there will be a continuous idyll in love (the Dog knows how to please the picky pets of Mercury).

The main advice from the stars for 2018 for lovely Virgos: try to get rid of self-criticism, because you are almost perfect (leave yourself at least one tiny flaw).

Love forecast for Virgo for 2018

In the year of the Dog, Virgos are loved and appreciated - it's time to learn to reciprocate. Fans of the creature are gentle, so try not to pick on your cute boyfriends.

In 2018, you will be unusually modest and delicate - do not be surprised when hundreds of fans fight for your heart. It is not necessary to rush to the registry office, and it will be difficult to make a choice when there are so many temptations around. If you are sailing in a family boat, try to listen to the wishes of your partner, and row with oars, following the rules.

Window dressing is alien to charming Virgos, and the hostess of 2018 will definitely appreciate your restraint. But sometimes allow yourself some eccentricities and excesses - fans adore you, but they expect unusual and extraordinary actions from earthly guys. Down with clear plans - improvise as much as you like, and Cupid will certainly jump into the light.

In the Year of the Dog, Virgos will run wild with emotions - this is not like you, is it possible that the pets of Mercury fell in love ?! Be patient - you will find a soul mate, but the chosen one will look at you for a very long time. The case will end with the registry office, do not even hesitate, because the Yellow Dog is already choosing the outfit of the witness, and is looking for an original gift for the wedding.

Business horoscope for Virgo for 2018

The Year of the Dog is full of miracles and magic - for enterprising Virgos, this may seem strange. Do not analyze, better buy a chest and go in search of treasure.

Virgo 1st decade (August 24-September 2) The dog will give Mercury pets several options - Virgos can sit in their own office and give commands to subordinates. Or you can do otherwise, and show off your creative talents, showing the world what you are capable of. Whatever you choose, remember that the cloud of money is already close, and you are about to fall under a downpour of green bills.

Virgo 2nd decade (September 3-September 13) In 2018, you will conquer those around you with your speed of reaction - all the oligarchs are already flying abroad in a panic, as they understand that they cannot cope with the Virgos. Even the Dog did not expect that his year would bring such success to earthly children - check your luck and buy a couple of lottery tickets. Grip plus luck and now you are already sitting in a palace on a personal island.

Virgo 3rd decade (September 14-September 23) To some, Virgos may seem incredulous, but the Yellow Dog knows what's what - earthly guys will become extraordinarily reasonable. Your nose for profitable deals amazes and delights - competitors are about to call and ask to join your team. Rivals are ready to wash the floors in the office of earthly guys, just to be closer to such lucky ones.

Family horoscope for Virgo for 2018

In the year of the Dog, the Virgo will be able to make family life bright and interesting - getting rid of routine and routine is easy and simple: you need to take into account the desires of the household.

Virgo 1st decade (August 24-September 2) Virgos in 2018 will surprise not only relatives, but also themselves - yes, all family psychologists are ready to fight for your ideas. You will be known as masters of compromise - household members cry with tenderness, and the chosen one starts dancing every now and then. It seems that the Dog shared a recipe for happiness with the Virgos - astrologers will definitely run to visit you.

Virgo 2nd decade (September 3-September 13) In the year of the Yellow Dog, the Virgo family life will look like a good fairy tale. But it will not do without an evil sorceress named Jealousy - the chosen one will go crazy, because you are unusually charming, and arrogant fans just climb with confessions. Put on wedding rings on all fingers - let the suitors know that your heart is impregnable.

Virgo 3rd decade (September 14-September 23) Virgos love to lead and criticize, but in the year of the Dog, it is desirable for Mercury's pets to be white and fluffy - the household will appreciate such changes. Some Virgos will become godparents in 2018, and many earthly guys will personally meet storks - the hostess of the year has already printed methodological literature, so get used to the new role.

Virgo health horoscope for 2018

The dog is an active creature, and it is advisable for Virgos to learn from the Yellow Dog - go in for sports, and in 2018 you will never go to the pharmacy for pills.

Virgo 1st decade (August 24-September 2) Everyone knows what depression is, but it’s pointless to ask Virgos about the blues. In 2018, you are just invigorating - the smile does not leave your face, and your legs begin to stamp and dance on their own. Sores and all sorts of sad thoughts will not even come close to the earthly guys - it's time to apply for participation in the program: “Live healthy”, and share recipes with the people.

Virgo 2nd decade (September 3-September 13) Virgos will feel great in the year of the Dog, but it won’t hurt to take care of proper nutrition. Healthy food does not require special expenses - it's time to stock up on hercules and fruits. You can also go to the countryside for herbs for tea - while you climb mountains and pump up your muscles. You look, look after the village for permanent residence - the hostess of the year will only be happy.

D eve 3 decades (September 14-September 23) Virgo has no health problems, but you need to be able to relax, as insidious insomnia can come on. It makes no sense to look for advice on sites - again you will sit on the Internet until three in the morning. Learn from the hostess of 2018 - curled up in a ball under a warm blanket, threw away your thoughts and that's it: Morpheus is already nearby, and Ole Lukoye with his magic umbrella is on the way.

Horoscope for little Virgos for 2018

The little Virgo in the year of the Yellow Dog will surprise everyone - the intuition of earthly pranksters will go off scale, and just look, they will talk about Mercury's pets in the "Battle of Psychics".

Naughty Virgo 1st decade (August 24-September 2) Many Virgos do not like change, but this is not about your children. In the year of the Dog, earthly fidgets will decide that they are made for travel. Today you will find a backpack with food supplies under the bed of Devs, and tomorrow the pets of Mercury will require a map to select a route. We'll have to obey, and arrange for the little discoverers at least a country walk.

Shooting of the Virgin 2 decades (September 3-September 13) Earthly children in 2018 may seem too calm - do not flatter yourself, a storm will come soon. So, advice: cut down the trees in the district, attach beacons to Dev, and it is best to enclose the yard with a two-meter fence. True, the tomboys learn about the horoscope before you do and are about to print an angry complaint that you restrict their freedom.

Virgo babies 3 decades (September 14-September 23) Parents of earthly naughty people are in a panic - have they really changed their patient and calm Virgins?! It seems that inside the pets of Mercury there is an eternal battery - at least tie it, all the same, the Virgo will not calm down. Release your children to the stadium - in a day all famous coaches will gather there and admire the future running champions.

Horoscope 2018 Virgo by year of birth

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Rat

In the year of the Dog, you will become attentive and quick-witted - not a single profitable deal will escape the Virgo-Rats. There will be many proposals for cooperation, and even competitors dream of helping you. But do not believe in fairy tales about mountains of gold - although the stars advise this to whom, because there are legends about your pedantry. In personal life, caution also does not hurt - someone set out to bring Dev-Rats to the registry office.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Ox

You do not have to be stubborn, and the patience of Dev-Bychkov is enough for ten - it is not surprising that the hostess of 2018 is delighted with you. Luck in the financial sector can turn the head of even serious guys like you - do not rush to spend money on nonsense, but make beautiful dreams come true. A round-the-world trip with the whole family, or a dacha on Rublyovka (although, what to do there, it’s better to build a palace in the village).

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Tiger

You are born fighters - The dog enthusiastically gives you a paw. Everything will turn out in the best possible way, the main thing is to listen to intuition more often. Tiger cubs do not have to growl and wag their tail menacingly - there are no ill-wishers at all, and around you there are only kind and docile businessmen, and honest and incorruptible partners. The sun shines in the sky of love all year round - it's time to think about procreation.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Cat (Rabbit)

The antennae bristle with pleasure, and the fur shimmers in the sun - the Year of the Dog will be perfect for the Virgo-Cats. You will become welcome guests at social events and fashionable parties, and only dumb people do not talk about your creative talents. But sometimes get down from the pedestal of fame and do household chores, because in 2018 a lot of worries are expected - haven't the storks sent a telegram yet?

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Dragon

Despite the formidable appearance and powerful wings, you are an incorrigible romantic at heart. The Year of the Dog is full of love and happiness, and the Dragon Maidens will be charming and sweet. Are you still free? It's time to fix the situation - the fans in 2018 are unusually active, and will not leave until you say yes. The stars are waiting for an invitation to the wedding, because the financial situation will make it possible to arrange a celebration of the highest standard.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Snake

Born to crawl, as you know, cannot fly, but this is not about you, dear Snake Virgos - in the year of the Dog you will flutter with happiness. But it's boring on the clouds without friends and partners - get down to earth and do collective activities. You have a chance to try on a boss suit - this outfit certainly suits you. It's time to buy a wedding attire - the hostess of the year will contribute to the meeting with your soul mate.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Horse

You can succeed in any field - choose a business to your liking, and jump towards luck. On gilded horseshoes, but without a coachman, you can rush off anywhere. Do not forget about the rest - Virgo Horses just need to visit a couple of new resorts, because the financial situation in the year of the Dog is simply gorgeous. Changes are possible on the love front - fans are tired of being in anticipation, and they are up to something.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Goat (Sheep)

Remember the fairy tale about the Silver Hoof?! It will seem that you are the main characters of this story - where are the Goat-Virgos, there are profitable deals, and promising contracts. What can I say, you can turn the earth under your feet into money, or extract precious metals from the air. Personal life will seem like an eternal honeymoon - even the unflappable Yellow Mistress of 2018 is jealous of such an idyll.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Monkey

In the year of the Dog, you can be considered careerists, but there will be no enemies and envious people - Virgo-Monkeys honestly climb the career ladder and do everything according to the rules. Financial difficulties are not expected in 2018 - you will not count money until your salary, but will start spending and spending again. But set aside a pack of bucks for family needs - the apartment dreams of renovation, and the household has nothing to go out in.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Rooster

In the year of the Dog, the Virgin-Cockerel is in great demand. Wait for offers from influential personalities, but get ready for the fact that you will have to be in the public eye - today you are visiting the president, and tomorrow you are going on an important mission abroad. There is not a single cloud in the sky of love - family Virgos will enjoy harmonious communication with relatives, and the most enviable brides and grooms will fight for the free representatives of the sign.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Dog

Virgo-Dogs are distinguished by generosity and justice - in 2018 these qualities will come in handy. You have a chance to get promoted - the boss is ready to fall to his knees, if only you agreed to become his deputy. You do not want? Open your own business - it's time to realize your ideas. In the realm of love, everything shines - family Virgos are preparing to meet storks, and free guys of your sign are about to meet Cupid.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo - Pig (Boar)

You strive for perfection, and in the year of the Dog you have every chance to make life perfect. Virgo-Pigs do not know fatigue, and the hostess of 2018 appreciates perseverance. Somewhere, maybe, there is a crisis, but not with Virgos - the financial situation is wonderful (admit it, did you catch a goldfish after all?). With love, complete order and fans are stacked in piles from one of your winks.

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